OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, September 29, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-09-29/ed-1/seq-7/

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1 Last Times Today
tjk Personally Guaran
tor teed by the Mnn-
py. ao,emcnt
HKxr Sttmuel Golchvyn
Also First Pictures cf Bomb Ex
plosion in New York City
I Theatre
j Tomorrow, Mitchell Lewis in
. A
sa.V FRANCISCO. Sept. 0. Pro-:
i ;i I posa! for the cUniinatlop c( lirry
I-f . 1 "i ' ' c : I :' f .., I 'r.i n '
Oakland passenger terminals on San
yi'f.rk Francisco bay and the substitution of
. cutoff to an island in the Ivay known
i.s YYi b i ltuena from the Oakland side
KjtrSH .!.! lube to San Kran - 1 Croi
Island, km submitted by Rear Aumlr-I
jTi ai Joseph L. Jayne, commanding Ihe
liJ Twelfth naval district, to a meeting "' !
K:T railroad and civic executives here lo-
I I Admt'ra; Jayne propos d that the
' li i 1 1 rban plei t the f-an Fran-
Qu clafip-t akland terminal railways (Key
I route ) b extended to th i land, thus
forn.lnc. a c utoff from Oakland to the
BJ island for the accommodation of both j
the terminal system and Hie Southern!
Pad'fii railroad.
, Tin- pi ' n
SlA fmiiual "n the I: la n.l u hu ii' v. ..i.li
'rjff ;j ' o.iiod.i ii- (iMThm'1 i t i; jis : ul.in -
IfcJgiP bar. traffic. The tube would run from
ME a point, on the c,,st Bide Of the island
Eg to ii point near the San Fruncisco ferry ;
JfiPjti COPENHAGEN', 3pL 10. Cones- ,
pbnddncef,) A combine, formed b)
X' i leading Danish ship owners, has
' plied to (he government for a con i
own wireless stations and lo lake ;
Efl ocr al) private wireless business "in j
KH JjeuiUHrk The plan, ii is understood, I
i i vi-'wrd v.-;ih approval In ::oern- j
Special Matinees for the Children
4 to 6 P. M.
Admission Only 25c
VJ 'mwren 10c
Cox Reveals Stand
On Volstead Act In
Touring Dry States
COX. .IAHA. Neb. gepl 29. After
PfSterday's tour of South Dakota
where tie kvi the first pronoun scihent
of his attitude toward the Volstead en
forcement act. Governor Cox, De'mor
joratlc nominee tor president, today
traveled to Missouri and Kansas where
the prohibition question has been one
I of the vital issues for many years.
Compared with yesterday's scbeduli
of 16 upeeehcs. only three addresses
wri on today's program. The first.
I SI. Joseph. Mo., in the early :if tr rnoo.i.
was to hj followed l oiiC ai Atchl
Son, Kan., in the late afternoon nn
j at Top Ua. the slate capital. In the
: evening.
in s statement issncd this morning
and wh)eh was expected to form the
basis' of his Missouri and Kansas
jlio'i-hi-s tod.iv. iucrnoi Cox aKalii
soverelj crltioised his Republican op
ponent for having ho daflniti plan
to orfcr In substitution for the league
I'M nations." He fahi In part:
, 'Th.' reason S'-natur Maiding has no
definite plhii to otter m sntetituilon
I for the league of nation Is because
Ihe docs not daf stiJtcs'. to the moth-
cr of America the only alternative
I ihi-re is: -Nuniely. a return to Inler
I narioTuzl normality1 of -isn wKh sjuo
oraciCS, With ultimatums and secret
liiplomac. and burdensome arma
ment .
VL.1 I I - l 1 MLS
''Of course-the reason Senator H.nd
rig has no substitute for the league pi
nations Is because everything B.SO has
been tried md has fafletl, Th.- inti -parilamentary
un.on held conferences'
for-a decade before Uk- great war.,
Th- Flague court hai been functioning
for more than IB years bat both were
impotent to prevent or even postpone
the catastrophe And as for the great
alliance, instead of preventing war by
a balance of power they provoked
war bv the multiplication of arms and
munitions, ot battle fleets and stand
ing armies.
' We are a.t the crossroads of destlhyl
and miisi"makc our decision We must .
chobse either to retrace our stcj a pverj
the broad road Of International jii-(
archy." which WC haVi- seen leds ObH
to destruction, or we must choose to
advance and travel along the straight,
and narrow path of International
Justice, patrolled by I lie moral, might
ot' th" civilized nations of thi World.
'"Only three more days remain Ol
the Democratic candidate's western
tour Tomorrow' he w II continue
through K-ansiis and Friday will cover j
Oklahoma. Saturday he trill reenter
Missouri ending the western lour with
8 speech at Kansas City in the eve
ning mid leave for his horre In Day
ton. i."
l l si ON ED iN. "RUM"
PIOLX FALLS. S D.. Sept. 29. A
statement regarding the Volstead pro-,
hibition enforcement laic that he
ould or pose any measure that is In'
jcoiiiiici u.ni me iwiwuiu'iuii nu
1 18th amendment, as interpreted by th
Slpr me url." anrl lomb..rdments Of
questions regarding 'he Hague of na
tions from persons of German blood
amrked a ! i v 1 tour of South Dakota
yesterday by Governor Cox. The
Democratic presidential candidate also
launched new criticism of Senator
Harding, his Republican opponent, as
sailing bitterly the senator's LnUt
more speech of Monday and again
dubbing him a brewer."
Governor Cox's statement upon the
Volstead act, the first bo has made
directly, was in response to a Question
the first from any of hln audience
from a man at Mitchell lue today.
"If elected president of the United
State what will be yi.ui attitude i"
regard lo the Volstead law'.' was the
point-blank query made.
' Mv attitude with reference to that
whole question i th'.s," Governor Cox
replied. I shall oppose any measure
that Is in conflict with the constitu
tion of the United States and the eight
eenth amendment, a interpreted by
the supreme court."
The governor, when questioned later
by newspaper men, declined to ampli
fy his statement, declaring thai "
stood as given. To his Corn Show au
dlence. the candidate relti rated his
pledge of law enforcement and his
statement regarding Ehihday closlns
of i 'hio, saloons while governor.
That Germany should be welcomed
into the league of nations and "! at d
as weW a:t any other nation." was
stated by Governor Cox in reply to
persons of German blood or descent, I
fi rming a large part of communities
the .imlhlat.- ii. m hid Iml iy. II .-.il'! '
that German Junker., not the masse
caused the War and, dtsvnnnlnff "Amor-1
lea first," and "Deutschland ber Alles"!
ileclare.i thiii the pro-German slogan (
was selfish and lt. policy disastrous. ;
In virtually all of his speeches to-I
day a total of s'.xteen. Including
fourUc i outdoors in a biting wli.d and
the therniometor around thp ."0 mark.
Governor Cox assailed Senator Hunt
ing. Deploring and denouncing tin
uen.itor'8 demurrer yesterday at Baltl-,
more to a question upon the league of!
nations and the Republican nominee's
statement that he whs "wllhout u
'in'jel program constructive about an I
wOclatleth of nations." Governor Coxl
declare the situation 'deplorable and
' The candidate of the sanatoriali
oligarchy, by his Statement," the gov
ernor declured In addressing a large
audience here at the auditorium clos
ing his South Dakota tour, "plead
Kulity on behalf of h:s himself and IliSi
associates for the most stupe ndoui
conspiracy the world has ever BOep.l
Th'.s statement is a confession pi the
charge l hive made that this group
h.is drill eralely held up the I" i
the world anil outraged ;i suffering
eivihzation for selfish partisan imr
ppsoa and wilfully obstrdctcd th ri
construction pfoceosea in the United
Stales that they might win a presiden
tial election for themselves in n re-1
n't that might be ,irou:vd at the
administration In power.''
Th" league of nations proiircs i'n'i;
agricultural topics were pri ached bi
the governor to all of his fiftei n E uth
Dakota audiences, mostl) rear plat
form gatherings which the candidate I
addressed blanketed in a heavy ulster
against raw blasts Of the coldest day
of his campaign. Statement, initiat
ed yesterday In Nebraska, regarding
league Riippuri bv all religious organi
zations, were repealed today through!
thin stale and again applauded d m
ongtratlval) The outdoor program to-
day equalled only in Michigan at the
start of his present i tip, -ore), ti l. 'i
the governor's hoarse voice and physl
! cai stamina. .
Several persons, mostly with pro
nounced German accents, questioned
'the governor at different places. Some
ippedred frlendlj ;mi caused th go
rnOr to give his vb-ws on questions
'Interesting his audiences.
W e have no concern about any na
tional bitterness in America,'' the gov
, srnor said The war Is over onu
rmanv should be treated Just as well
'as any other nat'on The Germans arc
., en ihrlfty, hard working peopb--The
German pe i ! were hoi responsi
ble for the war it was the Junkers
I ttuii wei . responsible for the war, the
military autoorac Th. ie are a lot of
fine, spkndnl men and women in
Imerii i whose names suggested Ger
man pan ntage who hud a very un
I happy time during this wai because
of u mere handful cf Junkers In
.America that misrepresented ihe loyal
Americans of German ancestry.
a to Germany, she will in all
pro be il ti i ne a member of the
league of nations this year H will be
her salvation to do It. and she should
! be welcome, as every other nation In
the woiM ought to be welcome withou:
any prejudice."
in continuing here ni atuu ks upon
Senator Harding aqd the senatorial
oligarchy" ihe governor declared that
the Republican leadership had. for
p i tlcal i urposes rejected "a definite
b ifflcienl program for reconstruc
tion, put frth bj the present admin
istration, in order, the candidate said,
to "continue chaos ami to inilui.i ih
geopje io pry for a change."
Cut th people are having their
eyes opened," the governor declared.
"The country Is becoming to under
- n th. t ii has te en victimized by t
polltli il rinn. drunk with power, and
with' one object only to annex to It
self the presldencj 1
That it was proposed to change the
federal reserve act In the Interests of
bankers was reasserted by the gover
nor. He charged that "the reaction
ary group wants to give back control
to Will street," but ;-ald that "fortun
ately their despicable plot has been
discovered In time."
Rail Journey From pans to
Constantinople Marked By
Official Red Tape
respondence.) Nine vlsacs are re
quired lo carry a traveler from Con
stantinople to Paris on the Oriental
express, and I ho task is so great
thai most traveler.-, lake steamers to
Marsi Ulea or Venice In preiereuce to
Ihe jumbled rail trip across the Bal
kans, which necessitate a r-ndlers con
troversies Willi border control of
tlcials at various fronileir.
An American who (Io3lreo lo go lo
I Paris by -ail muci start with vhe
visa of the I'nited Stales consulate
on Ins passport, Then the tourist
must go to the Swedish legation to
get the Bulgarian visa The Serbian
stamp is next In order. It must be
followed by Ihrec Gri k stamps. ,hal
ol the Greek high conimitsiocor, of
the Greek military control and of
ihe Greek consul. Then vlsaes must
be had of the Italian and the French
military controls
Mjny paraports are not large
enough lo cany ;-ll the stumps. An
Englishman, who recently attempted
to gel the collection on an old pass
port, exhausted nil the blank space 'n
four calif.. His embassy would not
permit him to attach 0 blank sheet
to his passport Consequently he
had to hae a new one issued ind
started over train on the round oi
vexatious quc::cs.
Since the Polish disaster, Bolshe
vik agitation has become so acute in
Turkey I hat travelers .n o watched
more carefully than ever before by
Ye allied officials. On a recent pas
senger ship from Batr.m i so called
Russian colonel, whose conversation
with British officials showed a de
cided ignorance of military affairs,
was ; in . ill d. Ho had five passports
in his trunks, together with great
quantities, of soviet literature in mao
l;'.'iu io The bogus colonel was
sent to General Wrangel iu the
DROPS TO 13 l-2c
CHICAGO. Sept. I'H Through
a further reduction of l&C by tho
federal Refining company today,
the price of granulated sugar
dropped to 13'jc a pound. This
was the lowest pjlcc since the
government relinquished control
and about IJe a pound IcSm than
the high level pn vallins early in
I he sum mer.
A Chinese trust controls the dye
used on tlri t rai le rs, made from
cih ii i Philippine; wood.
Nell Shipman in -Back to
God's Country" and Fay Tin
cher in "Wild and Western'
at the Rex, opening tomorrow
at 4:45. Admission, including
war tax, 10c.
Says Supposed Mother No Re
lation: She Gets Work
Believing that the woman whom 1
I she had always known as her mother, i
I was in no way related to her led Mfcr- j
' garet Banford, pieitv Scotch lass, to J
! change her mind about coirs to Wells.
j New to live. Consequently she ns- '
' raainpd in igden pot a Job and caused
la stir involving a search for her by;
I police officer of the inti rmoun'.aln
country for more than a wer'.t
i Miss Banford was located by ivtec-
fives Robert Chahhers and W. A.
Jones todiy working for Mr.'. H. Ma
! tlias of L'?.41 Uncoln avenue
J The girl, when questioned by offl-
cers, answered all questions In with-'
out hesitation, and related her history
I to them.
I Kleht years a?o the v.'oman. Mrs. J. I
I w Banford, whom tho Kirl thouuht
wu her mother, came to America,
from Scotland. The srlrls father was!
I dead. The woman, upon arriving In
Ogden, married again, and six months i
ago Miss Banford came to America. I
i She said that Mrs. Banford told her
that j?he was not her real mother. I
hWhils'the plrl looks upon the woman
as ln-r mother, she decided that sh
was not wanted around the Banford
home, she said. Instead she sought
I employment In 'ipden rather than eon
Itinue tn Mrs. Banford at Wills. Mls ,
J Banford had Just returned from a islt j
in Idaho, and had been supplied With
i pass by her stepfather, .1 W. Banford, !
j it Ui said
I On Ihe day she wps supposed to'
depart, she left the dennt and asked nj
I woman where she could find employ- i
I ment The woman eared for her for.
; two days until the girl was given em-'
jploymcnt bv Mm. .Mathlas.
The matter was dropped, so far as,
the police v.'crc concerned, Mi B:i;i-i
ford's statement :h:it she was 20 years
old being borne out by her personal I
i appearance, the' said.
Members of igd-n lodge N'o.
I 719. B. P. O. Elks, are reasonably
i sure of a duck feed Moifg about
Tuesday evening, October ID.
It Is all come about by reason
of a challenge hurled by John
Kinney to any other member.
Kinney declured he could go
out and shoot more duoks than
teh next fellow wllk ducks
The lodge wa notified of this
challenge by E. G Buxrell
Whereupon Burrcll was made
OaptaiO of one team and Kinney
of another, and the lodge Instruct-
: the two to tike teams out and
get som ducks.
The team which shoots the least
number of birds must clean and
dress the entire number Of ducks
for Ihe duck dinned to which all
members of the lodg. will be In
Vlted on the meeting night follow
ing the shoot.
Sunday. October 1". Is the date
when the teams will lake the
field. The captains want all Kiks
l who are din k hunters lo sin up
to go as a member of one team
or the other.
cony mm
Secretar y of State Shuts .Out
N. Y. Call Men From
Daily Interview
WASHINGTON, Sept. .'ft. Secrotarj
''olby announced today that Paul H.nn-
na, correspondent of the New Vorl.
Call, u Socialist 'newspaper, and I-au-Irence
Todd, associated with Mr Hun-
na in the Federated PresS bureau.
would not be permitted in the future
I to attend the dally conferences whiih
the secretary holds With the news
I p.ipt r con esjiondents
The announcement was made at the
'regular morning conference with the
I correspondents and after the secretary
had read .i letter written by Mr. Man
illa to 1'Yed A. Emery, head of the in
formation bureau of the stato depart-
Jmcnt. Mr Hanna charged in the let -
Iter that Mr. Colby was using the con
ferencea with the newspaper men as a
means ol inspiring the press with views
Of his own and thai he also had PU
wrong Interpretations Pin the news Sir,
Emery was asked in the letter lo ob
llaln from Mr Colby u statement in
defense oi the charges so that it might
i he published along with the original
accusations, J
The secretary of state, told tho cor
respondents thai his whole object In
I holding conferences with them was to
aid i hini in obtaining accurate infor-
Million and to cooperate in furnishing
international news to the Amerloan
'public. Ho asked the correspondents
whether they thought Mr. Efanna'i
jchargos justified ami il. C. McMillan,
I a correspondent of the New York Eve
ning Post, expressed tho opinion that
thei were, bul he added ihai he did
! not mean to impugn the secretary's In
tegrity nor to appear In the light of
supporting the charges.
j MEMO i CITY, Sept. 29. Colonel
Ptlberto Vlllareal has been dismissed
from the army for having participated
in Sunday's demonstration, during
which Incendiary speeches were deiiv
ered from the central balcony of tho
National palace. Three members of
the chamber of deputies and Luis Moi -rones,
a former Carranza agent, huve
ben cited before the federal courts
by the attorney gsnersj for tho same
Many telegrams from all parts of
Mi, world have been received uskingl
InfOi motion ua lo the government's at
titude regarding the demonstration,
(By intcinatlon.il Newt Service)
SOMERVILLE.Mass, The heathen
Chipee" referred to by Bret Hurle was
a model of child like Inhooence and
simpllcltj compared to the propi n -lor
of a laundry In Somorv lllc. ac
cordfnS ' enraged citisens of that
Cltj On going to his shop they were
confronted With the following notice
"Closed Vacation. No coal, no coke,
gas coateto too muchee. Back in three
' B
Beautiful Model Pattern Hats I
to be offered H
Pw Thursday- Friday I
f&ygr :'r'r and Saturday for ;
$j$.oo I
, ... - These hats that have served,
'vpv - V lip' their purpose as model hats,
MpE 1 came to us at a startling re- j
oMe duction of which our cus- j
y ?tc?te"t ' ?t, the f?l h-'Ht j
afr at this price. j
No two alike, rare specimens of designing skill, '!
in soft, rich colorttmes of panne, Lyon?,.; velve'; j
or duvetyne.
Come early Thursday morning j
rviiliinery Department j
NEW Y(KK - Tib- I wo pic lures a I the top are usw photos df Pope Bent li t, nist broiijrht back from
Uoiin bj KiiiirliK of ( olumbus pilgriins', llie dnfi'ifi the' upper right shows (ho pope ;it his desk in tnd
; Vatican. Tin- one in ihe upper left ahowB his holinc-.-; talking in the Vatican gardens, livthc lower pic
I lure Cardinal Gibbons is viewing the film of the pope brought pack by the Knights of Columbus. The
tardinal hail just seen the film 011 th screen in .1 B-iltiinore theater. Ii was ihe second movie he has
j witnessed. The other moving picture Cardinal (ii!'ons has seen, was of himscl with Cardinal Mcreier
luring tin- latter's isit to Auierii
noitDEAI'X. Sept. 11. (Corrc-j
Ispondenco) Vves Uerthon sjnintore'd
off the good ship Laverdier where
he presides over the destinies of the'
galley, with l.fOO francs In hls'pochet
and a great longing In his heart for
I a "sailor's good tithe.''
"Hands up," WSS the shout of n
rembilne voice that grebtcd hnn .is h
turned into a waterfront street from.
the dock.
"This is n good joku, " said Vves,
an he wheeled ahout to look into the'
muzzle of a business-like revolver,
held ly a steady feminine hand. "This
Is indeed a good joke, let mo kiss;
IUhk!" spat the husl0ess-lKc re
volver and YVOS ti lt a Stihslllg palnl
in the left shoulder.
When ho awoke, the 1,900 francs
hnd gone and so had 1 1 1 - bUSihl lk
woman. It wns Just getting diiiik.;
STves went to the pbllCO station first I
then returned to the good sh p ' 1 .1 -erdlere.
25 women to peal tomatoes, j
.Van Alen Canning Corp. 579
r i
rilll.AI.iKi.IMIIA. Sept. !t. .Irs.!
Emma C. B?rgdoll und her four co-j
defendants were found guilt last night
of Conspiracy to aid two of her sony, j
Grover and I'hwin. evade the draft?
The verdict wus r- turned before Judge,1
Dickinson in the United States district,
Mrs. persdoll, her son. Charles
Bapn; and former Magistrate I. mi'
10. I'.omlc. were Poind Btnliv on everj
count under which Ihcy had i cn In
dicted. Albert s. Mitchell and Henry Schti
were acquitted on the iadtotinents Ih
Which thei alone were dl I'Midani-, bttl
lound guilty with a recommendation
ior mercy on tin- joint inns.
oi implication of tiulr couhsel the;
dofendVntS were released cm $10,000
ball each pending a motion for a new
There were seven iQdimonts ln
iluulii' ".!'. counts. In Iwo of tin- h-i
ttlCtmonts all five of the defendants!
were charged with consu tng Willi
Orover and Erwtn Dersdoll to .'i-m1-!
He io 111 i.k1iiii; tin- draft. The other
live Indictments charged each defend
ant separately with eonsplrhig ith
Hie Bergdoll brothers to evade the
ill aft-
cTlo. tLEASES l.l.li:s
V113NXA, Sopt. 9. Correspond
ojtce) Austria's promise to amend
her treaty with the Russian aovleH
so an to conform with the peace treaty.'.
with the alliea has evoked from Brit-.
lsh and French icprcscntatlves th
announcement that their government
would releasi credits for the return
of istrian war prisoners, which were
Studio. Res. 483 Canyon Rd. j
Phone 3153 J. -

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