gfl H SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 26. 1920. . THE OGDEN STANOARD-EXAMINER 5 1 H I Standard - Examiner Cooking School Opens I I I Monday Afternoon at Ogden High School j I ft i k THE EDEN 1 WASHER Trie Machine of Merit See the demonstration at the Cooking School and then sec us for prices and terms. I The Lighthouse j Ogden's Quality Electric Store ' 2452 Washington Ave. Phone 581 i SIMPLE ARITHMETIC FOR WEEK ENDING OCTOBER 1ST Eg -7 Necessities , Neccs:ities ;, Extravagances Bank Deposit H ' I Total ; A Total H ! Take a pencil and fill in those blank spaces. Figuro Hp' " , out for yourself which will be better for you on December K'i 31st, 1920 the memory of your extravagances or the pos n session of a bank account in the PINGREE NATIONAL BANK ,:v which will socn be known as I : I National Sank of Commerce E. P ELLISON, President CHAS. H BARTON, Vice President and Manager J. W. ABBOTT, Vice President !EZRA RICHARDSON, Vice President H. H. HUDMORR, Vice President ffi J. H RILEY, Cashier . F. J. VICKS, Assistant Cashier V. L PINGREE, Assistant Cashier Electrical Equipment j For Householders Will j Be Fully Explained 1 Preparations Completed and F;cgram to Begin at 3:30 p. in. Prepared; Dem enstraiors Ready Preparations hav been completed 'for opening the Standard-Examiner 'Cooking -school, to be started Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the ogden I high school The program for the week, including six days of cooking 'and baking demonstrations as well aa demonstration of electrical equipment for households, has been prepared. This program will consist of dem onstrations ns to canned vegetables chiefly. New and pleasing ways of preparing canned foods will be shown I Pierce's pork and beans will be one of the foods demonstrations and the use of this product as to garnishes, sandwiches, croquettes nnd soup will be shown Two different methods of utilizing canned homlhy will he dem onstrated. Canned tomatoes will be Used for tomato bouillon, cream to rrato soup, rice tomato soup, scalloped tomatoes and tomato Jelly. One f the Interesting phases of the first day 'will be the preparation of a Mountain Brand ham. Virginia haked. I During the program, musical num 'her will l given on the Slirr phono graph, provided for the cooking school by the Chrlstensen-Ashton compain. A number of selections will be given. I 1,1 ( 1 HIC it EQl ll'MIM . A demonstration of electrical house hold equipment will be g!en at the iclose of the cooking lessons. This j Will not only show the us,' of the elec .trlc range supplied tor the cooking school but also the modern electric' I Washing machine. Ironer, sewing ma-, Jchine. percolator, grills, flat irons.! toasters, vacuum cleaners and other electrical goods that are rapidly be coming household essentials Three demonstrator will present this program for the Standard-Kxami-DSr Cooking school. They will be Miss' Qertrude i Woodruff, head of the do- mestlc science department of the Og den high school, Miss Veda Lt. Hunsn Iker of the high school domestic science department, and Miss aline V'lnney, ' i demonstrator of electrical equipment i for houM :-holds Each of these dem onstrators is known to be well versed I in the preparing of foods and showing j the best methods to be pursued In their preparation) I 4 f I Program for First Day Of Cooking School ' METHODS 6F PREPARING CANNED GOODS Pork and Beans raroi&hoB, Sandwiches, Croquettes, Soup. Hominy Croquettes. A lu Pierce, Fritters. Tomatoes Tmato Bouillon, ( 'reamed Tomalo Soup, Kiee Tomato Soup Scalloped Tomatoes, Tomato Jelly. Ham irginia Baked ll4 Canning Display Is of Historic Interest To the student of western history, such a display ns that of the I'tah Canning company at the Stundard-Ex-amlner's cooking school this week pre sents more than usual Interest, for as hi st mis In fore it he 1 1 see ;i train of events, a column of pioneers reach ing fir back Into the middle of the nineteenth century Much Interest baa been aroused In the cooking schuol and that there will be a large attendance seems certain. Previous cooking schools conducted In Ogden have met with much taor and as oven more thorough preparation has been made in this Instance to give a complete and -.tried program, under, direction of experts. It Is anticipated that there will be even more Interest.' M NV I IKMs JOIN. Numerous Ogden firms and compa nies have Joined with the Standard-; Examiner in arrangements for the, event during this week. The compa-i jnles that have thus supported the plans for this cookftig school aie the Utah Canning eoinpn.ii' Ogden Pack ing & Provision company, Utah Power! && Light company, Holle Milling company, gdrn Electric Supply com-' pany, The Lighthouse Capitol Elec- 'trlc company, Infcrmountain Electric company, Boyle Furniture company, Amalgamated sugar company. Nelson Kicks Creamery company. Ogden Making companv. Chrlotensen-Ash- ton Music company, Western Market,' Richardson-Hunt company, Kennedy's t'ufeterin National Hunk of Commerce SUld the Calumet Baking Powder eom-j I pain Utah products will be demonstrated throughout the entire week and the arrangements are such that gden wo-' men will be shown how they can best Utilise the products of "gden factories. In this connection during the week, ever effort will be made to Utilise only those materials which are 'made In I'tah' lt will be shown that these products ure the j,,., ,- of all for both cooking and baking. BREAD BM(. CONTEST. One of the most Interesting phasi Of the cooking school will be a bread halting contest which ina be entered by any woman attending the school, barring only those who are profes sional bakers. The Holley Milling rom pany Is offering three awards for the best bread, baked, three loaves to he entered by each contest entrant. The first prize will be -00 pounds of flour, the second will be 100 pounds and the third prize will be 50 pounds The judges will bo announced at the! cooking school. This contest will close on Friday afternoon and the awards will be made the following day.! There Is only onp general requirement regarding the entries and thai e.. h lot of bread shall bo made from flour ol the Holley Milling company and' 6hall be accompanied by a grocer's j receipt showing that Holley flour ha9, been purchased 'The canning of food products," s'iys II L. Merrington, president and general manager of the Utah Canning, company, manufacturers of Plerce'n' products, "has gone hand In hand I I with th,. development ol the west The very moment when our soil began to push forth more perishable crops than we could easily market was a logical time to commence to can. and the j progressive west realised it. "I firmly believe that the future will reveal as one of the principal elements of western wealth this one most nat-l ural industry We have the soils and the space, and our canning fnctorles are yearly building up their capacl itlos. In preparation for that day." Cooking's a Joy With a WesMnglsouse I Automatic Electric I RANGE pi; I I You'll a Westinghouse at thi f L jJ Cooking School. You'll sec how ' "cEJt t3 l VI isBf i 1 1 . Rr 111 H V w simple it is and how convenient. - J j fa . gggasggea n iih You'll vonder at its almost hu- ) flJKrgWBpA i Rl man intelligence which enables yf mU ill gP it tc cook a meal perfectly wh'lc lri"" "tI I I J iHBj you are miles away. Jj J J ASFl gH Imagine cooking and shopping or going to iho matinee at the t gftt! ' time! it t being done everj da by women who have a ;'; If 'LHS Wcstingbouse Range in their ki'chens. Th? improved feature! Weitinglwusc at iii. Cooking School of the Wcstlngnouse enable you to place the food in the ov n 0v can obtain de- set the cloc'.t and go about other thing.'- knowing that at the imir.l information proper time the right heat will be turned on and your dinner trUldesler LH cookeu to perfection waiilng for you when you want it j ifSW Complete wholesale ?tock of electrical supplies and automobile accessories. !gH mmmmmm wmmmmmm mqmmm m iHfl These Electric Goods Are Sold By j I THE LIGHTHOUSE OGDEN ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. 'K 2454 Washington Ave. 2430 Washington Ave. M REDFIELD ELECTRIC & MACHINE ' Hp I COMPANY LARISON ELECTRIC CO. K 314 Washington Ave. 314 Twenty-fifth St. Kl Supply Cabinet for Cooking School Work "Hoosler Cabinet" has become u household word In America. This cabinet used In thousands of kitchens, has been selected for dem- onstratlon at the Btandard-Ksanilner cooking school as showing one of the Important angles of modern house kl eplng. The cabinet has been sup plied by the Boyle Furnlturo company and wlil be used by the demonstrators at the school. The Boyle Furniture company Is one of the largest business establishments In the Intermountaln states, carrying a very complete line of furlture and household furnishings. This lino Is equally representative of every phase of household needs. The result Is that the essentials of the kitchen are given thorough attention. Electrical Devices Save Work in Homes "I'Se of electrical equipment is revo lutionizing methods of housekeeping, saving thousands of steps and much arduous labor that has been necessary under previous conditions," said P. A. Ilerdti. manager of the gden Electric Supply company, yesterday In. discuss ing the us. of electricity In the home. Manager Herdtl called attontlon to tho rapid development of electrical equipment and Its perfection until there ll now so mi high class electrical de Ire that solves almost any house- IBiHQUET Tiierefi:rNBoitt,i,u,e I BETTER BUTTER Consider the food value and you can not afford to use substitutes even Bafo for cooking purposes Do not be satisfied with anything but real E$U butter Sip "BANQUET BETTER BUTTE R" K is particularly made for the finest trade. KS R Nelson-Ricks Creamery Co. K OGDEN SALT LAKE hold problem Involving labor. The electric range, electric washer, electric Ironer and sewing machine were among those to which he called atten tion. The vacuum cleaner has become an absolute household essential of to day and Is being used In thousands of homes because of the saving, not only In labor, but also in tho carpots and furnishings that results. The convenience of smaller elec trical equipment such as electric toasters, percolators, heaters, grills, chafing dlsnes, heating pads and simi lar equipment was also pointed out by the manager of the large electric store. All of this equipment, as well as elec tric lighting fixtures of all kinds, is carried In stock by tho company, one of the best, known establishments of K& Its kind In the west. MIDNIGHT FILM SHOW. H$ (By International News Service) R san FRANCISCO. After the dances are over In San Francisco and the wee sma' hours of the morning Hfc roll In loc'al movie fans may hie them- ,BS selves to their favorite screen palaces and watch their favorite stars until 4 o'clock In the morning. This Is because the public welfaro and censorship committee of the board H I of supervisors Is having the ordinance H j amended so that screen houses may I be kept running until the early hour, MOl at the request of the local patron. Kv f- Hf; ;Hf " owe their delicious and captivating flavor to a careful, iHE WSSLWf B world-wide selection of raw products, and painstaking Br d preparation at the factory. fc' 1 ililViL iv They always taste the same and that's the test that tells. K; II ; Sanitorily packed Everlastingly backed by W$ III UTAH CANNING COMPANY III I The Daddy of 'Em All Ogden since 2888 MM " 'MiHHMaaBSMHaMHVVVVVMiWVBaVHHIISBBHHiHHBMMHSIMBHSSS Hqh9p i4jH Ig tfA . . .. r -