0 WEDNESDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 29, 1920. THE OGDfcfN a i iNiKU-t,AAmuxrj , 13
Machinery for
Bread Making
This modern baking plant utilizes the latest machinery for
bread-making not only because this machinery "holds down"
the cost to you but also because it provides absolutely satisfac-
tory bread, untouched by hands.
I Maid Bread
3 is one of the superior products of our splendidly equipped plant
K m H ne tnat nas won the greatest admiration from every visitor, j
I as a modern food making establishment. j
I ! I
Rloe and Cheese That rhap nnd
I nutritious but flat and unpalatable
upper dish, may be given n faselnat-
lng tans by shaking powdered mus
tard and paprika over each layer of
I cheese
There Is No Substitute
I Consider the food value and you can not afford to use substitutes even
: for cooking purpose;. Do not be satisfied with anything but real
A j butter.
Is particularly mad for the finest trade.
Nelson-Ricks Creamery Co.
11 Hill III 1 1 II
! (Splendid Recipes Used
at Cooking School
Demonstrating different methods of
preparing hot breads, including both
biscuits and muffin". Miss Gertrude
L. Woodruff and Miss Veda L. Hunsa-j
keir. cooking experts at the Standard-
Examiner CooklnK school used the fol
' low ins splendid recipes yesterday
1-4 cup butter.
1-3 cup sugar
1 egg
2 2-3 cups flour
4 teaspoons bakinj? powder.
1-2 tea-spoon salt.
1 cup milk.
1 cup berries.
Cream butter, add supar grradn
ally and egs. well beaten Mix
and sift flour, bakinc powder
and lt reserving 1-2 cup of
flour to mix with berries and
add last, the remaining nltern
ntriv with milk.
1-4 cup butter.
1-4 cup sugar.
1 epg
1 cup milk.
1-3 teaspoon salt
2 cups bread flour.
5 teaspoons baking powder.
Cream butter, add sugar and "KC
well beaten, sift baking powder
and flour and add to first mix
ture alternating with milk. Bake
in buttered gem pans for 25
1 1-2 cups Pierce's homln.
2 teaspoons chopped onion.
1-2 teaspoons salt..
1 bay leaf
1 can Pierces tomato soup (un
diluted) 1-2 teaspoon pepper
: thin slices bacon.
Pinch of soda
Heat soup, add soda salt, pepper
and onion Cook elowh five
minutes. Pour over hominy
and bake in moderate over for
15 minutes, serve as supper or
luncheon dish Instead of meat.
FOK BREAKFAST Cook as above,
let cool cut In thin slices, roll in egg
and cracker crumbs and fry.
To one can of Pierce's Hominy add I
a sell beaten egg 1-2 cup cream or
milk. 1-2 tablespoon butter, 1-2 tea-1
spoon salt; 1-2 teaspoon pepper, place
in casserole and rover top with thin
slices of bacon. Bake in hot oven 20
2 cups flour.
1-2 teaspoon salt.
4 teaspoons baking powder
4 tablespoons butter.
3-4 cup milk or water.
Mix dry ingredients, then work fast
Into the mixture with tips of ftntrers
or cut It in thoroughly well with a
knife. With a knife mix the liquid
with drv ingredients
The mixture Is of proper consistency
when It ma be dropped" from the
spoon without spreading. Drop by
teaspoonf uls on oiled pan or Into oiled
muffin tins Bake In hot oven 12 to IS
1-2 rup flour
1 cup boiling water.
4 eggs.
1 cup flour
Pour water and butter Into sauce
pan and place on fire As soon as
boiling point Is reached add flour all
at once stir vigorously, remove from
fire as soon as mixed and add un
beaten eggs one at a time, beating
until thoroughly mixed between addi
tion of each egg. Prop by spoonfuls
on buttered .sheet 1 1-2 Inch apart,
shaping with handle of spoon afl nearly
circular as possible. Bake 30 min
utes in moderate oven Fill with
whipped cream or cream filling.
The Rev. Mr. Kopfrnan, One Time New York "Shimmy"
Expert, Tells Parents to 'Take Back the Night
Key," and Keep Children Home
NEW YORK, Sept. 29. The Rev.1
Frederick Kopfrnan. one-lioie "shlni-
i my expert and dancing professor In
this city, and the proud possessor of
the title, "Blondie, the daredevil
, dancer" the Rev Frederick Kopf
rnan. recently known to fame for his
i rusade against the modern bathing
suit and the emphasized feminine knee
in Washington's Crossing. N. J., under
leave of absence, and at the Old John
Street church fired the opening gun
In a campaign to clean up New York
The Rev. Mr. Kopfrnan lias spent
I a week Investigating New York. He
I has entered untold dens of Iniquity.
He has stood beneath the white lights
I at midnight and observed many r
mankind's wicked ways. He has
found that "the devil Is at his best In
New York.'
"I could be hanged for what I know
about New York," he thundeied. 'She
Is living as If she did not have a soul
It is time for some one to sound a
trumpet call and bring this city back
to righteousness. I know what is go
ing on. During my days as a dancing
professor In this town I went through
it all. In this mixed audience I cannot
tell even a small part of what I know.
Hut I'll say the womanhood and man-
i hood of this town are In a pretty bad
"Tho dancing In New York is mak
ing moral perverts of our young men
ii nd women. Sensual plays. Immoral
movies, indecent dress and automobile
joy rides are sending our girls to hell
Let me tell you Just a few of the things
I I have seen "
Here the Rev, Mr. Korfgnian gave
I Short description of three or four of
New York's most popular cabarets and
amusement houses
"From those places," he continued
j "I have brought a message written In
tears and prayers and drops of blood.
'here is a broken heart for every' lift
on Broadway. It is time we got back
to the old ways of decent living We
must have a return of parental author
ity Parents, take back the night
ic I IM Ol VFr ICK.
He intimated that he had received
warning letters advising him to mind I
his own business and that his life was
In danger because of his determination
to clean up New York.
The other night. " he said, "two
men seized upon me as I was enter
ing a wicked amusement house fori
purposes of Investigation and attempt
ed to shove tne into a taxicab and
make off with me I beat them off
untl escaped, but 1 know they repre
sented the amusement interests of this
wicked city. Lastnlght 1 was around
at police headquarters and the police
said 'Kopfrnan, they are after you
now How long do you think you can
live"" 1 replied that I did not tear the
moral nnarchlsts of this city.
"I Intend to see that official re
straints are placed In their wicked
path. 1 Intend to work with city and
state authorities. I propose a scien
tific, medical examination of emo
j tlonal moral anarchists in order that
they may be removed from society."
When asked to state specific plans
for cleanlnK up New York, Mr. Kopf
rnan replied:
"Well. I have challenged the dancing
masters of the country to debate on
the evils of modern dancing."
"Won't you do something more def
inite than that .'" he was asked.
"I can't state my exact plans or
name the time or place, of my next
address because I fear vloleuce. I
have to work as a free lance. But
I'm going to see that all blue laws
are enforced and that section iho of
the penal code, In reference to Inde
cent exposure of the body In public.
Is carried out. 1 am going to get tho
nc In fa.:'. I have li now -and
I will see that the police make arrests
Til Tell f"" j
V5awa- "A7"1UJ!L cooking school j
You Vhr Uses Calumet 1
I Exclusively H
Here's the answer: Go to the I
fy(T& Free Cooking School this week V
m Wll WW s wonkrful, tempting, de- K
W' M licious looking bakings she makes ' '!
I I with Calumet listen to her re- K ,
A Vy S markable lectures on baking re- B '!
s M member each of the expert baking $ j
g) K pointers, then try Calumet your-
fv ' . self see the wonderful, well raised, j
XV eSnS wholesome goodies it bakes see I i
yC liB now makes you an expert in j
CfSSA taking. That's the test that tells
I Demonstration g I
S and many other noted Domestic j
JlE Science Teachers prefer Calumet W j
A H because they demand the highest I
n IS Quality they demand uniformity I
i Tip exceptional leavening strength, g
rdLctQu3f& ill CAL0W1EX i I
sLm BaKing Powder
yH Remember these points about ffi
and pure in the baking it's the EI
.Hot madeby the rt"Jm mosl econonici1 tt0 u'
jJJJ m econ)mica1 0 i- 5
' 1 the" o i:i c.i h
Hlfisil fflliP r pound can ot Calumet mai! it to the
f 5SallB BOp ft C'alumet Baking Powder Company, and i
US g & nR Jp' the Cook Book nll be sent to you free,
VT BAKING postpaid. Try Calumet on our money m
and prosecute of lenders. I don't wish 1
to court - violence by announcing my
plans hut you can say for me that I
am going to do some vary dramatic
thinc.s. Thi- keynote of my campaign
shall be for parents to learn where
their sons and daughters go. I Will
blazon to all the city the sloKan, 'Par
ents, take hack the night key!'"
Ml Well one pint kerosene. ODOf
I third ounce oil of paraffin, anil five
cents' worth oil of lavender. This
amount will dampen tflx yards of Mack J
cheesecloth, which makes twelve dust.
cloths. Dampen the cloths, hang In
the air a few minutes, then put assay
In a large can or hex with a cover. H
More Electric TaMe JpMcm : 1
$V . . Jhe electric Chafing pm Light, flaky waffles, done -j The electric Grill is a
4L SL D,sh as a producer of -hr w fit companion to the
H 7-3y- IsTn clSST Uself ' BlP P t f ! p other table appliances.
"w iIeTVthatecane bepre- yAmL more The slectric Waffle BjS 1 things and lerve them r '
it fr rm) pared on a moment's TL, piping hot while sit-
T3' "otice right at the table JHjff " ting at the table.
IK with an Electric Chat- W pace to keep up with a pair Bacon, eggs or steak are cooked quickly and ap-
v . - 4 ing Dish , i i x- of hungry school boys. petizingly and with no fuss and bother about
Fox instance-hot, savory soups are keenly wel- w,ffl a . . , , , . . lighting and watching a fire and running back
corned after the theatre on a cool night. And e0 ea8'ly' quIckly and conveniently right a fQ-h between table and kitchen. The Cook.
your electric Chafing Dish is the fudge and candy at the table that the work of preparing break- in gcnoo is giving demonstrations of the con
maker par excellence. Other things will suggest fast is cut in half when you use an electric Waffle venience of electric Grills. Go and see them,
themselves after you've seen an electric Chafing Iron. You will see it at the Cooking School. Also then come to our salesroom and choose one for
Dish at the Cooking School, or in our showrooms. in our Eccles Building store. your table. I
(j i Utah Power & Light Co. I
m eccles building "Efficient Public Service" phone 65s J