ij Last Time Today Utali j
., i sue asm no (VHL
ADMISSION: MAT. 6c & 20g 1. IBe & 25c
uniiTinn urin
FU!S!i!;: ilLlli
Thomas Casiere, 14. Severely
Injured When Bike and
Auto Hit
H ' Dragged several feet when an auto-;
Hj mobile collided with the bicycle he
B was riding. Thr.r.ias Casiere, 14. lost j
Hj his left ear and suffered numerous
H Zbralslons, last night about 10:30
Hj The boy was said u have been-
B eoasting down Twentieth street hill on!
H'j Uls bicycle when he crashed Into a
j northbound automobile on Washington
avenue driven by K. E. Murras 3215
Hl Stephens avenue Murray-saw the boy
Hl Coming, the poike Bay, and notwltii-
mWTi standing- his to car
K j and swerve toward the curvei uas un-i
H able to void the crash
H . Young Casicre's ear was torn from
K his head, and as he was dragged along
B the pavement, the bicycle was demol-i
E He was removed to his home 1047
Hg Grant avenue, where Dr. Roy Wilson1
He attended him
H Sergeant A. H. Stevens reported that
B9 Witnesses agreed Murray s speed w.is
M 'not more than 'J oi 15 miles pi
I Rex Theatre Reopens
H Tertorrc"'-7 Aiternsyi
Hj Reopening of the ReX motion pic-.
H ture theatre on Twenty-fifth street
H I near Lincoln avenue for t'i winter
Hl l season, was announced today by Mati-
H( ager S. D. Steck, who alto operates
r the Lyceum nnd Co
The first show will bevtln tomorrow
R afternoon offering "Back to cod's
Hti Country' with Nell Shlpman and
Hl Christy comedy. "Wild and Wcsterii,"
Hf featurinK Fay Tinoher.
Hl The theatre has ben completely
Hl renovated, said Manager Kt- k, The
K interior has beep fn hl painted ami
9 retlnted, following the i olor scheme of
jl the two other Steck theatres
J The Rex has been closed for about
j a
Democratic Rally at
I Farr V est Tomorrow
A Democratic rally will be held
mm at Fan West in ihc amusement
hall Thursday evening John C. Mc
fl Quarrie will be the sp"aker. Can-
didates on the couuly ticket will be
( present
Pass Resolutions on
Dr. Palmer's Leaving
Resolutions containing the good
wishes of the members of the Baptist
church of 0;den for Dr. Ray Palmer,
their pastor, who recently resigned
io resume evangelistic work, were
pa s d at a special session Sunday.
copy follows:
"Whereas, Dr. Ray Palmer, pastor
cf the First Baptist church, has again
heard the call of his Master Into the:
evangelistic field and he felt the mes
sage so pressing upon him as to ten
der his resignation as pastor of this I
church, therefore be It
"Resolved, That we as members of
this church and congregation hereby j
tender to him our must earnest pray
ers for his SUCCesa in his future work ,
as in his past work as an evangel-j
1st and :isl; I hat he keep in touch with
ns in all his Christian work;
'Rrsolved also, that w hereby ten-!
der to his dear companion and co-j
v..ik.i Mrs Palmer. and to little
Noyes, as well as to him. our love and'
esteem and kindest wishes for then j
success and prosperity Be it further)
Resolved, That a copy of these
resolutions Be filed with the church
clerk for record, a copy be given to .
Dr l 'aimer and a copy be given to
the Ogden papers for publication.
"These resolutions passed by church
while in special cession this 2",th day j
of Spt-. 1920.
Si-ncd )
' V. R. LOOXEY, Church Clerk."
School Lunches to Be :
Demonstrated at Fair
Mi s Kill n Agren, county worker
for the extension division of the Utah
Agricultural college, with offices in
the Weber County Farm bureau, will
cooperate with the home demon
stiator It Salt Lake in an exhibit at
the fJatc fair, according to informa
tion received today.
They hae school lunches foi their
exhibits and will demonstrate how
the lunches are being put to prac :
tical ure at the school.
Complete details of the arrange
ments lave not been perfected, but
it is expected that a replica of school
lunch rooms now in use in Weber
county schools will be set up at the
state fair.
Unity Lodge No. 18
Free & Accepted Masons
Special meeting 7 :;u p. m., Wednes
i day, September 29. M. M Degree
: sojournin g brethren welcome. By or
I der of the W. M.
I F.872 W X. VV ACKER. Secretary.
VJ Ogden, Utah, Since 1880
' Lsm
Republican Leaders
i To Speak in Ogden
i Former United Stales Senator Al
bGrt J. Beveridge of Indiana is sched
ulcd to speak In Ugden and other
Utah cities during the next two
weeks, occordmg to a telegram re
ceived this morning by the Standard
Examiner In addition to Senator Bev
eridge, Senator Irvine L Lomoot of
Wisconsin and Herbert Hoover nie
scheduled for Ugden speeches within
the two week period.
Mr Beverldgt begins his speaking
tour at Madison, Wis., October 2, and
Is scheduieu to speak In Ogden and
Logan on Friday, October 8. and in
Salt Lake on October it. He will
.speak at the Utah state fair grounds
during the afternoon of October 9,
it is understood, and possibly in the
Salt LnKe tabernacle in the evening.
Senator Lenrout will di liver three
addrosie3 in Utah. Ho wiH speak to
tho rainoad employees of (Jgden at
noon on October 7, In the afternoon
of ihc same day he will talk in Salt
Lake, and in the evening at 8
o'clock will address a Republican
rally at Provo.
it also was announced yesterday
that Senator Miles Poindexter of
Washington and Senator William S.
Kenyon 01 Iowa will speak in Utah
during the next few weeks, but the
exact dales of their engagements
have not yet been announced.
London Conference
Workers io Assemble
A special reunion of the London
conference missionaries will be held
in Pioneer stake hall. Salt Lake, on
October U. at 7 30 o'clock in the eve
ning. All elders In Ogden citv and
Weber iminl who have served as
missionaries In the London conference
are urged to bo in attendance.
The program will consist of dancing,
refreshments and the re-living of the
mission spirit and memories Members
of the church who have at any time
resided in the London conference will
also be welcome at the affair, i: H
The following statement was Issued
bj the officials in charge:
" Those young men from the inter
mountain country, who have spent twe
years in the London conrerence will
recall the many and varied experience.-;
of th .mm id s metropolis They
i will recall unpleasant experiences with
I the d( nse (ugs on the winter months
and the Joy and greenness of th!
spring time. The homesickness f the
first few weeks will be recalled and
, the doss companionship of mission
ary friends. The warm hospitality of
j the Saints, the picnics in Epping for
I est. Finsbury park, ampstead eath,
and Alexandra palace will also be re
membered. And so the invitation is
i extended to the missionaries to at
tend the reunion and help keep alive
II the happy memories of the associa
i tions formed and tho many jolly times
experienced In dear old Lunnon "
Attention, Eagles
You are invited to attend a special
me.-ting Wedne-da evening Seplem
i ter 29. at 8 p. m.
It Is the earnest desire of the Bet
retary that all Eagles of the past
and present be in attendance
! Seek Information of :
I Charles Hansen Here
Information concerning one, Chard s
Hansen, who Is supposed to be con-'
'ducting a stor In this city, i- sou til
in a communication received hero by I
Evoret Neuteboom. which follows-
"Following Is the information in re- ;
pard to Peter Weberg's sister, Hulda
Margaretta Christiana Petersen, who
came from Norway at the age of L0
, with Bishop Skanky Married Charles
Hansen about 1904, and died about
1906 or 1007, leaving three children.
"Hansen Is probaMy a merchant in
j Ogden.
'Any Information regarding her or
her children, will be greatly appre
ciated I.;. Mr and Mrs WVhcrg. 1 1 :"J
I 421 street, Brooklyn, N. Y."
Nell Shipman in "Back to
1 God's Country'' and Fay Tin
cher in "Wild and Western"
at the Rex, opening tomorrow
at 4:45. Admission, including
'war tax, 10c.
; Chick Gandil Told of "Little1
Trick" to Ogden Men
During Summer
The expose of the gambling ring in
; connection with the 1919 world series
and which created a sensation through
out the sporting world did not come
ns n surprise to those in this section
of the country who have been closely
identified with the national game, ac
t ording to reports in local sporting cir
eles For some time ntories have been!
current regarding alleged crookedness!
.unong the White Sox players and jusl
about the time that the grand jury be-,
gan its investigation, whal was con !
Bidt red definite corroboration of these!
ctorie;; was, broughl to ogden by sev
eral men who were connected with the!
Snake river league i:i Idaho in winch:
"Chick" Gandil played about half tho j
Gandil, one of the leaders in the
"gambling rinp' played with the St. J
Anthony club in the Snake river;
ague. He played a poor first base;
in thai league" and departed during
the middle of the season, stating that1
blS health was bad and that the alti-!
I lude was affecting his heart He
later removed to Los Angeles,
Prior to signing with the St. An-1
thony club Gandil through local ae
jquaintances felt out the local situation;
with regard to establishing a team in
Ogden. Through this source it was
ILirnrJ llinl (Innilil wnnleit Io etnb-
lish a business here and manage the
Ogden team. Sufficient encouragement
could not be obtained to establish a
team in this city and shortly afterward
'(Inndll signed With St. Anthony.
! it was at the latter place during
the early part of Ihe season that Gan
dil exposed the entire scandal, accord
ling to Hart Woolums, former!) with
the Ogden team In the I'nion associa
tion, J Fred Williams and Fred M.
iSnell of St, Anthony.
The three men following a game be
tween St. Anthony and Rexburg plajed
at the former city, met in the evening
!in a hotel in that city. It is alleged
that Gandil had partaken of a little
j "moonshine" or some other stimulant
land while apparently under its effects
was asked why he was pla tng in the
"bushes" and not in the big show.
"While a member of the White Sox
last year I pulled a little trick and am
afraid to resume play with the Sox."
is what Gandil is alleged to have re
plied. These men were considering the ad
.inability of giving this information to
the Cook county grand Jury at Chicago
but the admissions of Cicotte and
.I;m I.-son e.-terday w ill probabl make
jthls move unnecessary .
"Swede" Hisberg. McMullen and
Williams are well known locally, hav
ing played with various teams in the
Pacific coast league
Risberg, who began hi professional
career in Ogden In the old I'nion asso
ciation under "Dad" Gamlin, has manv
friends in Ogden who express regret j
lover his connection with the big scan-
Idaho Official at
I Forest Headquarters
Land Commissioner L H. Nam of
, Idaho was at the district forest of
fices yesterday afternoon on business I
relative to certain land exchanges in i
1 Idaho.
Because National Forest Examiner
R. E3 Gery had not returned from a
trip through the Targhee forest, Mr.
Nash was unable to arrange details
regarding the exchange.
Mr. Gery has been making a sur- i
''e of sumim i home.- and public'
( amp sites on the Big Springs, Flat
Rock and Buffalo in the Targhee 1
forest. Several areas are being used I
at present tor summer home nnd
I resort purposes
San Francisco Mayor
Ogden Visitor Today
Mayor James Rolph Jr. of s:in
Francisco, accompanied by Mrs Rolpli. .
were due to arrive In Ogden this after-1
noon from Salt Iake en route to trie
oast They arrived in Ogden yester
day morning being accompanied by
tin ir daughter, who is en route east to
attend an eastern school
Mayor Rolph and his wife were
scheduled to depart for the west on
Southern Pacific train number 1,
which leaves this city at 3 30 p. m
J. S. Stokes Sues Perry Town
ship: Loss of Well Water
Contributing Cause
Holding that the society, comfort!
and companionship of his wife is val '
ued by him at $10,000. James S. j
Stokes has filed suit in the district
court against the township of Perry in j
Boxelder county, contending that he I
has lost these things through his wife
having been made a cripple by acts
of the township, and seeks to recover
this amount He aks an additional
$10,000 for damage to his property and I
$1000 for medical treatment for Mrs. I
Stokes, whom, he claims suffered per
maneni bodily injury from carrying
water to save their crops after the
township had diverted water from
their spring
In 1011 Mr Stokes states that In
owned property hi Boxelder counl
and In that year the township of Per
ry was created and secured adjaceiv
lands. Previous to this tune, he sets
forth, his land was irrigated by a
Bpring of water upon the property, but
with the comins of the town, his wat
er ceased to flow due to the fact that
a well was sunk for the town and
tapped a subterranean reservoir which
had Miipplied his spring.
He complains that his wife was com
pelled to carry water oyer hills and
uneven ground in an effort to save
crops aud lor domestic purposes As
a result of thcburdeusome labor, he
complains, that today she is u cripple
and must live in an arm chair
Mr. Stokes asks thai the court cie
j him judgment for $10,000 for the loss
I of the society. Ihe comfort and com !
Ipanionship of his wife, and $1000 for
medical treatment which he said was.
necessary as a result of her injun is
He also values the water taken
'away by the township at $7500 and al- i
: leges that he lost $2500 in profl'si
.through the drying up of hi' spring
In all he asks judgment for $11,000 for:
his wife's injuries and $10,000 ;-.nd
COBta for damage done hl3 property
All Star Aggregation to Make
Barnstorming Trip
Over West
Within ten days from the closing
of the American league season the all
Stars to be selected from the arlou
clubs in that circuit will start west on j
their barnstorming tour, according to
word received here. Ogden is slated
as one of the cities en route at Which i
a game will be played.
Some of the world's greatest stars
including Babe Ruth. Irish Muesel Ty ;
Cobb, Carl Maya, Truck Hannah and I
others big league stars will be in the J
Several semi-professional stars of,
th western states wdll be recruited
to represent the locals. The contest I
will be played here Saturday October!
10. according to present plans. Joe
Jenkins, catcher with the Salt Lake '
. lub W alter Leverenz and Nick Cullup, 1
will be ust.il as a battery against the
Carl Mays, Yankee flinger. will m all
probability heave for the visitor?
Harry Kilpatrlck, 'tommy Fitzpat
rick, Sneigrove, Bill Rumler, George
Hood and other noted stars, will wet.
Ogden unies "
Glasmann Gets Jail j
Sentence and Fine
Three days in the city jail and $5S 1
fine was the sentence imposed upon '
William Olusmann in the district court 1
this morning by Judge A. W. Ag?e.
Olaamano was found guilty of speed-!
ing last week before the court, but I
sentence was continued until this
morning Immediately follow Ing sen-'
tence Glasmnnn WAS taken to the city I ;
jail by Deputy Sheriff Ray West and j
began serving his time. He was found h
guilty of driving his automobile over;.
anu near mc 'Jgcien river bridge at a
speed considered by the court, greater
than reasonable.
In passing sentence Judge Agee said
there has been an alarming disregard
of the laws, and especialh those which !
protect life and limb. recentl through- 1
out the entire country He declared
that statistics show that the appalling ,
toll of one life every thirty-five min-
utes is being taken through automo-!
bile accidents. in 'losing he said he I
did not mean to convey the Idea that
the defendant was guilty of eontrlput
ing to this toll, but declared the laws
must be upheld and imposed the jail
sentence I
I The Eerthana I I
I Dancing Season 1 I
?J BsfaflBfcpA The public is cordially M
$L ffljHBBi Under liic r" ,,nai r:
I ffl SL? Mi8S u,Ban II H
ij''-' j! jfj jj New ciar.ee numbers. lj
trom9tol2P.M. B
11 ! mwiiwbHW sisi 11 wis wt arTTsrrrrTWTTTfwrar,M,'MMM'
Final Touches Being
Given Arrangements For E
Community Celebration H
The Ogden Packing & Provision
ipanj announced today it -would
have a representation of 200 men and
women In the pageant "Ogden on the
March," which will be the cenlng
feature of Friday in connection with
Ogden's community festival.
A special feature of the music, di
ision will be the appearance in the
paradi of Wright's chorus. This group
is made up of employes of the store.
It has bien organized for a few weeks.
This will be its first public appearance.
The group will sing marches as thoi
pageant moves along Washington ave
nui Finishing touches are being gien to
arrangements for the celebration Fri
day and Saturday.
Ogden's stores arc to look their,
prettiest. lach is planning unique
features within the stores and each I
will have hostesses on hand to make
home folks and strangers welcome.
"Ogden at Home to Its Neighbors"
is the slogan for the festival und thei
business men have made arrange-1
nients whereby the occasion will typify I
Just what the slogan means
Invitations have been extended fori
Ogdenites and visitors to Inspect g-j
ii n's acquisitions to it.' industrial re-'
Two Admit Theft and
Get Fined $30 Each
S- Vertas and H Alclllken, arrested
yestcrdav morning by Patrolman W,
W. Richardson on a charge Of petit
larceny, pleaded guilty before the city
court this morniiif;. Judge I . li. Rob
erts Imposed .1 penalty of ?30 or i!0
days in each case.
The men confessed to ste.iling sixty
ampty burlap sacks from the Wheel
wright Construction company Thev
claimed that they huil stolen the BACkS
with a view of Selling them to procure
money for a meal.
j NEW ORLEANS. La.. Sept. 29
Lieut Col Charles Glen Collins former!
British army officer, must wait until
November 10, before learning whether
In will have to be returned to Born-1
bay. India, to Stand trial on the charge)
of "cheating" a firm of native jewelers
n: connection with his alleged posses
sion of a pearl necklace valued at 25.-'
000 rupees
The continuance was ordered in fed
eral court when Collins appeared lo
QPPOSe extradition by the British gov
ernment. He was arret ted h re two
years ago at tho request of British
minorities. and since that lime has
been held at the house of detention
fighting extradition. He was wounded
hiring the world war and later was
sent by a British firm on a business
trip to India.
The cowblrd. like the cuckoo, lays
its eggs in nests of other birds J
sources. The community wants Ogden silllllil
to know und feel proud of its develop- BRfll
ment and It wants the guests of Qg- bimIiBb
den to get first hand knowledge of its BasaU
The big event of the first day, of H
course, will be the pageant which is lo PLS
I move along Washington avenue from 'I
Twenty-firs I street promptly at 7 10 ? x.
o'clock Everj member f the earn-
mltte is pledged to see there is no tx3K'
'( igden on the March" Is designed to Li'"'VJi!
show 1 Igdeh's contribution to national
md community life, in the pageant
Ogd i will present these contributions
In colorful and interesting form and
the several units will be presented t"
1 olumbla. impersonated by .Mrs. E. i.
Rich. HVHItl
Vfter the pageant proceeds along ? i m4
Washington avenue It will end at Ceu-
tral park at the city hall where a big rP't't t'i
Bl ... Is being fitted up for the final "iw I
tabb nix. , wm
The evening s festivities will bo con- IwwIhE
eluded with a huge community- sing. WKMl
' 'n the next day, Snturdav, Ogden rrtiNiM
will continue to play the host The iil'l' V' '1
unique feature of this day will bo the Vrf ' 1'2
events In Lester park. TJic occasion ' ' 1
will be the f,at general girls' field
1:m in le heifi i oRfitM1 uRrril!!
Minstrel Gets $30
For Taking Overcoat TMM
William J Love, charged with petit
larceny, admitted Ith- theft of a co .t tSSSt
belonging to Thomas Osborne wtic , jUtt &
he appeared before the city court this HIfc&4
morning. Love, an employe of the. Wr
Harvey's Minstrels, was sentenced to I ft
pay s fine of ?30 or stay in jail for JfttiH 1
He stated in court this morning ' I rWiJj
had t:iken the overcoat from
a dressing room in the Orpheun. KSSli'
theater because he was cold. ffig-rfff
I PORTLAND. Sept- 29. Federal in- illHfl
J estl gat km has been ordered from ji
Washington. D. C. of the part take 1? X M
" Prohibition enforcement officers tr
here in the killing of Robert Hedderl? It1 '
an alleged bootlegger, who was & '
jn th- mog.ess oi ., iflor r,d (; .
' federal and police officers two 1 :i k
k" ' " Three federal and 5S A
police officers have been Indicted t.
the count) grand Jurj charged with
nvolun irj manslaughter In the kill
ing of Hedderly. '3J?
OO . H
PRAGUE, CTno-Slovakia SepL
10. (Correspondence.) The first of
a series m .-ch schools exclusii.-l'
" 1 will be opened this hl
Is announced by the department' of
I Reduction In Hudson and Essex Prices 1
Effective Sept. 29, 1920. .1
7-Pass. Touring $2700.00
4-Pas. Touring 2700.00 Roadster fciftor: nrx
3- Pass. Cabriolet 3350.00 . lo25.00
4- Pass. Coupe 3600.00 Tounng Car 1825.00
7-Pass. Sedan 3700.00 Cabriolet ?,,nnn
Touring Limousine 3950.00 "50.00
Limousine 4350.G0 iCGan .. 2700.00 Fl
War tax and freight paid f . o. b. Ogden, IF.
I 2345-55 Hudson Ave. phone M MSLM