OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, September 26, 1920, LAST EDITION, SECOND SECTION, Image 23

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-09-26/ed-1/seq-23/

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V :
Community Celebration Fri
I day and Saturday Signal
for Fashion Show
H Apropos Ogden's Autumn Festival
which will he hold Friday and Sat
,rJ urday of this week, this issue of the
Standard Examiner artistically re
flects the beautiful fall and winter
designs of wearing apparel 'hat will
be on exhibition at the various
stores of the city
rl-M The display ud en isenients nidi-
j; eatc that the merchants of Ogden ire
i "live wires" in the selection of the
?M very latest styles of the fashion
1 world And, not only are fchcy v-
bibiting wearing apparel that carries
all the niceties ol lashlonable suit
ings but their stock contains meritori
ous values in materials and economic
makeup Een from the crown of
W tho head to the soles ot the leet may
Jr be found clothes suituble to the most ;
fastidious taste and accommodating
to the most exacting economical
pocket book.
It is certain that every- store in
the city will be adorned in gala-day
attire during the week and especial
ly during the two days devoied to
community festivities of ml-lh and
Kood will
Not only will the occasion of the
week be a dress parade of good
clothes but it will demonstrate the
better part of Ogden s educational,
spiritual and industrial activities and '
progress H will undoubtedly be an
-em unparalleled In the hlstor; of
the city and become a permanent ,
institution for autumnal festivals a
consummation much desired
While fashion is llckle. ilwas
caterlug to the wishes and educated
tastes of both men and women, yet
the styles of this season are not far ,
from the designs of former years
War conditions, daring the time of
that great struggle and after the
signing of the armistice for peace,
have lead the designers to create
styles compatable with circumstan
ces meaning that creations for men 8,
women's and children's wear ate
characterized bv common sense ide;is
and made to conform to the exigrn
cles- of the times and and effort has ,
been made n make prices as low as
cost of production would permit.
Conscientious eiforts on the part
of Ogden merchant and the con
certed movement on the part of the
consumers to exercise economy in
buying mean rock bottom prices.
The stylos of this fall and winter
cannot be snld to be extravacam
I Colorful Spectacle Is Promised
1 In Community Pageant "Ogden !
I On The March" Next Friday
I'gjx Splendid progress In .ill depart! . i Ls
wA in connection with tin plans for the!
. community festival In ogden next I'rl-
fcijrf day and Saturday were reported (it
fclpj the Friday meeting of heads of com-1
p9 mlttecs in community service head-'
lp iiii.irters.
K&f From Charles H Barton, director
Kfej of the finance committee, ramc a re-
BjIjS Port to the effect that by Tuesda the
BjiS committee expected to announce the
t lS completion of the task to the satlsfac-
fjHSj Hon of all concerned.
tA:j fiss afarjorie Day, director of tha
By" i juiccant. "Ogden on the March," lf
clarcd her work was well under way.
She told the committee that all indi
cations pointed to s most colorful
special le .is the main groups of the
pageant pass in review before rnlum-
bls .
She has arranged for the construc
tion of a stage on cit Hall park,
l'urthermore. she reported that ar
rangements were proceeding for some
surprising electrical effects.
Mrs W. Hi Reader, who Is head
of the committee on the section to rep
resent the contribution of the plo-
I ' xiug War mth in the New 5j
I H Coats for Fall and Winter
s 1 Tha newly arrived ladies' coats beautiful ere
j . ations from the hands of style authors in the east 37
jgj come at a time when the closeness of Fall and Win kg
ter It noticed keenly. H
Those In the short models are done In plush, fur R3
7fy trimmed and lined fully with silk Cloth coats of WW'
Bolivia and Velours, with neat trimmings of button3 Km
Kr sMrr, an1 novel pocket effects, come In the equally popular lfl
long style. They are al60 fully silk lined.
VV' Because of the limited assortment and the large
fcj demand for these coats right now, it would be well to fcS
H come in and make your choice as soon as possible. pfl
j m Prices Range From t X
$25 to $70
El 2470 Washington Ave. A
dp Deliveries if Desired JL
productions but. rather, economic
creations which meet the approval of j
B sale and sane community The
patterns in readwear and all other
wearing apparel are pretty and be
coming as will be disclosed tO 'be
-hopper who visits the Ogden stoier
Materials In all lines of clothing are
of a reaBonabl substantial texture
intended to give the best of service.
nteni to community ami natiomii life.
reported that thin Section of the pa
i.eli would lie a small pageant In It
self, showing In dramatic form the
history of th... pioneers in rtah.
John Culle) -said there were many
liuslnejw houses which would pnrtlcl
pato in the section on industry and
in the section of progress
The report made bj Miss Rosalind
Kh man, expert on girls' organization
work, disclosed that the second day
program will le one of the most un
usual events In the history of Ogden I
Id i piogi-ani c alls for n field dny
f.n cu lt, in 1 Mi r park with u basket
lunch for the family and a big com-1
! in unity sing In the evening.
'There will be field events for jrlrli'
Including various kinds of races with
prizes for the winners In tho several
I groups. There will be dances by groups
from the public schools
Miss Ilieman has the assistance of,
,phsleal directors for glrin in the city
(schools. The exorcises being arranged
'for the day Indicated the park would
be tho sene of many Interesting:
Tho essential feature of band RlUSlC
'whs not forgotten by the commlttoe
men There will be plenty of good
I It WSJ announced that the Rotary I
Club of Ogden would take upon itseir
the task of organizing j motor corps
for the purpose of taking visitors on
sight-seeing tours of tigden's business
and Industrial district.
Miss Day reported that retail stores
were ent h uxlij.it lr about plans for pro-;
ivldlng interesting features In connec
tion with "open-house" during the two
I days of the celebration. Decorations
jof an unusual order were promised i
by business houses.
KR I I s I I' 2 00(1
(By International Now Servlc)
YANKTON, S. D. Two years ago.
Otto Huber, young real estate dealer
here, ami his fiancee, Miss Ruby Parr, j
went boat riding on the James ;ei
I A diamond engagement ring which,
had cost Huber 11,000 was lost In
t be water.
I He ami friends searched for trio '
gom constantly during the next two
I days but it was not found and he wan
I called away to war Recently he ic
I turned.
Last Sunday he resumed the hun"
-ni' a fine sand screen After wort
' Ing about four hours he was Toward'
I by finding the ring It has been n
turned to tho young woman and
, wedding Is expected before the wek
I end.
(By International News Service)
AKRON" Ohio. Despite the fac . '
that only the preliminary work on I
the structure is under wav, Akron's
latest hotel, the Commodore Perry. ha
already been heard of beyond slate
Tiie promoters recently received the
following telegram "Reserve room
and bath for lonlght "
The r inji"i accommodate him ex-
ci.pt in ihe sub-basement.
SIsssWswsaassW'5BBHBB ,' y m sBfl
- our desire is to what wc can ji ' Wn ' sh
to serve our community in good M ji I KJ 1 Hp
clothes. we price our merchan- Ifffl r H I f mm
disc as low as we can; we're will- ill f Wm M
ing to take a smaller margin of fjl W 3 k;
profit than ever before, in order '
Copyright 1920 Hart Schaffacr & Marx
-hundreds of good looking ,1
overcoats . I
you want good looks clothes are the true I
in your overcoat; and economy. --ready made I
we're here to see that clothing is better today I
you get it. we show than ever before; it H
you just one type of gives you more value, I
many we could show; per dollar, in service I
they're all very good and good looks than f I
looking. you get any other way M
Hart Schaffner & Marx I
the home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes M
-iSIi H

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