3 (jl 1 t'fltlfo SUT lEXUUttllffi OGDEN. UTAH
An Extra Special Value
in Our Always
Made of velvet, duvetyn xgi
and ribbon effects, 'f
droops, sailors and an
all-silk tarn. These hats (Wp r
come in all colors, ribbon fj I
and flower trims, sure A
$5.00 values
All newly made of duvetyn and good qual
ity velvet, trimmed with flowers, fancies
and ornaments, all good colors and color
combinations. $8.00 values, Fri- &m
day and Saturday special
DU TRIMMED HATS, each and every
one differently trimmed with ostrich fancy
feathers, flowers, and ornaments, also em
broidered effects, toques and large hats,
good color assortment. $9.00 and $10.00
values. Friday and Saturday
special !pfSy)
MMmiiiwiupiinrnM-MBMB i i mem iiii i imp c
I Life-long Invalid
Dies; Aged 62 Years
Eforllla Ann Porter died last evenlnR
at 7 o'clock at the home of Thomas
Spencer, at Harrisvllle. Miss Porter
was born November 27, 1857. anil has
hcen an Invalid since she was three
Jp ,irs of age. She made her home for
the past 20 years at the Spencer home.
She was the daughter of Sanford and
Emma Ensign Port r The body will
be shipped tomorrow to l'ortorvllle.
Morgan county, where services will
be held and interment made
Will Play for R
Sept. 18th
An excursion train wi'l leave Ogdei
t-vcr the U. I C. Railway at 6:30
. m., returning the same evenir.g
I sftcr the dance. All friends arc in
..ted Finest hall in the state,
i 1 1 i n
Utah Beet Crop to
j Top Last Year Mark
WASHINGTON'. Sept. 15 The su-!
gar beet crop this year promises to
exceed early estimates m;ide by the de
partment of agriculture. Recent re
iports Indicate total yield of 8.329.
000 tons. Out of this I'tah Is expecte 1
ito produce 1,327,000 tons and ldahe
I 502,000 tons.
If these predictions are realized the
I'tah crop will exceed the crop of 1919
by 311.000 tons while dano'a crop
will more than douhh- that of last
I have sold my Inn-rests In store at
Twenty-fourth and Jefferson. 58 1 j
Twenty-fourth street. Persons having
bills agulnst me must present them 1
l me at once for pa merit at the rear
u' (84 Twenty -fourt h .street.
i jo
Discussion of, local Com
munity Service at Tabernacle
Friday evening. Snappy sing,
snappy discussion. Everybody
invited. This is your meeting.
Dairies Living Up to Require
ments, City Inspector
Tests of milk sold by dairies In Og
don have Just hon compbtnl by John
Kelt, city milk nsptctor, and show
thai the prod net being retailed here Is
' of high standard and has passed all
requlrementi with flylns color. Every
sample goes far above the standard
, requirement 111 percentage Of butter
at and total percent BOlldfl, and the
rigid tests have shown thai great care
i Is taken In regard to cleanliness
In tlio past months Mr Kelt has
been testing milk which comes from
the farms, end has found the product
' of fine quality and above the stand-
, ard In richness. Now he has Just
completed tests af practically the same
milk after it has passed Into the handl
of the retail dairymen and is placed
on the market for the retail trade
j Many of the city dairies, however
, produce from their own cattle.
The tests have proven extremely
gratifying to Mr FVlt. and In an
1 nonnclng the results of the tests he
said that local dairies are doing all
Ul their power to keep their product
Oil pir with the best In the entire
The standard requirement In per
centage of butter fats is 3.2 per cent
All th twelve dairies In the city have,
passed this mark by a large margin.
The standard requirement in total per
. BntS solids Is 12.0". and the tests show
them also far .above in this respect.
Dh or sediment has not been found
In any sample.
The samples were taken from the
dairy wagons on the streets and no
indication was given that the tests
were going to be made when the milk
was secured by Mr. Felt,
RES! Irg I r M STS
The results of the tests of the vari
ous dairies follow:
Ter cent Total Pet.
but. fat solids
Kleenmllk rairy 3.9 12.82
Clover Leaf Dairy 4.4 1312
Oakland Dairy 4 . o 12 39
Uintah Dairy , B 12.07
Slatervllle i 'airy 4.2 13.44
Cltv Dairy 4.0 12.41
Model Dairy 3.8 12.17
Irvng Dairy 4.1 12;BI
Lake View Dairy 4 . 0 12.64
Sanitary Dairy 3 6 12. OK
Mount tgden Dairy . . . 3 K IS. Of
Purlfv Dalrv 12 12 ,.s
The new bill opening this afternoon
at the 1'antages theatre has for the.
headllner Madame Dore's Celebrities,
Ml ids me Dore carries several grand
Opera stars and the act Is featured as
nnetof exceptional excellence from a
musli ii standpoint.
Harry Vos FofWn has a blackface
ledy act that Is said to be a win
ner. I'.cn D Sheldon and Hazel II. iz
len offer "Sampson and Delilah." a
sketch that Is heralded as a scream
from start to finish. Hrlerre and King,
"the little girl from Boston anil the
bo) from New 1 irleans." do a singing,
no I dancing act that Is of high order.
IflM King was formerly with 1 The
siim Princess."
A hand-balancing stunt of morei
than usual excellence Is nffercd by
Van and Kmerson round out the!
vaudeville part of the bill. The show
ends with another of the comedy art!
San Francisco has more telephones I
I In proportion to population than any
other large city.
Only Few Weeks More Needed
For Maturing Says Weekly
Excellent crop maturing and har
vesting weather has continued
throughout I'tah, though the rommer
Clal tomato, alfalfa seed, and third
alfalfa ha yerops need from one to'
two weeks good weather yet for m.1-'
tiirlng, says the weekly weather and1
crop bulletin Issued by J Cecil Aller, j
stall' meteorologist
The report continues:
"Peaches of an especially fine qual-l
Ity are ripening rapidly and being
gathered; apples are coloring and ma
turing satisfactorily as a rule, and the'
earlier varieties are hemg gathered.
The alfalfa and swept clover seed
crops are ripening more rapidly with
ihe warmer, drier weather, and the.
cutting Is being pushed unite goner
ally, without frost or other Injury to
late. Idght frost In snme exposed
localities nipped tender vegetation on
Ihe eleventh, and freezing weather In:
the higher mountains has accelerated
the migration of cattle and sheep to- 1
ward the lower ranges, though both
the range and the livestock are still
doing unusually well. There have
been considerable numbers of sheep
Shipped to market Fall grass is grow
ing well at Poealello and the winter;
range prospects are good. Pall plow
ing and the seeding of small grain has
progressed favorably, and some early,
sown rye Is coming up at 2Jodena.
Sugar hert.s und potatoes are matur-,
ing slowly, hoth crops being In fairly
good condition, though diseases re
ported in the Salt Lake Valley have
slightly Impaired the outlook. The
corn harvest has begun el S&ntaquln.
The third crop of alfalfa wll he ready
for cutting In the Salt Lake Valley
In ten days, smie having already been j
cut a little short The seasonal work
La 'veil along at Mantl. the second'
cutting of alfalfa being practically
Highways are still showing the ef
fects if recent rains and continue hard
and smooth over much nf the state."
Olive Thomas' Picture,
'The Flapper' Draws
Bi? af flgden Theatre
1 dive Thomas, the beautiful young
creetl artist, whose truglc death In
I'urls on the 10th of this month Is
I still being told of In the press dls-
patches, turned out two magnificent
pictures prior to her trip to furls.
' Ine c the pictures Is "Th" Flapper."
now being shown at the Igden theatre,
where record crowds have viewed the
picture. The admirers of the young
star are unanimous In their announce
ment that the picture Ls one of her
best comedy dramas.
In the Ottering the management has
secured what they believe js a fine
double bill. They have found a new
comedian who Is declared to be the
world's funniest mun. He Is Clyde
Cook, appearing In the comedy. "Kiss
Me Quick." 'nok ls the man with the
Jelly legs. Irrepressible knees, hypnotic
elbows, circular splno and I, quid mus
1 ii 1 and the India rubber body. He
Is a different comedian than any ever
f i'n upon the screen. The bill runs
until Saturday night.
There will he n special meeting of
B of L.. F. & E. Saturday morning.;
September 18, 1920, at 10 o'clock
mountain time at the Kngles hall
The constitution of the Argentine I
republic is modeled after that of inn
I'nlted States.
Committee to Be Named To
day to Select Best One
of Lot
The song contest being conducted by 1
community service has brought out j
considerable talent, according to Sec-1
retary II V Arbury. Several songs,'
written to the tune Battle Hymn of,
the Republic," have been received at I
the ibcai headquarters of Community
Service and one of the many received
Will be selected as the "Ogden" song!
tor the city-
v committee win be named today toj
select the best one submitted The ,
contest will close at local headquarters
in the I'tah National hank building
tomorrow at 5 o'clock.
The following songs are among the
best thus far submitted
We 11 forget our toil and labor
And we'll lift our vote in song
Friends and neighbors, leae your la-,
Come and Join this happy throng,
We will sing and laugh together
And our low will grow more strong,
For this dear, favored town."
Mrs. Martha Stelmle.
We love our dear old Ogdcn,
With Its mountains high and grand,
They seem an Inspiration
'Twlxt heaven and our own land
(Jem illy of our loved west
Who's sparkling rays invite you
To a haven of peace and rest.
Then here's to dear old Ogden,
Uem City of the West,
Who extends the hand of welcome,
.North, south, east ami west
A whirlwind of complications over-1
take Wallace Reid In his new picture
Sick Abed." playing last time today
ai 1 ne i ian tne.iire. nen ne attempts
'to protect a friend by pretending to
I be so ill that he can't testify at a dl-
I vorce suit. Since he Is the star wit
ness. Wallace delays the proceedings
but he has a tough time getting awayj
with the deception Two quack doc-1
tors, one real medico, a pretty nurse,
a homely one who snores, a wife love-1
slek for every man but her husband.1
land the husband himself all rush toj
his bedside.
The star finally extricates himself
'and his friend from their difficulties
land wins the pretty nurse besides. The
latter is Behe Daniels, who was so
favorably received in "Male and Fe
male" and W'hv Change Your Wife?"
'Cecil H DeMllle's latest creations.
"Slek Abed" Is Wallace IU-ld's lat
est and loveliest. It was adapted by
Clan Kennedy from Ethel Watts
Mumford's successful stage farce
1 Beautiful Mary Melaren Is to be
seen tomorrow and Saturday,
Candidates Cannot
Run on Two Tickets
Representatives of par:ies other
than the Republican and Democrat
were yesterday given a jolt when the
studied the peculiar wording of the
t'tah law covering nominations by cer
tificates In the office of Harden Ben-!
nlon secretary of state- Persons pre-'
vumed to be supporters of the Farmer
Iabor party, although they were not
questioned on this subject were study
ing the law in the capitol office.
The law reads that "such certlfi-1
cates shall also contain a statement
New Fall
Suits '
there is undisguised distinction in thr wearing
"l the new things first. Perhaps you remember
how. Inst year, you envird the friend Avho was s
thoughtful to secure her new fall suit and y as
among the fict ti appmr in attractive fall attire.
it means so much to he the first to appoar in j
the new mode befori newness becomes common.
There are always som stylish women who require k$
early models, and we have a splendid group im'
in offer al moderate Drices thai fit ihe average t
pocki tbook. ' I
Your inspection, and price comparisons, arc
earnestly invited
, 2878 Washington Ave.
by tho voter that the name, or names
of the persons nominated In the cer
tificates will not be placed upon the
official ballot, or upon any party ticket
at the nominees of any political party
i voters and that the name or names
of the persons nominated In the certif
icate will not be printed upon tha of
flcla ballot under the name or device
adopted In the certificate "
The law states that only parties
that have obtained at least 2 per cent
of the votes cast at the last preceding
cl.ction may nominate by convention
or committee.
Whether the provisions of the law1
will affect the plans of the Farmer-
Labor party or any other party Is not ms:
: et known It was pointed out by Mr.
I F.cnnion, in response to an Inquiry, Rj
it hat should, for example, organized ftjJi
labor attempt to put on a Ibor ticket Sjt'
oil the Gompers plan, the Utah law $jKjl
would not permit It Wjji
In Utah, in the present year, this aStj
means that only the Republicans am! nwll
Democrats may nominate by conven- wjjj
tion. It would be against the law, for S5r3
jrxample, for a young partv to attempt
I to add strength to its voting power by
inamlng on Its ticket nominees of the
Republican and IemocratSc parties n
whom the leaders of the new party
'considered to be likely to add strength sKHr
to its chances for success at the polls. 3fig
Friday and Saturday, Sept. 17 and 18
RESOURCES nronnnntin
Loans and Discounts $2,225,570.78 Loans and Discounts $3,759,194.90
Overdrafts 13,490.05 Overdrafts 13,490.05 Loans and Discounts $1,533,624.12 V'
Banking House 100,000.00 Banking House 100,000.00 Real Estate 9 000 00
Real Estate 31,791.79 Real Estate 40,791.79 Interest Earned, Not Collected .. . . . . 13 '40c flfl
r (cvoct -f-i i Wnt nl,ortfl,, 94'snR' Interest Earned, Not Collected 36,879.70 Rn ,c o . v
Intu est Earned, Not Collected 23,4o0.8 fiondg Secuntl(?s 5"8 091 15 Bonds, Securities, etc 328,957.16
Bends, Securities, etc 15'S5 Due From Treasurer U. S 5 Per Cent Fund W W V.500 00 U s Bonds and Treasury Certificates 64,250.00
Due From Treasurer of U. S , 5 Per Cent Fund U. S. Bonds and Treasury Certificates 458,152.97 Cash on Hand and Due From Banks 238 193 4 2 I 1
U. S Bonds and Treasury Certificates 393,902.9 Ca$h Qn Hand d Due FrQm Bankg 1,197,376.03 ' ' " M I
Cash on Hnnd and Due From Banks 959,182 61 1 1 m . , p, I
- Total $Tl41 676 59 $2,187,453 53
I LIABILITIES Capital stock Paid m L . 1 ITIES $ 300,000.00 CaPital Stock Paid in 5 150,000.00 i
Capital Stock Paid in , $ 150,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 421,622.62 Surplus and Undivided Profits 173,933.93
Surplus and Undivided Profits 247,688.69 Interest Collected, Not Earned .'. 3',030.43 Interest Collected, Not Earned 1 686 28 1
Interest Collected, Not Earned 1,344.15 Circulation 145,097.50 Other Liabilities 3 410 69 '
Circulation . : 145,097.50 Due Federal Reserve and Other Correspondent Banks . . 736,758.24 Donosits " 1qjioo ' :
Due Federal Reserve and Other Correspondent Banks . . 736,758.24 Other Liabilities 3 410 69 deposits. 1,858,422.68 iV
DeP2its 2,673,334.43 Deposits '.'.'. '. 4,531,75711 :
Total $3,954,223 01 jotai , t t $6,141,676.59 Statement of Condition at Close of Business September 8, 1920.
j m HARDING i M ABE Y SjffS f
i 1 Political Advertisement "
H 11