OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, September 27, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 15

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-09-27/ed-1/seq-15/

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Thumbnail for 15

!B i
j Si!!!4 I
. On a of ihe leM forms we have vri
had tho privilege of offering for milt, lo
'Mtrd about seven mile south of Ogden
close lo beet, lotitalo. rotate, etc., losdtaR
station close lo school, church, etc.: 90
acres of the host land In tlir counly. fTS
room modrrn new house. 10 shares of
Pavls Mint Weher oaniil water slock H e
a real homo ami von will say It's tvort'i
the money.
i "pstriirM Commercial Bank v' I
room modem. i.iMni loiatlon. on br-ni h.
Eight room modern brick on Twetih
eighth street. 14500
Five room modern, lol 75xlu0. frull tree
and hadc. strawberries, grape,, garden,
irrigating water, etc. IS806,
Nine- room modern hrlrle. one SOTS Ol
land. w:ticr right, garag etc A good buy
at JSnnn. Terms SS0' down
Sovi i al other Inrire nnd small homes.
I'pstalrs Commercial Bank
111 a i.M mod. rn I. i .. ' .
home. If .sold In next few days will Ink-'
M7."0; fiooo cash, balance monthl) ScV
I F. Walker, 602 Eccles Uulldlng Phone
3-rrinm dweliinr I" ntcr of lon.
$2000; $200 down, hnlnnce like rent
i- "i room modem hrlck. five hlocks from .
r. center of town , , $3700.
ifiBB i room frama; fine location; large lot j
' tEH $2000: terms.
t,jk E room modem hvirk just completed,
JBJJBJ ready to occupy $4600. term?
4 room frame on bench $2000; terms
Sg 3-room dwelling. close in. $1000 terms.!
' Wl ItaVe man other fine homes on our J
d lisl which we will hi pleased to sho you
mm - s B TT ft CO
l'nder Commeielal National Tank njdg
jfcyj Phone SO
iff JJ HOUSE rrom -' to G rooms. Prlcea I860.
; It ). -r.. . ' M MM !
litl A 6-room brick, strlcth modern hsrdwood
mm lfoor. hot water haat: gnrH.ge on paved
, B street jvioft. $1000 down terms.
VjSSB i room strictly modern; Bleeping porc)Y
-Vji large lot. rrarnjre. linoleum. Minds and
mW G tons eel 1 ".ood location
IJA 4-room frame modern, on paved street, j
fl 'V.'rooni house, fnrr.l l. 1 Prood ..-Ut.
lot 5Cx300 feet- strawberry r.nd raapbern .
-M K-J. ,.V.Il,.m r-,., crr.O.1 Wflt.l ticllt. $1800
I 7 2Tn m tdi '' ' ; ' -' v -'
' Y ' INK of the ttesi i m h m Boj Eld
V county for dalrj and rang ottth eon
f t (.inlntr i" S " ,r" ":- 1 A' Pou ?
i omontoTj Polni
Ik FO I R v nd 1 i
1 . en-room with 5 acres rcrms Ofllhrallh ft
Barl. 2S2 Washington Ave. Phone ixpr
SNAPS Several nearlj nea sm-iii
houses. Small panont- balnnce Ions
tim a 17 ' i mi vyj
nv OWNER S x room n od i n 1
immiMi. . i: Tw. nt i ' trcet.
ql'H'k i v i o. "
new llrtlnso changes our lineup to the foi
lowing. , E
Three l ome.s five buncalowa; IlYt s
room brick; four Groom brick, three 1
room i.rirk; three apartments; ono room
ing house. . ,
408 Twenty-sixth Street. Prion. 1W
BY ' v NEB 1v room nodorn . .
Apply llU Tv. n' I Strei I '
BY OW NEB Foui Ota 100 b I 10
Wall and Thhty-f list street, Inquire .oi
Monn.e iv I,.-. " ' ' '
, rea vi lend, closi In, nprih ol
bridge: water rights M. Shaw, a- Twj n
ty fourth street Phones 2877 J f.nd 1ML
BIGHT room brh k w Ith fumlturt Prli
ff 000 i j i Twenl i ! '
55 OWNER Fl ve room frami hou
Patterson avenue, with Imi-i and Other
outhuiidings; sewer all p-tR 2B00. wou
.io.vn. Inquire 830 Thirtieth BtTi gj
THREE roon. house and lot. 700 MOO
cash, balance lenns. Phone 2413 A i
EY SK'l I V I;i: U.TY '"
SN'AP Four itom modern pi-eed hrlcK.
full basement. $3250. House No 12f.R .1'
ferson avenue. Now vacant. ,-A '
Three room house, good location. SI"-0
Five room modern, furnace hat. on1
Twenty -seventh, A snap for $5000
ood eight room nouse within two !
of the union depot. A great revenue pro- ,
duccr. Only $2500.
Good modern five room hrlck hous-
with let 132x166 feet. Icvi-l-d n nr Twentx
Ivth tr,i. nnd .lelferson SVenUC. Plell
'of room to build foui moi ho
m a great b M20i 1! '
i nce on time
t Good seven room home slth'n blOCl
ftp, nnd half of First National hank Has
large lot, tine trees; : vers pleasant place
H n home. Onlj ten II i
I I Mred
l Good modem eight room homi with full
A -1 basement, large lot, well located oa the
bench. Great buy at $1000
IIRB Good five room houso on Grant avenue
?i''!3 close In. Only $2250. Terms,
filjtiirt Good grocery store doing a good bui I
j- nCSS; well lorated and DstsDllshcd. The
h boat of reason 1 elllng. Fo 1 ;
BKIig Good v. ell established rooming hou
BBjR making money. Owner leaving the cltj
asV i For wile cheor
A J J. Uni MM1TT
aE ia Phone 53 1417 Hudson Ave
,. w $'"' I
TWO modern five room houses See own
T. 2'.'2 Lincoln.
F. K ,oom brick mAdrn- "nl.
ri ssi Thiriv fifth Inquire 3f2 Thin: n th
. I ' 5851
, iTv 1 1: N'li: - :i. . 1 1. i - n on.-, i,
KB J home. App: ""' w .! gL..n W I'Rf'"'
I I I TV OWNi:r. !. I ...- " -n l.rlel:
I l ouse In first ' ' i Hon 0X1 1 B
'oaf Reasonabh foi i rh rl
st; 5m
I 3 EVE loom brick modern, on paved
CW street. Large lot. $6500.
Four loom frame, nearly new. north por-
I M Hon city. $32',0.
JBJf Six acrcii farm. eloe In. well Improved
f tt . and some orchard $3500.
20 acre farm, 10 ncres of orchard and
Li 10 acres fine land, near cltv limits. $6300.
mA KFl.LV ft HERRICK 5290
3Y2 THREE ucrc chicken farm. Phone 2S0
i . 3 yv
I I 1 SEVEN room brick, gro'i location, must
y j I.- sold, tcrmc Phone 1 4 2 0 P. SH1
l I j m OWNKR Seven room modr-rn hou .
r Z' full cement basement, dOUblS garage.
'J ' ived I get 2609 Madl igj l79
' ',fNT lol unil r ii I i " I
if.' -I and largo lot, close In. Phono 2004 R. G
T Terry. HM
TWO hou..-. No 3 Si'', and '.rii Hudson
m -i Board houses. $4000 One four room frame
'.LP S) 100 Five room brick, modern close to
ilLWji high school $sooo. inquire 80 Thirty
Vm?2 i ' t i i 'it- . I Phone 8138 w pr:
I I ;...jim mo. I, in a Ji'.'T Lramorcj a.
I I ' 4 nue. Only $5800.
1; la '"lv" u"u- 1 fo' $'000 Prlnir nlut $10'l
j 0 month r.-nt.
I M Six room modem. Only $3000.
I Bfl Many more Rood deals. Come nnd se
I bssj rne before vou buy. I save you mono
! 302 Thirty llfth street. Phono 2130 AV
'! TWO hornet lor the price- ol on.. Louli.
U Lm pressed brick eoltac. modern except
II heat. 2629 Monroe avenue Phone 1204. !
W L- POKTLH. L.al Estate '.'id lMio
137: Wochlncton avenue Pnono 187K
TWO room apartment or four houaekeep 1
A rH Ing roome; no children. Phone 343 up to
! p. m. Mr Carroll. 5866
OENTL.EMAN vanti furnished room with
L-:in.i--. 17, Mm ii. In r. I I'.xa m In. r r. 7 7
TWO or three com heated furni hi
if apartment; raferencoi no children phon
f f I :,7,
. l-ROl 'M i it hi i ted apartment bj
! IKS ouplu without children oi pots. Phone
ii BY i oung pie two oi three room
I'M lurnleh.-d apartment or hOUBeket i 1
rooms. Box 900. Standnrd Exonilner '
L-'" " I
V' 1 "I" "Ii ii;. m re.-.-ri'.l;, was lillinrh-
mm he world's largest motor ship
- y M
j FOR SALE Real Estate Jj
Continued ?
:'17." 2377 Hudron Ave. rhone 35'
IfSSOO r. room fiame. pood lo.-utlon. lol 7"
l- 27"i: $70.) ra.h. balance llk- lent.
$3600 fi-room modern stucco, on pacd
trcel MOO cash bainn.-e like rent
'$4500 5 loom modern, lot 54 lv 132. worth
5100 per front foot: $SV) rash, cany
term- on balance. Will consider
i;ood auto .. p u l patment.
v".7.'i.i d room strictly modern good I oca
lion on hi-nch. easy terms,
Many other pood buys, hut thfe) ure go
lag fast. Pettor see uc quickly.
We also have for Kale or trade 35 acres
with Kood house, harn. hay sheds, garage,
v' Ix-r I a l wain pood well all fenced .
and cross l need with woven wire. Ten
minute ride from Opden. Price $'oon; any
reasonable terms.
100 acres practically all In alfalfa: two
big hay sheds, plenty water Price $100
per acre Kasv terms, or will accept son)"'
'trade Fair improvements.
2375 2:77 Hudson Ave Phone
MRS. S J. RAKER, 2731 Madison Phon.
2021' 440S
I rMt?ct?llanecuJ i
LATE Rotary white sewing machine, i
Chi SP Phone 2!1-M 585$
YO U T"I lol jtU . "I . ., I,. I 1 ""
Si and I 1 1
SUGAR prunes ror a few days oniv 1
PHon.. 22 22 W. 5861 ,
GJET veil Jonathan apples .n'i mter po
tatoeg lw for frost E V Steed. 'l!nt..
Phone n .1 4. :' .1
KITCHEN ranee with combination tt' 1
runjre hratlnc nlo e and other household.
articles fall 2532 Orchard Ave., or 15M-.I
Sundnj .ft- imwi m.i . cnings 5820
s r.n r - .i..t. n.i . . ,.i t . n ,
' ninth Si
I HORSE surrey, harness, single wagon.' 1
1 ki na -in.1 1 .u- i-hon. 21 u. f.2i ;
INl'I.W" motot c . ! . cheap for cofh In ,
fiuh-e 2"2''. Ma..,.n Am- .',;22 1 ;
II L'.ITI'ri. Kin V;i?Miifli-.n v., ',
IKLS'II m.i. )i . w ..n.i . -ii . - 1 ; ', 1 ; 1 , 1 '
Ave KKIx 1
ONE m w fumed o;,k buffet 2" r;eur
212'' M.oll ill 578 I
',OtI h-.iy team .'1 n.i harm-pa for sale
iChoap, Three months Old Koat. Call 27"
,Thlrt third -treet 57R5
NORTHWEST Greening apple culls. '7i
bit hi I hy extra Jacob Post. Thlrt
11. 1 fyiei "'i;
ALMOST new Vlctrols anil fi". records.
717 Tv. 1 1 llilli 1 1 I .'717
i . . ii foi ioth! i toi a f.ur -shelving,
counters etc, some furniture
M'.l' Tw n; -fifth S' Tit
n 1 11 ihi ' of iclecl peaches, plums,
! prunes, crapen and npples. Clfl Twenty
fourth St 5717
BEET pioa also 12 inch John Deere plow
.111.. .-oin.' L in. Ii .I tl6 Tw.ntv fc-irili
Ni:w -.i. . .1 ho I. ..1 .-- 1 r
pound or $11 50 in CO pound cans While
It lasts Addies? O10 T. Pierce. R. F.
D. 5. BOX 222. tMarrlott. also flco. O.
Batchcloi . ; 1 S 1. i 1.. n- ,. 1 u. " 7"
; well colored lonotl " high
r.-a.,.- Wlneraps $2 50; hip red and striped
. j . 15 Phone 22 g Z J 5680
POR quick Hoi . 10 ' '1 "
ni also vcKCtnblc c rop 1751 Glhon
1 avenue. 52)45
WE hevi 5000 asters al 2 ni - each
Plm it on the market, 674 Tweletth street
Buy jour paint at Stowe's and sav I
money " isnn Washington avenue. Phon
1 I iii' , I ' . 1 1 ! . i . i -I. r - iilnl
napa P Stone 67 Twt Ifth Bl 5"77
..... i . fomllj auto Phon I BOTI
'N'IMIS (Juarantecd sinsera. 222
1. ii. oln 1r"'7
BEST values In piano.-., phonosTaphs and!
violins. Terms without Interest. Pan I
Dime, Twent? ninth nnd Hud or. ''' 15
"i ri: N 1 I.ri.-k arid Li' n. '
large lot; cldse In. Snap. Leaving; Phone
'litK-tF. (or mi., weight 111." l-cu'te' '
l-'o nth l -:r- . ' 801
i NCALLJ U lor suits, tailoi maoa; tu
reduction. Gordon a 211-2.; Twenty-flftn
pi 1-.,,.,,,. na
OARAGE for rent 2S07 Washington Ave.
I- on. 2 5723
It i:n i. in ' n ) .1 io 1
or Morose purposes. Hear 230 Wall. 0.
A Kenn.dv. bascmont Utah National
h.-.nk. f'l
. ii 1 11 1 mi. uiiiii lei., r 1 ri )h ri . 1
1828-NJ, l88
LARGE clean rag-s wao'ed at Standard
F.Ti.iM'ner Q'"rr-
A GOOD auto for team or cows Call
i'ii 5 i 2
SF.VLN I'."1 " on I., ii. I.
Phon.- 2Hs I evenings. 5!'i
TWO 1 r.nni; milk C0WI for nnle or trS.de
for pigs Thl rty-second and Tyler. 5tii
I-" KM I ,n. m Ol.lahon, i ValUl ' if B !
tlrst payment on small apartment hotise
Ol large residence here. Box 56. -Stand
aid Exa miner 6671 :
OVER V.VH L.rgnln Owner gon-.
: : - Vjj
1 0.. 1 1 , : . , ,.. , . . 11' .r :. rrc.l 1 : llv.-n .
QCl .... home -,r..-ir Phone Ml jjSJ
I To Buy
BMALL uantltv second hand lumber or
small shed. Phone 17 R 1. 6857
v ill pa) hlght al nrlci poulti nd
jrabbita Phone 184$ Western Grain A-
I 'ei d ' 0 5800
PI 1 LETS, an age any number. Western
Grain & Feed Co. 1364 Washing-ton Ave.
:- M M.I, ni.Hl.Tn home Apply 133 Wet
Twt nty seventh 5690
I ' KI ' t 1 I. Phone 2222 W 567 I
1 -.EEF cat He v-n. ih. . . Imrs Will e.,11
at your yard Gus Jensen, 3131 Washing1
ion avenue. Phone 2309. 4096
LARGE clean rugs wanted ut the Stand
nrd Examiner office. 4380
HEMSTITCHING and pleot. prompt serv
Ice 2277 Washington Ave. White Muchlne
(o .V.7 7
ILL BlSa knife pleating. Phont 231S M 1
r. 12 7
I .i 'LLLL.N'T dre.-.-un aklng. pi.u nil. . .1
Phon. 1'.2. 1 6102,
The Llghthoune, 2462 Washington Ave., I
opposite tnc Plngres Hank. Phono 681
Prompt service. 332J I
llomaiuching, plcot edge, buttons, ptnt.
IriR and pleating Second floor W H !
Wright & Sore. Mrs U Lajman. 1169 1
, 1
Board and Room
FOR two gentlemen In private modern '
home. Phone 27 1 9 M t,--,k
f founlT j
BICYCLE. 923 Ruslitoh, Phone 2115
' hei 1 are ovei 12 500,000 telephc a
in 'he L'nlied Staf
I FORD ton truck for sale cheap for cash
PI 1787 Mi rylei
SMALL touring car: good tires and tubei
'12." S65 Si 1 en tot ch trecl 585
Pulck Touring
ltni.-u Roadster
Oakland Touring
Studebakei Touring
R o Roadster
Oldsmohlle It -ton Truck
Chevrolet 1 ton Truck
Nash 1 ton Truck
Nash 2 ton Truck
All In tlr.t das mechanical condition.
8800 Wash In -ton Ave Ogdsi
Pulck C-2a touring ear
Overland S6 3-passeniP't-Oakland
Movwell touring car
Ford Coupe
Ford Sedan
Ford Tourlnr
Rttlck roadster
I 'odge roadster
Dodge sr'dan
Podgv. i passenr
Hupp "Model N ' touring est
Hupp 32 I pas.s, ngC '
These cars have all beet) repriced sine
'ni. . tra droppi 1 In price xou can rtii
buv theni on easy terms.
2'iii'. Washington . Phone 32.'
V SN A P Cadillac speedster .J2S0 must
he sold this week, 4S" Twent aeventh St
WANT a snap? Pricey rut to pieces
DodgS, Chalmers. Paige. Moxwell.
UmI on - nue :,7sri
FORD deliver; truck In good ahaps
Phone 34 s R68'
ONK ton Ford truck pneumatic Urea
1232 Pgrtei Phone 21:10 :m 5 Ii
PI h'K" 1 . .. let ioi In good eon. II
tion $250 cn.-h. Call evenings or Sun
do'. 3127 Adams 56 12
1917 Ford one ton truck, nin about two
ears- In first class condition: $300. fif.i
wen ,. v.i I
ONE nev c 1 larlni 1 II 0 one Reo trucl
'IVi ."'2 1 1. iv. .'n av-nue 6641
ir07 1 ORD, bargain 22::. .icff-rton.
SEVEN passengt r Cadillac Good aa new.
Best value In rii- Murphy Wholesale
Grocery Co, Twenty fourth street. 323'
I Male Help J
1 GOOD live hoy annul 18 yenrs old to
learn the sheet metal trade. '. Oswell
; lackson Co. r.s;o
Ll:iP.ERS mill tement finishers foi
1 work out of town Apply 816 F.ccles
building, 5867
I ' ' V n..',f. ! . ,1 . I, . Ii ' I '. .HI
TWT) r.nd' mi n at once for building
work. Good wasass! steady work. R. R
Mo.-ris. Chester street. 686S
MEN desiring railway mall cierV; posl
Hons. $1600 to 52800 Particulars free.
Write Modern Institute. 626 Charles Bldg
I ' n .-r ColO B8OT
MAN to la linoleum and carpets BoylS
Fi'rnlture CO 3840
Bj 1.1. i,... ' 1:. gd Ho-. 1
AN expei u-nced hardware price c. rk
Inquire George A. Lowe Co. 5775
Ft H N'lil'.V nun and stove repairers. Sum
mi rill Stovi 1. pali w orki 5748
M EN v 1 1 V'Mi.n i-'.r.- Tim k
A Tile Co.. corner Twenty ninth and .lef
. .. 5750
boi ith tali L go. id . .1". .1 Ion
Applv t John Scowcroft & Sons. TweA1
tv thud nn.i Wail '.v. nue 5688
COAL teamster must hav experience de
IK. ring coal In 06den. References re
quired. Phone 666. 3659
LLAi'KSMITII mHi fp. rienCC In m.'inu
facturing, Sldnev Stevens Implement Oo,
ROY v.nnt. .1 for March room woik. Over
IS preferred. W. F. Jensen Candy Oo .
184 Llncln, , 5668
: r. " 1 - 1 Ti si
i: '
BOY about 16 or 17 years, to ttork In stor.
all .lav ; steady Job for boy attending night
school Honocks Eros. 2427 Washington
Uo Oj
EX PERIENCED ahorl order cook wanted
at Cltj Cafe. 110 Twenty fifth St Phono
824-w. r. I
VOUNG man to clerk In newsstand Gray
Co 1 1 ' pol 5880
1 i - i 11 .i Hote! -194
( Female Help
I CHAMBERMAID and hall phi. Applv In
I person. Highest wages paid Now Heolv
Hotel I
'.ILLS to pick and pack appll II on I
Ml R 2 t-hnrh-s Taylor Rlverdale 38,'i
' I I M LI .KM 1 1 1 iv , ,,1. .1 -.1 . L i,i Hot. 1
1 "nil iii person. 5802
:il;i..- ..i,-. .1 .... 1 i i ' .
I Model I-aundry. 680 1
. 1 ', v 1 1 1 : 1 ; w 1 1 . .I 1:. . 1 1 1 5788
jiflRL wanted. Orphcum Candy. 35788
CO I PET NT maid for general house
j work. Mrs. Fred J. Klesel. 607 Twentc
fifth 1 ' ' 6734
GIRL foi general housework Must un
deratand cooking Oood wanes Phone
I WOMAN lo lo smail washing Ht hoim
and help with l.oii.sewnrk two duys each
: week. Apply 463 Twenty-second street
374 :
IVOM VN to assl I In kitchen s h n do
plain linking, no breod. Apply School for
Deaf and I umb. 5688 !
WOMEN and glrla for peeling tomatoei
The v right Whitticr l"o . Thirty-third and
P .lie 0073 j
' ' I I A M 1 1 EK M A 1 1 11 nd wnltr- :n at Virgin In
Ho'el 367 1
S A EES LA 1 1 V m Horrorks Pros. 2127'
v." 1 hlngton 1 -. S619
I PI-'RlEN'OEl 1 woman for cooking and
.general housework, capable of taking
Charge; no laundry, good wuges. 253G I
j Adams Ave Phone 883. 5593
iJIPLS. oei IV (ig.nn Sie-im En. .ti. Ii
LNFERIEN'rEti Mulnt girls vv:,nt.-d t
CaplgU s flown Shop, good wages. 6383
I ' I ' I" -: - M I . ! Ni ; Inneh' to unxoiie willing
,to appll themselves. See Mndam Caplau,
Third Floor. Wright's Store. 5388
GOOD girl or woman to aid In hou-..-work.
Good wages. Apply 639 Twenty
third r.::.i
OIRLS over 1C to prel tomatoes at Wu
satch Cnnntng ("ompany. Will furnish !
transportation to and from work. Phonal
108 ."12
EXPER1 E S 1 !D stenogra pher-oookkeeper
I : . II. .re thl pi.p. 1 1668
WE take your old range ns first payment
on any new range, or will buy your old
nns.. Olltrlarhl Hume Furniture Co 4K7J
1 : 'i I u i r 1. 11. 1 v. id i-hon.- I ' .:. .
I Unfurnished
SIX room apartment for rent about Oct,
1 . 2600 Adams. 6781
FIVE iooniH Phone' 2K1n Noilh Wn.-M. 1
; ROOM strictly modern hrlck house
pet month. Inquire Volkcr Lumber Co.
Poultry and F.gga
RESPONSIBLE wholesale dealers wanted
for our famous Budwulscr Malt Syrup In
Cases of 21 tins of 2-j pounds Apply Bud i
1 1st 1 Mult Products forporntlon 808
West ih st. Ni a jToi 1 . .
Since 1813 the hoursly wage of Ir-d
and Iron-mill workers has Increased
1 2 1 pep cent.
I Furnished
BIG fronl toom for gentleman; hot watei
hint, hnth, telephone References. 2231
Jefferson Phone 1685 iM
FURNISHED Sunny Iront room 101 isd.
Hall hlock from car line. 2041 Orcharrl
avenue 5861
PI UMSHKn I n 1 1 -r front ror.ni (or on.
t two gvntlemn 2sr.'i Lincoln '.S(,t.
' SLEEPING rooms In new modern home
facing lister park hot water heat, gen
t)e.men only; mu?t give references, phone
UOQ. M0(
1 Nil 'ELY furnished 100m for one or two
? , (.'cntlcmcn. 210 Twentv third street.
fROM one to three rooms Also l.nrgaln
housea on payments Phone 1?:. 65794!
VER1 nlcej rurnlshed four room 'apart
ment t7'.". Grant. r. 7 7 8
STL A M h.nt.d bed TOO m Grant
SLEEPING room 586 Twenty-seventh
1 Bl Phon.- 2171 M 5777
Fl RNISHFn sleeping room 2fi,A Vilnius
1 Phone 2968 W after 6 ?o or Sundays S74 1
NICELY furnished Sleeping room; one or
tWO g. ntlemen 170 Poplar avenue S712
I Mi'liLLN sleeping loom prv0te t'nmlly
Suitable tor one or two ladles Home
privilege ?1X rhonr H278W. 571 1
LAR'iE .Minhliiy Iront room ".n Tivni
1 (tv fourth. Come between ? and c p. m.
1 :.Rfi7
1 room s r;.ites Hotel 2-K Qranl t8
Situations '
YOUNG Japanese boy wishes situation
,' a(tor school 2,"1 Twent-fourth street
Shll.e s Ei.'h M .'.792
HOi -I'KLEPI Ni : h elderl'. widow for a
Widower fan he hlg-hlv recommended.
II l;mt...i f.7 42
fxpep.ien'i'ep pouitn'woman wants
j managprnent of poultrr on small farm or
ranch Five yea ra practical experience
with high grade exhibition stock writs
M o-k goao Qulnj 1 jgdi n j
NIGHT wi tohman or porter; good refer
.ences ex met chant policeman. Box 60
Standard Examiner 5111
j $1000 to loan on Improved real estate. J'rl
vale part. 5782
WONKY to loan on Improved real estate.
E F I. I'l; 417 Eeci.-s, Hl.'c .'.El
: to saianod , ....i without avcjrity, to
others "m j'lanos fum'ture bonds. t
7 Ho.l.on Hide Phon. TO
i .-. 1. . .0,11, j., ,.,0, ow ,j wixn
: tfally K- Herrlek TfJ
WILL hoard and care for a child from
' 1 to- S years for Its companionship Phon.
It R 1 KH
CHARAi TER and i ard reading ii'1
Twent Fixth IIQI
( IXOT ' r)
, LflST From St nndard-Examlner counter,
small gold Kversharp pencil with chain
and fastener. Reward. Return lo Standard
I Examiner. 5732
Information Bureau
S CO Pro 1 ivr dcp MONTH
ANVTHINO A to Z new or old
bought, cold or traded Phorvo 13J
U ram well Pool- and Stationery Hll
V'a;h'ngton Ave Phone C0 20S
L'tah Natltonai Rank, southeast comer
Twenty - fourth and Washington Phon 61.
I Ogden Carpet Cleaning Co. Have us
clean your rugs the best way. Phones 416
and lt:? W -,
Bxi Srt carpet canning upholstering
mattresses made over feathers renovated
iH I". .1 Hampton A Co 25S0 W 4231
K. Van Kampen for upholstering ea
pels cleaned altered and la!d Remaklns
.of mallrcsses Phon 272 J
Phone 133 21M-III Washington Ave
Uatsuba & "o . leading Japr.nrso res
! tourpnt in Ogden 271 24th St,
The Ktw M, thod Dentists are spoelal
lets in all hranches of Dentistry. I46J
ojhlngton Ave
,.f,0ra nlco "lectrlfl manage, call at
-447 Grant avenue. 434 ;
Ogden Engraving Service " . maners
01 flno cuts In one or mo.-i olore. 41
Tivcnty-fourn iiwIPhoi,, fij
Geo L Bennett, corporation and gmup
PS U Phono 121-W lGli
Western Hide & Junk Co. 2323 Wajb
Inston Av Phone ' fit
Ogden 1 unk House TojJ Waahlngtoo
Ave. Phonu 210
C. H Zerbe. Phone '.un j. $2fi9
Paper hanging, painting, kalsomlnlng.
paper clcunlu-. Reasonable. Phono 3220 R
Gas and coal rsng-ea connected All
kinds of plumbing v.ork. Our prices are
right. iinil W.ilrlr.-mi U S. mteenth
itreel Phnne III! R 4330
All kinds, C. II. Zorbe Thone NfiJ
Willard Kay, rei estate and loans J
2474 Washington Ave Phone 409. 1174
Oarhage nr.d rubbish hauled, cesspoels
ond toilets cleaned. John Chipp H Co
Phono 828. 224S Hudsoi. Avenue. 733 1
Bloom, the tailor, la an expert on re
pairing. We make your old clothes look
like new 22". Twenty-fifth St.
Trunk and Lag repairing, round eor
net irom standard Gallaclier'a. '373 II. id
2111 j
EXPERT Tin. low and wall paoer clean-
ing Amerli an Window Claaxtlng Ph osi
- ,
Notice M A No 027101
1 nited States L.nd Office. Salt Lako
City, Utah, sept 10. 1920.
Notice Is hereby given, that Southern '
Pacific Gold . opper Mining & Milling
rornptrTiy. H corporation, through its uu i
Ihorlzod agent, Cora M. Holdermun, whos jl
postofflce address is Salt Luko City. Etah. 1
h 1 mad applh .itlorr for a I'nlted states 1
patent for the Dlorlte, Cuprlto No 2, Cup
rite No, I, Wlsard, Last Chance. Last
Chance Extension No 2. Last Chance Ex
tension No. 3, Pea Cock and Top Notch
lide mining Halms Consolidated sltU LtOd
In ihi Blsrra Uadre mining district, 1 .nn
ty of W eber, Stats of Utah, being Sur
vey No 6571. und described In the II. 1.1
notes and plat fllo In Ibis office, with
magnetic una l Ion at In .1. 1; L1.-1.
Commencing at corner No. 1 of Dlorlto
lode claim whence the S W corner SSC
8. T 7 N . R. 1 W.. I Q ft M tX ..
s 11 dcK- 42 min w tl2l.fi feet;
Th. nee N 6 di g 23 mln W. 600 feet
to comer No. 2 of sold claim,
Then..- s. N dei U -1 E r.noo feet
to cornel- No 3 of W izard claim
Thenc. N. 5 d.g 23 mm. W. 966.fi foot
to ...iiier No 2 ol Top Notch claim;
Thi ni s. B8 dcg. 03 mln. E 566.1 feet
lo comer No 1 ol Lni.t Ch.ni...- l".t numi
No. 2 claim
Thence N. 5 deg, 48 mln. Wr 1455 4 feet
to corner No 2 of Last Chance Extension
No, 2 Halm.
Theneec S. S8 deg. 53 mln. E 600 fett
to corner No. of said claim;
Thence s, 6 dec it mm. i; MSI i feel
to corner No. 4 of said Hulm. Identical
with corner No. i of Last Chance claim; 1
' Thenc- 3. I deg. 23 mm E 1336.3 feel
to rmiHi No. 4 of Last Chance claim.
Identical with corner No 3 of last Chnnce
llxtnslon No 3 claim;
Then..- S f deg .'.i mm F 1436.1 feet
. to coi ner Mo 4 of Last Chance Extension
No. 3 claim.
Th- nee N S8 d-K 63 mln W. 27n4 5 feet
, lo corner No. 1 of Cuprite .W 2 claim
Thenee jj 5 deg, 23 mln W. 1200 feet
'o corner No 2 of Cuprite No. 3 claim,
! Identical with corners 1 and 4 of Wizard ;
and Dlorlte Halms, respectively
Th. nee N S8 deg 63 mln. W 1SO0 feet
to corner No. 1 of Dlorlte Halm, the place
! 1 of beginning and located In SV 14, SE I
nnd NE Section 8 and NV. U and
E 'i of Section 17 Township 7 North. I
Range 1 Wcit 8, L. B &; M., containing,
an a re. 1 of 163 006 acres exclusive of con
fllctf as shown by the duly certified
field notes of said Survey Nc 6571, to he
In conflict with SW - of SW U of Sec
tion s ,md with Section 17 T 7 N. R. Ii
W S L B, A- M.
I direct that this notlre be published In,
The Standard Examiner, published at 1
Ogden. Utah.
Salt Iake rity. UUh,
Clalmsnt a Attorney 5422
Date of first publication September 15,
Slatr Engineer's Office, Salt Lake Cltv
Utah. Sept 23. 1020.
I Notice Is hereby given that Win G
Rhead of Og-Ji-n. I tah. has made nppllca
Hon m accordance with th.- requirements
of tlu- Complied Uwj of Utah. 1917, as
amended by the Session Laws of Utah,
mo. t,, appropriate, one-hundred ( 1 cin
acre feet of water from First Salt Creek
In Weber County Said water la to be
1 stored from Nov 1 of each year to April
1 of the ear following h means of on
Impounding dam across the natural chan
net of First salt Creek, the center f
which is located at a point N 11 deg E
160 H from ihe SW corner of Sec i.n
.Township 7 North Range 2 Wrest, Salt
, Iakr Bast nnd Meridian, the land Inun
flot.H being ji.-irt of SW i4 Sec 30 .,n.
(part of N. U S L Sec 31. said township
ajld range. The water will be released by
means of two pumps, one at s point N
6S di g. 1". min. E. 120" ft. and the other
I at a point S. 79 deg E. 2412 ft from the
NW. comer of Sec. 31, township and
range nfore.-ild and conveyed b means
I of ditches aggregating 360fi ft. In length
j and used from Mav 1 to Nov 1 of each
vear to irrlgute 70 acres of land In Lots
3 and 4. and SH NW 'i Sec 31. said
I Township 7 North. Rangv 2 West This
I application la designated In the State En
Iglnei-r's office as No. 8484.
All protests against the granting of said
uppllcutlon. stating the reasons therefor,
mUSl be made by affidavit In duplicate.
.accompanied with 11 fee of $2 50, and filed
I in this office within thlrtv (30) dns after
th. completion of the publication of this
. notice.
State Engineer
j Date of first publication Sept 27, 1020.
Date of completion of publication Oct.
16. 1920. 5862
State Engme.-i Office. Salt Lake ritv
1 tnh Sept J. 1920.
I Notice Is hereby given that Joseph Sin
gieton of Plain City. Utah, has made ap.
plic-ttion In accotdnpee with the reoulre
, ments of the t'omplled Laws of Utah
1017. as .1 mended by the Session I.iws of
1 tah. 1019. lo appropriate three (3) seo
londfeet of water from First Salt fru-k
In Weber County Said water will be dl
I verted by means of pumps at two points,
nnmelv. N. 75 dep. 15 mln E 2100 ft
and S. 81 dep. E. icJO ft. from Ihe NW .-or
ner of Section 31 Township 7 North.
Range 2 West Salt Lake Base and M
rldlan Tho water will be conveyed by
means of a ditch and a pipe line a dis
tance of 251 ft. and there used as a sup
J Omental supply from May 1 to Septem-
'her 15. inclusive, of each year, to Irrigate
80 acr.-s of land embraced In the NE '
SW '4. Sec Jii. nnd NW NW. Sec
31. said townihlp nnd range. This appll
! cation Is deslgnat.-d In the State BnaTl
neer"s office as No 8429
All protests against the granting of said
'application, stating the reasons therefor
must he made by affidavit In duplkni.
'accompanied with a fee of $2.."'i. and filed
In this office within thlrtv (30) days after
the completion of the publication of this
l notice. ,
State Englm t
Date of first publication Sept. 6. 1920
1 Date of completion of publication Oct 4,
1120 512
A special meeting of the stockholders of
the Crnlei Pn.du. ts iunpan will be held
I at the office of the company at No. 1701
Washington avenu" in Ogiden. Utah, on
the 6th dav of October. 1920, at 7 o'clock
p. ri. of said day, to consider, and take ac- I
tion upon, the following mutters.
I I. To ratIP tin action of lb- Board of!
Directors, taken on the 31st day of Au-
1 gust, 1920, In enuring Into a contract
with and granting ! C B f'roner. ol
Los Angeles. California an option to pur-I
'chase the company's mining claims on cor- 1
tain terms and conditions therein men
1 Honed.
2. To consider any other disposition !
the company's prop. 1 ty.
3 To consider such other and further
matt, r.-i in any way Incidental to or eon
nected wtlh tho foregoing aa may bo
brought before said meeting
1 Bv order of the Board of Directors.
J B STOREY. Secretary.
Department of tho interior. U. S, Land
I Office at Salt Lake City. Utah. Septem
bor 1 1920.
Notice Is hereby gleen that Chorles W.
Brown, of Ogden. Utah, who. on June 22
1916, made homestead entry No 017850.
for NE V Section S. Township 7 North.
Rango 1 East. Salt Ijiko M'-ildlan. has
; filed notice of intention to make (hretf
yi ar proof, to establish Halm to the land 1
j above described, before W. H. Reed- r.
1 Jr., I'nlted States Commissioner at Ok- ;
den. Utah, on tho 16th day of October.
Claimant names as witnesses:
D. D Dunbar. Iee Shaw, Robert Mont- 1
gomery, Louis Shaw, all of Liberty, Etah
Ol u LD B BLAKE) ' : Y
4999 Register.
Consult County Clerk or me Rcspec
tlve Signers for Further
In the District Court Of the Second Judi
cial District. State of Utah. Within nnd
for Weber County.
In the Mntter of the Estate of Emma J.
Williams, Deceased
Creditors will ptesent Halms with!
vouchers attached to the undersigned, ad
ministrator of the estate of Emma J.
Williams, deceased, at the office of Royal
J. Douglas. 629 Dald Eecles building1. Og
den Cltv. Etah. on or before the 1st dav
ol November. A. D. 1920.
Date of first publication August 30.'
Date Of last publication September 27. 1
Royal J. Douglas, Attorney for Admlnla-
ttftor. 4873 I
LOS ANGELES Printers ink Ift
hrlnging tho world to Los Angeles."
said Dr. B. J. Pulnier In an address to
the members of the City club at their
noon luncheon. He declared that ad
vertising Ih the moving spirit of the
(nodorn world. I
"The large sections In your Los I
Angeles newspapers." said the -speaker,
devoted to automobiles and mov
ing pictures show that these people 1
Who tl4V.ve things to sell know how to
bring their wares to people's attention. 1
If your churches want to fill their
auditorium. they must advertise- their ,
good9. Your Dr Brougher Is doing
great work In bringing this truth
home There is no irreatcr idea to bo
'sold' to thn public, us tho salesmen
r.i. than the Christ idoo. It Is a
proposition of altfUnaU)Shlp
"Pursut yoUr customer with adver
tising Then when you Lund him see
how much you can give him for the
least amount of monev This is the
modem policy." i
The Ogden Auto Directory I
Oldsmobile trucks and touring car3 Briscoe cars, Gramm-Berastein
trucks, White-Robinson, 2300 Washington. Phone 340. 3739 jl
Ogden Auto Radiator Co , 2329 Hudson Avenue 3740
All makes of batteries repaired and recharged. Exide Battery Sta
tion, 2359 Hudson Avenue 3741
Webei Taylor Motor Co., 2333 Hudson Avenue. Chalmers and Max- Ej
well sale3 and service. Phone 143 3742 Hj
Hudson Auto Top Co, 1717 Washington 3773 ME
We buy all cars regardless of condition. Salvage parts for ale HK
Auto Salvage Co., 2348 Grant. 4045 BB
WUIard Battery Station, 2454 Grant avenue 3733 KB
Northeast Service Station. Checsman Auto Co. 3786
Proposed Constitutional Amend- 1
ment No, 1.
ft Joint rennlutlon propoilnc an nnr-nd
menl to flection S of Artlele 11 of the
Constitution Of thn State of l'tah re
latins to munlelpa! corporation.
Be It enneted hy the l-eprMnture Cf the
Pt.Tte of I'tnh tWO'thlrdS vote of all tho
members elected in the two Houses con
eurrins therein:
Sertion 1 That It is proposed to nmend
Section 5 of Article XI of tue i v,,, tim
,tlon of tho State of rtn.h. 30 ihnt thi
aarne will read aa foliowj
Sec 6 Corporations for mun!elpal pur
POMS .ih.ill not be created by special laws.
The Legislature by Renernl law? shall pro
vide for tho Incorporution. organization
and classification of rltlea and towns in
proportion to ;..,. ulatlon which laws may,
bo altered, amended or repealed.
Any city ma frame and adopt a chnr
'.or for its own povernrr.ent In the fo!
lowing mnnner:
The legislative authorltv of the city!
tun h-. two-thirds vole oif Its member. '
and uton petition or ausllffed slcctors to
the number of 10 p-r cent of all votes cast
at tho next preceding ilectlon for the of
flee of the mayor sha'l forth ivlth provide
by ordinance for the fubmUlon to tho
electors of the question Shall n Com
mission ho chosen to fiame a charter?"
The ordinance shall require that tho quce
Hon be submitted to th. electors at tho
hi xi regular municipal election. The bel
lot containing such question shall also
contain tho numes of candidates for mem
iers of the proposed Commission, but
without party dcslrnatlon Boch candi
dates shall tve nominated in the some
manner us required ty luw for nomination
Ol Clt) officers. If a majority of the clec
tors voting on the question of choosing :t I
Commission shall voto In th- affirmative
then the. fifteen cnndldatea rccc-lvlng a
majority oi the votca cast ut such elec
tion, shall constitute the chnrtcr Commls
slon. and shall proceed to frame a char
ter. I
Any charter so framed shall he sub
mitted to the qualified electors of the iltv
at an election to be held at a time to
b dl ti rmlned hy the charter Commission.
1 uhi.-h .shall be not less than thirty days
! subsequent to Its completion ond distr
ibution among the elector and not more
'than ono year from such date. Alterna
tive provisions may also be submitted to
I bo voted upon separately The Commls
lon shall make provisions for the distri
bution of copies of the proposed charter I
land of any alternative provisions to the
qualified electors of the city, not less than .
sixty days before the election at which It 1
is voted upon Such proposed charter and
such alternatlN f provisions an aro ap-I
proved by a majority of the electors vot
ing then on. shall become an organic law
of siu-h city at such time as may be fixed
therein, and shall supersede anv existing
charier and all lawa aff. cling ihe organ
iizatlon and government c: such Jty which
Ion now In conflict therewith. Within
thirty day after Its approval a copy of
such charter as adopted, certified by tho
mayor and city reconier nnd authentic.-1 1
d by the seal of such city shall bo made
In duplicate and deposited, ono in the oi
flee of tho Secretary of State and the
other in the office of the City Recorder,
und then after all courts shall take Judl
rial notice of juich charter.
Amendments io any such cSsner may
be framed and submitted by the rharter
Commission In the ssms manner as pro-
ivldcd for making of charters, or may be
proposed by tho legislative authority of
the city upon a two-thirds vote thereof,
or hy petition of qualified electors to s
number equal to one tenth of tho total
vote cast for mayor on the next preceding
election, and any such amendment muy
be submitted St the next regular election,
nn.l having bc-n approved by tho majority
of tho electors voting thereon, shall be
come a part of the charter at the time
fixed in such amendment and shall bo cer
titled and filed aa provided in case of
lEst h .-Hy forming Its charter under this
Section ohal! have, and Is hereby granted, j
the authority to exercise oil pqwers rclat-
ing to municipal aftalrs. and to adopt
and enforce within Its limits, local police
sanitary and llmiLsi resjulattlon not to con
flict with tho general law. and no cnunior
Stlon of powers in this constitution oi any
luw shall bo deemed to limit or restrict ,
the g nsrel grant of authority hereby con !
firred, but thl.i grant of authority shall
not Include the power to regulate the serv- .
Ice or charges of public utilities so loni," 1
as such regulation is provided for by gen
eral law. nor be deemed to limit or re
strict the power of the Legislature In mat
tcr.i of public or general Interest, nor i
thoso relating to State uffairs.
The power lo be conferred upon the clt
lei by this Section shall Include tho foi
towing! (a) To levy, assess and collect taxes
ond borrow money, within the limits pic- ,
scribed by general law, und to levy and
collect special assessments for benefits
lb) To furnish all local public service.-;
to purchase, hire, construct, own. main 1
tain und operate, or lease, public utilities,
local In cxt'-nl and use, to acquire by
condemnation, or othorwlse within or
without tho corporate limits, property i
necessary for any auch purposes, subject
to restrictions imposed by general law -lor
the protection of other communities: and
to grant local public utility franchises und
regulate the. exercise thereof subject to !
tin continuing DOWOT of regulation of pub
lie utilities, their rates and service, by tho
StatO, as Is now or may hereafter be, pro
vlde-d by b nerOl law
(e) To make local public Improvements
and to acquire by condemnation, or other I
wise, property within Its corporate Mm- ,
Its necessary for such improvements; and
also to acqulro on excess over that needed j
for any such improvement and to sell or i
lease such excess properly with re-airk- '
Uons. In order to protect und preserve
the improvement.
Id) To lasuo and acll bonds on the ec I
curlty of any such excess property, or of
any public utility owned by the city, or 1
ol the tevenuea thereof or both. In'clud !
ing, in the caso of a public utility, a fran
chlse staling the terms upon which. In
cose of foreclosure, tho purchuuer may
operate uuch utility.
Bee, - Tho Secretary of State is hero
by directed to submit tho proposed amend
ment to the electors of the Stale ut tho
next general election In tho manner pro-(
vlcled by law.
Sec 3. If odopted by the electors of
this State. Oils amendment --hull tuko ef
..I uu January 1st. 1921
Approved March 18, 1319.
(By International Newi Service)
BAN FRANCISCO Lack of tcco
graphlcal knowledge almost broke up
the happy homo of Mrs Alta Johnson
Meyer bride of a few months.
11. V. Meyer, aviator, became ac
Tualnted with Miss Johnson while fly
ing at Puobl.i Col They were married J
nnd came lo Sun Kranclsco
Ono iav Meyer told hln wife he was
going to Santa Rosa to obtain work. I
A Joking friend told the younK bride-!
Sanf;i Hum was in Alaska. She be-!
lioved it und had a warrant Issued for
i itrl ion.
The- Judge was more familiar with
geography und after a le-sson In that
subject dismissed the charge and thol
Hi yi rs went their way rejoicing.
oo 1
The average depth of the Antarctic
Ocean IS less than 200 fathoms. 1
Proposed Constitutional Amend- ,BB
ment No. 2. jHB
A repolutlon proposing an amendment ti LBSI
ertion 7. Aitl. la 13, of tho Constitution BBsnE
o( the State r.f Tnh relating to tax
rates for State purposes '
Be It resolved by the Legislature of tho
Stat- of rtnh. two-thirds of all th-i ,HS
members elected to each House coaour JJsH
ring therein 'Hi
Section 1. Vhat It Is proposed to run'-n-l
Section 7. of Article XIII of the (.Urflte liHB
tutlon of the Stiit- r.( I'tnh so lhat tl E9
eamo will read as follows.
Sec. 7. The rate of taxation on propor IbmeS
ty for Stato purposes shall never cxcee4 lFi
S mills on each dollar of valuation to be
apportioned as follows- Not to exceed
ihi mills on each dollar of valuation for
general State purposes, not to exceed 3
mills on each dollar of valuation lor dls- LH
trlct school purposes, not to exceed Vfc
mill on each dolmr of valuutlon for high
school purposes; that part of the Stato 1
tax apportioned '.o high achool puroses BBS
shall constitute a fund to bo called tho
High School h'und and shall bo appor-
Honed lo the cities und school districts
maintaining high schools In the manner
Ihe Legislature may provloe. And when- HHH
ever the taxable property nlthin the Stato
bhall amount to $400,000,000.00, the rates
shp.ll not exceed on each dollar of valua-
lion Iwo und tour-tenths mill for general
State purposes, two-tenths or one mill for
high ae-hooi purposes, and such levy for
district school purposes as will raise an-
nuully an amount which, added to any
other Slate .unjn available for district Bj
Si hool purposes, equals $25.00 for each
person of i-chuul age- In iho State, shown
by the lam preceding school census, un-
less a proposition to Increase stlch rate
or rates, specifying tho rate or rate pro-
posed and ins time during which the sural
ahall he levied, lc tlrst submitted to i
voto ol turn of ihe qualllled electors of
the State, as. In ihe year n-xl preced
ing such election, shsJI have pula i prop-
criy tax aajessed to them wlihin the State, HfJ
and the majority of thosu voting thereon
shall vote In lavor thereof, in auch man
ner as may bo iruviued by law. HH
Sec. The Secretary of State Is dl-
rectcd to cause this proposed amendment HHl
lo be puiilished 'is required by the Con- HBm
stltutlon ana to be eaomltl.-d lo the elec- HHl
tors of tnc State at the next general elc-- BBS
lion In the manner provided hy law.
Sec. 3 If approved by the electors of tl, j
State, this tTOPOacd amendment shall
take eftect ol the 1st day of January,
Approved March 18, 1319.
Proposed Constitutional Amend- ww&
ment No 3.
A con. urrent re-solution providing an
amendment to Section 1. Article XIV.
of the Constitution of the St.ito of . An
Utah, relating to State debt limitation BBBj
Uc it enacted by the Legislature of the "ABB
Si its ol i tah, to thirds ol ail the mom- B
bet. - ich ot thu two Hon I I BJ
coneuirlng therein:
Section 1. That It Is proposed to menl
Section 1 Article 14, of the constitution BBB
of the Slate of l'tah, so thai I lie same
read -") follows: BBB
Section V To meet casual deficits or
failures In revenue, and for necessary ex- BBB
pe-ndltures lor public puri-oes. Including BBB
the en tion of public buildings, nnd for BB
the payment of all territorial indebtedness BBB
assumed by the Stato. the State miy con- BBB
tract debts, not exceeding in tho aggre. BBB
gate at any one time, an amount fOjual to BBB
1 percentUm Ot Ihe value ut the taxable BBB
property of tho State, as shown by BBB
the Inst assessment for Suite purposes. BBB
previous to the Incurring of such lndebt- BBB
edness. Dut the State shall never con BBB
tract any Indebtedness except as in tho BBB
next section provided. In excess of BBB
such nmount. and all moneys arising BBB
from loans herein authorized, shall bo ap- BBB
plied solety to the purpose j lor which they BBB
trers obtained. B
Sec 2. The Secretary of Stato Is hereby
directed to submit this proposed amend- BBB
m.-nl to the electors ol iho State ut tho BBB
next general election in thu manner pro- BBJ
vided by
Sec J. it adopt. vj by the electors of BBJ
tho State, this amendment shall take ef- BBB
feet January 1. 1121 BBB
Approuu March 18, 1919. BBB
Proposed Constitutional Amend- K Z
ment No. 4. bb
A concurrent resolution proposing an B
amendment to tho Constitution oi tho BBB
Mute ol I tub by amending. Section 5. BBBJ
Article XVI. i elating to rights of ac- BJBB
tion lo recover damages for Injuries rc- BBBj
stilting in death.
lie 11 resolved and enacted by the Legls- BBBj
laturs of Ihe State- of L'tah. two thirds BBBJ
of all the members elected to each ol BBBJ
the two Houses concurring therein: BJBB
Bt .-tion 1 That It is proposed to amend BBBJ
Section 5. Article 16, of the Constitution BBBJ
ot the State of l lah, so lhat said section BJBB
The right of u.-tion to recover damages BBJB
for Injuries resulting in death, shall never BBBJ
be abrogated, und Ihe amount recovcrublo BBJB
shall not be subject lo an) statutory l:ml BJBB
t illon except in cases when: cumpensa- BBBJ
tion lor Injur!, j resulting In death Is pro- BBJ
vldcd for by luw." BBBJ
Section 2 The- Secretary' of Stato Is BBBJ
hereby directed to submit this Disposed BJBB
amendment to tl" electors ol the stato BBJB
at th" next getic .1 election in the niau- BBBJ
nor provided by luw. BBBJ
Sec 3 If udopled by the electors of BBBJ
the stale the amendment shall lako eflect BBBJ
January 1st. 1921 BTBBJ
Approved October 9. 1919. BB
1 Harden Bcnnlon, Secretary of Stat-. B9
of th.- State ol I tah do hereby certify BJBBJ
that the foregoing is a mil. true and cor- BJBB
reel copv ol all Const Ltu Uonul Amend- BJBB
ments proposed by tho regular and spe- BjBJ
cial sessions of tho Legislature ol 1919. BBJ
as tho same appear of record in my of- BBJ
flee BLBB
In witness whereof. I have hereunto sot BJBBJ
my hand and alltxcd the Great Seal of tho BJBBJ
Slate ol Llah. this 1st duy oi September. BBBJ
Secretary of Slata. BJBJB
OXFORD. O President Hughes, of B
Miami University, says his school BBBJ
hasn't room for any student out of BBJ
sympathy with Miami's ideula At the BBBJ
end of the first semester he'll drop BBBJ
students- classed as follows. BBBJ
Untrustworthy. H
Btudenta cannot havo aulos. B9B
Students who cut physical education BJBBJ
i lasses will also be- summarily dls- BBJ
or rt or "Booziv ftfr
PORTSMOUTH, O. Coffeo broke H
all records for cost hole, when $17 ImBBJ
per quart was paid by a number of BBBB
thirsty. They thought they were buy-
whisky," H

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