I ciPEwr
Governor Will Go Forward and
Senator Backward, Says
Labor Leader
Hj WASHINGTON, Sept. i t;
flj Associated Press.) Writing In the
j current issue of Hie American FVriorn-
tionir.t uuiler tie- Mile "Xormuh y vs.
H I'roRre.ss." Samuol Qontpfcrs says Sen-j
H ator H&rding has sUmmod up in post-1
H lion "going backward"!
H while G'V-:iKr i'iix h..s ri. rl.in-"! for
H "poinR forward".''
H Mr. Gompers also SayS that the Ue-
H publican national convention in adopt-
H ins its platform 'turned its back on
H labor" ilci-lai that 'c-iy Amerl-
1 worker, every earnest American1
n strive ardently for the de-
H of those Who turned their back
H upon labor and upon the people Bfcn-
H "The two leading candidates for the
R presidency have defined Clearly their
B attitude toward the great public Issue
B of the day." says Mr. Gonipers" article.
B "In a sentence each has summed Up
BBBV "In effect Senator Harding says, ;i t
BBS return to normalcy.' ,
H "Governor Cox says '1 am for prog
BBBBa BBBBa Senator Harding does not use the
H word 'normal.' he speaks of 'normal
H cy.' The word is obsolete and so is
B the condition to which he would re-
BBBBa "Unquestionably In the mind of S n-
H ator Harding a return to normal
H means a return to the conditions I ha I
B existed before the war a return to
B something that is past. It is clear that
BBBBb in keeping with the spirit of the Re-
H publican platform Senator Harding's
BBBBB Personal desire Is to follow course
BBBBB that leads backward ami if elected to
B lead the nation such a course.
B "Governor Cox proclaims a desire
B to go forward and a determination to
H lead the nation in a forward course if
B he is elected to the presidency.
B "Both Of these statements 'are nb-
B Btractions and mean
B nothing beyond a definition ot the
H general trend of thought of the oandl-
B dates. The important fact how-
H ever, that the platforms of the parties
j upon which these candidates stand
B and their own personal philosophies
lead inevitably and naturally up to
the conclusions in those two brief at-1
BBBBh "The denial of any desire on the
part of the American people to goj
H backward to anything that is past has
B been found in practically every pub-
H He expression which the people have
H been able to make in recent months.
B "The interest of the great masses of
H our people can bp best served only,
1 by the election of the candidate w hose
Party Chairman Disclaims
Reported Contributions
of Great Sums
NEW YOKK. Sept. 27. Denial that
Bornard Al. Baruch has any official
connectioh with 'the Democratic na-i
i 1 1 cornmlttee, or that he is the!
'angel i the democratic campaign."
w,i made Iti o statement .Sunday by
George White, chairman of the Demo-1
cratli natldnoJ committee, it follows.
"Statements In the newspapers that
Bernard M. Baruch is the principal an
gel of the DolfiocratlC campaign, do nn
Injustice to the fact. The committer
has mi part ami never bad. with Mr.
Barui h'6 support of the league to lin
i..ree Peace Thul was a non-parti-1
HU ganbsatlon dominated by cml-
neat Kepuiiicans. it had s legitimate
patriotic Interest in the ratification of
the b-ague's covenant, anil being non
partisan and Intended to be diSSOVletl
before the campaign began, it was a
natural object to support by any f rlend i
of the league in any party. Hut in no.
way dil the Democratic campaign par
tli ipate in its funds or benefits,
pi i SCREEN.
"Mr. Brfruch has had no part In I
contributing for the pamphlets or
newspaper plat, publishing Miss Mon-
tague'fl story, fUncle Sam of Freedom
Itldge.' For the motion picture of the
Blot he has advanced $25,000 to a
producer who Intends to show It on
Its merits. He didn't write the story
himself, nor did any one connected
wit'n the Democratic campaign. I un
l, rs( ind In Will accept no profits but
will get hlB money back. That is his
legitimate affair and not the uffair
I of this committee.
"1 know nothing of Stars and Stripes
except that this committee has noth
ing to do with It. So far as this com
mittee is concerned Mr. Baruch is not
'officially connected, and he has con
1 1 United only $6000. Therefore, he cam
herdly be called the 'angel of a cam
paign' which ought to have at least
v.' min ium wish he were. Any man
iwlth his record of public service and
his Interest In the world's war moral
Issue, the league, is a very welcome
supporter of our campaign to any ex
tent." v VOX-PARTISAN.
The League to Enforce Peace, In a
statement last night, declared that It
lis a non-partisan organization and the
contributions of B- M Baruch to Its
news bureau maintained In YVashing-
ton lost winter were not In any sense
Icotributlons to the Democratic party.
"The fact is known to every news
paper in the country," the statement
said, "that the League to Enforce
declarations and whose record offer
the best assurances of Intelligence and
Integrity In the future."
i 1
A Columbia j
H Grafonola I ;
;),,, iii - i.. ! i . proper in . I i.n. and iii.ikos the 9
BLflf'S '"n" I'ViMiinvrs of .'till 1 1 111 1 1 iiiid winter I';isriii;i1 i 1 1 r :ml I
Peace gave a complete demonstration)
of Its non-partisan character by doingi
everything In Its power to keep the
league of nations from becoming a.l
Oartlsan Issue W the presidential cam
paign The league urged the ratifi
cation of the treat) without regard to
party The news bun.m was organized
In Washington for the same purpose."
SAN ANToXIO. Sept. 27. n
arrival of a circus train Sunday.
It was found that sixteen trained
seals and sea lions valued at about
flS.OOO had died in their tanks
during a ride of 100 miles. Pol
son was believed by circus men
to have been the cause.
VINA PEL MAR. Chile, Sept. 26.
t'rugu iy won the South American
football championship trophy here to
day by defeating Chile 2 goals to 1.
thereby obtaining a total of five points
for the championship series Argen
tine was second, with four points. Bra
zil third with two points and Chile
fourth with one. The 1921 games will
be played In Buenos Aires.
(S& a package
9 Bef ore the War I ;
I a Package 1
9 During the War H
I IBft a package A mam m flH
1 I
il t ; ;
HU ' The Flavor Lasts BB
I I "Ic'he gvm jr?-
BBb &&&& r&EMyBla!: ASi ffiiriit".''hz'z. .BB
National Committee Secretary
Says Republicans Were Vin
dicated by Inquiry
N K XV Vi iRK, Sept 27. Clarence B.
, Miller, secretary of ihe Republican na
tional commltee, In a Statement yes
terday, declared Investigation by the
! senate committee Investigating cam
I palgn funds "has failed to disclose
I any evidence of a $30,000,000 slush
fund, a $ 16, 000.000 slush fund, a $10.
miO.oO slush fund or a slush fund of
any kind to be used for the purpo.se
of electing Senator Iiardlng to the
prcsider.cv of the United States."
declared "the charge of illegal
campaign contributions rebounded In
the direction of Governor Cox."
The week's Investigation, he said,
"also disclosed that Barney Baruch has
made an actual contribution of $97,
50 to the Democratic campaign and
Its side show, the Wilson league of na
tions and that he has a liability of
I an additional $12,600, making a con
tribution of $110,000. lie gave $5,000
cash In the campaign fund, $25,000 for
! the manufacture of the L'ncle Sam
I of Tredom Ridge" film. $12,500 for
the circulation of the story In boiler
Plate matter. Jiooo in the Stars and
I Stripes, and $47,000 to the propa
i ganda for the Wilson league of na
I Hons. Evidence of these contribu
tions came out from the testimony
of half a dozen witnesses. Thus It
will take the maximum contribution
' from over 100 Republicans to equal
the plutocratic gifts of one Demo
crat." The statement declared the Investi
gation "bus destroyed the bugaboo of
the William Barnes book and has es
tablished that the Democrats have
been doing precisely the thing which
they so voclfcrlously proclameld was
a Republican crime."
"All in all," the statement conclud
ed, "the week was a Wuterloo for
those who charged the Republican
party with trying to 'slush' its can
didate into office. The testimony did
more than disprove the charges of
Governor Cox. It showed that the
cry of stop thief was an attempt to
divert attention from tho activities
4elng pursued by the political party
which has the Ohio executive as Its
GENEVA. Sept. 26. The In
habitants of Martlgny face the
prospect of being able to drink
only wine and beer for some time,
tho result of tho town waterworks
being washed away yesterday by
the flood which swept through
tho Chamonlx valley, caused by
the bursting of a glacier pocket.
Tho flood Is now receding
The damage done through the
valley totals mane-' millions of
francs but no lives were lost.
WASHINGTON, Sept, 27 Tho gov
ernment cannot bo a party to any
undertaking for artificially maintain
ing "war prices" by enabling owners
to withhold tholr commodities from
the markets. Secretary Houston said1
Sunday In a statement on tho com
mercial credit situation
On tho other hand, the secretary
declares In favor of the orderly mark
eting of all commodities and estimates
that the commercial loans of all banks
during tho past year Increased by
about $3,000,000,000 to meet th' de
mands of industry and agriculture I
"I am In favor of every legitimate. 1
effort to promoto the orderl market!
lng of all commodities," said Secretary
Houston, "but tho government can
not be a party to an undertaking to
hold commodities off the market to
enable the owners artificially for spec
ulative purposes to maintain war
prices or higher than war prices."
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Sept. 27- Jos-1
cph Taggart. a former Kansas con- I
gressman, left Sunday for Tulsa. Okla., ,
to Investigate the circumstances sur-
rounding the death of Fred C. Stlcr, '
vice president of the Uncle Sam on
company, Whose body, with B bullet
Wound in the heart, was found Satur- i
day in the washroom of a Tulsa trnns-j
for company.
LARAMIE, Wyo.. Sept. 27. Charles!
S. Qreenbatlin, grand keeper of records
Djld seals of the Wyoming Grund;
Lpdge of thi Knights of Pythias, died
it tiis home hero Sunday lie Was
the father of Stanley Qresnbaum, state
dairy, food and oil commissioner
oo -
L Sculptors now m:tkc use of the cum
Bra as a means of Verifying the work I
ol their chisels.
You Can Listen to the I
Very Last Note
When you play a record on the Columbia
Grafonola, you can listen at ease to the very last
note. The Columbia Non Set Automatic Stop
operates on any record, long or short. Built
right into the motor. Invisible. Automatic' '
Nothing to move or set or measure. Just start pjB
the Grafonola, and it plays and stops itself.
The Columbia Tone Leaves enable you to
control tone volume with the utmost accuracy
and ease. The Straight Tone Arm insures that
the music will develop fully and naturally. You
get from the Columbia Grafonola's reproductions
exactly the music the artists themselves pro
duced on the original wax of the records.
One glance at the Grafonola' s Streamline
Cabinet shows you that it is in artistic keeping rflifisTN.
with modern furniture design. And remember ft(v
that the Non Set Automatic Stop is found py
Exclusively on the
Columbia I
Grafonola I
Standard Models up to $300. Period Designs up to $2100.
I -With the I I
1 Automatic 1 U
QtftFk Te Coumbla Grafonola affords yon Just t.e convenience you
kjlifll have longed for. It is the one refinement that rnkes the "Co-
j lumbia" the last word in phonographs,
I The "non-set automatic stop," the exclusive feature of the
j Columbia Grafonola, has added the last touh of perfection to
I NOW YOU Cclll PeaaUre (anc"1ff in vour home
I j x Jt allows you to dance to the very last note and step because
11311 CC9 UdllCCe the Columbia Grafonola equipped with this exclusive conven-
I W"fc A m.T r I i6nCe playS 311 of every record' and then automatically stops it-
There is nothing for you to adjust when playing the various H
Lzes of records. Just put your records on the turntable, start B
f-4 the Grafonola then go ahead and dance.
1 Come in and let us show you just how this wonderful mi ' im
provement operates. y .
m 2SI Hudson Avt, raj i SSSS 1 -X