mt ' mmmw sasal
f f FOR SALE j
I Rcij Estate J
BY OWNER Sis room modem hous and
K urnlturo. :? Tn nt Mr.-t
' motto
M SaHf ncw listing', changes ur lineup to the fo!
11 Thn o l-.oi.. ; Uvr l.nnpi'owt fiv.
'H '"""i I'rlik: thr c opa rlments . one room
LaV lnS house
3 il 3. M. EPPERSON
J ''mmUM ""' Twenty -sixth Mi Phone 1-'S7
me hou-c, n.w
seres land plcnt) .1 let fo
H r't'n, good born and cot shed
SJH hoi.-;,, on-- . hlcl.. r, pr.
.jjH with th place 'fh nnd tirm?.
" F'vr r..;t( n ..!-. frOOtC hoUSS on
E,,' 'H Arlnmo svomif Cash nnd term.'.
; - 9M J1150 Tool hall, five tnhl-- .-.nd other fix
', WM tures. Can arrnngf Rood lease.
WM 11000 Rooming house. 1J rooms. Cnn give .
tajj Waahlngton Phone 431 M
) 5Z22
'M li PWNER Five room modem hi
UK 1 ) r - .
l"i I BT ( ri; -r. 1 iota i 3 b i - fi el
If w Wall and Thirty firm treel
' r ' r 1 1 "
rS "OUR lota In Enst I.vnn odriitir-n. b) nvn
OT, Mr. J. L. Corbln. R K I No 1 Kox
4(a LM Aub irn. Colif
si room i 1 1 i t 1 in good location, on
bench. la a pood buy St IS700-! 'rma
Scvcn-roopi strictl) modern brick; four
nrrea of land, chickens, Jerae- row. barn
full of ha. family Orchard, on-hull acre
r berries, three acre alfnlfr. 1 .. loca
tion, south pnrt of iot n Pile- J7'.r-" nrh
$2000. balanee J35 per month,
Several large kml small homes S. e ua
about buying or Milling ell hoiih-s.
Upstairs Commercial National Bark
F'non 1K7 5724
-1 : u r. VI land. , r,e In north (
1 -m bridge; water rights. M h . tin T Wen
fl tj fourth street Phones 2877-J and W
, i22
ki;ht riv-im brlcli with furniture. Prl 1
'"'"' I Tv. r-ii; sixth
ij BY OWNER ITlve room frame houae on
?-f -VJ P.itterson nvenue. with Inn and Othoi
t , ithuilrllnK ll pnl.l " 1801
ff , J n in'iulre ;'7i1 Thirtieth ttroel B6
THREE 100m houae and lot. 1700. 400
Eh ish. balnncc terms. Thone 24U-W,
yH (NAP Four room modern preaaed brlek. .
H m lull basement. S3;.".0 House No. 1268 Jef-
feraon avenue Now vacant
'' 7 Throe room house, good loeatlon $1050.
if Five toom modem, fum.ire heat oti
I Twenty-se entli snip for J500C
5 I 'hones 11? 22-.-, v KfiCl ;
GOOD eifbt room nouae within two blocks
.A of the union depot. A gTeat revenue pro I
i -mT Good modem five room brlek honae
f1 JH n-lth lot n2x15 feet, loenteel near Twenty
, " ; 'ft? flxth street nnd Jeff.-rson avenue Plen
F i i ty of room to build four more houses
Wrj'fSi A great buy for $4200. $1200 cosh,
' t j ance on time
I ' 3 5ool seven room home within hloek
nnd half of First National bank. Has
;j large lot, fine trees, a Very pleasnnt plaee
'sm for a home. Only $460f terms If de
, Good modern elcht rOOTH home with full
"'K?sl haarmcnt. largo lot. well loented on tho
r3 bench Great buy at $4000.
fi3p2 Good five room house on Grant avenue.
xs&MSk close In. Only $2250. Terms.
Good grocery store doing a Food busl
' flSCfl ness; well loeate'l nnd established Th
oY?y$t beat of reasons for selling For sale cheapi
, X'. Good well established rooming houae.
'' making monev. Owner leaving the city.
For solo cheap.
Phone 59 2417 Hudson
TWO iM.lern mom houses Si.- mm
i i' . 2M' 1 Lincoln. 5652
SF.VKN" room brlek modem Only $10nn.
11 Thirty fifth. Inquire 302 Thirty fifth
REM lion.' nt nnxhr.-i' prl' al e.,-i
i I half cosh. 263C Fowler Ave. Ogden So-
OWner there 551S
j lt( n iM frami Just buHt $800 down, bid
ance $2.1 per month without Interest In- j
' nilre H. Van Brank. 302 Thlrt fifth St. j
i i u' fi : " r' 'm t:, t
Home l I I ""r Washington Ave 6505 ;
HY OWNTU-1 n 1 room modern bru k
. -v house In first class condition; extra large
' lot Reasonable for cayh, 307 Thirty first
i . 54S1
H BEVEN room brick modern, on paved
itreet. Larje lot. $1 S00
Fotir room frsirne, nearly new. nortlt por-
tlon city $3250.
faji Six acres farm, close In. well Improved,
and tome orchard. JS'OO.
0 acn I rin 10 ac ' on ha : d a nd
''TF 10 acres fine land, near eiv limits. $f500.
KF11.V .v HI.1U H K
; ,, ,. ; : ' I,, II. : - '
; w
U , '- i;'i;.N I I I' )., i " I" ntmn. r I
V old ! in, Ph' n- i IJC r HS
i 1 BY OWNER Seven room modern houae. (
4C full cement h.-isement double ganige 1
'ejfll paved :-lreet I'f.i'.i M.-nli on 7'i
V . f vacant lot and five room frame houai
'SfiJ nnd large lot. close In. Phone 2004 R. G. i
i t. Tern 121!
Tso houaea No ?.54fi nnd 354 s Hu i.-"!i
JW llrriirl honu. u tiniiO On., four room frnnie
3BH SHOO Five room brick, modern, eloso iu
nB high school, $5000 Inquire 302 Thlrf.
ti'th street Phone 211? W 97
SIX room i lern .1 J " J " Jraiin i .ie
3Mg nue Only $5S00.
,'y:2R! FIvp houses for $7000. Brlnt" about $Hi'i
a month rent.
mjgamA Six room modem Only $3000.
y " Many more good deals Come and see
r me be fon you bu I aave you moncv
0 3fC Thlrty-flflh ittcet. Phone 113 MV
TWO home.', f.-,l the .. I .ri I'Olllli
pressed brick cottage. modern except
heat. 2620 Monroe avenue. Phono IS I
W L PORTEB i'ii i i tate ivnd Loana
.v,' ?370 War.hlngton ovenuo Phuno r?i"
WOULD you like to move right Into n
3BH new well constructed bungalow exeel-
HH lently furnished and atti.T lively (ooatodt
!JJ Leaving city at once and will sell com-
r plate at interesting flffurc Phone owner. :
f -'r, ' ' '
BEAT TIFF I. home iTri Twenty fifth '
fA 9treet. for sale Must be seen to he ap-
L jfl predated, P Q. Wheelwright. 717 Twent
IXtll Bl 5i".n'.i
Ik"' N'i:w 5-roorn bungalow, (4600 eaaj terms.
Pi J. , H h , 4S2 Washington .-
fiL4 Phone ltoi.
f MRS. s. J. baker, 273i iladlaon Phone
1029. 4 496
j waFoed j
I Situations I
I, YOUNQ Japanese boy wlahe altuation
III Haw sehool -.. ni- tl. ,ti -I
j 1 1 ' r.-ii Marki I
1 HOI SEKEEP1 KG bj idi flj a idov
UH widower. Con be highly rOOOUmt nded
ji 4;k Hlniord
j I H ll SFW Ol, K I" il l' oi l.o . ;'v tT
ill ly flrat .81
'Mi EXPERIENi BIJ poultrywoman
911 munngement of poultry on .-mail farm or ,
99 ranch Five eUrs pra. (i. il perh m
with high CTode exhibition clock Write!
'lol. " 8Q3Q Qulni (yd ii 56S1
NIGHT watch i in oi portei ro..i rofei
"II enccii. ex merchant policeman; Box so.
Incr, BIH
I Board and Room
I ti ii pith of the ordinary commercial
; i i:-' obi tlned fr. m i . ;
I 1 POB two ffentlomen In private mod.-rn
i I'lio.i. j;,' M
1 1 IflW LETT I2Ios in. Salt Ijike city
-4 I m dealnes .voting energetic ralesman for W.
I'M ' i" r Morgan and Bummltt counties. Must
Fjm 00 local Oadea man and married : rid de
. mi Btroui- of obtAlntng i pcnnanei
Guaranteed salary and commission Ap
SVty Ply R'-eri Hotel. fgden. Mondav, Sept 27
i frorm 3 to 6 p. m, 5790
ONE new fumed osk buffet. $25 Reip
' Madjeon,
GOOD heavy team .'nd harneaa for sale'
ehenp. Three months old goat Call 275
Thirty third tr. . i : : ;
NOR-pitWFST Greening apple culls. 75c a
buahel , boxee extra. Jacob Foyt. Thlrt
third and Tlei
PIANO and l ether COUCh. cheap for cash
Phone 1703. 750 Waehlngtoti 5748
ALMOST new 'lctro!a anl 65 records.1
i ikm. . :i : t-.'. r.". 1 i tl tree S747
CONCORD rapes foi sail Thin Bl
nd i n.) T r V, ., , ' .;i p
IMPORTED tailor's cloth, store fixtures,
.shelving, counters, etc. some furniture
enl 5711
I A FEW bushels of select peaches, plums.
I prunes, gropfs and epplea M6 Twenty
furth St. ;,7i7
1 ' T pi v abjo 12-incl U hn i eere plow
and some C ln h pipe 616 Twenty-fourth
Bt, 5713
.i, il.-.'. f., i .. : i .
pound or $1160 In CO pound cans. While
it lasts Address Geo. T Pierce. R, F
D, 5. Box 222. Marriott also Geo 0
Bi j iT-'ior, :04Q s phi . . . nuc.' 5701
i . up ;f ." II ' olored lona thana 13 hlgl
i grade" l.c red and t.tHi-'l
' - I. rivne ;;w
FOR quirk sale. Horae, wagon and hni
I ness. also vegotablc crop. 17S1 Gibson
, a venue. 5645
ALL kinds of furniture 101 sail Inquire
U r, pjar .m
T t i roi at wing murium
I cheap Phone "915-M, BTB
i' iv ' I .. ip ph i'.r .i 5433
IV J havi BOO a it i . al -' ccnt each
Finest on the marfcol 74 Twelefth atreei
Buy your paint at Stowe s and lave
money. 1800 Washington avenue Phone
' 1 1818
'TIOKT, -it Mo.i: lnhll'i niters and
snaps P Stone 674 Twelfth Bt 5077
' .' " 'I ' f-.milv iiro I'lion- ' tj7 'i7 j
CANARIES Guaranteed singer. 3220'
1 . n uln 4lf.7 I
BES r '.aliir-s In planoa, phonographs r.nd
violins. Terms without Interest. Pan
ton Twent) ninth and Hudson 1945
Mold li.V i". room brick and f urnljdil rig--,
large lot, close In. Snap. Leaving Phono I
$33 4C1 5
H PSE .an weight 1100 pound h. !'' '
Fourth a tree! t01
I'NCALLl D lor suits. ta.llor made, big
reduction. Gordou's, 211-25 Twenty-fifth
Pt Phone HIS JU7
40 ACRFS wheat land near Hot Spring
Phone -.'lie M 57g8
GARAOI ior renl 3807 Washington ..
Phone 3886 5722
BARN for rent. Can b. uaed for garage
oi :.torag. purposes. Rear 2S00 Wall O
A. Kennedy, basement I tah National
bank 5631
i dl I' ' mui'im i. leanera, $1 day. Pboiv
1228 N.I. 1986
Miscellaneous )
FROM 20 to 50 Ramblon ewes. PPione 261
LARGE clean ragi wanted it Btandard j
Fxamlncr of'1' 4379
BQl ITV In 1017 touring. Anythlnc Bug"
Ford, motorcvcle and sedon, tnick 8079
Porter aveny B787
' .O ii iindr . lopi I In nd In Hoxclrp-r -oun
ty which will trade liberally for good
used automobile. Car must be, a good
one. Mav pay part cash. Address Box
"I.'.. Ocieri B786
i;ori work team for sah Ot Will ti Ii
for Ford. Call T. E. Orton. North Ogden.
TWO oung mim cowa Coi sale oi trade
tor pigs. Thirty-second and Tyler. ."., I I
PARM land hi Oi.iahomn v.i i ii.- -.;.nri nn
first payment on small apartment hoviae
or lacre residence here Box 66. Stand
a rd K'rimlniT 5671
I I, OS ,Ni;i:i I.S lots lor Oprl. n city OI
County propertv. Mrs L. Bothwell, R F D
i Rq .'ip r.'.:
OVERLAND iJ...-galn Owner gone
p no fhari s 7 per cent preferred rallvn
sto-'k lor hnnv -r cui Phone 333. 42G 1
I To Buy
WANTED QUICK Set of wagon bowe
Kicluli SI 5725
SMALL i ern home Applj 13? Wi n
Twenty-seventh 5C90
FORD truck i hon 222 ".
I.' .CK : Idle ' : l.'. p hoe . Will cap.
at our yard. Gus Jensen 3131 Waahina-
ton avenue Phone .' 1 ' 'V,
L RG1' 'Kan racs Hunted at the Stand
a rd F.xamifier ol l ie. 13Vi
I I EMSTI1 ' in N' I ind plcol prompt
tee. 2277 Washington Ave White Machln-- I
Co S577
lLL Hn knlfi pleating Phone Z818-3J
EXCELLENT diersmaklng. gii-r..nt. .1
I 'lion, t ! 54QS
Tho Lighthouse 2452 Washington Av.
opposite the Ping. e unk Phone 5S1
l':-i ' r v i . ' 332t
HemBlilcluiiK pi' ol e-i!.- i.uuons .i'
in: and pleating Second floor it
Aright sriry. Mr;. H Uyman llij
Personal j
WANTED to adopt 1k under 1 year old 1
i Boa 821 i 'ii ' ..ii Wyo B79 1
CHARACTER end i ard reading HPJ
Twenty-alxth 4902 1
j frnished
SIX roon apartment for rent alout Oct
1 2. Ada n. i r.T-O
i i '.' i : roon 1 1 oni 2" Ffoj i ii w , i,
Ington 578J
i IVE room nouai llehti er. Call 9
i m, to 'i p in 2026 Tyli . 5735 1
: ROI 'M ati k 11 modern brick house, $80
per month. Inqulro N'olkcr Lumber Co
i 5S17
I To Rent j
FOUR or five room modern house man 1
and wife only Phone 1 139, St Paul Ho I
tej -,77n
I RO M III lllll ll"it.-l a pa 1 1 ,1,. 1,1 h
couple without children 01 p.-ts. Phone
pi rpung . OUpl' . Ivvu ol iTin " room
furnished apartment or housekeeping
rooms. Box yOO. Standard Examiner
THREE or four room modern unfurnished
houae. Mi l,m n; Modern Market 6 2 1
'i to loan on Improved real . t. pji I
' 1 1 in'- -,7si ,
MOi:V to loan on In. pro-.. I e;ita7i7 I
E r. 117 Bcclei Bldg 5131 1
'' thOUl . ority to I
i?.1? I lano-i. (vim'liin-. bonds, etc I
"oil-on in ic Phone r,
5onEi u, loan .... ...p.uwo , eu.i." I
Kelly 4 Herrlck. 7TI
FOR SALE Autos ;
WANT a snap? Prices cut to pieces.
Podge. Chulmers, Paige. Maxwell.
2333 Hudson Avenue ' 7 k 1
F RI delivery truck In gKd shape.
Phone 56w,
ONS ton Ford truck, pneumatic tires
2 PorW. Phone 26ln M 5688
BI'iCK roataater for sale: in good condi
tion; $25n cash Call evenings or Bunj
day. 3-127 .y.l . rni 5Ct2
1917 Foni on ton truck, run uhout two
years; In first laas condition, S500. t59
Twent; thl d so-i I
ONE new C larinct. J50. one Reo truck
J150. 2924 Elncoln avenue. 5641 .
i i.; ,-y ... . .,: .
Good used cars, nil overhauled and
ready to go
j J317 D 45 Bulck SIX 00
1916 41 Oldrmoblle Fotir. $55"
1MC P.rlicoe Four $70f.
Tr-rnif fo responsible parties
2224 Washington Ave Phone i96
1917 FORD, bargain 2325 Jefferson
KE EN passenger Cadlllnc Gcod as new
P. Il value In cltv Murphv Wholesale
1 : ' - ,'.:''., i i 'h -: . '- '.23
I WrfED j
L . Male Help I
HALL ma'i. Good winter Job Good pnv
tO r.ghl parte Rend Hotel ' 0771
FEU. .,i uP,-,j Hotel T7
' rii i 1 1 o rdw . re prli i derk
nq ne org . ixi' e i .. 5777,
EXPERIENCED palnl 1 hnrd wnre
aaleaman. For ictoii rioor Geo a iiwf
2 "'771
BOY betwt n k iuio 80 Intelligent and I
01 good habits Apply Ftah Theater
. , 5772
-t'CT'V. '
- iwi ,m, n,an wanted nt Oreenwell s Cor
I fertionery. 575
J OPFIt I" bOJ nhn :an arrange part Mm
t I school requirements Apph office Man
(lager Ogden Packing & Provision Co,
I FOUNDR1 men and stove repairers 1 1 m
merlll Stov,. Repair Works ,i7l
MEN wanted. Appl Ashton Fir.- Uriel
tt Tile 10 orner Twr-nt ninth nnd Jal
u '-- ,"5i
! SALESLADY or talesman goo-i propoal
; Room 808 Arlington note; S73
MIDOLE-AOBD man Ippl) Stlmaoi
' ' ' '' 572;
AN office boy with fairly (rood educntlon
Applj at Tohn Scoweroft & Son. Twen
t. third nnd Wall uv. nil. Jfis:
CO E teanirter. must ha e experience dr
iivering- coal in Ogden Reference! re
'lulred I'lionc egg rt
BLACKSMITH with experience In menu
1 racturtng Sidney Stevens Implement Co
1 . . "5j
I nO n anted for starch room work 0er
ls Pr. f. ned V f lens, n Cand Co
I j Un.-oln ' BggjB
I.INI;N i-Ih-i kers r.nd w rin.-.r men t
Sv.stem Elndy ' 562S
Pi V wmted A T Srovllle press 577
, g E W ilson " -f j -,
BO about 1 1, or 17 vearr. to work In .More
.all day ateady Job for boy attending night
eChOOl Horrocks Bios 2427 Washington
I Av
EXPEKI) i ' E I i "l.ort order ook v. nit..
I at CHy cafe, 110 Twenty-fifth St. Phono
i - ' S 5551
TOl N'; man to clerk in newaatand Ora
Wewa Co Enlon Dopot 5180
r.X SERVICE men are lo be provided with
educational courses at half rate until Jnn
uarj l by the Los Angelea V M C. A .
nccr.rdlng to nn announcement r'eceKed
hot. toda Hep,,ar , :,lr,0 .. )n ,h) roin
mercial. engineering und automobllt fit
partmenta will open September 7 with the
largest enrollment of any Y M C A
sehpoi in the weal Complete Instruction
is being offered this year In flvlng as well
ae every phase of automobile conetruc
i on, ivpalr and oteration During tho past
Mx months scores of voung mm have
been preparing for hiph class positions as
vtlreles operators In the Y, M C. A
school. Night courses in accountancy, ad
vertlalng, Spanish. s.a.-.-manshlp and pub
lie speaking Will open the first week In
October, according to the announcement
BBL1 i.o .it Haaly Hoin, -iiit
IVyVWWW . Ww m m m - .
! female Help j
: ''I' MPEI'MAip el . I ir,-,i, l -.7C-,
, ' j 1 1 : L " ' i I ! irph.- ini ( nnl .V,7;s
'ompeitnt maid Foi general I .-
woik, Mrs. 1-rcd J Kleae 607 Ttrcnb
flftll I I - . I - ; , 4
'' ' MA N' More M,rk Gil el el
l Confectionery -, : -
' '-IE'- f",- g.-n. ral ln.u-, uork Must un
!derstand cooking. Good wages Phone
iSll . JoJ
, l' ',' '-A '' do .1.1,11 washing at lioi.i..
Rnd help with housework two d..- . each
week. Apply 465 Twenty second street
' 74 :
GIEE w nil. d at .soft dunk pine. ,'
T 'Pi. fifth street- 7
W c.i w to lsj Ii t in kiieh. ii i. ho can io
plain baking'; no bread. Applv School for
'. al and I Miinb
TVi ladlej v. nt. .i Cppi at house
I keeping department ut Deo hospital
i ' :
i V, OMEN und girls for p.-. i'.ng tomatoes
The right Whltller Co., Thlrtv third and
j Par lfr J
'II Willi. I .MAID and waltn ss it Vnruiin
' .Mo l
COMPETENT woman or g4rl for cooking
and housework. S In famll no washing
or ironing: good wages, good home Phone
i ". PERIENCED i it dippei . .'tend-.
gOOd l'. Irphl urn C nj I o ,'ilj37
1 I I ' EEE wa;h woman for small l:,po
wash. 'all 1 437 M . . i
8 m.i'm, v i al Horrocks Bros. 2T27
Washington Ave, 6619
EXPEEIEN"! ED woman ior ocklng and
1 general housework, capable of taking
charge; no laundry: good wages 253f,
Idanu ai Phone 83 5 5 rj
GOOD rrii I foi hmi work !n72 Tm nt'
null St. Phone :a:. 5510
GIRLS, ovei 1 8, Ogden Steam Laundry
. ..
I,, atj j"-mg nria wanted at
I ' a pi" 11 a Gown Shop good wages 5385
'DRESSMAKING taught to anyone willing
I to appl themselves. See Madam Capiau
, Third Floor, Wright's Store
Q( OD prl r I or woman to n bl in house
v. oik. Good n agc3. Apply 639 Twenty
third . - !
, GIP.l.S uv r 1'", fr. p. , I (oniato. al W
Isatrh Canning Compon). Will furnish
: transportation to and from work Phon 1
1 106. 8013
EX PER IF N 1 'ED f t ,; nog r u ph c r nookk -e Pe r
ix n, .- ,1- this paper tri
1 1, . LOST
LOST From Standard Examiner counter,
small gold Everharp pencil with chain
and fattener Reward Return lo Standard
Examiner 5732
BUNCH of keys Reward if leturned to
74'y tk. r,i fifth gt 1 1 0 Asjee 571s
BENCH Of keys with owner's name; valu
able to owner onlv. Reward 41i. Twenty
fourth st sr.35
BETWEEN Tw.-nt. : . , nth and Adams
and Marlon hotel, n block fur. Call 520 J
'' ''' 8888
IF tin- party who has loo:,e h-af books nnd
sermon notes belonging to John B. Spend,
Llox 743. Reno. NOV will mall same to
him liberal reward will be paid and no
questions asked. 6"i7l
WE take your old range as first pavment
on any new range, or will buy voiir old
ronue orttlcht HurnC Eurnliu-e Co 467J
Greeks and Romans flaVor ih ir
wines by steeping the leaves of violets
and roses In th liquor untjl It acquires
the odor.
NICELY furnished room for one or two
gentlemen. 210 Twenty third street
I ROM one to thre ri,',i Also bar train
on pji nients. Phone 125
A'ERV nfcely furnish'-, f.air room apart
""nt 8788 'in.nt :,77K
;tfam heated bedroom 8941 Grant
SLEERTNa room 53.", Twentj seventh
itrei 1 Phoni 31T8 M. 5777 :
SIN room modern 'Jose in or will sell
1,1 - ' 1 sonable Phone 8734 ' 575i
FI R.MSHED sleeping room. 2C.3S Adams
Phone t, o ; , .,, Vundaya. 5741
FEPMSHE'D parlOl .-1 mi l-edn-mi 3 1 1 I
l.ln. oln. Phone 136-J. 5787
THREE room furaltun vei plain foi
sale; also the rooms for rent 2515 Bin
coin 8740
NICELY furnished sleeping room, one or
two 11 ' i.-nu n 1 70 Poplar av t m 5713
MODERN sleeping rcom. privat" family,
Sultoblc for one 01 two ladles Home
.'S '!. cq :iv :.'7r: V ' :i
BARGE Bunshtiy front room 330 Twen
ty fourth Come between 3 and 6pm
NICELY furnished front room. 1 01 7 gen
ti. men 2 Twentj rirsj sue'- :.e,2?,
eef.gantev furniahed room for two
pen tie men phone 1931 W E H 7
K'li i.MS '.. .I..-, Hot' I 2M- I'.r.n-.l V I
Information Bureau
?, on oro 1 . tr ocb MONTH
ANYTHING a to Z new or old
1 bought sold or traded Phone UJ
Bramwcll Bool and Stationery ?.V.;
1 Washington Ave Phone 180 1051
. Utah Natltcnai Hank southeast coiner
Trcnt fourth snd Wo .-.Mngton Phonn 61
Ogden Carpet Cleaning Co Hav us
e,ean your taiga the txa t waj Phones 41fi
and 125 V. ' 5,,-
Expert carpet cleaning, upholstering
mattresses made OVOr, f'ntherB renovated'
1 Cull F. .1 Hampton & C0 c.w. 4234
Van Kampen for upholstering, c
pei deaned altered nnd la'd Remaklrif
or mattresses. Phone 272-J.
Phone 133. 3388-IU Washlnytoo Ava
Mafsuba A ;0 . lending Japr.nese r.
I taumnt In Ogden 271 2th St
The New Method Dentists art apodal
, ists in al, brnnche.i of Dentistry. 246J
Washington Ave vjgi
-tTf r',c "',--"c maium, call at
Grant nv enuo 4342
Ogden Engrnvlng Servlcs . . m&ker
ot iino cuts In one or mo.-i olora. 411
rurenty-fourCi street Phof J
Geo. D Bennett, corporation and crOUp
insurance a specialty Phone 12J-W 1511
Western Hide A- .lunk Co . 323 Wasb-
ntrion Avi Phone S61 .
Otrden I unk Houx-. 10S9 Washington
Ave, Phon 210
C. H. Zc-rbe. Phone 945 J 6263
Paper hanging, painting, knlsomlning
paper cleaning. Reasonable Phone 3220 R
Gas and coal renges connected All
Kinds of plumbing work. Our prices are
right. OrGI Wald'am. eSl Seventeenth
'street Phone 8629-R, 3jo
All kinds. C, H Zerbe. Phone 045-J
-,-Y'il."rdu,Ky' ro1 eaute and loans
4i4 Ave. Phone 403. 1874
Garbage nr,d rubbish hauled cesspools
snd tollots ileaned. lohn Chipp u Co
Phono K28. 234S Hurlsci. Avenue 173.1
Trunk and bao repairing, round cor
ner from btandard Gtllachtr a. '373 Hud
eCD 211
K.XPERT window and wall paoer eean
inaT. American Window Cleaning Ph 563
1 Ogden Petroleum Company, principal
; plac, of business. Ogden. Utah
j There are dellnuent on the following- de
f cubed tok oi, account of n.v.i .anient
! No 12 levied on the 11th day of August.
1 1020. the several amounts set opposltc the
names of the respective share holders ns
1,'ollowa: Certlf.
I No. Shares Amt
Austin, p. u 22 j . 200 $ 1 on
I Bingham. Andrew . . .Ill 2,000 10 00
jBatcman H 160 6,000 30 00
I By pe Emma 128 5 000 25 00
IBybec, Emma 365 1.000 s'oo
IBundy, Emily R ...... 106 1,000 5 00
Bauchman Emll 376 500 "50
I Bauchman, Emll r.:.2 eno 7 ,,1
IBerrett, iiattic 2'.z 1.000 5'mi
Berrett. L. S 536 1,000 5 00
(Berlin. A E CIS 1,000 800
iCombc, Gcotlnn 60 1,000 Son
Cluia. Mrs W, C 327 6.000 SS'OO
t laia. Isuuc 132 500 8 6Q
Cralf Canning Co 11 2.50O 1.'.',,)
ChlM, C I . 473 1.00't B.'oa
ardon .Mab. l .. 1 nrm ,-. fi
I Clark. Ethel G 326 6.000 2500
iC.-irdon. A W 530 o'u'l
toml.e. Jumea .648 l.OOO 6 00
Child. Leo W 680 2.000 10 00
fpulger. Joa. 382 1 003 5.00
, Mygare, If .sic 2ss "-,0 1 -,
Flowers. G M, 300 325 16'
Glasmann. ICvelyn 51 10 000 50 00 I
lOosllnfc- C. H .. 8 26.000 186.00 1
Gosling. C H 476 1,000 6 00
Goddard. H. H 700 1.000 5 00 '
Ooddard, H. h. 701 1.228 i n
Ooddard. H. H 702 10,000 6O 00
Goodnle, Edith 21u 230 1 5 !
IGoanell. LVern . . .300 1,000 5 00,
Gosncll. LaVern 616 1.000 5 00
Gln:unann, W. W, . .. 507 2.000 10 00
Glussman. . .55s 2 CC6 13 33
i.'l.ismann. ' W, . .649 1,000 6 00
I Glasmann. Blulnc . . 6U9 5,000 26 00 1
IGlasmann. Blaine . ,.600 5,000 25 no
iHese, G. R, . . 234 1,000 5001
I Hess. G R 314 600 2 SO !
HOWOII, C. C 206 180 90
Hurrup. lennie 297 1.000 500
Hoyt. R. B 359 1.000 5 001
Hojrt, R B. . ., 360 1.000 5 00
Hansen C. J. 378 600 2 0'
Humphries, Ellllan .. 441 1,000 6 00 I
lliirrop, H i: 674 1.000 6 00
Harrop. H. E .537 1.000 6-00 !
Hener, 10tu8 664 500 (jfl
!lvlns. L, H 215 100 .50
lvlns L. H 218 100 60
1 1 11 . . 11 , I .- v 17 1 . ., . n
Jensen, Hovid 32.". 3.000 l&'no
Jacobs. E. H 140 260 1 26 I
Johnson. Elisabeth ... 358 250 1 86
. Jones, R. M 531 1.000 5 00 I
I Jensen, M S 525 1.000 6 00 i
; Rarademos. Tom 262 1.000 6.00'
I Lynch, Jno. . 93 2.000 10 00 '
1 Bee. H. S. 629 1,600 x iiO
Murphy. J. D. 13 4.000 20 00,
U) ers, J H 171 2 000 10 00
I Myers, J H. 412 2.000 io.'oo
Messcng. r. F W. 3S6 l.OOO 6 00
Messenger, F. W C12 1,000 6 00
Martin, Calo 12:1 800 1 00
Miller, Mrs, C, L 497 2.000 lO.'oO
Miller. C. E. , 498 2 000 10 00
MiCormlck J. L 304 1,000 8,00 1
N. lson. Sumner 80 1.000 6 00 1
Nelson. Sumner 81 1.000 6 00
Nelson. Sumner ....... 82 1.000 5 00 !
Nelson, Sumner 83 l.OOO K 00 1
tigden Standard .. .62 20.000 100 00
Ogvlcn Standard 603 7 500 3750
Orion. MarA- .. ...298 1,000 6 00
Orton F. H 538 1,000 6 00
Pingree. S. E 541 2,000 10 00
Plngrce. IGrunde ... 644 125 62;
Ramey. Chaa. 290 600 50
Rlchurds. I. L 212 333 1 60'
Richards. B. P. ...... .213 333 1 6C !
Rasmusson. Besslo ....296 1 000 6 00
Rusmus.son. R W 636 1 000 6 00
RundQUlst, C. A 621 1,000 6 00
Riimey, Julia F 622 250 1 25
Stone. W. J. .42 1 000 S 00 1
Slsco. Ira 177 200 100 '
Swan son, E, P 321 600 8.6s !
Smith. Robert 2U 334 1.67
Swonaon Chas 272 1,0'JO 5 no
Tanner. H. B. r.7.7 500 an
U'.- D- 817 l.OOO 6 00
WUCOX, J. W 36 1.000 6.00
l tams. Jos. ...... . 477 S0O 2.50
u. am-'- Jo. 519 2.500 12.50
JJ llllftm.". Jo? 52'J 2.50O U50
JKJti geo D ...43t 1.000 500
JJ.IIson. Mattte L oi . O0 4 00
JNells. T. A 614 500 250
Morrell, Elu 653 200 1 00
And In occornanre with the laxv so mans
of each purcM ot such stock as may bo
necessary will be sold at the office of th
company. No, 364 Twenty fourth Strrot
Ogden ( tah. on the 27th dav of Scptem'
I 1920. at the hour of 5 p m . to pay
tne dellnriuent assessment-, together with
.he cost of advertising and cK r ,e of
Ser rotary Treasurer.
. - ih.- above delinquents arc pav
10.C to the A. si -i ,nt .-'-er..t..r Treasui er.
Notice M A. No. 027:01
rit -"'V'. ,Sl'ol"'v U n'; Office Salt Lake
Clt L tah Sept io, 1)20
PMfrV'" ,-ii? ,hi'rr-l,y Utn: thl Southern
'"""'o 1 J ' "I'Per Mining & Mllhnw
oinp. ,i a corporation, through its iu
hoi-iy .i tnpt. Core M Holderman. who".,
posiofflco address Is Salt Lake City Utah
has made application for a United States
Patent ior the Dlorlte. Cuprite No a cud
rite No. ,1 Wlmrd Ust Chance LaS
Lhnnce i.xten.-ion No 2 list Chance Ex
enslon No y,A Coch and Top Notch
fd minng claims coprolldated, situated
n the Sierra Mndre mining district " run
ty of Weber, -tate of 1 tah, being s,,,
.o 65.1. and described In the fleiri
; notes and plat file In this office, with
.: magnetic variation al is d.p East as
, follows
pnienelng at comer ,o 1 or niorite
lOde Claim. ;vh.-n. e ,he S W , orner Se,
a Ti , , l. W 3 ' 1 M beari
8, 14 dey 42 mln. W 1226.6 feet;
rheiKo N. 6 deg. 88 min W 600 feet
1 lo corner No. 2 of said claim
Th. nre 8 S8 deg. 53 mln. E 3000 fe,t
I to corner No. 3 of Wlxard cialrr.,
Thence N" 5 deg 88 W 066 6 feet
to10llr', "So - of TOO WotCh . lolni
Thence K 8K deg 51 mln. E 566 8 feet
; 10 corner No. 1 of East t'hanee Extension
No. 2 clalni
Thence N. 6 deg. 48 m?i W M5t feet
to corner No. 2 of Last Chance Extension
No 2 claim
I Thencee S. deg 53 mln. B soo feet
to .-orner No 3 of aid elaini,
M Thence S. 5 deg 4 mn E 1489 4 feet
J I to cornet No 4 of said claim, identical
with corner No. 3 of Iist Chance clolm
Thenr S, 6 deg 82 mln E ITJ6 ?, feet
to corner No. 4 of Ijist Chance claim
I Identical with corner No 3 of last Chance
Extension No. 3 claim.
Thence 8 h deg 54 mln E 14".5 1 feet
to corner So. 4 oi Last Chance Extension
WO 3 claim
Thence N ss ,jeg ;, i n.ln W 2704 5 feet
to corner No. 1 of Cuprite No 2 claim
Thence N. 5 dog. 23 mln W 1200 fet
1 to corner No. 2 of Cuprite No 3 claim
Id I ntlcal with corners 1 and 4 of 'Wizard
i and Dlorlte claims, respective!
Thence N. S deg. 53 mln W. 1500 feet
.to corner No. 1 of Dlorlte claim, tho pla c I
'of beginning and located in S 3E
1 and NE Se. tlon 8 and NW i'i and
iNE i; of Sc-tlon 17. Township 7 Nortb
Range 1 West. S L. B. & M . Contalnlnrl
I on area of 169 006 acrep exclusive of con ,
I flirts, as shown by the duh certified '
field notes of said Survey No 6571 to be
In conflict with SV 't of SW 4 of Sec'
tion I and with Section 17. T 7 N R. 1
W . S I , B Ar M ....
1 direct that this notice be published In
.The Standard Examiner, published at
Ogden. Utah.
, . Register ;
Salt Iiko City, Utah
Claimant's Attorn. 5122'
A special meeting of the stockholders of
the ( rater Products compon will be held
at the office of the- at No 1701
Washington avenue in Ogden. T tah on
the 6th da of October, 1920, at 7 o'clock
p. m. of said dav. to consider and take ac
tion upon, tho following matters.
1. To ratify the action of the Board of
Directors, taken on tho 31st dav of Au
gust. 1920. In entering Into a contract
with and granting to C. B Croner. of
Eos Angeles. California, an option to pur-
h I the company s mining claims on cer
tain terms and conditions therein men
tion eel.
2. To consider any other disposition of
thei company's property.
3. To consider such other und further
matters in any way Incidental to or con
nected wtlh tho foregoing as ma b.j
brought before said meeting.
By order of the Board of Directors
J, E STOREY. Sccretafv
Department of tho Interior I' 8 Land
! Office at Salt Lake City. Utah. Septem I
ber 1. 1930
Notice Is hereby riven that f harle8 v
.Brown, of Ofsdcn. Utah, who on June 13
,1916. mode homestead entrv No 017S6O i
I for NE. '4 Section ! Township 7 North
Range 1 East, Salt Lake Meridian haa
filed notice of Intention to mal: three
year proof, to establish claim to the land
i above doscrlbod, before V H. Recd- r
,Jr . United Stales Commissioner at Og I
;d.n I'lah. on tho ICth day of October
1920. I
I Claimant names as witnesses
D. D, Dunbar Leo Sb.w. Rooert Mont
gomery. Louis Shaw all of Liberty C'tih
M Register. I
' Davis and Weber CoUntlOS Canal Com
pny Ogden Weber County, Utah.
Notice Is hereb) given that at a meet
1 Ing of the Board of Directors of said
.Company held on the 1st dav of Septem
I er 1920. an assessment waa levied on Die
..apltal stock of the corporation as foi
lows. $5.00 per .-hare on Primary Stock
and $2.50 per share on Secondary Stock
P i il'b to tin secretary on or before the
1st day of November. 1910, at his office
In Ogden Cltv, Utah
An stock upon which this assessment
I may remain unpaid on said 1st day of Xo
jv.-mber 1920. will b delinquent nnd ad
verlised for sale at public auction, und un
less payment is made before, win i
on the ISth day of December. 1920 ut 12
O'clock noon al the south door of Web. r
CoUnty Court House in said Ogden City,1
to pay the delinquent assessment togeth
er with cost uf advertising and expenses
of sale.
Office. C02 Eccles Building. Ogden. Utah I
Conault County Clerk or tne Reapec
tlve Signers for Further
In the District Court ol Weber Countv I
In the matter of Assignment for the Bene
fit of Creditors of Wilfong Glasmann
ompany. a Corporation.
A general asalgnmcnt for the benefit of
'.-editor.', h.n lia; been mad. on S. pi. n,
ber 11 1920 to the undc raign. d Ir U.I.
fong Glasmann Company, a corporation,
which assignment has been duly recordeci
and Hied In the offices of tho Count)
Recorder and County Clerk of VVebi .
County Etah. and tho undersigned hav
ing duly qualified as such assignee as re
quired by law. notice ( Ii, rebj Iven tha:
all creditors having claims against said
corporation or ugHlnst the estate In the are hereb. required
to present under oath their said Claims
SS n QUlred b) law on or before Decc-tnhe'r
20. 1930.
l,.t, d September 17 1920
Assignee for tho benefit of creditors
of Wilfong Glasmann Compan
I Estate of A F Lines deceased
Tho petition of Lula and Clarence E
Llnse, praying for the appointment of
iR. P. Hunter as administrator of tho es I
talc of A K, Llnse deceased, and thul
! ' i. rr. of administration be Issued to him
In the above entitled matter has been
I set for hearing before Hon. A 1" Pratl
Judge on Monday the 27th day ol Sep
I t.mbcr. 1920, at ten (10) o'cock A M. at'
the County Court House In the' court
room of said court, In Ogden Cltv Weber
I County . Utah.
Witness, the rerk of said court with
the seal thereof affixed, this 16th day of
September, 1980
W A l.l El' N l ' RR. Clerk
IGNES smith. Deputy CJerk
i Attorneys for Petitioner i.
The Ogden Auto Directory
SSS0 ww?vnd twJSS cars- Briscoe c Gramm-Berrlxr, H
trucks. Whit4.Robinn 2300 Washington. Phout 340. 3739 H
Ogden Auto Radiator Co , 2329 Hudson Avenue 3740 H
Hudson Auto Top Co , 1717 Washington 3770
Wa bUyaa,n ca1 regardless of condition. Salvage parts for ale H
Auto Salvage Co., 2348 Grant. P 4045 H
Willard Battery Station. 2454 Grant avenue "3733
Northeast Service Station Cheesman AutoCa 378f5
Proposed Constitutional Amend
ment No 1
A Joint resolution proposing an amenrl
mrnt to Section of Article 11 of th.
Constitution of the Stab or I tah, re
lating to municipal corporations.
Be it enacted by the EegUlnturo of the
Stnte of Utah, two thirds vote of all thn
members eiecte,; in the tvo Houses con
eurrlnp th'r In
Section 1 That U la proposed to nmend
Sertlori 5 ol rtlcle XI of tf-e Constitu
tion of the State of Utah, TO that thi
I some will read aa follows:
I Sec, 6 Corpora I ioiij for municipal pur
poses shall not b. rrated by i.p..-cnl laws
m LKlrlftt;" 0 y teneiwl lav. ' jh-.i; pro
I Mde for the im or.d atlon, onranlrjitlort
and classification oi e.tles ,md towns in
'proportion to peculation, which Uwa may
be nlterec!. amended -i -epealel
Any city nmv frerre nnd urlop". n chnr
tcr for its own eovrnir-cil In iho fo!
'owlnp manner
The legislative aurhorltv of the rltv
mn. by two thirds n its members,
nnd upon petlt'cn of cjuallt'ed electors to
the number of 10 per cent of all vol. I SSI
at the n..xt preceding leeiion for the of
flee of the mayor, sha'l forthwith provide
b ordln.n, ,- for the submission to the
electors of jLho question, ' Shall a Com
j mission be chosen to fiornc a charter '"
The ordinance shall require that the, ques
tion be submitted to th electors at tho
next regular municipal election The
lot containing such .piestlon shall also
I contain tho names of candidr. tes for mem-
bers of tho proposed Commission, but
; without party deslfnstlon, ','uch candi
dates ehull be nominated In the same
'manner as. required tj law for nomination
I Ol city officers. If a majority of the elec
: tors voting on the question of choosing
'Commission shall voto in the affirmative
I then tho flfte-en candidates receiving .i
majority ol tho votes cast at such (dec
tion, shall constitute tho chnrter Commla
slon, und shall proceed to frame a char
Any charter so framed shall be sub
mitted to the quallfk-d ejectors of tho city
ac an election to be held at a time to
In determined by tho charter Commission,
which shall be not loss thai, thirty days
subsequent to its compli tlon nnd dlstrl
bution anionic the elector, i and not more
than one from such dan. Al terns
tlVS provisions may also bo fubmlttcd to
be voted upon separately. The Commls
sion shall inakc provisions for the distri
bution of COploS of the proposed charter
and oi ony alternative provisions to tho
qualified electors ot the City, not l SS 'h.m
MXty days before the election at which il
is voted upon. Such proposed charter and
such alternative provisions as ro ap
proved by a majority ol Uie th-clors oi
ing ther.-on, shall beconio un organic law
of such city at such time as may be ilxc.i
th. r.-in. and .-.nail supersede any existing
charter and all lawa effecting the
Izatlon and government c' such cltv which
are now In conflict th- v illi ithm
thirty days alter Itts approval a copy of
such charter us adopted, certified by tho
mayor and city recorder and authenticat
ed by the seal o( wich city, ahull be DM4te
In duplicate, and deposited, one In ihe oi
lice of the Secretary of Mate and the
other in the office oi' tho City Recorder,
and thereafter all courts shull lake jual
'-Ml 11UU, O U, OU'll I II I I Itl
Amendments to oris uch c!iarter may
be framed and submitted bv ih,- chartoi
Commission In tto same raannei pro
vlded lor moKing ol cnarters. or may be :
.proposed by ihe legislative authority of
ihe city upon a two thirds voto thereoi. j
lot by petition Of quaiulcd electors to i ,
Inumbci equul lo one telitn ol the total
vote cusl lor muyoi on me next prcccditiif
jeleeilon. and an. sueh um. noinunt may
I tie jui.i.iltled ut the next retfular election,
and naving oeen approved by the majority '
oi the electors voung tneieon, nmi i.
come a purl of tho charier ut uie time
nxed in auch amendment und ?hai bo cer '
tilled nnd llled Ua provided in Casu of
eli uricrs.
I ba h city lormlng Its charter Under thl.-
I Section shul! and la Hereby granted,
ihe authority lo exercise all powers rolai
lOg to municipal lit fairs, and to adopr.
land enforce wumn us limits, local police
sanitary and simnoj ! gui.inon not to eon
ihct with ihe geneial law. inu no enunier
I ution u. powei i in mis constitution or any
I law shall be ucumed to limit or restrict
, the general grant oi autnprii) hereby .un
jierrod; bui uus grant oi authority snail
.not include thu powi i.o regulate Uie serv
lice or charges of public utilities so lony
as auch regulation is provided ior by gen
eiaJ law, nor bo deemed io limit oi re
tirici mo power oi me ucgisiaiuic in mm
Iters of puolic or geiieiui m teres t, nor
those relHiinii to Stale aitalra.
I The power lo bo conferred ujwtin the elt
ics by this Section :haii include the toi
(aj To levy, assess and collect taxej
and borrow money, within the limits pn.
scribed by general law. anu lo levy und
collect special ssssssnasnts tor beneiits
tb) To furnish all local public services!
10 pure base, hire, construct own. main
lulu nd operate, or icusc, pub. i.. utilities.
local ill e.i i.i al. d use; to acquire Dy
condemnation, oi otherwise, within or
without the ccrporuto limits, property
necessary lor any such purposei suojcci
to restrletlon.-. imposeU by general law ior
the protection oi oth.i commumtlee; and
io giant local public utility irunehlses and
regulate the exercise thereof bubjoet lo
hi C ntinumg power ol regMlatlon oi put,
nc Utilities, their rales ana service, b tho
stale, as ii. now or muy bereaftci be, pro
video b b. ii ral law.
(, t L'O moke locul jmbllc Improvements
and to aOQUiTS by condomnution. or utlar
wise, properly wltlnu Its corporate Urn
Its necessary for such Improvements; and
also io acquire an excess over that needed
ior any such Improvement, und to sell ui
lease such excess property with resiric
lions. In order to protect and preserve
i!ie improvement.
(d) To Issue and sell londy on tho se
Curtly of any auch excess property, or ol
any public utility owned by ih-. city, or I
of tho revenues thereot. or both, knclud j
lnK In the case ot S. public utility, u Iron
hi.Mi stating the terms upon which, in
eajto of lortclosure. the purehasvi may
operate such utility
Sec. 2. The .Secretary of State Is hero
by directed to submit tho proposed amend (
mcnt to tho electors ot the Statu at tho 1
next general election In tho manner pro- ,
vlded by law.
Sec, J, If adopted by the electors of
this State, thla amendment eholl take cf
lect on January lot. 1321.
Approved Murch 18. 1313.
In lb.. District Court ol the Second Judl
cial District of I tah. within und for
her County.
In tho matter of the Estate of Rose J.
Lents, Deceased.
Creditors will present claims with
vouchers to the undersigned at the offices
Ol S. 1 Dobbs, 101 Hudson Building, Og
den, Utah on or before November If.
Stuart I'. Dohbp, Attorney for Admlnls
In tho District Court of Weber County,
State of I'lah.
Mariruerltc Catherino Murphy. Plaintiff.
vs. lOdmond D. Murphy. Defendant
The state of i tah to Said Defendant
You nre hereby summoned to appear
within twenty days after service of this'
summons upon yon if served within the ,
ounty in which this action la brought.
otlicrwla-j within thirty days after lerv
I Proposed Constitutional Amend
nient No. M
A resolution proposlne. nn efhendmcnl to H
Sc. (ion 7, Article 13. of the Constitution
of (he State of Utah, relating lo tax fH
rates for State purposes. B
De M rctoivod by the Legislature of tho
State of l tab two thirds of all tha MMM
rnrinbors elected to each House concur .faTsjTsjTJ
ring therein:
, Section 1 'hat It Is proposed to amend
.section - of Articio xin ol the Conetl- bbbbM
tutlon of ;,(, Slate of Utah so thut tho
jeame will read as follows H
Sex The rate of taxation on piopcr-
1 lor Slalv purposes shall never exceed BaLSsH
S mills on each dollar of valuation to be
apportioned as follows! .Not to exceed
1 4i mills on each dollar of valuation for fH
general State purposes; not to exceed 3 b!!
mills on each dollar of valuation foi dls- BsbVI
irict school purposes; not to exceed V MMU
mill on ea.-h doliai ot valuation for hlRh fH
school purposes: that pari of the State
tax apportioned -o high school purposes
Ishnll constitute a fund to be cnlled the
iHlcb School fund and shall bo appor 1
tlone.i to the cities ii. I school districts 1
ni'.iiil.lning nit.ii schools In the manner 1
the Legislature may provloc. And when-
evei th.- taxable property within the siaie bbbbVI
shall amouni to $40O.0U0,0u0.00. the rates 'MMn
shall not exceed on each dollar of value L'H
jtlon two and lour-tcnths nulla ioi general HFS
State purposes, two tenths ot one mill for IBBsWfl
high .ehoOl purposes and such-levy for BS
district school purposes us will raise an- jjjjjjjjjjjH
rtUally an cmount which, nddel to any "(jjHHjHHH
'other State fundi avnllablf for district '''''''''''''H
I school purposed equals $2j.00 ior each H
, r on oi .-.chooi ig.- iii the State shoerh sssmO
by the last preceding scbool census, un- ossV
less a proposition lo increase suh rate sbbbW
!Or rates, specifying the rate or rales pro- BBBsr
.posed and ihe time during which the same liSBByf
shall i- Pvied, be first submitted to a 'iSBsnS
vol.- of siicn of th.- Qualified electors' of sssUK
the State, as. in the year next precod- iBv
Ing such election, shall have paid s prop- E3
erty tax assessed to them within the- State, aBBstt
nnd th.- majority of those voting thereon bbbhE
shall voto in favor thereof, In such maa- Ibh
ner as may be provided by InW H
Sec, 2. Tho Secretary of State ls dl-
i in i ausc this proposed amendmev LB
to be published 'is lequlred by the Con- bbbbstS'
stitution and to to Cuornitted to tho elec
torj of tne State ut the next general cloc-
tion in the manner provided by law. ',H
Sec 3 If approved by the electors of thj H
Stal. this tTOpOs.d amendment ;hall I
lake eflect ol thf i t da-, of January, MmmttS
isji .mm
Approved March IS. 1013. MML
Proposed ConstiiutiODal Amend
mem No 3.
A concurrent resolution providing an H
amendment to SccUon 1. Article XIV. lHP!
oi tho Constitution of the State of
l'tah. relatlug lo State d-bt limitation. f
lie it enacted l the Legislature of the UoaBBBsl
State of Utah, two-thirds of all the mem- I
bers sleeted to each uf the two Houses H
concurring therein: H
lion 1 Tha- i.-- piopoicd to -.mrn.1 I - bbbbbbbbI
Section 1. Article 14, Ol the constitution H
of the Stale ot Utah, SO thai ihe aamo H
read s follows H
Section To meet casual deficits or
falluie; in i, .vt-nue. i.nd for necessary ex-
pcndiiures for public purposea including H
tho erection of public buildings, and for
the payment of all liirltoiiul Indebtedness .III
assumed by tl,.- State the State may con- jjjjjjjjjjjjjH
tract debts, nm exceeding In tho aggre- H
gate at any one time, an umounl equal to '"jjjjjjjjjjjjjH
the ol the tuxublp H
property of the state, aa bhown uy
the last assessment ior State purpoaetr, H
previoua to the Incurring of such Indebt I lssa
ednebs Dut the state shall never con- "11111111111111
trio i any Ind-. hi. dness excupt aa In tho PH
next section provided. In excess of
lUCh . mount, und all moneys arising
nom loans herein authorized, shall bc.ap- jjjjjjjjjjjjjjH
plied solely to the puriuae-s for which vhey H
obtained. jjjjjjjjjjjjjjH
Sec. 2 The St i rotary of State la hereby I I
directed to submit this proposed amend- IJH
men t to the elex tor., oi ihe Suite at tho H
next general ell .lion in the manner pro- IH
Sec. II adopted by the electors of 1
the Slate ihlb amendment uhall taker ef 1
lect January 1. Ifl21. J fH
Approved March is. 1313 fH
I B5'
Proposed Constitutional Amend- Hg-'-
ment No. 4. E$ I
i A concurrent resolution pi oposing an jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjH
amendment to ths Constitution of th.t iH
Stale of Utah by amending Section 5. 'I'JB
Article XVI. relating lo rights of ac- IH
I lion to recover damages for injuries -re H
In H
I Be it resolved nnd enacted by the Li'gTll' H
laturc of Ihe Slate of Utah, two third H
of all the members elected to each of I
the two Houses concurring therein. H
I Section 1. That 1 1 Is proposed to amend
i Section 5. Article 1C. oi the Constituilon H
of the Slate ol I'lah. so that said section jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjH
read as follows-
"The right of action ro recover damages H
; for Injuries resulting In d-ath. hall never JJH
1 oc abrogated, and the umounl recoverable H
! shall not be subject lo any siulutory Btni-
, ta lion except in cases wheie compensa- H
tion Ioi injuries resulting in death is pio- H
vlded lor by fJI
Section Tho Secretary- of State la jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjH
'hereby directed to taibmit this proposed Mmwmwm
amendment to the electors ot tho slu; H
at ihe next general election in the man H
nor provided by law. H
i Sec 3. If adopted by the electors Of H
the ."late the amendment shall take effect H
(January 1st, 1321. H
Approved October 9. 1313 H
j 1, Harden LScnnlon. Secretary of Slate, H
: of the State of Utah, do hereby certify fH
I that Ihe foregoing Is a lull, true und cor- IJjB
reel copy of all Constitutional Amend- ''''''''''''''''''''''H
Imeuts piopoicd by the regular and upe- IJjB
clal sessions of the Legislature ol lau. IH
uf, the Siimo appear ot record In my ol- H
In witness whereof. I have hereunto set H
mv hand and afllxed ihe Great Seal of tho H
Statu ot Utah, this 1st day of September, fJJH
Secretary of State jjjjH
. ice. nnd defend the above entitled action; H
I and in case ol your falluie so lo do. Judg- H
incnt will be rendered against you accord- bIbbbbbbbbb
. ing to th.- demand of tin compialnt. fJJH
which has bc-n filed with the clerk of PJI
said court. fill
Thia action Is brought for the purpose I
of dissolving tho bonds ot malrlrnony now ''''''''''''''''''H
und hitherto existing between tho plain- IJjH
till and said defendant, and for gen. il il
Plaintiff's Attorneys. H
V O Address. Suite 605 Eccles Build- fH
Ing Ogden BOH H
ROME. Sept. 25. The senate un- J ;H
animouely ratified the treaty of St. 'Eat''-''
Germain today. The treaty h;li already
been approved by the chamber of . H