OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, September 19, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-09-19/ed-1/seq-6/

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! Fair Arranged Under Direction
Of Club Leader and
Farm Bureau
H I fc ,
Thousands of people from all por
I tions of Weber county were pre enl
jfesterday :ii the Farm Bureau und the
(!unty 5Chol exhibit nt the Lortn l-'urri
park Auditorium.
The f;ur. which was arranged undoi
'the dlre uon of K W flohniami eoun-
w club agent, Mifes Klien ariiti enmi
ty ilemonHtraiir.il hkmh. W. I' Thoin-
1 jis. count) agricultural agent, and Mix''
Kdlth 1 leyball so. retan "t the Wo
Iber Farm Bureau, wa3 declared t i.e
H 'a far Rieater success than the one
held In s; c.'ir
H I Probably the most attractive ex-
H hlbits were those in whii h examples
H of count) girls' needlework were dis
played L)alnt grnrmenui of all dS-1
jpchlptlonfl iiijiiiiltui embroidery work
H Bochet, tatting, lace lace-maklng, I
H "a n d practically ail kinds of sewing,
on exhibition 'no of t h moat
H Striking exhibits was hand, v
H ug. made up of braided hits of old 1
H i ho fruit and agricultural exhibits
MTT' :ilsi exee pt lona 1 1 Rood. Huge
jratermeloii;., weighing to SO '
H Quash, luscious neacfres, unusually
H laJi ami other frui.s 1 1 i-1 .
H The sugar beet display one of;
thr largest ai the fair Scores of enor
H yous sugar were long
H 3s long taole and It Is estimated that ;
H jBvcr " ton f heeta tin ex-1
Ulbition I'etx .ii the lui in embers
Tfriade no small part of the fair and a
ibIbIbH jArge section of the hall was given
LbIbIbIbV lfivcr '" "P:ire tv rablnis, chickens,
'geese, and ducks
The carpentry exhibit attracted j
H much attention. J '1 naps of ifnlciuoi
H design had been prepared the boys
H 3Ltd It was noticed that (he
"Whhh wore constructed more roughlv I
H -nnd which resembled barrel, at-'
iriiied the most ui ine winged knsectu i
J 0"' of the trapt, constructed from.
H Screen and old hooos, onialiv d m arly
pall a bushed ..i n e-aed in.
H Mitnj youngsters hoercd about the
baking exhibit nnd gazed longingly at
"golden-crust.-. i biscuits highly d ora
"live pics, cakes of all kinds and sorts,
and other products irom ovens In the
H This exhibit wsi, one of the best In
the auditorium
H The flower exhibit was interesting
H (gigantic bouueis of colorful tail I. Ins
I aoms, tastefully arranx.-d,
fl many to gaze at the bouquets and, if
H no one was looking, surreptiously ap-1
proprlate. a nos.-tra
1 Under the grandstand in the ball
ft; lark, stalls foi sheep and swine had'
H been arranged. A number of exr client'
H llpecimcns of sheep were on display'
1 Sere, and .several uloodc i porki ri also
fallowed contentedly, a blue-ribbon
bedecking their stall--.
II S Throughout the event the large!
H rowd was enthusiastic over the affair.
H County commissioners, represent!-1
1 Xle, of the Amalgamated s.,;n- com
pany, and other organizations lroin
j, Ogden were present ,,:i. ,p'-rned to be
fnjoylng themselves immensclv
The celebration terminated with a'
Ladles Jever make a hat .''
At a demonstration held yeater
day afternoon at the Farm Bu
reau County sehobl outing at Lor
in Furr park three women com
pleted hats which won first m-, .
ond and third prizes using ma
terials worth about $l..'.n
Mr? Kthcl Heed of Riverdalc.
was awarded first PriSA, BThlle
Mrs. Ruth Chadwlok and if
Mabel Campbell of North Ogden
were awarded second and third
The women had never attempt- '
ed to make huts prior to recen -Ing
instriiet;uns through Miss Bl
len Agrcn, county demon.st rut (on
They seated thems- Ues In th
center of the Loiln Farr pavilion I
and for two hours were busj ply
ing neodles and shaping their
hats Althopgh the heargears
were, not completed nt the end
of the tW hour limit they had
eeen whipped into shape and j
compared well With store bonnets.
I Business College at
Weber Opens Monday
registration will begin at the W -her
Normal bublness i oll i;e iuiii,.r-
row morning Rt 0 a'olock, New BQUlp
ment has arrn.d and will be instalb-rt
In time for use by the students hi m
instruction begins
A new member- of th faculty was
announced yesterday. H la Iloraci
G. Clark, formerly of the commercial
school of the L'tah Agricultural col
lege. Explanatory of the work this year
the following statement was Issued
'Students who completed the third
year of the dommprclal coftrei last
year, will go right on with that course
this year Persons who hac not fin
ished their High school training will
find an opportunity for in tonal Ve train
ing In businels subjects "
on . : .
I New Registration
Days Designated
Announcement thnt registration das
will bo held Monday and Tuesday,
Sept. "0 and tl, for children who
have to attend school under the Utah
State law which requires all persona
between the ages of 14 and 18 years
of age, ra made yesterday by Prin
cipal A M Merrill of the Ogden High
school, and F T. Wiggins, principal
of the part time school.
Registration days were held Septem
ber 1? and 14, but a large number of
students who were supposed to regis
ter, failed to do so
The school law will be rigidly en
forced this year, it is said.
LONDON Dr. Joslah Oldfleld. In
I addressing the Medico-Logal society,
f declared that between Hi- ages of if.
and 3 r; more women commit suicide
J than men, but amter that age life la
j much more pleasant to women, whili
j the burden of life for men bei pmei
far greater a grind to provide for
j old age.
jlViany Buyers Come From Outside Towns j '
j -many strange faces are seen in the store Music I Boys' Suits I Best Patterns Are Cheapest j I
! 1 i , f ; I Conic downstairs and lot . is Look downstairs first, if the I - 9
theSe QaVS. ViSltOrS nOm many OUt- h,ay for you of the latest l)0-v n,'0(,s a s' 1,001 I And now that you are preparing for the fall and winter
. 1 1 . . son8 UUH There', o higher I limited time a sharp reduc- j sewingSi begin with the best of patterns. Pictorial Re- J
Side tOWnS COme tO thlS StOre in m- "lto;h" "; ? u ST wV' VX- view and He Journal Patterns offer the smartest styles,
! socm to hp pitting aw3 from i . . , , . i r .1 c I
t ' DOCKer Styles ol pants, smart a 00 thr hest ruttinr and sewing guides. both or I
j creasing numbers. j" sturdy tai por L 7;. 1 cutting : , and the' j
f ? 1 into the sweel tuneful music boya of all ages. The savings these good lines are on sale here exclusively ana mc g
j the Uniformly gOOa ValueS the pleaS- we uscd know- jare real)3 y?rth whilc jfall styles are all ready. j
j ing service of the store - the adherence ( duroy )rUg Section Hp F I I
j to a one-price policy carry the reputa- 0Tg UVS8S I
I tion of the store to communities far : 5c pifty Qf Them f A 55 j 4 I
j from Ogden. ; " Ht ftr; : 4 29c on Sale Tomorrow j Ji
1 -today S news forms Unusually profitable f Plush ' $1 , Unoacked vesterdav i
2 V C 1 1 t Plush. inches wi.l,-, h-avv 1 'vry Sap' 1 i ' !
reading for prudent shoppers. Notice ; pinK,,,,,,,' - - on sale tomorrow j
x i i i i t i - ' oats; J- vi.h , rompound . .. 4 1 are fifty of the best witp-'
I how the advertisement is merchandised -fc',M5 TSSn. 55c values 'in women's j
.... , 4. J Java Rice Face
I with those items at the present season ,.,..,. S,H .u all wool serge dress- i
i , , ; " il ' ' '' 08C es that we have seen IR$BRlk
I HOI tl nHs UlaiU satin .ll melie wkIi-, h Lavorls, large r,o J Mr AjVWvmjE 7 JmM
UuiiiailUo. i.e.-.;,! v,,rt initriit in.ish "oC for manv a dav At- ,j&Mrf ?BtSS'S&n t
I t xx-ill.-.l ha.k. I',,, divssos Mnlholaium. large ir sMHJiMffltl V c
'Vfri&M.-t.'b S kjbWkx i I
T V JBkm'KJP JLBlL 4? Stationery. 4S heets. -18 envelopes, , , , U--" v V A
--A a'rau o f r i i colors to the box them braid trimmea vs35Kw
I A uOODxFLACE TO TRAOis Satin Royal s special bye , , tiH&rl '
Satin royal :4 inches wide a - SO me bead llwjat
11 ?ew f?bric "f ,silk n,11 cptton ALXiaVA trimmed. Many have nm Wlk - I
r ,,6 77 111 autit.,1 ran-,, ui' ,l- P4eeCLleWO T , . WJk , I M
&s3'Sm&"a 4Tsmfr lAjfidQm i,rs-$-,H' v;,"rs ,"' t'ie wanted accord- A!av'3S!W I w m
r eillLOai VVeeR -i ?1.35 Finished Models ion pleated skirts - fflmBgM I
I rirsl i'loni- Fini- an models, consisting of tMMWWftj.
Begins Tomorrow - f t. ' Xr.:!m'z some are in sers . nHHfflk: i 1
" Jap Cloths I....T.- Hair price. and satin combina- A lSlfnKnuntn '
I Monday and ! the week will be the be fme of the year to .Japl.,,,,-! ,,M, ,.x.j, New Shipments tiOHS. There will be liHLaflHH I
c buy petticoats. I his special price event is staged when most unite frrmini itn hine aimosi .i. -iiim. ms ut ne.v rt wIHbHBKWH '
women arc seeking new petticoats to wear under new fall ',nnU'(1 patte ns ; $LV,u value good.. Centerpiece. -iirfS. pillows. all Sizes for those StW 1
9 foi' $2.15 dr.- iiih saeques. towels, infants SwSKaBIHBMnS
garments. I.-,,., -ir. --. i....,' ling, ne WHO COlTie eai'lr ifliiaaaaBpVKH '
ik -at S2.95 Choice of the better cotton petticoat ; ai ihi.. ' ' ' ccnn'c' ' VVe expect the lot tO FKSiavlaW& ! i
X wfflr price will be oh rr iho new sateens 'N'et'kwO'lr 'vC LitSSOnS P tSvflSacSHKi
vf h-.therblooms inpl;-.l " Anv forenoon excepting Saiurda be SOlCl tOlTlOrrOW'. mtiffi$$tSGffi&W5ffl .
y y i , . J rA W ninen s ne. ku.-..i, estees the needleworkers in the Art Sec- ,TT . . BS5Wfe9li8HBr i
X A h, effects. Values are to $4 50 $2.9 nn(i )al ,t s. of 1.,-a 1 1 1 . t ul qual- lion will give lessons in embroider- Have a look at them . SftllSB
! tVlA In this assortment are thr white M,, and j.v -t l,iun,u, with r,l ! - JnZlZ 0 ,
i I ' JA sateen petticoats, also those with the tat l'"rs hand embroidered sun-, Mn. pi- si itches that are fl ylfl h LOOr Wit
1 v W.TiW feta flounces. These varo values to $7.50. On Values to $8.00 Special quickly learned under proper in WI fNEX
i "X,, s':'45 F,rs,Fw ?198 Tomorrow If , s
t If o at J7.95 Here are offered the best of silk Jersey pet t 4- MWm
5 1. ilcoats, in which, we offer choice of any silk ; . T li Ti fJ I illnC
feM Jeraejr akirtnip to $12.50 at $7.90 PointLaceS WC UUUWO fQC 6
! mi K i , 1 1 1 , t Lon Sllk Cloves ?
Paff at $12.50 Including the handsomest petti- patterns Sneeial vnrrl 40r omens long silk gloves, double Ji JL Jf J
tcfri. coats in values ranging up to 2C 1 S Floor " "TS "v5"' Kf1 Ma'd; CO,?rP 1 I
A m- Z7 . , rust rioiu nro black, white and pongee, extra 4- f 1
yOlsrll hRndsomP nrmon,s of - heavy crade. 16 button length. 2 I
( V " J silk Jersey, Milanese allk; all with 7 TJ o t c,asps. not all sizes; ?3 values, mm Tl
i Ai. 'J I laborate flounces $12.50 rlaiF SOWS while they last, i qq fY 'T ' mfl I
y ' Readymade hair bows for extra special $1.0? kJLIJiI JiJLllZ&
AT 1 O UMtaTg, wJ.S&2l?2r2 Parses. Only the great volume of business in this section, makes j
S ffwyy l-mf!r&&$& fn,n 25c 1,1 5100 eirl, plain and tulled; black and Spanish possible these good values.
I x I "trioor j v?iueer'sPeciai $1.19 Cotton Challie Mill Ends Outing i
I A Line of Drummers' Samples at tne t , , . , Vplvpf Hand Ragsi 36-inch cotton ohauie foi quin cov- mui end of 35c outing nanneis in ?
I -ill 9 r" LTOCnet LaCeS . Ttlvtl' K B erings. klmonaa, etc. good fast col- light and medium colors for nigh' fl K l
Makers Cost (0,,, , whjt( g-, "srd 8'' 29c f;"S' pa)amas' e,c ' 500d mum !
a, ecru for trunmine draporv black navy, taupe and brown. . . VJ5 Sr A
I , . jh'Js aind making braissleres, etc ic 90 en Devonshire Cloth Ywd I
5 Good fortune now brings to you a lot or 'vfeSL Sneeial ner vard 12r ipi.lJTO tDLL.OV Renfrew Devonshire cloth for Ontino-sj
i.i iii i ' -Sf5v" i dresses, shirts, waists, etc, perfeel vul,uoi: a
girls dresses at the price which the makers 4 first rioor lv ,Hgt coiors: 32 inches wide. 56c 5o outing flannels in dark for quilts, jj
I usually charge us for them A discount to TSSr ; T lnitWeUr Yard"!'. 48c went Special, yard"! 35c f
1 us from the "f PnCC rrnlScT "I ! .a.H?n,,S- hn8 , Children's Hose New Percales Ginghams
j small profit. Hiese are dresses of all wool k sh,,., w,th hi,; chi.dltns nbhed medium houso'dre:;;;1 " ' - ; ; I
F rench serge of taffettete. Trimmings 8pflt '""' ,"n',s of "U1 1'irst fl,,or v'ighl' colors are blackl whi,e aml aprons- e,c : 36 incheB lil .'re'"- Z good fnJrcoioVs C
I . ... , ., a j ,T1 fly& bto.k sues t. fl; x alucs brown, all sizes; 50c values. Spe wide Yard . 4UC Urd 21f I I
? of silk embroidery, flowers and rufTles EBrA to $10.30 ........ ?6.95 J-tai. 3 pairs $J QQ Muslin Sheets ' ' ' V
I -ri c a fi a J f, (v v I Downstairq WAmaUi RlwM.a ?325 muslin shf,,,,fi ,n fi00(l heav Cotton Batts a
! The sizes are for girls of 4, 8, 14 and 16 AJU Mj - -4 Women S KlOOmerS (4,jaiiiy. no dressing or starch; Use 3 lound cotton bans tor auTlt etc - 8
I var5. J 0f rours there is but one L IP ? cTT TU " Women's pink bloomers, medium 81x90. The kind that stands the BiM 7Jx90. d fine fluffy quaHty' ?
I years and or course there is out om. IvJU School Shoes weight Jersey; elastic top and knee; laundry qj nr Regular si 50 quaiitv diorr i
dress of each model Mothers who arc -'rIHjH ! One table linvs' and girls' rtl7-- Special sp-clal each . . tpl.Zj H
looking for dresses of ihe be,ter-son KMB t't ' -"u, ChTlda'Vests and Pants ,.. Silkolines j '-'
k will enjoy seeing these. - J : ir , . -,, Children's fleeced vests and pants, hcaw quaiitv with nice deep hem 4Qc silkolines for covering quilts also - i "
X TJ - i -W bleached; sizes 2 to 18; lone Regular Jl 50 quality. rf i or used for draperv 0r R
I dmTj rial Zp.iTd sleeves, ankle length. Q Pair . . pl.Z0 Special, yard OOC f '
j Downstairs j Special 0IC I
"j ; SlS8.. r Ti'rr f-Missshoes-j en$ 5 5o Ais of Downstairs i I
5 blue storm serge nnd black and white mad. of heavy crepe in pink and One table misses' dreg or 1 Wol Rottc rirlc na.n,
j check madeonamuriinaiplent. wWte. usual fliBO valued ' nr school shoes in brown and fZQn PsilW W01 battS UlrlS DreSSeS M
ed skirt: sizes 6 to 14 years, to nr pPpCial DC I Wo.L- tvle i?p, i tn Lf 7C 11419 Wool batts for making comforts . siz.e Small girls' gingham dresses In sizes 1
1 $o values Special J)J.JJ 2 i ' l 72x84 inches, the regular comfort 3 to 6 years We have these in tne I
4 Tim AfJJ- HOUSP DreSSPS NahlPS tu $b-- SJ? Ilolepmnf "seconds" in black size. These are good fluffy or plain colors, pink and blue. These sre '
Jack Tar Middies nouse cresses oa, . . ,3.95, fw baUS Special. Path . j.Zb grWJSvai . ?q i
j a complete line of Jack Tar middies. Jf" J orZTtt 1 Downstairs 1 seC0nds have been neatly mend- Wash Cloths W
I made of heaw quaiitv jeans, p ain ,r BPIenail Quail') percale, long or ,ilQr Q . TV dfcn V- lUUlb m i i c r 2
i white and braid trimmed sleeves , 1 1 ir 4 - e.l n ml an- leal is wratable ,n Table Scarfs j
i Prices $1.95 io 34.UU Values to $4. Special Children's Shoes the first run which sell at $1.25 bordr iiese ares iSiw weight Hound scans tor the center table I
o i 1 O One table children's shoes in a l'a11' A" sl, v here I10W- cloths. Our 10c values or These are all white, neatly made of ?.
Girls' Serge Dresses School Sweaters Ua(.k al)( hrown la; r but I 69c a pair ; two pairs for $1.25 special. 4 ... Zoc sturdy mat. r,ai -n,.,.. om. j
I Girls' cotton serge dresses in dark Women's and gWfl' coat sweaters for ton stvle, in sizes 2 to 8. Val- UftI180 rirnacoc Special, each $2 1 Q 2
I? colors. These make splendid school school wear, made of all wool yarns; t Sneeial SI 95 AI 7 All I IXUUBB ICSSCSt ffl
I dresses, sizes 6 to 12 year... d j or all the new dark shades; all sizes. "PST,) - ' 1 iViQTX S 111X11 Women's house dresses In the DDl..0l0 A mwa I v
I Special l4."j Values to 518.50. t i o ar UQAvnstairs . stripes We have them In assorted 1 CrtdlC prOnS
Special tj 1 L0O " Ml QTlUfZCVC lilClS 5,1268 and n ood Itjleq. Uur $3.25 Percale aprons fur the girls ages 6 I ;
Iriirlu' ivpytprs t f values. Special. fo nr ' 12 years We have thes in both f I
; iriH oweaierb Bust Confiners Men's Shoes 0nce again we are able to 0f- ch J1.1 "d.darJt colors trimmed, i f
Girls slipover sweaters in a beauti o , , , , , P 1 25 values. Ar
a ful assortment ot colors; fancy Women's bust confiners, made of a Mens heavy brown canvas fer a pure linen hankerchiet for Women's Black WaiStS Spclftl- eacn ...95c'
I weaves, values to $8.50. 0AfC strong material; hook front or back: rubber sole ami heel shoes. menalamoderatepriee.The.se TJ " JS i-a-ortedmn t,, I
I Special tl4.yD a Mdendid titling garment; sizes 32 Just the thing for factory are well made with neat, firm JSteT .JS? and slzes ThJse Fibre RugS
I AM 1 to 40 85c values. CA work in sizes b to 10. Spe- hemstitched borders Purevhi! splendid for the fall season Values Fibre rugs in rdzo 27xo4 inches Thesa WL
! IViaCtge LLVanS ecM Jvt ,,ial 93.45 alllUieg, You may have all you to 3 Special, OylC are EP,encJld ss for the porch Our I ,3
j af5 Special Corsets Do"ostai" I Med of thm B0W' only' 50c VelociDedes ?f S3 $1.45
i KSUf.r..f,'V.' ,tr SirrLfSS- J, ' Women's Shoes t Munsingwear JtSSf cafoaster Wagons
properly. Prices- mu,lin. trimmed with daintj Cial 93.95 laundry IB such perfect rondi J(iet8D, scaf, s ypar flzo, S3 50; 5 iron. bo?to of ki,n 'dlS 8hPet I
OC tHQi; lace or embroidery. 12.60 9r Downstairs 'l- Munsmgweai is knit to year sise $3.95; w. nraced 8, Wvmh ?
PJ.JJ TODlj.yj value? Special pl.Zj lit. The fit won t wash put T year site $4.DU Hx30inch sise .. .. $25 i J
la)SIIV(l04l)4J)a4jlVlaallll0BnllB'l IIIW ni)-al)-Mi)-ln--i'-W'''i'i''--",''''-''ll'"--l'" MM MtM.i : ,mmm., JV " j
; vBgBHM

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