Dodgers Gam Lead Over Reds
By Virtue of Double Defeat
of Reds
Won Lost Pet.
Brooklyn 9 59 601
N.w York 88 63 S69
Inclnnall 77 6$ 539
' "K ? 69 .518
Chleano 72 75 490
. i.ouis 70 76 479
HQ Boston 59 SI .422
Mj Philadelphia 54 89 37S
H I Yesterday's Itosnlts.
t'Tt At Brooklyn Boston 1, Brooklyn 3.
!"' At New York Chicago 2, New
York 7
At Philadelphia St Louis 4. Phila
delphia 2.
At Pittsburg (Flrat game) Cincin
nati 0. Pittsburg 2. (Second game)
Cincinnati 1, Pittsburg 3
Today Schedule.
Boston at Philadelphia.
No other games scheduled.
BROOKLYN. Sept 23 Brooklyn
drove another nail into the rational
league pennant yesterday by bratlnp
Boston. 3 to 1. Smith kept the six
3 its well scattered. The Dodgers
bunched hits for runs lii the third
and fifth, while Konetchv cemneeted
S I with a homer In the eighth
' The score R H E.
CaL Boston . 1 6 2
y- Brooklyn 3 10 0
Batteries Ellllnchsm and OotWdyi
Smith and Miller
L NEW YORK, Sept 23. York
j (3 defeated Chicago yesterday. 7 to 2, In
' - the Cubs' last game here thin season.
Tyler and Bailey were batted hard,
while Dougla.-i steadied aftr lh tei
ond inning. Bancroft, with a double
and throe singles, and Snyder, with
i two doubles, led in the New York hlt-
ing. Tyler lasted tn.. inniiiKs and Bai
ley was taken out In the fourth
R. H. E
Chicago 2 7 1
r'lKaJR Now York 7 13 i
. Batteries Tyler, Bailey. Martin and
O'Farrell. Douglas and Snyder.
gel's home run over the right field
r i wall with Williams on bases In ih-
ninth, saved Philadelphia from :i shut
out at the hand. of Lyons. St Louis
recruit pitcher from Rlouv 'li, today
the visitors winning. 4 to 2 Lyons
also drove homo his tram s first run
R. H E
St- Louis 4 12 2
& B I'hlladelphla 2 z
' . a Batteries Lyons and Dllhoffer.
jjj Causey and Tragessor.
PITTSBURG. Sept txi.'irg
'S:'3K' wr two games from Cincinnati ye-
3iP tcrday. 2 to 0 and 3 to 1.
Adams out pitched Luiue In th first
l game He kept the visitors' five- hit-.
8 scattered. The first run was scored
wS in tno fourth Inning, on hits bv South-
worth and Barnhart. The other run
" Xirt rcsisicn.-u in ine Beveoia oy I raj
iSttf nors double and singles by Schmidt
:faa :ind Adarns.
'B The Reds scored their only run in
viJw the second contest on an error, which
was followed by a hit.
vSBoi Cincinnati o B i
wKKm Pittsburg ... S 1
4m Batteries Luque, Ring and Wlngo.
V I Adams and Schmidt
t"r'i See ond game R II j.;
Cincinnati 1 g
Ml Pittsburg .3 ;
' Batteries Ruether, Ring and Win-
r ifrftl '0; For,der and H nnefer.
fBSB The memorial tablet to be placed
In the Cleveland American league
'r.y'W hall park In memory of Ray Chapman
iJ&jfct., 'tar shortstop, who died after beim,'
u. hit by a pitched bull, must not cost
more than $ 1,000. The committee ie-
r '.gaBM lecllng the memorial met last wee-k
kflM1' and practically decided on the stle
H' and size of the plate it will be of
jtiHf bronze and In the shape of a baseball
TfjH diamond. It will bear the likenesa of
the player, together with the date of
IJEER birth, the date of his death, and
ieMMK Other Important Information to be de-
SDH elded upon b the committee later.
WSM CINCINNATI Fred Coumbe. the
4H St. Paul hurler, who has Joined the
YjM Reds, passes out the tip that Goldle
B Rapp is bound to bob up In the ma-
'H Jora some place next year.
J BOSTON Tommy "Klnby" Corcnr
)fj an, the New England ireltar who has
made J100.000 out of boxing since
IIa- the war, flays he in practically through
M ith the ring game
AT oo
Things arc growing, oh so hot,
In every big league town
No matter where I go to
Fans follow mo around
They pestered me 80 much.
Those wild fanatic codgera
I I let the cat out of the bag
And faintly whispered
Proscutor Replogle Issues
Statement to Effect That
Players Threw Games
CHICAGO, Sept 23 Direct evi
dence of an attempt to "fix ' s Ram
between the Chicago and New York
National leaRiie clubs was anticipated
today by Assistant States Attorncy
Hartley Replogle. In charge of the
grand Jury Investigation of allega
tions of major league baseball cam
Ming Jacob Rube 1 Henton a pitcher
for the New York Nations, was x
pected to teetify today. There have
l. n e h.erK's Mntein had hren
offered SS00 by n fermer Chlcaco play
er to lose a game
'harle Buck' Herxog, Cub wrnnH
baseman. In n slatement today said
there had been accusations that he
had made the offer to Henton and
that he wanted a chance to deny
i them. Herxog produced what pur-
ported to be affidavits sig.ned by Ar
thur E Wilson nnd Normnn BoeCkel,
'of the Boston Nationals statin); that
they had hoard Benton eleeMare he had
won I3.S0O by betting on the Cincinnati-Chicago
worhl series gamrs
last year on advice of Hal Chase that
Cincinnati would win the first two
games and the series.
Prosecutor Replogle In a statement
last night declared that evidence hail
been adduced to thi effect that the
world series was "not on the square
He said seven Chl--aco prayers were
I Involved, but that no Cincinnati play
ers were Implicated.
Won Lost Pet.
Vernon 97 Rfi"
ll.os Angeles . .. 92 81 .r.32
San Francisco 91 82 .T.2fi
jSeattle S 8' 521
'Salt Lake S7 x 1 S19
.Oakland S3 93 .472
Portland 76 89 461
Sacramento 71 101 413
Yrvti-nlnv's Result-.
I Salt Lake-Portland gann- postponed,
I rn in.
Vernon 7 Oakland 2.
San Francisco 3, los Angeles 2
Sacramento 6, Seattle o. i Called
111 sixth Inning, rain.)
Seattle Loses First
Contest to Senators
SEATTLE. Si pL IS. The Sacra
mento base bailers had lh; better of
the locals in the eiX-innlng contest
here yesterday, winnltiK 6 t . the
lf.nme beiliK baltoii at thr- eml of th--r-ixth
on Recoup t of rain. The canie
(was plaved on a wet field. The acore:
R 11 L
Sacra rrssato 6 9 2
Seattle 0 3 1
j Batteries I-"lit. rv and ".id . lema
ice, Lalley. Sweeney and Baldwin.
Seals Make It Two
Straight From Angels
LOS ANGELES, Pepl 23 The
Seals again won from thv locals hero
yesterday. 3 to 2. wl,i Slim Love on
the slab. Ixve allowed but five hits.
The score R H E
San Francisco 3 9 1
Los A.ngeles 2 B 2
Batte ries Ie and Agnew, Pertica
and Bassler
Tigers Again Win
From Oakland Crew
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 23. The
eiks were again elefeated here yester
day at the hands of the league-leading
Tigers the score- being 7 to 2 I lolling
was touched for thirteen hits- The
score: R. H. E
Vernon 7 13 1
Oakland 2 5 2
Batteries Plercey, SmnlLvood and
DeVormer; Moiling ami Iffitse.
An Illustration of how fighters like
the Walker law In New York stat
with its decisions at the end of every
bout. Is offered In the proposed match
between Benny Leonard, champion of
lightweights, and Jack Brltton. the
welterweight king. They have vir
tually acreptod terms for a ten round
mill to be staged in Clevolanel next
month Each fighter will receive at
least $15,000. Tex Rlckard wanted
the bout for his Madison Square (Tar
den arena and offered each fighter
$2-5.000, but they refused.
There is a marked scarcity of plate
glass in this country because wo are
sending plate glass o countries which
used to send it to us.
Dixie Shortstop, Who Is Filling Chapman's Shoes, ,
Takes Kindly To Big League Pitching !
1 1
Buying a ball player for his fielding
jabillties and flmling that he Is also a
nifty slugger, i-- the- luck of Trls
In his first few games as a regular
with the Cleveland Indians .Joe Sewell
is cutting as big a swath with his bat
li.s he is wilh his shortstopplng
With almost uncanny foresight
Speakeil had already secured n op-
Itlon on the nw Orleans player betore
in.- Ray Chapman tr.egedy When the
brilliant i levelahd shortstop was
.ttruck elown Speaker puld the ivlleans
n neat sum for an Immediate delivery
of the Dixie pastlmer
i Sonic youngsters play over their
heads the flr.-t few weeks when they
first come up to the big show, but If
Sewell can keep on doing it for a few
I days more- he may be the cog that will
cause the American Icaguo cloth to fly
from the Cleveland flagpole
The kid is slapping tno Ban John
son apple with as much confidence as
he did the Lixie pellets.
. Sewell Is a product of the University
of Alabama baseball team. Me Is In
the majors before completing his first,
full year In the minors.
I Johnny Dobbs. manager of the New
irleans Pelicans, from whom Speaker
I picked the peach) shortstop, says tii.nt
Sj w II Is the bet player h-.- ever sent
up to the big show and he is the gent
who gave both Jim Bagb;, and Del
Pratt their first passports to the big
Dobbs was tipped off to the fact
that Sewell was a promising player by
Ward McDowell, former manager of
the Birmingham City league. The
youth was then playing on tiie varsity
team at Tuscaloosa.
Fl iv 81 R.
W.erd tolel Dobbs that he had seen
a pair of flashy players on the unl
erslt nine which he ought to get for
the Pell The other player's name
1 v. as Stephenson Dobbs made a spe
cial trip to Birmingham anel looketl
the- lads ovei As soon as he set his
e-es on them he opened up negoela
tlons whie-h resulteel In his getting
Sewell befor,- the competition of St.
Louis and Philadelphia major league
scouts had blocked the deal.
Speakei secured an option on the
! oiingste-i while the Indians were
training at cu Orleans Issl spring
Herr' the Roiitheni li-ftiriie shorts . rev nil t who has hail a !; I " sad
dled en hlfl shauldors and Is getting awoj with It, He 1 iof Bewell, who 1ms
.t Ids chance In thr bin l-aciiee befon ' '.n-pb tint "lie full srasein In the ml
I iieirv Note thnt lie- lir. - wide awake- e- e - anil that he takes a erut at the ball
whle h ;e(v results.
ibut had not Intended to exercise It un-
til this fall Stephenson, who Is Bew-1
ell s pal. will tret a trial with the ln-
elians next year.
Mere's the? way Dobbs elescribs the
work of the youngster since ho re
ported to him last April
"I sent Sewell Into the game as soon
as he reported uml he didn't miss a
day until we sent him to Cleveland.)
I Vorv soon I made, him a lead-off man,
and 1 want to tell you that he Is one
of the best lad-otf batters I ever saw.
Me IS simply a marvel for a young-j
ster. Me h. isn't a single weakness
Other than one or two Utile things that
i;in only be overcome" by experience, i
.is for Instance, not looking every i
Life U Just a merry battle.
Dp and down (lie old turnpike.
Buc Id iet ft pa-c and lit p K.
9 Hie stuff which all Luis like-
They hailed Pat as a miracle,
Just one short year ago.
I But the honor ruined his Bedlegs,
As percentage re-cgrds show.
one mistake followed nnothci-,
in iiii- onrop eii' i':i Moran;
And Hie ele.TX- I , I 020
In L- ; ln j an nisei-ran
The monkey-wrench In the world
champion Beds' machine this year,
has been their championship 1em-
perament 'I
When thej stjrte-d out this sprlni;
ihcy were a sure bet t -ome up in
October smiling, and win, "Well, folk-.
Iie-ie- we an- again " They hnel the
best hull club In the Nutleenul lyenKiie
without Qualification or restriction.
The little something which made
Cincinnati walk through In 1919 has
been missing in 1920
Itlht off the bai this spring they
began fighting tlx- umpires lute ad i
i he- nthcr se x en club".
They made their pitchers belle'.e
thoy were Retting the worst of the- inn- '
riires' datslpna with the result that
the star hurlers of a year ago lost
ihclr systerua.
Other clubs lost ull love for the
Reds and began playing the-ir beads
off ngiiiiist the in, which ,.nt results.
Discipline was neglected, both on
th- playing field and In the players'
off hours. The club lost Its barber
shop harmony.
Vow, with the feeling that tin
world Is agalnsl them. Pal Moran'a
boys are' in t he snmi plight as Iot's
wile- wafl NV hi 11 she leieilve-el hae k I 1 I
(' late.
Moran's pltchintc st.iff In the spring
of 1919 was much the same as your
L'ncle Wllbert Boblnson's hurlers
were last April. They were mostly
cast-offs or fellows who had never
stood out from the crowd as world
beaters. But last fall the Red
moundsmen were conceded to be the
best collection ever assembled under
one tent. This year Klatbush carries
the palm.
Such Is baseball and Its curious
ways of teaching that pride goeth, be
fore a fall and that a pennant tree
only blooms where there e harmony
In the family
The Coast League Is clogged by too
I many veteran pastlmers, according to
the wise and far-seeing Walter Mc
ICredie chief overseer of the Portland
Beavers. He says
"Why, If lied1 KilUfer trle
t ge through nneitli-r scium-h
with his present team we'll all
hi kept breikr buying flowers. fer
l lion1 will Im- abOUl 14 funerals.
Their joints -ueak so much when
they play that you think ,tiu nrr
around miiiu-' sort ef grinding
machine. It I the JOUng plaers
we develop en the for Hie
majeirs, uot iIiom1 whei are about
ihreiugh and getting by on n-perlene-e,
that the fan talk about.
There Is onl one way tei dcelop
them Tliat Is h getting 'em I
when thcj're young and plajlng
them regularly i he ir dash and
-plflt, their e hiuee-tnkliu;. Will
nvnke up fer wluit they lack In
baseball knowledge Of the fine
points of flu' game "
The Cincinnati Reds picked off a
sweet kid In Sammy Bonne if Billy
Burke's opinion of the youngster Is
true Burke is the trainer of the Se
attle ball club, where Sammy Is still
showing his baseball knowledge.
Burke saya
"in my opinion Sammy Beihne
Is greater ihmi any third bar
man tluit cm i wore B Coast
Ixngne Uniform, Why, Cincin
nati gol BohdC for n song In giv
ing onl) SiT 'ifiii fen- him. He is
worth twice BS much as tltnt. I'm
time to see whether the ball is In the
air or on the ground
"Me has a baseball head and right
now makes fewer mistakes than a
great many good players who have
been In the game a long time "
The youngster Is already receiving
the plaudits of Cleveland fans and If
the Indians crowd the Yanks and
White Sox off the pennant gangplank
the Dlxlo recruit will be the biggest
hero In Ohio, regardless of who Is
ceected to the White Mouse chair.
Sewell is a sweet kid, but he's got
0 big role to play Still, he seems t o
have the stuff which will make hash
eut of Gleason's and Muggins' Octo-bei-
BOSTON. Mass, Sept. 23
Francis Ouimet. who as boy and
man hae accomplished nearly
everything possible In golf was
happy today in the readizatlon of
the ambition of all golfers. He
holed out In one.
Playing yesterday on the links
of the Commonwealth Country
club, he drove off with a mid
; iron from the third tee, with the
hole 243 yards away. The lav is
slightly down hill. Th ball sped
true, rolled to the flagstlck and
dropped into the cup.
McGraw Praises Work
j Of Pirate Outfielder
John McGraw of the Giants passed
IB nice bouquet in the direction of
I Barney Drcyfuss of the nttsburg Pl
' rates for picking Outfielder Nichol
son out of the discard and converting
, the yougster into a first clas ball
1 player McGraw would not object to
I having the lad on his payroll He
(points to Nicholson as an example of
I the ohl saw that man a yei;ugster
WOUld make gooel If he was used reg
ularly. The Pirate star Is batting be
yond the 3."i0 mark and most of his
hilling is elone when hits are needed
Detroit dropped him as hopeless
elong:tte-d hurler of the Mackmen.
who has Jlnxed the Indians out of ev
ery game he's started against them.
I has so much stuff on the ball he's tir
ing accused of using a "shiner '
The Chinese are said to ha e ome
fruit far superior to anything on this
side of the globe.
hen to say that In two years
ho II be In a clax-. by himself In
the majorn Why, In seven games
agalivst the Ye-mon Tiger-, he e-on-nected
for 18 hits, more than
Mini( players collect In n month,
Me lianelled M chances with but
one error plus -12 assists. Beside
all that lie- run the ba-e like T.v
Cobb was elidng a few years ago
Mis detormlnnten and speed are
Ids gTe-ate t aeM-
1 V By .L VARDEN jj
Two men have been mentioned to'
iandle the chief officials position at,
he coming 1'tah Aggie Ogden A. A
crld game scheduled for this city.
JaturdaV, October 9 The men In o,ues
lon are Tommy Flttpatrlck and Fred!
an7ler. One of the two organtza
lohs to he reprenented em the field I
lbjects to PitipatrlCk while the otner;
ihjects to Kanzler. ft Is expected
lowever, that both men will officiate j
el the contest, one as referee and one
is umpire.
Coach Lester Jarvls al the Bingham
High school has sounded a call for
?rlddrs. The Commercial club of the
mining camp town and the huslne
men are back of the movpment and It
la oxpectnl that the grid game will
Qe Introduced there. The one ti-o-tion
Invblved, however. Is where will
they play? Perhaps they may flm!
room In one of th mountain tops
evhere scrimmage could be held with
out any great Incon' e-n lence,
Despite the rain which fell yesterday
afternoon the grldders of the Ogccn
High school ire re out in force and
hold a snappy workout Coach Peter
son had his men tackllncr, diving anei
scrimmaging during the afternoon s
Lon Romney former LnUerslty of
T tah star and furmer coach at the
Ogden High school, will referee the
Ogden High ogden A. A. contest at
I.orln Farr park Siturday afternoon,
C.eorg" Irwin and Paul Veasy. twe
former Ogden Hirn school grid stars
will he en In action In Ogden A. A
"unies" Saturday afternoon Both mer
will play In the hack field
. 0
Tarklnson and Smith, all-state ends
in the Interscholastlc class are again
hack In harness at the East High
school. Henderson. Livingston and
Jcwkes are also in the limelight.
Special trains will h run Into Og
elen on October ? from Rail LakeN and
Logan for the Aggie contest and It :s
expected that more than 3000 tan
will be on deck to attend thf struggle
Coach Romney at Logan stated today
that at least j00 would make the tnp
from Logan.
Doc Keller, manager of Terry Kel
ler, the Og'iri scrappei who arrived
here yesterday, will endeavor to ai
range tw scraps for the local star
either In Ogden or Salt 'Iake before
1 departing for the northwest.
Coach Vad Peterson assisted by Ho
mer Warfter la rounding out a classy
grid machine at the L. D. S. Unlver- bsbbbbbe
slty Coach Peterson expects to havo LLI
a flash aggregation In the field this H
Mlt Romney. former University of H
("tah star, was an Ogden visitor yes- H
tcrday afternoon Romney was en
route to Chicago where he will enter J
the University of Chicago and strive H
to place the namo "Roniney" In the H
eastern hall of fame. Mil Is the first H
member of the famous Famney family
to invade the east with the hope of
winning honors galore In the various
branches athletics. H
Sothoron Has Had B
Poor Year on Slab fl
What happened to Pitcher Allan
Sothoron of the St. Louis Browns? 1
That Is the absorbing question In the H
i American league thc-e days. Soth- H
oron was a dependable mound per- H
former last season. This year he 1
(started and had only fair success, then 1
jthe rule against spltters was reopen---! H
i to permit him to use the moist de- PH
livery. The Brown management for- 1
gol to certify Sothoron as a Jules B
pitcher Ngw- that he has been re- 1
I stored to the spitball list he has failed
dismally nd the sharps of the John- 1
son cl-cult declare he had some trick 1
deliver; which he knows he will not
; he able to get away with this year.
I He Is stUI wlth the- Browns, but he Is
rarely called upon
Jess Wlllard. former heavyweight "H
champion of th.- world. Is apparently
ti- lng to forget all he e ;r knew about H
the boxing game. Asked after the La
l or Dav bout between Dempsey and
Miske, for his opinion of the battle.
Jess smiled and declard it was Impossl
hie for him to give any opinion on
either of the fighters as he had been I
entirely out of touch of mitt affairs
-.nd htieln't time to consul" the reports
o' the battle "I heard Dempsey won
he a knockout hut that is the extent
.f my knowledge of the mill." said
- I
CLEVELAND Elmer Smith. wh
I ha-, been --clehr.ulng all summer with
I his big bat. has recently developed n
Trls Speaker" fielding streak He
makes B thrilling catch most every
Make This Store Your K
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t lAR.CLtrrATftLl. 8uYV00U. FlUD )
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trhK rrs ftaouT Tike To ) GLfsDtV ?M voo (TlHKDlHe'S
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