OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, September 18, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-09-18/ed-1/seq-7/

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Real Estate j
, I A vTy eholM 20 acres at Suns'l. hns
4-room house and fair out buildings. It's
sure wmo hoot and tomn'o farm. Miifl
be sold In next few days. Us onlv $10,000.
$2000 will handle, Tnke a ride out nnd
SCO crops now prowl nc
M Tf place al Itiverdalo. This Is u
place you enn work nnd .still Mvr In town
It la a real Investment) ixnd enn be
handled with reasonable pavment down
.i i WAi-KKr: lanp .
602 Ecclcs Building Phono 86S
Good three-room homo with city water,
electric llphts, out building., fine garden,
near street car line, paved street and
school. Onlv $v"n terms
An elegant lot. on the eist hench within
half blOOk of Twcnts fifth street. Only $4
.per front foot. an kind of terms.
Oood eight room home within two blocks
if I nlon depot: a great revenue producer, j
A (rood lot 50x135 feet on Pingrcc ave
nue Only J200; terms.
The most elegant and desirable lot on
Twent fifth street. This lot Is 105x139
feel to alley, has all kinds of fruit and
ornamental trees. Will be sold very cheap
OB .my kind of terms.
. Nice lot on Grant avenue. 50x125 feet.
Only JJfiO.
A splendid piece of trackacc, 105x330
reel with good building. Toxso feet, just
the place for i manufacturing plant All
ready to move into end begin business.
$3000; terms
a good grocery store doing good busl '
ness. for Rale cheap The best of 1,-n ions
for selling.
One or the best locations on Washing-1;
ton avenue for a service station can be'
bought for about half what It Is worth
jLVL ; j J. J BRUMMIT1 1
T Phone 69 J 1 1 7 Hudson Ave. j'
i HAVE on mj list l beautiful imn.. and
WL apartment combined, enother home of S I
W rooms, 4 apartment houses, 2 bungalows, I
iJ "in 5-rootu brick house three s room
J brick houses, three 7 room brick houses, 1 1
W JM one 11 room rooming house, l H. Bp per
J jjl 1 -on 'i Tu.i.l' 'M)i I'honc l.'S"
1 1 nd 4 t ... n frame large lol trood lo :
catlon;"to close an estate. $1550 cash.
I Good ."room hoi)'-, lot 4x1 1 5. .hl '.n
run; good basemen! Ownei musl sell ac f
. ount oi sickness. $S00 for oulck sale;)
jtjfl bench;
II" Spl.ndld 4 room brick: modern lot BOS
133; lots of fruit trees, garac barn,
chicken nine; dand location $4?i"i t- rms.
Sec Our list for bargains
Hownstalrs Commercial Nat I Bank BMc.
I 'lion "
1 A RT'S of linrl d. .1 pli". ' fOI ' 1"
north part of town A bargain at 11600
Inquire :.t 71.; Un-Mi int.'U"i Ave 5j
J-BOOM modern homi sleeping poi hi
ideal location Ph.ui.. Jv70 5606
10 ROOM cement block house, basement
rood outbuildings. 5 acres 3 acres beet 1 ,
aero alfalfa. 4 acn egvtablbes; good lo
cation Also 4-room house, $1600; 5-roora
brick on paved street. $3900. 2711 Modi
son Ave. I'ln.n.- " ' j 1 '
BY OWNER 4 strict n
r .- .' I. ' ' iMil-! 11 e
- OWNER Om l-ro modem
bouse In first class condition, extra large
lot Reasonable for cash 307 Thlrt; iirt
n i : :, r.- mi v ."i " i 1 1 1 ",v 1 1
best bir. In town. Terms. Thone 2238 ('
CHEAP 6 -room modern house and '
rnr. 47s Tv. . nt-. flr-t St " ' 1
II I I.ARCK home on 2Mb St. e!OS in will ;
IH brinfr Rood levenue nn rnomlnjr bousj-:
'KsJ i
Ii:, i ri ve, . i . i. i i lldi I
BY owner: pourrooni modern Irr-me j
house -.'.In Thirtieth St WW
fop. SALE l'.v skm: i:i;mtv "
4 room modern brlek. full bnsemcnt : lot i
50x150 foot. Thirteenth St. and Jefferson
Avo. Vacant- W230.
2 brand new bunjrnlw borks fror.i
hlph school, all nady to nio.c In. Jt''O
tc,,,Tls .La.
Small house. larKo lot. Twenty ninth St
and Monroe Avo Now vacant; $130i', J'.imi
cash, balance $25 per month r
Phone -.r. -. ,
FIVE-ROOM m'dc:ti '!. I t i w It I .
acre land: alxut 40 fruit treca. apples.
berrleo. peachoB. pears, plums, etc and -excellent
garden spot lots of water, bean
tlful location on Twelfth street. Price f
$5C00. terms. $1700 down, balance $::5 per ,
month 6 per cent Interest. Phone I7S-M. -SEVEM
room bricv. rnoderni on pe ed -street.
Uarge lot. $6500. r
Four room fr:.nie. m arly new. north por i
tlon city $3250. ' L
Six acren farm, close In well Improve. 1 ,
and some orchard. SS500 I
20 acre farm. 10 acres of orchnr-l aud io
acres fine land, near city limits. Wo 00.
,u KEj i.V .v HERR1CK L'
Vf THRKI'. ' lil I.' i TTT-.,.. . i -
I I yv J
i ! SEVEN room brick good lo a tlon, must -
. . ..I i ; tet mr Phon. . I.'c K. v
7 P.i lOM lie '-.IP' !-!. t '' iv el I - -
L location in o-den nquln of owner. Lcav-
CI.-. r i.-.., r 1 2114 Mudi-x.n Ae ji:, r
iT l;V WVT'K Seven room modern tic
Pit full cement basenient. double garage. 1
payed r-1 I 860 1 M id I tn ' 7
1 ; VACANT lot and five room frame I j
H and larpe lot, close In. Phone 2004 U U.
, T. Terry 2ll
I I TV. i . No ' 54 0 TnTi Hn.I, .ri. 2
H iioara nout, ui..... uni iuui luum ..
H $1100 Five room brick, modern rloso u,
hljh ' school, jr.i'ioo Inquire 302 Thirty
iii-.ii rtrei t, Pj cm.. 813S W
Six rocm modern ..t 027 Gramercy a
B nue. Only $5X00.
I Five houses for $7000. Bring about $10"
H a month rent.
H Six room modern. Only $3000.
Many more good deals. Come and see
H me before you buy. I save you money.
302 Thirty fifth etreet. Phone 2133 W.
19 ICRES with or without - rot -mr bull
H mile north of Clearfield on main state
road IP' ; ... I'l.on.- 1 l-l: 1. i60j
7 ROOM modern brick, lot .10x115; $."(
Ray WllSQB Phon. 1647 .r.75
TOUR hOU '. tl. room; Meal lo.atlon
II Phone owner. 1C4C J for appointment.
4 ROOM cottaKo 22S8 'ae Buren, $2?00;
half cash, balance niontli. '.412
S'3400 4 -room modern Dries
H $4500 5-room modern bungalow
I $2300 6 room parti moden hou.e.
Phone II": 1 1
B - p W. L POKTUK K...1 P.M. ite ,nd lcnj
iiij ?37C Wachlngton avenue, l'nono 1876.
i TWO homes for the price of on Double
I pressed brlek cottage. modern except
H heat. Call morning. Rveningl after 6.30
H by appointment. 2629 Monroe avenuoj
I 'hone 1J"I ' '
5-ROoM modern, chosp, easy terms In
.iilre 141 Jamas Court. S338
I.iiT ".'J.'O te.-t. w.itei i-c,t. in-iulre 015
H i.'hcster. 5320
MRS 3. J. BAKER. 2721 Madlnon Thon.
2029. 44JJ0
$1000 ON real est lee. 8 per cent; no do- I
lay. Robert C Nye. No, 602 Boolea Rldg I
it i ' 1
J kIONi;V lo lour, mi lmpro.J mi. I estate
I) V. Brniz 417 Eccles Bldj 0131 I
1 i
iu saianod opiu without luacariiv, 10 ;
other., in pianos, furniture, bonds, etc i
,21 Hudson Bids) Phone 284. 249
I MONEY io loan on unprovna .eal csLai-
: Kelly V Herrlck. 1T
'A'HEEI.; owner max- have same b- Iden I
nfyir.g and paying- for ad, 1050 Glen
wood Acres. C52S '
J iiijBccUanecu
OM? tailor's sewing machine Applv 44
, Twenty fourth St 5560
LONE work team, heavy harness, two sots
; or dump boards and box. cheap; run be
i seen at M40 Washington Ave Phone
Wffj n
CEDAR chest nnd library labli BSO Twen
' en. nth si I -h. n l 171 M .',510
Hlg bargains at 253 Twenlx fifth St
Phone 2464. ; .-,
i i pn'iti RE foi mi apartment ; also com
bln-iMon ringe. Call 311'. W 5535
' ;'" 'I ' big I wn vear-old ruined eolt. . -he.i.
or will trade lor anything useful fii6i
Tl .III j .,,. th S t E 1 3
i i ST Elberta peaches, SO end up kit
' " nt 'exu lb Si 551 t
APl'I.j; e.rchr.r.l with nops . I . f-rt nnd
ond cuttlni h.-n Ph.uie : r: i :.;
SoMK good cows for sale f,5 Thlrt - v
nth St. " 5512 I
MARLIN hotgun snd bin boots; both as
rrood H3 new. :.2:i Seventh St j :, 1 1
' '' "M" I . r .- . I,, i ; j 1 1 . iiolie 1 ",nj J
MILES city bom -.-, , i . , I , Tw.it- fifth
" 5507!
a bargain lol .. books Including '
oral sots. 2526 Adams Avo Phon- 1935 i
PEACHES 'ind prunes for 2 or 3 davs
onl) Phone 2222 W between 10 and II
'. "i 5513
':. : M.l" rCorf bv. .-.'( i,re. tiiric appl"
CUla 75c per bushel. Ikixcs txtra Jacob
Post, Thlrtj fiird and Tvler
' HEAP I i rn Instant menus trns Rndd
wato;- heater 2 gas bathroom heaters. I
-mall gas range. Applv mornings 8515
' n "i piu.i..- r.o i 5462
HEA TINi I Bto e ind - mall elcctrli heal
ei 8468 Vdams Avi i
1 1 : : ti . ; to-. . k ,,. i,,.n r-,inn. t gas
range ' lx-d springs, carpet sweeper, hat
rack. etc. Phono 2527 J 553 Twenty sev- j
enth 51 :. i.-.r
PR At ' T1CA LI , V l.rvv hei'er 'it 1101 ('..(.
Itol Av 548g
' ' ' t'l' 'l' v . . ,..- ,1 ,1 I Ire
Owner oing swoj Inquire 7.'..'. Twenty-1
loiirlh St. 5163
I EV . , i .uic. nl o single
11 c i gag i'v . ii v .ntb St S460
3INGEB v. winrr machine, Kood condition;
Cheap if taken ai once 2629 Madison Ave
ri oii m . -1 -
i-"i RNITITRE for I rooms, slmosl new
8661 Jefferson Ave. risk '
M W : V i I i .- . .nK-e If -al. , Hi t . '
oiioituui, 2t22 'flims e
IAK buffi nnd I bed n -iriv new
MS North WaahlnatOU Ave Phone Ih35
I P ii: .-f mares G and 8 years old weigh I
2700; sot of work harness, too yearling
'bens 250 pUlIeU, 200 potato BACkS, 500
l brick Price lo sell Phone 43-R12 River
dale .-.if,.',
mi cabinet cheai Ph 1543J 543:'
NICE young helfei I ! reai old p
2862 Qulncj ?485
' ETV1 ED ' rnn s igon gears with wide
iires; o. goo.l as new but much clu-aner
Sidney .Slovens Implement Co 5436
AVERT boo I plows, the beat beet digger
. at the lowest pi-Ice. Sidney Stevens Im
plement Co 5.i7
n Ifli Phoni 2611 S '' 5438
.ONE registered Jorse)' ow : one ba
marc, weight 1200 lbs. See ,. T Lang
I. i Wash e 53?
CHEAP. slT-room modern house and fur
ict 'ii . . 1 Ts Tw . nr. first Si 5371
3 OLIVER plov i i ' mi nti
i ."..i . - new 1.17 T .-nl ;iftli Si 0373
100 BUSHELS canning torn.', toes at 60c per
bushel Spring Bluff Farm. Rlverdale
NEW rant-c. Innulre at 2147 Hudson
Ave 53 72
III" .11 grade piano. reasonable: owner
leaving citj lnpnro 146 Twenty-seventh
Pi 5356
K I M 1 ; v , I. pi a no for sale. 5300 S7 I Tw en
i Iblr.l Si - 5311
NEW mahogany piano, cheap for cash.
Owner leaving cltv 2766 Adorns Ave
' 1 v. - . r.i.i -. 1. . -,. h
Finest on the market. G74 Twilefth Ktreot
Buy your paint at Stowe's and save
money 1800 Washington avenue Phon"
I 131S
CHOICE -it f..w . r? I -,t,ii...
Snaps f. P. Stone. G74 Twelfth St. 5077.
' :i " .1 f;...ni ...1:0 rh..n. 1 1
CP.APES Mile no- I h TbTt S( rn
1 iphi hand 1 Ide F1 Idlng 1 5030
CANARIES litiar.ir.t... ! . i .- TT"
Lincoln 4967
BEST values In pianos phonocra pn.- and
violins. Terms without Interest. Pan-
tone Twi nt ninth and Htl II 'ii 4945 '
IILATINO vo..- f..r 1-ile 15t. Pad. r.-on
4." 7
MOH1 RN' Groom bud; und furnishings. ;
large lot. close In. Snap. Leaving. Phone I
HORSE ff.t v eight lioo pounds. (,':
Fourth St, et. -el
100 WHITE Leghorn pullets Phone 1243
v. tern Grain A Pi ed l So 4625
CNCAI-LPU for sultji. tailor made, big
reduction Gordou'a 111-26 l'tn ty-fi f:n
K; Phone 419. 1117
! To Buy
100 PULLETS, any hind. Phone 8325 5561
Om JuLa young piu aog or pop; lemaie
preferred. 427 Twenty-fourth St, 5457
r i 'i p . . mi.-, vi ,,i "in . j. bogs win c-iTi
j at your yard. Gus Jensen. 3434 Washing
ton avenue phon. 2889 1886
I 'I CKS kc. .... .-hi. '.f-n- Phono 1213
' Western Grain ft Feed io 465J
I. P'.E I r ,.- -. r:t. -1 at the Stand
ard Examiner office. 4360
I Opportunities I
$1000 BUYS good cafe long Iooec. low
, rrnt. 14G 5th St. 5431
SECOND hand goods bought and sold T
C Iverson. 1640 WnFhlngton. Phone 40
inhu our old range as IlrBt pamenl
on any new range, or will buy your old
ranne otilrtirht Homo Fumlturo Co 461
foiTrent j
MUcejlaneoug i
600. ACRE ranch for rent Inquire ,r,r,
82nd St. phone 8818 N'R 54 1 1
: RAOE for t.-nt leutonable t.-rrns lo.l
enty-fourth 81
GARAOE for renl 666 rwentj fourth SI
OHIO vacuum cleaners. $1 div Phone
2384X 1986
HONEST Japanesi school bo wishes
work 259 Twenty foinlh St Shlbo Fish
Market 1
NIGHT watchman or porter; good refer-!
. i.ee.-, e merchant policeman. Box 50.!
Slandord-Examiner 5114 1
j To Rent
I OR 5 ROOM modern house; man and
wife only. Phone 14'i St Paul Hotel
. .ijl'i
' KOI M 1 unil.tlied 01 unfurnlrhed
cant of Washlnffton Ave Box 100 Stand'.
urd Examiner. 652t!
3 OR 4 ROOM house or apartment Pox
II 2. care Standard Examiner. ' S33S
1916 6 passenger Overland .$ 650
1916 5 pa si n-rer Studebaker 500
1916 'epHssengir Overland 500
1917 6 cylinder Haynes louring 1250
11916 6 ej Under 7-passengi'r Overland. 900
,1915 5-passenger Overland 300
These cars are overhauled and run and
' look like new. Let un demonstrate them
to you. as we have some excellent bar
gains Terms to responsible parties.
lll'im NINO M T'i i-O
Reliable used cars overhauled In our
, own shop.
Reo seven passenger, 191S
; Hudson Super Six seven-passenger
Hudson Super six roadstei
N.w Scripp Booth five-passenger, 1920
I Chevrolet 4 90 roadster, 1919
Chevrolet 4-90 f Ivc-passenger, 1913
Twin Indian Motorcycle
2H ."..'. Hudson Ave
5 passenger Podge 5500 cash. iei pat
' 1 1 1 i . rn .p. it-;j 1 6880
1920 Ford Sdan $900. five DaytOIl Wirt
wheels, five tires, two new cords, shock
absorbers, spotlight new roar axels.
Speedometer heater, Wllmot manifold. I
cutout, and other extras, new batt. I ) I n
sine " t overhauled. Worth 11300 Beat
Buy In Ogden E A Rowell, 2'.2 Tw.nly 1
fourth St phone 1378 5119
1117 Pi 'H'K Sv roadstei Phone ov --ee
at Srowcroft's or phone 2757 J. Make of
t 5494
SNAP $250 ' asm
Must sell Cadillac speedster rpilck. In
i good mechanical condition. Inquire 485
'rw nty-scventh St, MM
1 119 CHEVROLET car In good condition
real bargain for cash. Impure 2GC Twen
i . i m -rib st Phon, 1378 54T0
OGDEN LOS Et 1 1 ' ' i . !
Good usf-d cars, a!l overhauled and
leads to go.
1917 PM'. Pulck Six JS00
1916 43 Oldsmobllc Four I860
1911 Driscoe Four. $700.
Terms to responsible parties.
i It.EN ' il. I -SMI iP.lLE CO
2221 Washington Ave Phone 1 66
I ' ' T I oKI 1 leu . '. I '.-
FOB QUICK SALE 1921 Ford Sedan I
6850; flo Dayton wire wheels, fle tires.,
tin e brand new. two of them new cords.
Hoaaeler Shorts absorbers, spotlight new I
rear axles, speedometer, curtains, heater I
Wllmot manifold, engine Just overhauled:
best buv in Ogden, 262 24th Phone 1 ITS. (
1916 i lollll.,.- Klcht Touring
1917 Btudebaker Touring
1916 Ford Touring
1917 Grant Six Touring
1918 Oakland Touring
1918 BuIcK Roadster
I'll? II. i f'..i'.-l Tfiirlni,
8 I All In first class mechanical condition
-.12200 Washington Ave, Opden
I r2ll
1919 w 1LLYS KNIGH i I i yilnder 7 i
5 l og-r, 5 wire wheels. 5 new cord tl.es.
, sedan top and cloth summer toi run
7 10,000 miles: motor better than now. A
good car for iarc- famll or paaaenget
' ige serv-lce Cus Wright. Wright a
' B 01 5 :f'-
' . P ii'l e Ooofl new
R Best value In city Murphy Wholesale
I : i. i'q Twent' fourth street. 523S
1 1 TWrent
! I FumUhed
KICELT furnished front room for two
. I ladles: breakfast If desired. 2249 Eccles
-1 Ave, 5562
. KICELl I 1 nlshed sle.-ping room. c
! week 650 Twenty fourth St. .'.St.'.
; SLEEPING room ior gentleman
, Washing-ion Ave 5547
pleas NT r..i-i for gentleman; refci
. ences 659 Twenty sixth St. 5546
THREE rf;.iiis fut nlshed for light Iiohm'
; ng Phon,- Nl'., '.4r'.'
NEWLY t- i- ;ed front sleeping room;
,lady preferred 2622 Madljun Ave. 5527
.NICELY furnished front room. 1 or 2 gen-
tletnen private family. 472 Twcnty-nrsl
SI 5500
H RNISHED rooms 2243 Adams l
MODERN front sleeping room ladien pre
ferred; home privileges 3105 Grant Ave,
l hoT5sekeepTng ESo LTii Sin
Vvc 8 1 j I
iv ;r. and i small Bleeping rooms for
566 T wi j , 1 fi th ' 102
I ' , I ' I' I ' ,' .il.i.i I, '-1
tl 1 1 i ii i 5 106
TWO sleeping rooms In new molom home
facing Lester park, hot water heat: gen-i
Itlemnen onl : must give references. Tele
phoni 11 387
T i housekeeping room-, 2353 Monroe.
5175 1
1 -. m i-s . ; ,i, . ib. i. i .ii r i
2 SI EEPING rooms. 635 Twenty se . n I h
St i'Ii. ,ii. 217?. M i688
! I K . 1 S 1 1 1. 1 rooio: 5H. Tw. nt third
Unfurnished l'
1 7 P.OOM strictly modem brick house, $60
per month Infiulrc 'olk-r Lumber Co.
5617 I
I UNI i RNISHED rooms, modern except
i,. . i'Ii .n. 2::.: w ' i :
I'.Ofi.M modern brick residence, . hole-
location on bench. $40. E F. Rratr. 417
r, . I. Bldj 6429
! drSsmakitTg j
MRS C RAYBOL'LP will open a dress
ng parlor al ?tv Granl a-. .- 5 1 1 1
. 1,1, ,i,-. l.r.lie plei ling Phone 231' M
ri'b'l.l LNT ilree-nviking, guarunt 1
ri.., a. i .j:. .i MPs
i dressmaking 53i Cheater, Ph.T,.
. , U M 47'
Th-. Llgh'hr.use. 2462 Washington Ae,
, lte the Plngnre hank. Phone 5S1.
I 'i ompl s rvlbe 332
i HamsU tchl o V, plcot edge, buttons, pn,, -i
ln: and pleatlntA Second floor W EL
i Wright i: Sor s. Mrf H La J man. 1 1 Ca
I APARTMENT house close In on Wash
I Inglon Ave , Income $236 per month. Will
make good terms. Consider good auto and
vacant lots aa part. Box 66. Standard
Examiner. 5365
OVERLAND Bargain Owner gone
Phone 3''. i 43QS
1000 shures 7 per cent preferred railway'
stock for home ar car Phone 333. 1851
I Miscellaneous
LIMITED number pupils In Engllpli prl
vats night school terms reasonable I
Phon- IX' 582 :
GAR i E foi rent lose In Phon. 2k"."
LARGE clean rags wanted at Stmdnrd
Examiner office 4379 ,
I Hoard and Room j(
BOARD and care for children. Photo 1182
pur. . -'--tjQCjT
LOST Heavy brown overcoat, patched
auto tobe, Ri ward P 0 Bog 1T8
l 'i nti hoi se, brand .1 v 1:. ward 1 honi
297I R. Jensen. 920 Thirty second St 5550 '
AN amethyal nnd pearl pin L.-twc. n '
library and Twenty-seventh stre.-t and'
Washington Ave. (Tinder return to library.
Howard 5525
L "ST I ' , - la voi nn-i U nlle.-i I m,, ,
please Phone 1225. Reward. 5497
BLl'E v.,. bog on WhII ...riu. tre.-t
.nr. containing tortoise .-ibeii 1 1 m glasses
:md two keys, Phone 3304 R Reward
L Male Help j
boy at the Lyceum Theatre Apply eye
rungs ' ,- -,(
YOL'NG man wsntedj all da) v.-ork Kan
bin s. 242'. Washington Aye 5 rj i :
0.L teamster' must have experlf-neo ,,
I" ting coal In Ogden: r- frr. nrr- rr
'i"ite, Phone p.'..; -, j j :
V NTED Night iwirter: must be: able to
handle steam holler Hi a P. Hot.-l. 55
EXPERIENCED short order COOK want., I
884 Cafe' 110 Twrnt-'' fl,tn Sl Pino
WANTED 10 boys with who. -Is. good
pay western fnion TeUjgraph Co. 65io
" .I'T I..-II Kiy at Re.-d Hot. I. Sjj
THORpUGHLT competenl head miller
wa',,pd at once on two hundred barrel
min House rent free and liberal salary
to tlk'ht man Preston .Milling Co. Pre
ton. Idaho 6636
TV ' 1 l.oi, not going to school; mtlSt have
Wheel; steQd work. $sn per month Phone
J BOl with bicycle to del-,er Brown
Carlsen-Treaeder 5451
.'il NO man to work evenings from 1
r m to 10:30 p. m Must bo over 21 )
nave bicycle, state wages expected Box
3. -Standard Examiner 5447
PHONE 502 hir
i-'M with wheel' one who can attend
nlghl ichool Ogden-Utah Knitting Store
1 3 j I aaMngton a-, q
jfOl SO man to , lerk In new 1 , nnd 1 ;ra
... -w s ( -q , 1 riion Depot. 5rS0
BOY not going to school must hae
y 1 .-. I $u , ,.r u,.,.i, phon. 2.cn w 6353
R 1 TE IN r 1 1 ii MUST H v r
tGER s t x 1 1 f .11 EX I WINER 534Q
' OOK baker and kitb. n m-n Apply
s' '"'"I lor 1 1 -of and P.'lnd 5H2
EX il 1RVICE men nr. to be provided with
educational courses nt hslf rate until Jan
uarj 1 by the i.os Angolas Y II c a.
according to on announcement received
here today. Regular courses In th com
merclal I nglne.-rlng ard automobile ,,.
partments will open S ptembl 1 7 with the
largest enrollment of any Y M. C V
school In the west. Complete Instruction I
Is being offered this voir In fl Ing a. well
as every phase of automohlie construe
tlon. rej.-.ir :,nd operation Dunne the r.-.nt !
six months scores of young men have 1
her n preparing for high class positions as I
wlrcles operators. In the Y M. C. A.
school Night courses In accountancy, ad
vertlslng. Spanish salesmanship and pub
lic speaking will open the first week In
October, according to the announcement.
BE1 I ho) M H ,.U Hot. 1 31?4
I GIRL wanted to work In store Appl- at
" ' ' II "i '' ' 'I a. tif loiirlh Si
W INTED '.hi al the Busy Bee Stand
corner Granl Ave. and Twent fifth St
I ,'i
SSILLINKRA linker and ale-,di; good
position for the right party Millinery De
' partim nt, "rlrrli- ;,-,
CI ', 1 ' r girl ; gyiod wi.g. j , .
lAr.ply Champion Shoe Repairing Fnctorv
1362 Twont fifth St. Ogden
j WANTED 1". 01 ' gliN o,.r lv ear ..f
ago gornl employment nnd chance for ad
vancement. Western I nlon Tel- grnph 1 'o
I DY lor responsible position, in-.. 1
gating. collecting and clerical work
I 'bo 10 2M 5580
i PI RIENCED waitress and sods Foui
1 lain girl. 2450 Washington Ave Kern's
' I K I S r, ,nl.,l Amerl. in I. In. n.
Tn . nt ..ir.i h St 54.',5
' ' , I ' I , !.. .1 11. ag.-l w , : , 11 I .
Worfc 8667 J gdi n '. e 166
' ,1 RLS w -.n' ,.-.J. I V . I', .In 1 ' , , 1
""' Co 54 5t
ri'i.pii:Ni'i:n , h-,mi., -m . i-t pr i.-h.-m
, I oh ' 5471
iJIKLS, ..ver is. opden Steam Ijiundi
541 5
PERlE ICED t-irl or woman for c n
eral housework. 432 Twenty seventh St
, 6391
COMPETENT woman for rooUnp and
housework; two In family 675 25th St 1
GOOD girl to assist with housework 26 11
Hud "ii Phon. 3164-R. il 1
1 1 IM 1 'PI - .'. lug glrN wanted .,,
Caplau's Gown Shop: good wages, 53R5
1 1 : 1 -SM KIV1 1,1 l!i' t,. anone willing
to apply themselves. See Madam Caplau,
Third Floor, Wrlghl ' Store. jj 186
GOOD girl or woman to aid In h,
work. Good wages. Apply 639 Twenty-
third 8861
1 'OOK and dining room girl. Applv School
for p. af and Pllnd 5 1 '
'.IKI.S ovr 16 t.. p.el tomato, ., "u
Batch banning Company Will furnish
transportation to and from work Phone
106. SOU
WANTED Experienced saleslady Wolfor
Cloak & Suit 'o. 6070
GIRL wantt ,1 a! WIsta ria. ' in
F.XPERIEM 1.1 ' t. '.ourrnpher tookke. 1 ,
BOS II. 1 .ire -bN paf,. r 4 ', . J
HARACTER and card reading- 44f1
1 w.-nt) sixth 4902
WANTED To b. ar from e ..re.- Walker
at once. Formerly conductor on O. 8. L.
train. Mrs Emma Anderson. 534 Second
East, Salt Lake Cltv. 6467
' Ogden Petroleum Company, principal
place of business Ogden. I'tah
I There are dellnuent on the followlnp de
scribed stocks on account of assessment
I No, 12 levied on the 11th day of August,
1920, the several amounts set opposite tho
names of the respective share holders, as
follows. Certlf.
No. Shares Amt.
1 Austin, P, W ,...222 200 $ 1.00
I Bingham. Andrew 111 2.000 10 00
Bateman. H 169 6.000 30 00
IBybee, Emma 128 5.000 26 00
Bybce. Emma 365 1 000 6 00
jBundy Emily R. 10C 1,000 R OO
Bauchman, I mill ;76 500 2.50
P.aiichnian, Enill 652 500 2 5m
Barrett, iiattio 2!5 1.000 5'uo
Barrett, L. s 53c l.uoo n'oo
Berlin. A E 618 1.000 6 00
Combe. Gcorgina ... tin 1,1100 6 On
'Urn Mrs. W. C 327 5.000 25 00
t'lara. Isaac .132 600 2 50
' ilg '. inning Co. .. 11 2.500 12 50
Child. C. U 473 1.000 6 00
Cardon. Mabel 299 1.000 6 00
Clark, Ethel G 326 6.000 26 00
Cardon, a w .639 l.noo fi.oo j
Combe, James 648 1,000 6 00
"hlld Leo W 680 2.000 10 00 1
Foulger. Jos 3J2 1.000 5 00 1
Flygare. Jessie 28S 250 1 25
Flow ers. G. M. 309 325 1 62
Glasraann. Evelyn ... 51 10.000 to 00
Josllng, C II 8 25.000 125 0.)
Gosling. C. 11. 470 1.000 5 .00 I
iJoddard, H H 700 1 000 6 00
Ooddard, H. H. 701 1.221 6 14
i.odd.ird. II. H 702 10,000 60 00
Goolale. Efllth 210 260 1.2f '
Oosnall, I.nYern 300 1.000 6.00 1
Gosnell. LiYern 616 1.000 6 00 1
Qlasrnann. W, W 697 2,000 10 00
Glass man, w. w 598 2,r,66 18.881
Qlamann, W, w, ...649 i.ooo :
Glasmann Blaine .... 599 5,000 26.00 '
fJlannann, uialne ,.6oo 6,000 85.00
Hess. G. R 234 1.000 6 00!
Hess, G. R 314 500 8.50 1
llow.-ll C. C 206 180 00
HatTup. Jennie 297 1.000 6 00
Ho)t. R. B. 359 1,000 6 00 j
In. 1. R. Li. 360 1,000 6 00
Hunsen. C, J. 37S 500 2.50
Humphries Lillian ... 44l 1.000 COO 1
Hurrop H. E. 074 1.000 6 00
Harrop H. B 587 1.000 6 00
Hener, Aretus 664 600 8.50 1
Ivins. L. H 215 100 .60 I
lvlns. L. II. 218 100 50
Jensen. David ..... 47 1.000 5!oo
Jensen. David 325 3.000 15 00
Jacobs. E H, 140 250 L25
Johnson. Elizabeth ..368 250 1 26
Jones. R. M 631 1 000 6.00
Jmsen M S 526 1,000 6.00
ECarademos, Tom 262 1,000 6 oo(
Lynch. Jno 92 2,000 JO 00
Lee. H. S. 639 1.600 8.00 I
information Bureau
fr 00 BPP i.ihf ppr MONTH
ANYTHING A to iJ new or old
boi'rht. sold or trsdeej. phone 313.
Bramwell Boolt and Stationery. ?JfiJ
Washington Ave Phon 360. 206
Utah Natltonai Bank, southeast corner
Twenty-fourth and Washington Phona 6L
Ogden Carpet Cleaning Co Have us
' lean our rugs the best wav Phones 416
'nd 1828-W 5050
J-M' rt carpet cleaning, upholstering.
' mottresses made ever, feathers renovated
call E. J, Hampton 4s Co.. 8686-W. 423i
K. Van Kainpcn for upholstering, car-Pt-t
cleaned, altered and la'd Remaking
of mottresses Phona 2752-J.
Phone 133. 2258-60 Washington Ave..
i chop sue and noodles
Matnuba & 3bvt leading Japanese re-
, tnurant In Osden 273 24th Bt.
; Tho New Method Dentists are special
ists in all branches of Dentistry. 2463
; Washington Ave ajoi
i for a nl.-e ntectrle maiimce rail t
I .447 Grant aenue 434L'
Ogden EngTavIng 8ervlc . makers
or One cuts In one or mo.j olora. 411
, Twenty-fourth street Phot,. 61 .
Go. D Bennett, corporation and Troup
insurnnco a specialty Phono 124-W 1514
Western Hldo sc Junk Co.. 2323 Wah
j Inwion Avt . Phone SCI
Ogden 1 jnk house, To Washington
Ave. Phone ;io .
C H. Zerbc. Phone 045 J. 6269
Paper hanging, pnlntlng. Ical'.omlnlng.
paper cleaning. Reasonable. Phone 3220-R
Gaa and coal ranges connected. All
kinds of plumbing v.ork Our prices ore
right, Orvll Waldrum. c61 Swcnteenth
street Phone 2hl?-P. 4330
All kinds, C H, Zerbe. Phone MS 1
Wlllard Ka. real estate and loons
2474 Washington Ave Phona 405 1874
Garbage ni.d ruhblah hauled, cesspool!
nnd toilets cleaned. lohn Chlpp Co
! Phone 82S, 2348 Hudm, Avenue. li73J
Trunk and bug repairing, round cor.
j ner from .Standard. Gc.llachcr's. '373 Hud
cn 211J
E XPERT window nnd wall oaoer. -lean
Ing American Window Cleaning rh 563
I Murphy, J. D 13 4.000 20 00
Myers, J. H. 171 2,000 10 00
Myers, J. H 412 2.000 io"of
Messenger. F. W 385 1.000 5 00
'Messenger. F W 612 1,000 5 On
1 Martin, Cato 123 200 1 00
I Miller, Mrs. C. I 497 2 000 10 00
Miller, C L. 408 2,000 10 00
1 M. I'ormlrk. J. L 304 1,000 5 00 i
I .Nelson. Sumner 80 1 000 5 00
I Nelson Sumner 81 1.000 6 00
I Nelson, Stunner 82 1.000 6 00
I Nelson. Sumner 83 1,000 5 00
I Ofden Standard 62 20.000 100 00
Option Standard 603 7.500 37 60
.Orton. Mary 298 1,000 5 00
Orton. P H 538 1.000 5 00
IPIngreo. S E 541 2.000 10 00
: Plngree Lei;rando .....544 125 62
Rame. Chas, 290 500 "50
Richards. I. L 212 333 161
Richards. L P 213 323 1 66
j IL'smusson. Bessie . . .236 1.000 500
1 - emu . ..n. R. U 5.!.", I.Oimi f, mi
Rundqulst, C a. . . 621 1,000 s'oo
Ramey, Julia k ... ..622 250 1:15
Stone. W. J 42 1.000 6 00
iSlsco. Ira 177 200 l'oo
Swiineon. E. P. 321 500 2 60
Smith. Robert 211 334 1 67 1
Swenson. Chas 272 1.000 5 00
Tnnner. H B. 557 500 2.60
Tribe. W. D 617 1,000 s 00 I
Wilcox. J W. 36 1.000 600
Williams. Jos. ..477 500 8.60 1
Williams. Jos 519 2.500 12 50 I
Williams Jos 520 2.500 12 50
Wheat. Geo. D . . 494 1.000 6.00
Wilson. Mattle L 569 800 4 00
W -lls. T. A 614 600 2 50
Morrell Ellz 663 200 1 00
And In accordance with the law .so mans
of each parcel 01 Mich stock as mav bo
necessary will be sold at the office of the
compan.x No. 361 Twenty-fourth StrecL
Osden, I'tah. on the 27th day of Septem
ber. 1920. at tho hour of C p. m . to pav
the delinquent assessments, together with !
the cost of advertising and expense of '
sale. A. L. GLASMANN
Secretary -Treasurer.
P. S. The shove delinquents arc pay
able to the Assistant Secretary-Treasurer,
6341 I
Consult County Clerk or me Respec
tive Signers for Further
Estate of rnr I And.-rson. Deceased
The petition of Bertha Arren. formerly
Bertha Anderson, otherwise, known as
Berta or Beate Anderson, pravlng for tho
appointment of William A. HUltflren, as
administrator with the will annexed of
the estate of Carl J. Anderson, deceased
I m me auuTe entiiifvi matter, has been set
for hearing before Hon A W g,e
Judge, on Monday, the 20th day of Sep
tember. 1920. at two (2) o'clock p. m at
the county court house, In the court
room of said court. In Ogden Clt. Weber
County. I'tah.
Witness, the clerk of said court, with
the scol thereof affixed, this 8th day of
September, 1920
By Agnes Smith. Deputy Clerk
Harris A: Jenson. Attorneys for Petition
(Seal) 5i9i
Estate of Mary S. Boyle. Deceased
Thn petition of Mary E Scowcroft. Lids
L Boyle, and Joseph St. Clair Boyle,
1 praying for the Issuance to them of let
ters testamentary, and that the last win
and testament of said deceased bo admit
ted to probate, in the atvo entitled mat
tor has heen set for hearing before Hon
A. E Pratt. Judge, on Mondiiv. the BOttl
day of Soptemher. 1920. at ten (10) o'clock
a. m., at the county court house. In the
court room of Bald court. In Ogden City,
Weber county. I'tah.
Witness, the clerk of said court, wltn
the soul ther. ol affixed, this sth day of
September, 1920
w kLTER N PARR, Clerk
By Agnes Smith. Deputy Clerk
Arthur Woollc . Attorney for Petitioners' '
(Seal) 51S9I
Estate of John A dough. Deceased
The petition of Afton Clough Rose', for
letters of administration In the above en
titled matter, has been set for hearing be
fore Hon A. W Age,. Judge, on Mon
day. the 20lh day of September. 1920. at
two (2) o'clock p. m.. at the county court
house. In the court room of said court. In
Ogden City. Weber County I'tah.
Witn:-.- the clerk of said court, with
the seal thereof affixed, this Slh day of
Septembi r H'JO
llv Agnes Smith. In put- Clerk
Chez A: Barker AttorneNs for Petitioner
(Seul) 5190
In tho District Court of tho Second Judl '
elal District of I'tuh. Within and fori
Weber County,
In the ni'iitci ol the Estate of Rose J. 1
Lentz. deceased
Creditors Will present claims willf
vouchers to iht undersigned al the offices!
of S. P. Dobhs. 208 Hudson Building, Og
den, I'tah on or before November 11),
1920. II i'Rl M li STi VE.
ST1 ALT p DOBBS Administrator.
Attorne l or A.lininl Iri.ti.i.
Estate "i I V ha!, ii. Deceased.
The petition of Kale Whalen. praying
for the appointment of David Jenson. SS
administrator of tho estate of James
The Ogden Auto Directory H
Oldsmobile trucks and touring cars Briscoo cars, Gramm-Bern3teln f
trnck3. White-Robinson, 2300 Washington. Phone 340. 3739
Ogden Auto Radiator Co., 2329 Hudson Avenue. 3740 I
All makes of batteries repaired and recharged. Exide Battery St a-
tion, 2359 Hudson Avenue 3741 I
I Weber Taylor Motor Co., 2333 Hudson Avenue Chalmers and Max.
well sales and service. Phone 143 3742 I
Hudson Auto Top Co., 1717 "Washington. 3773 j
We buy all cars regardless of condition. Salvage parts for sale"
, Auto Salvage Co., 2348 Grant. 4045
jWillard Battery Station, 2454 Grant avenue 3733
Northeast Service Station Cheesman Auto Co 3786
! , I
! Proposed Constitutional Amend-
ment No. L
A Joint resolution proposing an- nmend
ment to Sertlon B of Article 11 of the
Constitution of tho State of Utah, re
latin to municipal corporations.
Be it enacted by the Eeplslature of the
State of Etah two thirds vote of all the
member elected in the two Houros con
f-urrlns therein:
Section 1. That It ts proposed to Amend
section 5 of Article XI of the Constitu
tion of tho Male of I tah, oo that tin
same will read as follows.
I Pec 5 Corporations for municipal pur
po9es shall not bo created by special laifi.
The EfKlalntuie by general laws shall pro
vide for the incorporation organization
(and Classification of cities and towns In
i proportion to population which laws may
bo altered nm.nfir.i or repealed
Any city may frame and adopt a char
tr for Its own government In the fo!
ton inir manner'
I The legislative authority of th city
tnay by tWO-thirds vote of Its momhers
and upon petition of fiu.illfiod o'eetors to
the number of Hi per cent of all votes i asl
at the next proi edlnp election for the of
Mce of the mayor hnll forthwith provide
by ordinance for the submission to the
olectore of the question, Shall a Com
mission be chosen to frame a charter"''
.The ordinance aholl require that the ques
tlon be submitted to the electors at the
next regular municipal election, The bal
lot containing i-uch fiuestinn shall also
contain the names of candidates for mem
I hers of the proposed Commission, hut
without part deslirnatlon. Such candi
dates shall he nominated In the same
manner as required by law for nomination
of city officers. If a majority of the elec
'tors voting on the question of chooslnfr
Commission shall vote In the affirmative
'then the fifteen candidates rocalYlnsj a
majority ol the votes oust at such elec
'tion, yhall constitute the charter Commis
sion, and shall proceed to frame a char
Any charter so framed shall bo sub
mitted to the qualified electors of the city
at an election to be held at a time to
he determined by the charter Commission,
whirl, shall be not less than thirty days
subsequent to Its completion and distri
bution among: the electors and not more
than on year from such date. Alterna
tive provisions may also le submitted to
be voted upon separately. The Commis
sion shall make provisions for the distri
bution of copies of the proposed charter
and of any alternative provisions to tho
qualified electors of the city, not le.is than
sixty days before tho election at which It
i . si.f. .1 iYn Such proi I h. il. r :i id
such alternative provisions as are ap
proved by a majority of the electors ot
InK thereon shall become an organic law
of such city at such time us may be fixed
lliereln. and shall supersede any existing
barter and all laws affecting the orcan
Nation and government of such city which
are now In conflict therewith. Within
thirty days after Ita approval copy of
such charter as adopted certified by tho
mayor und city recorder and authentic.- t
ed by the seal of such city, shall be made
In duplicate and deposited, one In the of
fice of the Secretary of Stato and the
other in the office of tho City Recorder,
and thereafter all courts shall take Judi
cial notice of such charter.
Amendments to any such charter may
be framed and submitted by the charter
Commission In tho same manner as pro
vided for making of charters, or may be
proposed by the legislative authority of
the city upon u two thirds vote thereof,
or by petition of qualified electors to a
number equal to one-tenth of the total
'ote caat for mayor on the next precedlnc
election, and any such amendment may
be submitted at the n.ext regular election,
and having been approved by the majority
of tho electors voting thereon, shall be
come a part of the charter at the timo
fixed In such amendment nnd shall bo cer
UHod and filed as provided In case of 1
Each city forming Its charter under this
Section ahal! have, and la hereby jrrantcd.
tho authority to exorcise all powers rclat j
Ing to municipal affairs and to adopt
and enforce within Its limits, local police
sanitary' snd similar regulation not to con
flict with the general lnwr and no enumer
ation of powers m thld constitution or any
law shall be deemed to limit or restrict
the general frranl of nuthorlty hereby con I
ferred; but thl3 grant of authority" shall '
not include the power to regulate the serv- i
Ico or charges of public utilities so long!
as such regulation Is provided for by gen
eral law. nor be deemed to limit or re
strict the power of the Legislature In mat
ten of public or generul Interest, nor
those relating to Stale affairs
The power to bo conferred upon the cil
les by this Section shall Include the foi
(a) To levy, assess and collect tuxes
and borrow money, within the limits pre
scribed oy generui law. una to levy and
collect special assessments tor benefits
lb) To furnish all local public services,
to purchase, hire, construct. 0wn. main
tain and operate, or lease, public utilities,
local In xb-nt and use; to acquire by
condemnation, or otherwise. within or
without the corporate limits, property
necessary for any such purposes, subject
to restrictions Imposed by general law for
tho protection of other communities : and
to grant local public utility franchises and
regulate tho exercise thereof subject to
the continuing power ol regulation of pub
lic utilities, their rates and service, by tho
Stale. a:i Is now or may hereafter be, pro
vided b general law.
(c) To make local public Improvements
and to acquire by condemnation, or other-i.-
. properly within It-. . orporub hm
Its necessary for such improvements and
also to acquire an excess over that needed
tor any such Improvement and to sell or
lease such excess property with rcstrlc
tlons, In order lo protect and preserve
the Improvement.
(d) To Issue and 6eII bonds on the se
curity of any such excess property, or of
any public utility owned by the city, or
ol the revenues thereof, or both, includ
ing, in the case of a public utility, a fran
chise stating tho terms upon which. In
case of foreclosure, tho purchaser muy
operate such utility
Sec. 2. The Secretary of State Is hero
by directed to submit the proposed amt nd
ment to tho electors of tho State at the
nexi general elet tlon in the manner pro.
Idod by law.
Bee 3. If adopted by the electors of
(his Stale, this amendment shall take ef
fect on January 1st. l'J21
Approved Man h IS. 1913.
Whalen, deceased, in the above entitled
nrustter, has been set for hearing befon
Hon. A. D. Pratt, Judge, on Monday, the
L'lilh da ol September, 192. nt ten (10)
o'clock a m. at the county court house.
In the court room of said court. In Ogden
City, Weber County. I'tah
Witness, the clerk of said court, with
the yoal thereof affixed, this Sth day of
September. 1920.
w u.ti-:k n parr cierk
By Agnos Smith, Deputy Clerk
Harris .l.-nson. Attorneys for Peti
tioner. (Seal) 5192
SEATTLE, Wash-. Sept 18. Charges
thnt officers of the Grays Harbor Mo-
torship corporation fraudulently "i
ii clad o hunua from tho emergency
fleet corporation for early delivery of
i hull on a war time order were yes
terday dismissed ns to Albert Schu-
Proposed Constitutional Amend- -
ment No. 2. Jr
A resolution proposing an amendment to I
Section 7, Article 13 of the Constitution it
of the State of Ltah. relating lo tax
rates for State purposes. H
Bo It resolved by tho Legislature of the
State of i tah. two-thirds of all tho t
mi mot tm , .., t,-d to each House concur- t
ring therein: H
1 Section 1. That It Is proposed to amend H
Section 7. of Article XIII of the Constl-
Minion of th.. Sl:, le of Ciab ho that tho ffl
I same win read as follows: H
, Sec 7. The rate of taxation on proper- I
i ty for State purposes shall never exceed f
S mills on each dollar of valuation to be .
j apportioned as follows. Not to exceed U
1 4Vi mills on each dollar of valuation for H
I genera I Mate purpose?; not to exceed 3
mill on each dollar of valuation ior dis t-
itrlct school purposes, not lo exceed H
mill on each dollar of valuation for high
I school purposes, that part of tho Stats
('portioned to high school purposes I
shall constitute a fund to be called the '
High School Fund and shall be appor- H
(lloned to tho cities and school districts H
maintaining high schools In the manner H
the Legislature may provloe And when- H
evi rile i ixabl. i . .thin Ihc State f
shall amount to HO. 000.000 00. the ratol H
shall not exceed on each dollar of valua H
'tlon two and four-tenths mills for general
; State purposes, two-tenths ot one n;D, for H
hiKh school purposes, and such levy for J
..hi. i iiuui iurtues ns win raise ail- i
nually an amount which, added to any
other State funds available for district H
j school purposes. equals 125.00 (or each
I person of school age in tho State, shown H
by the last preceding school census, un- H
I less a proiosltlon to increase such rate H
ior rates. h- Ifyinsr the rate or rates pro- H
poyed and the time during which tho sajno H
shall be levied, be first submitted to A IH
i vote of such of tho qualified electors of H
'the State, aa. in the year next preced-
Ing such election, shall have paid a prop
.erty tax assessed to th- m within the State.
and the majority of those voting thereon ,
! shall vote In favor thereof, in such man
ner as may be provided by law.
Sec. 2. The Secretary of State la dl- I
rected to ran.-,.- this-proposed amendment H
to be published as required by the Con- H
stitutlon and lo l submitted to the elec- H
tori" of the Slate at the nt ciniial elec-
tlon in the manner pro Ided by law, H
Bee 3. If approved by the electors of thj H
Stale, this proposed amendment shall
take effect on the 1st day of January', assssssfl
Approved March IS. 1919. H
Proposed Constitutional Amend
ment No 3.
I A concurrent resolution providing an
amendment to Section 1. Article XIV H
of tho Constitution of tho State of H
Utah, relating to Stato debt limitation. 1
Bo it enacted by the Legislature of tho H
i State of t'tah. two-thirds of all the mem- H
bers elected to each of tho two Houses
concurring therein. H
Section 1. That It Is proposed to amend H
1 Section 1. Article H. of the constitution H
of tho State of I'tah. so that the same t I
: will read as follows: H
Section 1. To meet casual deficits or
failures in revenue, and for necessary ex-
pcndlturcs for public purposes. Including H
the erection of public buildings, and for H
tho payment of all territorial Indebtedness H
assumed by the State, the State may con- H
tract debts, not exceeding In the aggro- H
gutc al any one time, an amount equal to
2 percontum of the value of the taxable I
property of the Stat., ns shown by
the last assessment lor State purposes, H
previous to the Incurring of such Indebt- H
edness. But the Stato shall never con- H
tract any indebtedness except as In the H
next section provided. in excess of
such amount, and all moneys arising H
from loans herein-authorized, shall be ap- H
piled solely to the purposes for which they H
were obtained.
Sec. 2. The Secretary' of State Is hereby H
directed to submit this proposed amend- H
ment to tho electors of the State at the H
Kneral manner pro- H
vlded by law, H
Sec. 3. If adopted by the electors of H
the State, this amendment shall take ef- H
feet January 1. 1921. 1
Approved March 19, 1919 H
Proposed Constitutional Amend- j
ment No. 4.
NO. 1.
A concurrent resolution proposing an H
arvi,.M,lrr,enr In thn I 'on -t 1 1 1 1 r Inn of th I
State of I'tah by amending Section 5. H
Artlclo XVI, relating to rights of ac- H
I tlon to recover damages for Injuries re- ;H
suiting In death.
! Bo it resolved and enacted by the Legls- H
lature r the State ut I'tih, iuo thirds I
of all the members elected to each of 'H
the two Houses concurring therein:
Section 1. That it is proposed to amend H
Section 5. Article 1C. ol tho Constitution 1
of the Stato of I'tah so that said section '
I shall read as follows: H
"Tho right of action to recover damages H
for injuries resulting In death, shall never H
be abrogated, and the amount recovcrablo H
shall not be subject lo any statutory Unit H
tallon, except in cases whore compchsa- H
tlon for injuries resulting in death Is pro- H
j vlded for by law." 1
Sectldn 2. The Secretary of Stale Is '
hereby directed to submit this proposed
amendment to the electors of the statu H
at llie next general election in the man- H
ner provided by law H
Sec. 3 If adopted by the electors of H
the -late the amendment shall t.tki effect I
January 1st, 1921. 1
Approved October 9 1919.
I. Harden Bcnnlon, Secretary of State,' H
of tho State ol Utah, do hereby certify
that tho foregoing Is a lull, true and cor. H
rect copy of all Constitutional Amend- H
mcnts proposed by the rcgilar and epe- H
clal sessions of the Legislature ol 1919. H
as thu same appear of record In my of- ' H
In witness whereof. I have hereunto set H
mv hand and afnxc-d tho Great Seal of tho
Stato ot L'tah. this 1st day of September, H
Secretary of State.
bftchi president of the corporation.
. Judge Jeremiah Noterer of the 1'nltcrl
tea district court, before whom the
I officers of the corporation und two
; former executives of the emergency
flo.-t corporation are on trl.il. held that
no evldenoe hid been introduced to I I
j ahow that Schubuch was u party to tho
1 1. liege. j fraud.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Sept. IS. j
George Dexter, an aged man living In
a tent on the bank of the K.iw rh.-r
denied today the story of wrongful
Imprisonment told in regard to Mine.
' Kube id- Mav, .i patient In the Kansas
tatd hospital for the
Ura, Alcott is my own .laughter."
Daxter asserted. "There Is nothing
to her story of coming from Franco
and le irig hounded 0U1 of I fortunoj I

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