OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, September 15, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 9

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-09-15/ed-1/seq-9/

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l Is "falling in love" enough reason I
I for getting married? I
m America 9s great divorce problem begins with our marriage problem H
I 34,000 babies
I- f unmarried mothers
born here each year
What becomes of them ?
THHIRTY-FOUR thousand little babies that no
1 body wants to live.
What becomes of the thousands of these little
babies that disappear quietly each year with
some one getting paid for each disappearance?
j ! I What becomes of the thousands of frightened
unmarried mothers blackmailed to the last penny?
j VI Would you believe that there is in America an or-
J ganized method for getting rid of nameless babies?
' Dorothy Canfield exposes the whole dreadful
1 J i traffic in her article in Pictorial Review for October
j entitled "A Square Deal for the Nameless Child."
It will tell you facts almost incredible, but
proved. When are we going to act? When are we
D) going to do what France did? Every wife and
mother should read this shameful record.
I Home-making as the
!m modern woman does it
I Do you know how Mrs. Martin saves money on
H Meat? (page 69)
7 1 Do you know twelve recipes for Pickles? (page 37)
M Do you know how to make Desserts without Sugar?
(.page 63 j
I j. Do you know 17 Kansas Recipes? (page 94)
I Do you know how to Make A Home and A Living?
D (page 134)
Do you know how to have a Perfect Laundry?
H (Page 52)
m - I- -
"K flTARRIAGE is like the movies" said one young
lf war-bride-Reno -divorcee. "You can go into
A. V JL the show and if you don't like it you can get
up and go out"
War-brides figured in forty per cent of last year's
Reno divorces ending marriages of haste and passing
excitement 1
Tn nearly half our states it is not even necessary to
register a marriage.
And look at our divorce courts!
In a single year the divorces granted in America
were more than double the number in twenty European
countries combined. We have forty-eight separate
divorce laws one for every state.
Did you know that if you marry a divorced man, you
can later be named as his corespondent?
That at the beginning of a trip you may be a man's
wife and at the end not his wife?
That if you take 3rour children out of the state they
may become illegitimate?
That you can be the legal wife of two men, of either
of them, or of neither at the same time?
That at the same time you can be both single and a
Helen Ring Robinson's discussion of marriage and
divorce discloses some amazing, ludicrous and tragic
results of our chaotic divorce situation. She gives a
graphic pen portrait of Reno, the divorce-boom town,
what it is and what it does.
Read her revealing, thought-provoking article. It
contains facts that no American woman should be
ignorant of. Don't miss
"Taking the cure at Reno'5
Big fall fashion number j
Do you know the proper length
for skirts this fall?
Do you know how long sleeves S
are going to be ?
Will you wear high neck or low ? ,jfh
These are the things every well-dressed fjf Iff I I
woman wants to know, and these are the w4 ,1 n
very things the October Pictorial Review uj Tfflfk
tells you. Women of refinement, always ! '
seeking the new and beaut, "ul in dress, will 1 1 ! Sf
have their ambitions gratified in the charm- i fljKJ
ing styles shown in Pictorial Review for j ,
October. All the latest Parisian novelties: Jill
The new beauty Window dresses Tv 1 1
The new Coat dresses Vvp
The new Moyen Age dresses ffi )
And tlfc new Peg Top dresses
And don't forget that perfect-fitung Pictorial
Review Patterns enable you to reproduce every
one of these new styles.
A great collection of
unusual short stories
Edward J. O'Brien, the noted critic, has fre
quently stated that Pictorial Review publishes
more short stones of first quality than any magazine '
in its class. In this issue are eight complete stories
that clearly indicate why Mr. O'Brien has bestowed
signal honors on Pictorial Review fiction.
Do you like a grim, fantastic story? Read
"Footfalls" by Wilbur Daniel Steele.
Do you want to laugh? Read "La Doulour
euse" by H. Colhnson Owen. j
Does Oriental romance charm you? Read
"The Lute of Jade" by Achmed Abdullah.
Do young people's love affairs interest you?
Read "Love's Derelict" by Leona DalyTymple. I
Do you like to solve a mystery? Read "Red
Gulls" by Ethel Watts Mumford.
Do you like to read of queer people? Read
"The Refuge" by Mary Cholmondeley. J
For a mystifying character study read "The
Strange Case of Mr. Nix" by Hugh Walpole.
October Fall Fashion Number Out Today I
m This edition limited to two million copies I
mm mm

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