J J w - 1
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With sugar scarce
and costly, more and
I more interest is nafc
j urally bein shown in
! that self-sweetened
I GrapeNuts
This ready-to-eat cereal
food is abundantly sup
plied with sugar, develop
ed in the process of making J
from the choicest
parts of wheat and
malted barley. a fil
Flavor tells - ' rt?5s ! 9
Wade by JX
R)Stum Cereal Company, inc. SS?"
Battle Geek. Mick.
Bolsheviki Declared to Be
Complicating Situation in
RIGA. Sept. IS. (By the Associated!
Tress.) The Lithuanian government
received the suggestion today from j
Hie supreme council that the lightlngl
between Lithuania .md Poland he dis-;
continued and the dispute lefcticd to,
.he executive council of the league of1
l.ations No reply hits been made hut
it appears unlikely th.it i h- Lithua
nians will consent, apparently having'
light faith in the league of nations.
Andre Lewlckl, Ukrainian foreign i
innister. has sought to establish peace
negotiations between soviet Russia and
general Pell una. but the Bolsheviki re-1
P'ted that such application must be
made to the Ukrainian soviet govern-:
The Bolahevlkl clearl) arr support
ln I kralnlan and Lithuanian conten
tions to embarrass Poland and will
also probably support the claims of
White Russia for independence. In an
ffort to complicate the situation. But
Uie main boundary question at Issue Is
whether Vilna shall be Polish or Uth
I'anlan. The Bolsheviki claim foi establish
ment of the workmen's l 11 militia
in free Poland and glits of land to sol
dier? are regarded bv experts as for
l-iopaganda jurposes.
The Bolsheviki delegation discred
its the report of a revolution in Petro
grad. Weary of war and endless peace
parleys, Riga Is paving little attention
to the coming negotiations between
the Poles and Bolsheviki. This city
of formerly nearly 400.000 inhabitants,
has been reduced to 180,000 Letts
are much discouraged over the ruin
wrought by the war. but are loud in
iheir expressions of satisfaction that
the Russian Bolsheviki have been ex
prllerl from Latvia and other Baltic
fatcs. The Polish delegation Is ex
pected to arrive from Llbau Thurs
day. The conference probably will
opon Friday.
FALLS CITY. Neb . Sept 16 Dr. I
C. T Burchard, chairman of the!
lllchardson county insanity board, and
lecretary of the state board of health,;
under Governor Morehead, committed ,
suicide In his home here last night by j
taking poison Falling health and fear
of approachinc blindness Is giver, s ,
the cause for the doctor's act. He had I
r.ften told his family that if he should '
go blind he "would not tarry long.-
(By International Newi Service)
AUGUSTA. Me Ex -Attorney i;en
fral W. B. Pattangall has accepted the
! naUonfe of State Senator Glllen, of
Itangor Republican! to debate the
leacue of i.ntions and a meeting place
H being arranged I'ntt.mgall will de-
H the league.
Improve the Quality of Cattle,
Urges Chief of Federal
ATLANTIC 1TY. N J.. Sept. 16
A program to increase the meat supply
was outlined id the packers at the an
nual convention yesterday of the In-1
stituir of American Meat Packers by
Dr. J R. Mohler. chief of the bureau
of animal Industry, United Slates de
partment of agrt'",liure. He asked
the packers to support the plan.
' Dr. Mohler said it might b possl
Mf within a reasonable time to add
mi mM. .("inn pound" of l.eof yearlv to
the i otintry's supply by Improving tlv
qualltj of cattle.
Dr. Mohler said the Pr capita con-
sumption of meat declined last year j
about eight pounds from that of 15H
and became considerably less than th!
average consumption before the war .1
"I ask vour organization," he said,'
"to lend Its support to the following
program for increasing the natlon'sl
meat SUPPl) :
"Reduce losses from livestock dis
eases, especially, and fi-rm other
avoidable causes.
' Improve methods of breeding and
I'ctermlne and remove causes of
runty and unthrifty stock.
Endeavor to regain normal con
sumption of meats and possibly in-i
crease It hv bringing about plan of
retail pilces that will be a relief to
t the cons'mlng public and which may
j he confidently regarded as free from
unnrcessary costs of distribution." '
At the closing session old officers
were re-elected including Charles S.
Hardy, San Diego. Cal . as vice presi
dent, i
j Thirty-nine additional packing com
panies were elected to membership.
ST. LOUIS. Mo. Sept. 16- Ttesolu- j
tlons disapproving any reduction from
the forty-eight hour working week
generally observed by the printing in
dustry In the United States were
adopted nt the convention of the
United Typothetae of America yester
day. This action was the outgrowth of
an agreement made last year by the
clo"d shop branch of the typothetae
with the Typographical Union, grant
I Ing a 44 hour week for printers which,
! according to the resolution caused
I "mlsrf-prcHenf at Ion and misunder
standing" H to the position of the
I present body.
A resolution proposing the elimin
ation of both the open and dosed
I shop branches of the typothetae on
(the ground that handling labor prob
lems conflicted with the educational
program of the organization wan do-
I feated hut a substitute measure which
I was adopted specifies 'hat any action
I taken bv either branch is not blnd
' Inc on the typothetae.
WARNING! The name "Bayer" is the thumb
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G. 0. P. Platform Is Termed
Hymn of Hate Against
Democrat Progress
BOSTON. Sept. 16. Franklin D.
Roosevelt, speaking here last night,
said that the Republic m .-nmpaign
had been one of "VlUlflcatlon nnd con
demnation of everything any Demo-1
crat has done for eight years.'1 He
said tho Republicans hid offered
nothing but s platform composed of
glittering generalities." while Demo-,
cr&tS favored "a definite program of
progress at home and In Connection
with our international relations
"The Republican platform, ' he said,
"Is a hymn of hate that tries for pure
ly partisan reasons to condemn the
thing that have been done, not only
by the Democratic administration bm
bv the American people during their
participation in the war.-' Senator
I in niing was characterised by Mr
Roosevelt as "a reactionary who al
wflvB plays safe, never offering any-1
thing ( onstructive.'
The nominee said he was not a bit
afraid to say that the United States
should go into the league of nations. "
"In place of the league " he added,
"the Republican party Is advocating
a foreign policy of straddling and even
pure cowardice."
"With the tremendous progress
made by the world In the last few
years," he added, "It Is not possii.p.
for this country to have a weak for-;
elgn policy. A weak foreign policy Is
contrary to any policy which the coun
try has had In the past.
"The logical development of the
Monroe doctrine is the league of na
tions We went Into the war not only
for a military victory We sought In
191" to prevent the necessity of hav-:
Ing to do the si me thing In the net
generation. The league g .m honest
attempt to carry out the great moral
frACOMA. Wash., Sept. 18. Min
ing lor bullets, with the consent Of;
the government, Is now under way at
.'amp Ivowis. a complete jig, as used
In lead mining fields, has been in
Stalled, and 12un pounds of lead. COD-1
per and nlckle are being ' mined" ;
l- M. Lam ley, of Seattle, decided
that there was on abundance of metal j
back of the camp target ranges, where
million of rounds of ammunition of
all kinds were fired while troops w en
In training during the war.
He obtained a concession from the
government on a percentage basis.
Lamley estimated that before the
work Is finished about November I, a
hundred tonj Of metal, worth $200 a
ton, will be reclaimed.
Rifle and machine gun bullets, hit
ting embankments behind, the camp
target, often do not penetrate more
than an inch, it Is found. Some of
them go as" deep a.i one foot. Sixty,
per cent of the bullets are pulverized
by contact with the dirt and with other
bullets, but the Jig soon separates the
metal particles from lighter material
WASHINGTON. Sept 16.- The
American Shipbuilding company has
been authorized by the shipping board 1
to sell ten steel steamships of 3700
deadweight tons each for transfer to
foreign registry. This Is the first au-;
thorltv ror the sale to foreign account
of American ihip.? granted by the
board under the terms of the new
merchant marine act.
The hoards announcement todav
Bald 'he American company has been
unable to Interest steamship com
panies In this country in the purchase
Of the Craft and consequently had ne
gotiated for their sale abroad. Hulk
on the Great Lakes for the American
company's account, the steamers will
b transferred to French. British.
Norwegian. Swedish. Danish. Belgian,
BpanlSh and Italian registry
Tho board said It had been Informed
that the company would receive a bout 1
164)2,700 each tor the ships or about
$171 per deadweight ton.
FA R RINOTON, Conn.. Sept. 16
David L. Moore, a radio operator here
who caught a call fo: assistance telling
of the plight of the crew Of the sub
marine S-5 recently, hits been inform
ed by the bureau of navigation that
he did not violate the spirit of any
v. 11 el. . regulation.
The letter Informed him that the!
S. O. S. call was sent broadcast and
was not n confidential government'
message, Mr. Moore, therefore, did no'
wrong in Informing the Hartford Cou
rant of the call. The contents of the
message mail, available to The Aeso
elated Press first brought to public
notice the remarkable experience of1
the submarine's crew and their rescue!
after two day's sumerslon.
TOKIO, Sept. 4. i Correspondence )
An unusnaJ marriage today followed:
the suicide of a couple, who Jumped 1
Into the sea recently from the cliffs
of At, i m i. ,i : esori frequented bj Jap-
anese notables and located on the Uzu
peninsula, south of here
The bodies of thi coupls were re
covered and cremated The father of
I the girl then arranged for perform-,
ance of the marriage ceremony over;
the ashes of the lovers, ob.viTvIng the
' fauddhlvt belief that the wedding
; would bind the couple happily In the
: sphere of their future sxlstencc
BILLINGS. Mont., Sep:. 16-Ar-mlgnment
of the league of nations as
i "death trap" and a military alli
ance for war." was made here .vester
diy by Lieutenant Colonel Theodore
Roosevelt and Raymond Robins In two
addresses each In the afternoon and
evening. They spoke to s meeting of
women this afternoon and at separate
i places last night.
i The two will speak at Sheridan,
Vvo., today.
GENEVA, Sept. 16 A large hydro
I airplane, last seen over the- Alps lust
I week near Sulnt Uothard, Is being
I sought The machine Is believed to
have fallen Into an abyss. It was be
ln taken from Italj to Finland hav
ing bedn purchased for the Finnish
u rmy
Jellvfish sometimes attain a diame
ter of two feet.
Where is John McCormack? 1
mlli If
Where is John McCormack? In Australia? Yes but his
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mJL Victrola. The greatest artists of all the world, no matter where 9
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Victor Records by these artists represent their momenta of 9
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Victrolas $25 to $1500. New Victor Records on sale at aD
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1 Victor I a iking Machine Co. T7!Hfi"32t&i 1 f
Camden, New Jersey Camden, n. j. g
TKKNTON. S' .1 . Sept. IS. Af
ter r'assliiR font bill? to reili the
acute housing situation, the legis
lature recessed hist night until
November 8. The new tills In
clude One exempting from taxation
for five years lmprov emeiits to i
real estate made subsi quent to
October 1. 1S20. and up to I cto
ber lf 1922; u measure regulating
house lettlngs so that three
months notice must be given ten
ants to vacate- a bill allow im; ta
assessors to tike Into conslderar
Hon the purchase price and the
real valus of properties where
rents have been grossly advanced
LINCOLN. Neb., Sept. 15 O N.
Elcher who had violated his parol
from the Nebraska penitentiary, re
turned of his own accord today, fear
ing he would be rearrested and
brought back. He was sent here from
Emerson, on sentence for assault on
his wife and children. He was pa
roled on condition that he refrain from
seeing h'K family His longing to see
his children caused him to break hin
parole and B quarrel with hit' w:lc re-
; suited
i RUM Ei Sept. lb It 1 officially an
I nouneed that the total killed In the
I recent earthquakes was 174. The
I mountainous zone affected was thinly
Inhabited and the destruction was llm-
ited to small places.
Normal life Is being resumed. The
noose destroyod are ining replaced bv
I huts.
SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 16. The
American Public Health association
c 'ored Itn forty-ninth annual mectlnu
here with the election of officers They
include the following:
President M. P Ravenai, Univer
sity of Missouri: first vice president.
T. B. Beatty, M. D., Salt Lake It v .
Second vice president, Louis I. Dublin,
M. 1'. New York City; third vice pres-
. nt. William C. Massler. San Kran
C'sco; treasurer. Iloger I Lee. M. D-,
Harvard university; secretary. A W:
Hedricli, Ltoton.
A Tettrnn l'n-,irn man who in cl
TDOBt completely bald and hid tried
tunics, lotions, thampoos. otc,
ft, X ia coiuc acrosi an la-
tiff' dians' elixir ly which ho
grew a rSmploto crjp of I
hcjllliy hair ho now pos
jliTi " '''' Tho hair elixir Ij
Sklfk'-'1 J ' KUTALKO" O!!., r
MjncsQ men and womoD hare re
777 nnrtrd rcxirkable aid to hair
'''" J'J growth, relief from dandruff.
ccsfation of falling hair by ualnj: KotaUco.
Ir, a mm i.uu brr of r c, v.iifii hair filli out.
tl, miiU ir "01 lcid. but rrmtln for onj
tlmf imbfdjtd in alp. Ilk twda or oul&j
otodlnc oritr feruUC Thi uiual hair toniri ete.
an cf oo ITllL Tho Indium' mothod li pur
. fJ, to nourl-.h tho hair and itlmulatt tho
orovth It cmli o MIIU fo Iry Kotalto tt woul.J
tr a pity to Iojo Uio boon which tbu ought
1 brtnf to you. --rr-v
Wonderful results report
ed For mot's, vtomtn'l ond Jl MB
thil&rm't hair It you ara frTV MB
jcJd. .r lo'in; hair, or havo Ay
Caodruff, you should try f!2Tijr
KOTAI.KO it may be what" fiJjti-'
needful for your aealp bdJ Jtimr
in such case it is a picas- SBBF SBS1
ore iu ottltrra the starting Hair Grown ;
of now hair and Its bloody
inoro-iso nnfll prolltl'- erowth Tun mar
obtain a full box of geniMn Kotalto at
auv bujy drofc store. Or a prool box
Will be mailed If you l'
1 illrrr or atampa, to John Hart BrltUla,
6tailon F, Now York, N. T.
I CHICAGO, Ills., Sept. 16. Will
ll;iy.v chairman of tho Republican
committee, in a statement last night,
K.ild the Republican part was willing
j to let the women of the countrv de-
clde whether the United States "shall
inter into obligations which will rnak?
her sons liable to be ordered bv for
eign powers to foreign soils to settle
Coreltrn disputes,"
Mr. Hiivs statement was made, he
.said, "apropos of the Maine election
which was entirely devoid of local
issues, the fight being on the league
of nations and Wilson."
'For 160 years the women of this
country hav,- given being to our BOl
II rs," s.iid li Hays ' For 150 years
i he women of this country have In
spired our soldiers to deeds of nn-i
xampeld heroism. But. the women
hove had no voice In the disposition
of these soldiers Now. by the trl-l
nniph of u supreme Justice the women
wrlll have a voice in the disposition
of our Koldiers. Tho Republican party
is ready to let the women of this
country decide whether the L'nited
States shall enter into obligations;
which will make her sons liable to ;
be ordered by foreign pocvors to for
eign soils to rettle foreign disputes."
T.V YOKK Sept 16. The Wright i
Aeronautical Corporation yesterday
brought in federal district court a'
patent infringement suit AK.ilnst Hand- ,
ley-Page, Limited, thr Alrcrafts Dls
posal Company. Limited, and William j
H Workman.
The action vv:i based on patents
Issued In 1 906 to Orville and Wilbur'
Wright and which In 1919 were said
to have transferred to the Wright
Aeronautical Corporation.
The complaint alleges that the de-1
fendants 'without licence wrongfully!
manufactured used or sold airplanes'
m bo flying the Inventions of thei
Wright l.rothers, the validity of pat-I
cnts on erhl h was established in prior
Injunctions and an accounting of
profits Is asked-
MEXICO CITY. Sept 16 Recent V
disorders In Yucatan resulted from po- 4 (-
III i 'i rivalry, and were not caused by v
i communists, it was declared by Pro- '
; visional President ue la Huerta. The Vi' 1- ' J J
two leading Yucatan parties are the !
socialists and tho liberal constitution
alists the latter having about 80 per
cent Of the votin .strength Receit I iLi
r ports have .'aid that the ut of V i.' I SBBbB
coba had been controlled by Bolshe- mk
iv ikl, who were captured by govern- Ryf- !"ir.lrta
nsent troops. r&-fc9H
Provisional President Huertu. stated JKnBBlP
the administration would not Interfere
in the political controversy in the JSmWC
st;t,. of Michoacan, where ho admit
ted there ,,re two governors and two
legislatures claiming power
Gov rnment officials are not "both
e -ina about the reported plot against
them, said to hnve boon hatched at WmWk W
San Antonio. Texas, tho provisional issT' mtt'
president said ' bbbbbV.io
oo Bk
The sweet potato is in no way allied
to the potato.
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