l WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 15, 1920. tHitittt lXUUttltPi OGDEN. UTAH REPUBLICAN RALLY I ALHAMBRA THEATRE I Thurs., Sept. 16, 8 O'clock j I GOVERNOR HARDING, OF IOWA, WILL I DISCUSS THE NATIONAL ISSUES g I Hon. Charles R. Mabey, Candidate for Gov. I I o! Utah, Will Outline His Program I I for the State 1 I MUSICAL NUMBERS I I EVERYBODY INVITED I (Political Advertisement) I Civil Service Officer I Is Visitor in Ogden C. I Snyder. secretary of tnel Twelfth T'nlted States civil service dip-; trlct, with offices at San Francisco.; I visited at the forest headquarters In this city this morning. Mr. Fnyder is making a survey trip I over territorv under his Jurisdiction, comprising California, Nevada. Utah and Arizona. Me said that throughout the conn try the civil service commission has experienced difficulty in obtaining np l'llcnnts for civil service examination. Lack of renumeratkon prevents I- scores from taking up ii career In gov ernment service, it Is claimed. Recent legislation which has increased pay cf postal employes indicates a tendency' towards providing higher salaries he ' twiid and in event that higher salaries ajre authorized, no difficulty in pro-, curing appllants If anticipated j I Youthful Tramp Is Given Fine of $5 Hungry and worn out. having trav-' SG d on the bumpers from Cleveland, j Qblo to Ogden and having been without food for nearly thirty-six hours, John O'Hara, IS years old, was .ajrrested yesterday afternoon on a, mendicancy charge. fullowInK an at-, iempt to "mooch" the price of a meal O'Hara was found guilty in the city ' ciurt and wan sentenced to $5 fine or ft days in the city Jail. He suited he was traveling to Cali fornia for the winter and that the money which he had provided himself with it the start of his Journey had proved inadequate for his heeds 1 oo I Ogden Lodge, No. 81, A, M. M. A. S. R. All members requested to attend important business to come before the itidge for consideration. G. D MULLER, I ORPHEUM I LAST TIMES TONIGHT 6.30 and 8:45 COMPLETE NEW SHOW ROY HIRAM" CLAIR In a Rollicking Melange I "HIRAM BACK ON THE FARM" Don't Forget the Girls I Mack Sennett's J "MARRIED LIFE" A Conjugal Brainstorm H Prices, 25c, 40c, 50c I SAYS HE'S MEAN BAD MAN, JUDGE SOON FIXES HIM "I'se a mean, bad nlggah from Tex as so lay off me!" William Melhoun colored, who Is said to have been drinking a mild po tion concocted from denatured nlco hol and water, volunteered the fore going information when Detective W. A. Taylor and Sergeant A. 11. Stevens arrested him yesterday afternoon in front of the Bdmb'ersei depot. Following the application of a pair of clenched knuckles, the said appli cations having been administered by the officers. Melhouse quit struggling for freedom and submitted to heinK handcuffed. The effect of the hcver-i age had apparentlv worn off when he appeared before Judge D. K. Roberts in the city, court this morning and he looked like a meek, mild, peaceuble colored man. In spite of a swollen Jaw which gave Ids face a lop-sided ap pearance. Sielhouae registered surprise when.1 following a recital of his arrest by the officers. Tu lie Roberts imposed a fine of o or 60 days. The liould which he had been drink ing smote th- olfactory nerve and dif fused an odor characteristic to a dis infectant In which formaldahyde Is the chief Ingredient. oo Two Hooper Youths Placed on Probation Two 1 i.' -year-old boys, of Hooper, appeared befor. Jii.Ik'- I'm Sullivan In the juvenile court this morning charged with entering the store of Thomas Reed. The boys had found a kep which fitted the door of the , store, it Is alleged, and used It to i .unlock the door Tht-v were caught before they got away with anything. The hoys were placed upon probation. Seeks Divorce on j Non-Support Charge Minnie Collins has filed suit for di vorce in the district court against Ernest C Collins. chaiKinp that her husband has failed to provldo for her and three minor children. ' She complains that he has lived apart during the past year and hai contributed nothing to their support She asks for $66 a month alimony and custody of the children The couple were married in Mount i Vernon Indiana. June 21, 1908. Notice Notice Is hereby given that one C. C. Jen6en Is no longer In (he employ of this company as sales agent and Is not authorized to transact any business for our companv SOUTH EASTERN MINING CO. I CEORGE BUSCH. President Classy Bill Opens at I j Pantages Tomorrow The new bill opening tomorrow aft ernoon at the Pantages theater has ! f or the beadllner Madame I tore's Cele ' brltles. Madame Iore carries several I 'grand opera stars and the act Is ( -tured as one of exceptional excellence; from a musical standpoint. Harry Yos Fossen has a blaekf.n I comedy act that Is said to be a win-1 ner. Ren D. Sheldon and Hazel Has- j len offer '"Sampson and Ielllab, a' sketch that Is heralded as a scream! from start to finish. Rrlerre and I Kind 'the little, gin from Boston and the boy from New Orleans." do a Singing and dancing act that Is of hiKh 1 order Miss King was formerly with ' The Slim Princess." A hand-balancing stunt of more1 than usual "vplloncp Is offered by 'un and Emerson round out th vaudeville part of the bill. The show1 ends with the I'antagercopc. nn . Pingree Bank to Act on Changing Name A special meeting of the sharehold ers of the Plnxrer National bank will ! held at the bank tomorrow noon. The meeting has been called to act on the action of the board of directors In increasing the capital stock of the bank from $17.1.000 to $250,000. Ac tion on the proposition 'to change the name of the bank to the National Hank oC Commerce also will be taken under advisement Mavis Baker Enters I Plea of Not Guilty; Mavis Baker, charged witli assault ' with Intent to commit murder, en-! tered a plea of not guilty before Judgi A, E Pratt In the district court, when arraigned Sst'crdaj Baker is al leged i" have wounded Herbert Hess I ler with a revolver shot. Date of, ' hearing nf the case has not vet been ' Bet. oo Big Community Sing atj Tabernacle Friday night, Sept. ;17, 8 o'clock. Help Celebrate Constitution Day. -: I The Commercial National Bank OG DEN, UTAH WORKING WITH HEAD AND HANDS Colonel Roosevelt very aptly remarked "American wage work ers work with their heads as well as their hands." Now while you arc working for your money, let your money work for you Start an account with the Commercial National Bank and make weekly deposits Pour per cent Interest paid on savings ac counts,' compounded quarterly. FIREMAN HURT IN LOCAL YARDS I. J. Combe Has Leg Broken, Suffers Other Injuries I T. Combe, aged 14, fireman for' the I'nlo.n Pacific, wan seriously in-j jured shortly after 4 o'clock this, momlng when the engine in which he was riding was sldeswlped by ftl felghl car, being moved in the nrds bj B nol her crow. Combe was rushed bo the Dee hos-. pital, where his injuries nr.- reported serious by attondlnn physicians His light leg was broken in two places, while he alSO suffered Injuries tu the face, head and other parts of the body. JUMP TAKEN BY COAt AT MINES Prices Ho Up to Meet Labor Demands; Retailers' Raise Not Decided n account of the recent Increase in labor schedules In the coal mines of I I'tah and Wyoming coal prices at the : mines took a Jump today. At the J various mines of Utah, lump went up GO cents per ton. making the price now $.1.00 per ton at the mines. Nut alSo jumped 50 centa per ion, mak j Iiik the price $4 50 per ton at the mines. Slack Jumped 5 cents per ton, the' ' prltie at the mines now selling at i j $2.50 per ton. Lump IS now selling at retail prices for $9.25 per ton in ! Utah, while nut coal is retailing I8..7E per ton. Slack Is retailing at $6.00 per ton. Wyoming coals are also scheduled tot.ikc i tump, according to local coal dealers. Wyoming lump coal i Is now selling at $11 per ton, while, nut Is retailing at $10.50 per ton. Although the coal dealers of the state have failed to resell a decision; on the proposed Increase on coal ; j due to the Increase In freight rates i It is expected that a derision will he, j reached during the next ten days Railroad officials and coal officials are 1 scheduled to settle this argument at' I a conference scheduled for Denver I i during the early part of next week, it Is said. oo W. V. Rockefeller to Assume Duties Monday W V Rockefeller, recently named secretary of thr Weber club, will as sume bis new duties at the club next Monday Miss Kdna Hamlll. who has handled the work temporarily, depart ed for the coast two months ago and notified President warren D. Wattle that she would not return. Mr Rockefeller has been connected with the .lining car service of the railroads here for many years. Purloin Watermelons; Get Fine of $3 Each Joy walking to Roy and raiding the' melon patch of D. J. Hammond, re sulted dlsastrouslv to five Ogden I youths, according to reports from the! Juvenile court. The boys had gath-j ered a large armful of canteloupes' and watermelons when they were cap tured. Thev were fined $in for their fun. $3 each P.eports from Ham-1 mond indicate that they could have, bought a wagonload of melons for this amount of monev. on Carry Over Douglas j Fir Experiments K i .1 i: h inc of Simple plots uf I ioug lai Fir In the fourth for. ft service dis trict, planned to take place this year, will carry over until another year. It waj announced yesterday. Indications that the sample plots of Douglas Plr will be started on M ..li.w Creek in the Cache forest, and in the southeastern corner of the W j Mining forest Want Results of G. 0. P. Primaries . Officers of the Republican primar ies to he held through the city and county tonight aro requested to tele phoni the results of the various pri mer) elections to Republican head quarters when completed. The tele phone number IS 324, and the office is on the MCOnd floor of the Col. Hudson building Compilations will be tabulated at the headquarters. Hokanson to Seek Verdict Set Aside j Notice of intention to move for a' new trial has been tiled In the district ; court by Hyrum Hokanson to set aside the verdict f a jury, who. last week, K.ivc Judgment of $ 1500 to .1 A. Ho- ile who sued to recover the amount i I On a check The notice sets forth 1 I that a new trial Is asked on the) grounds thru there was insufficient evidence to Justify a verdict during1 trial of the recent case. uu Injured R, R. Man to Be Taken to Coast Colonel C A. Black, right of way agent for the Union Pacific system will he taken to his homo at Los Angeles Just as soon as his physical condition will permit. It was annoum -. 1 today. Colonel Black was hurt In a crash In the local yards Colonel Black has been at the Dee hospital for some weeks and Is still unable to use his hands. His -position here. It Is Said, will be filled SHORTAGE HERE IN TUBING; NO j ONE KNOWS WHY? Sh' Bh! This story is sup posed to be only spoken of In a whisper and then only between friends. There Is a peculiar situation in Ogden nt preseni Motorists who have broken their copper gasoline lines have found that there Is Indeed a shortage and hardware stores can not hope to keep up with the de mnnri. tn fact, nn metal tubing which can be colled Is Immediately I hOMf kcw Jf snapped up by greedv buyers. Even rubber tubing Is taken read ily when It Is found that the met al tube market cannot fill orders There Is also a sudden demand for one and two-gallon milk cans and other small receptacles which can be ma le alr-tlght Soldering outfits are vt a premium Some Of,denlles who formerly sat on their front porches ami enjoyed the cool of the evening now spend their leisure hours be low floors and shut themselves from the gaze of the world Has the city suddenly (tone crazy over inventions? What doe it nil mean '.' When you go calling on your friend some night and find htm apparently gone, Investigate fur I ther, jou might find him home I still. OLYMPIC STARS j EN ROUTE WEST 1 Morns Kirksey and Paddock Returning From Games at Antwerp . j Morris Kirksey, San Francisco ath lete, and Charles padOCk, star of the University of Southern California. I .'.-ill oFi iii.-i o, " ' e V6u ..o.w.o fod:iy en route to the coast. Bothi men figured in the victory, of the American track team at 'he world i games recently held'at Antwerp They stated today hat the condl- I 1 Ions ruling during their trip overseas I ivere accountable for the poor show-J Ing of the American team in some , ! of the track events. "The boat on which we were pas-1 sengers on the return trip carried the) ; bodies r.f more than 700 soldiers, who j paid the supreme sacrifice In France,-' I ; said Paddock today. " n the trip overseas the accom- modal Ions were far from being first class, In fnct the conditions were Inadequate and the poor showing of the weight men. ofthe distance men and the jumpers It attributed to the' conditions with which we had to work. The American track team in my esti-, mation was lucky to win the laurels on account of the conditions and the! men who represented America, will SSI to it that in the future, this i country has men at the helm that are capable of handling the business' end of the trip. While we are glad to be members of the winning team, we only hope that the conditions ex-1 perienced will be probed and that I the blame be placed In the right place.'.' Robert S. Weaver, of the Los! Angeles A. C. and one of the of- ' flclals, will arrive irr Ogden within j the next three days, according to ' Paddock The two men departed fori the west today. Former Utah Coal i En Route to Montana Fre. Bcnhion, former athletic coach at the University of Utah, and now In charge of athletics at orve of Montana's leading institutions was an 0 len visitor late yesterday en route from the coast to Montana, where h. will sound his first call for grid men. during the coming weeks. Bennlon during his vears at the helm of Utah athletics was regarded as one of the best coaches in the i west Such stars as Lon Romnt Henry Richardson. Pcz Beninon. Ott I Romney, Tommy Fttzpatrlck, and numerous others received their school Ing under the famous 1 Fred ' Bennlon looks for the grid game to show a great revival during the! coming season In California, ho stated today, more thin 400 teams of1 college, high school and club class men will be seen in action. "The outlook for a flashy ele.n at my institution this season will b bright." said Bennion. 'T will have; ten veterans of the last year eleven! in the fold together with an arraj of second string men and expect to win m- share or the games. The forty first year. Still be a banner one for the game and believe me, record crowds will be In attendance." Complete Grading On Arsenal Spurs Grading for the ten miles of spur tracks at the Ogden Arsenal will be completed today, according to Taylor and Child, local contractors. The entire work un the trackage will be completed by October 12, it is stated. Work on the spurs is being rushed In order that the W M Sutherland Con tracting companv, of st. Ixiuls. will rxperlence no delay in their construc tion work on Hie sixty buildings, whkh will start at once. An employment office has been established ,-,t the Arsenal by the Sutherland companv and more thun 1,000 men will be enrolled during the next week to start active, con struction work on the present site. Materials necessary for the con struction of the buildings, including derricks, excavating machinery and I other implements, have been rushed from St. Louis and are scheduled to arrive here durmg the latter part ofi the present week. IJU The fluer de lls, national flower of France, was highly valued by . the ancients for medicinal DUmosea 1 f Your J Opportunity I I Victrola IV J I $25 I 5.00 down, balance $1.00 per week. We want your record business Vivlrola VI I Victrola VI 1 I I $6.00 down, balance $1,00 per week. I Let's have your name for our mailing list of records I I Columbia $8.00 down, balance $7.00 I This beautiful new style I ! Edison Diamond Disc, SS 1 any finish jsS! i $15.00 down, balance $15.00 NEW ED,S0N WW per month. "Ogden's Phonograph Headquarters" fnr I GLEN BROS. 1 ROBERTS PIANO CO