OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, September 18, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-09-18/ed-1/seq-2/

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Starting Tomorrow
i stamboulT) I
1 ' $500,000 I w
See What ff
I Sari Saw rp
1 "'n mosque ? jmL
on the desert
59fi when she lifted her veil Le1?!fcv !
on the street of mystery f ft
the Earth'3 Funniest Man and His Educated Jackass.
Figures Redu-cd While You Wait FAT PEOPLE laugh
nd lose flesh with ClYOE COOK THIN PEOPLE laugh
and grow fat with CLYDE COOK.
Laughter Mrkes you a: you should be, instead of as you were.
i ,
Davis nn1 Web r Counties Canal Com
pany, Ogden. County. Utah
2-Notice is hereby given ihat nX a meet
ing 01 the Board of Directors o; paid
t'ompony In ll on the 1st day of Septem
ber 1920, an assessment was levied on the
capital 6tock of the corporation a a follows-
$.!t per share on Primary Stock
and $2.50 per shun on Secondary Stock
i lyablo lo the secretary on or before the
lot day of November. 1920, 't hi.s office i
in Igdi ii ( llty. I'tah.
Any BtocU upon whleb this .nsscssment i
may remain unpaid on .-aid 1st day of No
yembcr. 1020, vvi I ! delinquent and ad '
vcitU-'l - .-.il- ' ju r . n. ;ion and tin
les pavment i r d in ion- will he sold
n the lSth day . icfmbw, 1020 at 12,
O'clock noon. :u the govth door of Weber I
County Court iioiuk- m Mid Ogden I " t
to pay the delinquent assessment, tcgeth
t with ' ost oi rdvertlslng and expenses'
of sale,
nonurtT c. ny i..
Si ci etary.
Office. 602 Eceles Building Ogden, I'tah
H In the District Court of Weber County.
B State
Marguerite Catherine Murphy. Plaintiff.
B vs. Kdtr.ond 1 Murphy; Defendant
The State Ol Utah to Said Defendant.
K ' You are hr.rchy summoned to appear
within service of this
H summons upon yon. If served within the i
H county in which this :icilou is brought: I
otherwise within thirty day after s rv I
H -lee. and defend the above, entitled action; ;
;,tii tn ; of your fallt
H mcnt will be rendered against yon accord ,
H Ing to the demnnd of the copipl.iint.
H which has been f ll d with the clerk of
This action is hronpht for the purpose
H of dissolving the tonds of matrimony now .
Hj r.rid hitherto existing between the plain
Hj tiff and said defendant, and for general I
H Plaintiffs Attorneys
B P O Address Suite 003 Ecclea Uullrl
ing. Ogd.-n City. Utah. 5068
in. the District Court Of Weber County
Utah. , .
In thi matt, r of ?!minnl for tb' Bene
fit of Creditors of V ilfong-Ulaomann
Company, a Corporation.
v-neral assignment for the henefit ot
creditor having been made on Bi ptem
her 11 lolO r' the undersigned ty wll
fong-Glasmann yCompuny. a corporation,
which assignment has boon duly recorded
and Hied m tba offices of the Count
Recorder and County Clerk of )ebei
rountv Utah, and the undersigned hav
irK duly qualified as sueh lusaignee an re
quired bv law. notice is hen by Riven that
all credltois having claims a,:n.nit said
orporutlon or against the estate in the
hands of said assignee arc hereby required
to present under oath their said claims
as required by law on or before DscembSi
"bated September 17. 1920.
Assignee for the benefit of creditors
ot Wllfong Glasmann Company, a
"orpor no.i
Deportment of the Interior. V. S Umd
Office at Salt La.k City, l."tan. Seum
ber 1. 1020.
Notlei- is hereby gWen that Charles W.
Brown, ol Ogden. 1 tah. who. on June 22,
1016. made homestead entry No Ol'sGO.
for NE Vl. Section S, Township 7 North,
ruinge 1 Bast, Salt Lake Meridian, has
filed notlco of Intention to make three
yitir proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before W. H, Reeder.
Jr Cnlted States Commit sloner. at Og
den L'tah. on the 16th day of October.
Claimant names as witnesses:
D D. Dunbar, Leo Shaw, Rot" rt Mont
ffomcrj, iouls Shaw, all of Liberty, l'tah
4990 Register.
I Notice M A, No 027101
United St.itcM Land Office. 8all Uike
City, l'tah. Sept. 10. 1020.
Notice is hereby given, that Southern
Pacific Gold ic Copper Mining A: Milling
Company, a corporation, through Its au
thorized agent. Cora M. Holdcrman. whose
postofflce ndilrers is Salt Lake City, l'tah
has made application for u United States
patent for the Dloiite, Cuprite Xo. 2, Cup- I
vltc No. ?.. Wizard. Iast Chance, Last
Chance Kxienslon No. 2. Last Chance Ex-
i (Successors to Dee-Neute-
boom Printing Co.)
I 2370 Washington Avenue
I Above Minnoch Paint Co.
Phone 1166
! i
I tension No. 3. Pea Cock and Top Notch
lode minim; claims consolidated, situated
I In the Sierra Mod re mining district, coun
ty of Weber, State of i tHh. being sm
vey No. C371. anil described In the field
notCI and plat file in this oftice. with
iiuiKiietlc variation at IS dog, Last, as
Commencing at coiner No 1 of Diorlte
lode claim, whence tin ,s V. comi-r Sc.
V T. 7 N.. K 1 W, S L. B. : Jf. hears
S 14 dec;, -12 min. W. 1220. t! feel.
Thence N. 5 dec mln W. 600 feet
lo corner No. 2 of aaid claim
Thence S. !3 dec. 53 min. E 3000 feet
to coiner No 3 of Wizard cloirc
Them v N. 5 dep: 22 min. W. 066 6 feet
to corner No 2 Ol Top Notch claim;
Thence S. 1S deg. 53 min. E. 566.6 fei t
to corner No. 1 of La.-'t Chance Extension
No. 2 claim:
Thence N 5 d s iv min VV I feet
0 ner No .' of Iist Chance Extension
No. 2 claim.
Thencee S SS dog 33 min E 600 feet
to i-orncr No. 3 of raid claim.
Thence S 5 deg. 48 min E. M50.4 feet
to corner No. 4 of said claim. Identical
With comer No. 3 of Last Chance claim;
Thence S. 5 dr-K. 23 mln. E 1336.3 feet
to corner No. 4 of 1,-ist Chance claim.
Identical with corner No. 3 of last Chance
Extension No. 3 claim;
Thence S. 6 dcg. 51 nun. E. 1435.1 feet
to corner No. 4 of Last Chance Extension
No. 3 clnlm:
Thence N. 88 deg 58 mln. W 2-704.5 fct
to corner No. 1 of Cuprite No, 2 claim.
Thence N. 5 dcg 23 miri. V 1200 feet
to corner No 2 o: Cuprite No. 3 claim
nUntlcftl with corners 1 snd 4 of Wizard
and Diorlte claims, respectively
Tlience N. 8! dcrr. 53 min. W 1500 feet
to corner No, I of Dloiite claim the place
oi beginning and located In SW. '4. RE.
' and NE. U. Section t and NW. and
ME of Section 17. Township 7 North
Rang 1 West. R L. B. & M. containing;
an aiea of lC0.n06 acres exclusive of con
filets, a shown by the duly certified
iir-i.i notes of said Survey No. 6571. to bo
In conflict with SW, 4 of SW. i of Sec
tion 9 and with Section 17. T. 7 N.. R. 1
W . S L. B. & M.
1 direct that this notice be puMlshed in
The Standard Examiner, published at
i "gdeii. l'tah
Salt lake City, L'tah
Claimant's Attorney 5122
Profs Kerr Leaves for
His Chair at Harvard!
Professor Andrew A. Kerf, field!
worker for the University of Utah de
partment of anthropology, and Instruc
tor In anthropology at Harvard I nl
trslty, departed for Boston today to
resume his work at the college.
Mr Kerr, formerly of the Ogden
.high school faculty, has made extend-j
led trips through southern Utah this!
I summer and has also conducted inves
tigations among the Bannock Indians,
of Idaho Several mounds and other 1
Indian curiosities weer examined by j
Professor Kerr during the summer.
In his trips to southern LTtah, he
examined cliff dwellings and made i
several valuable finds of pottery and!
i other relics.
The tower of Pisa was under con-!
structlon for 200 years.
25 women to peal tomatoes.
Van Alen Canning Corp. 5479 1
111 TO GO
Ogden Man Gets Appointment
In Aviation Corps With
Rank of Captain
, Appointment, with the rank of cap
itain in the United Suites army air
service has been received by Roy L.
Noggio of gien formerly with the
'army aviation service In Hawaii, at
1 various camps In the United States and
In France during the war. The ' 'gdon
man has wired his acceptance of the
commission and will report to Kort
Douglas about October 1, where he
will receive his Instructions.
Captain Moggie entered the army
.air service in Hawaii soon after the
United States entered the great war.
He was assigned tn the North Island
aviation field near San Diego and theic
became one of the aviation service's
: leading Instructors. He was assigned
to foreign service later in the war and
j held Important positions in Prance
during the latter part of the conflict
I Returning to this country after the
armistice, he remained for some tlmv
I In the army nnd I hen retired, coming
' to Ogden to be with his relatives. Rc
Oently he has been connected with the
I inspection service of the National Can
ner.V association.
The Ogden man says that he has
j no Information as to where ho may be
I assigned in the army service, Avia
I tors of experlem bt desired for army
duty not only at camps in the United
States proper but at various Insular
I possessions, including the Philippines.
Convicted Forger Goes to Salt
Lake to Begin Indeter
minate Sentence
Walter M. Hampton, former book
keeper for the Golden Rule store here, j
who was sentenced to the state prison j
for a term ol irom one to twenty years i
by Judge A. E. Pratt of August 16.
after conviction Dy Jur., or :iie crime
oi rorgery was taken trom ::ie county
Mall yesterday afternoon and placed In
.the Utah state penitentiary
Deputy sheriff Joseph Chad wick
took the prisoner to Salt Lake
Hampton was found guilty of filling
In and endorsing two company checks
for JlttO and SaOti respectively. He re
quei ted a stay of execution pending the
filing of a motion for a new trial. Yes
t rrl , Hampton ',- attorney withdrew
the motion and the man was ordered
t-i ken to the prison to begin his sen
tence. Hampton has made application for
pa rule w hich Is now In tne hands of
the state board of pardons.
The bic;?est thriller of the yep r in
motion pictures Is scheduled lo open I
at the Orpheum Theatre tomorrow j
for a four-day run. Ii is Marshal j
Nellan's big newspaper story. ' Go and !
Get It. ' This picture has more thrills
and good scenes than the average
dozen pictures.
The transference of the brain of
a human lo the skull of a gorilla
forms the plo- of the story and has
caused much discussion among lo
cal surgeons and scientists This is
one of the most amazing pictures
seen in some lime
Marshal Xellan has shown us )
what might occur if some great
monster with uncanny strength and
a man's brain should be turned
loose iu some big city. In the Neilan
picture some amazing and thrilling 1
things occur before the monster is j
finally killed The first performance
begins at 5 p m. Sunday and the
Orpheum orchestra w ill play the
early show.
ninrj Company at Five Points. I
1 1 . 1
' ner of Jefferson avenue and Twenty -'
third street Arthur K Olson, pastor
Sunduy school and Bible olass f
, Sunday at 10 a m No morning ser
vices this Sunday Evening services
every Sunday at S o'clock. This un
day'i test Is John. 11 1-42 Theme.
Christ, Our Friend in Life and
. Death. You are "always welcome to
our services and meetings,
Located on Twenty-fourth street, next
to the courthouse Christian R. Oli
ver, pastor. 10 a m.i Sunday school.
C M. Wilton, superintendent Classed
for all ages, ii a. m., morning wor
i ship. Sernian theme, I f 1 1 j-t Ii Latimi l H
Text " This is the third Sermon in
; the series, "Texte of Great Men.-' u
m , class meeting. G 46 p in . Up
worth league. A good topic. ... very
helpful lesson, a spirited song servii B.
I 7:4s p. m.. evening worship. Sermon
i theme, "Unconscious Ministries " 7.15
p. m. Wednesday, mid-week service.
I IRST CHRIST N ( ill k H Cor-1
I ner Twenty-fourth street and .Madison
avenue. . L slelllnger pastor. Bible
school, 10 a. m. Morning worship and
; communion. 11 a. m. Christian En
deavoi, T p in Evening evangelistic
; service, 8 p m. To these services the1
'public Is cordially Inv lied. v : will
try to make you feel at home.
Wall avenue. Sunday services; open
atr si i vices opposite I nion depot. 7:30
p m Preaching and testlmons meet-1
ing at S p. m in Mission chapel, led
by it s Blakemon. Bible .study at
3 p. m Sixth of Daniel will be taken
up at this meeting. Bring your Bible
During tne hot weather this nTeetlng
was omitted The work of the Mis
sion and Its Usefulness In the com-
munity io clearly seen by many new
friends and Workers v, ho have been1
added to our utile band lately, fori
whnl: w i ' i-i. . i e Hod, from whom all
blessings flow . 1
avenue. Just back of postofflce. Dr.,
Hay Palmer, minister. Services Sun-i
day as follows. Sunday -chool at
a. m. Captain J Hay Ward, su
perlntendent. Morning worship. 11
a m. Sermon by the minister. Tncmc,'
"Pillars m uod's Temple." B. v. r i
at d.Ab p. m Miss Charlotte Skeen';
president. Junior B. Y. r. U , 7 p. n,,
Alias Maude Stevens, superintendent;
Hi ten i ;r.n e jiresi.leiu r-nlng ser
vices, s p, in. Sermon by Dr. FaJmer. I
Theme Their Hock Not uur Hock."'
All are most cordially Invited. '
i . v I IM Corner Monroe ivenue am
I Twenty-fourth street. Regular scr i (
at 11 o'clock Sunday morning Sub
j ject, .Matter." Sunday school. 'J:-!'
j a. m. Wednesday evening testlmonla
j meetings at 8 p. m Kc4,ding rooms ai
I fl2 First National Bank building
Rooms open dally from 12 noon to i
! p. in., except Sundays and holidays
I IRST PR1 sin 11 RJ i in i; ,i
I John Edward Carver, pastor. Morn
ling worship at 11 6'COCk. Theme
I ' "I he Singleness of the Lighthouse
j Light " Sunday school at 1 L' ; 1 ."i p. rn
Note the change in the hour. Eve
, nlng worship at S o'clock. Theme,
Tho His and History of the Unwrit
ten i "onstltutlun of the United States."
Morning music Prelude, Gnobel. of
fertory, Haydn, postlude. Nevln, M i .
C H Stevens solo, The Land of the
Leal." Mrs. Agnes Warner. Evening
music: Prelude. Gounod; offcrtorv
Bach; postlude. MacdOwell Mrs. C. H
Stevens, solo. "My Aln Country,' Mrs
Agnes Warner
CHURCH of tlic Good Shepherd
Corner of Grant avenue and Twenty
fourth street, opposite the postofflce.
John W. Hyalop, rector The I -toenth
Sunday after Trinity. Holy
communion at S a m. Church school
meets at 9:45 n. m. Morning prayer
and sermon at 11a m. Offertory solo
by Miss Fannie McCrcadv The
Women's Guild will meet oh Wednes
day afternoon at 2.30 o'clock in the
Guild room and will bo entertained
by Mrs. P. A Beck and Mrs. S L
Brick. The meeting of the Campflre
Girls Is changed from Monday to
Wednesday . venlng at 7 o'clock.
tiHRCH -Rev. Godfrey Matthews,
nlnlster On Adams between Twenty
fourth and Twenty -fifth streets. 11 a.
m. divine worship and sermon Pre
lude s-tniv. iter," Dickson offertors
"Reverie," Ferris postlude, "Marche
1 iBtorale," Emeraon Miss Lino
Shields. Anthem. "Send Out Thy
Light " Gounod Solo. Selci ti :
W. G Dairy mple; solo. "Feai Not O
Israel, " Dudley Buck, Mr. Fernclius.
bermon, 'Looking Forward ' 1216
noon. Sunday school under tho supei
intendenec of Dr. E- P. Mil's Kinder
garten directed bv Mis.-, .vi.irv Parm
ley and helpers, Men's . ts3 led by
Dr. Mills Clusses for all grades and
ages. 7.30 p m. Divine worship and
bermon. Prelude. "Prayer," Beale.
offertory. Pastorale," Handel; post
lude. "Marche aux Flambeaux, ' Scot
ron Clarke Miss Ivlnc Shields, solo
ist Mrs. Fred N Hess. Sermon. ' The
Kingdom Sought and Seel ing." The
services of this Sunday are Rally Da:
This is to certify that I, Joseph Kraines, have this
day purchased an undivided one-half interest in the Inter
national Wool and Hide Company of this city, and that
in the future said business will be conducted by the
w i
Are You Enjoying
Real Heating Comfort? -
Is every room in your house comfortably
I 's:sS?SRT warm no matter hw co e weather?
iMWn'- wlp Or are you still enduring the inconven-
' ' ' 'V l iences and discomforts of stoves?
-T Do you know that the Mueller piPeies, I
, WMlmMm 1 1 ;--.V-'j)M Funrace will heat comfortably every
'' MM 1 room in your house through one registc-r
ferSSSf end vill save you one-third to ore-half
iWw asi cn fuel? .Don't let another day pass
"l IHJl JHW I'rir'' vithout finding cut about this most re-
A Kt V&Ssfer ' i'1 i markoblc and efficient of all heating sys-
' ' i'rMr''' I tcms. Learn how simple and safe it is to
'IS i -iSSSsB.'. operate. No tearing up of floors or walls
' H&llWft " fl ? ImW'l to 'n::fan' no pjpes n tne cellar, no cellar
l'rl 1 I' pi too smell for it. 1
kII,' fl'"'T Mfe'? The Mueller Pipeless is the only furnaca
lj.i Ja- j which scientifically controls the circula
jfw V wfe o tion of warm and cool air, making a one-
- I r',K' register heating system thoroughly prac-
1Jnfi .M''' ; ticable and efficient. !t is guaranteed to
15 tIv lirSwtt eat to a corri:ortri,0e temperature every
" I 'ir room m yur house.
Jsm&HJacksonCo. 1 1
2460 Hudson Ave- Heating Experts Telephone 1952
services. .Ml members are urged toi
He pre' nt- Strangers and visitors cor
, dlally welcome
" j
CHURCH Five Point Rev; Godfrey
j Matthew s, minister. 30 p. m. Sun
iday school for the community. Classes
foi all grades and ages, under the su
(pcrintendence of Dr. j. m. Elliott. Hai-i
Illy Day services A large attendance is
J desired.
Fine Elberta Peaches and
i Concord nrapes at State
Industrial School. 5474,
WASHINGTON, Sept. IS. Tests of
radio control installation on the old
battleship iowa. concluded hy tho nil - y
departmp.it. were declared today to
have fulfilled highest expec-ta' Ions. The
1.'. ooo-ton battleship was navigated
with accuracy, It was said, by means
of radio waves emanating from a
control station on the battleship Ohio
The control was found efficient up to
ten or twelve miles
Plans nre being mad to use the '
Iowa in target practice for tho Allan
tic fleet It will be the first time lhat I
a battleship moving under full speed 1
bus thus been used.
box containing Jlo.OOO In currency was
rocelved through the malls here by
Mrs Charles Hayes, wife of a tormer
chauffeur of the Anglo and London
lviis national bank, who dropped
Irom sight September 8. simultaneous- H
ly with the disappearance of a bank
automobile containing J.V.i.OOO tn cur-l-ency
nnd bonds. The box was post
marked New Orleans.
Mrs. Hayes turned box and money
over to the police. Efl
nn SB '
ning Company at Five Points.
Ilts Natural Goodness Recommends It fi H
Butter is such a familiar article of diet that often not B
enough thought is given to its purchase. Its manufacture is I
not always considered. I
Maid o' Clover Butter I
is the product of our fifteen creameries located in eight differ-
ent states of the Intennountain and Northwest country. Thou- IS
sands of cows pastured on alfalfa and mountain meadows give
up the cream that is shipped to our creameries. K
Our expert buttermakers Pasteurize it Pure churn and
salt it, and pack it on ire to ho shipped a butter of the first 1
grade, that can't be imitated. It "holds up" and makes a de- B
lightful spread for table use
Mutual Creamery Company i H
FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Tag Wouldn't Mind a Job Like That? Z '
vwrHn -. By Blosser.

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