Newspaper Page Text
1 I 2 THE OGDEN STANDARD-EXAMINER WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 22, 1920. m A iLUABLE PRIZE TO BE AWARDED f Is there a girl in Ogden who "- HB8hHRH looks like Mary Pickford in i: makeup? Here's jg I I your chance. Get out your lipstick, curl your hair, pen rUSrt -Mi cil your eyebrows and snap g - '' .,-,'M, I-,,.-', i . ,: 'i ', v Bfd- ilS'-'' ' ' "Is one, get your neighbor to Sp'3fr Bj snap you. File your picture g( KSjffe 'A1t jlHH------i-------H at the Alhambra. For fur J1 WKL Contest open until Sept. 18. ii iU'.cJl. !.V . . ' ' : '-i - Major Parly Conventions in California Call for De cider! Action SACRAMF.NTu. C;.l., Sept Resolutions looking towards mor stringent restrictions upon oriental lm migration inio the United Btatlea wen outstanding features of the Republtcar p.nd Democratic state ponventlons, botl of which udjourned here at mldnlghi A resolution adopted by the Kepub jican convention placed the gatherini on record jim favoring "cancellation 01 the "gentleman's agreenen'.' with J pan; exclusion f 'picture brides', rig orous exclusion i Japanese Inimi , . :ints, :md confirmation and I gollfea- lion of tlie polk..' Asiatics Shal be forever barred from American citi tenant p; an amendment to the fed oral constitution providing that nc child born in the ITntted States ui alien parents shall be considered at American citizen unless both parent! re of s race eligible to American c it -.. nship." Ihe Republican national party plat form was approed ai:d tht adminis tration of Governor Wnt, i . Btepheni indorsed No speolfh mention wai in;. do Of prohibition but one plank de clared for "rigid enforcement of all laws." The Democratic piriform included i plank seeking federal amendment w prevent Japanese abildfen born tar i his count' y from acquiring citizen .ship; endorsed tin- league of nations sent greetings to President Wilson and indorsed Senator James D. Pheien't measure in congress to exclude Japa nese from this country . Both conventions selected presiden tial electors. WILSON'S FRONTIER LINE DISREGARDED BY ITALY H ROME. Sept. 20. The Tribune eayi Hj that the foreign affairs committee H established the extreme limits of tin H concessions to he made to the Ju0 H Slavs on Italy's casti rn frontier, Those H the naper odds those H tamed in President Wilson's memor H andum, hut those which the genera H staff considered as an Indispensabl H frontier to protect Jtaly's safety.' RECALLS SENATE LEAGUE INQUtRy i Montana Senator Says Scheme Does Not Conflict With Constitution CHICAGO, Sapl 22 In a stnte J nient Issued today In reply to the con- tenflon of Senator Harding, Republi ? can candidate for president, that , t!;ere n un Irreconcilable conflict be tween the constitution of the United 1 Slates and tin -e-if.-u if nations cov , , ii Senator Thomas .). Walsh, of Montana Pemocrat, uid that Repub- , i. cans are "attempting to obscure the ,.(rt that their Opposition to the league Is purely partisan In character." Declaring that Senator Harding's ' i pinion ' is borrowed," Senator Walsh j sue! that "to PUt It forth at this time ' Lrgues either that r e has not follow -' c i attentively the debate on the league ' in the senate or that his memory is ! short." .Moed ' surfs'.-aloes made.' the 1 , it( uujnt continued, 'the senate di ' niied its committer en judiciary to Inquire a-s lo whether there ire con Btliuttonal objections to tho tieaty It reported that there are not. The re pori was not unanimous but no msm 'jber of the commitiee dissented some 1 mom Iters simply withholding their clulm thai the constitution forbids our ' government entering into obligations 'such as the covenant proposes though 1 three expressed some doubt " oo WISCONSIN REPUBLICANS J DENOUNCE RADiCAL CHIEFS MADJSUX, W's , sept. 22. Seniilor Harding and Governor Coolidge and Senator Irylne i. L enroot wen m dorsed ysterdas by thi platform con vention of the Republican party. The platform denounced the le i ! r Bhlp of the non-partisan league. 1 Vr. VV. and the communist party . , ALLIED FLEETS WATCHING FOR BOLSHEVIK RAIDERS CONSTANTINOP-E, Sept 20 Thy - allied fleets in th Bla k sea, Includ- - inu United States destroyers, ate be i Hi ved t" be capable of. protecting mer e chntmcn from bolshevikl raiders controlling ilu Sea of Azov. INBUSTRYUWIN NEBRP VOTED Extremely Light Vote Cast on Question of Many State Amendments 6 II AHA, Neb. sept. 22 Returns 'from 103 out of approximately 1000 precinct in the state on constitu tions' amendment to empower the j si;t. letrlsl:i I nr. to i rf a an Indusl ri 1 1 . -urniil-' -on I" p: es ii)irm cont rovei sles between emplpyers and employes in any business or vocation affected with a public Interect. gives. For the adoption !r the aim ndment, js;s; against, 1BZ7 There was little opposttlonj, appar ently, if adoption of an amendment to, give Nebraska women unrestricted suffrage. Returns received thus far on this proposal give 2754 for the! amendment with -4& against It The, women themselves voted on this and( othei amendments submitted at yes-, , terday'S special election. Majorities for all other amendments, are Indicated by early returns. These Ihcluch proposals to permit the legis lature to regulate property rights of aliens, to create a state budget ss-j ,tem. to permit regulation of working! ondltions for women and children, and to require that common school branches in Nebraska schools be taught In Knglieh. There apparenth was little Interest in the election, the vote of both men Land women being extremely light. no FRENCH THROW LIGHT ON HUNGARIAN RAIL BUY PARIS. Sept. 21. The reported agreement between the French a:.d Hungarian governments concern, rg State railways Is private financial i " commercial arrangement between French bankers a. id buainess men and Hungarian business men, says the for eign office The agreement has, not I yet rei elved the approval of the I French government Through the agreement the French group wouid gai-i control for a term of years of all Hungarian railway. I In return for which the Hungarians! would receive assistance from Fra'.ce. Great Britain is also believed to b9 interested In the agreement. Through the- arrangement It Is re i ported Great Britain will become a controlling factor In the waterways. I What Ready To Eat H r Cereal Should You Buy? If it's flavor you want; if its moderate cost, or full nour ishment without waste; if its H quickness of service HI By all means try a package of thi HI SugQr -sSafving Cere&l I GrapeNuts H ; This famous wheat and malted barley H ; food has every good feature a prepar- I ed cereal food should have, and more ! than most foods. H Grocers Everywhere mSmW I Sell GrapeNuts jg "There's a Reason" :L Made by ' "-'-Z,'' H Postuin Cereal Conine, Battle Creek.MicK H7.v m fc 11 - BWBBgi - - ADVISORS FDR G. fl, P. SELECTED All Factions Represented in Group o? 24 Men and 16 Women NEJW YORK Sept 22. Will II iihv5, chairman oi the Republican nn tlonul ronimlue. hist night announced th( a ppolntmcnl of :m .idvi.sory ram- pnign commlttss of forty members which, hp said. Is recruited nom ev rty faction within ihr party" nnd proves that ''the great party of the union la indeed a unit.." TWenty-fOur men and sixteen wo men the committee Mr rlays declared the personnel of tlu oommlttci indicates that "absolute l.-armony" exists within the Republi can ranks and he calls attention to the inct that former candffJates for the Kopuldlcan r sid--ntlal nomlnutlon ur.l their managers, as well as for mer progressives, have consented to serve, 'i he perslnnel is: W i v, is RKPRKSENT1 i. Wm. H. Tnft. Charles k. Hughes, H'r.'pit Hoover, Senator Miles 1'oin dtxter. former Senator A. J. Bever Idfje, forme i senator Joseph M Dixon, cf Montana; c;n i o Lowden, of Illinois; Oo . W illiam C Sproul of Pennsylvania; Gov. Peter Norbeok, of South Dakota; Cio'. Thomas 15. Camp bell, ot Arizona; Uov. R 1 . Carey, of Wyommn; Colonel Willlum Cooper Proctor, Cincinnati, one of the cam paign managers for .Major Qeneral vVood ; (Jscar S. Strtius Now York, W I '. itrov.n, Toicuo. Senator Uardlng's floor manager at Chicago; Judge Wm 1'. Bynum, Greensboro, .. C; Major Frank H. Knox Manchester, N. H., floor manager for Wood at Chicago; Wm L Huti htnson, Indianapolis, ueslrkn; of the Carpenters and Join ers' union of North America- Harriet B. Vlttum, Chicago, chair man of the woman's tllvlslon In the Wood Dimpuign; Mrs. g. T. Guernsey, Independence; Kan., president or the i u-iiti rs ot the American Revolu tion; Mrs. Lillian Russell Moore, llttsbu:-g; Congressman John I. No lan, San Francisco, former manager lor Senator Johnson, u II Lewis Iicston. Mrs. Albert Bruggeman, St Louis WOMEN 1 so IN rn ;,. Mrs. F P. Bagley, Boston, Mrs. Thomas c Mit. r, Washington, D. C; Miss Margaret Cobb. Boise, Idaho, R. A. Bddy, Augusta Maine, Mrs E K. I icckert. Plalnsfleld N. .) , Mis Guy V Gnnnot. Augusta. .Maine, Mrs. Solo mon Hirach, Portland, Ore; Mrs. Ceorge 1'offenharger. Charleston, V. Vn., J. i Shaffer. Chlqago; William K i I s. st Louis. Mrs. Max C. Sloss. San Francisco; Mrs. Ci A. Severance. St. f';vul. Minn ; H. w Wilkinson, New 5ork; Honrs ( Wallace Dej Moines la; Miss Maude Wetmore. IJro nlcnce, K. 1. : Miss Blna West. Fort Huron. Mich. Mrs. Theodora Youmans Waukesha, wis. Chairman Hays, speaking of his re cent trip through the west, said: "There are lots of Cjsm. Hills in I he west. Castle Hill is a town In Maine which the other day oust 101 ot.s -inn Hi .iilili, hi anil on. Ji.-ino-i latlc The postmaster seems to have stood firm." oo PRESBYTERIANS PLAN TO PAY INTER-CHURCH DEBT ATLANTIC CITY, N J Sept 22. Plans to lifullaie the i 1 . . 1 . - of the Presbyterian church to the inter church world moement. which has been abandoned, were considered yes lerdaj at a meeting of the executive committee of the Presbyterian general assembly The new era committee of the Pres byterian (hutch alio Is In session hole, the chief business under considera tion being continuance of the ca.. iv of the Presbyterian churches In an effort to complete the quota of 2Z,m DOO.OOO for church work oo MEXICO MAY TAKE OVER LIGHT AND CAR SYSTEMS MEXICO CU V. Sept. 22. Plans by which the government would take over the Mexico Light & Power company ind the Mexico City street rallwaa will he soon laid before either the presi dent or congress, it was announced by thi treasury department last night. Loth are, foreign concerns. The scheme under consideration contemplates the Issue of bonds by the government to pay the stockholders, the bonrls being retired later by the profits of the company. IO STATEMENTS RETRACTED BY ATTY. GEN. PALMER NEW YORK. Sept 22. Counsel for Julius Forstmann and the wool con cern of Forstmann & Hoffman coni panj announi i d thai suits nicd against Attorney General Palmer alleging 11 hci in magaslne articles hari been dis continued upon receipt of a letter from Mr. Palmer .,'ating that he bar not intended to charge dlsloyalt) during the war, and that he was satisfied ' there was no basis for such a charge. JAPAN'S EXPORTS GROW DESPITE GENERAL SLUMP WASHINGTON Sept. 22. Japanese exports during July exceeded Imports by 18,000,000, a consular report re- iw-,1 here today said The island em pire during July sent abroad broods val ued :it $ 1 ;.7.00,000 despite the Indus trial situation experienced during the summer oo GOETH vi s ro SPEAK CHICAGO. Sept. 22. General George W. Goethals. bullde:- of the Panama canal, will be tho principal speaker before the ninth annual con vention of the American Association of Port Authorities, which opens here September 30, It was announced today. oo RLPRIs L IN I R EL M. BELFAST, Sept. 22. After a dis play by Ulster volunteers ycsterdi.y. armed and disguised men in uniform I attacked premises In Carrlck-on-Shun-non. and caused considerable damage I v. Ith rifle fire and bombs. in B w ki:r N'AMED WASHINGTON, Sept. 22. D. C Wills, of Cleveland, O . was appointed a member of the federal reserve board today by President Wilson. Mr. Wills i formerly was chalrmun of the board ; of directors of the federal reserve rank at Cleveland. vo ct iRD (. ls BL IS i LONDON, Sept Tin -lock ex change yestcrduy Issued a notice that parcels mu3t not be delivered at the ixch.mge but left at a nearby -cloak room; oo DIES l .i M GENEVA, Sept. 22. -Oeorge ruyth, of Ithaca, N v . American so ciologist and Internationalist, died of typhoid fever here Mondnv Don't Poison Baby, , I CORTY YEARS AGO almost every mother thought ber child must have PAREGORIC or laudanum to make it sleep. These drugs will produce sleep, and A FEW DROPS TOO MANY will produce the SLEEP FROM WH10H 1HERE IS NO WAKING. Many arc the children who have been killed or whose health has been ruined for life by paregoric, laudanum and morphine, each of which is a narcotic product of opium. Druggists are prohibited from selling either of the narcotics named to children at all, or to anybody without labelling them "poison' The definition of "narcotic" is: "A medicine which relieves pain and produces sleep, but Which in poisonous doses produces stupor, coma, convulr 8ion8 and death:' The taste and smoll of medicines containing opium are disguised and sold under the names of "Drops," "Cordials," "Soothing Syrups," etc. You should not permit any medicine to be given to your children unless you or your physician know of what it is composed. C ASTORIA DOES NOT CON TAIN NARCOTICS, if it bears the signature of Chas. E, Fletcher. Children Cry Fop J Y set Controls 1' "Fluid iv-ohtt BamgggBSSKBESS Hi jgg2igjl Of Course You Love Your Baby. I r ; j . . rvoiin Diction You love it because of Its very helplessness, because it can't tell. .-. J , 1C.rfuinc''ndRo,?t.Contini you what is the matter when it f;;els bad. It can only cry and look !bp ' norlhcrCpi'uni.rp'liIlcnor t0 yu or helP- ut tlie more yu love baby the more yo'u want to ' Mineral Not Narcotic hcip baby, the more you ought to realize what a wonderful remedy , ' : jjjjEFYn22i , Fletcher's Castoria is. It has been used for babies' ailments for over thirty yearc. '!v ti?J An experienced doctor discovered Fletcher's Castoria especially sfl 4jJjjJ ( i for babies' use. It is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, kit - i fifEtt& l j Drops and Soothing Syrups. Doctors who know what is safe and best r! ' SiV J ! for babies have only good to say of it. WsS&S. Don't neglect your baby. Get a bottle of Fletcher's Castoria and A!-.clpfulRcrncch lor & few doses 0f jt gee how the little one smiles at you as :,: Constipation and Diarr. Jf trying tQ thank you for helping it. Soon you will learn to depend r'A-i niui Fcrcnsh Ep cn Fletcher's Castoria, made just for Infants and Children, and of iihcrcfrorn inlfO' course you would not think of using anything for them that wa3 not ;fl roullinK prepared especially for Infants and Children. So keep it in the house. U4nWl rac Simile SinI.or L - mi OL0 GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS 1 agnature mmmnirm Exnct CopT ol Wrapper. the ointauh company, nkw york citv ITALIAN RAILWAYMEN I GIVEN INCREASED WAGES ROME, Sept 21. An :tgroem nt has bett rsabhsd iy which rallwsy msn will receive Increased wages of 1 200.000,000 lire annually, bringing the l railway deficit to two billion lire ycar ! ly. A further Increase of 20 per cent in fare, which have been more than , doubled since 1914, i. proposed. HIIXJES AS ARBITRATOR DISPLEASES GERMANS PARIS; Sept. 22. Walker D. Hines. , uiif iican ai$ltratoi In the waterways lluestlons. has been accepted by Ger linany "In the Interest of peace and thei Isiieedy reconstructions of Europe." The Germans protest against the ap polntiQenl of Mr Hines POISON FAMILIES RATHER THAN LET THEM STARVE HONOLIILU, T H.. Sept. 21 Chl iu se In the famine ridden province of Shantung are poisoning entire families ', avoid death by starvation, according ly Tokio table advices to the Nippu Jljl, Japanese language newspaper here. A hundred million dollar fund IS needed to save the people in the starvation districts, the advices added, 00 NATIONAL THRIFT WEEK IS DATED FOR JAN. 17-23 NEW YOFtK. Sept 22. National thrift week for 1921 will bo observed from January 17 to 23, It was decided at a meeting of o-operatln organs. I COL. ROOSEVELT'S SISTER TAKES STUMP FOR G. 0. P. ' '"'IIICAGO. Sept 22 Speakinfr dates 'for Mrs. CorrlnS RooseVelt liob'.nson. ! Of New York, sister of the late Colonel H (Theodore Roosevelt, were renounced H j at Hepublioan national headquarters Cfj She will leave New York on hei west- W cm tour tomorrow and will speak at PfBn& I Columbus, O., September 24; Indian- spoils, Ind. Sept 2 , st Joseph, Mo., cflHi date unannounced! Denver, Colo., B Sept. 28: Omaha. Neb.. Sept. 29; St. H Paul or Duluth, Sept 30. BH Mrs. Robinson will arrive in Chi- vLsfl r.-go October 2. vjvj In some parts of South Wales. , friends and relatives of a deceased person take turns in irrvtng the t of- H fin to the burial place. j I I I Cincinnati Thursday OH, YOU PETE: ' ml Remember Ratty Waters who tied the dish pan under Prof. Bunn's car at Princeton? i He's more seriously inclined now sells high r-p- grade bonds! Ran smack into Ratty as he L- CS? I was hustling for his a. m. fodder with a Camel cigarette perched between his lips and jcgmLjS? looking as happy as a turtle on a log! It's a WbiML) pretty art this opening up the morning rjr fa xSE&QMr wilh 3 CameI! Sf ( )' Well sir, Pete, what Ratty rattled into my pTjj cT gy rafters would supply Camel selling stuff for a year! "There's nothing to this cigarette jnjiA game but Camels," said Ratty. "Their mel- tjlaw lowness is a revelation and I never did run y ffllV into such mildness in my life! And, when I iMjISi you figure that Camels have ALL the "body" ' , any smoker wants well. I just marvel that such a cigarette could be made! Ever get such refreshing flavor? - For instance, Ratty spread this: "Shorty, I can't stand the usual unpleasant cigaretty aft'rtaste and unpleasant cigaretty odor! . g Camels are free from both' (100 per cent. Jk. 0? O. K , Pete!) And, they never tire my taste! JB When you pass by Camels you have lippi-d . by your smoke signals! Tried to get Ratty to put some of that - . , sales talk on paper, but he came back i "You T P. S Jjt wrote R- , , , , r , , , j . ) Reynold Tob c tell cm, old kettle you ve got the spout! ought to help to BkT up picture of the Pete, Camels won Ratty 's favor like they've long tie the 'lt won thousands of others! They'll win any thTti ra'Te' i7ei 77137 Slves them a chance! I brewing. I CT(jaCTTOg 1 " J I