I 2 1 HE OGDEN STANDARD-EXAMINER TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 14, 1920 INATldN WATCHES COLORADO SCRAP Non-Partisan League Strong; Primaries Watched With Great Interest Political Comvpuiuteni for the Xew t irk Ev nlng Poel. I QMICAOO, Sep' H. Today Mnarks, liuoHt hf done i th series of prim irv elections, in which the two parties ir Iiir to capture control of IhS rtCV .. 2mlt i hat th- control of the senate H C the November election is more joubtful than th presidential election. B (republican leader, who believe that I Ci irding mil win overwhelmingly. ron- H ihr senatorial elections In ertrlii states ,.r- inor doubtful; md H t who that saassssH fo njay Inse. cllm that hc ran cap-I H ft, re -it I two enatoinhtp from hc Republican. H Th.- present Rrpublb an majority ,n i H a j a Publicly, th. 1 iUbllcana air claiming that the grill Idd etirht "r ten to that majority. Th.it fl Sewrvfr. is practically impossible H of thi states In which l-oih the: H ftcpui'lUitif and the Democrats claim Laasssssssl Jut they ran elect a M-nator hold th' r grimai ic " fl .f th. present Demo, i i Churl, s S. Thomas, endu with th. H ,J,S ., -inn. Thoma- 1 ,,1-ne.l to ent-r the I'enio-riitl.- H Irimarlea for the nominal lot. to sue-, I Jf rl himself. AH hough the urging; if nl the length of Mini i prtltlon. H putting htm In nomination, he refuted I H & file the acceptance necessary un- , H Jer the Colorado law Hl voluntary H tirrment la pity: takes from tn 1 senate one of It freest mind arid one iggggggfl of Its mom pungent piirsonabi U - . r Ui I I- W -i R XG j for the Dcinocrntlr nomination to 1 iCceCd him there an- I H Hi the strongest of the three, end tilt M ,i..bii.e winner. is Tull) :ott, at H .i justice of the euprem H' 4nd lie such credited with radical In i I lofts, going so far a to beltee j government ownership Another of H mic candidates for the Democratic Hl somitiatlot la Colonel win. am C. j 1 i a lawyer with a good prai HI 1 a man of excellent repitta- j ...on, hut without experience In publi H bfe except aa a chamber of the city H rounCll Th third t.indldate on th I H u w. H wan rathoi wlfhcd on th- H critic part h the Xon-I'nrrian H uhlch at one start1' recently H to have captured the Dc-tno- H partj maehinpry. The atrengih I H has turned lo be surprising I H 'JallUottc -irs ,iK.. H rui off loe-holder bi appolntmcni under Ij: t iv l nor nl imoi aoo, ii" .i j on igo, ' s known In the ribald ol the ant ii "bloody-hrldle" 7'lte. Camootte li foi the Plumb bllli ... i idler, for the closed h-i' , .. forum for the uplift and th . iurvJ. Ut.Pt'BLlCAX CANDIDATES On th Republican lde. there ar i two i mirk candidates: one Is Sarn ie 1 1 dckolaon, ..ii eld ri . Lead ill mining man, without much prcvli i ' . . . . ,h . ...: . vccpl as pubji .. . partj orkoi ami -....if it;.. , leading Popullat. "e i hucc fui In buslnpM. rncrgeltc and has pra'Htcallj a houw.-to-hoiw aiia- The other "f the leading ind ilate foi the ItepublUan nonilnulion H Karl C Schuyler, an active Denver lawycfi a ik-u coin' I in polities. i rarded .s able. He. hk Nlckolson, la wealthy, i.eing credited with havini made h fortune m Wyoming oil. A third Republican candidate, Colon! Hire w . Moans, i running chiefly on the hnsls of being the huddle" candidate, having open sn Ir.fanm colonel in the Fortieth itl-i rdon. Ho a lawyer of fair ability j and clean record, who say he wan' to find out whai chano i poor man has against two millionaires. Ketcn the two winners of itie pi Inigrles, the flkh' u November will . ic vary bitter 't)lorado i one r the H'ates that both artles wll fight hard cm for. USHINUTON PRIM Mill S Washington also hoidM Its prlmarlca uday 'o elect candidates for the ?uc . slon to Senator WealC) I- Jones. :::iaior Jones la opposed for the Re .iilliCJin nonnnanon a ! Pb 'H ular soldier. Cclonel V M Ingiln, who made an exccptlonallj good rec ord n th lender of Washington rc menl n Prance. Senator Jonen If l pOSOd l a lc. formldabl can. .lid.tt" of the radical acctlon of the Hl I t For tin - Prmoeratlo nomination there i oni on- candidate, Oeorge K, COtteiilli I Senttlf man of more hrt" avevtuge ability, who i under the handicap of having come to be regard ed aa a rather chronic e-ker. It Ir Ititte generally b lleved thnt the !emocrnt wMl hive little chance In the e.'Uon In o.enihe:-, a,..) iu' s.-i -: Jones sin? iiT- Ftepubltcan prim ary today, he will succeed himself. Today Is nlso the ds.f of the ,or In'erestlng and Imncrtant primaries New fork, Which HI give the first . nn in Peftatoi vVadsa-orth effort to succeed himself, rtepubllcan part. leaden everywht re throughout the na. i en are watching this eff.u w.tn In ibnesl) svinpnthetic interest I PRIVATE GAMBLING HALL IN OMAHA IS ROBBED OMAHA. Nh Si pt 14 - Two ainsad and masked bandits held ud and robtied about twenty men who u rre gambling In a private apartment hr Sunday, escaping with about ?(tl acoordlng IS n report reaching the police today. The report, how- er, was not made Iu any of the hold -tip men's victims. It was said. HITCHCOCK SEES SENATEJENACE Audiences Before Front Porch Are Hand Picked. Sen ator Declares NEW TORIC Sept- I United States Senator Gilbert M. Hitchcock. ..f ebrska. gpaaklng before the Arkwrtghi dub her- today. i rlared tiovernor Cox. If elected, would exer cise nf his office as they were exer-M-ed b- Wilson. Roosevelt. Cleveland. r, ,n. oth-t s'n.ng mep of both partle. while Senator Harding. If Sli ted would exercise n.s presidential powers "under some form of dictator ship b) a senatorial oligarchy In con trol of partv machinery-" If this question can be fairly con sidered by the voters,'' he said. "It emu to me a majority will deeide in favor of an IndP WltiAl president rather than i president acting as a Qgurehead (or a eomblnatlon of sena tors. R M PH Kl i m "11 El The Republican managers, relying on the belief that their party Is the xfronge have adopted a platform srhlch may o interpreted In eyeral! different ways, after the election, on a t. umber of Important Issuer. Th'v hie nominated a candidate of their own choice and hae relegated him to his front porch. They have brought before him hand picked audiences for formal addreejieM. and meanwhile. hav devoted their energies to the collection and use of campaign funds to be used If organizing for the campaign. They are living up to the Idea that all thai la neceetary Is to get out the party v:rngth to Insure a party victory." The Democratic program, the sena tor said, Consists of a direct appeal to the people of the country without re gard to part, on the Issues of the day PIjATFORM ikm.I) The Democratic platform la bold ind outspoken," he ontlnucd, "while the Republican platform Is alnbiguoua tntl doubtful Oovernor COT is not .illy ih- p.irt i uui date .n n party leader as yeli, while Senator Harding In ho. omlng the . andidate does not apparently aspire to :n:erfere witri ,.rft' leadership which remains with tbOM Who made him the candidate. Sfnator Harding sa3 :ie 'ociteves in part Roxernment and If he i elected he Republican party will govern It vounda as though the rarm and file of the Republican parly were to reach Irtiportsnt decisions and shape partv poll. le. Th real ni'Mninn of it. hovr er. Is that the party caucus of United States senators in Washington, woubi p rip.-.. otrcUmstanceg mn the iiOcrnmrni just as ihe rat; the la'u li. puhll. an convention. ubxiously. 'his Is a party campaign of mlsrepre- ntatlon and falsehood. It harmon- - With dodR-ing the issue and decCJV tig the voter." a , Harding Talks to ' California Men on Japan (Continued from rage One) igcesaar) measures consistenl with our national honor, to relieve tiiem of their difficulties PRO in. l-".f PRESENT, rhe problem Incldeni to raetai dif ferenoea must be accepted .ts one sx- tting In fact ami must be adequately mel for me future security and tran quility of otir people. t? have Icm ii--n duiiug the anxiety of the world y.n the iiecc salty of making the Cltl-I gcnshlp of this republic not only Am-' eilcHn In heait and aoul, bill American I i every tympathj ani aeplratlou. "No one can tranquilly contemplate h 'titure of thlt republic Without an . ixlety for abundant ptovislon lor nd . .hii. n to our shores of only the Im nilgranl ho can bo aswlmtlstod and horonghl) imbued with th American spirit. i rom the beginning of the repub , . America has been a Ivivcn to tho .'Pl.ressed and the aspiring from all lie nations of the earth We have ened our doors frel and have giv en to the peoples of the world who .Tie to us the fullne'R of American opportunity and political liberty. We nave rorne to thut stage of our deytl- opneni where we have learned that the obligations of citir.ep.shlp of ne ifssitv mufit be assumed by tnose who .epi the grant of American oppor tunity. Prom this time on we are more cnncernel with the making of eitiiena than we are with adding to the manpower of industry or the addl i. onnl humn units In on.- varied a tl - ItUeo, row EE TO RBGVLAT1 "As people ind n nation, na Go -. i n..r Stephens has said, we do have! She moral, tpe natural and the legu: ii. ternutlonnl rights to determine wh. 1 . li or who sha.l not enter Into bur . oiinrr. and participate In our SCtlvl-j ;ics. With a new realization of the, pec. salty of developing a soul distinct-, lly American 'n this republic. w fa-. Ivor such modlflcutiou of our immlgra-. tton laws ar l such change In our In- lernatlonsl underotanglngt und such n policy ' elntlng tO those who eot e among us. na will guarnrtee to the. C lucnn of this republlr QOl onp as - a ItabllllJ of alien born, but the p'. fell Who come, of Ameri can standards, economic and other wise, and a full cnn. en i .. t ion to Am Icrtcan praotloes and idenis" Ullii sU PHI U HER I I is i DULL Mil PEORIA. III. Who it)i i pastor leads a dull life ' Witness the event ful life of lle Charlea Raymond. At lip caught hla foot in the street ear ralla and s violent fall resulted; nl I p PJ he married a couple, and three, with a bandaged foot, he of ficiated at a funeral! I cIheres no waste to Grape Nuts M and it saves sugar. Jhr it contains. Us own sweetening L I m coon necessary rEkMmt I an the likable flavor of XTrg! this wheat and malted Jfl ijiMW ''$m barley food is equaled p& B only by its economy. ' Grocers everywhere Si sell Grape-Nuts. rT. 0 4ek J Think well ' I of the .Dealer I who is thinking of You OBSERVERS of ch ang- is assured that the public It started not with a theory Jr ing conditions know is only going to continue or a desire to sell razors but there has never been a to buy from dealers whom svlth the actual shaving needs time in the history of the it can trust and esteem- of men everywherc retail business in this men who always place ( An!? workin from that- it country when quality and the interest of their cus- d'v ped into a perso"al . j . - shaving service a oervice that economy ideas-and the tomers first. has Kone 'round the world and dealers who stand for . changed the shaving habits of those ideas had such a , . thinking men everywhere. hold on the public. That 15 vby' lne stoc ... V over a quarter million dealers Whenever or wherever tho A demand is now sweep- in thls country, you will al- topic of a good shave comcfl ing over the country for ways find the G,llette out up, the Gillette habit is alwtya better-more serviceable Zmineil the final answer' more economical mer- Vouched for and acknowl- chandise. n top tlie counter in the edged by twenty million men show window ready to be the world over as one of tho The Straightforward handed out first whenever a cleanest, safest, most ceo- dealer knows this. man comes in looking for a nomical, most valuable habits I razor. they have ever formed. M uv t j PCu The Gillette is the onlv sci- The dealer who hands you a public confidence IS estab- entific sha v ing instrument ever Gillette is thinking first of your lished, a dealer's success produced. interests. Think well of him. No Stropping- No Honing Gillette I -afgs- Boston m KNOWN TMtaSl,gSs,WOSJLO OVgSl " 1 Canadian Factory : New YorL Londoa Mtdnd Aaasterdim Sydney Tilcutts Rio le Jaoeirs 1 73 St Alexanders. Chicsgo Tarl BruueU Geoevt Shanghai ConWint.noole Tvkro Montreal. Quebec San Fnociuo Milan CoprnhaKea Bueooi Aire Singapore Port Elizabeth I CATTLE GROWING INDliSTRY LIES Disinclination of Farmers Is Causing Meat Famine. Packers Declare ATl.ANTli- OUT, N. J . Hept. 14. 0 rowing disinclination by farmers to rale cattle, owing to (he coat In-1 volved, la causing a meat shortage, according to speakers at the opening session esterday of the annual con vention of the American Meat Park er' association. The convention. It w.s announ.ed b Thomaa K. Wtlaon. h.. ago. president of the association, will endeavor to devise a plan to oxer come this shortage- He declared that the restriction of credit and th gen eral financial stringency haa forced many producera to market their atock prematurely, with resultant losses U F Swift Jr Chxago. declared 1 that the big packers had made avery ' effon to gi e the people a clearer idea of the unfailing, economical ser rlce ren.lrd by the packers In the last twelve months he declared, no group of bualneaa men haa dleclosd the fundamentala of their buainsae ao tompletelx to th public as hava the meat packers. I can say honestl that the whole paurklng Industry has aa little to be ashamed of and a much I to he proud of aa an) industry. Kdltora who uavttttnsM-p published i alanders ba e been furnished with real , face. Many critics have been re I futed. unfriendly questioners am I wered. and aore spot. singled out sr. d , treated with a heay dose of statistics . and common sar.a The packing induatry Is ser.ing I the public cheaply, honestly and - oo , More than IS.eoo reindeer argre ehct (esri ;n G'enland befeen 1M4 and hut fh animate are scarce there ' now GERMAN PAPER CLOTHING INTERESTS MAKERS HERE Washington, sept. U.Papei aults Imported from Germany by tho department of commerce will go on an exhibition tour of the country starl ing Wednesday. Representatives of the bureau of foreign and domestic com- , mci.-e In principal cities sre to sho v the suits, which cost from 15 cents; to 1 ?5 to manufacturers and clothing firms. Samples of the paper SUitS were, Imported bf ause of the in.-ulrle arls- Ing from reports that Ormon and Austrian manufa. turers were selling them In l-TnglaVid. Italv and Turkt In competition with cloth aulU from other countries. AUTO TRUCK DOES WORK; RAILROAD WANTS TO QUIT SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 14 Th ' automobile truck has auperseded the1 t'cean Shore Railroad, running south from this city for about 4i miles to' such an extent the road cannot longer ( , make a profit. gl cordlns to teatlmon of J. W. Croabj . the road s auditor here toda "roer was a witness at a hearing bv the railroad commlasion on the road application for permla ston to cease operating I The Beauty aTf of The Lily frBf can be yours. Its JB wonderfully pure. VV JT'el volt, pearly white ap- WjJtJ pesrance. free from all T ( Wjt blcmbhcs. will be com- . r V' parable to the perfect r itf beauty of your aWln and jfcjr j complilon If you will us-" jU. I FIGHT TO SAVE BRIDE DESCRIBED BY HUSBAND RACINE. Wis.. Kept. 14. John Jones, whoao bride of six weeks was drowned Sunday In lk- Mi hlsan when their boat overturned, recovered sufficiently from Injuries received in fighting the waves to give details. Jones said he t hing to the boat for hours while holding hl.i wife and that she died In hla arms. I tried to keep hold of her . -n when I kn w she waa dead.'' In "but gradually my arma grew n imt and ahe alipped Into the water." Authorities said they saw no reason to doubt any of Jones' statements. Jones body waa black and blue with bruises. TAKE NUXATED IRON TO HELP BUILD UP THEIR STRENGTH. ENERGY ANO ENDURANCE ASK YOUR DRUGGIST WILSON'S B. R. AIMS ATTACKED Harding Lauds Cummings Esch Act and Condemns Plumb Pian MA HI ON, i. Sept. 14 Reaffirm ing his tnipport of the CumtningaKech I act restoring the rallwava to thai I owners. Senator Harding charged in a ' speecb to a delegation of railway arerkers late eterday that by aaauro -Ing control of the roads at all the Wilson administration had sought to promot" policy based on permanent ! government operation Had th rAperlmenl proved a auc ccaa. the Republican nominee declared, the admlnlatratlon would hare fa il of the transportation lines and the other public utilities un der government ontrol The war. he said, had offered an opportunlt. to try out tbe scheme only because It permitted admlnlatratlon officials to take advantage of the anxieties of tbe , people." In asking authority to take i user the properties The senator also aaaslled the so i clallatic and re oluttonar ," the plan aupporttd by some labor lead ers to pjt the railroads at the dla rposal si 'he ri!w) workers The Cummins tch bill, he said, waa the Kirt measure congress) rould work out ir 't.r Mitif allotted and ga.e to both I railroad owners and employ- a just I guarantee of rights. everal hundred union men. com poatng the llarning and Cooiidgc rail way cluh of Marlon wars In the dele t they cheered the nominee as he hit si class rule and leaded the, let-or precisions of the act The - carried banners tipft sslm ! their support in such tnerlptions as Th g rr meat mus hang con Mr r g win not aldet-s-. -. -. 1 Saiff firs . Ha rtlng MINE OPERATOR'S WIFE L ? ACCUSED OF SLAYING roPLXN M lept 14 Charlea Dorman. 24 years old. Is held H In the Cherokee county Jnll at colum H bus. Kanaaa. In onnectlon with the death of her husband, a mine operator who waa found dead In hla home at LH Trrece, Kana . Sunday morning with jft a bullet wound In hie head and an- in big cheat Dorman. SO veara old. waa garbed H In nigh- Clothing V rw.!er Uv (to H the flo..r nrar the b'l 4ns H hevr thre . hildren but none waa at asssH home at th time. Redwce rwbsoa. reduce. Is the asragsa at aatatpex4e. Gea tbam. be assra. Is tbe err stT aidffaao. Tbe oyerfat wrsag taetr baada la aaoruAcstioo end bpeaas- fT." ',c';r-' -'XsJraas f' aescass, eVeadeag Use aawei esrawaeasastara'rSMewaed tbey aa trassa tea tarsal eas MarsaoU Tablets eacxJT abd aaiciy radwea weterSt at ibe rata aj rare, three c nsrt a weg was lies ear csaage as tbe eanae 'Ja Tbe eisal SrlrVto ion sab e aaaaexrasr ssua and g bener es f-a. aod bea-a ktopro, HJJ r'tiTRaVii'- ftJfiPB Sara the aaaau. tory aaQ