Newspaper Page Text
90 .,, m , - . ---. r--r. r-rrrjT , j:r-r-, .icrTrr": "TTZI JL" - ; Fiftieth Year-NoT" OGDEN CITY, UTAH T TUESDAY EVENING, SEFTEMBER 21, 1920. LAST EDITION 4 P. M I NEW YORK CUSTOM HOUSE UNDER GUARD I POLICE WRECK TOWN OF B ALBRIGG AN j I SHOOTING OP I 10 OFFICERS I SOON AVENGED Largest Hosiery Factory in Irealnd Destroyed by Rioters W SINN FEINERS' HOUSES j FIRED: SOME BAYONETED m Belief That Mayor MacSwiney ij Is Being Fed Gains fmr Lately DUBLIN, Sept. 21. Auxiliary police H forces last night wrecked the town of lBi Iiulbrlggan, near here, in rot. illation j foi the shooting ot two poitci ifflccra Bl there earlier in the evening, whin DIs- trict Inspector Burke was .killed anil bis brother, Sergeant Uurke. was Be- ripusly wounded. Two civilians were 3hot dead and scernl persons wounded. Many houses were set on fire and the largest hos- ltry factory In Ireland belonging to 1 an English firm, was destroyed. ! TOWN IN TERROR, fl This morning the town was In tor-I I'oV, and streams of refugees in all1 IH sorts of vehicles were abandoning the"! Hr place for Hie neighboring vlllagi i K it la reported thai the tytro civilians B who were killed, a duiryman and a' H barber, were dragged frdin their houaea, bayonetted and then shot A number of houses belonging fl I'l'omlnent Sinn Felncrs were Met on ' fire, and altogether $ residences are : I reported to have been burned to the J ground. The sacking of the town waai urrled out by some fifty auxiliary B .oliee, known as black and tan from I mclr uniforms. Today these police ; "Easl were reported to be declaring they j . ould return tonight to complete the cteatructtoo of 'he town. MACS WIN El s (OM)ITIOX LONDON. Sept. 21. Lord Mayor MacSwlney. of Cork, passed a very restless night at Ifrlxton prison where lie entered this morning the Kith day of his hunger strike, according to a I bulletin Issued by tho Irish Self-Do-: termination league. He had some alccp, but it was quite fitful and he: very weak this morning, the bul-' leilii said When askd the direct whether MecSwincy w..a being fed. a home office official' said this morning "Not that we know of. but you must remember his relatives have free ac cess to him.". This Is the first time officials have I qualified the statement ,as far as the government's doctors Know, the lord mayor is not receiving nourish ment. The prison physician reported this1 morning that MacSwinev was ronsid-' 1 1 ably weaker than he was yesterday. I no VERY 'DRY' CANDIDATE IS 1 NEEDED, SAYS CANDIDATE L CHICAGO, Sept. 21. Aaron S Wttt- awM Ins, prohibition candidal foi presi- SbH dent, in an addreaa last night declared t tlutl the Ikpior nufstion 'still was the B moit vital problem " urged support for' i. ague of nations; but not the Wil-j son league," and advocated a 'fair tribunal with the pubiu represented! H on It, 1 1 settle dlsputi s betw en opita labor" "Wo must remember that the state-, ments of George Washington against ntangllng alliance s are Irre levant to day because of the changes In the clr-j 1 r j instances.'' he said. 'We do not uit the Wilson league but we do. i iiit some sort of federation of no-! Conoernlng prohibition, Mr Watkins! "The great question Is destruction of the liiUor traffic The mere puss-' ago of a law has not settled It We mutt have a president pledged to rigid Corcomcnt of the law and pledged to oppose Its veto." Strikes must be barred and labor '-loblems settled by an Impartial board ivlth tlie public represented on It," he tontlnucd. CAPT. HEINTZ MENTIONED AS LEGION COMMANDER k CHICAGO. Sept 21 The name of Ciptaln Helntz, uf Cincinnati, will be1 presented at the American legion I meeting In Cleveland next week as a I . indldete for national commander, I membora of Captain Helntz's old divi sion announceil today. The boorn w:ia I discussed yesterday with Lieutenant Colonel JPheodon Roosevelt when he: stopped here en route aat. i .iptaln Helntz Is now regional dlcert-j or tho the natlon.rl com niittce here. He received the Krench crolx de guerre and the AmerKan dis tinguished service medal PAPERS FAIL TO PROVE j FASTER IS AN AMERICAN QUpBNSTOWN, Sept. 21 The American vice consul here, John K Mi Anilrows, la-'t night rereled papers; 1 in which the claim for American clt- j son ship of Joseph Kenney, one of the j ' lUBgor strikers In Cork Jail. Is Bald to based. 4' They proved to be merely a dr-cla- I ration made by Kenny at Moapa, i . J I Nev., It 1504 of his Intention to bo- come, naturalized No evidence was submitted to show that Kenny had completed the nat i ' uralization proccsa before returning S, to Ireland- . B NEW 5TOR-K Tin- photbgrapb ihowing tlie scene of tlie terrific explosion in Wall street was snapped a few tninutes aftm- t h blast The vnreeked autoniobxle in t he Coregrorind is shown just a. it found aftei the explosion Tin crowds are watching the police clearing away debris questioning spectators arfd curing for tne wound' cd In tin right, with the pillars, is the U S sub-treasury building and in front tin statue i fJi-orgi Washington which was'undamaged. Tn,e Morgan Company build mg is i'.isj outside the photjpgraph on the left, across tlv sti'eel from the subtrea'surje'. As an indication of il"1 force "I the explosion, part of the wagon that is supposed to Kave contained the explosives: was Mun to the thirty-eighth floor of the Equit able building where tip Bankers' olub has its dining room. TURKS HDD H' CUT OFF HEADS OF FALLEN FOES; Ten Thousand Orientals Be siege French Troops in City of Adana COrVSTAVTINOPl.K Bept 21 fHy' the Associated Press) Turkish Na- tlpnallst forces in so tether u Asia Mi nor are continuing ihclr fight against! l"r-nch troops of occupation there. Ten' thousand Turks and Arabs are le- ill p Ing Adana and others arc: dally i-'.i M-j Ingr Tarsus w;th old fUe-meh QeVmuj guns operated - C,, officers wh have been stranded there Bince lhO armistice. Frequent attacks an? b'-in -: ! made on Mcrslna, an Important BQa port southwest of Adana. but. the hnve been repulsed by the- fin front FVeiicn battleships m the harbor. Americans In Adana hao" J, food supplies, hut distribute what tllCJ can to 2000 persons daily They have so far failed to secure' shipments from Merslno Hand-to-hand fighting f roquenMy occurs at Adana. the Krench F lese and also the Turks and Arabs cutting off the heads of the fallen tol be sure they are dead The French have succeeded In pet ' ting supplies into Tarsus from M si-j na and are preparing for a wlniei-'ai siege WHISKY PRESCRIPTIONS BOUND UP IN RED TAPE ST. LOUIS. Mo , Sept 21. Flans for eliminating "i;od tape" which it w.isi declared is entangling handling of al- cohol and narcotics.. Were considered at the opening of the business session i of tho twenty-second annual conven tion of the Nutloiml ASSO l ition of Ile tail i iruggiata h-r. today in filling a prescription for whisky, It Was pointed out. a druggist is re-; quired to sign his name 12 Hmes. andr nlcohol can only le obtained sixty dsys afl-r application is made VETERANS TO GATHER 1U1D FIREONCEMORE Stories of Days of '61 -'65 Are Told and Retold at G.A.R. Annual Reunion INDIANA POLiai Ind . Sept 21, "ld frlendsiiifis were to be renewed and stories of th days when they bat tled for tho union recounted .us thi principal activities today of the lf-0 encampmi nt of the Grand Army of the Itopabjlh which formaUS OR6n0d here yesterday, Klght regimental and bri gade reunions were set for today and tonight the annual eampfbre will he held, Tho organizjillon, at the busl ness session Thursday, will b- asked to increase the per capita tax from 3V cents, at which figure it had len for thirty years, to 10 cents a .u It was stated by members of the na tional council of administration that the dwindling membership made tho move necessary. The membership of 894.-000 in 1890 had dwludh rl to 103.000, Commander Daniel M. Hall -cud Among the notables attending the encampment are Dr. Hobert T Hard ing Of .Marlon, 0 father of Senator Harding, Kcpubliean presidential nom inee and Lieutenant Gfovexnpr P. A. Darrows, of Nebraska. The old guard of Ohio," Its mem bers ranging from 7f to 90 years of age, attracted considerable attention last night as with Springfield rifles shouldered according to the manual of arms of the sixties it marched to Its headquarters. oo ITALY CELEBRATES FOR ANNIVERSARY OF ROME UOMK Sept. 'JO All UaU joined toda In the ceh bi atlcei of the liltleth anniversary of the proclamation of Konio as the capital of united Italy 1 he exercises, fur the most pari, took the form of gala processions during i hi afternoon and avanlne One Small Priest Is More Powerful Than Squads of Police In Fighting Mob CHICAGO Sept 11. One small priest with a smile and the word "sanctuary" on his lips did more than J I squads of police last night In prevent-1 ing tho threatened lynching of three negroes who took refuge In his church , He is Kather Thomas Purke, pastor of St Gabriel's church, In the stock yards neighborhood. When Father Burke reached the church a mob estimated to number I nearly 5000 was packed about the I doors and hundreds more had alrcfld) entered In the search for the hetfroea forcing hlx way In the orlc-st shouted I What is this sacrilege? Who urel the rowdies that storm the house of God V I SIS 1 5 swr i i uv. Someone explained: That makes no difference. ' tho priest cried. This place Is s.inetn- ary. I order every person In this building to leave Immediately and quietly." The crowd hroke anil filed out The last man had left when a police riot .-quad arrived. Taking tho police In side, Pather Burke called to the hid den negroes to come out There was a stir and one of the men ; stepped out from a confessional A - DRY ENFORCEMENT CHIEF OF CALIFORNIA KILLED STOCKTON. Cai., Sept. 21. Loren A. llandley, of Los Angeles, prohibi tion enforcement officer for California, met his death in an automobile accl ileni near here late last night, but Il was not until early today that Identification of the bodv -was defi nitely established. Handley was 31 years old and married EXPLODING TIRE KILLS MAN: BLOWS DOWN WALL MCALLEN. Texas. Scpl 21 Peter K" was Instantly killed today at San Juun, near here when a motor truck tire exploded while he was inflating I It with air. Th top of his head was blown off and a nearby brick wall i blown in. pile of cashereks in a robing room I yielded a second and the third spr piareil from behind the altar rail On? knelt am) kissed the priest's hand as police spirited them 'out a side en trance. With the negroe-s safely away Fath er Burke, smilingly, wont out to ad dress the mob. Too .Ml OH THOUBLiE. "Go home. Be peaceful and happy There's too much trouble In the World right now. Don't. start more," was his advice." The mob loft. The fist battalion of police reserves. Including 1000 patrolmen, two pla toons of mounted police, a machine i gun company, seven rifle squads and the motorcycle force patrolled thej riot zone this morning Order pre-' vailed. The disturbance last ulght was the j result of an altercation in which a white man was killed by the three ne-1 groes. and several othcr3 both negroes , Ind whites were Injured. Tho white1 man was said to have abused the ne- j gross, one of whom drew a knife and Slashed him fatally. - 1 ARGENTINE WON'T SELL LARGE AREA TO AMERICAN BI BNOS AIRli.S. Sept 21. Pur Ohase of more than 6, 100 square miles of public lands In the province of San tiago del TCstcro. In Central Argentina, by a capitalist, said to be an Ainerl i .in has been prevented by Minister of the Interior Gomez The American colony here is .speculating us to the Jdentlty of the man who is said to have aoughl to In i this ti rritory. which Is nearly half of the province and Is larger than the state of Connecticut. The inlniaicr warned Provincial Governor Gdoeres that federal law forbade s.iles in lots of more than 7,600 hectacrea The provincial legislature has Start ed an investigation. WESTERN GIRL GETS PUCE IN DDNDRLEGION Former San Franciscan Is Awarded Cherished Position by French Government PARIS Sept 21. Madame do Buy-er-.Mimoure foriirferlj; Miss Daisy Polk, of San Francisco, has" been made a of'.iller of the Legid.u of Honor in recognition of her services to France during the war it was announced to duy Three years ago, while engaged In war work in France. Ml.-s Folk mar ried Geiferal Murle Joseph Robert de Buyer-MlmAu re, of th French army, a well-known eavalty office r Mis'? Polk . arller In thai ye n bad been In charge of the reconstruction of the village of Vltremont. which had been (elected bj Mrs W. il Crocker of Sau Frapclsbo', to be rebuilt entirely by her !'.ei"ui' making up bdr work at Vltremont and other villages that had been damaged tv the QerVnans. Miss Polk was engaged In war relief work of various kinds Miss Polk, by her marriage, ac qulred right ti the title of countess, as her husband bears the title Of Count dc Buyer-Mimeure. i 'O ACCUSED SLAYER FLED TO WOODS; RETURNS sai'LT STB MARIE Mich., Sept .' 1 Vfter six days of hidlnh in the i in. oil hi woods. Dougnl Mouer. want , i, in . niineltlon w it h the shooting to death of Qeqrgt Elliott, farmer and brick manufacturer, is in Jail hero to daj with his sweetheart, Mhgglc Book, end his sister. Pearl, who had gone into hiding with Mouer Is alleged to have shot El liott as the latter was holding Maggie Bock in his arms after Fiilott hart lounrt the girl dressed In man s cloth ing, In his farmyard at irlght. TROOPS UTCH FOR ATTEMPT TO PLACE BOMB Several Employes Suddenly Develop Illness Which Keeps Them Home I WARNING BELIEVED TO ! HAVE BEEN ONLY HOAX Police Satisfied Fischer Had Nothing to Do With Wall ! Street Blast NEW YORK: Sept. 21. The New York customs hoiivi lod.i . was under ' j the heaviest guard In Its History, be- H cause of the warning received yester- H do y thai I hi Wa 1 1 si r '-; e cploslen last Thursday wou'd be followed this after noon with blowing up of the great gov I m ninent structure. Although both federal and local au thorities were Inclined to rsgard as a hoax the postcard received by Codec ' toi Edwards, setiinc '-' o'c lock as the out tor the second explosion, they look no chances. Office workers making their way now n the canyon of lower Broadway this morning, found scores of coast guards carrying rifles and sldo arms nterlng the custom house in addi tion, scores of United States custom guards had been mobilized Every one entering the structure was closely eiuestlcmed FAR FROM SOLUTION. Federal and police authorities today v ere admittedly as far as ever from h ; solution of the mystery surrounding 1 the explosion that spread death and lestrttdtion in Wall street last Thurs- I Hope of developments lrom ques tioning Edwin P- Fischer, lawver and former employe of the French high .commission, and Alexander lirallovsky, Russian journalist, went glimmering with the commitment of the formei jlor psychopathic observation in Belle v u. hospital and the unconditional ro- 1 lease of the latter after authorities had satisfied themselves that he had noth ing to do with the tragedy. Sl'DDK.N ILLM1SS. An epidemic of "sudden illness and ' visits from out of town relatives," was particularly noticeable among customs house employes and lower 'Manhattan workers this morning William i Pdg Bill) H Edwards, col lector of Internal revenue, was early lut work, however, and asserted that ; i a o o'clock would find him at his desk, i Although regarding the postcard warn ling as a joke he declared that ever -thing the law allows' has been don (to safeguard Ho. lles of workers m the building i i BORAH CONDEMNS LEAGUE IN JERSEY CITY SPEECH JERSEY CITY, N. J., Sept. 21. Senator William E- Borah, speaking last night in the Interest of the Hard- I lng-Coolldge ticket, declared he bolle - i eel the people were of the same opinion J ;aa they were In Washington's time that this country should not be involved U any entangling alliances with Europo. "The big questions are the settle Iment of racial antipathy and boundary disputes." he added. "President Wilson in giving us hl.1 league of nations, said, 'We can accept I I ho league because a new day has been iborn and the- people are thinking In u j different strain.' He went to Europo I with one league of nations and camu back with another No ono has the I light to change fundamental princi ples of this country but the mass of the people and we can not form a j 'league of nations and preserve tho i I policies which have made us the great nation that wc are." BOMB DOES BIG DAMAGE IN STREETS OF MADRID M DR.ID. Sept. 20. A djnamite bomb exploded toda In front of the Friends' club, in Talaveru, a suburb I of this city, doing enormous damage, but Inflicting no casualties. The po ller bays found a number of dynamite cartridges and :',! a deronator One arrest n a s been made. BARCKI .UNA, Spain. Sept. 20 An tonlo Juan Gascon and Pedro Jlmlnet QarfUlp have been arrested on sus picion that they were responsible for i the explosion of u bomb In the Pom- Ipeyo theatre last week which caused the deaths ot several persons COAST WOMAN DIVORCES CONVICTED 'BLUEBEARD' san FRANQISC.O, Sept. 21. Mis. I Irene Root Gordon, of San Francisco. i toda obtained an annulment of her I marriage to James M- (Bluebear lt Watson, confessed murderer of nine .women whom he had married and who i now Is serving a life term In San Quc-n tin state penitentiary. Mrs 'jiden said she was mairled to Watson at Sacramento, March 18 1919, ana thai ho left her shortly thereafter oo ! DAILY PAPERS TIED UP I BY STRIKE OF PRESSMEN ABERDEEN, S. D, Sept 21 Be- cause their demand for a wage in crease was refused, the press forcea of th Aberdeen Dally American and 1 1. nl', News, morning and evening pa pers, respectively, walkod ut yester- I day, causing suspension of the regular 1 Issues A two-page paper printed on a Job press will be issued as long a the men are out In order to maintain the papers' status ns legal publication 1 aeeordlng to the management. 1 BBS