I, ' ofa '
g 'i v " . little codaicy laundry drudge
I kfcw ia"sms'
vSVtK V I- I builds the loveliest dream
" - ' castles out of soap suds.
. 'A'f (fe-OBS s or!e ftp rare productions
IS SOKN'm oes stra heart
ni A-Swy m frfol av,-.Kens dl sci-ts of human
S MHlyfi v?iK' ' ' sympathy- strong and moving
B II i Wit fyr- an w measu re of humor
ft g l iMa an P?tnos na 1 inseparable
xi lli? rom realsm'
w V vi Wlill f rem tf-.? ChaWes FaVimin Production
inWYlVAT "Op O" Me Thumb"
Mn It ' - w K) V r Frederick Fernt- Pichjrd Piyce
w u Bf I Directed by Jack Onion
j Ofjden Canner Says Several
Plants Not Contributing
Usual Quota
That the tomato crrn from a can
ning standpoir.i v.-ill (all below nor
jtoal during l lie present season is
the polnion expressed by H. L. Her
rlngton, vice president or the Utah
Canners association. Some of the
plants of the state will produce nor
mal crops, Mr. Herrington states,
but the majority will be far under
the output of 1019
Several cf the factories are not
in operation, thus contributing to re
duction in the output. At the Utah
Canning company the output, how
ever, will be normal, with an out
put cf 100. (" -. The tomato
I season should end About October 12.
providing frost fails to set jn. he
I WANTED 100 teams for
I new excavation and gravel
haul. Apply Sperry Flour Co.
An effort is being made in this
I county to introduce bamboo Ghoots
J as a substitute for asparagus.
I Your Opportunity
I Is Now
vvill remain in Ogden for a
short time only. Those interest
.'l ed in this great science should
see Mrs. Reeves at once, at Reed
I Hotel.
Enormous Sum to Be Paid to
Farmers of Utah
and Idaho -
More than $3,000,000 will be paid
farmers of Utah and Idaho for sugar
eeu during the coming season, ac
cording to Vice President S. M. Ed
gell cf the Amalgamated Sugar com
;pany. Of this amount more than
$6,000,000 will be paid for beets alone
while the remaining $2,000,000 goes
jus bonuses to the farmers during
i ihe months of January and February.
Sugar plants of the Amalgamated
! companies in northern Utah and in
Idaho are now operating and from
all indications the crops of 1910 will
' The ogden plant will
I not resume, operation until the lat
ter part of October due to the fact
that the plant la undergoing uumer-1
ous repairs. The beets from this dis I
triet are being shipped to Logan and '
Smithfleld plants until the repairs I
.here are comp!etd.
Rumors in Ogden esterdav to
the effect that a second drop in sugar
I would be made during the coming
Week caused considerable interest.
,'fhis statement, however, could not
be verified by local officials. Of
ficials of the Amalgamated Sugar I
company, however, stated that this
j information must first be received
from the San Francisco headquarters
before cuts in the present prices
.could be made They intimated, how
ever, that cuts in the prices were
, expected daily, stating that sugar in
tho east is now selling at $13 50 a
I bag
Weber's New Shop
Nears Completion;
h,Pto W anual training shop at
hV e r Normal college which ha
ibeen construete.l for the uso of stu-1
dents enrolled in that rourso, will bo
f-i us.- during the o.ilv part of
111 week, an online to M ,1
cohn Wateon, in charge of the shop.
-.v lathes. sa.ws and other equip-1
rnent have been Installed at the school'
at a cost of more than $3000 which:
2 Sate dopartment elUal any in
t.nn iU.,Idi2S alon( C0Mt ovo than!
$3000 It fl gald. More than 200 Btu-j
dents at th. school are expected to
enroll In this course during the school
The first cheese factory in th
nlted States was established at
Rome. X. y., in 1851 J
Look Who's With Us Today
ItlSawondp-- '". From the
fiii story thatrill jl : charles frohmaw
grip and compel , ! i production
you inwhicK i A 'OP b ME THUMB
m. m :
soul, all frank- i- : Richard Piyce
lieSS aild triltll r . ' ; ''M I Directed by
bringing sunshine llpH c - Jack Dillon
and happiness WfflT Fhotograpted by
and cheer to all . ;! 1 1 1 V Clias. Kosher ,
Jk Mm
Men Who Will Supervise the
Building of Arsenal Leave
For Equipment
Materials for th construction work
Ion the Ogd.-n Arsenal aro being rushed
to ogden from points in the east ac
cording to Major Ora Bundy. and Cap
jtal'i W. P. KatS, offic.-rs In charge
I The materials are arriving dally an.l
are bclnp transferred to the site where
jthey will be used In the construction
ff the bulldlnps b th, w. Suthrr
land Building and Construction oom
; pany
Two officials of the compary W M
Sutherland and B p Hume departed
:lust week for St Louis, where they will
rush equipment lo he used In thi i on
! Struct Ion work. Including steam sho -els,
concrete mixers.
' x.the llbs4?nce of Mr. Suthcrlanfl
and Mi. Hume, the work now being
accomplished at the ursenal is being
done under the direction of J. 11. all
era, who Is associated with tho firm
One hundred and flftv men ar0 now!
on tho Job and this number will bo
increased to more than B00 before the
winter sets In. it is said, Next spring
a force of 1500 Will bo employed to
rush the buildings to completion Hi
"Imlnlstratlon building, which la thi
largest building to be constructed Will
be the last building to bc completed
ork on this building has alreadi
been started. (
LM'- -
ST LOUIS. Mo.. Sept. 25 A rcdue-1
Ion of from 10 to 15 per cent in
prices of meat and fish orders accom-!
panled fey one vegetable, was an
nounced by restaurant and hotel men
here today.
Rumania possesses many natural
mpdiclnal springs, the most important '
being in the Ramnlcu-Valcea area
where tho waters contain iodine and
.-ulphur. i
Series of Eight Lectures in
Parliamentary Law
Judge Dan E. Sullivan
At Sacred Heart Academy
Every Monday evening at 8
o'clock beginning October 3.
Season Ticket, $2.00
Admission 35c
B FLOYD I m:i km .
The back-yard private dany must
This la the edict of the city board of
health, which, under the iaw, must
send the pet cow to tho open country.
Where she might not horn In on a
neighbor's business and muss up the
landscape In the rear of the home,
j No more can the city dweller rush
to his back-yard in the early morning
and stroke bossy into furnishing him
With fresh, rich cream for his coffee
The law says that bossy must have
more elbow room and cannot be prop-
Ply maintained in a two-by-four back
yard and net by the sharp eyes of the
city sanitary inspectorj
There are provisions, however,
which may allow certain fortunate
persons to still keep the pet bovine
within hailing distance, but these ex-
options are few. In the first place,
till- I., Ixlu !..,,). ,1 ., . . .. ...
iV. mai 1 L It CUW la
kepi In the back-yard It must not be
come too Intimately associated with
members of the family, must remem
b. r tluii It is a cow and not a human
and musl not approach the house at a
closer distance than fft feet
There are other conditions under
tho law. which might allow a good
citizen to keep his private dairy close
by, but thej -ill have their drawbacks,
to wit.
Sanitary Inspectors arc Inclined to
pass up an opportunity of offering pro
test when a man keeps a row in his
yard whore there is plenty of open
space. That is. if the bovine la prop
erly chaperoned by the owner and is
Kept from becoming a nuisance to
neighbors. If. however, the pet fre
quently wanders over fences and chows
up tho neighbor's clothes on the line
that neighbor may, if he chooses to he
so harsh, insist that the pet be sent
to the open country on an extended
So City livestock owners who would
I have their fresh (ream, milk and but
ter, would do well to cultlvato the
friendship of his neighbor. He should
even see that the friendship is carried
even to the extent where that neigh
bor could overlook the graceful ramp-
i Of the bovine Uyough his pot cab
bage patch and smile when tho cow
performed a shimmy on his lima beans
lfl.K DALLY 1 On, i t
Tho additional requirement for
ke ping .it hand the exclusive d.ilr
(nftor the neighbors have consented
and th,. aid has been approved a
pasture) is that bo.ssy herself, bo well
manicured at all times, that she be'
sh impoo. d frequently and that her'
. pi d Morning Shim
KeepYfour Eyes,'
Clean - Clear Hoolthy
tfritv fQr f rw Cy C' OowK Munn Co. Chicago. Uii I
t place of abode be kept in condition
; befitting a city bied .pet
J TJie time has not Mr passed when
practically every citizen drew bis milk
from his own cow, but the regulations
became so stringent that soon the bo
vine became a common nuisance
, Gradually the good citizens sold their
animals, added a few dollars to the
sale price and bought a shiny bliv
ver. They claim the substitute pro
vides a kick equal to that of their old I
pet and in this way often, on frosty!
mornings, receives memories of daya
gono b. Also it Is claimed the siib-j
stltute has, if anything improved their,
vocabulary to the extent that where
the good wife even with the addition
al weight of years on her shoulders.
i ni find her way into the house mm h
Quicker th.in when boss put her daln
ty paw in the milk years ago and the i
Verbal barrage opined.
A p.'.-p into the encyelopi-dia s'mws '
that the cow was one of the first do
mestic pets of man and was introduced
Into America through Mexico in the
year of 1625 But later day scientists
declare that children should not
I Choose the cow as a pet. principal!) for
, the fact that lompings with the'anl
mal has a tendency to retard tho nat
lural growth of young toes and has
caused many a youngster lo spend
(many hours in later years with a comb
and brush in endeacr to orn.se the tell
i.i'r marks winch rnaoh appuroril the
fondness with which the bovine nicy
show for a youngster.
Neither should parents allow the
youngsters to pia merry-go-round by
j hanging to the tails of the con's off
spring, namely cowlet. and bullets, for
the reason that such entertainment has
know n to be detrimental to the natural
development of the human bod and
Its extremities.
So. today, the plain eVerydai citizen
is content to clip the little ticket each I
night. I'll' o it in i ho milk bot 1 1 an.J
wake to either find it filled with rlOh :
milk, or tipped over by the cat, and to
let the farmer have the Joys of feeding, j
manicuring and chaperoning, th i
tlo bovine.
CHICAGO, Sept. 27,. Twenty-one
thousand bottles of real beer was
poured into the Chicago rier hen
today by United States deputy mar
shals. The beer was confiscated from
a saloon keeper in August, 1919.
Members of Scgo LlFy circle 17.
Neighbors of the Woodcraft, will meet
at tho Third ward chapel ibis iMin
day) afternoon at 1:43 p. m. to attend
the funeral of Neighbor Sofncrvllle
PICk'f0DDh j
j tonight 5;S0 7:Q9 9:00 1 H
Don't Forget the Kiddies i JH
Every child should see this great picture bring
the children with you or send them to the matinees.
Wyo. County Explains
Loss in Population
I Hastening to point out that on in
justice had been done to I'lnta county,
Wyo . by the census returns in which
the population for ly.'O is given as
G ' 11, compared to lii.982 In 1910, a
loss of 61.1 per cent. The Standard-Examiner
is informed by several sub
scribers In that section and In Ogden
that t'inta county was split up to form
Lincoln county since the last census
I was taken, thus accounting for the ap
parent loss.
DEtJM Is PRO! il I U
AKRON. He'll have to prove he's
married before he can get a divorce! i
Walter C Payne told Presiding Judge
Spicer that "some time in September. I
191L', In St. Louis, the parties named!
in the suit agreed between themselves
to live together a3 man and wife."
.Now they want to end the agree
ment You'll have to proe a common-law
marriage existed before I
can grant a divorce." the judge ruled.
The United States H th. 'arrest
wool usinc countr in the world
Abandon Cafeteria
For Weber Normal h
On account of the crowded condl- iHSSf
tions at Weber Normal college the car
'" 111 Planned last summer for the
school to be used during the coming 31)1
' ill and wintei terms, will not be
Placed at th0 disposal of students until Hw1 i '
sichoof1, co,dins to Mm
Hie enrollment at the school nt this ' :
IS "on than 750 which i a
rocord for the school at the end of the IWf if J
first w, eks registration ft is expe t- IfSllJ
ed however, that at least sr,0 stud en s mMMU
N ' ' '" "tolled at the school. H
1 '"""s ""nicely pied by the man '
ua trainhig stud, nta the baseSXt
and which were to be used for the caf
eteria ! tve been turned Into class
U I, lie ,,,e registration at he
school is heavier than In any past- "
years. ITenldont Joel Kicks stitS
l)s,lh f,Ci;0, ls Prepared to handle W$& FJ f
additional students uie ;
Miss Nancy C. Lester of Stewart Lsfl
VV. ust flnIsed p,ecine a Quit
of C4?6 pieces vK4
CEREAL beverage . )imH
age and it's so delight- Msm
fu and beneficial. mH
Serve with meals or be- EJ
a y Manufactured &
Becker Products Co. O far, Utah