OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, September 29, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 15

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-09-29/ed-1/seq-15/

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Thumbnail for 15

T ;: la.1 5: j
' r:si-T.oN iii;nrv i -. t i . it;.
I IfBjBM If N'"i bell. v. In l-Yird'. I. iv.
KaSJ 1 Vb Henr)
IBjBJ own home. Why pay rent when von run
fr' harrln mid trims through 111 W
j5 ri,"n ri'Pnnr and well located
IBjBj)Bfl raetdenees in almost any part of ilv .-it
Tl Bend us ymir prices nnr) Inrntlon of
rBjBjBjBj Properl or rnll at our office
fBjjBjjBfl Four room modern brick house, located
':M the north part oj the clt) on
n acre of choice land i;ou.-. la li
; BjBBBj condition Rood fruit cellar, nnd outbuild-
'BBBB ings. Plenty of wnter for Irrigation 1
BjBjBJ Trier $3000. JS00 down balance $:r. per
AE month. This is on. or the heal
IfcBJ m Uie city for II noncv
'Bj Under Commercinl National bank
Phoni l" 94J
- BBY HVK room brick house. Modem, 3463
I Kdcn n venue 5925
. BT OWNER Six rooms strlctl modern
'" n homi without doubl thi best bu in
t'jBjBl town: must be sold at once Phone M4fi ,
jjr 2
ib"3 FIVE acres: seven room iriek. 11500 cash
jlflBjB Belancc on time. Close
IBBSM Blve room hou.-c two blocks (rom Wash
I' jBSl inftn avenue, on hen. h. $."oo down
If X Italnnco on time, 2r.3ii Orchard, 6022'
f, M RIGHT room near modern and .
f ij- one-hall - fli i rid ft til barns hen
r4jBj)Br rond. neai Waahlni on ivinur bai
rn)Bfl gain. Good terms Kellj & Elerrlch i;
V'-El 1
BBBH lit Twenty-fourth st. Phono 2S0 21 1
BBfl jr.ir.n Pom ,oom modern on f w n t sr j
t Tf enth 1 1 . . i betweei
HBfl ro outl fronl lo
ocned orcli mi Ea
, -S2 11850 Dandy four room modern In fin. I
Sb location on the bench. This house , y
ThfM. wall hull! I . . years old i I
S.ffi8 lot. and chicken coopi Terms -
I $4700 Six room modern on tht b nch
j Im rurnlabed: : lo school: furniture J
JE nloni worth at Ii
mk six years ..id .-.id well bulll Terme
'Ii gS Lo responsible part)
TjBB $6950 Six room brick, full basement, gar I P
EH heal cncli
. jjl sleeping porch, firepl elcguni a
Mm i-inc.ni.ni: beamed Ing In din inn
r J5af beautiful i flxtun -
."vf? I with absolute com fori Term
3 41". Twent) fourth t Phom M0-2S1
Ljy PIVE room brick housi on North Wash
W Inyton, Possession nl once. Price 12800 p
y Term? $Ctn'i ra.h. .-.: .a-. on trvms to suit
customer O A Kennedy, basement ITtnh
National bttildini '' 1 11
six room house :i Thlrt: eighth and
'Jn.nt Will r.-nl funil '...I 01 unfUl
VsV'' ntsbed. ill .11 Kimball '
mtM player pinno. idahogait) and quartei p
sawed oak furniture. The Walker Com !,.
i- Phont 11
t : I Ki IOER.E1 ' TOWLFffl
Mntl Real Estate lxans Insurance
fffifflH 2400 Hudson Avenue. Phon- pit
QPflH We can irlve immcdlHtc porsevion of a
icS! strictly uiodtm five room brick buni ilow
.) ha. i firepl
3MB Bumwood finish, sloepinc porch and full
IHB hnsemenl. Thi.- la a.s 1 v 1 1 1 1 rot
ff, home and ha holce workmanship
ttnB throughout lxra ted in the south part of
-1 Ogdi n Prli
f 2 1". II i .n v
APARTMENT hou . nd
Nil,. La 1 - 1 1 1
month. Terms. 13ox 56. Standard-Ex
FCU K i.. 1 '
$3250 $500 cash ISO pci month, Movi
rlcht In
gkiil Two room frame eottare. 100x148. f-o
heating peach trees, coop?, etc. $1200.
? J $400 enjh.
?c---Jl Five room mo-i.-rn fiam. bungaloa two
MySpl extra lots. Price $i2w. $500 cash, $40
M per month Now :. nl
!- 3 22'0 Washington ve.
Phonj , .. . .i 9xl
t M l - F VRil -1' l'M
One of the best farms are hae ever
had the privilege of offerlnR for sole lo
cated about seven miles youth of OK'len.
- . close to beet, tomato potato. eti. loud In ,
sution. close to sehool. hurch ete : 30,
acres of the best land in the county: five
pfKl room modern new house 10 shanfa off
' HI Davis an.i Webci can ' vatet to I
-j a real home and you will say It's worth
riSgSj the money.
t2W SMITH .'. i i INI ERS ' '
S,'- ' Upstairs '..mm. i . i r..i i ',. -i
i'-i SIX room mod
' - A
-1 Eight room modern brick . :. Twentj
r-J Ightb Jtr ' $4500
; j Five i i lei lot 7
' 1, and .-h-..i. strawberrli grai
,i in Ler, eti
bJ Nine n.om modem brick one a-re oi
I land iter rlgl
' i at $5000 Terms $50' down.
I Several other lorK and small homes
jftyj Upstairs Commercial Hank.
t$m ' .' r .. i ' "
Rfl rounty for dairv andianr- r.lH.-. on
fvjf f.lnmV m all " ' v " ''
JW Promonl Po '
FOUR five and om bu
f& en room with 5 acres. Terms. Oalbrilth &
gs3 Earl. 21S2 Washington Ave Phone 1101
SNAPS S.-v- i al n- a i : n
houses. Small payment, balance Ions
tim 2S87 Qranl avenui j j
Eg BY OWNER Six room modern hou
; 3? furniture. 4Ts Twenly f.r.-t itreet rT.i
I - QUICK service is out i otto Sail
ti'-w listings changes our l.m -m. t.. th. l"i
'. jr lowing '
Three homes: fl- buiiRnlows. live 5
f 1 roo.u brick foui S-rooui brick; thre i
room brick; three apaitnient?. one room
, I ing in., ine
40S Twenty-sixth street. Phone 12S7
RY OWNER Five room modern house,
Appl 111, Tv. . d Btl
. ,jj H in 'M'i: i. ioih loo ),-. i to fei i
I Wall and Thirty first street, inquire $010
Monroe r..-nu 5738
t ;r)Cii eight room nous, within two blocks
fA of the union depot. A great revenue pro
r M ducer, fmi $2500.
'm Good modern live mom brick house
with lot 132x165 feet, located near Twenty
. -Ja 1 . f e 1 .11 is ' 1
wi tv of room to build lour m.T. lu.m.
" great buy for $4200. $1200 cash, bal
. an--' "II I itni
GockI even room horn. Lhln l.lork
and half of First National I ink Has
large lot. fine trees- a very plrn.nnt place
v for a home. Only $4500; terms if de-
' Good modern eicht 100m home with full
"3 j basement, large lot. well located on tho
14 bench. Great buy at $1000
(H (food five room house on Crant avenue.
close In. nly $2J.'.o. Terms.
j tJoo'i grocer? store doing s pood bust
ness; well located and established. The
j best of reasons for nelllng. For sale chc IP
Good well eslubllslied rooming house.
Zti making money. Owner leaving the city,
j i.. -
Phone 5D 2417 Hudson Ave
iTv 1 1 v nt 1 ; 6 . com nn.-tn mo ii rn
home, ppi-. 559 Washington Vvi
fTv l X KI'. - in. I r-.- , in.- .- . n hTi. I
K . house in first class condition, extra large I
lot. Reasonable for cash, 307 Thlrt., fll '
THREE acre chicken farm Phoni - 9
w sooa
h I SEVEN room brlek gooi loeation. musi !
be sold; terms. Phone 1 186 R. OH.
If, OWNER S.-ven room modern hrm-.-.
i full cement basement, double b-arage,
paved f tieel '(,) Madison,
h VACANT lot and fiv;j r.x.m Itame hou. ,
and large lot. close In. Phone 2004 -R. O
T. Terry. 4021 '
TWO l.ou 1, - No 1?4.-, and ::.-,4 H i ' . '
h Board houses, $4000. One four room frame, '
y $1100. Five room brick, modern, close iu
I high sehool, SGOio Inquire 3C2 Thirty-1
U'Hi u- I Phone '.' 1 3 9 V. J 7
' ' lion f ... I the ,.rn '! un. . I ioubli
pressed brick cottage, modern x ept (
heat. 2623 Monroe avenue. Phone -1204
W. L P'T U.r.. ).. al K. late imt lx..,na
S37C Wachlnu'ton iiwnue lliono 187(
12.1 '
MRS. 3. J. BAKER, 2731 Madison Phone
I FOR SALE Real Estate 1
Real Estate Inr-uranee
l J.rlecs that ennnot he duplicated lo
da. One five room and one t room
modem, colonial Lungalows situated In
choice residential district. Both art Ittnl
flnlshAd and read) for oeeimnne. Will
sell ,,n terms to .suit at lb. Inilo.- mi:
prices: $4500 or the five roomo and $5500
for the six room If interested don't
I have several good housey r . ale.
cheap, that are to he moved from the Site I
of the proposed lee plant on the v..t
side of Pacific avenue, between Twenty ,
seventh and Twi-ntv eighth streets.
- i. : Hud onAyi
tor Sale j
j iviiTxellanecur I
FURNITURE for sale: almost new .mis
J ffi i ion ;,n
GOOD second grade Jonathan apples nt i
75e bu.nhel nt th,- f,.r..i -,..I... tIa,
1 1 r: j , j
TWO hen tine StOVBS iH '"apltal iivniue
PI oni 979-B ,9J
PRUNES. Phoni 88SS-R II, J. Stone
8888 'iiant 5930
HK IT!N . stovi ii nl ond I
159 Adai 593J
IHEATIN'l stove, tbree-quarter mattress,
I praetlcally new. Also fruit Jars, lltone
I 149 j90J
1!' TER for sale. In gowl condition
I jhoii . 187 v. 5908
PIGS, elghl old n I t ill
broke for riding and driving Phone 1174,
PRA i i. A I .i.v new kitchen r ngo, In-1
! o . '. rg i . i , i ;,no2 .
.lonathan. inter llnr mi and Win.----.ip 1
Deal Quality fall j,i S.i'ing IJIuff Parm
Rlverdale or phone us vour orders Phone '
' ' j
,1, i. .. i,
' lif..p Phone 2M .' M . . " 1
' '.; 'v . ies Fo ii r- n i -i in-1 pi;
;. Ql'-I -I j J
:' . . 1 : ,i.i.. ... i 1
I lion. . . 22 w
i ".l . T our .lotialhan apples and v. i n t i r -La
toes hefoie frost. E. V Steed. Clinton
Phone 11-J-4 r.'."'
I HORSE, stirrer, harness, rlngle wagon.,'
-hi. ;i. n .- Pltone 2149-R 5v:i
MD1 v. ip '..I casta
' -II on ".v. -
i Ryn i j . 1 1)40 y i n rton
H nllcl an J t. - i 1915 G inl
, . i i ... i,,
cheap Tbr.e months old goat. Call 87f
Th. ! third si-, .-i. 578E
NORTTrWE ST 1 .. enlng appli i uils 76ea
bushel; boxes extra. Jacob Post. Tblrtx
i U ' 5786
VI MOST n e v i. .,1 . i i d
j Bargain 717 Twent fifth street. B747
fl pi i:T' .1 i.l.- . i .Hi. nor.- iiMur.
I shelving, counters, etc., some furniture.
A FEW bushel of select pi el i
prunes, grapes and apples. C1C Twmty
l Ih -. 571 7
ei'.i: r pli ... Li i h John Dec i i 1
i end eoHM 6-Inch pipe 816 Twenty-fourth
si. 5718
NEW extraeted hon. v for sale at 20c pt r
I pound or $1150 In CO pound eaae. while
It liiMls Address Geo T Pierce. R. F.
I. 5. Box 222 MaiTlolt; also Geo. O
l'...t. I :.. . ' '.0 St. I ll, lis :iu i n
i i ROE well colored Jonathans 18 hlrfh
grade Win. saps S2 .'i hig red and sttlp. d
s.- :: rii..r.. ".' '
Ul In. v '.-'"i ' . ritf i.'irl
Pineal on the market. 674 Twelefih street.
Buy your paint at Stowe's and aavn
mo. i, - i " ii ', . b n stoii avi nue PtiOJl I
686-J 1818
i 1 i . . ' .ul ., -. . i 1 ' ' : . n.l
maps k p. stoi e. ';, Tw ifth st 5077
G u ." 1 Phoi ' J '
- an 1 : 1 1 :s ing 222 I
I .tn. 0,11 'r"-T
1 1 - 1 values in pi inograpl
violins. Terms without interest Pan
1 11 nd Hudson. 1846
M ODER I bi and Eurnlsl i
large lot: close in. Snap. Leaving. Thone .
S3J 4816
UNCAJvIFD for suits, uiio. ir,..i.-. h. (
reduction. Oordou 211-25 Twenty-ft frfi 1
St Phone 4) tMI
. , rent. 2807 1 '''''..
I 1 i 21 IE 37.'-'
1 1 1 1 vacuum clc anet . Ti dn- P
I vvajTTed I
! LARGE clean rags wanted at Standard
! K.x ...oner o" -. - 4379
l i .1 d . uto fo Li m oi cowi Call
49-J-4 6843
SEV EN R M M n odi rn liou bei I
PI ..... 2831 I evenings
OVERLAND ilargaln Owner gone.
Phon.- M i ..i
i 1000 sharai 7 per cent preferred railway I
. i. 'oi I il. .- e .il L'iK.ne I.' I.-:,:
To Buv
WILL pa highest pti'-e fot poultry and'l
rabbits. Phone 1243. Western Grain &
1 ' d i o 6800 ' i
ITI.LET. an; "',- anj ni.iiib'-r ' stern 1 '
; Grain & Peed Po , 2354 Wellington Vve '
FORD truck Phone 2222 w 6678 1
! 1
1 REEF cattle, veal, sheep, hogv. Will call
at your yard Ous Jensen, 3i3i Washing. -,
ion avenue. Phone 8899, 4096 1
LARGE Clean rags wanted at the Stand-
urd Exainln. r olfl. t ?, 1
HEMSTITCHING and picoi edge Prompt 1 1
service, n work guaranteed, 8881 Wash- ;
, Inglun avenue Singer S-wine Muehln". i-
DRESSMAKINO. I ling .-nd .nl.... if
I ig. reniodeling1. Work guaranteed J
Phoni 1 I
HEMSTITCHING Ind ;' oi .1 icrV- '
Ilea. 2277 Washington Ave White MaehbldM
AM. si.- l.r.ll. pl.-.-itiiu.' I'hone .'IIS M.
EXCELLENT dressmaking, guaranteed J
Phon.- 1 1 6405 1
The LlghthouM -, 2452 Washington Ave . K
opposite the Plng.-uc bank. Phono 681.
Prompt m rvlt i "
11" 111: UL In..-- ! ul 'I--. . '.ul 1...1.- 1 ,, i
ni; and pleaUni Second floor W H
wngiit s.n . Mr.. 1 1 Layman 1169 (
j To Rent j
4-ROOM steam he.-.tcd apartment bv j
COUPle without children or pets Phone ' I
2J9J 6723 I j
MONEY to loan on improved real estate
'- ' 117 I.- '. . Ill.li;. 5121 3
" pvopd ithOUt ,,rlty 'o I
JI-'T." ,1" P'"""-'. furniture, txiiids ete
11 ' lil-u PI, .,n. .4
;, ' ! ;; - ip.ov. u u.i sstat. ,
elly ii licrrltk. 77 j g
IDV OWNER Dodge touring cur. rir.-l
class condition 232r Monroe avenue..
. - 1 5987
8TUDEBAKBR five passenger sedsn. run
1000 miles: mod as new. III ell st .1
' snerlfb-e If taken at nn-ee fl.on- 680 Or
7.".7 .i'27 1
1 1 UtG tIN, ir2n Quick six. five passenger;
good as no-.v Special equlpmmt 1 none
2tl W 5!2fi
PIVE pi.- nt. 1 P. Phone sn
V'lfifi ton truek for sals rhesp for ra.-h
Phone .1787. Mr. Tylci 585 i
-M I.l. ,: . 1 -. 11. 1 till..
' : , 585 Seventeenth
Bull l Touring
PuieU ilondst.-r
Oakland Touring
StUdebaker Touring
lleo Rosdstcr
Oldsmoldle V ton Truck
fheVTOlei 1 mn Truck
Nash 1 ton Truck
Nash 2 ton Tnirl;
All in Mr-.l elnss meehanlcal rendition
22011 W.isl.ir on Am Ogden
BStl '
Bulek C 85 tourlni: ear
Overland 5 5 passenpr
I Oakland Six
Vlsxwell toUrlng ear
1 l'ord foupe
I Pord Sedan
I i-'.nd Touring
1 RuicV ro.-.drter
I iodge roadster
Dodge sedan
I '...If.v '. passenger
Hupp .tod I N" louring car
Hupp 32 4-pasevnger
These ears have all been re-prlced since
I-'" 1 ' 1 -"I" -I ii I 1 '.in nm 'I'll
buy I hem on ess' terms.
PHr.VSilAN Al TOMOHIL1-, '".
2686 Washington Ave. I i t,, ,:2". !
- . , 1 . ,. ... . 1 . 1 . ; V.T..I must '
Iks sold this week 4S3 Twenty seventh St. j
want a .Mimp" Prices cut t pieces.
Liodire Chalmers. Pair.' Maxwell.
8388 Hudson Avcnut 6788
i i 1 ORD bal g rn. 2325 .1. . ...
Si;v ICN i.as.-i ni; r C.idill.u C;corl as new.
P. t value In elty Utrphy Wholesale I
(;.-oi-ery Co Twenty foumi slr.--t. hlW .
Male Holp J
YOUNG man to learn hakery trade. Ap .
l: in .-. a -hlngton .Mnrlc-t. a'.'3.
VI 1 !N to unloi d coal; 1 iod 1 1 Apph :
Lion Coal Co.. .Thirty-first street and I
WiiKhlnirton 592(5 i
J '''"'."'Cp hoy who .-in arrange 1 rt tiu
a school requirements. Apply office man
i.g r. linden P.tklnr- A: Pro Imoi. i'o
6j 749
1 ' '. 1: 1 1 1 . , ,
7 Lowe Co 5890
t. IJO S wanted, steady work, good oppor
I tunll) for advancement. W. F. Jensen
6 1 Cand y Co. y. I ."
1 ... . ..... ' ' '
. I N 16 or "11 i-.ts of ng wanted. A m r -L
1 lean Linen Supply, 161 Twenty-sixth
v 1
i : n 1 h bicyi deHver Broa ivC ri
ri-Tn -1
.' 'f l Tm i o
r j learn the sheet metal trade W. Oswell
1 Jackson Co. ."a."j!
U305 ERS 1 nd 1 11 nt fuu.-ii im lor
7 pvork out of town Apply 213 Eccles
1 BOY wanted .11 Greenwell'a Con octloi
cry 5S68
KOI'Nf'KV men and stove r.-palrers Sum
I merill Stove Repair Vnrk.. .'.7 Is
I 1 -a 1 11 d-d , 1 -n ,
1 & Tile Co.. comer Twenty ninth and Jef.
1 ferson. 6750
! n oi ... ith fairl) good education
Apply nt John Scowcroft & Sons. Twen- 1
Ml ..nd Wall mm Bug
' 1 1 I ' , ... ! . . j.. 1 I .
jllvcrlng coal In Ogtlen. References re
1 quired Phone C6C 5659
. ' .1 i v i::.- s-
R. E Wilson 6615 1
I YOUNG man to clerk in newsstand Gray 1
News i'u., Union !i-pot. on;i
i : TTi , 1 . T -1 . 1
I v-Wov-.eina'e Help j
BALESLADT. A R Mclntre Drug Co.
I'll -T ia rTTi .-1. -ik "
lienc-ed Ogil. n Wholesale Drug Co.
LVO wall I thi Ram h !afi p
ply at once. SS77
11 VMBERM UD and hall Sri 1 p
II n Highest wages p.. Id New H.-aL
J Holt I. 5K19
QIRIjS to plek and paclc apples Phone
I 4-! R 2. 'hnrle.s T i lor. Rlverdale 5850
CHAMBERMAID w nti ' W . 1 i-
Hotel laj 1 u. . .. ..s7s
' il MP.I RM li ..r.,1,1. .1 I i-,i...,t ,, 1. I
I Call in person. 6$02
I GIRL for general ho-js -work Must un
I derstand cooking. Good wages Phone
im: 5751
WOMAN to do i. mall wa hlng at hone
and help w Ith housework two days earh
(week. Apply 463 Twenty-second street.
" .im RIENCED oman for cooking nd
general houncwork. capablo of taking
charge; no laundr': good wages 2B3T.
Adams Ave Phone 1 ,'50'J
OIKI "' ' ' i'gdet Steatn Lo ndi-
I ' I 'I T I ! N'i I ."I 1 M-wln;: inrN v. .1 ,1
iCaplnu's 1 low n Shop: pood wages, 5385
.i.l I ' n !,, r,- ..ii. .... Tip,-
I to apply themselves. See Madam Caplnu. I
T. .J I'!,, 1 1 .hi -. tori . 53sC 1
HOOD girl or woman to aid In house
work. tjojd wages. Apply 639 Twenty
'bird G261
'.MILS over 16 to peel tomatoes at Wa i
sateh Canning Company Will furnish
transportation to and from work Phone
108. 5019
I A I PP.11" N' P. I 1 .tenoKf.il t. 1 w,.:,l,. 1 p. r
I1..X H, . nr. thli p--per 4662 1
WE take your old rmge ss first psTnent
on any new range, or will huy your ild
ranee outrtahl ll-im.i Furniture Co 467J
BOl GHT .m i "i 1 hon! . r,s?.; -
, Situations j
YOUNG Japanese lioy wishes situation
alter school. 269 Twentv fourth utre.-t
Shthe's I idl Miirk.-t
HOI i KEEPING 1 - . idi rij i iow foi 0
widower Can he lilglily recommended
138 1 .u.i.. 1 -i 6748
NIGHT watchman or porter, good refer-
net -.1 ex merchant policeman. Dox CO.
Tu.dnr.l Exniulm r 5111
I Opportunitii j
ONE HALE Interest In a good going busi
ness. Must sell at once. Act quick
Small amount of capital will handle An-
1 ' -' car; Standard Eg unlnei -
IVILL sentli 1 ian who ft "i.d lunch pall in
Un auto please- leave at C02 fourth street. 1
ADI1 !S' pun ii ilnlns $7 in eui n-n-
and Metropolitan receipt book. Rc
vard. Return to Slanda rd IOxuiiiIih 1
lands rd bixamli intei
imitll gold Kvcrsliutp pencil with clmin
nd fasi.-nei. Reward. Return to Standard
Szamlner, 5730
I Funuihed
PIVE room modern house. furnished
M88 M. 1 ... 6988
N " I ' - ' 1 ' ' rr I lie.' 1 . .., 1, v . On p
ng i-oom for one or two ladles lireak
fas il dl :.)r.-d 8349 Eeeh-s. 5909
VICE si niio: mom --.ith i.-i'1! 1 . nth
1 ' ' 759 Twenty third it reel 8901
ROOM for rent, suitable for one ,,r mo
rent em on SSI Twentv flftli street
ijtn? 1
two rooms for iiciu housekeep
Inc.- to responsible pnrtv only; gcrajfe
f.;-.- r it desired Phone 22Vr. . 1 7
PI RNfSHBD house Continental i u id
In Ij.hii Investment Co.. 2377 Hud
yon. Phono ZjO. i99S
' ooii. hou - ..nd fin-nil
ral lniilre Jill Madison avenue Phcne 1
188 2 w :a.it
-1' LI- I..-I ni t7 I .. . n. fourth
tret 1 '. .
MODERN Bleeping room for one or to1
gentlemen 317 Twent) eighth Phono
1888 tit98 1
1 .' '' . 1 ...on. .'IT. a. hinnton
' 6900 I
RliJ fionl room for pentlemun . hot water
I heat, bath telephone References 2351
' . . . " I. Pl-one I ".c , 'S
IRHED simm front room roi lad
' Half block from car line 2041 Orchard
I avenue 6S65
! F 1 R nisi 1 pi 1 ian.-.. Fronl room for one
- 1 . . '.II. nu n :'i'.::'l T In.-oln ''
, " Ii . I V I , . I I . 1 , foi o'li- or I , o
.gentlemen 210 TwentS third street.
1 N I in Tw nt seventh
Ph..- .- 217 . M .'777
: . 1. ; - p 1 .1 . . . ping room 1688 Adams
Phon.- .. w ,. i. ' J Buhda; Ml
Ri MS . . .1. il..-. ' 24 :'. 1 :r:nii 1984
CHARACTER and card reading 443
weni - h 4903
Bl .-ii: 986 Ru ill on Phon- 21 It w
TWO rooms for housekeeping. Phone
1248-J 5881 1
: ROOM .-dri. tiy inodeni in-k h..uso, J60 1
lcr month. Inquire olker Lumber Co.
Koard and Room jj
J por two gentlemen in private modern
'-. I ' on.- 2719 M 5778
xs : 1.1 . 1 ... 1 .1 children oi employed .
1 mj homi -oi 181 m
Information Bureau
?2 0O Pn I IMC Brp f.iOMTM
AN VTll. NO -A to Z now or old
bought, f:M or tr.-..Ud Phono 33J
liramwell Rocl' nnd Stationery gg
WaahlngtOO Ao Phono 160. J05
1 tnh Natltonsi Dank, southeast corner
Twenty-fourth ond W 1 -.hlntrton Phone 61
Ogden Carpet Cleaning. Co. Have us
clean your rugs the best way Phones 416
iond 1 29 W.
Expert carpet leaning. urhoiMering
ma,ilE?e-!e!ln,ado cver- 'others renovated
I til K .1 IlamploniLa :ssc 4234
K- Vun Kanipen for upholstering ear
i,i cleaned altered snd iu'd Remaklai
I of niattre.,..n I'hone 27S2-J.
Phono 133. !8s8-8il Washington Ave
' tJ
MarsuLia & Jo. Ic-sdln,.- Jarr.nes res
tour.-.nt in Ogden. 978 94th st
The New Method Dentists m spectm
u JP 01 t'rnnrhes or lntlstry. 149
Washington Ave zioi
oS'rt nlrr ectrlc matssvfai can at,'
-i17 Orant avenue. 4342 .
r0"" Kn rrav;nf S-r'1ce maaer
01 rifio cuts In one or mo.-s olors tl$
Twenty-four ttreet Pho 63.
Geo D. Rennett. corporation and rrroup
r. iirancs 1 specialty. Phono 184-W 161V
torn Hide i iunk Co.. 2323 Wash-
inatoD An Phone 1 II,
Ogden jnk Hou.c Waahlngtoo
Ave Phone 210
I H. Eerbe, I'hone 841 J 6263
Oaa and cosl tengoa connected All
kinds of plumbing ork. Our prices nro
right 6rvU WAdrun, 06I .Seventeenth
1 .street. Phono 8699R 433Q
1 .VII kinds. C. H Zerbe. Phone 346-J
4wHsrrdw.Ki?r' r"11 C,M,( loans
-n asnl-HTton Ave Phone 409 1874
Garbage utd ruhblah hauled cosspoels
snd toilets cleaned. John Chlpp & Co
Pbono 82S. ZHn HudsOM Avenue 6733
Bloom the tailor, is an expert on re
pairing. We make your old clothes look
like new. 224 TWi up, fifth 81 31132
1 Trunk and ba repe.1 ring, round cor
ner from blandurd GaJlachcr'a. '373 H.,d
BCn- 2111
P I 1 RT v. mdoi,- ,j ,vai nauer elean-
lng American Window Cleaning Ph. 663
- zzz - - . .
Notice M. A No 027101
n ! 'n,t,c.d J-'"d Office. Malt Lako
Cltv, L'tah. Sept 10. 1520
Notice 1 hereby glvon. that Southern
Pacific Oold & Coppur Mining & Milling
Company, a corpornllon. through Its au
tborlzed ugent. Com M. Holderman. who.i
postofflcc address Is Salt Iake City, ftah I
his niiifln application for a Pnltod States
patent for the, Dlorlte. Cuprite No 2, Cup" I
rite No. 3. Wizard. Last Chance ijt
1 nance Lxtcnsion No 8. Labt Chanos l.
tension No. 3. Pea Cock and Top Notch I
lode mining claims com-olld-ifed. situated
... ...v oi-iin ..1. 1. ii.- mining diatrlet. Coun-
ty pf Weber, Bute of Utah, being sur
vey No 6571, and described In the field
notes and plat file. In this office, with
I magnetic variation at 1 deg Easl as
j follow H
Commencing St corner No 1 of Dlorlto
Lod.lA -'nln'' "heiie. the H W. corner Sec
' Fl 7, N 1 W S u D M. bears
v 14 den n mm. W 12266 feet-
1 Thence N. 6 d. g 23 mln W. 600 fcot
j to eotner No 2 of said claim.
Thence S. dS d. K C3 mln K 3000 fcot
to corner No. 3 of Wizard claim-
Thctieo N. 5 deg. 23 nun. W. 966 r, foct
loJi.omer No 2 of TP Notch clnlm;
! Thence 6, ss deg. 53 mln. B r.66 4 feet
I to lornrr No 1 ol Lust Chance Kxtpnston
No. 2 claim;
I Thence N. 5 deg. 48 m!n W. 1 408 4 feet
j to eonier No. 2 of Last Chance Extension I
No. I . In 1 1 1 1 ;
Thencee S. 88 deg. 63 mln. E 600 foct
I to comer No. 3 of said claim,
Thence S. 5 deg. 48 mln D. 1430 i fooV
to corner No. 4 of said claim, Identical
Willi corner No. 3 of Last Chime. , m.
Thence S. G deg. 23 mln. B !336 3 feet
to corner No. 4 of jxat Chance claim.
Identical with corner No 3 of last Chance
Extension No, 3 claim;
Thenc,. S. 6 deg 5i mln K 1433 1 feet
to comer No. 4 of Lust Chance Extension
No. 3 claim;
Thence N, 88 deg. .13 mln. W 2704 5 feet
to corner No 1 of Cuprite No 2 claim:
Thence N. 5 dag 23 nun W 1200 feet
to corner So 2 of Cuprite No" 3 claim.
Identical with comers 1 and 4 of Wlzuid
and Dlorlte claim:., 1 ."re, -lively
Then. 0 N". 88 deg ;.3 mln. vV." 1600 f.iet
to cornei No. 1 o( Dlorlte uial'm. tho place
ol beginnltu.' ,-m.l lniiiti-1 In SW '4. SIC
'. and NL'. , Si. lion and NW. and
KE of Section 17 Township 7 North
Range 1 West, S. L. II. & M conUlnlng
Hn ures of 160 006 acres exclusive of eon
filet.-. ,hown by the duly certified
field notes of said Survey No 6671, to b
in conflict v nil BW. U of sw -i of s.-c'
i:on 1 m.) with Section it t 7 N It 1
W .. S. L. B. & M
I dlroei that this notice be published In
Tho Stnjidsrd-Pxnmlner. published hi
Ogden, Ltuh
EDWIN w SENIOR. Keglater.
Salt ljke City. Ptah.
Claimant's Attorney, 54'"
Date of first publication September 18,
, . . . ;,SSu ,n Bankruptcy.
In te District Court of tho United State,
(or th. District of l.'lah
runt M"""r of Rl,cy Pnr"- Bank
To the Honorable Tillman D. Johnson.
JUdm of the District Court of the I nit
M States for th. District of Ptah
Kill Patten of 0KdeM. In the Countv of
Weber, nnd State of Ptah. In Enid DL
irici respectfully represonts that on th.
sth das of October, last nasi, he w:.
i"ui nujudr' d bankrupt under the acts
or eongre.,i rebitlng to bankruptcy; ih.-it
.he ins duly rurrendered nil his t.ropertv
in ' ghtS 01 properp and has fully com
Plied 'villi .11 the reipiirernents of said
aCU :.nd of he ordera of the court touch .
mg nil bankruptcy,
wherefore, he prays that be may he de j
I Creed bv th.-. rouil to have a full dla I
ehiii-fre from nil debts provable against
, bis . t.ite under said bankrupt act-.. ,
cepl such dobtn i.tt nre excepted by law
front such discharge.
Dated this 2Kth da of September, A D
Filed pt 2S. 1020
, John W Chrlstv Clerk
District of Utah, ss:
I 'in this Csth ibiv of September. A D
P' " on le.Hlmg the petition for dlschurge
of the above-named bankrupt, It is
Ordered by the court, that a hearing
!' hud upon the same on the 12lh dav of
November A, D, 1920. before the said
court at Snlt Lake City. In said district,
at ten o'clock In th- forenoon; nnd thai
notice thereof be published In Olen
Standard Examiner, n newsoaper printed
In aid dt 1 1 let ,-.nd th it .11 known red
Itors and other persons In interest may
appear at the m. Id time nnd place and
snow caUM If any they have, why the
prayer of the said petition should not Im-
r;i n ntad
And It Is lurther ordered by the court,
that the clerk shall send by mall to all
known creditors cnples of "said petition
and this order, addressed to tbom at
th.-lr places of residence as stated
Witness the Honorable Tillman D John
son. Judge of the said court, and the seal
thereof, nt Salt Lake City, in said dis
trict, on the 2Sth day of September A
D. 102n
fS.-al of the Court) Clerk
fn th- rdslrlct Court of Weber County
Rollo T Greenwell. Plaintiff. Fred
Mathvas. If not de. eased, nnrl If do
. cased, his unknown heirs. devisees
legatees and creditors Jane Doe Math
yas. John Do- nnd Mary Roe whose
other and true names are to plaintlll
I unknown, and an nnd all persons who
hae or clnlm to have any right, title
i or Interest in or to all or am part of
the real prop.-rty described In the com
plaint filed herein defendants
I The State of Utah to the Said Defend
1 ents.
You are hereby summoned to appear
within twenty days after servlco of th's
I summons upon you. If served within the
j county In which this action Is brought
otherwise, within thirty days after servle
and defend the above entitled action: and
In case of your failure so to do. Judgment
Will be rendered against you according to'
tin demand ol the complaint, which has I
be n filed with the clerk of suld court.
This action Is brought to obtiln a Judg
ment and d.-cr.-e adjudging the plaintiff
to be the owner of. and quieting his title
against any and all claims of the defend
ants in and to
Lots Fort three f43) and Portv-four
f44) In Bichsel's Suodlvlrlon of the East
half of Block Twenty two (22). Plat "C"
Ogden City Survey; situate in the East
half of thn Northeast Quarter of Section
Thirty three t33) and tho Northwnat Quar
ter of Section Thirty four (34). Township
Six fj) North of Range One (1) West of
the Salt Uike Meridian. United States
Survey, in Weber County. Ptah
riaintifrs Attorney
P O. Address David Eccles Building
Ogden. I " tn Ii
A special meeting of the stockholders of
the Crater Products company will be held .
at the office of the company at No. 1701 I
Washington avenue In OjsJen. Ptah. on 1
the 6th dav of October. 1920, at 7 o'clock 1
p ID of said day. to consider, and tnke ac-
Hon upon, the following matters I)
1. To ratlly the action of the Board of 1
Directors, taken on tho 31st day of Au- 1
guaL 1320. In entering Into a contract
with and granting to C. B- Croncr, of
1A13 nufwHt . diuui inn un ui'uun 10 pur
chase the company's mining claims on ot
1 tain terms and conditions therein men
tioned. 2 To consider any other disposition of
1 the company's properly.
3. To consider such other nnd further
matters In any way Incidental to or con
nected wtlh the foregoing as may be
brought before said meeting.
By order of the Board of Directors
J. E STOREY. Secretary
D.'Partment of the Interior, U. S Land
Office at Salt Lako City. Utah, Septem
ber 1. 1920.
Notice. Is hereby given that Charles W 1
Brown, of OpJen, Utah, who. on Juno 22
1916, made homestead entry No 017850
for N'E. ' Section 3, Township 7 North'
Range 1 East. Salt Lako Meridian, has
filed notice of Intention to make three
year proof, to establish claim to tho land
above described, before W H. Reedcr.
Jr., United Slates Commissioner, at Og
den. Utah, on tho lClh day of October
Claimant names as witnesses:
D. D. Dunbar. Lee Shaw, Robert Mont
gomcry, Louis Shaw, all of Ltbortv Utah
4399 Register.
In the District ourt or the Second Judi
cial Distil, t. Si.,..- of Utah Within and
for Weber Count
In ihe Mattel of the Estate of Maggie
m.i. Martin, D um i
Creditors will present claims with
vouchers, to the UU derslgned, admlnlsttn
lor of the estato of Maggie MacMartln
oeccai d, at the offb-c of w h Reeder
jr.. 629 David Eccles building. Ogden
I City, Utah, on or before the 2nd duy of
November. 1920,
Administrator. ,
Date ol first publication Sept. 1, 192U.
Date of last publication Sept. 29, 192o ,
W 11. Reeder, Jr . Attorney for Admlnls II
tr.itor. (
Consult County Clerk or me Respec
tive Signers for Further
i : o 1 ;:.. H Mu. k. Deceas, .1
Th- petition of H M. Mack, for letter
o( administration In tho above entitled
matter, has been st for hearing before
Hon A W Agec. Judge. on Mondav the
llth day of October. 1920. ut t.. (J)
o'clock p. nv. at the county court house
In the court room of said court In Og
den City. Weber county. Utah
Witness, the clork of SAld court, with
the seal thereof affixed, this 29th day of
September. 1920,
By Agnes Smith. Deputy
Chez & Barker. Attorneys for Petitioner
(Seal) 597
Estate of Prank Telleson. Deceased
'The petition of Cbreslina Tclleson. for
letters of administration lo be Issued to
Peter it. Telleson. in the above entitled
matter, has been set for Hearing hefore
Hun A. i: Prut! Judge, on Monday, tho
nth day of October, tUO, at ten o'clock
a, rn.i ul the couni court house. In the
court room nt said court. In Ogden Clt)
w.-hci county, Utah.
Witness, the clerk of said court, with
The Ogden Auto Directory n I
Oldsmobile trucks and touring cars, Briscoe cars, Gramm-Bernstein i
trucks. White-Robinson, 2300 W?-shinfjton. Phone 340. 3739 (
Ogden Auto RadiatorCo , 2329 Hudson Avenue 3740 j
ALmako?KOfT,baftWlef repaired and recharged. Exide Battery Sta-
tion, 2359 Hudson Avenue ' 374, i
Web Taylor Motor Co., 2333 Hudson Avenue. Palmers and Max
wen galea and service. Phone 143 3742 f
Hudson Auto Top Co, 1717 Washington " 3772
We buy all cars regardless of condition. Sal vac e parts for salp" -"
Auto Salvage Co , 2348 Grant 4046 . f
Willard Battery Station. 2454 Grant avenue 3733
Northeast Service Station Chee?man Auto"" Co" 378G '
Proposed Constitutional Amend
raent No 1.
A Jilnt renlntlnn DrOPOSlnK H amend
nient to Section C of Article. II of the
Constitution of the state of Utah, re
latlng to municipal corporations.
n" It cnni ted by the IKlnlaturo of the
State of Utah, two thirds vote of nil thc
meinhers leeted In th..- two llou."-:i con
currlnK therein:
Section 1 That it Is proposed tn amend
ctlon o of Article XI of tre ConstUu
Hon of the Stutc of i'lnh, so that tht
same mil rood ns follows!
Sec, C. CorKrntions for municipal P'it
POees shall not be created bv special laws.
The Legislature by (.enei-al laws shall pro
v'ldo lor Uie Incorporation, ot p-inl7-ition
and classification of cities and towns in
proportion to population, which laws may
be altered, amended or "-epealed.
Any city mav frarre and adopt n chnr
ter for its own poverr-moit In tho foi
lowlnp manner:
riu !.cl'.,;ve autho-div of the city
may, by two thirds vole of Its members
end upon petition or iuallfled electors to
the number of 10 per cent of all votes cast
at tho next pr. r.-ointr - lection for the of
flee, of the mayor, sha'l forthwith provide
by ordinance for the rubml.s-ilnn to the
electors of the question. "Shall a Com
mission be chosen to finme n charter?"
The ordinance shell require ihnt the ques
tion bu submitted fo the electors at the
next regular municipal election. The hul
lot conlalnlnc such question shail also
contain the names of candidates for mem
bers of tho proposed Commission, but
iitnoui parly d .sl-Tiatlon. inch candi
dates ho II bo nominated in the same
manner as required by law for r.omlnatlon
Ol city officers. If u majority of the elec
tors ollng on the question of choosing a
Commission shall vot.' in the r.ff imiatlvo,
then th fifteen firulltlstss recelvlns e
majority of tho votes cast at such elec
tion. huii constitute the charter Commis
sion, and shull proceed lo frame a char
ter. Any chatter so framed shall be sub
I milled, to the qualified' electors of the city
at an election to be held at a time to
In del. rniined by the charter Commission,
which Fhall be not less than thirty days
subsequent to its completion and distri
bution among the electors and not more
than one year from such date. Alterna
tive provisions may also bo submitted to
be voted upon separately The Commis
sion shall make provisions for the distri
bution of copies ot the proposed charter
and of any eltornatlTe provisions to the
qualified electors of the city, not less than
sixty days before Iho election ut which it
lis .teJ upon. Such propos.-U charter und
I, such alternative provisions as are ap
proved by u majority of the electors vot
Ing thereon, shall hecomo an organic law
of such city at such time as may be fixed
I therein, and shall supersede any existing
charter and all laws affecting, the organ
Izallon and gOTt nunent cf BUCh city which
re now In conflict therewith. Within
' thirty day, after Its approval a copy of
i sin h i barter as adopted, cc; titled by the
I mayor und city recorder and authenticat
ed by the seal of such city, shall bv made
In duplicate and deposited, one In the of
flee of the Secretary of Stato and the
other in th of lice of the Cltv Recorder,
snd thereafter all courts shall lake Judi
cial notice of such charier
Amendments lo any such charrei .ii&y
be framed and submitted by tho charter
Commission In tho samo manner as pro- I
vlded for making of charters, or may be
proposed by the legislative authority of
tho city upon u two thirds vote thereof,
'or by petition of qualified electors to a
I number equal to one-tenth of the total,
vole ast lor muyor on tho next preceding
election, and any such amendment may
be submitted at ihe next rcfjulur election,
end having been approved by the mojorlly
0( Iho electors voting thereon, shall be
come a part of the. charter at tho tlmo
fixed In such amendment and shall be cer
tified nnd tiled us provided In ciuo of
Each city forming Its charter under this
Section shall have and is hereby gran ted. '
the authority to exercise all powers relat
ing to municipal uf talis, and lo adopt
and enforce within lis limits, local police,
sanitary and similar regulation not to con
flict with the general law, and no enumer
ation of powers In thlj constitution or any
law shull be deemed to limit or restrict
the g. n.-ial hrant of authority hereby con
Iferred: but thlj grant of authority shall
not Include the power lo regulale the serv
ice or churges of public utilities so long
as such regulation Is provided for by gen
cral law. nor bo deemed to limit or re
strict the power of the Legislature In mat
tcrs of public or general Interest, nor
thoso relating to Mate affairs.
Tho power to bo conferred upon tho cit
ies by this Section Ahull Include thu fol
lowing: (a) To lev, assess and collect taxes
and borrow money, within the limits pio
scribed by general law, and to levy and
collect special assessments for benefits
(b) To furnish all local public services,
to purchase, hire, construct, own. main
tain und operate, or Icicse. public utilities,
local in extent and use; to acquire by
condemnation, or otherwise. Within or:
without tho corporate limits, property I
necessary for any such purposes, subject '
to restrictions Imposed by general law for 1
tho protection ol other communities; and
to giant local public utility franchises und
rogululo tho cxerclso thereof subject to
the continuing power of regulation ot pub
lic utilities their rates and service, by the
Stato, as is now or may hereafter be, pro- I
Vlded bl K li' I al law.
(c) To mako local public Improvements
and to acquire by condemnutlon. or othnr- I
wic. pro pert) within its corporato lim
its ncccssury for such Improvements: nnd
also to acquire un excess over thut needed
for any such Improvement and to sell or i
lease such excess properly With rcstrlc- .
lions, fli order to protect and preserve
the Improvi mcnt.
(d) To issue and sell bonds on the se j
runty of any such excess property, or of 1
my public utility owned by the clt or 1
oi uio leveiiues iiicn-oi. or uolli. includ
ing. In tho caso of a public utility. a Iran
chiso staling tho terms upon which, in
cat'i of foreclosure, tho purchaser mav
opci. itc such utility
Sec. 2. The Secretary of State Is here
by directed to submit the proposed amend
I tnent to tho electors of the State ut tho
I next general election in tho manner pio-
vld.-d by law.
, Si al if adopted by tho electors of
thla Stale this amendment shall tako cf
feci on January 1st. l'JM
Approved March IS, 1919. j
(the seal thereof affixed, this Slth dav
of September, 1020.
M.TKI! N" I-AUK. Clerk
i: Vgnes Smith. Deputy Clerk
Chez & Uarker. Attorneys for Petitioner
(Seul) 5946
i By nternatlonal Nows Service)
Bi 'ST' 'X Hundreds of people huvc
moved out of Hostoh und muny, uro to
uao their summer place as year
iirounil resiliences because of the hous
ing shortage. This u.is revealed by
the exceptional demand at the city
registrar's office for birth certificate-'
of school children whose purents huvc
left tile city to reside elsewhere
I'm; II ass ( m si i t s
i By International Nowo Service)
BOSTON. Under a rulinjrrof Aiior-j
neyGoiieral J western Alien, state
employes, m ho are veterans of tho I
I Proposed Constitutional Amend-
ment No. 2.
I A resolution prdfjOslns; un amendment to
section 7 Article 13 of the Constitution
of th- State of Utah, relating to tax i
rates for State purposes.
,: II " olved by the Legislature of tbe.r .
State of I tnh. two-thirds of all tho' t
members elected to each House concur
ring therein:
Section l 'hat it is proposed to amend
section 7, of Article XIH ot the Coust'i
lutlor. of the State of Utah so that tb
same will read as follows:
ec 7. The rate ot taxation on proper"" '
i state purposes shall never exceed i "
, ft mills on each dollar o( valuullou to be
apportioned ua follows. Not to excesdV , .
4' mills on each dollar of valuation lor
general State purposes not to exceed "J ' J
I mills on each dollar of valuation for dl
bool purposes: not to exceed W '''
(mill on each douui of valuation for high-
school purposes; that part of the State i.::
t.-ix appoi tloncd ',o high school purposeu , H
it-hill constitute a fund to he called the
High School Kund and shall bo appor
oned to the cltl.-g and school districts
; maintaining nigh schools in the manner '
the legislature may provloe And whem-.i - H
e-.i r U,. tsx.ibl-i pioperly ultliln the State,,.
hall amount to S4o0.OuO.ij01). 00. the ratc-j
shall not exceed on each dollar of valua- H
tion two und lour-leiiths mills for general' '.
btate purposes, two tenths ot one mill for
i high bchooi purposes, und such levy fof ' H
win raise ai
nuall) an omounl which, added to sn..
other State fuuds available for district,
Dvnuui purioscs, equals i.a.uu lor eu.ji h
,)- rson ol r.-ehoul age In the State, sitowlj
by the i t. i pr ceding school census; un 1
j less a proposltiua to Increase such rati ,' B
or rates, specifying the rate or rates pro- B
l ox.-d and the lime during which tho same " HHpJ
shall be levied, to first submitted to 4- .ii
vote of sucn of the qualified electors ol HBpJ
the State, SS, In the e.ir next pieced HJ
Ing such election, snail have paid a prop-' HSpJ
cny t ix eascssed to them w ithin the SUittT'" J
and lh. majority of those voting thereof - HBpJ
shall vote in favor thereof. In such riiaor. .'T HBpJ
Bet as may be provided by law HBVJ
Sec 2 The Secretary of State Is dl-
reeled to cause this pi oOb d niendne HJ
, to be publirh' d s required by Uie Con- H
(stltuilon ana to be suomltted to tho eleeji BAVJ
1 tors of the State at the next general clc
lion In the manner provided by law.
, Sec. 3. II approved by tho electors of thj ' BJ
osi i ii ndmi ni ihsni
.take eflecl ol Uie 1st duy of' January, .., -
1111, l
Approved March 18. 1919.
Proposed Constilutional Amend
ment No. 3.
A concurrent resolution providing a' '
amendment to Section 1. Article XIV"
of tho Constitution of the State oi" M
L'luh. relating to State debt limitation,: '
Bi II enacted by thi Legislature of then i
State of I'tah. two third.- of aJI the incui , j
in 1 1 - ci d to e.u h of the two Houses
concurring llicreln:
Section 1. That 11 Is proposed to amend
Section 1. ArUclo 14, of the constitullo:i
of the State of Clan, so thut tho soxue
read 's follows. H
Section . To meet casual deficits or
failures In revenue, and for necessary ex,-;
pendlturcs for public purposes. Including
the erection of public buildings, and for .
ihe payment of all l.-rrltoilul Indebtedness
assumed by the Stale, the State may con-
tract debts, not exceeding in tho aggret"
Kate at nn one time, an amount equal to
2 pcrcentum of tho vaiuo of the LuxabK
property of the State, as shown by,.
tho last assessment for Stato purpose, H
previous to the incurring of such indobf "
dneaa. But the State shall never con!
tract any Indebtedness except as In the'
next section pro"ided, in excess Of" H
such amount nnd all moneys arising H
from loans herein authorized, shall bo ap: - H
piled solely to tho purposes for which they H
I were obtained. J
Sec. 2. The Srcrocary of State Is hereby J
i directed to submit this proposed amend-
ii. i nl lo the electors of tho Slate at tin. H
next K' H. ral election In tho manner pro H
Sec. S. II adopted by the electors of E
the .stale, this amendment shall luko ut, H
'feet January 1, 19X1 BBBI
Approved March IA 1919. BBBI
Proposed Constitutional Amend- -ment
No. 4.
A concurrent resolution proposing in H
amendment to tho Constitution of thi? H
State of Utah by amending Section Si . , H
Article XVI. relating to rights of ac-
tion to recover dumages lor injuries re- H
suiting In death. iQ'A Lbbbbbbb!
Be it resolved and enacted by the Lcgls H
laiuru of iho Stale of l'luh. two-thirds H
of all the members elected to each of H
ti .. two Hous..a concurring therein: H
Section 1. That it is proposed to amend H
Section &. Article 16, oi the Constitution BBE
of the Stute of Utah. - Aid scv.llo.-i H
ball read as follows: BBBE
"The right of action ro recover damages H
for lnjurle-j resulting In death, shall never H
bo abrogated, and the uinounl recoverable
.shall not bo subject lo uny statutory llmi H
tatlon. except In where compensa- H
lion for injuries resulting in doalh Is pro- H
Section 3. Tho Secretary Of. State Is
hereby directed to submit this proposed H
amendment to it".- SleCtOXS ol the Stal H
ai the next general election in the man- H
net piovided by law. H
Sec. 3 It adopted by the electors of H
the i. ii. tin- amandment shall take effect H
Junuury 1st, 1911, H
Approved October 9. 1919. BBBBj
I I, Harden lclUi1on. Secretary of State.
of the State of L'tnh, do hereby cerUfy BBBBJ
thai the lorcgolng It a lull, true und cor- BBBJ
reel copy of all Constitutional Amend- BBBn
men's pixipoied by tho regular and Spe- BBBJ
clal sessions of tho legislature of 1919, BBjBJ
us the same appear ol record in my of- BjBjBja
In witness whereof, I have hereunto sot BjBjBja
my hand und ailUed the Great Seal of tho BBjBJ
Stale ol Ltuh. lids l:.t da ol September. BjBjBjB
of stutc. 1 1 BBfl
World War. Spanish War. or Philip-
I pine insurrection, must continue to H
I contribute lo the state retirement fund. B
notwithstanding a law passed by tho H
I legislature this year cntltlinK them to H
u free pension on ixching retire- H
Through equal contributions to tho BBB
, Stato Retirement association fund by BBBb
state employes nnd the commonwealth
employes are retired with a life pen-
sion after dompletlng a certain num- H
ber of years' service. BBB
(By International News Service)
MANCHESTER, X. H. Frederick
lO. Stark. Kreut-prandson of Oeneril BH
I John St irk. Jir-i o of I'.ennlngton, Is H
at the home of hLs huh, Dr.
Maurice a. si nk in Goffotown. He H
was elk'ht-slx yens old und the last H
lof the lcurlh g. -iier.itic.il of his family H

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