InrMtfMnWrT'1'! sSgSSSHgHgHH HIH aJ K l F l IEHI AUTOMOBILES I .COND SECTION OGDEN CITY, UTAH SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 19, 1920. I 1 HERE AND THERE IN THE WHIrLTOF SOCIETyT I Home Reception 1 is Given Here fl' After Wedding f Miss Olive Belnap Becomes i Bride of Dr. Jensen in Temple Ceremony ''H' Wedded quietly ami Impressively, Belnap daughter ol Mr. H and Hit Hyrum Belnap, le the Vw i.riii hi i r Conrad Jensen Thurs- . ' I da; hiornlng when the marriagi cere- j monj was solemnized In i ti Salt Lake '' j temple. Onlj Immediate meinbera f ''-a the family ncrr present. A wedding V luncheon was served at the Hotel Utah , in honor of the couple. They returned W to Ogrden later in the da v J A wedding reception vvas Riven at the home ol the bride's parents, 2149 MadL.on aenue, Friday evening The bride as attractively Kowncd In white baronet "Mtln with an oyerdress of, brocaded chiffon She carried a shower bouquet of bridca roses. Her ;ittendant, maid of honor. Miss Char lotte Stalling, was froeked in tur quoise satin with an overdress of soft, lace, embroidered with be.. (is Hyrum Belnap. brothel of the bride, was beat man Receiving the guests were Dr and Mrs. Conrad Jensen, bride :ind gTOOm, Miss Charlotte Stalllngs, Miss Flora lielnap. Mr Weltha Marriott and i Miss Ardella Hokanson. Guests pres-l fehl Included the immediate members ol the family and the intimate friends of the bride and groom, numbering about forty The Belnap residence was' decorated with tall vases of gladioli and rose?, carrying out a color schema of pink and hlte, Luncheon was served In the dining room, also nppropria tely decorated I with pink and white gladioli and roses Mrs Marriott. Miss Flora Bel- nap and Miss Hokanson assisted with tho serving Dr. and Mrs Jensen are making their home in Ogden for thej present Liter they will move to Tre monton. where Dr Jensen is engaged In his pmcllce A very quiet and impressive wed ding was solemnized at the St Jo seph's parish hou?e Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock when Miss Anna Con- ; roy and Harrison Becker were united in marriage by the Rev. Father John Lagan. The bride was attended by j her sister. Miss May Conroy, withj Jack Conroy acting as best man. lm , x mediately alter the ceremony, .1 wed ding breakfast was served at the home of the bride lor the numbers of the bridal party and the mmcdi , , ate family Fall flowers were used , for decorations, the color scheme being carried out in yellow and white The bride is one of Ogden's , most charming young women and 1 her mnnv friends wish her much hap- , piness Mr. Becker is a well known I stockman of Utah and Iduhu. After I the breakfast, the happy couple left I by automobile for Salmon, da . where I they will make their future home I I Mrs. M. C. Wilcox entertained at I a lawn party Wednesday evening at I her home. 2656 Quincy avenue, in I honor of her daughter, Miss Doris I Wilcox The occasion was her elev- I enth birthday anniversary. The eve- I ning was spent In games and dancing I on the lawn, which was gaily deco I rated with Japanese lanterns Re- I Ireshments were served lo the lol I lowing: Isabel Chase, Margaret Chase, I Donald Chase. Harry Richardson, Deo 1 Richardson. Lorna Jones, Ruth Paine, Virginia Merchant, Robert Marchant. PI Clyde Stone, Lawrence Dramwell, Wendell Dramwell, Aura Flowers. Paul McCune, Anna Coret, Albert I Hoggan and Lynn Fan. Mrs. Wil cox was assisted in serving by Miv Jana Jansc I Mr. and Mrs. E. Van Sickle of Farmington and b:-;by daughter were ogden visitors last Sunday. Mrs. j Van Sickle was formerly Miss Ra chael Arbor of Ogden . . Mi3 Loretta Stuart, n feptember 1 bride, was the complimented guest at a china and linen shower Wednes day evening when Miss Doris Palue entertained at her home, 172 Thir- 1 tleth street. Roses, asters and sun flower were used to decorate the 1 rooms. The evening was spent in various amusements Refreshments were served to thirty guests. Mrs. Thomas H Upton and Mis. Harry J. Upton have leturned ironi ' a vi.-ul with velnlivfQ (11 I nmli-.n k'uni I I and Wales They were absent abcul "i B three months m . . i Mrs. F. J. Hendershot has gone lo Ohio to visit relatives for the ' I coming mouth She will attend the Grand Ariny encampment at Indian apolls. Miss Alice Beck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Beck, left Thursday for Laramie, Wyo., to attend the University ol Wyoming. I K9 Mrs. Leland B Swauer of Salt Lake speui the week as the guest of her parents. Mr. and Mrs Joseph Scow croft. Mn J. M. Read and daughter, I Marion, left yesterday for an indeli- , j Cite visit with Mrs. Reads Bister, , Mrs G . Rivers of Oakland. Cal j Mn Florence Littlefleld ha6 had i as Iter guesi fur the past two weeks 1 j her sister, Mrs. 1'anuie Feitz of Reno, 2 1 Nov Mrs. Feltz Is en route to Port W land, Ore., to v islt her son iter's Members of the Beehive swarms of the Twelfth ward Dtrtalned their mothers at a luncheon Wednesday 4 . .. , S 1 LM t0 Pght" tOP' MiSS RSa!ind Rieman- of the Ogden Community service, costumed as a fa"ir7princess telling stones Tothechiidrcn in! I Seattle. Miss Rieman came to Ogden to assist with girls community work here She has engaged extensively both in dramatic movements and with v-amp-r-ire girls. Miss Majone Day, who will assist with the community celebrations planned in Ogden I wh 1 TW' Jhn ftrDlid R;chLards- frmerly Mjf D" Chase, whose wedding took place Wednesday evening Miss Florence Wattis. Who left Thursday, accompanied by her father, v arren L Wattis. for Smith's college at Norhampton, Mass. Mrs. Conrad Jensen, formerly Mis ; Uiive Belnap. whose wedding was solemnized in the Salt Lake temple, Thursday. - Fredc. ffabE Mooes STuoiomv 3-x evening in the Twelfth ward amuse ment hall. Two long tables were laid lor the quests, presided over bv the member.-, of the respective pwarTOB, I the Bluebird and the Sunflower. At (onc table bluebirds were used for the decorations, with a predominating color of blue. Looped from tho chan delier, ribbons with bluebirds at tached were arranged to the table. I I Bluebird designs were also used mi the placecards. At the other table! a bowl of large sunflowers formed the j attractive centerpiece. Sunflower do-1 signs were used on the placecards. 1 The luncheon was prepared by lie members of the two swarms and served in dainty fashion. Covers were laid for about seventy guesis. During the luncheon, toasts were given by Bishop Wheelwright, Mrs. I Fred Taylor Mrs. George Mc Fat land Mrs. Inlng Emmett. Mis. isabelle ( Bramwell and Uarybell Stevenson. ' The Golden Spike cbapter ol the Daughters of the American Revolu tion met Monday afternoon at the home ol Mrs. John Edward Carver on Adams avenue Mrs. L. Erwin was I the assisting hostess. A program was arranged for the year's work, aft- I jer which a social hour was enjoyed and refreshments were served The 'next meeting of the chapter will be Iheld Monday, October 11, with Mrs. A D. Barber and Mrs. Mary Caddie as hostesses. The Pythian Sisters held their regular meeting Tuesday evening in the K. P iiall A social hour was enjoyed Inter Mrs Dart Krumperman was hostess in 1 In- Daughters of tho Mormon Battalion Monday afternoon at her home :':i tjuim ave nue. Harold Ka left Thursday for Washington, D. C., after spending a three weeks' vacation with his pa rents. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Kav, at their home in Ocden canyon. He will visit en route in Chicago, Colonel and Mrs. McCammon. Mr. Kay Is connected with the department of commerce at Washington. He Li also attending school there. The Baptist Missionary society lield Its first meeting of the season Tuesday afternoon at the home ofj Mrs. Lenoia Skaggs, 785 Twenty- J eighth street. Mrs. T. J. FltzKerald and Mrs. J. B. Grace were the as sisting hostesses Mrs. J. Ray Ward had charge of the devotional and Mrs. J. B. Gebhart gave the lesson, j the subject discussed being The Church and Community Singing I Vocal selections were given by Mrs. j Skaggs, Mrs. Ward and Mrs. Grace. At the close of the afternoon re- ireshments were served. j Mrs. Louis M. Hall and daughter, I Rita, have relumed from a ten days' rlsit with Mrs. W. F. Brim in Park City. Officers and teachers of the First ward entertained Monday evening at a shower In compliment to Miss Nellie Lid. II. a fall bride. Miss Udell will -ilso be honored at several other affairs during the coining weeks. Mrs Frank A. Yeamaus is spending the week in Ogden as the guest of Mrs Jack Bateruau and Mrs. Harry Whitney. At a .inlet vei impressive home wed dinfe'. Miss pella May Iverson. daugh ter of .Mr. und Mrs. Thomas O. Iver auiu became tho bride of Artlutr E. 1 I Bycrs. of Ogden, Thursday ufternoon at 2:30 o'clock. The wedding took place at the home of the bride's par ents, S41 Washington avenue, with , Immediate members of the family and a few relatives present. James Tay lor performed xhe ceremony The bride was attractively costumed In white geogette over PAtln und carried a bouquet ol brlde"a roses and fern. She was attended by her sister, Mi Delia Iverson. and Joseph Williams. The Iverson home was decorated with fall flowers of every hue. In the dining room, white asters and ferns held prominence on two long tables set tor thirty guests. Iiie In, tho evening tin couple lett for Salt Lake. I where they will spend a few days. They will return to Ogden to make their home. A number of the little friends of Mix-? Janell Burton gathered at her home Saturday afternoon, Sept. 11. to celebrate the ixth anniversary of In r birthday. A pleasant afternoon, was spent In playing games on the lawn, prizes were won bv Josephine Kelson ami Hojrard Blakeley. At ". o'clock all gathered in the dining room, which was in darkness, where refreshments were served to all by the iiht of the six candles on the birthday cake. Many pretty little Rifta were given to tho hostess by the fol-l lowing little guests: Josephine Nel sun. Herman Hart, CalVlO Stuart, Re-'i .Tolce Williams, Jack Nelson. Heber Graham, Maurlne Varbrough, Ther 1 man Hart. Anthon Varbrough. Mar-jgu- rlle Blakely, Carlyle Nelson, How lard Blakeley - ; Mrs. I. C Chandler, of Salt Lake. 1 announces the engagement of her daughter. Marie Chandler, to L. Dow Browning of Ogden. The wedding will take place during the latter pari of October. Senator Joseph Che,: accompanied by his tWo sons. Fred and Carlos. Visited Eh Chicago for a week Sena-i tor Chez and Carlos returned Thurs day to Ogden, but Fred Chex' re mained In Tennesass to attend ihe' Tennessee Military college. Members of Ihe Royal Purple club Will meet at the homo of Mrs. Anna Tow,c, n.t7 Canyon Road, Monday eve ning. Mrs Anna Turner and Mis Jaekett.i Turner will bo the assisting hostesses for the event. ' The regular meeting of the Sacred Heart Alumnae association was held Monday evening In the library of the school. The first silver tea will be given In the school parlors on Sun ila. Sept, l'i: h the Officers of thei association. Preparations are under- , ay to make Hils one of the most I, UCCCboful J I 1 Bride-to-be Is Honored Guest At Two Events j Afternoon Tea and Evening j Dance Given Friday lor Miss Holley j Miss lila Holley. whose wedding will he 1 no of the Interesting events of tho fall social season, was the com-pliment'-d guest at an afternoon tea, given at Hie home of Mr. Joseph Bcowcraft, S33 Twenty-sixth street, I riil i' afternoon. Kluboralely decor- a toil with fall flowers of every hue, 'li Scowcroft home was an nppropn- ate background foi the pretty event. MIjm Holley In to become the bride of John Fletcher Scovcroft during Oc- Quests were received by Mrs. Jo- H seph Sfeowcroft, Jr , Mrs. Joseph Ec Dies; Mlrs Ida Holley, .Mrs. Louis Feery und Mrs L li. Swaner Furple and pink asteis In tall cul-glans vases wero tastefull nrranged In the par lor, while the reception room was gay trlth tall baskets of cosmos and red In the dining room, pink as ters, arranger) with ferns in wicker baSkStS) tne handler of which were tied with blue inallne. lent an effec tl'.e charm The table was laid with clun) lace over blue with a basket of flowers forming the centerpiece. The conservatory was arranged as a Japanese garden, adorned with attrac live and delicately shaded lanterns 1 and parasols. Tea was served In the conservitor and was poured by Mr. Elzra C Rii h Mrs. U G. Holley. Miss j Browning. Mrs. J. Frank Ellis, Mrs. Joseph Bcclea and Mrs Louis Peery. Music for the occasion was given by the I lllian Thatcher orchestra Tea n IS served to about one hundred and fifty guests. Including several from Salt Lake. n Friday evening Miss Helen Rich entertained at a dancing party at tho 1 Hermitage hotel for Miss Holley. About sixty couples were In attend ance. including a number of out-of-town guests. Dancing was enjoyed 1 In the Hermitage reception room, which protusvl: decorated with I autumn leaves Luncheon was served In tho pariors, cheery with baskets of BSten cOSmoa verbenas and chrys- anthemum sunflowers. Music was given by the Lillian Thatcher orches tra. BllW Mrs Claude Maddock entertained at a miscellaneous shower In honor I of Miss Doris Chase, bride of tho week, on Fridaj evening. September 10, at her home on Washington ave nue. The rooms were decorated with gladioli and asters. Games were played during the evening. Re freshments were served to eighteen nipci tr Mnrlilork was assisted by Miss Viola Smuin ;LH "The Isle of Dreams." a musical fantasy written and staged by Bob Major, met with success Monday evening when it was given at the Hooper opera house The cast of characters for the play was taken from the Beegoe and Wandas clubs I nt Rlverdale and Roy Mr Major was I assisted bv Miss Mary Fisher, MiSS I Louise Fisher and Miss Rosella Dal : ton of Roy In all probabilities the j plaj Will be produced in tgden gH Mr and Mrs Ezra Richardson j have moved their place of residence from t.r;.nt avenue and Tvpp; sec ond street to 700 Twenty fifth street. 1 Mr and Mrs. Richardson have bought the Johnson residence. ggS . . Mr and Mrs. S. J. Griffin have moved from their home in Ogden canyon to their cit residence. 1 Mrs Gertrude Blddle Bojorquis is visiting foi two weeks in Ogden as the guest of her relatis and friend?. Mrs Iiojorquis is now residing in Oakhirtd. Cal. a Miss Doris Chase, bride of the week, was hostess ai a irousaeau tea Monday afternoon from till o'clock at her , home on Twelfth Street. She was assisted by her sis ter. Miss Belva Chase, who pre sided al the ten table, which was iidoined with fall flowers. Forty guests called. aaal Mr and Mrs J. Parker and family leu Sunday foi Lonr Beach. Cal., to spend the winter. aaal Mr and Mrs Louis H. Peery and son, Louis Jr . and Mrs. D. II. Peery have returned from S week's automo bile trip through southern Utah I gH Mrs. Lester S. Corey, Mrs. D?.n Ensign and Mrs William Van Alen were Salt Lake visitors Monday. Mrs. S J Griffin and daughter. Luclle, left Thursday lor Omaha to visit Mrs. Griffins daughter, Mrs. E R Flsk They expected lo be gone j for a month LLI Mrs I F Kneipp, who will early this week leave to make her home In Washington. D. C, was the com- J pliiuented guest at a luncheon gK en Wednesday afternoon bv firs. W. JL Shearman at her home In Ogden can yon. Yellow nasturtiums were used ' on the luncheon table. Covers -were laid for sLx. li The S. O H, club was entertained Monday evening at the homo of Miss 1, Mary Dunn. 3031 Grant avenue Tho evening was spent in dancing and sewing, Refreshments were served ji to ten club members Miss Thelma I fJnrner will be hostess to the club tomorrow evening at her home on j tccles avenue.