OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, September 30, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 13

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-09-30/ed-1/seq-13/

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Jj Every Loaf
ft Is Wrapped
W There's real cleandlincss of your food when you secure a Igaf of
12 Americ an- !
S Maid Bread
' l 's Tapped in waxed paper Fresh from the large ovens, tin B
IVb ' reac ls sent trough an automatic bread-wrapping machine, I
f prepared for delivery to you in this sealed container.
ki &A And when it is delivered to you at your home is ready for your
use wholesome, good, pure, properly baked and properly de
livered. AMlCAN"MAID b&ead
j :
9 I tier unci ( In -i- I 1 1 i i -
itrltloii! bul flal md unpalatable
T : mm- dish, ma b tiv i fa in.it-
ii I ! I B OH SB B1BBB1
I nig tang by shaking powdered mus
! tard ami paprika over each layer of
'cheexe. m
i tmi. mi -Fi.Tjii -uniitw
Jj I INQllET Tiiere is N Substitute
s .1 1 I Consider the food value and you can not afford to U6e substitutes even
'yiA M for cooking purposes. Do not be satisfied with anything but real
BtjMB k butter.
Lis particularly made for the finest trade.
I Nelson-Ricks Creamery Co.
Small Amount of Alfalfa Seed
Destroyed; Crop Growth
lestrolnic a small amount of alf-j
alfa seed which remained In the fields,
and terminating the growing season!
for numerous other crop, a killing
frost with unusually low temperature &
(sited the middle and southcri coun
ties Saturday and Sunday mornings
according to the weekly weather and
crop report issued yesterday by J. ;
Cecil Alter, director of the Salt Lakei
office of the United Mates weather
The" remainder of the report lol-
'The minimum temperature Satur
day morning at Modena wat the louts',
for twenty years in September. Rainy
weather and overcast .-.kles prevented
frost In northern counties, where the
rather hracy rains v ere of consider
able benefit to beet and grain fields,
and to fall pastures and winter ranges.
The long period without rain In south
ern Utah la causing a slow germina
tion of the fall-suwn grain, and at
Modena sheep are being held back
from the lower ranges for want of
"Comparatively heavy snow is forc
iric a rapid movement of all lork
from thc higher national forest ranges.
The killing frost found n-uil; all tli
alfalfa .seed harvested at Desert; at
Kanosh ahrtut half the standing crop
was destroved. Grain cutting I pro
gressing in the Sevier valley, and
threshing has been favored bj good
weather generally, though in the h-'alt
Iake volley some third hay cutting
wen- somewhat damaged by rain Corn
has matured at Bantaqutn and is being
harvested. Some preparation Is being
made locally for beet digging, and po
t.itoes are being dug at Modena Tho
applies at Elberta are of very fine
quality. Fall wheat sowing began at
Levan on the 15th and some has heen
seeded at Santaquln. Molasses making
will begin at dak City next week.
Highways have been improved in
midd i .1 mi 1 . r 1 1 1 i n eountlex b I lit)
cooler weather and the rains."
Morgan Bank Robbers
Get $11,500 in Paper
Thieves who broke into the First
NattoSjBl bank at Morgan IgSl I-rlday
mornrng carried away S11.4H9.33 in
currency, diamonds ulucd at $4too
unci Liberty bonds, the amount of
which has not been determined, ac
cording to the Burns Internationa) De
tective agency, which has been work
ing on the cose. Charles Helner. cash
ier of the bank, made a statement fol
lowing the robbery to the effect that
no money was mlasing and that only
Liberty bonds and Jewelry had been
taken, the total value of which would'
not exceed $4000.
The men cut A bar In a rear win
dow of the bank and then blew open
the vault door with nitroglycerine.
The robber) was not discovered until
8 o'clock Friday morning.
. nn
Ogden Danes Meet
Officer in Salt Lake
i 'cden the Brigbam City member
of the luiiish Brotherhood of America
were present la3t night In Sa'lt Lake
when Alfred T. Jorgen.scn. supreme
Vice president ! the organization. de
llvered an address In the Musicians'
hall The meeting was followc' by a
dinner. Mr. Jorgensen li en rouie from
his home in Oakland, Cal., to the an
nual meeting of the brotherhood at
t Omaha
He was met at the railroad station
by a reception committee, which In
cluded h. m. ii Lund ohalrnuin;
Oeorge f Petersen, w. h Hansen and
Soren Jespsrsen,
In the days of Hammurabi, I'OOO
B. C.i a surgeon's hands would be cut
loff It his patient died.
I Y5 The Daily Baking Demonstration g I;
rlfnuPrt CALUMET ESS j I
I j exclusively. Find out how Calumet will make
ti- irjjtJ baking egpert Millions of house wives ate only Calumet n '
PRSQf it's pure in the enn pur-, in the rikinp. You wnnt econ- K
Ct BsSSSB aSt omy you want safety and PositlV Bncces. Thn nse 1
W IPBSfeaM -3 Calumet don't bother with ordinary baking powder. Cslnmet
uJWaaSklTi contains only soch inRTf-.iirnts as h.-vve em approved offi-
h VilHKLjy cially by the L. S. I A Authorities. i
U. S. Public Health Service
Announces Discovery and
Apparent Cures
WASHINGTON, Sept. 30 (Ely The'
Associated Press.) Leprosy, t srourgre
of humanity since the early history,
apparently has been completed by of
Heeri of ihe rnited States public
' health service In the leper colony at
Rallhl, Hawaii Forty-elghl suif. i-
I crs of the dreaded malady, who have
been subjected to a new niothod of
treatment, have recovered to such an
' extent as to warrant their nAease on
parole and. after a year, not one lias
shown a symptom of recurrence
As yet, no announcement of .1 ' cure"
has been made officially for iiouie of
I the government medical experts are
frankly skeptical of the re-n?'' r, U
i may be years befor an official nr.J
final opinion Is given.
The limit of the official claim is
set forth In a Joint report to Ihu pub
lic health .icrvlco mule , I ir J. T.
lleDpnald, director of the lenroej ln-
i vestlgatlon itauon and euperlntendins
phvslelan lit Hawaii, as follow
NOT tl Ii I ( I K I I N
"It has been sufficiently established
I that chaulmoogra oil contains one or
mor,' .jL'in- which exerl i marked
therapeutic, action in many cases of
b pro-v We can not say as vet that
I the disease Is cured, since we hsVB
I no test adequate to establish such Q
I verdict. Whether or not the appar
ent cures are real and permanent. It Is
evident that we have a valuable acent
al our disposal in the control of the
ChailllXIOOgra oil In Its crude st.tto
Is no new druK for the treatment of
leprosy, but in its raw form it proved
m nauseatlnc and painful to patienbf
that It had to be temporarily dlscon-1
tlnued. Science turned toward Its
derivatives and Urs. McDonald and
lean report "it was found that the
ethyl of the fatty acids were ir,ii
fluid oils lending themselves readily
to intramuscular injections and were
readily absorbed."
Injection of the oil derivative by a
xvrlnge has brought a new hope to the
b-per. for at Kallhl hospital ' Injection
day Is described by the doctors' report
OS an occasion for merry maklnn
though of painful experience for the
The standard treatment." the re
port says. ' now consists In weekly In
jections of preparation which con
sists of the mixed ethyl esters of the
acids of chaulmoogra oil with two
per cent of iodine In chemical combi
nation. The amount used Starts at
one cubic centimeter and is graduallv
increased to a maximum of four or
five cubic centimeters for adults."
Accessory treatments of iodine lini
ment, ointments and sun baths are
i mployed as measures to Improv e the
general health and mental attitude oi
the patients.
mi iMiir. RES! I iTS.
Urs. McDonald and Dean are of the
opinion that lepns;, of the nerve type
a.i well as the nodular cases should
receive the new treatment. They re
port astonishing results with the nerve
"We believe our remedies arrest
the disease," they U) retarding the
nerve cases, "and prevent further de
struction of hands and fingers, even
when, as In long standing cases, nor
mal function can not be fully re
stored. "During the past year we have done
better than slmpry arrest the destruc
tive process; we have had the great
satisfaction of seeing marked Improve
ment In a considerable number of
ile . purely nerual cases, and appar
ently a complete recovery in others. B
nn young man who came In with at
decided ataxll gait, unable to ralscjj
his body on his toes and with ones
hind ,. weak and deformed that h
had been compelled to abandon th
5 the typewriter a year befordj H
. -.i f,n improved before hla '!
parole that his disability in walklna J
had not only disappeared but he beJ
came one of the leading tennis play-J
and ne of the swiftest runner H
in the compound. B
woman mi ill fingers absorbed? BJ
to less than half their original length! HAV
after year's treatment, became ablcl HBVJ
to writ . to sew and knit, and to . xe-J HHV
-ute mm' movements and functions HHVJ
of which -he hap for years been de-f SBVJ
Regarding the virulent form of lcp-1 HBVJ
tie that "In many HBVJ
tht lesions disappear, except foil HBVJ
scars and permanent injuries, and thn HHVJ
leprosy bacillus can no longer be dem-4 HHVJ
oust rated." H
In the continent. l 1'uited StatcsJ HBV
ir n known sufferers of lci- HBb
pOb)ls health officials be- HBVJ
Ueve lut ten limes that number exlsti HBVJ
Known only to the family doctor. Thl HBVJ
Louisiana state leper hospital at Car-!
irllle hi- in en bought by the govqn,- HBVJ
ment and the public health servicJ HBb
' plans to enlargi so as to provid'4 B
facilltli treatment of 500 pa-
i t: Dcnney. who Is ex-, HBVJ
pei ted to placed in charge of thi
in w hospital, pi aim to build the "best HBVJ
laboratory in the world ' for the studyf HHH
ni leprosj Treatment UKe that given!
at Kallhl will be followed ui (he Loi.- HBVJ
lelana hospital, and reg,eaveb also wiifl HBVJ
lie i-OndUl led Wlttl VleW of 1 1 I - C r, . I HBl
lng a new ure ' und for Improving H
new method. HBBj
"Pussyfoot" Johnson, the dry lead.
'got his nickname from a reporter on
'klahoma newspaper.
The smallest known species Of hog H
are the pigmy swine of Australia, b
lng no larger thun a good-sized house
j j J) E Hl,Qf I( KS a 5ettlcd fact now- w,th more than 1 00,000 women, that other heat it cooks perfectly thorough'y scientifically.
TV- sTTE Ct jBjBBH cooking with an electric range is one of the most economical Steaks and roasts retain their juices. All foods keep their
jty jSSiBSBtl ways lo prepare foods. Consider the savings an electric range nutritive qualities. g
mt J ISHHbsssssssHbsssHHHH YOUR FUEL. The current you use in an electric range is
SjfcML l 1 I; i) YOUR TIME. How many other things could you be doing furnished at a special rate. The heat is all applied where it
I I J W while your electric range is cooking dinner with practically no will do the most good; ovens are built on the fireless cooker
( lsBssssjjBijgesssA W: 1 attention from you? You don't have to stand over an electric principle so you can turn off the power yet the retained heat
VjHsKP' range to watch the coolant; of your food the feat is accurately keeps on cooking the food for a long time.
n " MBsisssassssI r l measured and you can depend on getting the same results
"jl' V every time. And there's no coal to carry, no fire to light, -y-he electric range is an investment. It brings you greater
JJ t ard no sooty utensils to clean afterwards. uniformity in your cooking less waste of food, far greater
convenience and cleanliness, saves you time and is positively
I YOUR FOOD. The electric range cuts food waste and food economical. Be sure you inspect those being demonstrated at
spoilage down to the minimum. Electric heat is unlike any the Cooking School.
1 Utah Power & Light Co. I
Ml l ECCLES BU1LDINC "Effiolont PuMto Service" phone 655 I

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