II Modern Appliances for Household Labor Will Be I j
Demonstrated By Experts at Cooking School I
Jp' Help wanteds 4
Bjr The men of America don't have to do the '
ffyj washing but if they did, they would be ffi
rjjlj as tired of needless laundry toil as American Bj
womcn are
:!!':! substitutes electric -power for man-Or woman-power in the
home. - It substitutes science for backache. It cleans (jjjj
W everything blankets, linens, all clothes by dipping them jj
Jji'.''; ud and down through hot suds a countless number of
Cr3 times as gently as a woman dips a bit ot lace in a basin. i
Ptlj There's no rubbing with an Lden. It makes everythinc jfe
YjtM wear enough longer to much more than save its cost. It lr.M tglS:
l:,',5jj( 6aves time, labor, hard work and wages. ;,.'' Q
VL Ask us for free ccmorstration With-
WA out obligation cr c::pcnoe. If you frz- m?
want to buy an Eden after trying Hr"- 1 A sZI-JW
one -you c;.n pay for it the same B9&ftfc 5SffaCT
i VV casy titnC'Py01 wa' tnat HH9 -'"
crty Bonds vcre bought. 'f '' '
hon or visit us touay. ,
;. " Tti?.Vj; "i wiagBMf wringer
2430 Washington Avenue
Phone 2
2 ;
mi i I iimwi ii i m iii ii 1 1 mm ii mi wmm mm mi i m nwrrTTm- tm1
INew Appliances Are i
Useful for Kitchen
. A new school of household arts has i
hern opened in New Rocholle, N. Y.,
under the direction of Mrs Mary E.
Nichols, who believes firmly in th use
oJf all modern appliances as aids to
letter housekeeping. Letting daugh
ter learn by watching mother is now
ait obsolete method, especially as
mother Is uftcm unacquainted with the
upf of modern appliances
I'Bend daughter to mo, " saj Mm
Sifchols. and I will teach her electric
u(.l; ry right at table, how to preside
aid how to serve without a maid, it
necessary; how to simplify sewing b)
iMdi electric tewing machine; how to
prepare an entire meal and cook It in'
electric flreles cooker; how to wash
many dishes without wetting one's
hands; how to do all of the old, tire
some tasks electrically "
Young women fn the eollegr of New
rtochclle are preparing to supplement
their classical or musical course of
study with a practical home economies,
course at Mrs. Nichols' cnool. which :
I Is right In her own homo.
One young woman in the cookery I
I class, who made an appetizing apple!
I pie, carried it home in triumph. Now,
it also happened that cook had mane
Ian apple pi- that night for dinner,
and the entire family voted In favor I
i of daughter's pie, and cook's pic went i
!ak to the kitchen, much to muv.
i worthy's surprise. Cooks belter Iook
to their laurels'
The province of Quebec has three
'schools in which maple sugar inak
ling is taught.
' The best results in Baking are secured from using Old
9 Wheat Flour.-
Wheat Flour We are featuring Idaho Falls Old Wheat I
"A-No 1" Blended Wheat 0. K Brand. 2 48-lb bags $5.85
I Straight Turkey Red Hard Wheat the kind that gives more
; loaves to the sack one 98-lb. bag $6 25
COFFEE 1 lb. cinnamon 50c
i 1 lb M. J. B 60c 1'2 lb' cinnamon 36s
1 lb. Hill's Red Can 55c 1 lb' nutmegs 75c
! 1 lb. Schilling 55c L2 lb' nutmegs 45c
!j 1 lb. Hi Value 50c 1 lb- Ginr 35c
j 1 lb. Arben 45c 1-2 lb. ginger 20c
100 lb. sugar $17.50 .1 lb. allspice 40c
j 10 lb. sugar 1.80 1.2 lb. allspice 25c
' , Buy your spices by the ioo bars Divide white $6.50
pound and save 50 per cent 100 bars Divide quick naptha
; over the small quantity 1n . . . , . .
price s m(e luick
1 lb. cloves 50c naptha $7.95
I 1-2 lb. cloves 35c 120 bars Pride $5.75
366 Twenty-fourth St. Phone 22872448 Wash. Phone 528
Cooking Appliances
Placed on Display
Probably one of the roost complete !
and interesting display at the conking
school is the one of light cooking ap
pliances. Explaining In a general waj
the nrldespread popularity t' these va
rious home comfort- ampbU
of the Intermountaln Electric com-j
pany, says
"It is not everybody who can afford
to install an electric range, especially
ihosc moving about from time to time,
or liing in apartnn-nts not provided
with them But every housewife may
i-njoy the ;uh-antagt's cnjoyi-d b mh Ii
Inexpensive appliances as a toaster,
grill, percolator, hot plat and chafing
i dish
' Thesp things offpf numerous con
iveniences In that lhr-y inakp it possiblo
;io prepare complete ni als without
heating up tne renin in fact, they arn
used right on thf- dining tablp, elimi
!nating many steps back and forth. Teo
ple are discovering a direct aid to en
joyable meals in these ingenious appliances."
Time Savers Offered
I in Electrical Lines
Rapid in its growth has been The
. Lighthouse, one of Ogden's modern
! electric stores.
This store al 8464 Washington avs
i nue has been developed i i- Wil
son and C. G. Eklund, owners and
managers of the establishment, in
launching the estahlishmet, lh- firm
i arranged for complete lines of elee
: trlcal equipment Kb a result, the
store is one of the liest stocked elec
trical houses In I'tah, carrying lines
' of all the leading elec trical manufac-
turersi '
Electrical gonils arc being sought
by many progressive housekeepers 'i.s
the method of Bolving hous-hoM prob
lems .said c. G. Bkluhd of The Light
house. "For instance, there is a con
Btantl) increasing demand for elc trie
nrashln machines They are such
I imi' fliers, uch labor ei . such
clothes savers and remove so much
..f the difficulties of laundering ihilt
i h womi ii of 1 igden and ( Ihitj ai e
! having them In their homes.
"The vacuum cleaner is considered
absolutely necessary in the modern
'home, it i'i a great labor saver. What
I applies to thes two also applies to
' all other electrical equipment for the
..." " " """
Local Concern Becomes One
Of the Largest
In State
Ogden's great baking industry ihnt
of the Ogden Baking company, is on"
of the most interesting of the entire
state. The fact that bread bnketl in
this great plant is used In Idnho, as
far west as Shoshone, and nearly as
far north as the Montnna state line;
used in Nevada even as far Reno
and Las Vegas.. In Wyoming as far an
i i ramie, and throughout the entire
northern part of Utah, is a demon
stration of how Important this busi
ness has become.
The Amerlcan-Mald bread which Is
produced at this Ogden plant, has bo
come known throughout this great ter
ritory. It is used In thousands of
homes where women find It more con
venlent to buy thoroughly good bread
than to bake I'.aklng experts dcrl uc
! that one of the tests of good breau
Is the toasting quality, and, to dem
onstrate this phase of the bread val
ues, the Standard-Examiner Cooktnn
schol will prepare toast from thie
bread and will show other uses.
I The modern oakery, such as that
Of the pgdon Baking company i.s. al
most automatic In Its operations,
though under the most careful super
vision of exnerts. Ineludlnc industrial
chemists as well as bakers. From the'
time that the flour and other bread
1 Ingredients are received at the plant
(until the bread Is received at the
I hcmes. there Is not a process In which
I the bread is touched by hands. Flour
sifters, blenders, mixing machines,
i dough knraders and Other machlneiw
I arc used In preparing the bread for
the great nvens, declared the most
modern In the intermountaln couiv.i;
From the ovens, the bread is taltei
' to the automatic wrapping machines
where it Is encased in waxed paper,
ready for delivery through the various
I stores of Ogden or for shipment
Electrical Aids in
Kitchen Never Tire
j That electricity) to a large extent.
I has mad,, possible the elght-honr day
I In the home is generally accepted in
: domestic science circles, and Is being
demonstrated this week by the I'tah'
Power & Light company at the cook-j
Ing school.
Electric ranges, as well as the
smaller table appliances and some
I helps, have proved themselves capable
I Of handling all the heavy work of the
' house In much less time than human
: hands could possibly do It
; Electrical assistants, moreover,
! never grow tired They're always
ready; any time of the day or night,
nt the summoning touch of un elec
tric pufih button or switch. They need
direction, of course, and that Is what
the housewife becomes the house
bold director guiding the oppllaneen
directing their efforts but saving her
strength and time for more Important
things than tae mere keeping of a
home cb-an and cooking for the fam
ily. In thus shifting the work Of the
household to electrical appliances,
every housewife who has tried It out
agrees that the quality of the work Is
not sacrificed that electrical "hands''
in fact, do b.tter work than the
I weak" i human hands can accomplish.
Sugar Making Great
Industry in Utah
Sugar making is L tab's greatest food
manufacturing Industry. Started with
an humble beginning, when a com
paratively small plant was construct
ed at Loiil. I'tah, In 1873. the beet
sugai Industry toduy is providing a
ritark t tor products of thousands of
acres of -Utah lands. Ogden is one of
the great centers of this sugar indus
try. Merits of beet and cano sugar have
been frequently compared b experts,
both the domestic science experts of
th country, and by chemists. The re
sults have shown that there Is abso
lutely no difference between these two
kinds of sugar However, it was not
until the tune of tbe world wur with
I the increasing demand for western
beet sugar that many hoUSewives of
the east began to fully acquaint them
I selves, through practical experience
jwlth the facts Naturally, beet sugar
made In Utah has been decided upon
las one of the home products for dem
onstration at tin- Standard -IOxuminer
' Cooking school. In conjunction with
!lhe many other food products that will
b utilized and explained there.
Butter Important
Household Article
Butter making, which has become!
om of the important phases of Utah
industrial affairs, is linked closely
with the progressive methods of house
hold ecenomy. "ine of the largest of
, the creamery companies In Utah Is
In Nelson-Kicks company, with plants
scattered throughout the state and a
branch establishment In Ogden. - The
producl of this company, Banquet Bet
ter butter, has le-en selected for dem
onstration at the Standard-Examiner
cooking schooL
Not only have such companies as
the Nelson-Kicks made rapid advan e
ment for the butler making industry
through the adoption of. the latest
scientific means for manufacturing this
' product, but the federal and state gov
ernments Lave given particular atten
tion to the' protection of people re
garding this Important food. The
Nidson -Ricks companv s plant and Its
home. Women of Ogden who attend
I the cooking school will be pleasantly
urprlaed at the possibilities of eouip:
nlng their homes electrically, for their
i own comfort and convenience and with
the eventual result of lowered house
hold costB as welf."
Home Ironer Proves
Helpful Labor Saver
The home Ironer electrically driven
has prosed itself to be one of the mos',
helpful labor savers for the modern
home that has ever appeared. No mat
ter how big the Ironing, the home
Ironer makes quick work of It and docs
a better Jni. It will iron 05 per cent 1
of the family wash and do the average
Ironing In an hour. It will iron so
easily all of those big heavy pieces,
t&ble cloths, sheets, spread.:, curtains,
as well as tov. els, njLpkllfS, underw ear,
! pillow cases, aprons and plain dl'CSSl
it puts a fine gloss n every article
While linens and cm broideries are done
bca tit Ifully.
With such a home Ironer it is possi
ble to restore lace curtains to thep
pristine crlspness. nfter Washing the 1
curtains should be immersed in a v r;
I weak solution of sugar and water. The
desired, width of the curtain should Ii
I determined and a strip of cloth
, long as the curtain is wide, basted
across one end- This acts as a gauge
and enables one to Iron the curtain
(exactly right so that it will hang per
fectly in the window lor which it was
A special feature of one big ironer
is the wide opening Shoe which drops
.'back a full four Inches from the roll.
'This gle3 easy access to the ironing
'surface of the shoe and because of
this feature, starchy accumulations
jean be removed with a damp cloth '
Then if a cloth with a bit of beeswax
'on it i rubbed over the surface of the
jshoe while it Is still warm, it will pre
vent rusting and keep the ironing sur
face in good condition s
products have measured up to every
requirement that his l.e.-n made nffi-'
daily, the company's officers and em-1
ploycs taking every possible prograss-
Ive step In butter making
This splendid coffee, selected for demonstra
tion at The Standard-Examiner Cooking M
School, is blended and roasted by Ogden
experts. The finest of imported coffee is
brought to Ogden for this purpose Utah
women have always found that Murphy's V.j
Hotel Utah Coffee is of superior quality.
Your Grocer Can Supply You
Paris, as I, media, was a prominent
i )v. n f .'i several hundred years be
fore ii took the name of Paris in the
fourth century
An organ, said to have been used BBjBj
by Handel when composing the Hfl
1 "Messiah," was recently sold for E)
jJLr Uses Calumet I I
; Exclusively I I
b Here's the answer: Go to the
f w Kj lieioasooking bakings she makes S 0
A r S markable lectures on baking re- S
sfe t3 member each of the expert baking
r v m pointers, then try Calumet your-
V o H see the wonderful, well raised, 1 j
,.5?S wholesome goodies it bakes see
yCW! how it makes you an expert in
vgpS baking. That's the test that tells 28
Bl Visit the 1 9
i Demonstration I
H an man orher noted Domestic
i j!!: Science Teachers prefer Calumet IS
vi ISf because they demand the highest 'M
n lis qualitythey demand uniformity
T ' H exceptional leavening strength', 1 ' Fj
Bg purity and economy. I U
i Baking Powder
AKING PQVaJLH Remember these points about &
OjgH Calumet: It's pure in the can H
S and pure in the baking it's the
Mart rv THE TRLlBi most econornic to buy the i
til Wnr J IrWlfilH most economical to use, Calu- K
I mm Tlki L I BP niet contans only such ingredi- lw
3 IB B m i Iwi 1' 1 tm ents as have been approved official-
1 SET ilPOWD posted BTry Calumet" on o J moS.
CHlCAGy guarantee. J ,W
sssbbbbmm . J j