THURSDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 30, 1920 r Standard-Examiner Cooking School Gives Valuable I Lessons for Housewives I I Gifts of Quality t When you go to purchase an article worth while, usuall . you desire to compare all Hir IN OURSTORE YOU CAN SEi-I'MiiS?' COMPARE ALL LEADING 4B KiSSWHBIl- makes of heating ap CI pliances. I9 jSj " s53 We carry lines of such well rllf Jy known manufacture as Hot Point, Edison, General Elec- jjjM. trie, Universal and Westing- '(! JtM house. In lines of such appliances as JdwH Percolators, Toasters, Grills, IBh OTF Waffle Irons. Hot Plates. Chat- '(M8Bjjf 'w ing Dishes, Curling Irons and 'jMM3!'1' A y Irons, you will find our stock v Sk, V A complete. j FOR QUALITY SEE SS2&& " m The Lighthouse Ogden's Leading Electric Store 4 2452 Washington Ave. Phone 581 1 J T J PREPARE Mr ni l As I (K IN I I It s ( Mill.- 1 1 t By International News Service) v J BOBTON.- -Following an official "'l vl-u by MaJ General David C shanks io Cantji Devcns, it was announced A that Immediate plana wll be itiade ; for making; the Aver cantonim-nt coni- . C d fortable for officers and men during "X; 3 the ' coining . winter. It lalsn con- ' ri.a 'mplatcd It Is understood. to cut "fa down the size of the eamp so that it UI have the facilities of a per ma - III I'M Rl It M'I'I l RANKING 1116 t i Cy International News Service) HOSTON. Charging that the tank of hH a no tr&a filled with kerosene i Instead of gasolipi! and that be in 'consequence cranked the uir until li" ! raptured hN appendix, Marry Carp, ol Dojcester, filed ult for $r..u0i In the 1 superior court. The defendant Is Morria Schloas. ; proprietor of h hardware store where C;irp al!tfs he was supplied with i kerosene In place gasoline B I Checking Accounts M I JKjp Bring Home I !hHEffl Economies A A banking account will help you to regulate your household I affairs it will give you a constant, personal knowledge of just 9 what your living expenses are. Besides it will give you a com 1 1 0 plctc receipt for every bill paid ; 3 a 0ur ladies' room will be found convenient for the ladies who a-X 9 arc customers of this bank PINGREE NATIONAL BANK which is to be known a3 I National Bank of Commerce E. P ELLISON, President CHAS. H BARTON, Vice President and Manager J W. ABBOTT, Vice President EZRA RICHARDSON, Vice President H. H HUDMAN, Vice President J. H. EILKY, Cashier F J. VICKS, Assistant Cashier V L. PINGREE, Assistant Cashier L : j STANDARD-EXAMINER COOKING SCHOOL PROGRAM FOR FRIDAY Makinp nf 1 1 1 slamliin :ulv- with butter including several I I variations; of rhaking 1 1 1 s food cake .ml of ;i dumbei of icings I I will bi the program tomorrow at the Standard-Examinei cook ( mi: school. This follows program f cake making today, in which angel's food cake and sponge cake as well as several i ings, are being demonstrated. These demonstrations, while nol I including a" f the different kinds of cakes, are declared to givi adequate lessons as the foundation for all cake making. Baking Lessons Prove Attractive Section Ot Ogden Cooking School Eager Interest of Ojden housewives in ih l.-t methOdi f l.ikluB was demonstrated yesterday si Stand anl-l.xamln. i CoukhiK S- hool. l.-m held t the. Ogden High school, when lh' COpklnS experts gave demons! i a tlpnt Of bread making and roll mak ing No! only wa the 1 1 I enda nee the largest of the week, bill dozens of the women crowded forward to ask questions rcRardlng handling of hread Slmllnr Interest is ftxpeoted today when the demonstration will be of cakes without butter, tomorrow iroKium liu-ludfs cakea with butter, m.l Ihe final day, Saturdny. will have a proprnm of r"lKf,'.v maklfta In demonstrating hrnil nnd roll making, the baklpg experts used Hol leys Verbs flour, marie from hard wheat. Slid Mountain brand lard inadi l.v th- I -ti I'neklnR .'c rrovlslon company. Thfl baking w.aJ doil oth in ilumlnum fcnd kIa OVCn ware, pro vided bj thfl Rlehardeon-Huni com pany The remarkable ri suits that . hi i.e attained i using an electric range, n Kuithes range being demon nmd. were commented upon iy thoee pray i I I I ' I . I '". I l IN I'll Ml .Mih Gertrude I. oodi ul'f, who demonstrated the making of the Park er House holls. answers numerous queetiOni regarding: the methods of broad making, ami Mi-..- Veda I-. Woodruff, who made the bread for the demonstrations nhn explained the ' methods In considerable details. Rx lilunnttons of the different qualities ot flour, the amount of gluten and starch ' In each, type of flour and the ways of utilizing them proved of much In terest. . Demonstration of toast ma King. ; using American-Maid iroad. and of eoffe muklng. using MurphyN Hotel U'tah coffee, was made hy Mis- Quln nev In. charge of the electrical jjoons display for 1 hi- l i.ih I'owt & Light company the T.ighthoue and the ti-- Ideii Electric Supply c Miss Quln- IM l used l.oth electric toaster and electric percolator, and the splendid results sire achieved brought many fa vorable comments from the audience. The toat was declared "perfection." and the coffe" "the lirs I ever t (SMd Mls Ouinnev "ls- explained the us-- of the electric grill, of the hot plateo. Ot electric irons and other small ele -trlcal vit'-n.-ils thai are now so essen lll In really modern homes. ELKCTRH EQUIPM1 S I Many questions were asked. also. abOtil the different vacuum cleaners I the electric Ironer. automatic elec trll range, electric washing machine, sewing machine and oth'r household equipment displayed by 'he electrical supply companies Mies Qutnne will makes demonstration of these during this afternoon and tomorrow. Indications are that there will le. many entrants in th- breAd baking contest, for which prizes aggregating R60 pounds of Hher Veiny or Og,h n x liest Flour have beer, provided !v the Holley MUllne company The first prize will he JO0 pounds of flour, the second will he 100 pounds, and the ', third will he 50 pounds. The only . special requirement of the contest is I thai elth-nr Vclox or Ogden's Best flour must he used, a grocer's receipt ', slip showing purchase has hern made I of this kind of flour accompanying 1 ea h entry. I m PRODUCTS, j L'se of Ogden-mude food products throughout the entire cooking school ' has show that complete success can ' he attained through the ilge ot home I products Many of those attending have said that this Is one of the most i valuable lefeon they have had from I I he school, for it has demonstrated ! that home Industry can supply tnu ! cry material that Is necessary for successful cooking and baking. The I fact has been made clear at the cook ling school that the I tah made goods 'are being used thioughout all demon- stratlons. l Lr aiwe of the special Interest usu jnlly taken In making of cakes, pies I and pastry of various kinds, the antic ipation Is that there wilt be a very' large attendance today, tomorrow an 1 and Saturdav the final three das of the -ih""' trrangengente h- been made for tn.- accommodation of alt 'those who attend, seating arrange- ments being such that every one at- ' (tiding will have tlif opportunity ot 'witnessing the demonstrations ana the recipes used wUI be printed in the Standard-Kxanilnei. wo that It will I not he necessary for the housewives I to copy them at the school. Bean Buyer for Ogden Concern Is Busy Man When it tomes to lelng a rare ibean the Mexican "brlncadore," "i Jumping bean, has nothing on the conventional kind that socs Into canned products for American tablff An oi. ling in II L Herrlngiiin. pie idem oi i he rihh Canning oompan.) the products Ol which are being USOd t the Standard IC.XRiiilnrr's cooking school this week, no Mexican peon comes nearer to worship in .the pur suit ol a mere bean than the man who buys beans In the world's mar keta for 'his l tab company. "This buyer spends all his ume c hasing beans aiound the globe " gays Mi Ik'rrinjrion. "When he learns of an exceptional crop in Manchuria. i for Instance, hfc gc. ,m. .n-, It Is his duty to provide every year the world's mosi perfect bean for our canned products "Of couree. we cannot depend en jtirely upon nature wjien we aim at perfect regularity In sl7.e and devel opment All beans are carefully picked over at our factory and the culls' thrown out. The Manchurlan bean Is now one of the best crops to te had a n where and we are using large quantities of them." Use of Electrical Equipment Is Shown l nique as one ol the' features of the Standard-Examiner cooking school yesterday was the serving ol Murphy's Hotel 1 'tali coffee and toast made from American Maid bread, both pre pared by use of the electrical house hold equipment on exhibit at the cooking school The demonstration ,of i h is and other electrical equip ment was made by Hies aline Qulnney, representing the electrical companies ol iden A large percolator, electric toaster :and electric grill were utilized, tin very tastiest of foods being thus prepared. Klcctrlcal goods al the show have bc-n arranged in a dlsplav which is attracting much attention To pro vide room for I his display without ; interfering w ih the large attend jance at the school, a portion of the corridor al tin entrance to the cook 'Ing school snditOrhim has been Uti lised. In ;' display are electric ranges, iioucrs washers, vacuum cleaners, sewing machine, percolators, grills, hot plates, flat Irons, toasters land other electrical devices (hat are conveniences for anv home, econo , mlrers of bofh time, labor and money. Cincinnati, O.. is considering ihe adaptability of airplane photography to City plannlnc BBSSSsH , , . 1 Housekeeping Pride Inclines fell I TO THE ELECTRIC pap I What woman does not get just at much pleasure r illil ll jjj. .r,.-- -jBH I1 and satisfaction from a 'house well kept' as any t-. Tif& jTCyTsT II 1 man from his work well done"? si. "I IHtML-l TVz-7T f J What .-.onian .vouid not rather personally super in r' rrT"1 tend the cleansing of household clothings and lm j I There's no drudgery about home laundering with j 'sas-s-r f jS' I I AUTOMATIC electric washing machine or a '-J NELSON AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINE I The tremendous distribution ol" these highly developed and modern washing machines shows I that the American woman PREFERS TO DO HER OWN W "HING Itf HER OWN HOME. Even the wringer attached to these machines turns by electric power You want to be shown, ' i and your electrical dealer wants to show you Warehouses I PT TiliB r 1 I I i S 1 I . pi rlTsS llJisB General u . I L j E! viLa.'i!9LMllB 'QL I I L kVtajVnDnBvesffiBHHSaSjBM Offices Complete wholesale stock of electrical supplies and automobile accessories. r- These Electric Goods Are Sold By i I THE LIGHTHOUSE OGDEN ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. 2454 Washington Ave. 2430 Washington Ave. I REDFIELD ELECTRIC & MACHINE I I COMPANY LARISON ELECTRIC CO. 314 Washington Ave. 314 Twenty-fifth St. UTAH POWER & LIGHT CO.. Eccles Building Prepai ation of Peas j Feature of School Demonstration of Van au-h ceaa.' Canned at On- large plant .if the Vun Alen Canning corporation, will be oi) of the features of the Btandard-BxanoBf m-r looKlnp school. This brand of pons packed In Ugden u seloited lm the odoklng school by the cook-; Ins si hool nian.iK ni' ni the verv fin est of lhr ifcfnt crop being thus e-1 cured. These peas vvin bs dsinUlji prepared and served In Htnbles, nale ut the 'cooking school by the baking expert. In this vv;i. rii'h of those ultomllng the school todas will havs the oppoi-, tunlty of tastlnK this dfllClOUS lrotl- i net . The cookliiK experts say that I there arc manv verv attractive ways of serving c.innefl peas ami thut they should ic included on nuiny menus, 'forming .1 most wholesome article of, diet. oo mi; ii ti DRY, im DOCK M N v sen l By International News Service) BAM FRANCISCO, Sept. 27. John Dry. of the Mare Island i dry docks, was dr . I 'rv c.iinc to San Kram im o to avoid remaining dry. Incidentally he was arrested shortly after his arrival hero for being drunk and not dry :is ho ! should have been, lie was brought I hefore Police Judge ( ippenheiincr ' I will dismiss the case. Dry, If you will promise to go back to the dry docks and remain there, dry, for So days .it 'least." pronounced Judge Op- penheltner Drv- promised that he would slay In. that Is at the drydocks, for ItO days. oo I Thirty-five years ago Japan had I 300 factories employing 15.000 people. j now there are '.'.'i.OiiO faelorle-. em- 1 pip) i riK 1,000,000 people, Women of South St. PauU Minn., claim the distinction of being the firsi to vote under the provisions of the Nineteenth Amendment. oldest work of fiction 'Ut i- thoinjhi to he The Tale of Two Brothers, " written years ago by H ' -'' i: You want the very best that is made one that givo one hundred per cent satisfaction. That is exactly whal you will secure through the purchase of the Starr Phono graph We invite you to come to our salesrooms, Hudson avenue, where we will be glad to prove to you the supe rior quality of this instrument CHRISTENSEN-ASHTON I MUSIC COMPANY 2381 HUDSON AVENUE Plays All Records Just A Little Better' J-- - ' r I a Pork d Beans I I IBH H H WhuS W BLa3 flk ' the fittest beans the world affords, JP' I I I lr I HV fejj prepared under the most rigid, 1 I L I I H H iBlhm B L jB health-insuring conditions of clean- lEXNSji' I Bft I mlL. JssS. bWHIHIHB sB slr ommm wnF liness tasty basis of a good meal, p" I JJ UTAH CANNING CO. 1 1 1 I I