Newspaper Page Text
I ieth Yoar-No.240 OGDEN CITY, UTAH FRIDAY EVENINgTsEPTEMBER 24, 192a LAST EDITION 4 P. M. H BANKS AT MORGAN AND SALT LAKE ROBBED jl a m m A A A m A a ' I BBBBBfl ,f V ? 5? V V V W V V L Office Holders Under Fire 1 TRIPS TO S. F. 1 CONVENTION IN I JULY PROBED "Stars and Stripes" Secretary Brings Charges Against ' w Senator Edge PAPER UNABLE TO 4 GET ADS, IS ASSERTION Committee Wants to Know If U. S. Money Paid tor Political Visits . f.l WASHINGTON. Sept -t The 1 M Stars an.l Stripes a soldier publica- ' lh "on is controlled b the Democratic national committee and the American , : J Legion Weekly, another soldier pu I'll - 'A'l cation. Is controlled by the Etepubll- ''Hfcjfl an national committee, Joseph L. T Heffernan. secretary-treasurer of the r Stars and stripes Publishing companj r testified today before the senate catn- H PBjfen ln .stlgating committee Ileffernan also testified that a man na rhe.l Waldo purporting to represent t hi Du Ront Interests, had sought to ' 4 obtain control of the Stars and Stripe.- and when he failed to do so he threat ened that the publication would re liisii" celve no advertising from large In terests The witness added that tho ;i paper had been unable to obtain ad- l; rrttsing from suth interests. Heffernan told the committee that ') "ten of uh who got out the paper on j 3 the other side" had organized the pub- M lishlng company here and owned most mmM-. t.t il). h' mr made .o prevent the use of the uame. f among others oppoclr.g it being Seen. - y f larv of Wnr Baker. gi f to DEMOCRA1 S A"' When organizing the paper, the wlt- )' ness said, he went to Democratic na- ;i tlonal headquarters as he wanted to '' '- get some assurance that congress I would not pass a law prohibiting the Oil use of the name ijj! 1 saw there Mis. E. M Parks, told JK her of the situation and asked for A some help." he said. . .chc .vas the secretin. . I W. D i$$m .lamleson, director of finance for Democratic national committee, wasr.'i shc',: asked Senator Edge. Republi J i .. n of New Jei bi 3R 1 think so," Ileffernan continued tiv: ' We came to an arrangement b which Jgj J00.000 shares of the corporation stock iJf.P were Issued. The ten of us engaged In the publication took 49.000 shares '7t3& and 61.000 were assigned to her She has no far furnished $& 000 for the IkS publication.' PAPER CONTROIiLiED 'Does that come from Mrs. Parks personally or the natlunal commit tee?" Chairman Krnyon ;.-kcd. :'U 'I have no way of knowing," Heff- ernan replied 5 , So we have a situation by which parf u this1 paper Is controlled by the Icmo cratlc national committee" asked hairman Kenyon. H "Yes." The witness then declared the American Region Weekly Is controlled by the Republican national . ommlt tee. MtM "How can you make- that state ment ?" demaneiod Senator Edge Heffernan mentioned Theodon Kooseveli. Jr , and other organize ol l the American Legion and declared 1 that Scott C Bonn, director of publi city for the Republican national com mittee, had stated that 'be Republl gtt can committee controlled tho lesion Ejfl weeklv KM WASHINGTON, Sept 2 The right mJfi of Senator Edge. Republican, of New Jersey, to participate In any luyeatl' m.. gatlon by the senate Investigating com- mlttee Into tho political activities of mm . the "Suus and Stripes, i soldli i pub- wGft llcatlon, was rhulleuj;ed before i he committee today b) Joseph L. Heffer nan, secri-tary of tip- publishing com pany He- said be had information tluil m Senator Edge was Involved in some .scheme, whatever it if-, i. gainst ns Heffernan previously bad testified ji'H thst his paper, despite a bona fide circulation" of lOO.OOo. had been un P ,-ibl' to obtain advertising. He Kaid K'lfclP be had Information thai Senator Bdgfl ,lf0V " a :jt - I lii,! Ing the ' SL-ir;i arid Stripes" from ob- 'alnliiR advertising. Senator Edge demanded the name of the person who bad Informed Hef- fernan and was finally told that R,l I -31JI ard S. Jones, an associate In the Starr. ,ud Btn 'iii''. was the man Jom-n was ordered subpoenaed f WASHINGTON. Sept :4.--R P. Stewart, assistant at.ornev general, whose name wj mentionc yesterday before the senate -campaign tnvesttgat ifM lng committee In connection the i "-mocratlc national ponvention at San p-s' Francisco and his travel to that city at public expense, told the commltt--' ijj, toda that lie went to the Pacific coast IX,' In connection with the prosecution of ' , lraul cast's He was heard ;ii his own M i I ouest Wt had B number r.f shipyard cases ' " In the northwest." Mr. Stewart said, ? J "involyiug frauds and frequent re- ; jll quest came from attorneys In charge ;J locally for assistance I talked It OVl J: J j w ith Jurlge Ames and he eb-clded It j was necessary for me- to go " I MOVE fLQMS&l GKUNAQ ' ' The witness also mentioned the pto- ' 1 1 ceedlngs started against John Grunau, 'Tm of Chicago, leader of the switchmen's It fm- ' ' : I ' . ,, LI-. : i ll' li' .id i,i .t"i." ' in Chicago, went to Seattle ond later "'w'oi arrived at San BranclsCO conferring (Cuntinuod ou Pau Twelve.) sLsl NEGRO SLAYER HANGED; BOASTS j OF MANY CRIMES SAN QUENTIN, Cal., Sept. 24 Mose Gibson, negTo slayer ! of Roy G. Trapp, rancher of Fullerton, Cal., and of Jacob Erhardt and wife of PhoeDiz, Ariz., was hanged at the state penitentiary here at 10:19 a. m. today. He was pronounced dead ! Ji twelve minutes. FoLlowinrj hii arrest Gibson stat-ed that he killed lour other people, but th authorities could not prove this statement. inn TAKEN Bf L A. j MURDER CASE Cause of Death and How Buried in Sealed Room Both Mysteries LOS ANGKI.KS. Calif.. Sept. 24 A preliminary post mortem r-.vamina-! tlon of tho body of Jacob Charles I Dentfen. found burled in a sealed roo.n In the cellar of his home, having .disclosed i.o m.irks of violence, oe i tectlven searched today for evidence , ns to how the wealthy mining pro moter eame to his death I Officers previously had expressed I the theory thst Denton had been shot oi stabbed. The shooting theory was 'favored because a revolver, full; loan ed, but with one cartridge "f a w:nn; calibre, hud been found In a room which Penton had reserved for his own use. leaning the rest. BTORUSS DIFFER Stories by Los Angeles friends as ! to when Penton was last seen differed i as to the date Some placed It at I June i'. while others named August 19 as th'" time In- dropped from sight JudKc Kuss Axery. of the Los An geles superior courl. friend and attor ney of the dead man. made public portions of a recent will elrawn by I r.ton. This document disposed of the bulk of his propcrtv to Trancls Denton daughter of his first and dl- oced wife now going to school In I'hoenlx, Arlr. U HITFS TO JUDGfi. He also wrote Judge Averj If anything should happen to me or In case of death, which must sometime happen to all of us, I hereby appoint you my nttornev in fact, and. togeth er with Joel Denton, Law son, Mo., the administrator of my estate." Joel Denton Is a brother of the dead man the police said. DENVER, Colo . F-ept. 24. Mrs. R C. I -f-te, who occupied for two months the I. op Angeles house where the body "f lacob Qharles Denton was found yesterday, said today that he would start for Los Angeles tomorrow to tell the authorities nil she knows about I D nton and the house. I She said that she rented the house Ma 24 and remained lero until Aug ust 17. when she came to this clt I where her husband and little daughter j were staying. M V ST ERIOU8 W ARK 1 N G June 6. Mrs Peeto 6ald. she receiv ed a mysterious telephone warning to remain out of the cellar. She said that she saw little of Denton while I living In his house. "He occupied a room in the house, I but seldom was there. Un June 2 he agreed to give me power of attorney to sell his house He failed to appeal 'on that daj but 1 received a message saving he had been injured in an ac cident. Pour days later I saw him In an nutomoblle with four other men Hi arm whs bandaged. A few days later j 1 saw a man enter the house whom I thought was Denton He had a patch oer his eye and another on his i left cheek FINDS ITIS WILL, U hen he did not return I Institut ed a search for him. Wo found his I will, which left most of his property ! to his daughter, who lives in I'hoenlx, Arizona Then 1 got the mysterious lU'Uphone call 1 belteed that It was Mil a little room off the basement that Denton'8 body was found That room was never opened while I was in the house Mrs. Peeto said today, Mi- Peete smd thai Denton was I friendly with a Spanish woman w ho called at the house twice while she I was th'-re it was the vole of this I Woman Mrs Peete declared phe was confident, who gave her the warning over the telephone t0 stay out of the ' liaicni'-nt. FOUR MONTHS SLAKt h, PHOENIX Aril., Bept 23. Finding I of th bod) of Ja ob Charles Denton ends search for him whli h had been j made for nearly four months, ac cording to Attorney P H Bayes of this city, who said he represonted M r. Sarah Denton divorced ifi- of tha mining man, and the i 16 -year-Old daughter, Frances Denton. ' Mother it n I daughter live here. Hayes said Denton was last beard I from May 81, last, when his daughtei I to whom he had bpen writing daily, 1 (Continued ou I'ugc Two.) PAGEANT TO BE FIRST FEATURE OF LEGION MEET .Governor Cox and Senator Harding Send Messages of Welcome to Veterans ICLEVELAND PREPARES FOR HUGE THRONGS Three-Day Convention of Great Organization to Begin Monday t CLEVELAND, O., Sept. 24 Indica 'tions todav were that the largest i rowd thul eer visited Cleveland will be here for the parade of the Amerl '..II J.-t.'ion Oiich will be held Monday afternoon, the opening da) of the 'three-day convention I Thi parade 1U be more of a pa geant, typifying the spirit of the legion and Hie spirit with which the Onlted (States went into tho war, Franklin id'Oller. national commander, declar ed. Mayor Fitzgerald has proclaimed a half hollda during the parade Approximately 20,ii00 men and wo men are expecte-d to march , GREETINGS FROM NOMINEES. Messages of greeting were received itoduy from Senator Warren G Hard ing Republican presidentla I nominee: 'Governor .lames M. Cox, Democratic ; presidential candidate; Secretary of War baker and Secretary of the Nay) ' i lahleTa After welcoming the lrlon of Ohio, Goverpoi Cpx's message read in jurt "It is my hope thitt nwrv request and recommendation made and to be mad.- t. your bod. will receive the serious onslderattoti of all parties In-, terested. Nothing would displease me iiion- than to se our government and jour people forget the great serVlOf l rendered b your members In the suc jcesHful uorld struggle In behalf of ei -llizatlon l hope the activities of youi lorganlzatlon will assist in keeping fresh in ill,- minds of our people tin duty and obligation our country owes to those who sered In time of need, STRl I . FOR IDEA1 3. "I sincerel) trust that your orgnnl-: ration will continue to maintain and1 strive for high Ideals and that it will lit grow and flourish, and . .-r as a guide and Inspiration to our future I generations." Senator Harding expressed regret at. being unable lo be here rind i ontmu- 0 In part; ur soldiers, sailors and marines' fought not .as Republicans or In-mo-crats. but us citizens for the preser-l iatlon of American rights and perpet-! luation of American Ideals. "Adhering to the non-partisan spirit ,of cooperation shown by all Americans Muring the war, the American Lr-glon happily has expressed the determina tion to remain free from party poll tics. ou cast your ballots not col-i lectiVCly but as individuals, but your servlco with the colors has made you e1. en more conscious of the necessity for preservation of our nationality To the spirit of the mer1can Legion. Am erica now looks for leadership In maintaining the rlghis and Ideals for which you fought.' BORAH'S ANTI-PACT TALK HEARD BY LARGE CROWDS LAWRENCE, Mass., Sepl 24 The I I league of nations won denounced bv Senator William E. Borah In an "i i drcsa last night. Later he spoke ut i an overflow meeting. He xald that the league was wholly un-American j and entirely European not a league for peace, but a league for war. dv ; pendent for its strength on its war run kin' powers." According to Its oting principles.1 r he added. Europe will control it in less than twent) years The people of the United tSates have no voice and ctnnot seior; the country's repre sentatives It is s league of diplomats, an auocratlc power, dependent upon I secret diplomacy and military force.' -act- . 'LIFER' OF SAN QUENTIN CAUGHT IN IDAHO FALLS SAN QUENTIN, Cal Sept 24 William Wickhain, serving a lift- term in Ban Quentln prison from Alameda county for murder, and who escaped July 14. has been captured at Idaho Kails. Ida, Warden Johnston an nounced yesterday MAKE GETAW Y RENO, Sepl 24. While the state ; prison commissioners were inspecting ; the state penitentiary al Carson City terday atfernoon two convicts I Frank i'rlce and Manuel Revere, ap propriated Warden Kufe Hendricks' automobile and drove through the gates lo freedom. Both men were serving Indeterminate sentences up to fourteen years. COAL UNDER CAPITOL AT CHEYENNE IS BURNING CHEYENNE, Sept. 24 Coal In the bunkers of thc state capltol here had boon burning for Seventeen hourw lust ' night and laborers were removing hundreds of tons of coal from the .storage chambers just outside the- cap ltol a walls. The- building Is not ,on sidcrcd endangered The in.- is said to have resulted from spontaneous . combustion. BABE RUTH HITS , OUT HIS FIFTIETH HOMER OF YEAR NEW YORK, Sept. 24. "Babe" Ruth, heav3r hitter of tho New York Americans, made his 50th home run of the sea sou in the first inning of to day's game with the Washing i ton club at the polo grounds, Ruth made another home r. his fifty-first in the first in i ning of the second game. The : ball went into deep right ficfd j oleacbers. Shaw of Washington was pitching against him. FRENCH LOOK ON U. S. PLANES K DEATH TRAPS Machines Entered in Aviation Cup Race Viewed With Apprehension PAK1S, Sept. 24 No elimination trials of American entries for tho forthcoming .lames Gordon Hennett International aviation cup race will be held, the special commlttrn of t:ir Aero club of America, decided 'ml ". The three machines which win fry th Stars and fctrlpcs during the raCS will be selected by the committee on the field Monday moi nine The eommlt tee's decision will he final So appeal from It will be permitted and no otiiei American machines except those Bi -lected will b ;llowed to take the air. MAK1 JEST IMA. Five Krench ma hlnes will go over the course tomorrow. The three French representatives will b- select ed from them Pilots Barault, flying a P.orel machine Captain de Komalne: and Jeun Casale. In Spads; adl le colnle. the favorite of the race, and Klfsoh, fiing Kleuporta, will compete. All five machines iue 30 horsepower Hispano motors, theii wing Spread Varying from six metres for the NlCU ports and six and a half metres for the Spaus. to 7.10 metres foi the Borel HAW K I It IN DOUBT. The three British entries apparent ly are dwindling down to a Martvn side with Captain F P Rvnham up neither Harry C. Hawker nor L. P. Talt-Cox having yet arrived with the formers Bopwith or the latter s Xlcu port Hawker and Tait-Cox have ix't been scratched officially however, and It Is possible they will compete. The French arc sanguine concern ing their chances of winning. Lecolnte yesterday Inspected tho American marhlises He expressed great admiration, not unmlngled with a certain pessimism ns to llv possi bility of making sate landings with the heavily laden machines, which hal'e n narrow wing spread. I.ecolnte asked one American pilot. "Are you going to fly this? If so. you are a greater daredevil than I am and I have that reputation.' LIMITED DUTY FREE ZONE ALONG BORDER PROPOSED MEXICO IT Y . Sept 23. Estab lishment of a limited duly free .one along the United States frontier is be ing considered by the government, ac cording to a treasury department an nouncement. The project contemplates making Mexican Cities and towns near the frontier, where the government has customs agents, part of this lim ited zone. The former duty free zone w ill not b.. established along I In en tire frontier, it is Bald. 90-YEAR COUNTERFEITER WANTED EASY JAIL TERM SAN FRAN"' ISO . Bept 24. A Jail Bent nee of ono v-ar and a fine of 1 wns Imposed in the United StatCB dis trict court here today on William Smith. albiH Robert Hossom, a 90 year old counterfeiter, following his plCO of guilts'. Smith was captured In San Jose. Cal , where it Was alleged he tried to pas'? counterfeit $10 and $20 bills Smith said he had passed bad mone In the hope of getting Into jail, as be v-as well (raated there" . wkJ NO QUICK PRICE DROP IN MEN'S CLOTHES EXPECTED CHICAGO, Sept 2-1 Prices for I men's clothing will not come down ! more quickly than the high COSI of materials ad labor and therefore no violent changes may be expected, de clared ion Btrouse, president of the National Association of clothing Man ufacturers, before the .National Asso ciation of Heiati clothiers' convention I last nigh I Mr Btrouse promised that the 20 to . 25 per rent price cut announced by I tho textile manufacturers would be ' reflected in .spring prices. NEW HEAD OF CABINET HAS ! RECORD IN IR Premier Lezgues Served as Minister of Marine Under "Tiger" OFFICIAL KNOWN AS LAWYER AND AUTHOR President Millerand Cheered by Throngs Following His Election PARIS. Sept 24 (By the Assoctat erl Press ) Georges Leygues. minls;er I of marine In the Clemenceau cabinet I has accepted a call to the first pre-mlTt-hip under President Millerand's administration. It was announced thin i afternoon. He will likewise act as foreign minister It Is understood the other mlnls t rs of the Millerand cabinet will re i tain their posts Georges l..eygues. who became min ister of marine when Premlei e""iem- 1 ncenu formed hip cahinel In Novem ber. 10 17. a few months after tne entry of the United States in the war. served in that part throughout tne remainder of the world conflict, con tributing notablv to the sneoess of inn allies in the long struggle they wacil afd the curbjnfc of German subma rine warfare. FI retire. 1 from minls- ' rial office last January with tie ; resignation of M. Clemenceau, M LfVgueS began his political carebf s a member of the cffgmbei Which be entered In ISM. Subs- in--. rh-, fie held posts In the cnhlneis of Dftpuy, Rlb'.t, W'aldecV-KouRseau :ind Sarri n He Is a lawyer ond a wlter of considerable prominence on historical, political economic and lit erary subjects. His political affilia tions have been with the (?rojp of tb Republicans of the left. He will he 02 vears of acre In N'ovemSe ' ' mi LI rnNr iii.kki;i PARIS. Sept. 2.T (By trie Associ ated Press.! The Bols de Kouloerne was filled with crowd thst cheered as the presidential procviion, nearlv three miles long, moved toward tne Klysee Palace In acknowledgement .f the greetings of the crowds, the president kept bowing and smiling ,M Millerand takes office for full V n years. In his election. M Mliler ind received tho third hisrhet vote , clven a French president the election ; of M. Thiers being unanimous. ;ind M Deschanel receiving '4 votes. Mil lerand's vote was C9S Out of sympathy for the Deschanel family, Madame Millerand did not attend the c-remonv rui Ing his brief stay at ni seo, M Millerand was decorated with the in slgns of the Grand Cordon of the I . -Hit. n nf Honor and the collar of the Grand Master of the Order, the duties j of which devolve upon him as presd I dent. -oo EX-EMPEROR DELIGHTED BY CHEERS OF DUTCH VMKItnNUKN, Sept 23 (By The Associated Press. The former kaiser to. lav t irn.d over to Milage' authori ties the lltth hospital he had ordered j built as n memorial for the asylum which Amer'ongeu gave hUn when he fled German v He motored from the solitude of the house of lioorn, where he resides, to Amerongen which was gaily deco rated. For the first time slncP he r:ime to Holland, he was the figure in a little scene of pomp. T)"1 people, who hertoforc had been without B hOspltal fairh bombarded tho formei ,-.mieror with bouquets and Words of th inks when his automobile 1 left on the return to Doom His bearded face bore a continuous smile of d llRht This was the first enthuslastl. pub lie demonstration whidtl William Ho henxollern ha. I rece I -d Mime he ga e UP the throne All cheered the presentation speech of the former emperor. In. the reception room of the hosJ ; pital hang pictures of VN'llhelm and his wife wearing their crowns, and also ! a llkenr.-- of Queen Wllhelmina The structure- built and com pletely furnished by the ex-emperor at a COSl of 100,000 florins. It contains , e Ight heds. DESTROYERS COLLIDE IN SAN DIEGO MANEUVERS SAN DIKGO, Cal. Sept .24. The i nited states destroyer PaUfay was laid up here for repairs us the result I of a collision with the destroyer Swa lej during maneuvers off this port The Ballcv was moving nt high speed I when the crash occ urred and her bow i was curled buck nearly 3T. feel. The ISwasey was only slightly damaged None of the crew on either vessel was . Injured. DECIDE MEXICAN RULER DOESN'T NEED OPERATION MEXICO CITY. Sept. 24 Physl clans attending provisional President d la Ilneita found hlrn considerably Improved yesicnl.i.i uml afl.T a con nl'.itlon. decided an operation f)r np Ipendlcitis would be unnecessary at this time. Rich American Woman Trusts Friend; Loses Pearl Necklace LONDON. Sept 24. Solicitors representing Mrs John Spreckels. li . of California, have Instructed the police to inaugurute extradi tion proceedings for Villlam Bar i rett. an American, who is report- erl to be under 9ur Slllahce Of the police of Los Angeles Cal A War irnt charging Barrett with the theft of a pearl necklace valued :it 1 1ft, 500 was ISSjlied ou llie appll catloh of Mtb Spreckels in the Marlborough poiic- court Septem ber 17 Mrs. Spreckels Is at a West Knd hotel, has cancelled her, passage on a liner tomorrow for New YorK and will await the return of her husband who is in Norwaj Her secretary said today that Mrs Spn.ckcls met L5rr-tt Whom she had known several '-:ns, at tile Pandown race course some months ago and as she- was not Inte. I in London he offered i to Introduce her to his frlen-.'.s. , The secretary declared Mrs 1 Spreckels requested him to attend to some dealings for her with Jew-. . elrrs and row him the necklace, which she wanted cleaned and re strung Tim.- elapsed but Barred avoided discussion as to the whereabouts of the necklace, the secretary said, and eventually London. His t ontlned sib nee de termined Mrs Spreckels lo Inau gurate proceedings which re.sulte.l i In the issuance of the police courl I warrant LOS ANG BLEB, Ca. Bept 2'4. William Barrett, for whose ar- r rest a warrant was reported to have been issued in London u tcniber 1 1 in connection wUh the theft of B p arl necklace valued at Jtl6.oio. Hp- property of Mrs. John BpreCKleS, Jr , was said la be .Isiting friends in a suburb of Lob Angeles toki. Barrett visited ihe district at torneys office here Wednesday i accompanied by a dctcctlve, who . then passed the night with him at a downtown hotel. It was de nied at police headquarters he was under arrvd Yesterday aft ernoon Barren parted companj from the detectlvep;. "There Is nothing criminal In my connection with Mrs. Spicu les and her Jewels and as soon as m London solicitor can investi gate anel wire. I am sure that I will be cleared of Implication " ENGLISH MINERS DELAY STRIKE AC l ION FOR WEEK j LONDON, Sept. 2. As a result ;of a further conference with it. mi" Lloyd GeuTK,' uuiicrnlni; the threaten ed coal stni'.e. the miners featecutlvc bodv decided today to recommend to the delegjtes of tne mime.- who arc meeting the afternoon, that tin a rlke notices, which are 0fC0CtlVe H.iturdav be suspended one ftu-li 'o eaablv the miners to meet toe owners as ui; ; t 'ed by the premier. The premier's proposal was thai a basic line he fixed for coal output al la sufficiently low level to Insure a wage Increase if any reasonable rale 'of produ.tlon is maintained The recommendation of the execu tive body was followed by the miners delegates, at their meeting latt r In the afternoon and it was decided to sus pend the strike nol-ec:. one week as requested b tho premier. LEGATION OF OLD CZAR FINALLY LEAVES CHINA plking. '-j.t. ZJ. Termination of official relations with the Russian le gation, announced by the foreign Office 'here today, followed an exchange ot communications between the legation and the foreign office lifter the lattCJ had suspended the tonne. B privilege rwf Mending cipher messages Prince KOudacheff, the Russian intinister. was willing to leave Peking onl upon s formal reque-st from the government holding that be could not take the Initiative in leaving Id view of the con tinued recognition of the legation by the foreign office The Chinese government desired the minister to leave of his own volition I In view of n peculiar situation here, the legation having no authority over Russian consuls and not helnft con sidered lo hold the position of a real legation N. Y. BROKERAGE HOUSES INDICTED ON OIL SWINDLE NEW YOKK. Sept. 21 Three New York brokerage houses were Included In a supplementary, Indictment unseal- ied by federal court order today which alleged mall frauds exceeding 20, ; 000,000 in connection with the sale of stock In Ihe Tuxpant Star il cor- poratlon. supposed to have wells at TamPlCO Mexico! Members of tho 'three firms O'Brien and company. ! Low brothers ami Samue l S Campbell .and company have bepn summoned to appear for pleading before Federal Judge William P Sheppard I'nder the original Indictment, found Un June, 1919. Louis Roumagguck I president, and Francis Imandt, presi dent of the Tuxpam Oil company, w.-re :nr. st'.d and put under ball TEXAS LAWMAKERS STUDY STRINGENT STRIKE LAW Ai STIN, Tex , Sept. 2i. The house 'committee on military affairs of the iTexas legislature bcr.jn .onsidetut Ion I of a bill submitted bv Qpyernor Kobbj ' proposing mo;.- 8l ringent lng with Industrial troubles at Texaa ports Several members have an- InonnerU thai 'bey would offer amend- ; uu nts lo the measure. BANDITS USE I URGE CAR TO I IKE GETAWAY I Robbers Get $6000 From H Sugar Bank in Salt Lake H Suburb H LOSS AT MORGAN IS (H LARGE, POLICE BELIEVE Nash Automobile Stolen in H Ogden May Figure in H Robberies H Just a few minutes after city and county peace officers received word that bandits had blown their way into the First National bunk of Morgan and had robbed the locked boxes of vulua ble securities, word came from Salt Lake that three armed bandits had mm held up the Sugar bank at Sugar mMM House and escaped in u.n automobile LbbbbbI With 16000 mMM Sheriff Brig Robinson of Morgan Count) was of the opinion that them Connection between the two rob beries large automobile Is said to MM ilgur. In both cases mMM KOBBttm in MORGAN In Morgan th robbers entered the bank i removing bars from a win dow Then I hey forced then w ay Into leposlt box room through the use of explosives- mm Many of tno boxes were forced open and their contents either taken or scat- MMM tered o.r the floor. Sheriff Robin- mMM son .is the bank officials were c0n- fronted arith h huge task of checking , with tn owners of the boxes to learn whal la missing and lo whom the sea;- tered securities on tho lioor belong UmM KsriM.M . m vdi:. K 1 mil the depositors make out a list of their mlssmg prop. ru no estlmato was available as to the amount ths LbbbI , i obbern obtained. rM "1 BTuesa they .'ot .piitt- a bit," Sher- LH .Iff iiobl.ison r.ti.l H- was trying to ' MMM get a list oi missing securities to uld mMS in tne capture pf the robbers. rLssBB Reports from Salt Like lndlente the WMM Sugar House bank robbery was sensn- I WMM tlonal The ihr.-o handit.s lined em- kfM ployes and others along the wall and km while one stood guard the others pro- ibbbbbI cured the loot 1 LAKGI CAR STOLEaH WWl There is a local aiigie to the two rob- km l-erles. The sugar Hons bandits arc mWM (reported lo have left In a large Noah kwM car. The description given local p.- lice of thl.- ear lends them to believe WMm II is the one stolon In igden a few j kWd days ago from the Pacific-Nash Motor WMM MM I Sheriff Robinson of Morgan county ; said he informed that a large car ,"" Morgan li direction of Ogdeh WMM at about I o'cloi k tins morning kmm S M i i IKE t:ni:i!Kin s.L'i LAKE, Sept, 24. Six thou- l Bana dollan cash was .taken bv thr.-o MmWw armed bandits .shortly before eleven o'clock this morning when thev held i ;up the Sugar bank .t ugar House, ;i I mfM suburb of Salt Luke, according to re. , Wk ports received by the police The ban- L mM dits escaped In an automobile. f Tin- robbers overlooked $16,000 in I bins which was secreted in a drawer f mM . 'M lo th on. troni which the $61100 I taken The bank employes were J I I lined up ag.-ilnsl Hie wall while tho 1- bbbH robbers made 0 search for the money. immediately upon finding he fUOOO the) disappeared, after threatening violence to the people- in the bank If I they made an outer;. . COX IGNORES OFFER OF if PROHIBITION CANDIDATE If ) ALBUQUERQUE, V. M . Sej.t 2 Qovernor Cox will Ignore proposuis . from tho I' ion party for retire- ment of Aaron 8 Walk in.-. Prohibition j candidate, from the presidential race I If the governor would pledge himself ; to certain measures regarding the Volstead law. Governor C" this lH announcement upon his arrival here ! last night. 11 Was understood that a similar proposal was made to Senator ibbbbbI The Prohibition party's proposal, I Qovernor Cox state, came In a letter about two weeks ao from Virgil Q. I Hlnshaw, who said he acted officially. , The letter WtLB in the nature of a (Urg JH tlonnalre regarding action upon the V'Olitead law and other prohibition questions Mr Ulnshaw, it was said. expressed confidence.'' that Mr. Wat- kins would retire from the presidential arena should Governor ( ox reph fa- vornbL to the ucstionr.ulre. No reply has been or will be made. , GOverhor Cox .ald. and ho declined I also to comment Upon a similar offer Bw; by Mr Catkins. CHICAGO GUN-MAN KILLS H FORMER UNION OFFICER CHICAGO. Sept. 24. Another vie tint yesterdaj was added to the toll of gun-men killed, when, Richard hltey ' Forbes, former official of tho Auto Mechanics union, was shot to death ' Before death canto the vie tim refused to reveal tin name of his assailant. Bgylng his pala woulel taka care of the party who shot him. 'iBtc Forbes wis said to have been a member of Ihe tang headed by T0111- H mv Knrlght, brother of Moss" En- 0 right, who was murdered last Spring 1 WOMAN JUMPS TO DEATH K FROM. ELEVENTH FLOOR B SAN IRA NCI SCO. Sept. 24 Mis. ;:HS Annie B. Jones, 39, of Siin Jus. w ,s BsBs) killed In a fall from tho eleventh iBBsSir floor into a light well of th Plood siBs building here yesterday, and e.- wit- IbmI nesse.s sjild she jumped to her death! BE" according lo morgue authorities. She had been treated by a doctor in the building for a nervous disorder a few H I moments buiuu ibbsbbh