OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, September 26, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-09-26/ed-1/seq-4/

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Salt Lake Society j
SALT LAKE, Sept. 10 Miss Mary
1 Hansen, a orlde of Thursday, Septem-
M Ix'i 16, was the Riirst of honor ut a
U lunchron given Monday nftornoon -it
1 tho Hotel Utah by lira. Prank is Bav-
Iley. Pink gladioli In :t basket formed
the centerpiece for the tuble. Thi.
plaee cards bore sketches of brldea
Covers were luid for sixteen
Mr.". Edwin Spencer l-ell entertained
at u kensingion and tea Tuesday after
mln at nci home on Thud avenue In
honor of Miss Hansen A silver basket
d'f'pinlt and l:ir-ndtr asters formed 0
centerpiece for the ten table
The hostess was assisted by her
mother. .Mrs. T. A Williams, and
members of the bi Idnl party. Tin
guests numbered twenty-five.
'I he bride entertained at trousseau
tea Sunday afternoon at hoi home on
Fourteenth Bast street. Gladioli dec
orated the rooms. The hostess was as
alsted by her mother Mrs N'epbl Han
sen, Miss Kdnn. Klgby, HS3 Larue
jl: Hansen and Miss Reah Croft
Ur and Mrs. F G. Clark announce
tho man Inge of their nlere. Miss I'ran
n Louisa JBSllerbeck, to Louts t'hanes
Vi lthcrbee of Seattle. The wedding
took place Saturday at the Clark
home Mini Marjotie Clark was brides
maid and Dr. w. s. Ellerneck was best
t yvyj man following an exinded hone-
fcjL moon irlji, the couple will make their
-aj- home in Seattle
. 1" honor of MISS Alys Larson a
'jrjg bride of the autumn a miscellaneous
Is) J Shower vas given last Monday night
PI fl by Mrs Ora.n1 C Haybould and Mn
ft L; 9 Raybould at the home of the
(.' A lutter on Fifteenth Mast street.
fl m A pink and lavender Idea was c:i-
1 tM tied out In the house decorations.
v? Kevvpio brides and bridrmviids were
Am effectively suspended irom chande-
'rJW liers and an archway between tho ll -
infl Ing room and dlnln;,' room, caught with
yM ' festoons of pink and lavender ribbon.
m, A smnll watering pot, filled with
pia gifts, was suspended above the tables
W in thn .lining room A ClUOJ laCfl COV-
cv w.n over-pink, with a M117.I doll. 1
7 holding i pink parasol. - center-
piece IMnk and lavender asters and
sweet peafl were used about the rooms.
The lights were shaded In pink.
If A heart-shaped design was mold-
m up d in the Icea and heart-shaped candies
m Ul.r, served Kewplea were used for
raH favors Guessing games were enjoy
I sd during the evening.
f'fffi The guests included. besides the
'A l -net of honor, Mrs Moroni Mitchell,
Ufa ir, Roy Smith. Mrs Kohert Elite,
mm Miss Blanche Elite Mrs C B Ray-
"5 boiild. Mrs ;eorpe H Raybould, Mrs.
' ? Daisy Alice Parker. Mrs. A T Har-
M Bon. Hrs . N- Larson Mrs. C E Lar-
80P' UVd HSklnS
Mrs B D. Hamill and Mrs. Homer
mi Robinson were hostesses to rnembera
aTf of the Short Story club In the first
meeting of the ye .r Monday fwnoon
?F-i at the home of Mr. Hamill in the Hlll-
CrOSt apartments
Nasturtiums, gladioli and sunflo -
ffim? ers formed the centerpiece for the tea
S table and the cloth was covered with
1 woodbine in autumn tints.
i The afternoon was dev-.ite I i" pl ris
u for tlic year's work An article from
; J ihe Pasadena Star-News written by
J Miss Josephine Spencer, formerly or
-i this city, was read by Mrs. E. B Pal-,
, Mrs R E. Martlneau, Jr.. entert.aln-
Vil ed at an Informal ten Monday aiter-
j : J noon at her home on Eaat Sixth Bouth
;"' .. Mre.-t m honor of Miss Ruby Koebei u
fall bride Marigolds In a bosks! ;
' '! formed the Centerplede for the table j
j'fH The guests numbered twelve.
H Miss Mary I : Igby and Miss Edival
Rlgby entertained at luncheon Tues-1
'rtTS dav at the Hotel Utah in honor of
I ,'.. : II . l.i ill, ill "I h nrf -
'ff'r' 23 -1IJ3 .H.1I j llJH""i
hkSS day.
ttf: Pink asters decorated the table Co -
Papi ers were laid for .Miss Hansen. Mrs
N. J Ha nsen, Miss La Rue Hansen and
Ji Miss FUlvia IvlnS
H Mrs William Rolllu Foster le 'he
Ki guest Of Mi-9 I-ee Charles Miller t'"
"ib '4 two "teeluj before returning to hei
H$ :'" home In Minnesota. Mrs. Poster was
entertained at a farewell luncheon
3r C-fl Tuesday. Twenty-five guests were
kS24 present
Pt.IJM The reception committee for .i re-
iJ ccptlon to be given by the Women's
"Sjr-fS Republcan club at the Hotel T'tah Frl-
day evening in lienor of Benatoi Reed
RS:S gmoot Is composed of the follwng:
Governor and Mrs Wlllhun Spry.
Rtf Mr. and Mra. Charles Mabej Judge
m' and Mrs J. B. Prick, Judge and Mrs.
T. D. Lewis Mr and Mrs E O. Liath
. .- erwood. Mr i ad Mrs. I harles M Mor-
rls. Mrs. Jeanette Hyde, Mr and
Hfetg Mrs J. R 1 a Is. Mr and Mrs. .1 llr.w
I i r i 1 1 Mr .1. I Mr! I . I HI Si
ggpji Bamberger. Mr and Mrs. HOTVey
SE Cluff. Mr. and Mrs W 1). Sutton, Mr
V i and Mrs Mark A lttle, Mi tad Mrs
mm I Gfasorge Thoma. Mr .mi Mrs George
1 T. Jud.i. Mi. and Mrs Jain.- Mel-
MM Ville, Mr. and Mrs ii N Standish, Ml
lfl and lrs Harrison E- Jenkins, Mrs C.
S. Kinney, Mr. and Mrs 'urlls Y.
Clawson, J, I . Wood. Mr. abd Mrs
James Ivers, Mr and Mrs f,.-,-.rr;e N
M?, Welsh. Mr, and Mrs. M. C Davis, Mr.
jm-'' n nd Mrs Brlgham Clegg Mi and Mn
Jt- Alma Swenson . Mr. and Mrs M S
F 1 Winder. Mr. and Mrs. B, W", Morrison.
Mr and Mr F. R Callistei Mr and
i ' Let Stuart's Calcium Wafers Do
the Work to Rid Your Faoe of
Pimples and Such Blemishes.
Ijv instead oi thosi f utile effo
illlfM 10,1 lAf:C massage, creams lotions, etc ,
v that have brought only disappointment,
' suppose you leave It to the wonderful ac-
' "l-f Uon of calcium,
IB There In but one way to rniov pin
j ! S pics, blackheads, and such blemishes
through tin Mood and 'km. In Stuart's
iiJH Calcium Wafers, takm at meals, the won
- 1B9 dtrful calcium nerve!" to suiiil 'h l.luod
Willi one of thu most remarkable actions
i tWS known to science This Is in activity In
Keeping Hi in the tin) fibrc iIimi ompone
iMMMw" -n' n riuch minute muscles on tho? wlilclx
'ontroi the slightest change oi expression,
It Is this fubstanre frhlcTl SC upon the
skin keeps it healthy nnd drives away
wVNfl Impurities. Get a 60 rent box oi Stuart's
Calcium Wafers at any drug store.
i 'mmm
L, , r ..... . ,
I Mrs- C. Frank Emery. Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur F- Moerlon. Mr. and Mrs ' Ir.r
'ence Cowan, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Scott.
faflaa Lillian Cutler, Mr. and Mrs
j H. ii old W, Chrlstopherson, Mr. and
Mrs. M L Cummhigfl, Mr and Mra
Krnest L Burgon. Joseph lrthlin
Mr. e.nd Mrs Fred Crork. tt Mr
and Mri W M MoCrea, Judge and
Mra Morris L. Ritchie. .Mr and Mrs
Arthur L Barnes Mr uiirl Mrs Kph
,ralm Hansen. Mr and Mrs G. A Iver
HOn. Mr -nnd Mrs UR Wlsht Mr. and
Mrs. Bdgar A Rogers, Mr. N. H Tan
ner, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin .Johnson.
Mr. and Mrs Peter Hansen, Mr. and
Mrs George W, Tinges and Mr. and
Mrs E J Groehbeck
The Sans ( 'oncl club met Monday
day evening at the home of Mrs Ther
esa Beesley on West Third North
street After the business meeting
supper was served The centerpiece
for the table was a crstal basket of
asters. The club members are Miss
Ixnilsc Hangei field. Miss Blanche
Coursev. Miss Thelma Hendrlekson
Miss Mercedes Olsen, Miss Nellie Sll
ers Mrs. Fauline Hagman. Hablsn,
Mr; Margaret DUrrant Budd, Mrs
.none Davis l.el e.- and Mrs. Theresa
McAlUsi r Beesley.
Vphn Chl sorority of the University
of 1'tah enterlaalned Tuesday after
noon at lea trom -t until 7 o clock at
Hie home of Miss riUtt) Sears on Laird
CVehflt in honor of the "Rushees" of
the sorority.
Gludoll and asters decorated the
rooms and the lawn was hunjr with
Japanese lanterns. The guests were
received hy Miss Louise Nebeker .anil
Miss Bessie Jones. Tea was served
t Miss J:nli St. us Miss Maurlne
Bennlon and Miss I loom- Smoor.
ne hundred and flftv guests called
Miss Helen Virginia Hammond, a
bride of Ihe fall, was the gUOSl of hon
or at n luncheon given Tuesday after
noon at the N'ewhouse hotel b Mrs
Mis. V II Aland, who will
sing this mornijlg at tho church
services of the First PrcsbUor-
ian church.
vJi rv? Ktv
Edward . Johnson. Pink and while
i osea in ciyscal baskets loriueu tbc- lu-
oie decorations
Coven Weit laid? for the following
Igucsis besides the guest of nonor Miss
.'arol Cowley, .Miss Lana Bund, Mrs 1
Bryan Bears, Miss 2eua Smith. Mra.
Jack W James, Mi-s Hattli Kisher,
Brown, Miss Alton Wright. Mis.s Lydla
Alder. Mis. Ii I Hammond. Mra
Maiguerlte Iarson Mrs. Slani'Tl l.u
gcr, Miss Lucille Thompson and Mrs. j
Miss Ruby Koeber, a fall bride was
the guest of honor at a bridge party
given last Tuesday night by Mrs. L
i. MacRoberts, at her home on West
Fourth South street. Pink cosmos and i
snapdragons decorated the house.
Mr and Mrs- George 11. Raybould
will entertain ut u dancing partj
Thrusday in honor of Miss Koeber. and
Miss Alys Larson, who will be married
ito Ward Heybould on Saturday
Mrs Leo Raachle was hostess to the i
'L'tah Bridge elb Tuesday nftornoon at
ncr home In the Maryland apartments.
'Luncheon was served at small tables,'
'with the bridce game following.
A yellow color scheme was carried
'out In the house decor at Ions. Mari
golds in a basnet former the center
ptece for the serving table. Small
crystal bajikets oi nasturtiums were on
each of the small tables The place
i cards were hand painted in yellow
j flowers
Covers were laid for Mrs. C O
IWilles, Mrs Leslie Covey, Mra Raymor
lam Waddell, Mrs. Julian Ilardie, Mrs.
Harold L. Peck, Mrs K. A. Goodspced,
i Miss Kathc-rlne Elliott of New York.
The hostess was assisted by her
mother, Mrs. M- C. Hogan of Fort
iSmiLb, Ark., and by Mrs E A. Rogeif
Members of the Gamma Phi soror
ity of tho Unversity of Utah enter
tained at a kenslngloii tea Wedncsda
.afternoon at the home of Miss Bells
j Armstrong on B street. The decora
I nons In the living room were yellow
(chrysanthemums. In the dining room
red gladoll In a basket formed the
centerpiece for Ihe table
The senior members of the sorority
received tho gutsts. They were Miss
'Madeline iM l.-llan. Miss Margaret
i Armstrong, Miss Dorothy Farnsworth,
I MiSS Marjorle Lewis, Miss Mildred Mc
Lean, Miss Edith Austin, Mlas Joseph -jlne
Richards. The freshmen members
lasalated in serving. They were Miss
I be Jeune Ackerman. Miss Ruth Cacli
Mlas I la Kmms Miss Isabel Davidaoni
tMlss Catherine Harvey, Miss Helen
ToWQsend and Miss Katherinc Spencer
About seventy guests were enter
Itained between the hours of 4 and 7
j o'clock.
Tbe sradding of Miss Alelne Mar
gelts, daughter of Mr and Mra ' P.
.Margetts. und Lorenzo Snow Young,
took place Wednesday morning In the
Salt Lake temple A wedding break
jfast followed at the home of Mrs.
(Catherine Rlgby on West Fourth
south street-
M.iiigolils and sunt low ers decorated
the living room. A basket of pink and
while asters formed a centerpiece foi
the table In the dining room
The bride wits attended by Miss Mae
Wallace as maid ot honor, .Miss Thel
mu Jacobs ami Mil Alice Knowlden
as bridesmaids and little Miriam Mar
getts as flower girl. RulOO Cummlngs
eras beat man.
Assisting in receiving were Mr. und
Mrs C. P Margetts. Mr und Mrs. B.
Morris Young and Mrs Catherine
Young. Mlas Vin Rlgby was In charge
of the dining room, where assisting In
Mrs -I Leo Cooiiey, I" was
I the honored f,riies! .it ad after
110011 teceptSon gitdn l iVhsa
; Violel Hall Min. yoney waa :
formerly MBss Thoima AVoml-,
wr xSm
HF ypa "H'-
serving vyere Miss Mars Rose, w
Mae Klgby, M1es Kdna Rlgby, Mr.
Paul s Davenport, Miss Minnie rhorii,
Miss Helen bavui Miss l lolly Baxte..
Mis- Ruth Rlgby, MiSS Ilatherine Ril -bv,
and Miss Mil. lied Margetts. Miss
Aftou Margetts. Miss Marie Klgby and
Madge Rlgby presided at the punch
Mr. and Mrs .Yung will leave Sat
urday for New York. Where they will
make their home for the coming yeai
The marriage of Miss Irma Ashton
and Ernest Marti took place Wednes
day morning In the S-iU Like t mple
A reception was given Inst night at the
home of the bride's mother Mrs. J- W.
Ashton,' on McClelland avenue.
The living room was decorated In
pink and while ci3trs and cosmos.
poldenglow and nasturtiums deoorai-l
ed rite dining room Hearts wen fes
tooned from the chandllers throughout
the house
The bride wore a pale pink crepe
do rheteoi gown and carried iiink roses
Assisting In receiving were Mrs. R
Marti, Mrs. C. W. Glbbs. and Mrs
c. '"oult. .Vol in. i .si-. ton. Miss Beth
Ashton Miss Georglo Ashton. Miss
Emma Ashton and Miss Allelic Ash
ton '1 he couple w ill make their home In
Salt Iake
Mis. W. R. Thurston entertain' d a1
luncheon Wednesday a. it lue Country
club in honor oi aiis. G. Luwr) . .in.
will leave soon for ceattle to ntalte her
home The decorations weie in garden
tloAC-r.i Covers were laid for four
vei'n Vivian Liierneck entertain
ed a dozed guests ut the ciub to meet
Mrs W illiam eates, u recent bride,
Mrs, B, J. Radats, had i. partj ot eix;
Mra K. B Palmer eight; Mrs. T. ii
Griffin, seven, Mlas Sibyl Walker en
tertained a dozen at dinner at the club
last night.
The wedding of Miss Annette Yin
cent and Hon Carlos Wood took place
Wednesday In the Salt Lake temple, A
wedding breakfast was given at the
home of the bridegroom's pan-ni.s. ...r
and Mrs. William Wood OH I i - i
strlrt. Immediately following thi- .'-r-cmoii).
A larger reception was given
lust mght at the Vincent home on Hu
mona avenue.
A color scheme of yellow and brown
developed with fall Mowers and iiu
tooned from the chandeliers through-'
out the house.
The bride wore white charmeuse sa
tin trimmed - in satin brocade and
pearls Her eil was caught with
orange blossoms, and she carried u.
sriower boiniuc; ol t)ph llu roses. Mlssi
Bessie Vincent maid of honor, wore i
pale pink taffeta trimmed In tiny rose
buds and silver ribbon. She carried -i
bouquet of lavender sweet peas, tied
with lavender tulle Miss Rosalia
Mantle, bridesmaid, wore apple gnea
taffeta, trimmed In tiny rosebuds and
silver ribbon ami carried jdr.k sweet
pi u.H tied with pink tulle. Kay Wood
was best men.
Assisting the bridal party, in receiv
ing, were Mr and Mis. L II Vincent,
and Mr and Mrs. William Wood. Jr..
Those In charge of the dining room
were Mrs. i H Vincent Jr., Mrs. Wli
ford Johansen, Mrs. Nathaniel JacK
hoii, Mrs. K. Baker and Mrs. I). C. Car
man. Those assisting Is the dining
room were. Miss la'ern Carman.
Miss Margan I Baker; and Miss Merle
Baker. Punch was served by Miss
Ruth Wood rind Miss Mary Jones.
About 300 guests called during the
Russell L. Tracy entertained a num
ber of young people, at his home Tues
day evening in honor of Miss Melba
Selley. who leaves soon for southern
California The guests were Miss Mel
ba Selley, Miss Stella Peterson, Miss
Alice Luwrence. MUs Kllcn Mm m, MiSS
LaYaun Raymond. Miss Bertha Sund,
Miss Buehler Hulsh, Miss Alton Lowe.
Miss Helen Lawrence, Miss Berthlne
Lang, MISS Flsle Mickel, Mis.s '.,y I ...
vis, Miss Gladys Anderson, C Burton;
I Price Willey, McKelth Burt. Jud.l Kv
ans. Reupen Card well, William 1 1 . r K .
'Vaughn Hrlggs Clarenoe Lutz. Kldrcd
Stevenson, Jeek Longdon. Conrad
Hicymond. Sidney Nielsen, Welb
Kniins, Mr. and Mrs. Charles I ,m
bonrne and Mr. and Mrs. J RcVll
The Utopia club was entertained
Wednesday by Mrs .M. Bailey, on
8outh First West street. lajncheon
.was followed by music and sowing. A
bouquet Of asters tied with pink in..
It's Grandmother's Recipe to
Bring Back Color and
Lustre to Hair.
You can mm gray, r.id: d hair beautiful
ly dnik and lustrous almost over nlghl 11
you will get a bottle oi Wveth's Sage
and Sulphur Compound at any drug- store
Millions .f bottlas of this old I is
Siig.- Ten Recipe Improved by the ndditlon
of other Ingredients are sold annually;
says a well known druggist heiv. because
It darkens the hair so iiatuiaby and even
I- that no om .in tell n h i- 1..-. n .n,
Those whoso hair Is turning gray or be
coming faded have a surprise awaiting
them, because after one or two applies
tlona the gray hair viinisbes and your
locks become luxuriant!) dark and I
This Is tho agv of vouth. Cray-haired,
unattractive folks aren't wanted around,
so get busy with Wyeth's Sage und Sul
phur Compound tonight nd you will be
delighted with your dark, hnndsome hnir
and your .oiithlul npp. .n m. . wnlun a
few daj s. Advertisement.
line formed the centerpiece for thel
table. Tin hostess was assisted by
Mra. W J. Wright-
Covers were laid for the following
club members: Mrs. J. J Cushman.
Mrs. Rov olson. Mrs lames Hall. Mrs.
. ,S. Lamb. Mra. R II. Seaman. Mrs.
J. L Karareil Mrs W II Cheshire.
Mrs. W. B. Samuelson Mrs. A- YV.
Lyop and Mrs. S. J. Cnrdwell
Mls.1 Ilekn Virginia Hammond was
tie guesl of honor at a kensingtcoi
given yesterday by Mra Bryan Sears
:it her home in the Snow apartments
Yellow autumn flowers decorated the
rooms. A kewple doll and blnck-cyed
BUSanS were used on the tea table
Mrs. Twiia Helner and -Mrs. R M.
rlelner assisted the hostess. The
guests numbered twelve.
I ..
The marrjage ol miss Blanche Bush
Elte and Ceorge Prank Tall look place
Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. Lil
lian M. Tall The ceremony WOS per
il. i m.-d by Bishop Lyon. A reception
i ol lowed
Tho bride wore 0 white satin gown i
trimmed In sliver. I lei veil was caught
.viih orange blossoms, and 8ne carried
a bouquet oi brides roses and while
sweet peas. The bridesmaid Mls.i Rose
Fall, wore u blue tfilk gown with
Iridescent trimming and carried pink
roses. Krnest Pew was best man.
LaslBtlng Mrs Tall and the wedding
part) in receiving the guests wen Mrs,
Mrs. John Bush. Mr and Mrs Vernon
V.aisl.v, Mi . and Mrs J. Everett
yowell and Mrs ada Emerson. As
sisting In the dining room were Miss
Marvel Livingston. Miss Aftou Wright,
Miss Verda Toomer. Miss Norma
Stoirs, Miss Cladys Siulies, Beth
Yearsley passed the wedding cake.
After n short wedding trip the con-
.. w.ll hf. fit home In this city.
MitSI Alire Bell and i i leal Williams
mi . i last Wednesday night at
9 iv o clock at the home of the bride's
l Its, Mr and Mis. Ilvriim Bell,
232 i.oweii avenue The ceremony was
performed by Bishop Henry Elder
iJoldenglow and other fall flowers
In yellow tones decorated the living
room. The dining room was decorated
in pink asters arranged In a basket
On the supper table
The bride wore a gown of pink chif
fon over white silk , and carried pink
I Mrs. L. R; Brown, who left
during the week with her luis
band Foi Pittsburg Mr Brown j
will take up studies .it the Jar
negie Institute- of Technology.
i " wjassBBBBBaaeBB
rosea. She was attended by her small
lite, Mi.ti Ruth Watts, as ring bear
er. The ring bearer wore a white lin
gerie frock.
i ring in receiving were Mrs.
John A .Ion. Mrs Myrtle Watts and
Mrs 1 EE. Rlple) ot, E9vanston, wo.
Assisting in tho dining room were Miss
Barbara Alice Lowe of Los Angeles.
Mrs- C D West and Mrs. Fred Evans
The couple will make their home In
Salt Like following a short wedding
(Special to The Standard-Examiner)
Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Shaw and child -!ren
have returned Irom a week's visit
to Logan.
Mr anrl Mrs. Cho Rowan attended
P ich" day festivities at Brlgham.
Mr. ami Mrs A R. Capenor re
turned from Brlgham where they at
tndl d Peach day festivities.
. . .
Mr. and Mrs Levi T. Campbell, son
Raymond and daughter, Luclndaa, of
Waff, t'tah were guests last week of
Mr and Mrs. E. V Schneider.
Mrs. J. W- Chamhers entertained
Thursday In honor of her son. Prank.
The occasion was Ihe thirteenth birth
day of the lad Dancing and games
were the evening's pastime. Refresh
ments wi re served to the following
guests: Donald Chambers. Eldin
Hughes, Llszle Shumway, Pearl Shum
way, Alta Ltllywhite, Rhea Winters,
Twll.i Peck, '.Of Busk, Harold Jensen,
Otto Nye Gerald Ai chlbaldjfcei I 1 1 n
flect and Clarence Surgen.
: Miss Lizzie I'reston visited for a
few d.ivs with friends In Brlgham
I " "
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Klrkham was a
guest last Wednesday In Brlgham.
Mr and Mrs R L Bush spent part
of last week In Brlgham.
A farewell party was given nt the
Garland Opera house in honor of Wal
lace Wise. Friday evening. Mr. Wise
left Thursday for missionary work for
tho L. D. S. church.
Mra l'ph Coombs and sons. Kenneth
I F.irr.il. returned Thursday from a
visit in Salt Lake and Brlgham.
Mr. and Mrs T H Edwards of
Spanish Fork were guests Monday of
Mr. ando Mrs. Bph Coombs.
Mr and Mrs. W. F Peterson have
returned from a trip to Salt Lake.
Mr. and Mis Stocks of Naff, Utah,
were guests of Mr und Mrs. K V
Schneider last week.
Miss Pearl WeOSe of Stone. Idaho.
Is attending school In Garland for the
w Inter.
SUDS and the THOR I
You'll See Them Both at The Alhambra I
You c;m tell by the very title that ' Suds" 13 a f H
great picture. And the fact that Mary Pickford is j - mmW
going to play the leading part is all that is need-
ed to make it a masterpiece. 'mmm
But the fibn isn't the only interesting thing you HHHj. . mmW
are going to see as you enter the Alhambra. In 'SB&Ltud mm
the lobby is Mary Pickford herself --or at least, TSHKSm ilfi
a girl who looks so much like her that you can 1 : c-js ' ''Wf I
And she, too, is going to be dabbling in a great t W fl
foamy mass of suds overflowing the sides of a &s
Thor Elcctnc Washer She is there to tell you 'Jh'f '"Li' aaaH
what making sude and all the other features of ff 'wmm
washing mean to the modern housewife who has a Km
Thor with which to perform this important house-
hold task Hsi
Be sure to sec "Suds," playing at the Alhambra for four days beginning today. HB
And be sure to see the Thor display in the lobby of the Alhambra. iB
Sffieiendt Pub(J& Seiviee ' M
Eccles Building Telephone G55 Wr&
October happens to be Thor month. Watch for an interesting announcement. mSi
SP 't'L. Korea, Aug. 21. (Corrc
spondence). The head of the Russian
Orthodox Mission at Seoul has received
a letter from Siberia describing "the
terrlhlc and Intolerable situation in
whleli the Russian elerK)' found theni
I Selves after the overt lirowliifr of Ad
miral KoletasJt'e government w hen the
holsheMkls Coma Into possession of all
the Siberian territory.
The author of the letter Is a well
known man In the Russian Far Kast.
the abbot of a covenant In the Amur
"Archbishop Silvester, the primate
of ull Slberiu. died a sodden death ut
the Omsk prison; he was a prominent
leader of the Russian Orthodox
Church, and his sermons were jrather
ln? crowds of people," he wrote. "Pro
fessor P. PrOCOShetf, author of many
works upon church history, and for
mer minister of cults, vanished with
out leaving unv VCStlge; It Is supposed
that he wax killed secretly Ills : I
low minister, Pisareff. aged over 60.
I years, Dr of law and professor at the
high church academy, went mad. Bish
op Andrew (Prince t'ktomskii In the
j world the most active nnd leading
promoter ol the church regeneration
in Russia, was bayonetted by the Red
'juard near Krasnoyarsk.
"All the bishops and the leaders
among the clergymen in Irkutsk are
Imprisoned as well as the professors
of the preceptory. Archbishop Zosl
ina of Irkutsk went mad in prison.
The other leading members of the irk
c rgj ven strangled to d 1 h
Dr. Jolin J, in Home, formerly Medical
Inspector nH Clinical Phyicun on (be
Board of Health of New Yor' Cily ia
"Weaki-iied by Ihe heavy draint upon their
nerve force and phytic?! atren(b. many men
are heij haiA in hie by latk of Iron in (he
blond Their thin, pale. iery blood ba
utterly luM ihe power lo send enemy and
I iwer through tbe body and at result
ihev are lacking in strength and endurance
anrl are lorced (o drop back among the
lingS nd (allures beaten because their
bl .od i literally starving (or heal'h giving
irjQ. Today, it is red blood rich in iron
Wa nvc a Specialist In Plate or False Teeth Work. If you have plates 'K
you cannct wear, see us. Sijb
y Wo have the largest office in Ogden Ou' sixth year without a change H-j
I of snagtment, which makes cur guarantee good. Mf
24C8 Wasi.mrton Avrue, East Side Phone 549
11 aaaaaaaaMagsMaaaWalaaaaMgMgsaMaWB II Ml Hill if W?
LIVINGSTON. Mont . SepL 25.
Bears from Yellowstone national park
are dining sumptuously upon mutton
from flocks of sheep ranging near the
playground border, according to mes
sages from sheepherdcrs to forest serv
ice officials. Accustomed to (rlendl)
tourists, the bears are particularly bad
customers to deal with when they gel
How Iron In The Blood I
Helps Push You Forward To I
Health, Success and Power I
While Lack of Iron May Drag You Backward To the Depths Of Weakness, K
Ill-Health and Despair Physician Explains Why III I ,
Men Of Iron Will, Strong Deter
mination and Purposeful Action
are Men of Blood and Iron
By Building Red Blood, Strength and Endurance
"There are thousands of men who can look back to
the time vhn they seemed to be on the road to success
yet who today are nervous wrecks, business failures
and physical and mental weaklings, all through a lack .
of sufficient iron in their red blood corpuscles," says
Dr II. B Vail, formerly Physician in the Baltimore
Hospital and a Medical Examiner. "They have lost sight
of the fact that a sound, strong body, brimming over "
with vital force and energy is the basis of all real '
achievement and as a result they are breaking down
at a time when they should be enjoying that perfect
bodily health which encs defiance 'to failure and 1
disease Yet the moment they get the right kind of
iron in their blood to g'.e increased strength and St
endurance, they gain physical poise and fitness, mental 3
alertness and the tireless energy that carries them to M
the top. I strongly advise every man who i fagged
out by worry, long hours and overwork to build up his
strength, energy and endurance by taking some form jl
of organic iron uxated Iron for I consider it one '
of the foremost blood and body builders, the best to
uck as NuxKrd Iron hflps (o build (hat
givfS men (he force, rnerg an.l vowtr (o
conquer obstacles and become virtually
masters of (brir own desbniri. Tine and
agjin 1 have seen Nuia(ed Iron bsVXtn la
jive n'aU, nervou men new i(or, energy
ltd endurance in only (no yreckl time.'
MKufclurri' Nets: Nhu'mJ ItOO xhlrh Is
rrorarm ndrd st. Is ot a v ri mod' (put Mia
ti h Is vsll srton la drutrlitt f tt rwlrtr I'o
llbt ihs ulitr iDtrcsnle if n rrtKluru It Is esslly
saajnslla(sd in I dwi doi irrurs ths if. mads
(hra black nor uiwi ths siorasch M.-h tshlsl
of tvDulun Vusst Irn l sIsrapM r fllwi
anJ ihf ords KlUttrad Ir.n ars isra:-J Inlo
sscb bate, se (hal Us DubUc ma? oji ba ls4
a tuste for mutton, the sheepherdert
say They are not easily frightened
from the Hoiks During their night mMM
raids tln-- have several tlinos treed the
herder" who annoyed thoin by shoot
Ins at them.
One form of butterfly found In the
I United states feeds on plant life, but
all other forms aro vegetarians.
loto avptlD( laftrlor ubtlt'j'n Tb' mstrq(se ,
turrrs fusranlr suorvssrjl sn1 fndrflr uuffae- issR
liry results to ry imKllIM or (hsi wtil rn-i4 ILE
cur aaatj, I la -Lj.: - J it s.i t.ij Jruaxtsta. ijn

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