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I 10 THE QGOEN STANDARD-EXAMINER SUNDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 26, 1920. I II ' " - - - - - Largest Shape Sale Of 1 The Season $3.B8 I STARTS MONDAY . 9 A. M. ONE DAY ONLY Thisk of It! Scores of wonderful silk velvet, s beaver and velvet combinations, in all the -:Jljb: wanted colors and shapes, such as odd small shapes, turbans, rolling brims, sailors, large dress shapes, that retail as tfj O Q high as $12.50 for. . . OmZfO JSp SEE OUR WINDOW ialip ou WIH surely want one 4SBP of these wonderful shapes, jjflHL, - Last & Thomas v 3 MILLINERY DEPT. I ISLANDERS YET UNAWARE WORLD WAR HAS ENDED APISETE, Tahiti. Aug. 24. Corre spondence. The f:i?t ncwa from the world that Rapans will receive after a lapse of two years was carried aboard the French eratabr Aldeburan which recently left this port for the Isolated island of Itapa. In the Danger ous Archip-dugo. The laland is populated by 150 Poly nesians and on- while man. a French official Due to the Rapans not hav ing received matt 'or two years, and In all probability a boat not having touched the Island In that time. It Is believed thnt the Inhabitants are not is yet acquainted wl'h The fact that hostilities have ceased among the w:.r- jring countries. 1-1 A rfUIU ll PROPAG M BAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 24. The Indian branch of the Mohammedan church has collected 0 fund of 200. 000 rupees In British India to finance Mohammedan missionary work in the I'nited States, according to M. Lai I Singh; n cotton planter of Calcutta. "Propaganda pamphlets and other literature on the Koran and the Is- llarn religion arc being distributed In I the Gnlted States In this work." said Singh. 'There are 100.000 Mohajn- medans in the I'nited States." I i Exclusive Clothes For I Exclusive Dressers I Stand out from the rank and file of the indif- j ferently dressed class Be individual. Dundee '! -'n ' , rl! custom tailoring alone marks you as cxclusiw- yJr'A ' "rfr ' l;. ' 1 1 ' ' . ' 1 1 ii - .iii.i i i -. n - i . Hi of clothe tj '! ii!w 3 1 tal'-iilion- if jv3 ffc y We guarantee you all-wool materials, qualitv. bill ' l11 h combined with shapc-retnin int; tallonnc. superh l: ycSw 3 modeling, attractive color and pattern effects clll ' I 3 aD( amart s'yler. If you're an exclusive drc- E 1 j jfTF q er, here's where you can make an exclusive y Vrf choice , j j n Dundee Woolen Mills have one hundred stores: El l lEw q and we can save you money. Fall Suits and t: i q EBB Overcoats Union Made till I : 11 $30 to $60 1 fcj3C 3 We satisfy our customer they come back. fc j; 1 OWEN BENNETT, Prop. j On Hudarn Ave. by tha Jjjl bbbhI Will Hssl BBSPSS Kff!A3BWviJrv GAMING RESORT ON LINE CLOSED Old 'Owl' At Mexicali Sees Last Day When Edict of Mexico Arrives MEXICALI. Lower California Sept. 21. (Correspondence). one by one the resorts whose names have bulked (large in the traditions of the west are meeting un end. Latest to jro Is the "Owl" at .Mexicali. which Its operat ors and officials of the Cantu regime is Uwer California freely admitted had paid large sums for permission to operate. In the Owl were to he found ull the attractions thnt went to make up the j typical dance hall of frontier days. i h.- building Itself was new, the old I'Owl" having been destroyed by sf in last February, but the traditions of t lii old place were much the same and those familial- with the older estab lishment were at borne in the new The old Owl was a huge, barn-like structure. Gaming tables and some ' pool and billiard tables, surrounded by high seats for spectators, occupied Its : front spaces. Along one side ranged a lengthy bar, where In busy times ten or a OOZeo bartenders were no unusual ! sight Further back was a stagi with ! films scenery, curtained ' boxes" that ' were strongly reminiscent of half u I century ago, and a number of plain ; seats and benches for those not In clined to thf expensive semi-privacy of the "boxes." Krom near the theatre seetion a passage led to a space surrounded by Several hundred small rooms, collQ Iqu tally known as The Yard." where I outcast women lived j .Mut h nf the costly gambling para phernalia that was used in the old es tablishment was saved when the bulhl I ing burned and was used later In the I new "Owl " I September l, when orders came I from Mexico City, where the new gov I eminent had frowned upon the gambl I ing and other conditions along the ln I ternatlonaJ border, to close the place, a dramatic- scene was enacted. Man ager Cfoburn read the order, looked for u moment over thf crowd of hund reds, representative of nearly even nationality, and summoned the house police. He gave them hasty Instruc tions, and they starting at the rear of tue main room .mil .shouting the word as they went cleared the place within a minute, or two of all except the deal ers, lookouts and other employes, Many Chinese, not understanding the order, stampeded through the doors to the street. Th dealers quickly gathered up the ; big piles of silver coins and the gambl ing paraphernalia Soon the arch of lights above the entrant e thai spelled I out the name of the place, fllekered out The "Uwl" was elosed. According to the order from Provi sional President dc la Iluerta, It nev er Is to re-open. DINOSAUR I M OVERED, WINNETT, Mont., Sept. 25 Slow erosion of the shale In the river I "wash" near this city recently uncov ered what Is believed to be the re mains of a dinosaur. The discovery consists of vertebrae and it is hoped to find other parts of the prehistoric animal The bones were found by Irvine Walker and C. IjJ Stone, geolo gists The specimen Is looked upon as being unique, in that it 13 not fossil ized. That It lived thousands of yean ago and spent much of the time in water, bears a resemblance to the present-day lizard, has so far been de termined. About half of the bones, nil of the spinal column, were exposed, leading to the belief that the whole skeleton may be obtained by merely digging It out. 00 Harry Pidgeon, of Wilmington. Cat , has reached Honolulu In a 34-fool yawl, which he .nlled acrore tho Paclfc all alone, In 2 6 days. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBsl BSSSsl PRETTIEST GIRL I j SELLS WAFFLES Awarded Prize for Being Most Beautiful of Young Sales Women I BY ZOE BECKLEY. Staff Correspondent MONROE, w Ii . Sepi 25 it was fUSl like a scene In a mo le An automobile swept to a stop at I the gate A sharp rat tat sounded on the frame; "i I be screen dooi A lovely little race 1 alsed lta II startled rrora under the living room' 'amp . beginghamed figure rushed OUl to see a strange woman smlllm? In at her from the porch steps. "Are you Edith May I.euenberger''" asked 'he woman I Edith May's brown eyei widened, : Both hands went up to her chocks. I She tried to answer, but timling her' voice didn't work, nodded her dark 1 ui I affirmatively 'Well, I've come to tell you that the j judges in the Nalional Salesgirls' Beauty contest have chosen you win ner." 'Truly? You're not" She didn't finish. She didn't have to. It was as If an electric light had 1 somehow been turnea on inside her Ji harming little head, Illumining her face and shining from her eyes. The prettiest salesgirl in America 'took a few steps backward, gazlnp, at jthe messenger who brought the good I news, stumbled against a chair and! Jsat abruptly down where she had been I la moment before, under the lamp with a book. Tin: 3 was an instant of stillness I Then suddenly the room seemed full I of people. Mother came In from some j where, drying her hands on her apron. : A pretty girl cousin dropped from the clouds (or maybe f'om ihe back I i porch). A good looking blond vounq . man appealed (perhaps also from the I I back porch). The cat came from the kitchen and rubbed around Edith May's slim ankles In congratulation BROTHER REMAINS CALM The good-news messenger ;is put ; into the best chair and with true central-western hospitality bidden to "be at home.' Questions began to fly. And the only calm and indifferent creature In sight was Edith M.iv'-t kid, (brother who snored peacefully through all the excitement on the parlor couch. "I simply can't be-llevi it"' Edith May kept savins Are you sure " When will she start"'' "Will she really see Broadway and1 Forty second street " ' And have a chance in a show and a trial In the movies--", "And a repulai salary and every thing " "And if she shows talent for acting ' and works hard, and becomes fa-' mous " "O-h, Oh. isn't it just too ab solute 1 I ly wonderful ! " Even the book Edith May had been I bending over under the lamp got cited and fell off the (able I picked it up. What was if A , volume of Bertha M. ('lav0 A irea-' tise on ' How 10 Become An Actress" Nothing of the sort. On tis cover j I read "Gregg's Shorthand. Part One. ' And it was very worn and thumbed land dog-eared Edith May flashed her pearly smile ; trimmed with dimples. 1 wanted to do something better," she said, "than tend store. It was nic- - in the Waffle Shop. And Ii earned Me a living But I do so wnn' o v I on in the world' I thought short trind ini)rht help. "Lately 1 have been working only I part time in the candy store and go ling to high school, so t ha l in a few years I could hope for something in an j off ice "The chances in Mcnrue are limited, though, and if if this thing renify 'does happen if I do make gou.!--PU be the happlesl girl in the Tailed I States' I am ready to work like a switch engine! Just give me a chance I and I'll prove it' "Nobody knows how I've longed for 'some miracle like this to nappen. uf 1 course, like all other g.rlf-. I love the movies. We hae a movie here in MOD roe, you know "But when I go to it, I am not Just enjoying the story that is flashed on the sheet I am thinking how people get their start in acting wondering if I could wishing with all my coul 1 knew where and how to b:m dreaming Jay and night of the things I'd do for my folks If 1 could once get in and succeed"! FATHER A BLACKSMITH Edith May s folks are plain and sim pie. folks of the kind that make tUc backbone ol the country. Two gener ations ago the Eeuenbergers were j Swiss farmers w ho specialized in dalrj ! produ 1 E There are many Swiss In Green 'county, which Is celebrated for its I cheeses. When you order Sw i.-s t hi 1 Be ! in youi glided cafe on Broadway, the waiter brings you "Swiss type" and j it comes from Edith May's county in I Wisconsin Her father, however, is a black smith, and plies his picturesque voca tion in a community which is fast for-1 getting Old I'obbin and doing every thing by the gasoline method I wonder ii Edith May war. think I ing of the dying forge fire and the smithy that isn't a busy as i used to j be when she "dreamed of succeeding in the movies and of "doing things for the folks?" Perhaps the good fairy who makes Klrls' wishes come true was on the job the day Edith had the picture tak D which won her the beauty contest She wa-, visiting a girl fiiend in a near by town called Brodh ad. Mr. j Home, a local photographer who was wanting to exhibit some work at a 1 county fair, catching sight of Edith 1 May in her gingham frock and lf'tle( poke hat. asked if Bhe would pose for him She declined "Besides." she said, "I'm not dressed for It " "But you are dressed just r.s I want you," insisted the artist. Qo on, do it," urged Edith May's Trlend. He will give ou a copy of the photo Iree " This was the piioto" ivi.:r finally found ils WSJ in, the National Sales girls' Beauty contest, and won tor Edith May a chance for fame and for tune. Edith is packing her suitcase, J J Welcome To Our City (nr lines uf children.'s, misses, and women's ready-to-wear and millinery arc now complete H with fashion's latest styles The prices are n very agreeable surprise to our liosl f friends, and are a severe blow to the B present hiirli cost of living. Suits uf serge. hat . I i n ps a ml tri"tine arc We have lieen most fortunate in securing Q priced from S19.75 to $59.75 ihe hundred crepe fie chine and georgette ' llf , ( r 11 1 , 1 .1 1 1 naisls I rimmed with jet and fancies. Sizes -s"- 1 oats "i iiii wool materials with lur and J w cloth collars, are priced 18. to 46 Special $4.P5 H from . $19.75 to $49 75 .. .... , -. , e.a H lur millinery department 1ms selected lif- Seigr trieutine and silk dresses in rfll Hie trimmed and tailored hats, whose regit- HI aewesl fluff j styles and also long panel lar values are to $10 Special $4.95 WtM effects from $12.95 to $44.73 6n AUi fifty hand mado trimmed hats, in Skirts of serge and plaids, plaited ami m hiding hats from some of the largest New MSB plain styles from $6 95 to $17.50 York firms Values to. $25. Special$12.95 Fur the school miss we lmvo been must fur- Children's and misses' school hats trim- 9 lunate in securing ten dozen sis Hopkins med and tailored, speci&l $4 and $5 value middies Monday onl 1. to 44 95: for $2.95 Mother Is sitting in the kltch n rocker. ; a little scared yes, she ll 0 along with Edith I Father has said ves And in a few days Edith May, who 1 has never been further a a thnn Mil j waukee, will be standing at ti sat burm ling. hanging, belter-skcKerttsg, crash I ing and clattering "hub" of the uni I verse that crossroads of Opportunity known as Forty-second itreet am! 1 Broadway, with the Mayflower Fil u corporation beckming Just over Iho ) way and Flo Zicgfelu s rtagedoor be j fore her. uu BEAUTY CHORUS WITH MINSTREL SHOW ST Manager R. M. Harvey, who owns iand personally manages the Harvey Greater Minstrels, is justly proud of his Octoroon Beauty Chorus, as it is j a decided novelt to have women With a minstrel show, but it adds to I the picture in the first pari, md makes the singing one of the features i of the show. The claim is made that 1 they are 'Beauties'' and will create ,t Furore here. The Harvey Minstrels will plu the Orpheum theatre two nights begin ning tomorrow night, at popular prices. This will be one of the best entertainments ever offered the peo pl of Ogden lor the price of admis- j sion. 00 NOTORIOUS SLAYER OF RUSSIA FINALLY SHOT 1 PEKING Bepl 84. General Kalml koff. notorlool L'ssuri district ataman charged by tho Norwegian government null the murder in Siberia of Norwe gian subjects, and a refugee at Kirin. ( from Siberia lias made two desperate ! attempts to escape from the Chinese guards Kalmlkoff, who in January bet line assistant to General Semenoff as commander of the All -Russian force! in Siberia WSJ srrestsd In Man churia by Chinese guards lrr.Iulv and1 held prisoner in the Russian consul-1 ite ll Klrln He escaped shortly afterward, but', w.ih recaptured. Later when plans' were discovered foi s second escape, he saa taken from the consulate by Chinese soldiers, to n train for Peking, for arraignment on the charges agalnut him by the Norwegian government ' Governor Pno Kuel-Ching of Kirln. reported today that Kalmlgoff Jiiiupi d from the train at Yilachi.l Manchuria, anil escaped into the rice fields. Kalmikoff, as head of a horde of t'ossacks In the UsSUFl district, (luring the regime Of Admiral ColcfioJc, rav aged the l'ssuri district and gained notoriety as a terrorist by his whole sale murders. rast autumn he creat ed an attack against the American forces, and flogged an American sol dier his fore a ca pturcd, Peking advices bti September S, reported t.iii Kali . .: iff was killed In ilce fields Yi!;.rhi. Manchuria, by pursuing 'h':irse guards, upon whom he had fired. 00 EATS ONE EGG DAILY: THEN CONSUMES SHELL SEATTLE. Wash.. Sept 24. ' "Twelve hours sleep s day is more Im portant than burglars to a man of, s": . ''" ding to Goodman Alexander, who told the police here that he went back f I j to alei 1 1 Immediately after a prowler 1 j bedroom awalcenisd him With JuHl i flashlight If I let burglars and aftttflfil such won;, me. I wouldn't be as old iflassM as I am today," he continued H Mr. Alexander w ho appears to be in sssscssl I excellent health, also said that "egg scssw3 shells and hanl bread preserved my BSSBBHa tfeth. I it ;i soft boiled egg and pBsVi 1 1 every morning for L 1 1 breakfast." He also suggested that fiHKn boys Btarl smoking early, because, he sssnl s.. id, tobacco soothes the nerves. "I've nflsmi smoked since I was 1C and I smoke tsssslU today more than a pound of tobacqo BHm Mr Alexander has lived in Seattle HSR! since 1906 at which time he left San bbbbbbbw ucisco. He was born In Poland sswssVH '"I t-. 1 h,- I'nited States when sbbhB he was is He certain he will iho ' H to be 100 1 ld saya pro Id- ing. thieving burglars don't steal isHH any more of my sleep." H There are 17,000,000 negroes In the I'nited States B aaFTS THAT LAST' Good Jewelry Is Within the Reach of All It's Good if You Buy It Here. Fifty continuous years in business in Ogden ought to count for something. J. S. LEWIS & COMPANY JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS j 1 j sini ssH