msm wm Wr I THE QGDEN STANDARD-EXAMINER WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 29. 1920. I NO DROP IN I PRICES 1 WE ARE IN RECEIPT OF THE FOLLOWING TELE- j GRAMS FROM THE SALES MANAGERS OF THE DODGE BROTHERS. BUICK AND PEERLESS FAC TORIES WITH REFERENCE TO WHAT EFFECT THE REbUCTION IN PRICES MADE BY THE FORD MOTOR COMPANY. MIGHT HAVE ON THEIR LINES OF AUTOMOBILES J "Dodge Brothers policy has ever been to give true value for the price asked There will be no reduction in present prices of Dodge Brothers' car. Newspaper reports to the con trary are absolutely untrue. : "DODGE BROTHERS MATHESON " I "When Ford advanced his price from time to time it had no bearing whatever on our line. Reduction in their prices now should have no bearing on other lines that have improved dis tinctly in design, workmanship and material I the last three years. "BUICK MOTOR COMPANY." "The policy of pricing Peerless product has been fair to the purchaser and no attempt has been made to establish the very high prices which have been possible since the war. T his policy will be evident to you bv comparing I Peerless prices with the prices charged for com peting products during the entire cycle of price advance and at the present time This policy has resulted in an excellent demand from users and has prevented an accumulation of exces- I sive stocks. Costs arc still rising and it may be necessary for us to again inciease our prices although we hope this will not be necessary. We cannot reduce prices under present condi- I tions an dcertainly do not intend to do so. "PEERLESS MOTOR COMPANY." GHEESMAN AUTOMOBILE GO. I 2566 Washington Avenue Phone 325 'i v 1$ I Harding Promises To ' End One-Man Rule; I Greeted By Crowds Ky-, Sciit. 2'J. A fed eral government conducted unuei Lite i-o-ordin iiiun powers of the constitu tion and ttlwuya taking the whoie Am erican people into its confidence was pictured by Senator Hurdlng liere to day aja the Ideal toward which his party would work li returned to pow Assailing "one-man government' the Republican nominee also spoke for greater care that federal uppi pii I . a lions be- made for the goou oi the whole nation rathei than to win local favor. ' Pork barrel" river and -bor legislation he COnden ned particu larly and made a plea for an inland wnterws.) pollcj that would make of the country's rivers i valuable com ion system In co-ordination with ih- railways. WASHINGTON'S Ai:. l. "1 cannot express myself too strong- an untrammeled, centralized power," he said. I am against the spirit of encroachment 01 assumption which may lead on. oi tho grcal departments of our government umlcr the consti tution to Invade or assume the funt -uon? of another. Washington warnod against it In his farewell address. "Even though it is very old fash ioned to believe hi Washington, i do believe In the caution he uttered. Our governnieih umsl express the will ol The people, not th,' will or the liifef ex ecutive. COXsi I T J OPX.E. "When i .-in elected there is going to ie that regard end respect 101 con gress which the constitution content- pi. i ten, in turn, respect the rights and obligations of tiic executive- But I mean to do more than co-ordinate and co-operate with congress, i am going to consult and converse with the men and women of America "Transportation la the very key to all our Industrial, agi Iculturul an I cotnmerclal activities There are still some o.-curts and is .dated sections, Put we're livisg In a uiutor age. w are doing bigger th.ngs til in of old I and we no tnein in a bigger wuy. hut nothing ought wholij to supersede tho water highway. Our proplem Is to! end expenditures which are made lo rejoice . local community and apply 1 1 1 c 1 1 sly i" make the waterways the ways oi commerce. 1 mean to seek' to Lppjy our federal resources to lin-1 proving tne liver waterways before trying to satisfy a nation-wide desire to tui n s federal tlutj into a federal favor. I am thiuklug of tne riverways mi oughout the republic, oh the waters of wnich ought to ride a vast com iiKTri1, which indexes widening Iradi u nd common good fortune GUI I I BID Bl BIG t ROWDS, WHEELING. W Va. Sept. 29. iking to a tumultous csjtord which tmcuvu iii' w in'-iuiK iiuijiio-puin wnue tnousands more battled in the streets tor admission. Senator Harding laid down here last night a poliC) of gov ernment economy ami strict business ii-i ministration. Prom tbe time of his arrival here .11 the curly afternoon the Republican nominee was besieged iy howling 1 1 1 r o n K and during th.- lUdltoilum ad '.. BS bis words again and again awak ened avalanches of applause. ? dense and tuniulous was the Crowd alou: the line from the sena (01 s hotel to the auditorium that both h :.s car a ml i hut which curried Mrs '; ling were lost fpi a time in traffic jams Mrs. Harding reached the nail firsl and was given an ovation OS she was i ushed through the crowded aish s u,i : i In platform When the nominee arrived the crowd rose and cheered for more than u nlnute. Previously Senator Harding had made a short talk denouncing one man government before i crowd of many thousand! who flocked the (street ahout the hotel and earlier In the ia in h iii spoken to five crowds; that gtthered around his private car as ii came across West Virginia, w m m, Llkl ti POR li. Senator Hurdlng told his auditorium audience Wh"j h had preferred the j i rant porch a m pajgn. "It wiisn I b.-caune I didn't desire lo come to von and preach the kosjicI 1 of Americanism from the Republican standpoint," ho said "I've been doing that all m life that's whj I'm a nom- 1 Inee tor president. But I chose to speak from the front porch over at j Marion lor the ver reason that I have encountered In Wheeling todtt I didn't like to 'Ms ppoint any one When I came to your citj 1 find the tide Of I I Republicanism running hlg- and there -are 30,000 people in Wheeling who' I want to hear tne gospel of Republican lam as i delight to preach it but only about &UUU oi US can crowd In here " ne thln 1 could do In Marion was thai I could talk to v irtually all of t he American people through the medium I of the great American press M v .i ow LFFA1RS. j "I think the American people have I heard, i know they bav heard up In I .Maine, and I think thej have heard ! everywhere and have resolved we ought to do two things, first, to put jOUl own house In order and then let the world know that we caii manage mir oa .i D I fa ira." Declaring that Democratic extrava igann and mismanagement had ught the nation to tin brink of fi- nanclal disaster, Senator Harding said thai thi Republican party proposed to inaugurate u policy of economy and Micienej that would j.ut the whole federal government on a sound busi : ness basis I he nominee quoted treasury de partment figures to support his i harge oi unwarranted expenditures and as serted that one effect of the adminis tration's proposal for new issue of treasury certificates would be to fur ther handicap tne money market and to Increase t..- cost of living. He 3cor-, ed President Wilson fur ins veto of Ihe bUtigel bill i.i-;., ay Ine last - publican congress ami promised that a budgel sysiein would be unc ol Ihe first policies inaugurated bv a new lt puolii an admlnh i ul ion WOt'ID ( it i iv ri 'Unless we check tne existing sys tem ol vvusu and extravagance " he continued, vie snail run head-on into disaster. We liavc heard during the i.i.-t few days nom the Democratic ui-j ministration at Washington that u needs money, more money, always! more monej And during these same days we have heard, from a Democratic candidate that if h is elected to the I presidency he will give to the people! of this country O budget system such, as the present president, with whom he lays he Is In accord, rejected losti J one." S. nator Harding said the public i had Increased from $24, 29s, 321,- "ii June Uu to $2-.4,G7J, Ua on August 1, and that the deficit for the hjst y. a i would rave been nearer three bill io us than one billion hud not the Republican congress cut down ad ui ion requests for nppropria-1 i Ions. As an illustration of financial ln- efficioncj he quoted Brigadier lied- eral H. l. Lord, director of finance of the department, ius saying that the department went into the war without any fixed financial policy, with the re sult tnat a uoz.'.i bureaus were com peting in purchases and driving prices dKyward. i Keieriing to the proposal for a new treasury certificate issue, uie senator declared it was time the people in qulred into the administration's mcth-l jpd Of financing if ihe nation was to l. i.ivc.) from serious consequences , Ml I IKili (il RUNNING i s It is obvious." he continued, "that! when the gov ernment oT th t inted j Mates offers 5 and i per cent for! money, the effect is to drive higher and higher the Intercut rates on Indus-' trial and business loans and thereby i to increase the cost of dolus business and consequently the cost of living "Industrial reports fiom otic end of' the country to the othej indicate a falling off in business, a stringency in the money market. These conditions are du either directly or indirectly to the gigantic failure of the Demo-, cratic administration to function as a business organization. I has druwn the V-,y life blood from the channels of business to keep itself alive aj process which If continued, Will inevi-' tablj pro. inc.- o collapse of our finaii-j ciai system.'1 The Republican budget bill, said the nominee, would have co-ordinated the expenditures of the various federal de-J partments and bureaus and would I have made It necessary for the presi dent to call his cabinet members into, conference, agree on a financial policy, and then adhere o that policy. Presi de! Wiltons veto of the bill in the' closing days of the session, be said. ' did not relate to Its great construc tive features but to a small detail of partisan polities.- and efforts to ie- pnss the measifre failed because of "a filibuster conducted by three Demo- j cratic senators " I ON OMY LAUDED. I President Taft's creation of un effi dency commission was lauded by the candidate who said that had the pem oi rati) administration carried forward the work begun In that direction by I M r. Taft, much embarrassment in war I finance and In reconstt uctlon might have been avoided. " Economy, economy and still again economy must be the watchword of the hour " said Senator Harding "To spend more than Is received In the long run Is as fatal to a government ! as It is to an Individual. There are thus, uini insisl thai our government lS so strong financially tlint It cannot' j he wrecked This Is not true but the! way is open to us to give that Strength. It is for us who are called to Service to follow that roud and for my part 'i promise to point the way." ( LLtjEp H) o riNUE, When the 'autlldate concluded his prepared address ihorP were shouts of 'eo on, go on!" from the crowd and' he acquiesced, baking a plea for ,m erlcanism and sell -sustaining Ameri can Industry I The audience shouted approval when j Avery Steel Beet Digger I FOR 22 YEARS THE BEST BEET DIGGER I GeU ALL THE BEETS ALL THE TIME, regardless of weather or soil conditions, I and it's the cheapest. Sold v-ith or without riding attachment. I SIDNEY STEVENS IMRLEMENT CO. M Ogden, Utah I I gagj I WBZ BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsl BBBBBBBBBsi " It Educes Housekeeping BU , YOUR.iddle cakes, waffles, corn meal ' -1 and similar dishes need no butter nor elk : j tlsj suar when you use deliciousLo.Qihin S rup. ., "'" J q f T!ic rich Maple Flaor transforms them'. s' I $ Ephj$ " Children prefer the simplest fonds if served riWri Vvl A&?-7 v,'fh Log Cabin S rup. Cn.wn-ups cqualU I ' A "j- ': f j enjoy I hem because of the charm added by ; ,J -r:' K I !js-J I nLo Cabin Syrup the delicate maple flavor Jsf H ff is mellowed and preserved bv the famous A 1 ' V M I nuL pro-ess. There are other svrups hut KjP 1v vJr)B ! 'S n!y y fl he dei hired that if Amerjea.ii high Wages were to continue there must "be one hundred per tent production roi the wages paid Uc alsq asked for Individual economy. After in- had spoken, " more than an hour the nominee turned to ftfrs Harding and asked- ".My time up, Boss-." "No," she replied, as the crowd laughed ami applauded, Then the senator started to sa , You know Since suffrage " but his wife held up a cautioning ton-firmer and tho rest of the sentence died in another crash of handclapplng. When he lauded the Cummins Esclv railway act. Senator Harding was In terrupted ly a man on the platform who aSked Why, despite the provisions of the law for an equitable distribu tion of roal cars, ' they still seem to be held up in West Virginia." In reply the nominee declared that the 'administration or the Interstate commerce commission, saw fit to Ig nore the law-" CHARGES OF UNFAIRNESS IN AIR RACE DISCREDITED NEW OKK. Sept 2'J The con test committee of the Aero club of America. In a statement today, repudi ated us "unauthorized and deplorable" charges that unfair attempts were made lo eliminate, the American air craft In the Gordon Bennett Race at Btampi I Claude K Collins, president of the Aviators' club of Pennsylvania, In making public a cablegram sent b) him and C. A. Wright, president of the Aero club of Texas, asking that I another field he selected and rules modified, had asserted that "for some weeks It has been believed thai foul means were being taken by foreign en trants to keep Americans from lifting the trophj " "Messrs. Collins and Wright implied j the French resorted to unsportsman like methods, but W9 have no evidence I to sustain this' said the Aero club's announcement men aiieif uion inn null runs' i were devised to the embarrassment, land Injury of the American contest ants is untrue Insofar as the contest, ommlttee of the Aeio club of .Arnerl 1 ca Is Informed. I 'The onl condition of which the I contest committee found it necessary ' to take cognisance was the state in .which the fliers found the Etampcsl field Having protested, we let tne , matter rest." FORMER BULL MOOSERS ASK SUPPORT FOR COX NEW' YORK. Sept. 29 Democratic national headquarters last night made public an appeal "by 15 Bull Moose loaders," to former members of the Progressive party to support Governor Cox and Franklin O. Roosevelt at the November election. Tne appeal set forth that "Harding Is a reactionary and Cox a progressive " Signers are: Mathow Hale, of Massachusetts; Francis J. Haney. California; Ben B. Lindsay. Colorado, Ellas D Saulshury. Indiana. Joseph Mlshach. Iowa lohn M. Parker, Louisiana; Roscoe Eertlch, Indiana. Antoinette Funk. Illinois H. H Hollman. Missouri; Edwin M. Lee, j Indiana. A. A- Andrldge. Ohio; Charles' W. Reynolds, Kentucky; George C. Rublef, New Hampshire- V H Nh h-, Ols Vermont, and Harold L Ickes. Illi-i nols. Mr, lckes will have charge of the "Rrogresslv e-Cox" movement iii thej middle western and western states, and' Edwin Lee wil direct work here, iti was staled. n OIL SWINDLE REVEALED BY NEW YORK ARRESTS NEW YORK. Sept. 29 An indict ment charging use of the malls to de-1 fraud was returned by the federal, grand Jury against the Stanton oil company, K. M. Stanton company. Inc.. brokers, and three alleged pro-1 motors, Katherine M. Stanton. Frank I A. Dwyer and Albert J. Froelich. The company, capitalized at $3,000,-1 00 In shares of $1 par value, had not been In business two weeks when a dividend of 3C per cent was declared, according to Federal Attorney Sim mons, who presented the case to the grand jury This was four months be fore the company sold any oil. he said, making the dividend Illegal Al though at no time were more than L'ufi barrels of oil a day produced from the company's holdings In West Vir ginia and Texas, circulars advertised 1,200 barrels as the dally production, said the federal attorney t SON IN LAW OF SENATOR CONVICTED OF MURDER ALEXANDRIA, Minn., Sept. 29. Gustaf Nelson, son-in-law of United gSflLsssw States Senator Nelson, was last night IPIBclB convicted of a charge of murder in the sbbVRIh first degree. He was accused of th. ILsHH Killing of Joseph Middleton, a farm HWv hand was shot dui Ing i -, Uffj, f -poi - Ion ol a shot gun The tun sfl was out six hours. sssbbbbbbI oo i The ferret is a domestic variety of Lsssssssf-fl he H I I BuffrJo. N. Y. PETEY. LISTEN HARD! on a Saturday! When it's your good luck to butt into Buffalo, go to that store on Ellicott Square where the dark haired clerk slips out Camels with both hands plus a tank of talk on the side! r5 The thing that tickled me most was his ATcIck! sureness that I was after Camels! As soon as Wflia aC m CO'n 0n tlc counter anc before I ff could say a word, he flashed me a package of iK ffii Camels' When I asked him how he knew I wanted Camels, he took a pull on his laugh "5fe stock and soaked me with this: "Can't telj r--::::r::r you, old mayonnaise I'm dressing!" r-1 I After he had waited on several other men I I who drew their Camels like I did, this salesman said . "For a fact, most men here smoke Camels, They hit the popular taste! Camels have the right body and the right mildness and the right flavor! They're ALL right!" ' I And, Pete he added this without a stutter: The more I see of the world and the more I kz learn about cigarettes, the more respect I have li SM for Camels and Camels quality ! I don't bolieve a bettor cigarette could be made at any price!" 4 J h :Jd And Pete oh, Pete listen to this gem "And sml! it's an odds on bet I'm a good judge. I've tried x7V yrtW 'em all and my taste is the jury box.'" f sfsfi If that isn't a swell line of Camel talk, 111 sell ( my shoes! But, Peter, that salesman is right! ;ij7 It's my belief that no cigarette in the world can rfic be favorably compared with Camels they're so Cbov,"7' smooth and mellow and delightful! I'm herewith slipping between the sheets, old -k t. book. So. you tell 'cm the rest you're so full of knowledge I . iK J Sincerely ' I ' MS sii oBsBBSsl Inl