1 Tintic Standard Is Also Heavily
Traded in at Prices
; Near $3.20
The trading this morning in mining
I Mocks on the Salt Lake Stock & Mln
tug Exchange WU quite brisk, with
the rise in the price of Howell as the
feature. Howell opened at 84c, clos
H inp ;ii ioc a i' h hea Uta
Con. brought 4df, and 4c. Albion
soM ai II 'jc. I. phi Tint li.fl cn
siderable. a t!lt, selling at and Sc,
Prince Con Jumped from ."l" to .12'?'.
i 'rslnc with 8lVfeC bil and 33c asked
H In the l.'Kher priced storks Tintic
Standard ni hesyllj iraded In with
H s.iles rancliiK from $3 .20 to 3 15.
i-hjslnt: with I3.HI bnl and J3.171
I tOuotatlone ftirnUhod oxct priraM
wire of .1 A. HOfflC .V Co.,
I i. ( lea Blinding.)
Aim Con 04 .04
American Ton 0." 02
.Ota Tunnel
BBl lif.iver Copper 00'. 5 01
Htg Mill
B liig ottonwood i0'4 .01
Bullion '
mack Metaja 01
Cr.lumbtia Kexall ... 3'
BBl Crown Point 08 "2f
Colorado Con 03 . ;.
Cardiff t.JO 1 37
Dragon ''on '2
Daly West 4.n 4
BBl I : u?t Crown Point -OS .01
BBl East Tin. Coal I0 .01
BBl Baal Tin. Con
BBl Eureka .Mines
Fureka Lily "'
Eureka Bullion ' "v
BBj Cm in a Silver 03 -4 .04
BBj( Umpire Mines
BB Gold Chain
BBj Grand Central
BB Iron Blossom
BB Iron King
BBJ Judge .Mining 8.80 1.76
BBn Kevstone 80 .95
BBj ).. m Tintic "s,
May Day
BB Mammoth
BBj Moscow - -'JO
BH Michigan -Utah '' '
North Stan .01 '
BBjt, New Qulncy
BB npohongo
BB Naildriver .
BB i-lutus 36 4
BB Prince Con 3."- 33
Itlco Argentine .Ol'-s i
BBj Klco Wellington ... 15 I
Sells OTi 06
BBJ ttt King Coal 1.88 I ..TO
BBJ Bit. King Con 1.07. 1.25
Sioux Con 03 .02
BBJ South Hccla 21
South Standard 22 ' 2
Silver Shield 16 17 I
Tar Baby 02 4 .08
'J mtlc Central 01 u .02
'I intlc Standard . . 3 10 8.17
l'tah Cons- o" -OIV
Cncle Sam 00
l nion Chief 05 08
West Toledo
Walker 3 0i 3.20
Woodlawn 13 .11 I
Zuma 10
F.mplrc Cor'Per . . 20 .4"
l Oopcnliig Sales.
Alta Con. 2000 Rl
Albion 500 at L1.C.
Ha State
Columbus Hex. ill 3'i'J at 37c; 10" at
36 C.
tlowell 1000 B I 6 1800 1 'jc;
16.000 at 744 c: 1000 at 7c.
Iron KIiik 1000 80c 500 at 21c.
Lehl Tintic 1000 at S'-fcc
New Qulncy 500 at 5V4c.
; Emnie Sliver 1000 t
1 Prince Con. 700 at 30c: 1000 at 31c, ,
500 at 31c.
3, Sells 1000 ' 8( 1000 ni o'4c- I
-'jS Silver KUiK I on. 500 at $1 10.
soith Standard 500 at 23c.
With Standard 1000 at Sc
Tintic Standard 350 at $8.20.
Zuma 1000 at 11c.
'3j Wcodlawu 500 at 13c.
3 Closing Sale
"al Alta Con. 1000 at 4c.
mer Con. Coppei 1000 at 2C
Alta Tunnel 7c.
Columlius Iti'xall 200 at 37c.
Howell 7o00 at 8 'c 7'J00 at 9c; '
.i00 ut 8C; 3000 at 10c; 1500 at!
A Lehl Tinth- sou m sc; 10U at
S'c; 2500 at 8c.
'9 Plutus 100 at t '-jc
Prince Con. (00 "t 32c, 500 at 32'c.
Rico Aiffentlne 1000 at 2C
M Silver Klnjj Ct-ai L00 " 84.87.
Silver Shield 9oo at 16c
Zuma 1500 at 10c.
m c II IC AGO OB mn
CHICAG. Sept. 15 Fresh weak
i. ess developed in the wheat mnrkel
today after a moderate rally at the
H opening. Initial upturns w re ascrib
B e to scattered buying based on the
smallness of country offerings. Export
demand, however, was slow, and val
1 nes soon underwent a sharp setback
H The starting pricaf, which varied from
unchanged figures to c higher, with
December $2.40 to 2.403 and Ma .eh
B $2.36'. to 2 36 . were 'ollowed )
H general gains and then by a break to
B well below yesterday's finish.
Wet weather had only a transient
B bullish effect on corn. Kural offerings
ireVe liberal and sellers outnumbered
buyers In the pit. After opening c
lower to Sc advan with lveniber
$113 to 1.14, the market scored
";:j3; slight general gaina, and then weak
cued all around
Oats were firm, but dull, opening
c off to Sc up. December 88 U
81 C, and later hardening a little
Higher quotations on hogs strenRth
ned prpvlaiona
B Cattle Kecelts none, enoice heavy
steers $8,008)8 , 0t; good steers $7.00
eSS.00, fair steers $1 00(
choice feeder steers noH i W; fair
utters $8 00 i 3 ranners 12 . 00U
.1 50; choice feeder eowi $4. 00 ft 4 SO.
tat bulls $4. Oo ij 00; bologna bulls
$3 . 00 6 4 . oo : veal calves $9 00 43 10 50
Hogs Receipts 827; choice fat
hops. 175 to 250 lbs . f 1 1 oo 6 1 .75 .
bulk of sab-s $18. 28 OK. It! feeders
$12 00 13 00
B Sheep Receipts 277. choice lambs
ja.ooft 10.50, wethers $5.0006.75.
H tat ewes $5. 00$ 5. 50, feeder lambs
8jB Arrival.
Louis Qulaiisza. Bast Nevada I loada
H sheep; Manuel Castlda. Cast Nevada. S
B oara abeep; Ofjdeti Packing a (rovla
H len Co., South Omaha, Neb.. & loada
H hogs. Inion Sheep 'o. I'ortola. Cat,
H 6 loads sheep. Heber Anderson. "x-
ford. Ida . 3 loads sheep. Lee Reardon.
B Oxford. Ida.. 3 loads sheep
391; mbtaIj M 4KKKT.
H NEW YORK. Sept. IS. Copper dull
B tinchanged.
H Iron firm unchanged
BB Tin easier; spot and nearby 14 4.50.
HH futures $44.78.
K Antimony unchanged.
1 I-ead easier 8 . 25 ! 8 . SOe.
B Zinc steady, unchanged.
H At London: spot copper Hon 2s 6d,
H electrolytic unchanged; tin 273 l&s,
SH lead 34 16a, zinc unchanged.
toff '
Utah and Anaconda Coppers
Go Up With Metals: Rio
Grande Drops
NEW YORK, Sept 15 Much of the
firmness manifested at the opening of
Itdoay'i stock market was due to the
further strength of rai!s Gains of th
rc ious day were Irregularly extend -jed,
Delaware. Iai kawanna and Wet
iern adding 2'2 points to yesterday's
! substantial advance. I Mis were next in
favor. Pan American and .Mexican
j Pe troleums rising 1 and 2 points re
spectively. Shippings also recorded
further Improvement under the lead of
I Atlantlc-Qulf and specialties were fea
tured by Retail Store. Sumatra To
! bacco and Corn Prducts. Exchange on
London forfeited a part of yesterda's
recov er .
Bpeclaltlea and oils were strong but
i American Woolen. Industrial Alcohol
.and Republic Motor were reactionary
I at mldda The new French Ss rose
!to the new record of 102 . hut react
ed on profit-taking
Metals were conspicuously strong at
midday. American Smelting and Unit
ed State-. Smelting showtnn: gains Ol
i points and l'tah and Anaconda Cop
' per- one point. Mexican oils also In
creased their lead but Denver and Rio
l;rand- preferred suM.unr-d a further
j loss on reports of an adverse court
I decision.
CHU x. Liy ESTOi K.
rHlCA"J. Sept 15. (Uptted States
r:.i)"au of Marketa) Catth Receipts
12,000, strong on good and clioi. .
steers. top $ 1 B 28; aevertll londc
18.00; bulk $15 75 (a 1 7 75. merlluni
land cponmon kinds slow, ateadir; good
Icows $9k7$Ol3.50; atead) to strong,
iothera $ 8t (B 9 .0 0 slow , cannera J4 -
1 25 'S I . I.olopna bulls $n OnT; r 0o,
uthei h. IT.r.o'aii 50; chplce eal
,i i JIT on 'a 18.00; grasser kinds slow
$6.80O.7f00. stockers ind feeders
ategdy; ranjge cattle 8000
I Hogs '- Receipts 2000; market
liuostiv 10 to 2"i higher, packing
Ic.-ades up most, top ?17 40; hulk light
. nd butchers $16,80417 35, hulk
packing sows ?1 .50i 15 SO; pigs 25
iu 50e higher.
Sheep Rec i ij'ts 1 5. woo native
lanoba steady ai yeetcrday'a best time;
bulk $181.60018 75; westerns Steady
jo 26c lower, nothing choice; topi
$14.00; sheep ste.id . western wethersj
$8.25; handy ewes $7.00, feeders
study j
F VRK Sept. 1 Prime nier-
c.intile paper unchanged.
Exchange Irregular.
Sterling. Demand ?3 4Ctl: cables
$3 . 50.
l-rams. Demand 6.55c; cables i
C . 57c.
Hclgl.'in frnn.s- Demand 6.91. ca
ble 6. 93c.
Guilders: Demand 3o :c, cables
SO 7c.
Lire Demand 4.27c; cables 4 29c .1
Marks unchanged
New York exchange on Montreal
;j 5-16 per cent discount
Time loans strong, 60 dass, 90 das
and six months 8JJ8 per cent.
Call money steady, high 7 per cent,
low 6 per cent ruling rate 7 per cent,,
losing bid 6 pe;- cent; offered at 7
per cent; last loan 6 per cent.
U "4XS s IT" I i ESTOOK.
KANSAS CITY. Mo. S, jt 15
i at tie--Receipts 12,600; she-3tockj
Steady to strong, unci: others stead"; i
all nattvta slow, common stock weak.;
heal steers 17.00. others $15.50
down; best coalers $16 00; bulk good
choice $14.5015.50. ood heavy!
cows $10.00; most canners about
Hogs Receipts 3000; market
neatly steady to 25c higher; closing
10 to 20c higher, top $17.25. bulk'
light and medium $ 1 6 . 75 1 7 . 10 ;
heays $16.50? 17.00.
Sheep Receipts 6000. nil classes I
steady; nntie iambt $ 13 75; a-estern
l-mhs $14.60; feeding lambs $13 25.!
OMAHA, Neh . Sept 18. - CI Blted
- itea Bureau of Marketa Hogs
ICecelpts 4f00. market 25c higher.
I ulk medium and llghl butohera $16'.-
00 If 18. 78 top $17.10 hulk atrodgi
weight and parking grades $15 50 Jj
Cattle Receipts. 10.500. fed cattle!
strong; top $17.50. made last Tuesday'
on 1230 pound beef, a new record
price for the vear; grasser steers .md
butcher cattle steady to weak: vealaj
atead) ; stockers and feeder, slow
Sheep Receipts 22,000; lambs
sttong. best early sale $11 00. sheep
Mind t. e, img iambs steady to 25c I
I lower
1 OO
CHICAG. Sept. 16.
Open High Eow Close
'Dec. $2.40 2 421 2.39 2.414
March 2 36 '5 2.87 2.31 2 35
'Sept. 2 35 2.36V 2.32S 2.32
In. 1.1 3 IMS 1.12S 1.12S
lec 63 S 64 S -63 ' 63
.May .67 S 7S .67 67 S
Sept 24.25
pot 24 50 I
Id. ... 20 25 20.02' 20. 25
Jan 19 10 1920 1$06 .. .
iSepu 17.50
(Oct. 17.10 17.55 17 lo 17.&5
CHICAOO. Sept. 15. Potatoes
weaker; 1 ecelpts 59 cars. Mlaneeota
.inrlv ohios kicked and bulk $2 2.'p
2.40; Wisconsin round sacked $2 40
'j2.50; Jersey cobblers 82.6002 90
1 (4ONDON. Sept. 15 Bar silver 0Sd
(per ounce
Mone- nd discount unchanged
1 list Sale )
Ills-Chalmers 34
American Beet Sugar SO
American Can 34 S
Amer. Car Ai Foundry Ex. Di .132S
'American Hide & Leather pfd. . . 70 S 1
American International Corp. . . 763
American Locomotive 95
Ainfrican Smelting & Rcfg. ... 63 S
American Sugar 11 OS
American Sumatra Tobacco .... 86
American T. A T 90S
American Woolen Ex. Dlv. ..... 81
lAnttcnnda 'opper 54 1
I Atchison 83 S !
At). Gulf W.Indles 142 l
Baldwin Locomotive 108S'
Baltimore Ohio 42S
Bethlehem Stee B ' Ex. Dlv. . . 75
Canadian Pacific 1 I 9
I Central Leather 52 S'
I' nandler Motors . 23
ji 'hesapeoke & hlo 6.' S
Chicago. Mil A St: Paul ITS
ICI.I.'iCo, K I ,v P.w 17
I Chi no ' 'oppet 28
Colorado Euel A Iron 35
iCorn Products 87S!
Crucible Steel 113S
t uba Cane Sugar 39S
1 Erie 16;
(General Electric 141'-s
;-neral Motors 2 1
'Goodrich Co 56 1
1 Great Northern pfd 78 l4,
(iieat Northern ire C'tfs 34 I
Illinois entral 89
I ispiration CbpPfr 4R'
' I nt Mer. Marine pfd 7.5 14
International Paper, 79
'Kennecott Copper 2CS
l oulsvllU- Nashville 10,14,
Maxwell Motors C,
Mexican Petroleum 17SS
Miami t opper 1 ;i U,
Middle States ul 1 7 t
'Mid vale Steel 39-S'
Missouri Pacific 27
New fork 1 entral 72S!
;. Y., N- H A Hartford ...... 33 S '
Norfolk 8) Western 94 P. j
Northern Pacific .. 79
Oklahoma Prod. A Kef. Ex Tdv 4Si
f'nii AmerlcAcl Petroleum '2Si
iPtrhnaylvanla 42 Si
PeOple'a Qoa 3 2l-2B
I Pit tabu rg and N est 31 S '
Ray Consolidated Copper 15S'
Beading 92S
' Rep. Iron x- Sieel 80
; Royal Dutch. X Y. $f
Shell Trans. && Trad 53 s
Sinclair Con tlVk
Southern Pacific '. 4
Southern Railwaj 2 S
Standard Oil of N. J., pfd in5
Studebaker Corporation 68
Tenpeaeee Copper 10s
Texas Co i j
Texas a) Pacific . 36 S
Tobacco Products . . 64
1 nlon I'acific 12 1'
L S. Eood Products 59 S
r s. Retail stores . a:
I S Ind Alcohol s?S
United Staler Rubber 86
Lnited Stales Sieel SS
I tah Copper k;,
Weatinghouae Electric 18
Willya ( iverland 1 , S
American Xinc, Lead and Sm.'. 1 I ' B
Butte and Superior 19K '
1 a la Petroleum 6 30 1
Montana Power 59 SB
Miattuek Arizona JUR
Purjs OH 86 I
( tSH I'HK ES,
CHICAGO, Sept 15. Wheat No 'E
fed $2 52 0 2 . 53.
Corn No. j mixed $1.26Vt)l 35 S.
No. 3 mixed $1 36; No. Z yellow $1.
37 'i 1 .as ; No 3 yellow 11.86.
OaU N". 2 white 62H4ifi3c; No. 3,
white 61 l fi2c.
Re Xo 2 $1 94 Ol $6
Barley $l.03fl l
Tit. lot h seed $6.00 .7 50.
Clover seed $20 0025.00.
Pork nominal.
Lard 1 L 0 30
Ribs $17 OOfi is. 00.
NEW YORK si (. R
NEW YORK, Sept. 15. Raw sugar
quiet; centrifugal lo.78c. refined
Bteady; fine granulated 15.00c.
Eutures opened steadier but trading
"as light and confined to the Decem
ber position which at mlddav was 15
I oints net higher.
MINNEAPi LIS. Minn.. Sept- 15.
Hour unchanged to 30c lower; in car
load lots, family patents quoted at
$18. 10&12 50 a bairel in 9S pound
cotton sacks
Bran $40 . 00 & 42 . 00.
XEY TORK, Sept. 15 Liberty
bonds closed:
3s 80.00; first 4s S5 70; second
t? s 90 til st i'ts v;. 76 second a
ii 87; thiid 4'4s SS.3.V; fourth 4',s
SS is, ictory 3s 95 42. Victory
4a 8.6.46. I
XEW YORK, Sept. 15. Bar silver,
domestic, unchanged; foreign 95c.
Mexican dollars 72 Sc.
His PET ( VI
(By International New Service)
Joe Payard'a scraggl gray cat
basks In the spotlight at No 481 Dra-I
goon avenue todj . and well he may. j
'Put your hands up." a youthful!
robber commanded Mr. Payard short-j
ly after 10 o'clock at night. Then,!
triglitened. he shol the grocer In th
neck The cat had been stripping a bone;
In an adjacent buHhr-r shop. The
firing frightened him; he ran amuck
Into glassware, boxes and paper he
lore, making a nolOO near to bedlam.'
The robber fled without loot, think-1
lug help had arrived for his victim
Payard wai not seriously Injured
Southerner In the I'nlted States oh-!
serve niournins. much more strictly!
than flu northerners.
Utah Power &. Light 1st Mtg. Bonda
5e, 1930 Offer
20 Z. C. M. I $120.50
20 Cement Securities . . 117 00
20 West Cache Sugar 99 00
1000 Silver Isle Products . . Offer
50 Peoples Sugar 5 40
Commercial Nat Bank Bldg
Phone 80 Ogden.
Gilded Establishments Which
Brought Ruin to Many
Are Darkened
LISBON. Portugal. Aug 26
1 Corerspondence Gambling, which
flourished here to an extraordlnai y
decree after the armistice, has
suffered 3 severe check nt the hands
of the new government headed by
Premier Baptlsta. I'p to two months
ago. the gambling nouses remained
undisturbed. but since Baptlsta's
eoxernment took office the law has
been rigorously enforced and today
there are few visible signs of the
prosperity the gamblers have enjoyed
for a vear
The gambling mania began to mani
fest Itself as soon as the war ended
Magnificent clubs on which hlg for
tunes must have been spent suddenly
sprang up like mushrooms, gilded,
glittering clubs, splendidly furnished,
such as Lisbon never dreamed yf
possessing. Palaces helotmlng to the
old aristocracy were rented at incred
ible pi ice and transformed Into The
Majestic." 'The Palace Club."
Maxim s. " "Palnls Royal'' and dozens
of others on the same scale, with
restaurants, hallrooms and gambling
room: everything being perfeeth
planned and carried out on the most
modern and expensive lines Hun
dreds of smaller imitations followed,
until It may with truth be said, that
not a street In Lisbon w.m without
two or three gambling housca.
A great change came over the hum
drum social life of Llabon, where noth
ing In the wny of amusement ever
happens beyond theaters and moing
ploture shows. The club-rest. 1 11 rant
excellent cuisine attracted fashionable
crowds, constant relays of American
and English tourists spent their money
lavishly and smartly dreafced women
coming nobody knows from where
were a doubtful sourc e of attraction
in the streets by day and at the Uubs
bv night
This condition existed for well over
a year Then well-known firms were
robbed by trusted employes.
An officer, who woro the cross of
war. shot himself af'er losing large
sum'' of money, which were not his.
Young men belonging to the best
families fell into disgrace.
A campaign was then begun by
part of the Portuguese p:ess headed
l)j the Beculp and the Situaeao
Columna of letters from parents and
well known 1 lahonltea were printed
daily, disclosing demoralizing facts
arid exhoniiig the government to close
the clubs. 'The government, however,
rapidly succeeding each other, had
other things to attend to. And the
gambling continued.
W hen the Raptlsta government came
Into office strenuous measures were
taken The magnificent dubs, the
fiitlcring restaurants. the smart
foreign women all disappeared as
suddenly as they had burst upon the
scene a enr ago.
For a week carts and camions con
veying rouleUe tables and other
gambling paraphernalia to the police
stations formed the chief attraction of
the 1 Ishon streets.
Frequent attempts have since been
made to reopen resorts. Recently tho
Palais Royal Club was reestablished
ostensibly as a restaurant. Three days
after It was closed by a police, after
a raid.
NEW YORK Sept 14. A New
ork woman, Anna L Fisher, formerly
A Red Cross worker in France mrt
later a Xear East relief worker in Sy
iia. Is a full-fledged captain in the
Arabian armv of the Prince Felsal.
at Damascus according to F. M New
man, of Chicago, who has returned
from fre months In the Near En- ' At
'present Mis Fisher is In charge of!
thr industrial education of women
iind children In Damascus, but in the
'event of war she would be expected!
to take her part as an Arab officer,
v hlch Mr. Newman says, she Is quite!
ready to do.
Although the French have deposed!
Feis.il, I he prince's Arabian army is
virtually intact and he hopes that .
BO ution Of the Arabian question may 1
;bo reached bv which the "allies will
carry out their promises of an Inde
pendent Arabian state," Mr Newman
(By International News Servlce
I COLUMBUS, Ohio. Double appli
cations foi divorce rarely originate In
the same familv
j Twins and double marriages happen
; more often
Applications for divorce were filed
here on l he same day by sisters, Mrs
I Tamzon Ltbby Ford and Mrs. Ger
trude L Brown.
Both ask for restoration to their
j maiden name, Srnmger. and allege
I that their husbands deserted them
and that they had to work for a
j livelihood after ihelr wedding day. j
(By International News Service)
A.MfcRlCUS, (ia. Digging Into the
ground on the Miller plantation, near
Preston, in search of an illicit still.
Sheriff C M Christian. of Webster)
county, recently unearthed a sealed
glass fruit Jar containing silver dol
lar, halves, quarters, dimes and nick-,
els totalling $284 26.
Nearby the sheriff found a stilling;
outfit including a copper worm. A
negro living In a house on the planta-j
tlon where a small quantity of liquor!
whs found, wa arrested and taken to
Preston, hut as yet no one has claimed j
the Jar containing the burled mone.i
Horace Greeley reached New Yor': 1
with $11 and four years later founded I
a weekly newspaper. I
Ogden Petroleum Company, principal
place of business. Ogden I'tnh
; There Are denUcnt on the followlnR
, scribed storks on account of 1 -..s-nient
No 12 levied on the 11th day of August.
1 the several amounts set opposite the
names of the lespective share holders as
j follows: Certif.
No. Shores Amt
Austin. P W. 222 200 $ 1 00
Bingham. Andrew ... Ill 2.000 1 0.00
Bstem3n. H Hi r.,nni 10 00
Bybee, F.mma 12 S.ooo 8800
Bvbee. Emma .tfiS 1 uOn 5 0(1
Bundy Emily R. 10S 1.000 S.00
Ranchman. F.mM ... .171? 5f)0 8.80
IBauchman. Bmll SSI 800 8 80
.Herreti Hattle ?s. 1.000 I 1.0
Perrett L S Sn l.OOtl 500
Berlin. A. E. 1S .000 5 00
Combe. Georgina GO 1.000 5 00
It'lnra. Mrs W. C 3:'T S.0O0 25 00
Clara. Isaac 112 500 2 50
i"raiK Canning Co .11 2 son igafi
(Child. C IT. 473 1.000 5 00
(Cardon. Mabel 20 1,080 8,08
lark. Kthel O 12! 5.000 86.00
Cardon, A w 539 1.000 8.80
Combe, James 648 1.000 5 Oil
iChlld. Leo W. tigo 2.000 0,00
Foulgcr. Jos .1X2 1,0X3 I 00
Flygare. Jessie JSS 250 125
Plovers, G. If. 301 325' 1.08
cjlHsmann Eveivn .... 51 10.000 50 Oo
Gosling. C H 8 25.000 125 0i
liosllng. C H 47fi 1.OO0 5 00
Goddnrd. H. H 700 1.000 5 00
Ooddnrd. H. H 701 1 22 fill
Goddard. H H. 702 10,000 50 00
'Goodale. Edith ... 210 250 b25
Gosnell. IjiYern .... 300 1.000 8.00
Gosnell. laVern .. . f.M I 000 5 00
Glasniann. W . 507 2 000 10 00
Glassman. W. W 598 2.MK 13.33
Olaaniann W w. M'i 1.000 s oo
Gla?mann Blaine . 531 8,000 85.00
Olaamann, Plain . 50o 8.000 25 00
Bess. G R. 234 1.000 5 80
Hess. G. R. 314 500 2 SO
Howell. C. C. . . 20fi ISO 0
Harrup Jennie 207 1,000 8,00
Movt. R B. 350 l.OOil 5 00
Hoyt. R B 880 MOo 5 00
Hanaen, C. J. 3s .'00 2.60
Rumphriea Lillian .441 1 noo 5.00
Han op H. F. 571 I 000 5 00
llarrop H. E 5S7 l.OOo 5 ,00
iHener, Aretus 664 soo 2.50
tvlha, L H 21S 100 .50
. ivlns, L. H. . . . 21S 100 50
Jensen David 47 1.100 5 00
Jensen. David 325 3.000 1500
Jacob. B, H. 14n 250 1 ?:,
Johnson. Elizabeth ....888 860 1 25
Jones. R. M. 531 1.000 5 00
! lensen. M. S 523 1.000 5. 00
Kaiadcmoj Tom 22 1,000 8.00
I.nch. Jno. . 92 2.000 pi on
, Ie. H B . .880 1 600 s.00
' Murphy, j D 13 4.000 2'' 0o
Mvers. J H 171 2. oiio 10 on
Myera, J. H 412 2.000 10. 00
1 Messenger. F W. ..888 1,000 ."..on
Meaeenger. F. W 612 1.000 500
1 Martin. i"ato 121 2io 1 00
I Millet Mrs C. 1 497 2,000 10.00
Miller. C. L. 49 2.000 10 00
McCormlek, J. L 30 1 000 5 00
Nelson. Sumner so 1.000 5.00
I Nelson Sumner ..SI I.OoO 5. 00
Nelson. Sumner .... S2 1.000 son
j Nelson, Sumner . ... 83 1.0(10 6,00
, Ogden Standard 52 20.000 loojoo
Ogden Stnnanrd 603 7.500 37 5n
Orton Mary 888 1.000 s 00
Orton. F H 538 1,000 5 00
iPingree, S. E. ...541 2.000 10.00
Pingreo, LeGrande 64.4 125 t',2
Rnnicv Chas 290 500 2 60
I Richards. I. L. 212 332 1 66
Richards L. P 213 333 1 66
iRasmusson. Bessie ....296 l.OOo 500
Rasmusson R W 535 1.000 soo
Rundqulst. C, A 621 1.000 500
Ramev. IuIIh F 622 230 12".
j Stone. W J. ... 42 1,000 5 00
iSlsco. Ira , 177 . 200 1 00
8wanaon. E P 321 600 2 50
Smith. Robert 211 .U4 1 67
Swehaon. rhas 272 1,000 soo
Tanner. H B. 557 500 2 .".0
Tribe W. D 617 1.000 5.00
WilcOX, J W 36 1.000 5.00
Williams. Jos. 477 600 2 50
! Williams Jos. 510 2 SOO 12 50
William. Jos 520 2.500 12 50
Wheat, ;-o D 494 1.000 5.00
;Wilfon. Mallio 1 569 800 4.00
Well. T. A 614 500 2.50
Morrell El 17. 654 200 1 00
And in .i ordanre with the law so manv
1 of each parcel of such stock as may be
ineccssar will be sold at the office nf the
Company, No 3CI Twenty fourth Street
Ogden. l'tah. on the 27th day of Septeni
, ber. 1920, at the hour of 5 p. m.. to pa
Ihe delinquent assessments, together with
llie cost of nderllsing and expense of
jsale. A. L, GLASMANN.
Srrrr-tiirv Treasurer
P. S The above delinquents are pa
able to the sslstant Secret r -Treasurer.
J. R. Hlnch. Itff at the Plngree N'atlonn'
Bank before the above mentioned date
I 5341!
Consult County Clerk or me Respec
tive Signers for Further
In the District Court of the Second Judl
clnl District In and for Weber Countv.
State of t't.ih
In the Matter of the Estate of Geotge L.
Damme. Deceased.
Creditors will present clnlms with
vouchers to the undersigned at the office
of C R. Hollingsworlli snit- 51. David
Ecclea Building Ogden Utah on or before
the 25th dav of October. 1920.
Dated: August 17. 192d.
Administrator of the Estate of George r.
Damme Deceased.
C. R. Holllngsworth. Attorney for Admin
istrator. 4546
Estate of A F. Llnse. deceased.
Pha petition of Lula and Darence F.
I. n M praying for the appointment of
R. P. Hunter as administrator of the es
tate of A. F. Llnse. deceased, and that
letters of administration be Issue.J to him
in the above entitled matter, has been
set for hearing before Hon. A. E. Prati.
Judge on Mondav the 27th dav of Sep
teniber. 1920. at ten (10) o'cock A. M . at
the Couptv Court House. In the court
room of said court. In Ogden City Weber
County. Utah.
Witness, the cork of said court, with
the seal thereof affixed, this !5th day of I
September. 1880
. AGNES SMITH Deputy Clerk
Attorneys for Petitioner 54 4''
In the District ourt of the Second Judl- ,
cial District Sta'f of L'tah. Within and,
for Weber Count
In the Matter of the Estate of Magrte
MacMartin. Deceased
Creditors will present claims with
vouchers, to the UI dersigned. udminlstra
tor of the estate of Maggie MacMartin.
decearcd. at the office of W Ft Reeder.
Jr. t.'9 Duld !: bnlldlnc C"cdoii
Oltv. l'tah. on or before the 2nd dav of
November. 1920.
Date of first publication Sept. 1. UJ0.
Date of laat publication Sept Jf, f0
W H Reeder. Jr , Attoiney for Admlnla 1
Call For Republican I
County Convention W
To the Members of the Republican OUht? entral Committee, District Sec
retaries, nnd to all Republicnn Voters of Weber Count
In accordance with the action of ihe Republican County Central .omrr.lt
tee of Web. r County, Utab, Republican Mass Primaries are hereby called
to he held for the several election districts of Weber County on W ednesdav,
September IS, H S o'elool P. M for the purpose of elociing de egates
to a Hepubllcan Countv Nominating Conventon, which Is hereby called to
be held on Saturday. September 18. 1920. at 10 o'clock a. BO. In the Orpheum 8JBBB
I Theater Ogden, l'tah.
Said Count v Nominating Convention Is called for the purpose of noml- OjJJH
nating candidates of the Republican Tarty for the following, offices:
state Senator, four year term.
State Senator, two-year term.
Four Members of the House of Represeniai ives. two-year term. H
County Commissioner, four year term. al
County Commissioner, two-year term Lbbbw
County Treasurer, two-year term
County Sheriff, two-year term. Hj
County Clerk, and Auditor, two-year tenu aK
County Recorder, two-year term
County Attorney, two-year term
CO'.mty surveyor, iwoscar ierni JH
Count Aaseesor, two-yeai term
The apportionment of delegates from the several districts of W eber - ll
Count to Mid I OUnt Conrentlon shall be upon the bnsi. of the vote cast S
for Hod W H Wattls for Congress at the general election of 1918, eac'i dls- Ki
triet being entitled Vi one delegate for each ten voles, or major frncllon HI
thereof, cast for aid W H Wattls 01 said election. Ssiil delegates are here- tBH
by apportioned among the various voting districts, and s-ali primaries sbal! aP
b--' beld as follow -
No of Delegatea Held at
t'lstricr 1 Sonth Washington School
District 2 ,2 South Washington School 1
District 3 2 South Washington School
District 4 2 Tinsrcp School
District r d Plngree School
I.Hsrrlct 6 F'insree School
District 0 Pingree School
District 8 d ( it v Hall
District 9 8 City Hall I
District 10 5 Citv Hall
District 1 4 Citj Hall
District 12 2 Raptrt Musion. est Ogden
District 13 3 230 West Twenty second St
District 14 'a Armory on Twenty -fourth St
District IS 4 Armory on Twenty-fourth Street
District lfi 4 Third Word Amusement Hall
District 17 3 Third Ward Amusement Hall
.District 18 4 Third Ward Amusement Hall
District 19 , 2 Tenth Ward Amusement Hall ' IRfll
District 20 3 Tenth Ward Amusement Hall . 0
District 21 2 FlTO Polntfl School
District 22 5 Five I ' ,1 s. ,ool ajfl
District 23 Five Points School
District 24 5 Seenth Ward Amusement Hall Bofl
District 2r 2 Seventh Ward Amusement Hall BEIf
District 26 3 Seventh Ward Amusement Hall BS)?
District 27 . t Seventh Ward Amusement Hali BmIL
District 28 6 Countv Court House
District 29 5 Form Fair School
District 30 5 Form Farr School H
District 31 5 Forin Fa.r School
District 32 fi County Court House fl
District 33 a County Court House HQ
District 34 fi County Court House
District 35 7 County Court House Kl
District 36 S County Court House iiH
District 37 4 4 I 'ounty Court House 9
District 38. 6 County Court House
District 39 5 ' Forin Farr School LWW
District 40 8 Forin Farr School.
District 41 7 Forin Farr School flKfiJ
District 42 6 Twelfth Ward Meeting Housa fsf '
, liistnct 43 8 Twelfth Ward Meeting House wrS-j
FMstrict 44 6 Twelfth Ward Meeting House WV'i)
r ist rict 45 , 7 Fifth Ward Amusement Hall T 1
District 46 9 Firth Ward Amusement Hall ' IU -
District 47 7 Fifth Ward Amusement Hall 1
District 48 10 Fifth Ward Amusement Hall j? I
Diatricl 4f :. I cis School ' I
District 5(1 is Scho.'l . sHH
Dsitrlcl r.i Fifth Ward Amusement Hall V
Districi 52 1 Fifth Ward Amusement Hall
District ."3 5 Ninth Ward Amusement Hall Htfl
Districi 54 7 Ninth Ward Amusement Hall
270 J;
u in nor ui
Districi Delegatea "
Burch Creek 5 H
Eden t 4
Farr West 4
i . Harrisrllle 6 -
Hooper No. 1 6 V
Hooper No. 2 6 I
Huntsville 10 H
Kaneaville s 2
Liberty 4
Marriott 4 H
North Ogden No. 1 6 H
North Ogden No. 2 7 H
Plain City 14 S
Pleasant View 5
Kandall iBH
Riverdale 5 iVfjG
Roy 6 M
Slaterville 6 HH
Taylor Jm j
Uintah 2 wfl
Warren 4 ifbvbvb!
West Warren l I
West W"ber 6
Wilson 4
I Total - 394 I
The members of the County Cenir;il I ommlttee wirlnn those districts out- I
iside of Ogden City will arrange suitable pUce; for the holding of said prl- 1 tM
' maries In said districts and give due notice thereof 1
Immediately upon adjournment of the said County Convention the dele- H ' A
gatei thereto from ihe several districts in Ogden City shall convene city H
Convention for Ogden City for the purpose of nominating candidate: upon the m
I Republican ticket for the following offices
City Judge and Ex Officio Precinct JuaUce of the Peace, four year term.
Precinct Constable, two year term B
At the said primaries held in the several districts outside of Ogden City, W
Precinct Justices of the Peace and Constables nhnll be nominated.
41 said prlmarle? in each of said distriet there shall be elected a Countv a
ommitteeman who shall repreKenl said district upon the Republican County jjri
Central Committee, and a District Secretary, to serve for a term of two years C
or until their OCCOSSOrs shall have been dul) elecfe.J or appointed in caae of ale
vacancy SHgM
All qualified voters believing In the principals of the Republican Partv .ijji
are respectfully invited to attend and participate in the said primaries )n their fiSHE
respective districts. H
loomed sftsr ihe election of delegstt eommltt4Mmai adl
and Secretary of each primary shall certify to the County Convention the avBE'
nnmes of 'he person chosen as delepates to said Convention. Hflf
8RTR1 B WOi LUBY I balnnna ' ' I
W T GREENWEFF. Secretao'. iBwa
DOINGS OF THE DUFFS That Queation Might B a Little Embarrassing to Olivia. By jj
L ; hEN'pp vTectaivjlS oc'UG TO K ,l 'lf!IL 1 6AN , Tan. I Tu.W e-Tm EN cET PSH I j 15 AN$ HCP , It MAV rse iW4PS itil OJETOeJ?! 1 MAN BE FAT BUT ' (rajfioJ
. A A WOMAeJ EiiOOoM OneiOMlT BH "I P RET TV PtCSvXJAL. VJFTH TVtElCL l .."( S l4 OF ,0O4T , F.C ATioo To b-ve Hi B r" Tom OUf P VlA kijowu. I rvV T'i
I Jueu She G'ot To Rt6i&YEO.. V i Wry uuestiojs 0J This RuistraTioJ i i l! uo APfwav uejfiMT no PA,crj-i Mti w..r' A,,,i! L ,1 I
I'tL .saV . J W Q,WiuiA,cc- r-r wnfiMr. mocm ejio i Pur ijrl B J' L '! r