" - " m a "'HS BflMgiM
. 1 B
Question of Seating Five
i Takes Interest From Hous
ing Shortage Isue (
I ALBANY. X- v.. Sept. 20. Interest
I in the housing shortage throughout ths
I state which the legislature hns boon I
I railed to consider In ftpecie.1 session to-
I i Ight, wji Bubordlfiatsd :it the capi-,
I tol toflay td a general diacusiion of
I whal aotion, If any. the assemMv
I would take regarding the flVC expelled
I Socialists, re-elected at special elec-
I Hons last week to fill I heir own va-
I The Soiiaii.!s, Louis Waldrhan andi
A ungual Claessens, of New Yirl Sam-
I i A. Dewltt and Samuel i r of the
I l'.ronx. and Charles Solomon, Of Kings.;
I were found guilt y of charges of dls-
I loyalty last April by an assembly com-
I Sonic of the members of the asBemb-j
j who voted to unseat the Socialist
have let it ie known that they have
H not changed their views, n awlthstand-j
B Ing Hie re-election of th- quintet. Some
H of th m. it i said, are prepared 10 of-
H 1. 1 resolutions tonight to deny nK.un!
the Socialists their seat Just as eon-1
greaa did in the cast of victor L. 1 -H
it would be a diffen nt proposition,
,s ... point out, had Hi- S .ilirt partv
elected other nun to fill the vacancies.
Hi 00
I Beneficial Results to Farm
Land by Drainage to Be
(Speeuii 10 Btamlard'Kxaraluer,)
LOGAN, Sept. 20. The beneficial
result.-; Of the reclamation Oj farm
landfi by dralhago will be told 1 .
demonstration at the Cache Valley,
f.-nr. Beptembei 21. and - ll tha
L'tah Agricultural college and :iic
rniied states department of agricul
ture, according t riot 0 VV. Israel'
son, tin charge of the wm k In lrrlga-j
tion and drainage at the itistMiiUom I
The whole collage exhibit mII i de
signed to drive- home this one fact lu
an effort to arouso enough enthusl)
nam fii Cnchi vslley In drainage r
suli in the creation of several projects.
1 hero are at present CO. 000 acrei H..:t
can be reclaimed In Cache valla) bj
dluitiltge. Small diaioi'te dlsllie.s I
rcady n opera t.on lavi demonrutcd
thai the land is rich mid fertile and thi
col If as It endeavoring io bring about
the drainage 01 the land itiaiie.ts not
) 1 reclaimed. 1
The fair exhibit will be compre'lrerr
alvs in scops 11 will show bj sanpl(s
of soils with crops growing on them
the beneficial results of drainage.
Large mupi will how ths extenl of
drainage districts throughout tht btots.
i irahiagc Hie, equipment, measuring
wicrs, pumps, stc, will be on display
A large botili of drainage watc: viii
be kept to allow the curious 10 uute
the plant-kUliog ait contairtSi
Photographs of drainage -erne, ,ni
show' just how the work is done. Suni'
pics of the ellfalJas found In Cache
valley win be on exhibit whii- n 2
per cent alkali soil will shown
An Important feature oi the exhibit
will be tho literature tor free dlslri ..
tlon. Copies of the L'tuh Session
laws covering the creation "i drainage
districts win be available and the rt
Biarkable easy arinnremeiu- m.tde liv
the state for the creation of dr.. nt
districts Will be explained.
ESxpsrts win be on hand constantly
to explain tho exhibit
WASHINGTON. Sept 10. Cattle
C( ding in Nebraska during the pasl
mo yean wa a precarious venture,
more likely to be unprofitable than nor
the department of agriculture an
n - inced In reporting the results of its
first cost of production investigation In
the business of cattle feeding .Similar
Investigations are being madi In lows
Missouri, Illinois, and Indiana and re
ports poon will he made
The average- cost of corn-fed cattlo
in Nebraska laid down at 1 he m.irl.'.
was 114.81 per hundred weight for
2,203 head fc-d In the winter of 10 1S
iyi9, 13.sa for cattle during the win
ter of 1918.-1920 There was ail
oragc loss per head ol IS 17 for the
ry 1 s-1 !1 n fed cattle and of $10 till for
the group fed last winter.
t on
HALIFAX, N S, Sept. 20. Three
men. one of them his father, and a
I W man were ehot and killed nt Hen-
I lord today by Hav.lnck Velncott, who
H (hen committed suicide. Velncott at-
lacked the four during a fit of Insane
j igi resulting from -i dlsput over the
location ol a mill dam on hla father's
MEXICO CITY. 8ept. 20 A special
M xicau commission of seven metn-
rs, lu de.i bj Inan Espe.lel. uili par
' Blpate Iru the coming celebration of
Uic Mexican Independence e. ntem.-i f .
planned by Honduras. Guatemala, Sal
vador and Coeia Rica
Optimistic Statement Cover
ing Many Cities Issued by
Federal Bureau
I WASHINGTON. Sopi j" Twent-'.-n
of the -13 Standard articles go-
liig into ths American famil) market
bosket decreased in price between Julj
and August ir. it was announced
Sunday bj the department of labor s
bureau of labor statistics which made
ibllc figures showing that during the
SO-dA) period ending with tiio middle
'r August tbe retail price of pota-
I tell per ient and the price of
cabbage went down 41 per cent.
The drop In sou w price was placed
at 1-1 per cent Most kinds of meat
decreased In price.
Kctts w ent up l l per cent during the
period With this exception and pork
Imps, which increased five per cent,
the increases in other foodotuffs weie
t-o per cent or less.
Indications thai the decline in food
piife levels w.is general is seen In sta
tistics showing that each of the 51
cities covered by tho bureau's survey
reported decreases Minneapolis led
v ith a decrease of 11 per cent, with iSt
Paul second with a ten per cent de
cline. Decreases In other cities;
Nino per cent, Detroit eioht pet
it nt, Chicago, Cleveland, Indianapolis,
Kansas City, Milwaukee Omaha; sev-
n nri bent, Denver, Memphis; six per
cent, Buuc, Cincinnati, Columbus,
N'wark. New York, Philadelphia,
PlttSburf, St. Louis Halt Iike City.
Seattle; five per cent, Baltimore, Blr-
II ingham. Bridgeport, Buffalo, Dallas,
i-.ii River, i.ouisviiie. Rochester,
Washington; foui per cent, Atlanta
boston, Houston, Los Angeles Mobile
New Haven, Portland, (Maine), Port
1 nd, (Ore 1. Bah Franclsoo, Savannah,
I nd Bcranton; threg por cent. Llttlt
1. ick, .Nev.- i.iilear.s. Norfolk, two per
I I oi, Jacksonville, Richmond, and one
per cent, Charleston. S. C.
Swedish Premier Is Confident
of Jiisl Land Decision:
Finland Dissents
PARII, Sept, 1.' - (My th Assochtt
eo Press The leugue -f nations
i.'uough Us intervention In the Aland
Islands question between Sweden nnd
("Inland, hns proved its right to live
.11 effective means of preventing
future wars growing om 01 Interna
(.ional disputes, Hjalmar Brantlng
p iiin mil iSter Of Sweden, said toda
I I 1 N 'S M A S.
'I wHi not US" the word 'war,' but
tin? situation betti en Sweden und Fin-
l..nd was ii use," Premier Brantlng de-
clSred The douiioll of the league,
through its cautlOUS hut prompt ac
tion, has dissipated the fueling mid
Sweden believes the council will settle
Hi - mattei to the satisfaction or both
Scuen ha.i conjdete confidence In
the 1 :aguc as a meaiia of prevehtinj
future wars. All thgl the league needs
10 maku it a most effective and cer
tain Instrument of reducing future
Mars o the absolute minimum In the
participation Of 'he t'n led Stntea."
1 Premier Brantlng point uj that
Sweden never Would give up the Ahi.nl
iFlondB. Swei, n ui.- flu -rjr 1 :-i , , pi. -biecite,
the premier Bald, bUl the Coun
cll has not yet decided what means it
win employ and thr commissioners
will make ;ti) investigation.
PTNLANJ) ins .iti i s
Mr Bhckell, elnnish minister in
Paris, toda deoiared 'hat the league
ot nations conclusions of Saturday
I When the council of the league dCCt I d
,it had the right to act hs arbitrator
betwoen Sweden and Finland and an-
nounced Its Intention of appointing a
commission of throe to investlgats the
iland Island qusstlon, were baaed on
Inaccurate jiromises.
M BnCkell elo prolcBtf against the
conclusion drawn r.t the recent con
ference of Jurists
Exception to the decimations of
Premier Brantlng that Sweden Is de
termined never to relltuiu'.flh its sov
' reignty In the islands was taken bv
j.M Bnekell.
A public meeting Of the league of
nations eonncii win be held tomorrow
to deltberali ori ihe situation created
by the protest.
I 00
LOS ANGELES. Cal Sept. 20 A
telegram asking President Wilson to
grant "justice, equity and fair dealing'
ths Japanese of California In con
n r 1 1 on with the Initiative measure
prohibiting Japanese ownership of
land in the state to be voted upon In
No ember. wa. sent from here Sun
day by a committee appointed at a
meeting of 14 00 Japanese.
I The telegram asserted the meaeure
'la "unjust and Inhuman and threaten
'the existence of the Japanese "
NEW YORK. Sept 20 The steam
ship LaFayette, arriving here early
today from Havre, brought 101
I Knights of Columbus led by Supreme
j Knight James . Flaherty, returning
I from a pilgrimage to France, Italy and
I Belgium The brought gifts from
Pope BenedUt XV and the French
' government.
j Begin Right Now to I
Conquer Your Rheumatism
I The tiny pain demons that cause I
your rheuniatlsm will be back on the I
job wph ihe first approach of damp,
wintry weather, ready to take up their.
I battle against your comfort with re
H ' And if you are going to again rely'
I Upon ihe liniment bottle to try to rub1
.he disease -away, you will be doomed'
jj nrgain to nothing but disappointment.
H A disease that can cause so much pain
and suffering as rheumatism, is not on
he -urface of the skin, and cannot be
Many forms of rheumatism arc
caused by a tiny disease germ In the
H blood, and In such cases the only
logical treatment Is to search out and
remove these germs from the blood.
For this purpose there Is no more
satisfactory remedy than S. S. S , the
fine old blood remedy that has been in
use for more than fifty years, and has
Riven such general satisfaction Tor
rheumatism S S S thoroughly
cleanses 'he blood, and route out all
impurities and disease germs
Begin taking S. S. 8. today, and if
you will write a complete history of
your case, oui medical director "will
fclve you expert advice, without charge
Address Chief Medical Director,
Swifi Laboratory, Atlanta. Ga. Ad
H j Come Listen to the 8
Take a real In-rc in ;i comfortable chair,
n IfHB 'mu' I1'' ls;lllt Mirrrmiulins while v rn- I
lllg ,' ! ,nm (n' " ,',r I 'l"iiliai' 9
p Models and Prices to Suit I
BRIDGEPOHT, Conn Flvvood B
Wade. 23. iin. police s.i, 1 1 n jA :-cJ: ; ' -'
fesed to the slnyinsr of Genrge E Not
with whosi he was Infatuated, I .''' '.-v-'' !
shown hen With Mm w . Is and their nn&e
daughter, Mrs .ul is said io In mUf J&EBffir
introduced her hushand to Mrs Not: jEf
.is tie- ii-tlni of a brutal 'trunk Vl jHHk
Mrs Xott ;nicl W ide nre hot), i,-M 18r3K
Xott Ivad employed detectives to -jffiS-
the .i.ilnns l hi: wife and ggSi
On dark nlehts n white llc;ht can , ?
be yton farther than ,i;t other, but fig?
p'.a -
GENUA. Ituly. Sept. 18. Two high
Xploslvc bombs snullai- to the one
Ihut exploded In the Block exchangi
h. re on Krlday h.io been found by
thi police in a lively Stable, but the
persons Wb.b bid them there have not
bien discovered. The authorities ftro
i if.- Ij following every elm feeling
thi Irfaj arrest the perpetrators of the
outrage and very possibly reveal an
International terrorist jdot which ma
. ci hap.-, extend to the United Stnt?s
. Si Hungarians have been arrested
Sinos i h- bomb explosion. They had
Iplenty'Of money bul none of them hud
Uli ntlflcation papum. The. are said
to bS communists and wen- taken at
1 .i holol alleged to be a rendsSVOUS for
radicals, Several itugciiiiuM and Hun
garians held BJ SUSpiciOUS characters,
v. re fonnri there recently.
roiice officials have ascertained the
bomb hmi been mads recently end for
this reaaon there Is some suspicion that
that It was turned out h a plant occu
pied by workmen. Attempts have been
made to blow up several fashionable
i si iiieiitM, nne of which was located
in the l.Meinent of the stock exchange
CORPUS CHRISTI, Tex , Sept 20.
Arturo de Sanicho, consul general for
Mexico at Laredo. In a telegram Sun
day to Hoy Mills, secretary f the Rur
al lmd owners' association here, an
nounced the opening of "the agency
for protection ot Mexican laborers In
.uea I-iredo."
The agency will supply cotton pick
ers and other farm labor to American
farmers and ranchers and will be op
erated by the Mexican government, tho
telegram said.
American employers who call on the.
agent y for laborers will be required to
sign formal contracts, the consul gen
eral said Laborers thus employed will
pass through tho United States Immi
gration offke as contract laborers."
Establishment of the agency was
I agreed on at a recent conference be
tween Mexican officials and repre
sentatives of Texas farmers and busi
ness men at Iiredo.
CHICAGO, Sept. 20. Lieut Col.
Theodore Roosevelt plans to make an
other speaking tour of the w est, he
hald, last night, on his return from a
trip through several states with Raj -in.
.ml Robins He left tonight for Al
: bany, N, T.
Col Roosevelt declared ho had
found an "Increasing Republican senti
ment" In all western states he visited
KANSAS CITY Mo. Sept. 20.
BUSinesi sessions formed th- chief part
' of today's program at the seventh an
nual New Thought Alliance congress.
' This morning's business session was
n rdvMYe ol Miss Nons ) Brooks
1 Denver, Colo.
Square trunk trees aro now being
I experimented on by British school Of
forestry. J
HAMILTON. Mags, Bepl 10.- Fred
erick II PrlnCS Issued a statement
'Sundux In reply to the special rnport
lot the federal trade commission to
Attorney General PaJroer int Friday
which recommended rejection by the
I department of Justice of the plun of
.in :Blg Five" packers to transfer
their ownership in stockyards to F. H.
PrinCS ;"d company of Iloston
i "The phm Is intended in good faith
to bring abOUt an absolute separation
Of the yards from packer ownership."
Blr- l'rince eald in his statement
The commission attacked the plan
on the ground that It would permit
Increased rather than diminished oon-
tiol of the yards by the packers with a
resultant suppression of competition
"The Commission overlooks tho
feet," Mr. Prince said, "that the court. '
io which ths plan has been submitted
has the power to investigate this as-!
pect of the case anil to impose such
conditions as it may think necessary j
to make the separation certuln and I
KANSAS (. IT Y, Mo, Sept. 20 Tho'
police are Inv estigating the murder
of John W Gray, 2 6, chauffeur, wtlOMS
body was found in a secluded dlstrr t
east of town Sunday. Gray's car la
missing. According to the police..
Gray was beaten to death some time
Suturday night A small Iron bar witn
which, it is believed, ifie killing was
done, lay beside the body. Search was
made for three passengers Gray Is said
to have been driving when last seen I
The police said they had received
Information that Graj's passengers had
planned to carry out a robbery and
that when the chauffeur refused to'
assist they killed him and escaped in
the motor car.
BELFAST, Sept. 20 With twenty
automobile captured troni week end
pleasure seekers, Sinn Felners In Mld
tyrone Saturday carried out one of
the biggest raids for arms in the hls
tor of Ireland Early in the afternoon
B body of armed men stationed them
s. Ives at the entrance to Gorlin Glenns
jnd held up all motOl e;ir
When twenty machines had been
captuced a force of loo masked no n,
all heavily armed and led by an bf-!
fleer, entered the cars, the drivers of
which were compelled to drive the
raiders around the country visiting
houses In scan h of arms.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 20. Con
sumption of wines and liquors in the
Inlted States in 191! was less per
capita than during any year since
IS 70. accordlnK to estimates today oi
the department of commerce. In 1870
the amount wos 1 7 70 gallons per capi
ta, rising to 22.90 gallons in both i;o;
and I ! 1 1 ar? falling io 117 gallons
las year.
The total consumption of wines and
liquors In LS19 totalled lr2.394.720
gallons compared with a total of (,
701, .827. 271 gallons or 15. 95 gallons
per capita In 1 918.
Complete October List Now on Sale c 1
Records 1
Song Hits j f; I
The Lore NW, from ljrt . . Kra k Crumit ) A-2973 & d"r?Vh-
Dovn the 1 rail to I lome Sweet Home Henry Burr $1.00 jyV- "i V
AJler You Get Whnt You W- You Don't Want It 1 A.2966 &Bm
v in and Sclicnck tt1 nr, ,A ( TO-. ."- ts j
Yen Tell 'Em .... Van sad Sen nek J 51,00 A-yy
Oh Judge (He Tra.U M Mean) . Mirion Harrn I A-2968 n V-'fi v 5 to'Lkl t fr
He Done Me Wrong . ... MaHoft Hsrril J $1.00 "ij f f SSwW'i
I'd Love to Fall Aaleop and Wake Up in My Maramy'a Arma 1 2964 ) ' ' HflSr yy
R jclt-a-byo Lullabjr Mammy Harry Fox j 1,00 J f jj awBSF
Dcn't Take Away Thoie Blue . . Frank Crumit A-2965 W" l tfW
!-Byc. Dixie, Good-Bye Fnnk Crumit 51.00 t- , Lri Bfiftf
I'll Br With oi in Apple Lloaom Time ( imnhrll snd Ilun ) A-2967 IjRHCi j HrWr1
11 I Wait Till the End of the World . ( tmpbell and Bl rr f $1.00 , ; tc fi Ji ,
Comir,' Thro the Rye . . . Reia'aad Camels Ponsellej JJJJ ' ' :"V'W f,
Madrigal of May, from Tht lc:i . . Jeanaa Gordonl 7ff " ' 1 ftfV
Motl.rr-Hoart I-ouii Grareure I A-6160 ' J ' ffllfl f-'ih
Forcotten . LnUi Graveutc $1.50 ' - jff 1ljl'J''rT ' V v' "
Tho Barefoot Trail OaCST Seagle 1 A-2961 f' ' VV'
Lascic cMino (brar Seaglr $1.00 MU I i ' ;,e ("
War Song (Indian . . . 0-kr -non-ton ) A-3092 ' l'' 2
Evcry-Dar Song ( Indian) .... Oi-ke-non-ton j $1.00 ( Ij $ '.
Unc'e Josh Tr.kca the C'niui Cal Stewart . k
Uncle Joah ot .i Meeting of tho School House Director 1 -2962 '-Wfa
Cal Stewart f 1'00
... Dance Music 1
jf In Sweet September Mrdlrv Fox trot Paul Bieae Trio ) A-2959
5 Sweet Sugar Babe Fox-trot . , Rial Bteie Trio f $1.00
ieVJw rf Jfc.. Tell Me, Little GypayMr.llrv l ox-trot Art Hickman's Orchestra ) A-2972
Cj ffij$? ' T La Veeda-Foi-trot . . . Art Hickman's Orchectra j $1.00
vf$&-r A Young Man'a Fancy Fox-trot Art Hickman's Orchestra I A-2970
. .riJ i In the Gloaming alti , . Art Hickman's Orchestra j" $1.00
a' v t$W$S Manyana I ox-trm Prinre'a Dance Orchestra I A-2963
' &L Happy Medley One-step . . Prince' Dance Orchestra f $1.00
- i J,'.,'W''!fflip ' ' .' Silver Water-Medlev Tox-trot , Yrrkei Happy S x .
V'MIK1' ''1 Good-Bye. Sunahine. Hello Moon'. Medley Fox-trol 5100
,,,yvv'SIwlfeV Yerkea" Happy Six !
'' ' THl'a V Pretty Little Cinderella MrdlevWalti . Prince's Orchestra I A-6162
' SSCEWP Pickaninny BlueaWalti Prince's Orchestra j $1.25
' fOBC i Bins rHsmoads Foi Hut Attoiiliuii tiulii . Guido Deiro I A-2969
V'vV Zaropa Rag Accordion Solo . . Gnido Deiro j $1.00
' W, Midnight Pire Alarm Descriptive Galop Pnn.-e' I Orcheitra I A-2960
I i Tha Burning of Rome Descriptive March JcTwoftep Columbia Band $1.00
Opera Music B
Samaon and Delilah Mon coeur t'ouvre a ta voix 43752
Jeanne Gordon j" $10
Instrumental Music C,
Navarraiae from If Qid Key of (T Cincinnati Svmphony . C 4Sta
estra. Under the direction of Eur;rn Y:ave A-6159 i i V 'vBBa
L Dragon do Villara flverrur -Kevofl Cincinnat ' $1.50 (f X ' J dr -B
Symphony Orchei'n Under the direction of Eugen Ysaye II . f'
H-jnr:rian Rhcpaody No 12. Parti Piano Solo Perrv Grainper A-6161 (jcf-
liungananRhapaodyNo. 12 Part II. Piano Solo Perrv GramCer $1.50 fttSi V J
Naomi Wr.ltr -Bell Solo .... Howard Kopp 1 A-2956 C - "", , l'J' IfclSR
Dainty Ann (.avottc Ileil Solo . . Howard K.opp $1.00 OxfflnRtajjy J
Come Where the Liliea Bloom . . Glom Trumpeters 1 A-2958 V ' JjP
How Sweet the Moor.lijht . . Gloru Tnimpeters ( $1.00 ' - ' w"
MedleTof Jigaand Reele Part I. Georpe tell I A-2957 1 ' '. rrrrnHM
Medley of Jies and Reels Pari II. Violin Solo George Stell $1.00 lllfllggr
Ungrateful Heart ... I nian Orchevtra ) E-4695 iCH
Sing for Mc Italian Orchestra f $1.00
I'rcjiJennl Campaign Recorjj New Process Columbia Records J fjMI
vtU cjn bj Kurd pjKlic irttt- mhii, accurate in et,er detail. tWa
inga and ill Wf AjMhsS. ksaBl j Pjrjl St,nH,d Mod1m
on Nation I r orum Columbu lt- . Il l Mm ml ,,(,
V... I.-,, ... r vr o,., V"' Colombia Rccordt on Salm at all Colombia DtaUri J g 0 up to SJ00
I . nt'vtntA CgAFHOPKONJS COMFASY, Kw Vart up to 91100
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