I We Never Shut
Down I
Live stock keeps coming to market
and we have to keep buying it and j 1
putting it through our plants whether i
conditions are good or poor. jljj
Swift & Company has no control 1 1
2: over the quantity of live stock shipped jjjj
to market. Live-stock producers ship jl
HI their animals to the big stock-yards
i markets, wherethey are sold through y
commission men who represent the ,J
shippers. jjjj
The result is that the live-stock
supply fluctuates from week to week. ;V
if We have to buy the animals, how- U
JJ' ever many or few there are; and they H
have to be handled without delay.
W e cannot hold dressed beef, lamb,
; til
mutton, veal, fresh pork, or any other
fresh perishable meats, but have to II !
M sell them at the prevailing market I j
I prices within a few days. If we try I
. to sell at half a cent under the I
f prevailing prices, retailers would
naturally buy from us as long as our
supply lasted, and that supply would y
0 be used up very quickly. On the
U other hand, if we try to sell for half D
If a cent higher than the market prices, Jjj
the retailers, who shop around, would
buy from our competitors and we j
would have our fresh meat left on
j. our hands. We have to sell our
i products every day at prevailing I
I market prices whatever these prices I
I may be.
i Half a cent up or down in the
y wholesale price means the difference V
U between profit and loss to us.
I I Swift & Company, U. 3. A.
I CHIC .o GR .
CHICAGO, Sept. 16. Wheut prices
declined today In the absence of any
rsBressive support. Depression in the
corn market was a bearish factor. The j
opening:, which varied from unchanged '
figures to c lower, with December!
$2.41 to 2.41 and March 12.16,
was followed by a decided setback all!
Liberal receipts wenkened coin Af-
ler opening 14 to c off, including
December at $1 11 to 1 . 12. the mar-1
kct fell rapidly.
Oats were povorned by the action!
of other grain, alanine 4c down to,
a like advance) rind then undergoing '
a peneral sag.
Provisions retlected new upturns in I
the value of hogs.
H i.M.VMA. Sc-pt. lfi (I'lpit.-.l Stale
Bureau of Markets. I Hogs Receipts
6500; market mostly steady to 15c
higher; IjuIU medium and llprht $16 25
1 & 16.75. top $17.00.
Cattle Receipts 3500; good and
choice fed steern stromr; others and
ehe-stock slow to 2c lower, top f(.,l
eteers $17.25; stockers and feeders'
dull, weak to lower; bulls and Veals
1 Sheep Receipts 18.00a; few sales
made, packers bidding 26 to 50c lower
on lambs; sheep steady to 25c lower;
one load ewea breeding lambs aver
dging 78 jioundn at $14.00.
1 CHICAGO. Sept. 16. (United States
Utah Power & Light 1st
Mtg. Bonds 5s, 193Q. .Offer
20 Z. C. M. I $120.50
20 Cement Securities . 117.00
20 West Cache Sugar 99.00
1000 Silver Isle Prod
ucts Offer
50 Peoples Sugar .... 5.40
Commercial Nat. Bank Bldg.
I Phone 80. Ogden
Bureau of Markets) Cattle Receipts
1 4.000; good and choice sutlers Steady
tc strong; top $li.2i; others slow.
Steady1, range cattle leceipts very light.
Hogs Receipts 16,000; market
mostly 10 to 15c higher thtn veeter
day's .nerage, iop 117.60; bulk lights
and butchers $ 1 6 . 75 1 7 . 45.
Sheep Rece:pts 20,000; fat sheep
?-nd native lamos mostly 66c lower,
practical top native lambs $13.75 to
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Sept. 16.
Cattle Receipts 5500; market active
and steady to 25c higher.
llogs Receipts 4000. market open
ed 10 to ln- higiier, dose packers
buying steady to 10c higher, bulk light
and medium $17 00617.50
1 Sheep Receipts 10,000; native
limliM 25 to 50c lower; weo'.ern lambs
l.(g25c lower.
1 U tl R M RJvl I
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn , Sept. 16.
I J'iour unchanged to 10c lower. In car-I'-a-i
lui, family patents quoted at
;Sl3.00ffi 1360 a barrel In it 8 pound
i otton sacks.
: Bran 140.000 42.00.
j Flax No 1 $3. 22 ft 3 25
NEW VKK. Sept. 16. lopper dull
! unch.i nged
bead quiet; spot S 25 8. 50c.
Zinc steady, unchanged.
XEYV V(lRk' S.nl It; Clntinir
.-..l., i KJ I l-i. , OCJII 10. I. I" 111,
3' 90.04; first 4s 85 74; first 4 Us'
65.82; Victory 3s 95.42-
CHICAGO Sept. 16. .Wheat No. 2
r. d $2 . 4'ft 2 . 49 .
Corn No. 2 mixed $1.-301 31
"ids No. 2 white 62fi 63i
Rye No. 2 $1 92.
Barley $1 . lotfj 1 13.
NEW STORK, Sept. lfi Prime mer
cantile paper unchanged;
Kxchange Irregular.
Time loans strong, all d.iles v v. ,'-,
per cent.
RL I I BR AND Lt.t.s.
I CHICAGO, Sept. 16. Butter unset
It'cd. creamery 43ii56c.
I Kggs unsettled, receipts 6372 cases.
I firsts 50W51c.
I Poultry hipher, fowls general run
30c; springs 20c, turkeys 45c-
iturday, Sept. 17 and 18
Encouraging Reports From
Property Bring Rise in
The trading this morning In mining
stocks on the Salt I.ak" Stock A Mln
IUb Exchange was ery active in ber-
ilejn stocks. Howell was as high aa
12'vc in the opening and closed at
11c bid and llc asked.
The heavy trading In Howell yes
terday ami thi advance In ihi- selling
price w.-is dUC i" thi fact that an en
COUraglng showing was i-ncounteretl
iiear the objective of the lowest work
ing tunnel
Trailing w.ix heavy In Tlntlc Stand
ard today, shares selling as low as
I $3 00 In the opening session, but re-
coverlng a little a1 th- lose with
bill and $3 07-i asked.
(Quotations rnrnlnlied over private
wire of J Hogle A Co.,
Kccleg Building.)
!..! Ask
Alia Con $ 04 '4 $ ,04
Albion 11 11
American t'on 'i
lAila Tunnel 07 .08 i
I Heaver copper 00 V4 .oiVj
I Itig Hill 03 03 l,
Klg 'ottonwdod OO'z .02
bullion 024 03 I
l l.-.i k Metals 05
Columbus Kcxall , .. .37 HT's
i Crown Point 03 .04
li'olorado t on 03 .06
'Caidlff . . 1.50 1.40
li'ragon Cori 09 .10
1 lal West 4.25 5.00
Baal Crown Point ... .oi .02
Eaat Tin. Coal 00 .014
blast Tin Con 07 .08
Eureka Mines 04 .05
Kureka Lily 06 .08
Eureka. Bullion 91 01
Emma Bllver oa- '
I Empire Mines 04 Vi -06
t;oid Chain 06 .10
I Grand Central .45
Howell 11 -ll'-z
Iron Blossom 23 .27 I
; Iron King 20 21
iJudge Mining 3.0 I 80
; K eystone 83 :
, ix-hl Tlntlc 07 ' .08
May Dav 02 .024
.Nllller Hill 01
1 Mam moth 35
.Moscow 02
idii hlgan-Utah 044 ,0fi
I North Stan 03 .o3f4
I New yulncy 05 :, l j
1 po ho iigo 0(1 '2 .1
Nuildriyer 62 .65
Plutuk 3 5 l-s 86 "3
i Prince Con '. . . .33 .35
ii'rovo 04 .044
t'aloma .01
IliiCO Argentine Ol'U .03
i;:c Wellington - 1 '- 19
.'"cll.s a . . .05 . 05
Hil. King "oat 1.674 1-70
ll. King Con 1.10 1 .20
Sioux Con 03 03U
'Xoutn Hecla 92 .95
I BOUth Standard 22 .23
'Silver Shield 16 .17 j
Var Baby u2 '2 .03
Tlntlc Central 01-,2 o2't
rtntlc Standard . ... Z oj 3 07Vi;
I" tab Cons 04 .01
1 i'nelo Sam OOVi I
I'nlon Chief 05 08
West Toledo 05', .0644
I Walker 3.10
I Woodlawn . 13 . U'a 1
Yankee 014 .04 1
Zuma 10 loj
Empire Copper 20 .40
Opening v deal
Albion 500 at ll,fcc.
American Con. cop. 2000 at Ifao;
1 2000 at 3 C.
Big Cottonwood Con- 1000 at a4c
Columbus Rexali 600 at 37c.
Howell 4500 at 11c; 7300 at llVfcc,
2000 at 12c; 500 at 12V&C! 1000 at
10 'jf
i.umi Tintlc Coal. 1000 at lc; 1000
at Ifcc.
I..11I Tlntlc 1000 at 7'-c; 1500 at
7 c.
Kmn-.u Silver 200 at 4c.
I 'lulus 500 at 3'Ic.
North standard 6500 at 3c.
Tintlc Standard 1 00 at $3 .15; 800 at
JJ 30; 100 at S. 07; 40"t at $3-05,'
400 at $3.02. 100 at f3.00.
Closing sale.
Albion 1000 at llc
American Con. op 8000 at 8c.
Alta Tunnel 500 at 7c.
Columbus Resell 400 at 37c.
Howell 2200 at 11c; 500 at llc;
1000 at 12c.
Kast Tlntlc Coal. 6000 at lc.
Michigan -Utah 4000 at 4-iic
Kmina Sliver 100 at lc,
1'rlncr Con. 100 at 33c.
Silver King Coal- 200 at $1 674;'
77 at $1 .65.
! South Hecla 200 at s3c
Silver Shield Ho0 at 16ac.
Tint if si.nid.ril loo :it JG.06. 200'
at J3.02 4-
' We.t Toledo 1000 at 5c.
I I.at S il.- I
Allls-Chalmerat bid 33
American Heet Sugar, bid 79 4
Anv-rlcan Can 37
American Car & Foundry, hid . 1364 ,
A nn rican Hide & Leather pfd ti
American international Corp. 77 I
American LOcOmotlvs 56
American Sugar ..1124
American Sumatra Tobacco . .. ssl
American T & T. . '.'!"
American Woolen 82
AnacOnda Copper 54 7n I
1 Atchison 84 I
iAtl.. Gulf & it W. Indies 147
j Ualdwln Locomotive ....11014 I
Baltimore & Ohio 43 4 ,
rseimenem nceei a ".4
Canadlan Pacific 121
Central Leather 53
) 'handler Motors 84
Chesapeake & hio b4 4
Chli ago, Mil and 81 I'aul 3k
' "hi" .igo. I; I I'.h 37 i4
hlno Copper 28 4
Colorado Fuel & Iron, bid 34
Corn Products 88 4
i 'ruclbh- Steel 120 Vi
Cuba Cana Sugar . 40
Kile 17
General Electric 143
Ceneral Motors 2 1
Joodrlch Co 66
lrcat Northern pfd 78 4
Great Northern Ore Ctfs 34 4
I llinols Central, hid s;.
Inspiration Copper 48 4
Int. Mer. Marine pfd 76
International Paper 81
Kennecott Copper, bid 6
'.oulsvlUe Nashville, hid .'...".101
Maxwell Motors 9
Mexican Petroleum, Ex -div ..177 4
M la ml 'opiicr 9 i,
.Middle Stales ll 1 7 S
I (,
Wall Street Was Enjoying
Heavy Buying Demand in
Early Session
ni:w YORK Sept. 1 6. Reversing.'
I yesterday's early movement; oils and
ntlnor rails were the prominent fea
tures at the outset of today's stock
market session. Price changes were
uneven, but malnb higher Pan-Amer-
l-'an Petroleum rose almost '2 points,
Shell Transport i point mi Mexican j
Petroleum 1 point, Texas company,
Middle states ami nylnclblij Hm made
'fractional ;i(lvanceH. St. Louis ami
Southwestern preferred and Southern
railway preferred gained i point each'
with a 2 point advance tor New Or-I
I leans, Texas and Mexico. Union Pa
cific was heavy at the opening, but
soon recovered Early exchange rates
on London were firm.
Shipping, steels, e,ulpments. lobac-
Irofi and sugars were Included in the
active haying movetnenl of the morn
ing Mercantile Marine common, Unit
led Fruit and Atlantic-Gull rote 2 to
4 points, Uethlehem, Crinil.l.-. Vana-
dlum, Republic and ReplogU Steels I
to 4. Stromberg Carburetor S, Ann ri
can Sugar 2. Baldwin Locomotive i
Sumatra Tobacco 3, TObaCco Products
2i and American Woolen 2 '4. 1 lls
ar.d rails for the most pat t Increased
their gains and Reading and other!
coalers Hhow.il marked strength. Call
monies opened at 7 per cmt and for-1
icign remittances, excepting rates to(
Germany, continued to strengthen.
Mtdale Steel 40
Missouri Pacific 27 Vk
New York Central
N. ST., N. II. and Hartford 3 1
Norfolk && Western, bid 94
Northern Pacific 7"
Oklahoma Prod. & Hef :
Pan. Amer. Petroleum. Ex-dlv... 9t
Penns) 'aula 42
People's Gas 3 3
Pittsburg and West N'a tl
Itay Consolidated Copper
Heading '-' !
Rep. Iron ft Steel 81 .
Loyal Dutch. N Y B S '
Shell Trans. & Trad 64'
Sinclair t'on. m 334
Southern Pacific .... 95Vfci
Southern Hallway 29 M
Standard 1 ill of X. J. pf, P'O't
Sludebaker Corp try -
Tennessee Copper 10 I
Texas Co 62
Texas & Pacific 37
Tobacco Products C7
Trnnscontlnent.il Oil 16
Union Pacific 122 M
U, S. Food Products 50 I
U. 8. Itetall Stores 6!
t". 6- lnd. Alcohol 84 !
United States Itubber s7'
I 'nlted States Steel g .
l lah Copper 6T, '
Westinghouse Kiectrlc i9i
illy 3 Overland 1 ;. 14 I
Amer. Zinc, Lead and Sin., bid.. 11
Butts and Cuperlor ;n
C.ilu. Petroleum 30 '
Montana Power, bid bOh1
BhattUCk Arizona, bid KU j
Pure Oil Co 3'J S
LONDON, Sent lrt Bar silver.
fiO'd per ounce.
Money and discount unchanged.
CHICAGO. Sept 16. Potatoes'
weak; receipts 62 cars; Jersey cobblers'
tl :tri2 M). Jcrs.-y plants Sa-ked
IS.S693.46; Minnesota and Wlscon-I
sin sacked round white $2 . 30Ti 2 . 40; ,
Minnesota sacked early Ohlos $2 25 A I
NKW YKK. S.-pt. 16. K.m ..m
Mendy; centrifugal 10.78c; refined un
fcetlled; fine granulated 14 . 60 16 . 00c
Futures were quiet early with trad
ing confined to November which at
midday was fifteen points net lower.
Oprin Petroleum Company, principal
piui-o of business, '"'Kfii-n. Utah
There are dellnucnt on the follow In? de
scrlhed stocks on account of assessment
No. 12 levied on Mo- 11th dny of August.
1920. the several amounts set opposite the
Dames of the respective share holder. a-
follows: Certlf.
No. Shares Amt
Vn.itln. P. W, 222 2iif $ 1 oil
Itlnph.'im. Andrew ...111 2.000 10.00
Bate man, H. .... ...ico c.000 30 00
Bybtee, Crama 138 0.000 25 o0
Bybee Bmma 36S 1.000 r, 00
Bundy, I'mlly R too i.ooo 5.00
liuuehman, Km 1 1 ... .376 500 2. 60
Bauchman ESmll tsj 500 1.50
Barrett, Hat tie 2S.i 1.000 5 '00
Rerrett, L S .536 1.000 500
frlin. A. E. 618 1 000 500
I'omhe. Oorgina . CO 1,000 5 00
Clara. Mrs. W. C 327 5.000 25 00
Clara. Isaac 132 600 2 5')
'raiK Canning Co. . 11 2,500 ia50
Child. C. U 473 1.000 5.00
Cardon. Mabel 399 1.000 5 00
Clark. Ethel 0 326 5,000 25 00
'ardon. A. W 539 1.600 6.00
Combe, James 64K 1,000 6 00
Child. Leo W. .680 2.000 !0.'oo
Koulfier. Jos 382 l.Or.i r, 00
Flygare, Jessie 288 250 25 1
Flowers, G. M 303 325 1,62 I
Olasmann, HSvelyn .. r.i 10,000 50001
Gosling. C. H 8 25,000 126.00
;osllnw. ' H 476 1. 0110 r, 00
iodd.11 H it. 7iio 1,000 .', no
Ioddard. H. H. 701 1.22s fl 1
Goddard, II II 702 IO.OO11
Goodale Edith 210 2G0 1
Gosnell. LaVern 300 1,000 5.00
Gosnell LaVern 61 6 1 000 ;, no
Glasmann. W W . 597 2.000 1000
OlaSSman. W. W. 2.666 13 S3
Glasmonn, w. w. 649 1.000 B.
Glasmann. Hialnn .59'i 5.000 26 00
Glasmann. Blaine ...coo 5.000 25.00
Hiss, G R. .' 234 1.000 5 00 1
Hess. G R 314 500 2 50
Howell. C C 206 180 90
Hairup. Jmnle 297 1.000 .") 00
, Hovt. R. B. 35! 1 000 5 00
iHpyt, R. B, 360 1,0011 ,-,'ou
Hansen. C. J. 378 500 2.50
Humphries, Lillian ...tn 1.000 5.00
Harrop. H, E. 674 1.000 5.00 1
lllarrop. H. E 537 1.000 . E 00 I
Hener. Aretus 664 Sou 2 50
Ivlns. L. H 215 100 50
Ivlns. L. H. 218 100 50
! lensen, David 47 1.000 500
Jensen. Pavld 32". 3.000 15 00
Jacobs, E. H. - 140 250 1 2".
I Johnson. K-ll7-ihdh . ..T'.S 2".o 12".
jJons. R M. 134 1 000 5 00
Jensen M. S. 525 1 000 5 00
Karademos, Tom 262 1 000 sun
Lynch. Jno 92 2 000 10.00
Lee. H. S 629 1.600 on
Murphy J. D. 13 4 00O 2000
Myers, J. H. 171 2,000 10 00
Myers, J h 412 2 ooe 10 00
Messenge.', F. W sss 1,000 5 00
Mi pi 1 nget , Y. V 612 1. 1 00
1 1 .
A Snap
7-room strictly modern
brick house and 4 acres im
proved 1 md, cheap for cash.
Phone 2751-W.
$ The Mo3t Astounding Ncv. spaper Story Ever Filmed
v -( f
I p: .: i
- - :
; : ' .
? : , .
Marshall Vean's Fascaatng Dqama'Go aad Get if I
? The Sensation of the Year IMake Arrangements to See It X K
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : -: : : : : .;. a - . . . . .:. . .;. ,:. .;. .:. ,:. .:. , ... ,:. .;. ... :. .:. .;. .;, .:. ,:. ,:, ,;. ... .j. .j. ,:. ,. jmL
i I.i i tin, Cato 123 200 1 00
Miller. Mrs. C. L 197 2.000 10.00 I
Miller, C. L. 19S 2.000 jo on '
McCormlek. J. L 304 1.000 6:00
Nelson, SMmncr 80 1,000 j'mi
MelsoU; Sumner 1.000 5.00 1
Nelson. Sumner 82 1,000 5 00
Nelson, Sumner 3 I.ooo :, no
OKili n St uolmil .S2 20.000 pio oo
Ogdon Standard 603 7.500 37 .',0
Orton,.Marv . 29,s 1.000 s'c)
Orton. F. II 538' 1,000 5.-00
Pingree, B, tt 541 2,( 10 00
ln,;r' . I -Grande ...Ml 125 .C2
Ramey. Chas 290 Coo 2
Richards, I. L. ;i2 33:1 fifi
Rlohards, l.. p us 333 l.'et;
Rasuiusson. Bessie ....296 1.000 5. Co)
Raamusson R. v. 5 tr 1.000 .-, 00
Rundqulst, C. A 621 1.000 b00
R.im.s. Julia K 622 250
Stone, W, J 42 1.000 500.
Slsco. Ira 177 200 100,
Swnnfion. E. P 321 Son o so ,
Smith. Rohxrt 211 331 1 67
Bwenson, Chas 272 1.000 5.00
Tanner, H B. 5.".7 600 I 50
Tribe. W P 617 1,1
Wilcox. J. XV 36 i.ooo 5 00
Williams, Jos 477 600 1.60
Williams. Jos. 519 2 500 12.50
Williams. Jos. 520 2.500 12 50
Wheat, Geo. D 491 1.000 6.00
Wilson. Mattlc L 569 ' 800 4 00'
Wells, T. A r.U 500 2 50
MorreU, Eiiz f,:r. 200 l.'oo
And In accordance with the law so many
of each pnrcei of such stock ns mav he
neeessery will be sold at th- of.'i,-,- of ihe'
company. No. :ic 1 Twenty-fourth Street!
ORdcn. t'lah. on the 27th day of Septem I
ler 1920. nt the hour of 5 p. m.. to paV
the delinquent assessments, together with
the eosl of advertising and ( Xvonrc of I
ale. A. L. OLASMANN,
Secretary Treasurer
P. S. The above delinquents nrc pay I
i 'ir I M W MM . 1
able to the Assistant Sccretarv-Trensui -or,
534 1 '
Notice M. A. No. 027401
t "nil . .1 St M s I. mil ( ;... . . S; It I. ,! ,.
City, T'tah. Sept. 10, 1920.
Notie,. la hereby given! thai Southern
Pacific Gold & Copper Mining t; Milling
oinpimy. :i corporation, through Its su-'
thoriz. ,1 jujent. Cora M. Holclerman. who.' I
POStoflli e address Is Salt Lake City, i t ih,
has iiio-l.- ppl-f-aimn foi n I nltt d Stab I
i al n for thi i ii Ite, !up Ite No 2 t lup.
PiU No. Wizard. Ijisl Chance. I;iyt
i'Im I'ci.ns'on No 2. List Chani" L'x
tension No 3. Pn co k and 'fop Notch
lode mining claims consolidated, situated
In the Sierra Mndre nilnlnsr district. Coun
ty of Weber, State o.' t'tah. being Sur
vey No. 6571, and described In the field
notes and plat flic In this off lev, with
magnetic variation at IS dec East, as
Commencing at corner No. 1 of Dlorit"
lode claim, wpence in.- s V.' . omer Sc
8. T. 7 N. R. 1 W.. S L I: ,V M In ...
S. 14 dej,-. 42 mln. W. 1226.6 feet;
Theme N. 5 dep. 23 min W 600 feet 1
to eorner No 2 of raid claim;
Tlience S 8S dcs. 53 min. E 3000 feet
to fonvr No of Wizard Claim;
Thenre N. 5 dep. 23 mln. W 966.6 feet
to corner No. 2 of Top Notch claim;
Thence S. 8S dep. 53 min. K. 566.6 feet
to corner No. 1 of Last Chance Extension
No. 2 claim;
Thence N 5 deR. 4-S min W 1 U9 I frt i
lo corner No. 2 of Last Chance Extension
No. 2 claim:
Thencee S. S? dep. 53 mln. E 600 feet'
to corner No. 3 of ;-.-ld claim.
Thence S. 5 deK. 4S min. K 1 159 fret
to corner No. 4 of said claim. Identical'
with corner No. 3 of Lat ('banco claim-1
Theno s. 5 dep 23 mln. R 1830 3 feet 1
to corner No. 4 of Ijst Chance claim.
th cornet So I Of last l !ha n- e I
' 1 1
ice 9. t deg. 54 mln r. tin:. 1 feet ife'l'-il
1 ... Last 1 hanci Extension V-'V'l
'a 2704 5 f. t 'Jth
' 1 ..1 Cuprlti laim; 'H
Thence N. 5 deg 23 mln. -H". 1200 feet
to corner No. 2 of Cuprite No. 3 claim,
identical with corners 1 and 1 of Wizard
and Dlorltc claims, respectively.
Thence N 88 dep. 53 min. W 1500 feet
to corner No. 1 of Piorlte claim, the placo
ol inning and Iw ited in SW. U. SB.
'L. Section S and NW 't and
NR. t of Section 17. Township 7 North.
Rai 1 I Wi st. S, L 1 1. & M . 1 ontal
n ti". 6 acres exclusive of con-
fill shown by the duly certified H
in conflict with SW 't of SW. 4 of Sec
tion 8 and with Section 17. T. 7 N . R. 1
L. L5. & M.
1 direct thai thi notice he published In I
Standard-Examiner, published st fcjf.';
Register. .llf '.
Silt Ike City. UUh. 1
Claimant's Attorney. 6429 H
At Tabernacle Friday even
ing, Sept. 17, 8 o'clock, big
Ging! big time: Do your bit j I ;
for ihe Ogden boys and girls, I
young and old.
p.ulldlng construction in the I'nlted Kl
States Is about double in May what it
In January. B
"A trifle perky these mornings an'J L W
evenings, eh? Well, that just merxns K)T7 O A fk ff m
that my mates, Eil! Blizzard and Sam Hi I J V I IB A I
Snowstorm, are in the offing. I'm J F 2Ll
lookin' for 'em any day now, and HLTtfklJE7
my tip to you is to be lookin' into IwFbI"""1
your coal bin. An' better see that
you've got a good supply of Csstlc
Gate or Clear Creek coals "before they hrf?T tS idle advertlsi"g K J
... , pmase. It has more than or-
blow in' nary significance when it js
iinmii iijjj jyj