entered aa Second-Clan Matter at tha Poatofflce, Ogden, Utah. Establlhed 1S7
Member of tht Audit Bureau of Circulation and the Associated Presi
An independent Newspaper, published every evening and Sun
day morning without a muzzle or a club.
Subscription in Advance
ONE YEA W.OO. . . . Gls
The Associated Preaa la exclusively entitled to the use for republication of an
new credited to It not otherwlae credited In thla paper and alao tha local Mm
publlfhed herein.
I Another lcssm in the part flida piny in cflrring disease lias been I
learned in a study of the deer fly fev r in three isolated districts in j
There is a fly in central Africa which conveys the sleeping
sickness, and now a deer fly is found t" inoculate humans with a
j bacteria which develops is rodent The latest tisc of the disease
has been reported from near Verntvl, I tah.
Deer-fh fever is described as sometimes fatal, bul always p.nn
ful and weakening in the extreme, and renders its victim totally dis j
ablcd, so far as work goes, tor some weeks It usually occurs in
deer-fly season, and sometimes i- associated with bites from that
! inset, winch apparently brought infection High fevei swellings
i and breaking dow n of the tissue around tin- site of the bite, which i
was usually in exposed places were characterise i( of the disease :
Three yean agp Dr. W, H. McCoy first succeeded in isolating Bae-j
terium tularehsis, lie had g i- Tulare county California, to
study a strange malady thai was attacking various forms of rodents
there. lie isolated the germ ami named i1 from the county where
he had found il Last year li Francis after himself falling a vie
tim to the disease he whs studying ;s able to prove that the Bac
terium fcularensia of California is the cause of 'he deer-fly fevei in
Utah. The disease no) spiead to liuinan beings m Tulare COUD
ty, nor anywhere else, outside of Utah. The theory now is that the
deerfly. which is the carrier of the infection between the rodents
and the human beings in Utah does not exist, or. at any rate, doet
not carry the infection in other places where the bacterium may
exist. Iii Utah the disease occurs in localities where rodents, and
particularly when jackrabbits arc plentiful, ami it is the supposi
j tion that the deer-fl; stacks the animals on which the bacterium
LLX thrives and then carries it to the next human the fly happens to
More than one ol the fmers in the west have been caused by I
B bites. For a long period 'spotted fever" puzzled the medical men.
LLX and then it was discovered that tin disense was from the bite of a
When L'icottc, the famous White Sox pitcher, told the story of
his infamy to the grand jury m Chicago, he w ept and when he oamf
out of the confessional he said.
"I have regretted a thousand times in the pasl year the crime 1
coramitied. I dread to think of th- effect my wrong-doing will
I have on my children.
This is Ihe old. old ftory of yielding to temptation ami then
j being overwhelmed with remorse. Ha'l I icotte given just one min
I ute to deep contemplation of the offense lie was about to commit
I and had he looked forward to tin mental distress in was inviting
when he -was face to face with treachery and false dealing, he might
have escaped the disgrac e and humiliation now upon him I lis chil
dren today would he free from the siigma he has placed on his
There is need in America Ebr the purifying influence of hon
.esty. All our sports, with this exposure in baseball are 'n ought with
in the power of the corrupter Seemingly we are a money-mad peo
ple, with a moral fihr. that yields to the dollar s6 readily ns to prove
There is a demoralizing suggestion in this baseball scandal
which may not sink home now that the swift hand of retribution is
upon the White S'ox team. oung men might have gained th idea
that honesty no longer is essential to character and reputation, had
L'icottc and his team mates evaded the chastisement which has over
whelmed them. Not one of the gang will find a comfortable spol
in all this world. Even the bush leagues could not attend to engage
One of them. Whenever the conspirators appear in the future they I
will hear the word of reproach anil condemnation, Their lives, as j
highly respected and honored sports, are ended
Comiskey, as owner of the White Sox, did the rijrht thing when
he telegraphed the indicted men. thai they were suspended and, if
found guilty would he driven from organized baseball.
In the census of 1920, Montana has made a most creditable
showing and with an increase oi 1" 6 per cent, the copper state has
gone ahead of Utah and Idaho
Many of the farming communities have grown in population
and the mining camps hae taken on new life, although in the past,
year Butte has been slumping owing to the depression in the copper
Montana's increase has been from 376, 000 in 1910 to 047,594 in
3920. or a growth of 171,540.
Nevada's entire population will not equal Montana's increase in
ten years.
'ew Mexico has advam ed slowly but fast enough to overtake
Vermont, which is now the fort -fifth state in the union m point of
Louisiana today has 1,797,798, Or an increase of 141,410, which
is 30.000 less than is credited to Montana. Our southern states are
not developing as rapidly as their resources warrant. This, no doubt,
is due tu climatic conditions.
Complaints are being received by the city commissioners to the'
effect that the apartment houses of Ogden have closed their doors
to prospective tenants with children
One of the hotel men of Ogden has stated that family after fam
ily has left the city owing to the refusal of apartment house own
ers to allow children to enter.
A woman with four children has tramped over the greater part
of Ogden, seeking accommodations for herself and Little ones, and
the one answer she has received is this:
"We do not want children in our apartments."
How is this city to grow, if children arc to be barred from
Unless a family has a home of its own. serious trouble is eon
fronting the father and mother. Once they are outside the protect
ing roof of a house, little encouragement is given them. They can
beg and entreat, but the one reply will be:
"Too bad. We an do nothing tor you. You have children.'
j Utah, ai never before, is receiving attention from the political
. j parties.
I Already Governor ( ox baa been in the state, alse Roosevelt, the
i ice presidential candidate, representing the Democratic side.
I Of the Republican forces. Governor Harding of Iowa and young
I Teddy Roosevelt with Robson. have been here, and the schedule calls
I for Senator 1. L. Leuroot of Wisconsin. Herbert Qoover and former
J Senator Albert J. Beveridge of Indiana.
3 There was a time when 1 tah could obtain but a feeble response
3 from the big parties. Tpday the most persuasive speakers are being
tthrown into the political arena in this state.
MlsreR SciQ-Qec i camcs in f yes '
To se. you about youR L
THC5 COPV OF IT UMICH slj At looc t
fiouam a short
if you'll ujrt5 p. J -T mmrtr
IN CMSLLlSH r 1 f .&N
YOUR. RerDtSRS jj ' Ai'p -
LUILC T3(rLieve 4 V A
vou r&ally H- 'fe r.--- T
1 I
This was the note that Corny Coon's
bov lairl on Mr. Scribble Scratch's
"Dear Mr. Schoolmaster.
' am sorry thai Petev cannot be
at school torinv for hla writing examl
nalion. Imt I hnv.- to take him tr the
rloctor'"! to flnl out what Is wronsr with
Ills quills, lie ha lot so many late
ly that ho Is nearly bald and he
catches cold every time the wind
"Yours truly,
Mrs. P. Porcupine.
P. S Why can't l'ctey write hot
ter ? He can read reading hut he
can t read writing "
Mr. Scribble Scratch looked very
queer when he read this. Pint bo
cause they couldn't have any exami
nation that da unles the little por
cupine boy were there to furnish the
pons, second, because it was only too
true that he couldn't write. He and
Nancy had promised to let him off I
from' his writing lessons if he would
be r-o kind as to furnish the pens 1
WASHINGTON. Sept 23. The 1920
census figures ?how that Iowa had
fewer federal employes, aud her poo
pie have made fewer applications for
government Jobs, than any other state
in the union Incidentally federal of
ficlals have remarked that it is harder
to fill a government job in Iowa than
in any other state, and sometimes resi
dents from other Btates have to take
federal Jobs in Iowa.
On the other hand the people of
Virginia hold the most government
jobs, and thousands of applications
are pending from that state.
Back In the da of Ann Lee the
Shakers of Lebanon, N. V, advertised
that they would hold a "shnker dance''
at the corner of Eleventh street and
Pennsylvania avenue here. Thai was
about a half century ago. The notice
of this affair is et ill a matter of rec
ord among the old showbills in a case
at the congressional library,
In the gay city of Washington, the
center of culture, within a block of
the White House, many distinguished j
persons take their meals in a stable a
place that formerly housed race
It is the National Woman's party!
tea loom It Is on the alley in the
rear of the party's home, 14 Jacksonj
place Even members of the tariff
commission Edward P. Costigan and!
wife, for instance go down this alley i
and in at the same door where manyj
He handed the note to Nancy and
Just then Xlck came In with lha pokc
berrj ink.
But nobdy had anything to sugKes'.
tt was a nice state of affairs'
All at once Harry Hedgehog rolled i
up the aik and unfolding himself laid
a note on" Scribble f-Vralch's desk,
then he rolled hack to his seat again.
I he schoolmaster picked It up KinK- ,
erly, expecting more trouble, but I
scarcely had he read one line when hel
tic handed Ihe note to Nancy nd just then Niels came In "ih the
Pokeherrx InU.
smiled happily. This was It:
"Dear Mr. Schoolmaster,
"Plas-"- don't tf ich Harry an niorO
writing He knows too much now. Be
sides his quills are too thick and he
pets tired carrying them around and
he mustn't work.
.Mrs H. Hedgehog."
"I declare!" said the fairyman.
You know how Scribble Scratch fix
ed things UP, don't you '' Petes Por-1
lupine's ipnlls ar growinc in nicely
now. while little Harry Hedgehog has
lost half of his.
Only Harry's arc so small that the
pupils of Meadow Grove school can
no longer make capital letters.
a fleet footed steed has passed, to
This tea rom is probably one of th
most popular in the national capital.
The walls have been painted and the
borsefeed room is used as a kitchen.
The stall partitions were remoed
Mrs. Ruth Quick former picket, is In i
charge and has made, a big success ofj
it financially, and as a social center,
ko much so that recently it has been I
necessary to put eating tables In one
end of the militants' ball room to ac
commodate the overflow.
Health Questions Will Be An
swered If Sent to Information
Bureau, U. S. Public HeaJth Srv
Ice, Washington, O. C.
, .
The importance of milk as a part of
the dally diet cannot be too often, or,
too frequently stressed Indeed there
is no other food quite as valuable
taken b itself, and there is no substl
Milk contains protein of a more val
uable kind than IS found in most other
foods. Whole or skimmed milk is a'
valuable meat substitute, and, when
we drink milk, wo necessarily need
less meat.
Milk is rich In fat, and a pint of
milk contaius a little more than hail
an ounce of fat, about the same quan
tlty as an ordinary serving of but
ter. Milk also contains an amount of
When we drink milk we are getting
a quantity of sugar, fat and protein,
and these burn in the body and pro
duce energy.
Milk is exceedingly rich in calcium,
of lime, which is necessury for the
growth of the bones and the te.th In
the young and a necessity in ihe diet I
The Reduced Cost of Tire
Mileage for Your Small Car
Do you realize that Goodyear Tires j
are priced no higher today than in
1910 and that their mileage actually
fififsE costs less than it did a decade ago?
nr9sftn During this period Goodyear has been
fturOr sfiSSn ae stcacnly to increase the amount
UyfQ Br mileage built into its tires and,
fOfi Hpr consequently, the cost ot Goodyear "Xkj
fQr mileage has actually declined.
fY IM. In no part of the Goodyear line has
(XX tns feline been more marked than
AAA I n Present 30 x 3-, 30 x 31?.- and
OOf) I 31 x 4-inch sizes of Goodyear Tires,
1 made especially for small cars.
VY I If you own a Ford, Chevrolet, Dort,
tgQjQ Maxwell or other car taking these
SvX I sizes, go to your nearest Service Sta-
U fl tion for them get the unusual value
B I I contained in their construction and
I I delivered in their mileage.
1 ? GodVr . s-t, -n Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes cost no
?nllS'CLreT 1 more than the price you are asked to pay
All -Weather Tread J fof of memwhy risk costiy
30 x 3V Goodyear . casings when such sure protcc-
Single-Cure Fabric, $"7"j50 tion is available ? 30x3 size sZpO
Anti-c!c.dTread w JL in waterproof bat
I Ogden E!ectric"suppiy Company I I
2430 Washington
i Goodyear Service Station I I
Of adults even if they have stopped
. Another important content in milk
are the vitamlnes One is present in
the fat, and ihe other in the waters
j part of the milk Of the two the fat
I soluble vltiamine is of more Impor
tance, because ve get a quantity of the
water soluble vitamins in many of
our other foods
No family Bhould think of bun:
me.it until it has boucht enough niilki
tn give "ach member of lb1 family onei
glassful for each meal.
Q. one member of our family is
ST T I IITT-MTT-MIM I 111 ! will
afflicted with cataracts on both eyes
Have you an information to offer as
to what to do to effect a cure?
.V The public health service has no
bulletins hlch deal with the subject
of cataracts This condition consists
in a chance whereby tho lens of the
eye become opaque. Treatment re
quires the services of a skilled physi
cian ee specialist, and consists usual
ly in the removal of tb opaque lens.
In other words, in Ihtr extraction of the
cataract. The treatment of cataracts,
however varies with the variety It is
.suggested that you discuss the matter
v. Mb your tmll physician and have
I him refer you to some reliable eye spe- it
ciallst for advice and treatmenl W
oo F A
TOKIO, Sept. 28. Premier Mara H
visited his native town a few days ago.
He hired a ricksha at the station. Af-
ter o few Steps, the ricksha man
turned around and said: "Ain't you
Mr Hara?" "Yes." answered the iU
Premier, 'and who arc you 7" 3
The ricksha man save hie name and (H
it then was discovered that the two
had been school-mates many years ffj
ago. They spent a happy half day to- Li
gether talking over old times. KB
oo H
The present ruling family of Japan H
came, to the throne In 660 B. C.
j " j 1
Ogden "At Home9' To I
Her Neighbors
Ogden Bids You Welcome To Her
Unique Fall Festival Oct 1 and 2
., . .
Friday, Oct. 1st Saturday, Oct 2nd
Free motor trips to Ofrden's fine schools Girls' field day on Lester park PiCn
Mid industrial plant3. luncheon at 12 noon.
Ogden stores will entertain with local Playc and games for children Drama-
women as hostesses. tization by stones in costume Athletic
carnival by contestants I
American Legion will staee surprise ,. H
stunts on the stSets. Jgl
Grand evening spectacle, ' Ogden on Bagket
the March, depicting staging periods o and mothers with children Prnc
religious, dramatic, musical and industnal classic danci Tfae - gram ol
Me- and jig. Solo dance. ' ouble
Evening pageant spectacle on elevated At 6:30 Lester park OamWii ,
stage on the City hall park. ing. p ' onimunity smg.
- 111 . j ' - -- Mm