OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, September 29, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 14

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-09-29/ed-1/seq-14/

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II s;l exchange
Tintic Standard Creeps Up in
Price. Though Sales
Fall Off
The trading in .Mining Stocks on the
I Fan Lake Stock 8k& Mining Exchange
I as comparatively . i 1 t tins morning, i
jo features marking ihe day's sale's
I Albion sold at ll'c, American Con
I Copper at i 'c, while Columbus Hex-,
I all Brought 7'2i Howeii was active,
I closing at 8 c bid and i"i asked. Sll-j
I ver King Coal, dropped off a little, I
I closing with 1:90 bid and fl.oTj
I asked.
I Tunic Standard although falling off
I in thf volume ' trad-, continued to
I creep up in pi ice, m".iij ntr a liijrh as
I 13 O.'i and i Inline with 3 02V4 bid
11 I and S3 .0" isked
t limitation furnished over private
wire of .r A. Hogln .v. i ..
Ecvles UuiJtln.)
I 15. n A"k
I Alt Con $ ( $ .04)4 1
AlMon I Ul.s
American Con. 02 V4 .01)4
I Alia Tunnel Ofc 06
I I pea ver Copper 004
Kip Hill 02 4 .03fc
I 1 Hip Cottonwood 1,1
Bullion f:t ."05
1 HlAck Metals .... 04 .00
j ("olumhus l'.exall . IT1? . 3S
I Crown Point . 02
I Colorado Con 03
H Centra I Eureka 01 02
I I Cardiff I 3ii 1 10
Hj Dragon Con 0?
B Tal West 4 2i. 6.00
Kast Crown Point . . 02 a:"
Kast Tin Coal 00 4 0 1
H Kast Tin. Con 0" .08
Hlj Eureka Mines "4 '4 ',
lOnreka Lily "G'fc 0.7
17. .11 .. , llTl'o MS
I Emma Silver t ' .04 "j
Empire Mines 04 ' 06
Gold Chain 08
, G t ami Central 3 4 4
Howell 0i .10 j
Iron Mlo.ssom -O's .25 '
Iron King i'J '2 .21
.ludpc Mining . . 3.70 4.60
Keystone 87 96
Leonora 02ft
Lehl Tintic 06 .061 j
Max Day 02 ",
Miller Hill 02
Moscow .02 10
Michigan-Utah .oil-. nt?
North Stun . 03 z .04
New Qulncy !.", 06 M
C pohongo ow .-j 00
Naildriver t2 .70
Plutus 80 14
Prince Con .33
Provo . . 0 4 . V4'.i2
r a loma . ...... .01
Rico Argentine . .. .00 oj'i
Rico Wellington . 1 0 IT
Sells 02 .02
Bil. King Coal k .90 1 7 j
811. Kin Con. . . l lo 1 . 17 ',2 '
Sioux Con 03 ,
South Hecla . . 00 OS
South Standard . 21
Silver Shield . . 1 J .20
Tar Baby 02 .02 U ;
Tintic Central 01 02
Tintic Standard ... 8.02Vi I 07!
Utah Cons 1 .01
Victor 03
Union Chief 05 or
West Toledo ...... .03
Walker 8.07 2.15 j
Woodlawn 11 1 -'
Yankee 04
Zuma 11 I3
Empire Copper . SO 4"
Ooiilii; sales.
Albion 500 1 1 t
jig inn I"" al "
Columbus Rexall 100 at 37 c. .
Cardiff 100 at $1
Cagle and Blue Bell 1 00 al 5 - 05
Howell 300 at Se, 0.1
Cm ma Silver 201 al 4. 4 1 4 c.
New Qulncy 1000 at .". !4c; 5000 at
Plulus 1 J""i a l IK.
Prince Con LOO it 32c
Sells 1 000 al 2c . al : :
Silver King Coal 100 at $2 05; 100
at 2 .00.
Tintic Standard 100 at 13 00; 100 at
3 . 02 Va , 300 at $8.06.
Woodlaw 11 r. t 10 '. I al He.
Closing Sales.
Anker. Con. c0 10,000 al 2i
Howell 500 at S ; 3".Cmi al fn . 2"u0
at SjfC.
Mlchlgan-Utai 8000 al
Bureka Mines 1000 si t i4
Bmma Slh er 3u"0 ! 4 .
Kureka Bullion tOinj ;c,c.
Provo 1000 at 4c.
South Stand r.i 800 al 22t
Tintic Central 5io at 1 4c
Tintic Standard 200 a' J3 06
West Toledo 1000 i 5 . 1 0on at
Zurna ,'.o0 at 12c
CHIC AG . S pt 23 Potatoes firm;
Receipts 23 cats. Minnesota. Wiscon
t and Michigan round nd long
White t l.606j 1 75; Minn sts and
South Dakota early Ohlos 1 661.75,
Abrupt Fall Before Moon. Im
pelled By Rumors. Is
Finally Checked
NKW YKK, Sept. 29. hrdadj
inniiii.- for railroad shares Imi irted
strotiK lone to the stock market (it thOj
active opening of today s session OU.
shippings, coppers ami leathers also'
made noteworthy contributions to 'he
gencal advance, initial gains ot a
point wore registered bj Union Pficlfh ,
Southern Pacific lew York, Chicago
A Si. Paul and Wiscpnsln Central,
while Northern Pacific. Grent Noilh-,
ern; St. Paul and the coalers gained
large tractions. Mexican Pel role urn.
Royal Dutch American Smelting aid
Endlcoit-Johnson ro.;e 1 to 2 polntHj
over yesterday's final prices, i i.ited.
States st-ei wn among the few lead
ers to hold back
Ralls, oils, steels and equipments
improved their position in the Oral
hour, only to fail back abrupt!) be
fore noon. Mexican Petraleum b'l
the reaction, declining " points ..nd
Houston Oil lost six Prominent in-
dustrlalfl and specialties euch as Beth
lehem. Cr'uOlb and United States
Steel, Baldwin Locomotive, motors-and
their accessories, American Woolen.
International Paper and sugars drop
ped 1 to 6 points, rails making ex
treme reversals of 1 to 2 opints, short
selling, impelled b.v rumors of fi:ith-.-credit
restrictions uml Industrial i-
Beltlemeni were factors in the discline
Call money was unchanged at 7 pci
The reaction was checked at mld
dav when buying of the better known,
railway sharp .3 was resumed :t gains
of I to 2 poult-. This effected r.illies
of likely exient in oils steels and Rail
way equipments, especially Mexican
Petroleum. Crucible ami Baldwin.
CHICAGO, Sept. 29. (United states
Bureau of Markets.) Cattle Re
, celpis 11,000; grassers and westerns
; very slow ipcn!i prices $14.40.
1 very uneven: choice steers strong:
yearlings Higher; ton yearlings, 818.85;
choice steers, ()"00Cj 18.86; veal
calves. 817.001? 18.00; strong; grass
alv i-. stead;, to strong"!- a $ . 0 f
11.00. bologna bulls. 6.006.76; ran
ner cows, 4.00(j 4 50, steady; butch -er
con.' slo. mostly $5. 50 & 0 00
feeders weak: StOCkers almost unsale
able, western receipts. 3000.
Hogs Ret eipis I 2 oon market
I slow, 50 to 75c lower than yesterday's
average lights off most: early top
F 16.8,0; bulk light and butchers 16 15
g) 16.60; bulk packing bows $i4.60fj
14.90: pigs 50 to 7.6c lower
sheep Receipts 23.000; fal lamb.-,
slow; early sale.-; steady; best west
erns held higher: lop natives $13 in.
bulk $12. 00 tr 12 75, Montana two-year-olds
and yearling wethers higher al
j 810.26 and $s.25 respectively; ewes
steady, feeder lambs tending lower;
! bulk around $ 1 3 "0.
CHICAGO, Sept. 2j. Moderate buy
ing for the seaboard did much to givo
, ar, uplurn to the wheat market today
after an i;im opening. The rally was
helped bj strength which developed
1 in coarse grain. First prices were un-
hanged at lc lower, with December
$2 2 2 to 2 23, and March $2.16, were
; followed by a decided gain all around.!
Frost In the we-t and northwest'
last night, together with pred Ictlons
that the frpsl area would extend east-1
ward ti Chicago tonight, brought
about a substantial advance in thei
corn market After opening sc offi
io c higher, with December at 9G
. to &b, a slight sjg took place. iut then
prices went sharply upgrade
1 ats paralleled the KCtloh of corn.
After opening z to higher, with
I December 5X14 to 3Sac, the market
si ored further g'ns later.
Weakness in the hog market had a
' depressing effect on provisions.
Gossip of 1 probable scutltv of'
Wheat at domestic milling points be
tween now and next June tended some
what to stimulate demand. The close!
'was strong, 1 'i to 3c net hlgh.-r. with
"D -temper $2 24 U to 2.24ff and
M n il $2 20.
iii corn longs freelv supplied the
needs of September sborts Pric s
lu.-e.i firm to 2c nei higher
with December '.z to f77st
BITTKR M) 1 (.(.S
CHICAGO. Sept 2s Butter lower;
1 : eamery 44 o, 07 4c.
igfl higher, receipts, ll.h2 case:
f I rn '. ordinary firsts, 4J 5
52t . it mark, case. Included, 18 Q 5
standards, 5156c; stor.ig- puked
I firsts, 3 6 3, V21
I Poultry, alive, higher; fowls, gen
; -ral run, 30c; spnngs, 20'ci turkeyf,
I 4 5c,
LONDON. Sept. 20. Bar silver
I 53 '4 d per ounce.
Mon-.v and discount unchanged
MINNEAPOLIS, .Minn, Sept. 20.
The northwestern millers' weekly re
vtew "f the floor trade says;
Rapid and wide fluctuations m th
wheat market the p:ist fi w days have
totally unsettled thf- flour trade and
while buying has. on the whole, been
heavier than in previous weeks, l has
been very scattered and at widely uifr
Cerent prices, Canadian flout cpioied
With ih.- advantage of exchange well
below domestic levels, has had n pro
nounced Influence w in at buying by
foreign gov ernin'iils )-- ppn-eiii;y
largely responsible for ih- erratic
quality of the wheat market and un
til wheat prices are mole stable It
seems unlikely that floor buytng will
begin on any large scale Klonr prices
'are 60r per barrel lower than a week
ago and mill feed is down a d dlar
or more -r imi with little b-mand.
H'he flour output ler.iains about half
of rapacity whereas, at this treason, U
i. normally ovei 90 per cent
Cattle Receipts 415; choice heavy
Steers. $X.oOii 0 00; good steers $7.0i &
ami r.ui steers $6.0096.60; choice
feedei steers $6.aii(f( 7 30; choice cows
and heifers. $6.00(9 7-j)0 fair ;" good
CQWa ami heifer. $4 00 6.00: cutters!
88.00 CP 8.60; Cann'tfrs $2.003. 50:
choke fe,.(1,.- 1 .1.11:1 130; fal
bulls $4.00895.00; bologna bulla $8.00
fj t 00; veal calves $9.00J 10.00.
Hog Receipts 401; choice fal hogs
175 to 2..0 pounds. . 1 3 no i 1 i on
bulk of sales $15.5016 I .76 feeder
hogv J 1 i no Tj 1 1.50.
Sheep Receipts 1,002; choice lambs
$9.00910.60 wethers S6.00O6.75; fui
ewes $5.00&5.50; feeder lambs $8.00
',1 j 00.
l l iVMl-
A. Raynaud, Currle, Nevada lKht
aarloadt of sheep,
Pete Dcania, Decth. Nevada, six car
loads of sheep.
corn Packing company. South
Omaha three carloads of hogs.
R. O, WhitlOCk, South 'mail 1. two:
carloads of hogs.
Dave Grant. Oaklev, Iia , I wo car-'
loads of cattle
Dave Grant, Burley, Ida., four car-j
loads of . 1 1 1 1.
Claude White Henefer, seven car
; loads of tattle.
CI IICAG '. Sept. 20.
pen Higb Low Close I
!-' J,2.2 2'-j 2.2 6 2 22 '-. 2.24 's'
March 2 16 " 3.30 2 16 2.20 "
Sept. 1.27 I 28 1 26 1 20 !
Dec. .96 .97 .9oVi .97!
Dec. 5S' .5S34 57J4 58 j
May .62'i .2th .62 .621
Sept. . 23.60
Oct 23.60 23 10 23 CO
La i d
Oct, L9.02, 10. 3o IS. 00 19.22
Jar 1 7.32 16.00 1 7 30
Sept. 16 00
Jet 13. t0 16.00 15.77 1 6 00
OMAHA Neb. Sept 20. (United;
State.- Bureau of Markets.! Hogs
Receipts. 6000 market mostly o to
60c lower; bulk, medium and light
butchers, $16.60916.00; top $16.16
bulk, strong weight and packing
grades, $1 5 00(515.35. i
Cattle Receipts 8600; no choice
fed steers offered; grass steers and!
butcher tock slow. 15 to 25c lower;
bulk range steers, $8.00910.60 bulk;
she-stock, $5 75 7.25 can ner and
cutters steady, ' $2.7695.26 veali.
Steady; Stacker and feeders dull, ful
lv 2 5c lower. '
Sheep Receipts 20.000 lambs held I
higher, early sales strong: early top
west. ins. $i::. 20. shu. p steady; ewes.i
$ 5 7 3; feeders strong
KANSAS CITY Mo, Sept 29. '
(United State; Bureau of Markets.) '
Cat! i - Re eipts 11000, best steer I
and buiehei cattle $ 1 7.00; .rime heavy!
steers si 7 63 best price of year);
odd vealers $1 6 00, practical top
115.50; she-stock about $7.75. steady I
to weak; other st.-ady t(, strong; bulk
i inners around $4 :.ij with heavy $4 73
96.00 i nn.- and feeders around stea-'
l: l'ksln be. i "feeder sleer.s around !
$18.85; heavy ai.es 50c lower,
I logs- -Receipts 7 500, market op-'
end 35 to 50c lower; (losing fully
60c under yesterday's average; top
116 10; bulk light and medium $16.00
fj 16.86; heavy $ 1 3 60 (a 1 6. 25.
sheep Receipts io.ooo; sheep stea
dy! fat lambs strong to 13c higher,
top westerns $13 85; feeding lamb,
steady; top $1 2 65.
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., bcj.t 29
Flour unchanged to 80c higher in
carload lot. famll) patents quoted at
$12.40912.50 a barrel In 98 -pound
I cotton sacks.
1 Bran $34 Oft eg 3C.00
( Last Sale
A 1 1 is-' 'liQlinei s 33 ;- Li
American Beet sugar 7.,
American ''an .. 32"i
American Car & Foundry . .. 132
American Hide Leather pfd, 91
American International Corp. 71 k
American lAJCdniotlve 94
American Smelting sVA HeCg
VmerU an SUgtlT 10K
American Sumatra Tobacco ... mi
American T. & T 7 !
'American Woolen 71
Anaconda Copper , . 52
Atchison 85
Vtl.. Gulf A W- Indies 14 1
Baldwin Locomotive 108
Bait unore A. ihio 15
Bethlehem Steel "P. " 69 Vi
Canadian Pacific I20's!
Central leather 4 l s I
Chandler Motors .. . Ti,1-
' hesajH-uke ,v ' bio .. '
ihlcagO, Mil & St. Paul .... '.V.'
:htcago, ll. I. & Pac 19
( 'hi no Copper 2K T
Colorado l iiel ,v- Bon 32
Corn Products S2 '
Crucible Steel 126 ",;
Cuba Cane Sugar ... 8844
Brig .-. io '..
General Klectilc 1 4 I 7-
General Motors 1
3oodrich o 4 s
reai Northern pfi .. . so'.-s,
Greal Northern ( r,- ctfs 33
Illinois Central 90
Inspiration Copper C's
ln( Alei Marine pfd
International Paper 73 ' i
Rennecott Coppei 23 I
Louisville & Nashville 1 0 1
Maxwell Motors I ,
Mexican Petroleum 1K6''
Miami Copper 10
Middb Slates i nl . I I :
Mldvalp Steel 17
Missouri Pacific . . . 20 , !
New York Central "7:
X. Y., N. H. & Hartford 85
Norr.dk ft Western 96
Northern Pacific S3
Oklahoma Prod Kefg .... 4
Pan American Petroleum .. 89
Pennsylvania 42'!
reople's Gas 1 7
Pittsburg && w Va 37'
Ray Consolidated Copper 1 4 j
Reading 03 ' !
Rep. Iron i Steel 7 4
Royal Dutch. N Y 86
Shell Trans a.- Trad .... 53 i
Sinclair Con Oil 81 I
Southern P.n ifn Oil1
Southern Railway 81
Standard Oil f N. .1 pfd 105 j
Studebaker Corporation 55 I
Tennessee Cojiper . 8
Texas Co 4 7
Texas & Pacific 18
Tobacco Products 664J
Transcontinental Oil 12 1
L'tiion Pacific . 123
I S. Food Products 52 I
U. S Retail Stores 60 "
U. S. Ind. Alcohol 81 I
(United states Rubber 76
United States Steel S6,
Utah Coppei 6 1 I
Westinghouse Klectrlc 1 7 "4
Willys Overland . 1 1 s4
American Zinc. Lead and Sm... 12B J
Butte and Superior 1 7 '2 E I
Cala Petroleum 26'!
Montana Power ..i'4
ShaTtuck Arizdna S'lj
Pure Oil 38
MONEY M Klvl i.
NEW ifORK, Sept. 29. Prime mer-l
Cantile paper unchanged.
Bxchange heavj
Sterling: Demand $3.13; cables
$3 434.
Francs Demand 6 ,436c: cables I
6 6Sc.
Belgian francs: Demand 7,07c; -bles
7 .09c. j
Guilders unchanged
Lire. Demand I.12c; cables 4 . 1 4c I
Marks- Demand 1-6 ic; cables 1 62c j
Greece: Demand 10.26.
New York exchange on Montreal!
9 per cent discount.
Time loans rirm, unchanged
NKW VoRK, Sept 29. Copper
steady; electrolytic spot and nearby
18918c; futures nominal
iron stea.iv and unchanged.
Tin easier, spot and nearby $43.25;)
futures 43 73
Antimonv unchanged
Lead ealei spot 7. 50 (a 3. 00c
Zluc. easy Faat St. Ixiuis deliv ery I
spot 7. 50 iii 7 75c.
At London. Spot copper 94 2s 6d ;
electrolytic unchanged" tin 26S 12s:
6d, lead 34 17s 6d. zinc C40 I6l
NEW FORK Sept j9. Raw sugar
weak; centrifugal 10.00c; refinedi
easier; fine granulated $13. 70 14 00. j
The market for futures n,i.; quiet'
earlv but the undertone was unset
tled by tho more liberal offerings In
the spot market, and pi Ices at noon
were about five points lower.
NKW FORK, Se'pi 89. Liberty
bonds close.)
:'2s 90.70; first 4s g? S4 second I
Us 87 .40; first 4 s 88.10; second t'.
37 10; third s 88.70; fourth -i's
37.10. Victory 34s 96.80; Victory
j 4 ;'4 s .95 7 1
I NKW TORK, S.-pt 29. Bar silver.
I domestic, unchanged foreign 02 '4 c.
I Mexican dollars l".
Infant Mortality Rate Is Fall
ing. Saving 12,000 Over
1918 Rate
NEW YORK -fpt 28 America's
baby nop in Pip) was a new record
- the American bild Hygiene
An annual preliminary report on
viLa! BtatlstiCS by' t ha organization,
covering data from 16'. cities with an
aggregate population of 31, J.hoo
SDOWa the miant mortality rate de
clined to the "encouraging" figure
ot eigliiy-sp n deaths per ltmfi babies
a saving Oi nearly 12,000 babies over
ilu 1 9 1 s rate and 7,000 tewer deaths
ihan iii 1917.
In the cities covered by the re
port 680,000 births were recorded,
while m the entlge countrjj It is cs
1, mated there ,nr ,3iiu.imiu new com
era annuall n ol the .iues in
cluded have populations ol 10,000 or
Babies seemed to thrive well in
sonw of the larger cities, where for
merly the death rate was veiy hi ;h
Among the twenty four Cities Of moie
than 25 population reported ten
were below the average for the 269
and the death rate for the gioup was
85, two points below the general av
"Ten veal's ago," the report said,
it was the aim of many a depart
ment of heallh to see this rate fall
below the 100 mark. In 1 Ml 9. only
four of. Hie twenty-four larger cities
. . v I e a uu v e u .
One of these was Pittsburg, the
! Smoky City." whore ihe rate was
'115 Buffalo, with lu7; Kansas City,
! Mo .wilh 103, and Jersey City, N. J.,
with 102. were the others.
Houston, Tex , was the best baby
1 raising ground among the citita of
j more than 100,000 and less than 250,
j 000, with a mark of 61. Berkeley .
Cal., had a baby mortality oi it,
while Brookllne, Mass. with a pop
illation of less than 50,000 led all the
i rest with a healthy- percentage of 4J9.
New York City registered 82 St.
Louis scored 75, Los Angeles and San
ECranciSCO 07 and 65. respectively,
i Minneapolis 61 and Seattle 54.
VA Paso. Tex., had ihe worst show
ing with 245 Burlington, Vt . was
I next with 15n El Paso, however, is
not in a birth registration area, ac
Icordiug io the report.
ASH12VILLE. N. C, Sept. 2S.
Three thousand chickens, i lozen
eggs. 1,000 dozen louiatoes. -100 bush
els select apples 300 bushels potatoes
and other great quantities of food
Were being amassed here to feed the
j Old Hickory (.list) division veterans
lim ine: their two day reunion Sept. 2s
land 29 Approximately $20,000 had
been raised for the expenses of the
Governors Roberts of Tennessee.
Cooper of Suuih Carolina and Bkketj.
ol North Carolina. Secretary Daniels,
Major General coil-c ay Read and
formei commanderc f the division
were on the program as speakers
Sil Auckland Geddes British ambas
sador to ihe Cnii.'d Slates, General
Pershing and Majoi General Wood
had been inv ued.
i By common consent, a Tennessee
City will be chosen for the third an
Inual reunion.
HICAGOi Sepl 29. Wheat Xo 1
red 82.44(92.46; No. 2 red $2 35.
Corn No 2 mixed $1.621. 68;
! No 2 y ellow $ 1 62 C- ft I . ''
Oats No. 2 white 57($67c; No.;
3 white 55 fi 56 Vic.
Rye No 2 $2.0Si Q 2. OS.
Barley S6c& si . 02.
Timothy seed $6. 00tp7.50
(. lov . i see.,1 $19 00-23 .00
Pork nominal
I ard 119. 27
Ribs 16 OOffi 17 25- I
Sabre Is Taken From Them
and Arrogant Authority
Is Curtailed
NEW YORK, Sept. 29. Of the'
many iindCHiocratji institutions oi
Japan that of the police Is the most
typical. In America a policeman ISj
n good servant of the public, politely:
and kindly disposed towards the peO-
pir. in spit, of the dignified appi ir
, ance mad. o effective by pie ntasaive
and m bsc til In e figure, n n American
polic man is a Friend of everybody!
i sa criminals, of p'ourse), With n
heart as warm a thai Of any one.
vearlns the delightful air of a good:
humorous Irishman, Not a few Jap
anese tourists have returned home
fallen in love with him." Mr Oka the
head of ibe National Bureau of police
h Japan; apparently i one of them,
for he has now ordered all policemen
of Japan to become more demoncratio
after th- fashion of the American po
I licemc n.
Well, what does the "cop" of .lafi
an look like? lie dons a uniform re
sembling that of a butler, only carry
ling i huge sabre hanging oh a girdle.
UbservinR to the 1- i the old doc
trine of political science that the police
is die restraining power of the gov
ernment to be i xcreix'V) on the people.
ihe Japanese policeman misses no op
portunity to vindicate thai he is n
"government official" quite superior"
to the people, with authority" to
;coerce and command them. Ill
speech to citizens carries a tone of
command his manner toward them
is charged with an air of arrogance
There is not a siiiRle grain of humor In
him he is a Kaiser banished.
Only for two reasons have the peo
ple forborne this absurdity. True to
assumed dignity, he is morally upright
nas a xcon sens-, or Otlty and ia a
stanch defender of public order More
over, his pay hardly exceeds that of a
scavenger being 40 to 50 yen and
yet his sense of duty prevents him
from going on strike Hence he needs
an outlet for .suppressed complex."
-Mr. Oka insists that he must be
come more democratic, must realize
that ho is not a master but "servant'
of the people and therefore muct be
i polite and friendly toward them So
he took away from him his proud
three-foot sabre, and now he looks
;llke a mailman without the bag Mr.
i ' ka might as well have also suggest -
: ed to him that he may crack a Jok'.'
. or two once in a while
ASHVILLE. N. C. Sept 2D. A
; pocket still is the latest device cap
tured by federal prohibition officers
Agents working out of the local office
recently captured such a miniature
'still near Saluda, The wh-tfc outfit
! was so small the officers put it In
their pockets and brought it to the
city for exhibition purposes. The of
ficers called It a parlor still. It is of
about one table-glass capacity and
i manufactured an article for horn'
; consumption it was said by officers
that the still was complete to the
; smallest detail.
oo :
The sultan, on the little island of
Jphanna in 'he Comoro group, boards
ships calling there and tries to get
!the washing for his WlVSS.
Paper enters largely into the eon -1
structlon of every Korean house.
National Bank I
Good service is worthy I I
of reward You reider II
good service to your G 9
fi Country and yourself 3 5
when you save regular I
ly and invest safely. L hj
I Your account is invited II
Four per cent interest d :2
II paid on Savings Ac- II
FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Something to Be Swelled Up About! By Blosse,.
t Gt.wre-eNUA'-r ) rTpi 1 ' utuo s&wiw ,TcwiT.mcv!VS I wj. rrvcHeR. wScowebes! uou J cut TM t uao '"
I .v -
I 1. - . . i - !
OTTO AUTO The Usual Billiard Rates. By Ahem
? i5 e-
,-rouRisfA.iouPcDt wt"SK v mummvymi''C s KJSi
I AnAWMj Wwrk, hwmjm P horeS Jj mo tkey charged )
has m I
What Lydia E. Pinkharn's
Vegetable Compound Did
for Mrs. Warner.
Onalaska, Wis. "Every month I had
such pains in my back and lower part of
l1lllliJlyjililllH'll ,"ma''h ' could not
LliisLjHRnl fT0'l so it scorned
HHKjFjU r. ';e.u:i I would
EiL -'sSi r eg u 1 a r either. I
fflr e' .-urtered for a year
aBJn and was unGt to do
I j j J tjS r"5" -l II could only wash
i II: - (1 i lies once in a
' while. I read an
laV' od ver tisement of yi j
J&vik. 1 wli'at Lydis E. Pink-
barn's Vegetable Compotrnd had don?
ror other vv omen and decided to try it
It 6iirely did worulers for me. T liav -"Sj H
no pains now and 1 .an do my house K11
work without anv trouble at all. 1 lEl
will always praise your medicine as 1 ml
do not believe t here 3 a doctor that car, Bly
do as much good in female weakness, Ef
and rou may u?e these facts as a testl Rns
inonial." Mr-. Lv.srr.r. K Warnfr, Fl
lOlfl Pine St., La Crosse, Wis.
The reason women write such letter BE
10 th" Lydia E. Pinkliam Medicine Co
and (ell their friends how they are
11 e i p p d is thai Lydia E Pinkhatn'i ' V
Veectable Compound ha brought hoalth
in I happiness into their lives, Frer.j sH
from tneir illness they want to pass the oKIr
too.J news along to other suffering BbII
tvomcn tliat thev aLu mav be relieved.
When H
your brain
works like a
dog with three
legs walks
you need
piLLSp I
An active brain must v
have pure blood, not
poisoned with products
of indigestion or liver
and kidney laziness.
LaJ-jeat SaJ of Anj Modicin in tLa World.
Hold gm j wutc. la boxec, 10c, 25c.
-assaieaBasraawK I
Cocoanut Oil Makes
a Splendid Shampoo
i ,
If you want to keep your hair In i! ! '
good condition, be careful what you ; !
wash it with. JliKr'
Most soaps and prepared shampoos
contain too much alkali. This dries the
scaln ni;tk s the hair brittle, and is '
v. ry harmful Mnlsified cocoanut od fl
shampo (Which la pure ;.,nci entirely .
greaseless), Is much betier than any- iwiKa
ihin?: else you can use for shampoo
Ing as his can t possibly injure the
Simply moisten your hair with water
i ami rub ti m One or two teaspoons 'ffli
j ful of Mulslfled will make an abun- ffL;
dance Of rich, cream;- lather, and iPffr''
: cleanses the hair and scalp thorough- i ;i
J ly The lather rinses out easily and Kwfc
j removes every particle of dust, din. MM
I dandurff and excessive oil. The hair
I dries quickly and evenly, and it leaves ittti
I fine and silk: bright, fluffy and H
j You can get Mulsificd cocoanut oi! Rar
shampoo al most any drug store. It Mflkl
Is very cheap, ?nd a few ounces i: ift
enouch to lasi everyone in the famil) rljWif
for months Be sure youi druggis: flBiu,
gives you Mulsificd. Advertisement. fiVi
ffi The Laxative j
IB njerna Cleanser 3
For Quick Relief
of Constipation
Grapolo does not contain calomel or
other mercury salts Pl is purely vege- flH
table mild but positive in action, and k
absolutely harmless. 1 hs small, choco " V-iH
late coated tablets are ea.v to take sHS
and give a natural movement, with-
out purging or griping. Price 25 cents. 1
I '' v H Mt I nl re Drug ( :0 !' jT-
Buy only ' 'Diamond Dyes" r-
I dy. v..,' ,",'," woman lt
waist., drawee t pi0
w-ter, UraDerlei evrv?,f. ' ''ocklncs. -
wool, .ilk, linen, cotton ,1',' nr- J"hcqpT M
new. rich. Udelew colors Hii ood,'-
how von Diamond Dyi. re dr,,,efl3t 1
Advsrtiaement. -olor Card. H
jpi-p--. uu i , y - .HHbsH

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