1 S FOR SaLE ' " '""""I
1; tc
'" j-.e--.-i
i IBa Tarty nn- close-in small houses nt aacrl 1
y - I -t . .n. -. ;
-J In I ord polti j "Llv.
VSfl ki lt live." Ax Henry wis own your
iKH oin home, why pay reni you can
JKH n .in ;nd term through ua? Wc I
J i flf f' customers nnd well located
KH residences in almost any part of the city..
JH 5tnd us your price and locutions of
r-j-ot.rrtv. or our
HH Pout1 room modern located
tH in the north part of tlx- r 1 1 on nearly
, fffJJJJJJJB n:i sere of ( holer lund. House In In A I
V r:m ndltlon; food fruit ccllai md outbuild
L Plent oi wetei ior Irritation
Hi Prlc rrin $soo down, balance '3r per ;
1 month. This is oni ol the beet buyi
HI the i Itv for the men )
H 1 1 1 : rTT A 1 I I
'iVL 1 "niier Commercial National Hank
' A H mmm
sjfjc fl PTVE brick house. Modern
' wSiS SE ' I I .
Jelffi'B OWNER Sis rooms strict modern
UF- ' Am 1 without clou 1 .1 ill. I.. -I hu In 1
H 'own; musl he -old nt once. Phone 1H6 i
HE. :' TMr
r jjsr
ri! i even roi m brick 11500 ca ih
flKjl lance on time Close in.
j, j JLm ' ' com hous. two blocks From Wa h i
gfl Il l" II I
on llmi :..' Orchard
mmmmM RIGHT room nearly modern nnd six mid ! r
JmmmmlM eine-hal ' acres fine land; fruit luirnn. hen 1 1
Ssr Impro on
mwEn i Washington A liar i
HHg gain. Good terms. Kelly & Hcrrick, j 0
1 itj foui id SI PI 280 Ml -
V "i ri 1 1 : i . . i bctw. n Mad " "
-oillli lion I lol I: o
HH screened Kirch, lnrg"- room. Kasv j;
jlf iMmt our 'ooni modern In
1 W "" "" 1 11 t1 i- i
' ffJP le well butll fn years old has pood
. jHflh . lot, and chicken roops. Terms,
fj room modern or bencl
' nlshed to tchool furniture
W m nione la worth bi least ci Hi
M six years "id end well built rerma
1 Mf ni to responihif part)
.' mJ All oi hrlck. full basemen)
.VS fll ' Cf. furnarr lit-nl, largi en. lore, I
HK 9- M pi i ik- poi . li
iSka i llLeolelil he. mud i ilmr in , I I I . I l i 1-
v&Ur w J
Omr hulli in breakfast room. A real home
I nh abaoluti comfoi j T mi -
Twenty-fourth SI Phoi
Km i house on North Wash
j JHJki Iro I . . I'o I'm.
.K.. T- in '' '"
toil il i.'.iidink. S9I0
B six. loom house Thlrt eighth nnd
jKRHH Granl win nut furnished unfur-
MJBJ nlabed. win soil furniture. Kimball
I fm pis piano Mahog n:
rawfilSBSJ sawed ok furnHnrc. The Walker Com
Jl h i. rii.uio iK'n V'S 1
jfij t"ROERER & r"OWI.ES
- J 2405 Hudson i ntn 1 'I "" '"
HmCfl We can Rive iminedini'- possession of .n
ffigttB airicth mo'lern five room brick bungalow,
hfi' hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace.
MH gittnwood finish. slecpiiiK porch nnd full
haenarnt This place ;s bull!
. 1 1 homi and hai I - "' ' :
Mm throughout L led In
BH Ogdi i: Price
M Z409 2
1 ' H'l'.M I .N'T i. on ic ind
4 1 vn.e Lwoa ni threes, in. our- $236 per
' ' ' bJ
T3i l'ii. i : i ' 1
xt - tai .... i o p i month fcloi
Two room frame cottage, 100x141
rffiWi bearing poach tree?, oops, etc $1200
111 cash
Ir Five room modem frame bungalow, two
jffj Prloi ' sah. 40
sW 't -1
4l-iV 1 K N1 TTiTTi 1 A KM
oiu of tin i" . ' fni mi
if had the prhrlrcge of offoring for al
gJkjflli cnted ahOUt Seven IiHIls .'outh of Ou-ilen.
: . -s9m to beet tomato potato et . lon'imc
HI ... 1 .... . ... .1 ....! . I.11 . . I . .. SO
a mm
S$M6 n f of the beaf lnnd in the county: fie
pSWOi am mode) n new houn 1
q iftTls ond V n
:;- n real home nnd you Will say Its worth
-1 I 1!,.. mom
! smi TH .'- 1 1 INDERS I 0
, y'i. Irs Cmnwerclal Pai
; ' j six room modern, good lo tl 1 '
" 1 11.I1'
""i f th strei
. V! 1 lot 7
; , 'M Kn shade strawberrh grapes, 6
" Irrigatlm water. el ,
gajfi' Nine room modern 1
J ' land, water right, garage, etc. a r-"d buy
. m. m at 15000 T. 1 down,
A j' J il other la
kMI Upsto 1 il BanK.
- - i ONE ol the 1 1 ' ,;i '" '" ' 1
HPBB county for dairy and r.-inpe entile, con
mnJmm tnlnink' In : 1800 acres. P. M. Poulson:
- p itoi Polni l8-J
J' . I TOUR, five and sl 1 n bungalo
ISSl:! in-room with 5 acres. Tunis. iiHlbr.-ilth &
Earl 24S2 w hlngton tve, Phoni 11 1,
J RY OWNER Six 100m un - : n -imifi and
M inrniUu e 178 Ti. n ' i II I I r ' ' 767
jL 1 j 1
nip new INtiiik's chnnpi-s out lineup to the fol
f It Three homes: five hunr .. ! v. . . t . j
mm m room hiick; four fi room brick; three
, M room in i Lhrei partments; on
" M ink' boom
- i. i! EPP1 i SON
B Hj 40S Twenty-sixth street. Phone 12&7
i : r ( iv i :i; i 'i . . iii ino.i.Tii i" 'ii "
M ppij i it Tv. cnt! - ond trei I , 5766
I i;v OWNES i ioi 100 b 140 feci
t-JH 'all and Thirty-first street, inquire 2oii i
Jm i ,xi i , h'ht i oi.i r iiou.-e within two 1
t ll of the union depot, A great revenue pro-
i m du ' i nb $250 1
Id i i ei o flvi i H 'nil ho
j m iMh street and Jofforsoi avcnui Plcn
3 i S tj oi room to build foui mori hou i -
&IR A gi.-nl buy lor $1200. $1200 cash, bat- '
2 "" time
'J;JJ GooJ aeven room home within bio. k
jj and half of pir.t N'-tionni bans Has
J H large h(. fine trees, n ver- plciisant place
for n home. Only $4600; t' "Tns if dc-j
.0"-'d modern eight u-om home with full
.aH haaomc-nt large lol. well located on tho
t buy
j I Jo "i flvi room housi on Grant
?,B . lose in Only $2250. Terms.
' B Oood grocery atore doing a purxl I.ukI
iicbs: well located nnd established. The
"jag best of reasona for selling. For arle cheap :
"&?X 'I labllshcd roomini; hi i
J Jg making money. Owner hovlng the city.!:
mw, j j. Mjai i i .
Wt Phone 59 111" Hudson Ave
iTv iiw N'i:r. -f ,o"in .-mi. ti;. ino'i. 1 1
I home. Appl) 659 Washington Ave. S505
i iv. i SB 1 h;. i . -"o i iodenri hri.
I house in flist class condition: extra lare
f - lot. RcuBonablc for cafch. 307 Thlilyfli.it
s 6481
I run t.i; y i .. he I . r n . m. i -i. 2889
W. 6009
SEVEN room brloh good location, must
M.l.l ' I m: I 'holf I I.'1' K 61 tl
' BY OWNER Seven room modern hoii6c,
' lull cement has' -un-nl. double gnriiRo
pauad street. 2609 M idl on 4 : t i
L - VACANT lot and five room frame house
f... .-ind large lot, close in. Phone 2001 R t;
T T.-iiN an
TWO ho. , - .. " 1 r. nd ?.:i Hudr-on
Hoard houses, StOOfi. One four room frum.-
- $1100 Five 100m lulck, modern, close u,
I . lilgli school. S'iWU Inquire ?a. Thirty
fB Miih .il.-. i Phone 21 19 nn 1937
ji ,".i homes toi thi price ol on. . Double
PapJ iiraasad brick cottage, modern except
w- Wt in -it 2ii20 Monroe avcnui Phone 1204
1 l j ' :
HjA VVTTT POUTER. K-uI Katate nnd lxiani
ak !37C WuLhlngton u venue Phono 1876
k 12C3 i
MRS, 3. J. BAKER, IT31 Madison Phona
20- 4495
j FOR SALE Real Estate 1
i L, Continued
I I DO VOr KNOW In and around Weber
COunt) we have the most fertile ngrlcul
uml lands In the world Excellent mar
I kets for the great diversity of cropa
k-u ii Farm land ig this ootlntry are
sure to Increase In value We now have
a large varied of goorl places for sab
80 acres at Clinton, good deep A 1 aandv
;loam soil. Rxcellent location. A farm;
that will produce the very liewt of crops. I
Good new five room modern bungalow
, ren share water D. anil W canal. A
hum that is .-i hard In duphoUe
2n acres on Sail Iake-Ogden state high
way. Water rlkht I), and IV, canal Oood
six rooi ode iti bungalow Sand level
i land A home and farm uli would be
proud i. ,,vn We rto not often haveJ
larm hind on the highway for sab- at n
reasonable price,
17 ucren on 6tme htghwa) Rxcellcnt I
location. Good aandy soil. This place is J
lveJ u. urh below market price , i 6500
1" a re-. 7 M( res assorted frull ol the,
0rj h. st varieties. Three acres hay and
ni:ill mill An attractive small house
land other Improvements. Good water right
, "i0 W. canal At this BTlOe this place
i offered it Is s good buy
h" '' ' "II in. adow hu. l:x. . II. in
water right. :juii tons hay Kour room i
house and furniture stables sheds, black
smith shop. Ice house etc AM linple !
!"' nl '""l "no bin. i - r. ii h- ad good
noraes This ranch has an Independent i
range good for 2D(i to 3lin cattle Price f,r
lanch land $.10 an acre, including Improver
ments machinery end implements hav, I
m??eU Cl' ' ,k ' "nonabl pay
ment down, balance long time
If you want a ranch bargain ace this at i
l psiulrs Commen lal National Uank :,
, 66i I
Real Estate, ioans and Insurance
tsaio?udaoiL.Av- Phone 917 .
S630Q BUVS modern five room house .0111
pletely furnished, including piano, 1 i
dishes, rugs, etc This house a .,,11
located on henrh and is .v c ptii no I
ly well hum Large lot i-oss. ,i r
slon within irn davs Will ! 1
house without furniture for 14500
SJlea I'm. n. w lorn mk.iii bouse in north T
pail of town. Ijirge lol, w ith Irri-1
gating w'Mter. This Is a good bUj 3
Buys strictly modern up to daie't
new brick house, situated on paved ?
atreei on behch. imim.Mate possea-i-
lon I erms.
11409 Hudson Ax. j.,lon(, 917
981 ;
' fVE " i leri cemenl nnd bloi I '
house, located close In 13250, $500 down
'balance easy terms. h
I Seven room modern frame m good lo S
cation on bench. An excellent building In
i rear that will do for garage, carp, nter !
"I o- l-ot 100x117j fe.-i S4f. f '
taken at once iihi(i down, balance to suit
i the customer. '
I Six room modem. built In features ''
'a i k;- lot goml garage, etc $3v5a Terms' ' "
Wi have a number of other goorl hu s I
.Coll and see ua at Kccles building oi f,
phone R03 and let us show you them i
R. A SAUNDERS i'o -Slt
Eccles Uldg. Phone mi:: oi sl7l '1
. 5966 .
Ileal Estate Insurance Uinns -linmedlate
possession of three room cot
tagf. nleel located on ths bench Hon i 1
has cemeni basement, newly papered x
rooms, nh . I .w n and shade Irvet lriee , ij
Slfi.ei ?::iiii ;., x.-, ,,U1 i,,; IIPt. ;nont, ' '
ly. !
Acre of n.l and six room modern;0
frame home. Close In Price JiriOll Terms ' p
ih I I,,,',, J17
atc Insurance i
Al prl.es that . annot be duplicated to- i U
dSJ iie live room snd ipe six room
modern, colonial bungalows tutuatcd in , T"
choice residential district Roth are Just '.
llnished and ready for oecunancy Will i M
sll on i rms to suit at the following l
prie s $1500 or the five rooms and $5500
for ihc six room. If interested don't I T7
delay, i 11
I have several kood houses for sale. IE.
eh. ap that are to be moved from the alto w.
of the proposed Ice plant on the west i hi
side of Pacific avenue, between Twcntv- 1 7T.
seventh and Twent; eighth sireets fj
j I I .. . j 59 '
rBEGINNING October 1 al 9 a m ever-,
thing cheaper. Going out of Business
IVerson s second h i -ior. , 1640 Wash-
ington. e ,:-
IIM ! .- . :.. i, wl i . , i , 2 H .
flftll i re. t
B. a. OLSEN .v SONS. 2219 Washington.
I h..ii. -IS X. w. unii-ed lurniliire. stovi. i
and ranges, crockery ami glassware Come
Iti'l gee us I
CHEAP; i "... .. ' rcrsi ' hcav
fresl pho e
i poTtSi r:
I .
1 ' pn
' '' " 'i 1 econd gi ido Jonathan apph i ,i
l!fcr. 8,K'' at tne '"" Charles Taylor
14 I. 2 '.'.'i"'!
' ' '" : I"-.' '.' I i ' .pi:; l , . . no,
Phoni 979 R (
''Ri i -' Phoni 263 l-R M i Stoni
- ' ' ' .
ii'-'MN.. . i, I,, 'I. condition
' ' '
IPPEES foi iah hi 500 Tw elfth u
ides of Jonathan. Wlnesap and Winter
peal main and winter pears Will dc.
'" "'' 5 110
III! T I I I. r sale. Ill go d
J w
PlOS i .! ei old a h II
broke ioi riding and driving. Phone 1174
I R CCTIC IEL1 new 1 : hi n ran i in
1 '. V I I.' ' I. ! I I I in, Ii I . in;
.Jonathan. Winter llaiiana ond Wine-ap
Best quality. Coll at spring Bluff Farm,
Rlverdale, or phone us your orders, lona
j " I.. ;
LAI B Rol n ... . hlno
I" sp i h '1 .'. M
TOMATO I ' Si . ie, hi I
SI 5644
SUG i: prunes foi a ft das onli
Phoni 22 22 W
GET ' ... 1 1 i . ,ni than nppli and wlntei po
latoea before frost. E V Steed. Clinton I
Phone 1 I ) gegj
horse 1 i
hu-kens lino ' !!.- I hoie 21 10 I: SgJJ
NDIAN inoto i . I., ap I h iT7
2' .i ,;i..,n ve -. s ij
1 1 ' 'Tl I. I . '.',,! i, i.,., , , .
I l:i:.-'II mil, h ,m. :,n. . ah , , ;i i - .,.,,,
, 'SIS
;' " 'i ' hi .. v i hi, 'i harm sa foi ale '
cneap rnree months old goal Call 171
i i streel
' ORTHM EST GTeenlng npph- e,,n rT-;
hu. h. i boxes extra, Jacob Post. Thirtv
ih ini and Tifr bin
CLMOST new Vict role and ', leiords
Bargain. 717 Twcntj rlftii e ,-1 '.717
NEW extracted hone) foi sale al 20 per
lound or $11.50 In CO pound cans, while
It lasts. Address Geo T Plcrcu. R F
D. 5 Box 222. Marriott, also Geo O' 1
Bat; hi ioi 2940 Bti phen tvenui
' 1 ' 1 : tared ronathans 1 1 high
gradi W Inesaps $2.60: hlg rad and alrlped ,
Gano - :" II on. 22 22 V i
WIS ha ".. o istei cents i u h
I Finest on the market C74 Twelefth street!
GVC4 i
I Buy your paint at Slowe's and savo
money, 1S00 Washington avenue Phone
''',r' 1 nis
CH( IICU ul ,i . Dahll tera and :
n L r 3toni 874 Twi Ifth Si B077
1 ' 11 1 1 1 i nni ' suto Ph. ,ii n 5073
' NARIES. Oui.iiiMi eiJ . tngei:.
I . ; o'n 19fi7
' ' ' r 'be In i I .- re. ,. phono-r ph.. -.n.l
violins. Terms without interest. Pan
j Twi nt) n nili and Hudson. (946
Mi U M.UN r, rr.oin hri. ' and fm nl hll '
large lot; close Snap. Ltaliie Phone
i 41
UNC'Al.Ll'Ii or tull lailoi nuoe hU
reduction. Cm don's. 211-25 Twcntj -flf:h
Bk. Phono 119 ij7
rFOR SALE-Autos :
!!FOP.M ton truck Sterling- holeaale Po
' 595j
'BY OWNER Dodge touring car; flrat
class condition 2I?21 Monroe avenue
Phnn. j : l 5gtj
STUDEBAKER five passenger sedan, run
MO00 miles: gool i-s new. Will sell at a
sarrlflcc If taken nt once. Phone 630 or
T.r.7. 5927
BARGAIN'. I'.'2'i Bulck Six. five passenger:
good a. new Special equipment. Phone
' w r.n2G
SMAI.l, touring ear good tires and luhes
'in:. 565 SoyenteenUi itreel MM
Bull k Ti luring
j Hnl. k Roadster
Oakland Touring
Studepaker Touring
Reo Boadster
fUdsniohlle ton Truck
Chevrolet 1 ton Truck
I Nash I ton Truck
Nash I Ion Truck
1 All hi llrsl class mechanical condition
2200 Washir-'on Ave Ogden
C- :
Bulch i ' 25 louring car
Overland R5 5 passcng.-r
Oakland six
Maxwell touring cor
1-ord t'oupe
Kord Sedan
Pord Touring
I nlrk roadru-r
l 'odjge roadi I
Dodge sedan
i odk-o ". passenger
Hupp "Model N" tomiiig cat
Hupp 32 I passe nrc-
Tlo!,- cars httVl all been repriced since'
Ford enrs dropped in price. ou can still!
buy tliem on easy tenns
2560 Bshington Ave. Phoni I2G
bm i Cadlllai spcedstei 1250 musl
id this trceli S5 Twi-ni sec. nth st ;
WANT a simp" Prices cut to pieces.
1 1. !g: l,..lni. r l-.rge. M..w. II
Hud on ii 5733
1917 PORD, bargain 2325 Jeffci ion
-fa BN pai ng Cadlllai Qeod as new. .
B"8t value In city, Murph) Wholesilo
Irocery Co, Twent) tourth street. 1233 1
MaleHelp i
ACTIVE, Intelligent lov. age it to 20
' ' ''1 Th. atei 5 : 3
EXPERIENCED 1 tat Ion moll fo work .11
'uk it iai lor) ; common laboi also wanted,
Campaign commences Friday morning.
October i pph to Superintendent in
terRtate ugai Co., Hooper, Utah, Truck
Icavea Bamberger depot Ogden every
inotniiik- 1 1 T 1 .. a. m. .'.1711
EXPERIENCED Instructor in shoemaklng
for lK)ya' achool on Taclflc coast Phone
1431 B96I
HOI tt'.mt.il U U i;i,.- ninr- ,'. 1 '.
YOFN'G man to learn bakery trade p
p) .it once Washington Market f.-ijn
MEN lo unload coal; good pav Apply
Lion Coal Co.. Thirty flrat street and
Washington iv-s
. . hoi t the Ri theatei
OKFH !" bo) v. ho can srrangs part time
rchool requirements Apply office man
ige,, Ofjfji n Packing K Provision 'o
I ... M 1 ... ' 1 i 1 .. org--
1, owe Co 5390
DOTS wanted ste-idy work; good oppor
tunity for advancement. W, F. Jensen
'imdv Co 5916
1 1 1 -1 : pi. keni ij 1 nt. 'i 1 j 691 1
MAN 2.". or 3a yean of age wanted Anu r
can Elncn Siiply. JCI Twcntv sixth
II n with 1 le to livi 1 Brown Carl
on Tn-seder. ' 5839
m iRERS and em flnlshi
vork out of town. Apply 215 Eecles j
" IUNDB 5 1 . , n . i 1 1 I . 1 . . . I ,0 r. r
nerlll Stove Repajl Work 5743
I i: ..nl. ! ni'l hi'.n Fire Hri. V
1 A.- rue 1 o.. corner 1 went) nintn ana jei
1 . rson ;.7.'.i
office ' with 1 .1 1 dui itlon
I Apply at John SCOWCroft A: Sons. Twen
third -iii W .'i -.- tun CCs;
COAL teamster: must have experience d.
Ilvi rln;r coil In Ogden. Rclcrencea re
quired. Phone C66. r..'1
' n ,1 '. .1 s j
I W.I:-. ,11 2L
1 ' i ni ; man 1 :. li land 0
1 n an Dei I
H il t'oi. 1 J194
Female Help
GOOD cook. 2S2 Twenty fifth atrcet.
GIRL 1 It falrl; good cd Ion to worfi
in office of John Scowcrofl c Sons Co..
1 bird itreel and Wall i
l" H SEKT EPER . ! . .1 .i.d i.umi
344 HarrisvlUc avenue. Call aftei E
I o'i lo.-k. ,":i"..'.
. i.ll;. to Work al Wright's fountain
SALESLADY R Mclntyre 1 irug 1 0
FIRST class blfi clerk. Must be ax pet
i' nc d Ogden Wholesile Drug Co.
1 w 1 1 araitn 1 Ranch Cafi .v
ly at om 171
-ii mi:i:km mm and hall g4rl pply In
p rson. Bighagl wages paid New Ileah'
Hotel S84S
1 ;iKI.S to pn k and pack nppb s Phone
I I It 2. ' Ioi -'.' T.i ( Iqi . P.n erdalc Osr.'l
CHAM 1.1:101 mm wanti d M Grant Hot! 1
.'.ii .n ' 01 5803
1 ; 1 K I . I..: g. tie 1, I ) '.'. oik Must un
derstand crxjklng iood wages. Phone
1812 . 63
WO.M N lo do h 1 1 1 11 1 1 WB.-hlng al home
and help with housework two daya each I
week Appl) 165 Twenty-second streot.
674 I
I v PI KM :.M ' I " I ' '.' 111 lor . '..Lit.! r, 11, 1
general housework, capable of taking'
.lunge, no laundry. gooJ wages 253fi ;
V.l.i nis .n e I 'brill, j .. 0603 j
1 ;!PI. ... i . 1 i.;.l" 11 -'.' iim I.; .1 1
r.i; ".
EXPERIENCED w Lng glrli sauted si
i 'cp lan's 1 n Shop i-'f""i wages
DRESSMAKING taughl i" anyone w niinr
to apply themselves. See Madam Capiau. 1
I In ! i- looi . u Ighl ' Si. 11. 5 18
. Jlltl.S o . r i; to ,e. I lomatoes al Wn
autch Canning Company. Will furnish
transportation 10 and from work. Phone 1
106. 12
EXPERIEN FM stenographer i.uokkoeper
! Mox H. arc this paper. 46C2
WE take our old range as flrl payment
on an) new range, or will buv your -"ld
ranee otltllehl H im.i Furniture Co 4C7J
j want2 j
i Situations i
VW-WWS - - 1 -1, -ir-j1inri. t
JTOUNQ Japanese hoy wishes situation
it 1 s . -h 00 1 2'..'.1 TwenP fourth utit-.i
.-hii" . n i- m.i 1 1 B792
IP i SEKEEPINl ; b) ei. 1. 1 1' v fdov foi n
widower. Can be highly recommended i
188 BJnford I!
NItlHT watchman 01 pirler; good refer,
ences, cx merchant ftollcemon. Box 50.
StaiidanJ Examiner. 5114
I Board and Room
FOR two gentlemen In privatt modern!
home. phone 37t C77C
WIL1 board children ol mplo) ed pai nit
1 m. homi ' 'i' 160 M 5930
CHARACTER and caid reading 413
rwenti aixtb. 02
' I FWriiihed
si NNY parlot nnd sleeping room 101 on"
" ' 1 'nil" ,' .'-' M' - 5971
ISEREPIN'Q rooms, use of bath; gentle
.men only. Hoard If desired. ifi! Twent
third 5968
8LI 'EPI NG robms. 2272 Washington.
SLEEPING rooms. D30 Twenty-fourth.
nn SKKBEPING roomi 96.19 Adam
Phoni -' 166 W i 'all . nlngi 5911
Nb'l-'l V furnish., I I en m loil.-d leep
ling room for one cr two ladles Break
fasl 1 1 desired 2249 EScclea ssnn
NICE sleeping room with bath Gentle
iinin on)- 7,'.'i Twent) Mnr.l iti.ei
lUXI.M for nni suitable foi on.. 01 two
'gcntlenvn. "S7 Twenty fifth street
t 5907
I ONE or two rooms for ligii' housekeep
j ing. to resona1hle party only! garage
Spai if d. slred. Phone 3289 5917
SEVEN room house and furniture for
sale lo'iuir.. ;it Madlsotl avenue Phone
-Mvl 1 bedroom :,ia; Twentv fourth
si 1 get, 5893
MODERN sleeping room for ono or two
gentlemen 813 Tw ent v eighth Phone
1 - 16 r.i!n
si-El pi:; room 2122 Washington
IMO I10111 loom foi jfeiit lenu.ii hot water
heat, bath 1. lephone References 2351
l fferson 1 hone V-, 8
FURNISHED minnv front room lor iad .
Half block from cur line 2011 Orchard j
a enue 586.i
NICEEY furnished room for cno or two
gintlemen 2Hi Twcntv third slreet.
I .1 "1 )l I 1 , 1. om I'w . nt seventh
r ji 7 - m B777
I I P. M s H 1 .1 1 h-eping ,.o,n ;.': Arlnm-
P .-161 . ifter 5:3i 01 sundi 1 1 6741
Ri h ' A3 'iii . . 1 i..t. 1 tut Qi ii,' I984
1. " LOST "j
WIFE grntleman who found lunch pall In'
his auto please r turn t ,'02 riisi alroet ;
SATURDAY evening lost a Victory medal
'I The flnd.i mu. return to 1"S Twcnt fifth
. street and get SI. '.il rewai I 595"
DARK gro) woll fur between Federal
'baker) and Watklns' store on Twent)
fifth. Elberal reward Return to lavia
EmploMuent Office 181 Twenty fifth
1 ' , 1 7
; inn Pi: . i'i iK's ...1 . 1.' n
'suit case, taken from auto PnOni 8889 M
I Miscellaneous J
EAROE clean rags wanted at Standard
Examiner pffli 417:1
Miscellaneous I
OHIO vacuum cleaners $1 dav Phone
I2CS-XJ. 4.981
To Rent
'FIVE room modern unfurnished house or
apartment on lunch for couple without
1 children. Phone S42, music department.
HEMSTITCHING and plmt edge. Prompt
service All work guaranteed. 233S Wash
ington avenue singer Sewing Ifachln
1 iRESSM K 1 57i : bi adlng and embi
Ing. remodeling1. Work guaranteed I
Phoni 1 196 1
1 1 1 : - r 1 i' 'i 11 ' : .11 1 1 ' . , ..',i.'
Ice 1'277 Washington Ave. Whito Machln I
Co 6577 1
ILL sin 1 oi:. pli .tine. Phoni 8818 M
I M El. I. ENT dt. ...siiiuklng. g-uaranie. .1
p ' '. j 6405
The Elghthouse. 246' Washington Ave ,
nppo-llc the ping, eo hunk Phono 611
Pr nipt 11 r ee
I I e I n S t I I C h I 1 1 H . 'l. I e 1 g 1 hullon. p'l.
Ing and (ilea ting Second Door W. H
1 Wright S01 s. Mrs h Layman 1 lC'j
FoiTRESrf j
Unfurnished j
SIX room modern, with hot water heat
I Ing plant. Inquire The Guaranty Mort- 1
I gage Co. 50SC !
HOUSE, Bis ; imi Inaulre 801 1 (
den avenue. 5953
TW looms 'or hou K-keeplnn Phon.
: 1 I- i Sttsl I
7-RO M 1 1 -'I mi' h 111 In li k hou. . ......
per month. Inquire 'olker Lumber Co.
5 '. 1 :
ij To Buy
I WIFE pay highest price for poultry and
rabbits. Phone i;43 Western Grain &
1 1 Co
I 1 I I .ETS, iin age. nny number Western
Grain & Feed Co . 2351 Washington Ave
I ' 'HI ti ij. '; Phone W
BEEF cattle, veal, sheep, hogs win call
at our yard Ous Jensen. 3134 Washing
ton avanue phone 3388 4''ri';
LARGE clean rags wanted at the Stand
id Examiner office. 4SA1 ,
M''NEY to loan on improved n ul eslnte I
E. E Iiratt, 417 Ecclea Bldg 5131
. 1
Hi salaried people without fcocarlly. to
Others m pianos, furniture, bonds, xtc ,
17 HndSOn T:LIl Phone JS4 24 r
klONEV 10 loan on .i.ijjivv. u vai ostsu .
kr Ih .v;- Merrick fff (
A GOOD auto for team or cows Call 1
1 ! .
SEVEN ROD ' 1 i.io.j. in hous. on ben, h
Phoni . '-i . nlng
1 " ' KI. VNl' il.rgaln Owner gone 1
Phoni ' ' 430s '
I Shares 1 pel ..-nt ore..rre, r.illwov !
sic k for homo or rai Phon 333 U6I
Notice M A. No 027101
I nlled States l,-.nd Office alt ljik..
City. Utah Sept. 10, 1920.
I Noil... I- her. L given, that Southern
(Pacific Gold & Copper Mining & Milling
Cotnpemy, B coiporailon through Its aii i
thorled agent. Cora M. Holdi-rmati , who- 1
POMtolllee addr. s,, IS .Suit likl Ptuh
has made application for a United States
I'.t. ni ioi the niorlte, Cuprite No Cup
rile No. I Wizard, E1.1 Chance. Last;
Chan. . Extension No. 2. Lost Chance Ex
tension No .1 Pea Cock and Top Notch 1
lode mining Claims consolidated, situated!
In th Sierra Bladre mining district. Coun
ty Ol Weber. Statu Of I 'Iah. being Sur
vey No. 6071. and described In the Held
ItOtei 'ind plat file In thlrf office, with
mugnetlc varlutlon ut lti dog. Eaet, 0.1 j
follows :
Commencing at come ;.o 1 ,,t niorlte
lode claim, whence the S W, corner Sec
8, T. 7 N.. II 1 W S .L. U. & M beara
S 14 def... 42 tnln. W 122f 6 feet;
Thence N. 6 dcg. 2.1 mlh. W 600 feet
to corner No 2 of said clulm;
Thence &. XS deg. 63 mln. 10. 3000 feet
to corner No 3 of Wizard clain.;
Tin mi N. 3 dg. 23 nun W 06fi 6 feet
lo corner No. 2 of Top Notch claim;
Tin m e S deg. mln K 666 4 feat
o corner No. 1 of Laet Chance Extension
No. 2 claim
Thence N. 5 deg. 4S min. W. 1460.4 font
Information Bureau
2 00 tcq i.mr ppp MONTH
ANYTHi NC! A to . new or oh
bought BCld or traded. Phone 1S3
Bramweli Pool nnd Stationery, rnfii
Washins-tor. Ave Phone 360. 3p5
i inh Natltorii Bank, aoutheast romtp
Twenty-fourth nnhlnglon Fhono CI
Ogden Carpet Cleaning Co Have us
; clean your rugs the best w ay Phones 416
,and 1S29 W.
Export carpet cleaning, upholstering,
malti-eesos made cvrr feathers renovated
Call e. .1 Hampton a. Co IMSW, 423
K. Van Kompen for upholstering, ear
pets cleaned alterad and la'd Rom&kloc
of maftro,es rhon.- 272-J
Phone 133. 2355-Cu Washington Ave.
M.i'suba Vo leading Japr.nnie res
taurant in Ogden, 273 24th St
The New Method Dentists are special
ists In sll branches of Dentistry. 34
Washington Ave uiy
For a nice electric mauage. call at
2447 Grant avenue 434"J
Ogden EugTavtng Service " . makers
of fine cuts In ono or nia."i o'or. 41f
Tvenry-four4?v street Phot. 62
Geo. D. Bennoft. corporation and irroup
Insurance a gpeciqlty. I'hono 121-W 1514
Weal cm Hide & Junk Co. J Waah-l.iij-:on
Av Phone KM.
Ogd.n f ink House, ii'3 Washington
We Thono 210
C H Zerbe Phone 343 j
Gas and coal irnges connected. All
Rinds ol plumbing v.ork. Our prl es sio
right. orvii Wnldrom sr, ante Di
Phone 3838 R jjjo
All kinds. C H. Zerbe. Phone 'J45 J
Wlllard Kay. rsil estate nnd loans.
?474 Wnshlirton 1 A VS. Phone 409 lg74
Garbage and rubbish hauled, cosapoel
and toilets ecaned. lohn Chlpp & Co
Phono 2S. 2"4S Ilu.J1.01. Avenue 73J
j Bloom, Ihe tailor, is an expei 1 on re
pairing. We nUkS your old clothes look
like HSW, 224 Twenty fifth St 3332
Trunk ajid Uio repaJIring. round cor
ner from Standard Gallacher'a, '373 Elud
EXPERT window nno woll raor clean
ing American Window Cleaning Ph. 561
to corner No 2 of List Chance Extension
1 No. 2 claim;
Then. e,. I l deg. 51 mln, E. COO feet
, to corner No. .1 of said claim;
Th. nee B 3 deg 4S n.ln. E. 1459 4 feet
: to corner No( 4 of aald claim. Identical
I With corner No. 3 of Last Chance claim;
Th. 11. S 5 deg 2:; mln. E 1336.3 feet j
I lo corner No 4 of Iaat Chance claim,
Identical with corner No. 3 of last Chuncu
1 Extension No 3 claim;
, Then-e B 6 leg. 54 mln. E 1435.1 feet 1
to corner No. 4 ol Iist Chance Extension
1 No. 3 claim;
Thence N. s de.- 51 min. w. 2704.5 feet I
lo corner No. 1 of Cuprite No. 2 claim ;
Then. N. 5 di g. 23 mln. W. 1200 feet j
to corner No. 2 of Cuprite No. 3 claim, 1
Identical with (jprnors 1 and 4 of wizard
and Idorile claim.-, respectively
Thence N. 8S deg. 53 mln vV 1500 feet,
to corner No I of IMorlte claim, the pla
of beginning and located In SW. V. SE 1
-4 and NE '. Section S and NW. ' and1
?CE. i of Section 1". Township 7 North '
Rango 1 West. B. L. li. & M., containing
an aiea of 16S 0l6 acres ex luslve of con-1
filets, im shown hy the duly certified
field notes of eald Survey No 6571. to be
In lonfllct with SW 4 of SW V; of Sec 1
lion S and with Secllon 17. T. 7 N EL 1
W s 1. n ji. l
1 1 direct that this notice be published In
The Standard Examiner published at
I Orden. Utah.
8alt Lake City. Utah.
Clalmunt j Attornev 5423
of first publication September 15.
' 1920.
I In the District Court of the Second Judi
cial District. State of Utah, Within and
for the County of Weber
Archibald Stewart. Plaintiff. vg Belle
Lunnlng. Delia C. Miller. Wm T Kick
arris, sometimes known as Win. T. Rich
ards, and if deceased, his unknown
heirs. dSTlSSeS, legatees and creditors;
, lohn I and .lane Hoe whose other
and true names arc to plaintiff un
known, and any and ail persons who
have or claim to have nny right, title
or interest In and to ul I or any part of
the real property herein deecrlbed, De
1 fendanta.
I Th. State ol Utah to the Said Defendants
Vim ar- hereby summoned to appear
! within twenty days after service of this
I summons upon you. if served within the
county In which this action la brought . 1
otherwise within thirty daya after serv
ice, and defend th above entitled avion;
s.nd In ram- of your failure so to do, Judg
ment will la rendered against nn accord-
ini: to the complaint which has been riied
with tl.t clerk of ttald 1 ollrt
This action Is brought to obtain a Ju he.
mant and decree adjudging the plaintiff
to be the owner nnd quieting his title
against any and all . uims of tho defend
ants in and to all of Ixit Seventeen il7
Block Fourteen (14). Nob Hill Addition
to Ogden City. Ctah. situate In W. hei
County; Ftah.
That the d fondant, whose names to
pialntlf:' arc unknown, claim an Interest
in wild premises as UlS owners thereof,
and that the same waa derived by convey
mi" or succession from the t-old defend
ants. Hell.. l.nnnlnpr Mella ( ' Miller and
Wm. T. Rlckard? sometimes known as
Wm. T. Richards.
Plaintiff's Attorney
P O. Address 12b Eccles Building. Og-j
den. t'lah
A special mCOUllJI Ol the stockholders of.
the 1 inter Products COmpanj will be held
ut the Office of the company at No 1701
Washington avenue In Ol.-n. Iinh on
the cth dai of October, 1920, at 7 o'clock
p. in. of said da. 10 consider, and take ac
Hou upon, the following matters;
1. To lallfy the action of tho Board of
Directors, taken on the nist dav of Au
gnat, 1920. in entering Into a contract
with and granting to C. B. Croner. of
I .oh Angeles. California, an option to pur
-hase the coinpaiiy's mining claims on cer
tain tonus and conditions therein men
I Honed.
2. To consider an other disposition of
; the company's property,
; 3 To consider such other and further
1 matters In any way Incidental to or con
nected vv Hh the foregoing as may be
hiought h.-iori said meeting,
1 By older of the H...,,, of Directors
J E. STOREY. Sc. let 11 v
I 569$
Department ol the Interior. F. S Land
Office at Salt Lake City. Ctah. Septem
bor 1. 1920.
Notice is herein) given that Charles W !
Brown, of Ogden, Utah, who. on June 22,"
1916. made homestead 'Ulry No 017850 1
lor NE. U Section S, Township 7 North I
Range 1 East. Suit Lake Meridian, has
fill .1 noli, e ol intention to make tin
..-ir proof. I" e-Lilili'li il-iini (o th. land1
abovi dest rlbed, before W H, R e Ii r
lr United States Commlaeloner, ut Og" !
d o 1 tab. on tho 16th Uoy of October '
Claimant names as witnesses:
D. D. Dunbar. Leo Shau Robert Mont
gomery, Loum Bhaw, ail of Liberty, Utah
Q9 Register
In the District Court of Weber County.
Slate of Utah.
In the Mutter of the Estate ol Mary A.
Love, Deceased.
Creditors will' present claims with
vouchers to the undersigned at the law
offices of Hchdcraon & Johnson, Suite
215. First Nutloual Bank building, Ogden.
The Ogden Auto Directory I
Olds-mobile trucks and touring cars Briscoe cars, Gramm-BernsteitT fl
j trucks, White-Robinson, 2300 Washington Phone 340. 3239
, Ogdan Auto Radiator Oo , 2329 Hudson Avenue 3j4o i
A1J- m s- of batteries repaired and recharged Exide Battery s
"3o9 Hudson Avenue 3741 1
!W(;b Taylor Motor Co., 2333 Hudson Avenue ."halmers'and Ss9 -v-ell
sales and service. Phone 143 3742
Hudson Auto Top Co., 1717 Washington ' 3772
Willard Battery Station. 2454Grant avenue 3738.
Northeast Service Station. Ohewnuui Auto Oo. 3781'
Proposed Constitutional Amend
ment No 1.
A Joint resolution propoxlnc an amend
menl to Section n of Artlrl n of the
onotltution of ihe StHt.- of Ctah, rs
latins to niunl' Ipal rorpo-n t lonn
Be It enaeted hy the I,eKnature of Ihe
Plate of 1 Iah. two thirds vote of nil ihe
memhera sleeted In tho tvvj Houses eon
eurrlnp therein:
s'e. lion I That 1 1 I- proposed In amend
Section .. of Atti-le XI ol the Constitu
tion of the Stat., of utsh. io that th.
anie will rend aa follows.
See. 5 Corporations for niun eljinl pur
pones rhall not he rr.ited l.y .special Uw-t
The lyralalure by gcneitxl lavv-i shall pro
vide for the Ineorporollon. orpnnlzatlon
and elaaalflcatlon u cltlea and towns in
proportion to pvi nlntlou. whl. h luwi mo'
he nltere.i. an.ender! or -cpenled.
Any city mav frame and sdopt B char
ter for it.s own sovor-.n Sit in ths fo!
lowing manni r
The hxljintlve authority of tb cltv
innv. hy two thirds vol-? of Ita memhera.
nn.l ii,on .etition of nullified r'.ctorr to
the number of 10 per cint of nil votoa raat
. J IBS next precedine Me-Hon for the of
ie of the mayor ha!l forthwith provide
I by ordinance for tile rubmladlon to the
I electors of iho question Shall a Com
! nilpalon be t hosen to fir.me a charterr"
ih.- ordinance shmi require that th. ques
tion bo aubmlttod lo the electors at th
jh. xt regular municipal election. Th-; hal
lot contalnlnc- piieh tjuestion ahail also
I Contain the names of candidates for mem
.hers of tho proposed Commission, but
I Without party rt".slnntlon. luch candl
dates r.hall t nouilnate.1 In th
manner as required ty law for I omlnatlon
of city officers. If a majority of tho clec
tors volinij on the iju.-.-itlon of chooalnc :
Commission shall voto In the affirmative
then the fifteen candid 1 1 e p " lvinir n
I majority of Ihe votes cast at such elec
.lion, shall constitute the charter Commla
Mon and ttluill proceed to trainu a char
Any charter so framed i.hnll Ik- pub
j milted to the quallfl?d electors of the city
I at an .-lection to be held at a tlmo to
bt determined by the charter Commission, ,
which shall be not less than thirty days'
subsequent 10 Us completion und dlstrl
bution among the elector) and not more
than one year from such date. Altera 1
tlve prov'alons may also bo submitted to
be voted upon separately. The Commla- i
slon shall Uialie provision for the dlstrl I
bution of copies of tho proposed charter1
and of any alternative provisions to the!
qualified electors ol the city, not leas than
alxty day? before tho election at which It i
Is vot.-d upon. Such proposed charter and
auch alternative provisions oa arc ap
provad by a majority of the eleclora vol
Ipk thereon, shall become un orgnnlc law'
of mi. h city at such time aa may be fixed :
therein, and shall supersede anv existing '
charter and all laws affecting 'he organ- j
li.it Ion and government 1'. such It) whh h
arc now In conflict therewith. Within
thirty da a after Its approval a copy of
BUCh charter aa adopted, certified by the
mayor and city recorder and authentlct
d by the seal of such city, ahall be made I
In duplicate and deposited, one In the of- I
flee of the Secretary of state and the j
other in the office of the City Itccorder.
and thereafter all courts shall lake Judl
clal nollco of auch charter.
Am. ndiie-nts 10 any such c!.artci ..joy !
i be framed and aulnnltt.-d by the charter
j Commission In the aame manner aa pro
ivIiPd for making of charters, or may be
(proposed by the legislative authority of
I tho city upon a two thlrda voto ther.-of.
or by petition of qualified clectora to a
number equal to on., tenth of the total
vote cast for muyor on the next preceding
election, and any auch amendment may
1 he submitted at the next regular election,
and having he-en approved by the majority
ol Iho electors voting thereon, shall be
come a pert of the charter at the time
lixed In such amendment and shall bo cer
tified and filed au provided in cajo of
llach city forming Its charter under this
Section rhal! have, and Is hereby granted,
the authority to exercise all powers relat
ing to municipal aflalrs. and to adopt
and enforce within Its limits, local police
! sanitary and similar regulation not to con
flict wllh the general law, and no cnumur
I a t Ion of powers in thl constitution ojr any
law shall be dcemrd to limit or restrict
the general grant of authority hereby con
ferred, but this grnr.t of authority shall
nol include tho power to regulate the serv
ice or charges of public utilities so long
as such regulation la provide'd for by gon
er.il law, nor be deemed lo limit or re
r.triri the power of the Legislature In mat
lorj of public or general Interest, uor
those relating to State affairs.
The power to be contci red upon tho clt
lea by this Se-ctlon uhall Include the fol
(aj To levy, assess and collect taxe.i
and liorrow money, vviinin the limits pie
I scribed by general law, and to levy and
i collect special assessments for beneiiu
end rred.
lb) To CUrnlsfa all local public services;
to purchase, hire, construct, own. main
tain and operate, or lease, public utilities,
local In extent and use; to acquire by
condemnation, or otherwise, within or
without the corporate limits, piopertv
nccosBary for any such purposes, subject
to restrictions Imposed by general law for
the protection of other communities; and
j to grant local public Utility franchise and
I rvgulute tho exercise thereof subject to
the continuing power of regulation of pub
lic utilities, their rates and service, by tho
State, aa la now or may hereafter be. pro
' vided by general law.
(c) To make local public Improvements
and to acqulro by condemnation, or other
wise, propei o within Its corporate llni
lla necussary ior such Improvements; and
also lo acqulro an excess over that needo.1
for any such Improvement and to aoll or
lease such excess propel ly with restric
tions. In order to protect and preserve
the Improvement,
Id) To issuo and sell bonds on the kc
curity of uny auch excess property, or of
any public utility owned by the "city, or
of tho revenues thereof, or both, ine'lud
lng. In the case of a public utility, a fran
chise staling the tenns upon which, in
caae of lorecloaurc. tho purchaser may
oporato nuch utility.
Sec. 2. The Secretary of Slate Is hore
by directed to submit tho proposed amend
ment to tho electors of tho Htato at tho
next general election in the manner pro
I vided by law.
I Soc. 3. If adopted by the cloclora of
this State, this amendment ihoJI tuko ef
fect on January 1st. US1.
I Approved March 18, 1915.
Utah, n or before, the 4lh day of Janu
ary. If II.
Lulu Cloudman
Executrix of the Ijat Will and Testa
ment of Mary ,. Lovo. Deceased,
Henderson Johnson, Attorneys ior ICx
eeulrlx. I'ate ol flrM publication. September
I'.'C'i Iate ol last publh.ailon. Sept.-,..
her .10. 1910. 4M'.U
.Vol Ice Is hereby given that W elu-r
i-ounlv I'I. ih, piopii.es l-i make th. fol
lowing public Improvements, to wit; Con
struct pavement on that rertuin sirlp of
roadway eighteen (is) feat wide m the
center of that street running "om the
south rit limits of Ogden City, Ctah.
at the south end of "P" avenue, 'est
figden i iah, to the property line of the
Qjobe Milling' Company, a distance of
feet, together with work Incidental there
to, according to plans, specifications and
profile on file In the office of tho county
And sealed bids are Invited for aal-l
wOrk and will be received St the office
of the county clerk, in the county coun
house, Weber county, i tuh. until ten
j Proposed Constitutional Amend
ment No. 2
A resolution proposing nn amendment to
Section 7 Article 13 of the Constitution,
I of the Stale of ffih. relating to last
rates for Stnte pfnrposes
ne It resolved hy the Legislature of ths l
Mate ol Utah two-thirds of all th;,'
members elected to each House concur
ring therein: '
Section 1 hat II is piopofed to aai'-n-l H
Section 7 or Article Mil of the Consti 1
lutlon of the Btatfl of rtah so that tho mWM
same will read as follovfs: iH
s. .- 7 'rni. rJlt Qf taXKtlon on proper
j ly ior Stat, purposes shall never exetud . iH
IS mills on each dollar of valuation lo ba faVJH
I apportioned an follows: Not lo exceed 1 maU
4'., mills on i.ach dollar ol valuation fot iH
general State purposes; to PXQI ed"
.mills on each n..-., oi valuation foi dt
in. i achool purpoai in.i to .. i mm
I mill on each dollar of v ulna t ion Ioi hign H
school purpoai 9; ih:.t part of the St..le fJH
tax apportioned .0 high school purpoalTj
shall constitute a lund to be called thrS FH
High School I'und and shall be aprsjf" " lH
tloned to ihe eltli and school dlslru
miiintainliiK Ki I Is in th. m.mnir H
the Ixiglslature limy provide. And wh.ii... fH
ever tho taxable piop..rty within the Stale iT4jj)H
j shall amount to I.JO.OUO.OUO.00, Ihc rai. ,
shall not exceed on each dollar of valu.i "
lion two and lour 1. nibs mllla for gciicrtl
1 8lStS purposes, two-tenths 01 one, mill for 1
high achooi purposes, and such levy rorX
lUistrlcl scnool purpoees as will raise eUk 1
Inually an cmount which, added lo axvy, ,
Other Slate ,'ui.Js available for dlslie. t
1 b hool purposed equals $25.00 for edcfL'
ktso:i ot school age in the State, shown
By Ihc last preceding school census: un"
less a proposition 10 Increase such BSBtaL
or rates, specifying tho rate or rates pao--
I posed and the time during which Iho same,.
shall t.e levied, be first submitted to ay
voio of sucn of the qualllled electors ol',
tho Suite, as. In the year next preee'd
Ing such election, thall have paid a prop' H
arty tax aaseasuU to ihem within the Stale. UW
and the majority of thoso voting thereon''
shall vote In lacor thereof, in aueh maut- - H
net as may be provided b law H
, Sec. 2. The Secretary of Stale Is di..' H
rei-tcd lo cause thl.i prupOdcd aiuendmeM
I ' ' i" published required bj the ."e, mm
Btitutlon ..no lo Le remitted 10 the el''. iH
tors 01 in. Mat..- ut the n xi general elec H
lion in iho manner provided by taw .
. ,-ec. 'i. U apt roved by tho electors of T7,"
State, this 1 oj-Oa d amendment shHiT'
take ellccl ol the- lsl oay ol January..
. 5
Approved March IS. 1313. H
Proposed Coni'atutional Amend-
ment No. 3.
NO. 6.
A concurrent resolution providing an
onien.lmcnt to Secllon 1. Article XIV H
oi the Constitution of the State Of H
L tub. rc-lallng to State- debt limitation,.
Ee II enacted by the- Ue-gialaturo of the
Slate of I 'tah, iwo-lhtrds of all the mora
bera elected to each of the two Houses
concurring therein: WM
Section 1. That It Is proposed to mend
Section 1. Article 14. of the constitution
of tin- Stale of I' tah, so that tho sanfo
will read -a follows: H
Section v. To meet casual deficits or
failures In revenue, i.nd for necessary t-x
pendlturas 'or public purposes, including
j ihe erection of public buildings, and for
the- payment ol all t.-riiloiiul indebl.-dnrus
i assumed by the State, the Stale may con
tract debts, not exceeding in the- aggie
gate at any one time, an amount equal 4j Wmmj
2 pcrcentum of the value of the tuxaUI.---I
property of tho Stale, as shown
I the last assessment for Stale purposes.
previous to the Incurring of such Indcfc;
edness. Hut tho Stato shall never con
I tract any Indebtedness except as in thjt
I next section provided. In excrss o! H
I such amount, and all moneys arisitrj
from loans herein authorized, shall bo up- JH
pli.-d - ol. I v to the purposes for which thu
were obtained, J
Si-c Th. Secr.-nry of State Is herehw
directed to submit this proposed unie-nd-mi
ni to the electors of the Stato at tbp
next general election in the manner pro-vlde-d
Sec. 3. If adopted by the clectora ot
i the state, this amendment shall take ef-
i .i i n i. 1911
Approved March 18. 1313.
Proposed Constitutional Amend
ment No 4.
A eoncurienl resolution proposing nn" H
amendment lo the Constitution of tli.j.
State of I'tah by amending' Section 5.
Article XVI, relating lo rights of ac
Hon to recover d images for Injuries r
suiting in death.
tie it resolved and enacted by the Legli
lature Ol the Statu of I'tah. two -thirds
of all tho members elected to each OT B
I the two Houses. concurring therein: H
) Section 1. That li Is proposed to smelt)
Section 5. Article 16. ot the Constitution
of the Stato of i'tah. so that said section H
! shall read as follows. iH
"The right of action to recover damages
i for injuries resulting In death, shall never
be abrogated, and the amount recoverable
shall not be subject lo any statutory llml
tut ion, except In cases When compensa
Hon for injuries resulting In death la pro
vid.d tur by iH
Section 2. The Secretary of State la iH
hereby directed to submit ihls proposed
amendment to tho electors of . too statu
at the next general .-'lection In tho man- mwMm
tier provided by law. JJJJJJJJJJJJJJ
Sec. 'J t adopted by the electors of
the stale ih.- nmendnisnt shall take effect H
Approved Oeiobor 0. 1913 lllllllllJB
I, Harden Uennlon, Secrolary of State, H
of the State of I'tah. do hereby certify
thai the, forecoing U a full, line and cor- H
lect copy ot all Constitutional Amend- iH
uie-iitc piopo ed by the regular and ape- H
. l'ii sessions of the Legislature of lain. H
as tho same uppear ol record In my of H
In witness whereof. I have hereunto set H
my hand and uflixed the Ureal Seal of tho
Statu of Utah, tins 1st day ol September. H
Secretary uf Stale.! H
"''lock a. in. on the ISth duy of October, H
Instructions to bidders, plans mid sped H
. ficatlons for said improvements can be H
the office of the county clerk.
Th.- right U reserved to rcjocl any or H
all bill.-, and to waive any defects. H
L.y order of th.- Board of County Com- H
mlasloners of w county, '"tali. this. H
the .'7th day of September. 1320. H
t Signed) WALTER N. PARR, mmm
I 6nG0 County Clerk. iH
STARTS l il l I w
(Oy lnternntlon.il News Service)
WORCESTER, .Matw., Sept. 27. iH
Eleanor ' Liu by Doll" Baker, who was
recently released from the Worcester
county Jail after serving sentence for H
' ompllclty in the murder of Dwlght i
1'. Chapman, at Wostboro two yearj
ago, started work as an elevator girl
in the Chase bull. ling on Front street. H
Harry Baker, her "love mate," who H
confessed to the crime, is in thf H
QharlMtOWn Slate prison for life.