OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, September 30, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-09-30/ed-1/seq-6/

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Effective at Once
Big Six Touring. $2647
Special Six Touring $2175
Special Six Club Roadster $2175
Special Six Sedan $3250
Special Six Coupe $3120
! Light Six Touring $1850
Light Six Landau $2240
Light Six Sedan $2925
F. O. B. Ogden
Full Equipment Including Cord Tires
Senator Smoot Believes Ex
perimental Work Should
Be Done Here
Senator fceed Smont of Utah, has.
j urged 'he pstiilili.-hmrn: nf an i tl-
i mcnt shop at Ogden arsenal, second
ing to otflrr r in charge of tho ur nal
work. A lottcr was dispatched ester-!
day iiv Senator Smom urging General
;. c VillianiM nf tho ordnance depart
ment to tak action on placing the
shop in operation at the arsenai
The maintenance of !uch n shopi
will add materially lo tho Importance
of the Ogden Arsenal, according to!
the officers If adopted the station
will be the only experimental statloni
on the wes' coast, and all such
perinicnts to be performed by the,
western division, would be made here.
In speaking of the local station
Senator Smoot said In his letti I
"The ordnance department is doing j
considerable experimental work In the
development of th,c present and new
typo of traik laying tractors and ear-i
go earrlert". I
There are experimental shops at
Syracuse. Detroit and Peoria, 111. Tt
would seem that this district would,
be an Ideal location for the carrying
on of similar work. Lnbor Is just as
good, cheap and available, and nia-i
tcrial can be had here Just the same
s anywhere i -. while conditions for
tests ftre ldal Thw work should be
carried on In connection with the ord
nance depot
"The government ban b. large
amount of machine tools in storage III
VarfoUS places that would be suitable
for this work, and the shop could be
I used as an ordnance repair -hop for
the entire Pacific district, especially
for artlller) tractors and etirgo carrier?.
I Auto and Street Car
! Crash; No One Hurt
J. C. nalkr, driver of tho Utah
Power & Light company repair car.
narrow ly esi aped injury this morning
at 10 o'clock In Collision with n street
car operated by IP, M. Kingston The
crash took place on Washington ave
nue, between Twenty-fourth and
Twenty-fifth streets
The rear wheel of the automo
bile was smashed. Roller osoap'ed
without Injury,
I University Club Men
Hold First Luncheon
The first luncheon of a series t he
riven hy the University club was held
at the Weber club today. It is the plan
of the members of the organization to
hold a weekly luncheon at the webei
e!ub every Thursdej noon. A special
program for the next meeting Itn lad
ing musical numbers Is beint, arranged
bj lr R Kansler, chairman of the en
tertainment committee.
Former Willard Man Arrested
After Enjoying Long Period
ot Liberty
A fugitive from jilstke for eight
years, during which time he had mar
ried and had become a sub-it intia'
Cltlxen bf Jerome. Ida.. George Mor
ris, alias K T. Herold. former Willard
man. in in jail again, according to ad
vice reaching Ogden
.Morris, was raised at Willard, leav
ing there In the fall of 10 o From
Utah he went to Oregon Some time
later he w as arrested on o larceny I
chare, and arte, being found gitil.y
Was sentenced to from one to five
years in I he Oregon pen it en i it r from
Which institution he escaped April 2.
I'M:'. He was committed to the Ore
gon penitentiary on September 23.
Marshal George Rlneman of Jerome,
received n pattrphlel of esdaped pris
oners fmni the Oregon p'ison. tho
first page of i he booklet carrying a
picture that was plainly a likeness Of
Mo is. Marshal rllneman then com
municated with the officials of the
Oregon prison, receiving a clearer
photo In the return mail
Las! Sunday Morris was arrested at
his home and drove the Marshal to
Jerome, whore he vraa confined in the
City Jail A: I he Jail Morris was shown
the picture, He neither denied nor
admitted the charges hut Informed
ont Of h!s friends to inform his, Mor
rla . wife, that he would have lo spend
his t ime lh jnil
' Morris has a wife and three chil
dren. Steps ;0 have Morris pardoned
will be taken Immediately, according
to word ret i Ivi d hi r from rdaho For
j more than three years Morris has
been I resident of Jerome, and has
been an honest and upright cltlxen.
Governor Davit of Idaho. It is stat
Cd will ask that Morris be pardoned,
Morris since his escape front the Ore
gun institution has reformed, accord
ing to his friends, and ths action tak
en by Idaho officials is exoectod to
! gam a pardon for him He has a
number of friends in Ugdf n
Clear Skies Offered
for Buck Hunters
I Sportsmen who go forth tonight to
the duck Hbooting grounds to prepare
for the opening Of the war tomorrow
j morning, will be favored with fair
1 skies and cool temperatures, according
to the prediction of the United States
l weather bureau. Although the clear
thcr tonight and tomorrow might
no) afford the best shooting, never
theless the weather department can
offer nothing better.
The report stated that there Will be
frost tonight in high and exposed por
tions of the state.
J Last night s temperature showed a
drop over the preceding nights, the
I mercury falling to the the 44-polnt.
Wednesday night the lowest point
was 52 degrees. The maximum tem
I perature yesterday was 75 degrees.
I are recommended by best stores because every
. iBBl ae men8 a pleased and satisfied customer; every
:d mother who buys one pair will return for more;
J every pair is guaranteed to give long, satisfactory
' ll ffif! H lervice.
Uj jSPfej "Storings held th HICKORY way
,j awHswS Te iock'nSs htld to jurcy ilay
W IssPlK iCC A STEIN & COMPANY n.w vork
(Performing Bears to Give Tree Show
Rules Announced For Big Parade
OV c, am (- ov. je Je. Jg?
All is Ready For Ogden festival
A free show by four trained
bears Is to be 'he feature of to
morrow afternoon's program of
jgden'a community festival,
RaWllngt' four tTftined bears,
which will be e feature of the
Utah state fair next week, were
engaged by the festival eommittce
for two performances,
The first will he given at the
park near the city hall at 2 o'clock
tomorrow afternoon.
Tin second perfoi mam i wll be
I given In Lester park Saturday af
ternoon The Saturday perform
a nee will he fo, the i. speck-. 1 bene- 1
fit of the children
Tango, Babe, Neiiie and Teddy
are the names of the four per
forming bruin.-'. Tango is de
scribed as a singing and speaking
bear. Babe tumbles and in warm
er weather swims in a lank.
Nellie's specialty is ihe imiu hula
ltt Tedd- is the funny bear. He
is the clown of the aggregation
Regular Rehearsal to Take
Place: Part in Pageant to
Be Explained
; Regular rehearsal of the Qgden
I Tabernacle choir will bo held u.nigh;
at 7:45 o'clock, according to Director
Joseph Ballantyne. The choir Is tak-
, lug up a series of new choruses
I Mlts Murjorlc Day, of tho commu
I nity service, has been ln Ited to at
I tcntl the rehearsal and present to the
Choir member the part they are to
i play In the "mien on the March" re
I view, which will take- place tomorrow
I evening.
The matter Of presenting a numbei
I of high i las, concerts, Wltll Miss .Mary
! Jones as manager of the concerts will
also he discussed at ihe rehearsal
Tentative arrangements have been
made to .secure the services of Then
Karla, a tehOl artist of International
Julia Clausen Will also appear again
at the tabernacle, and may sing se
lections with the choir.
Mr. Ballantyne h.s announced that
the aim of the choir is to bring a
number of concerts to gden. of which
the local choir will make up a big
The mu.-dc to be rehearsed at the
meeting of the choir tonight will be In
preparation for the Theo Karle con-'
cer and the mutual convention ot
the three stakes which will be held at
I the labernach next Sunday after
I noon.
J. C. Brown, Surveyor
on Republican Ticket
J. ( . Crown, now employed in the I
jciiy engineer's department, has been'
flamed, as Republican nominee for
county surveyor by the county central
eommittce, according to an announce
ment made today by Arthur Wool ley. '
county chairman.
Mi. Brown was placed In the race
' 1 1 i no candidates for the position I
fiinii before the recent Republican
((.mention. At the time It was an
llOUUCed that the committee WOUld
'choose a man later for the position. 1
The nominee has had many year'
experience as SUrveyoi and has been1
employed bv thc rity since May, 1919. '
Previous to this time he served eight
years as surveyor-draughtsman for the
United States forestry service, working
in this district He was graduated
Ifrom the I nlverslty of Utah In l yo 7 1
roe ;i mining engineer
Mr. Brown, in addition to his work
with the lt t now treasurer of the
Sarah J. Brown company, owners of
I the Hroom hotel He was born In ug-
Iden and hac reelded here practically
all his life. 1
I . . I
Aluiart society will meet this eve-'
ninif in the K. C, hall at 7 30 o clock
Instead of the University club as an
nounced. All members who wish to
take part In the play this winter are'
asked to be present
Mrs D. H. Adams and Mrs W, H
Meal will be hostes--.es tu the member!
'of the Historical club Saturday ufter-1
I noon at the Knights of Cvthias hall I
at -' 80 o'clock. Mrs W Karl Hop
kins will have charge of ihe subject
j for the afternoon. Each member has
.been requested to bring a guest to the,
meet ing
Mrs. John Browning and Mis? H,.a
trice 1'rownlng of I den arc visiting
at the Ambassador hotel In Santa Har-
bara. Thev will spend some time vis-'
ltln at the seaside resort.
Mrs. Lillian P Wilson has left for
Oakland, l.'al., to visit her daughter
Mrs. II C Bcherer, formerly Mies
Juanita I. Wilson ( this cltj Mm
Wilson Is making the trip for her
Mr and Mr- B llalsted have
returned from a plcauant trip to a I
number of the coast cities. They vis-'
tied many of the coast resorts and I
oher points of Interest.
Mis lieinb ,. Flume and Miss Nellie
hUl hardsotl h ive returned from a flvs
Weell visit to (Jreyt l-'alls. Mont
The apple crop of (duo Is estimated
at 10690,000 bushels, this (ear,
Parish House of Church of
Good Shepherd to Be
Rest Room
With weather conditions perfect,
hundreds of visitors are expeoted In
igden from neighboring towns and
itlet to alien, i Ogden'i tall community
festival tomorrow and SafurdS
i The parish house of the Church of
the (mil Sthepherd will he. ii - . I j i -
open during the two days RS I ' n -
room for women and r. u r - i n
Children of mothers who visit Ho.
shopping oenter on thesi days
!f ember I of the ESpiSCOpal Ladles
guild, under the direction of Mrs W.
II Child and Mrs Conwell, will wel
come thc visitors and look after their
Action of the Episcopal Church wo
men was declared At community ser-1
vice headquarters to be splendid cvi
dencc of the cpoperat!on thai i be-1
1 ii K glv'ii to make the frsllval a suc
cess. WiH ill.R L PRli .
Ah'Other entry in th pageant. Ug
den on the March, WM announced
toda y.
1 ne Ogden Campflre Girls organ
ization; which Is Just getting into
-iwliiK. Will have representation In the
pageant Camp Cneskchamay. under
the guardianship of Miss Dohcrty,
with Mis-s Ldnu Rurke as assistant
guardlan( Will have eighteen niem
bl rs, dressed in the otto lal costume.
middles and bloomers ami carrying
banners, in the line or march
BmphaslS Ii placed again on the
announcement tnat the pageant win
proceed to move along Washington
avenue from Twenty-second St reet
promptly at 7:30 o'clock All units
inu.i be in lino ill that time The
procession will proceed to Twenty
ilflh Street, where the final events
of the evening will be centered on and
about the stage in the park at tin
City hall
Sensitive Girl Runs Away
From School to Escape
From Ridicule
sta ndard-Examlner:
Regarding nn article in last night's
Issue of The Standard-Lxamlner re
ferring to fl missing girl being found
in Ogden. I wish lo state thai Mar
garet Ranford left Wells. N'c-v . for a
visit with relatives and friends in Og
den, with her mind fully made up not
to return to school there.
Miss Ranford attended high school.
In Scotland and on going to Wells de
cided to pursue her studios there, but
owing to the ridicule she received from
some of the pupils because of her
Scotch accent and being of an ex
tremely sensitive temperament said
she would rather die than return to.
Miss Ranford realizes that she has'
left an exceedingly happy home but j
will return to it In the near future to'
prepare to go Into training as a burse,
which has been her heart's desire for
At present she is with fiiends In Og-'
The girl made a grave mistake when
she made the assertion that Mrs. J.
W Ranford cas not her mother Sno
was raised In Scotland by her mother's
people and had often been teased
about having so many mothers and
used this as an excuse for her recent
escapade (
Signed by her mother.
American Aviators
En Route to Japan
fifteen avtatois who flew overseas
under the American colors, were og
den visitors today en route to the
coast ne of the aviators, Captain
Harold Pltlman, downed three Hun
planes while in the service of the
Lnltcd States air force in France
The fifteen men recently discharged
from the service, are cn route to
Japan where thej are gi lieduled to
enter the air service in Japan with Art
Smith, noted American airman, who
has been In that country for more
than three years, specializing in avia
tion The men en route west were i igden
visitors for more than an hour during
which time th y v isit.-,) various points
of Interest in the city,
Police Looking for
Missing Ogden Girl
Gladvs Wlnslow, fifteen years old.
has disappeared and police i, re now
searching th cltj fo i n.iiih trace or
her. The girl's mother, living at 363
Ninth street reported th0 KlH's ab
sence to the police She has been
missing for three dajs
Miss Wlnslow has been working at
an Italian bakery on Twenty-fifth
street, the police said
4 I you have roaimc. bussing
m nolssi i" our ers. are getting
m herd ol hearing Mn.i te.-,r Catarrhal
-j- Deafness, so t" ..nr druggist and
get t ounce (f I'arinlnt (double S
-1 1 r-iiKtii i . i.nd add i" ii pint of
-j hot Vfttej "nil a intir- granulates
niKar Take I l hPN spoonful foui
5 dm- ;i (ln J
Thus Will "(ten Pnn quick "-II. !
from 1,11 dlslrssslni head nolssi
liopffed tiostrlla should open,
v breatnins biacem ,:'-s' and iht
4 rnueua atop dreppini "," 'he i
throat It i" ' "v lo prepare, oosts wl
fr llttli and ot plmaanl lo take. An
mis who has atsrrhsl treuph ot 1
(he eais. la hard of hearing or has
J hrad nolacs ahoiild give this tr.
periptlpn trial. Advertisement e
PoliCe rules for the pageant.
' gden on the march " which
moves along Washington avenue
beginning i 7:3fi o'clock tomor
row evening, were announced to
day ihe safety first rules are undei
the direction of 'omnilssionei J
Ra) Ward, head of the depart
ment ..f public safety.
Beventy boy scouts with police
power will aid in keeping the
streets cleared for the marchers.
i apt .i k Llndqulst and Lieu
tenants Woodcock and Pearson
will l.e the marshals of the pro-
Automobiles may park oniv on
the cast side of Washington ave
nue There will be no parking on
rwenty-flfth street between Oram
and Washington avenues.
mi automobiles which are
parked along the line of march
must have their tops down
'Ihls feature of tops down is to
OS vigorously enforced for the
benefit of the hundreds who will
niu the streets to see the page
ant, r
The procession will move from
j wenty-second street to Twenty-
fifth street, then column right
and proceed to the park for the
final spectacle and music program.
Joseph M. Parker of San Jose
Will Assume Charge of
Big Plant Here
Joseph . Parker, manager of the
San .Ion. Cel., division ol Hie .sja-nj
Flour to. has been appointed man
's i of the Intermountain division ot
tho ' on, p,,n. with headquarters at the
big local mill, just being tompMed
He will iissume hk duties here In No
vember. This new mill will have u dailv ca
pacitv of l'jOi) battels and the ap
pointment to its managership, as well
as that of the 700,000 bushel grain
eievatpr completed lasl winter, is a
mark- of the esteem in whirl, Parkei
I" held by ih Sperry Klour 'o. ex
et ..ir es, after the twenty years he has
been In their service.
The local mill and elevator hold the
most important strategic point In the
Sperrj territory, and railroad officials
assert that their location Is one of the
most favorable In the United states
due to their being abb- to take ad
vantage of the fact that the city is a
Junction point for the inion pacific
Southern Pacific, Oregon Short Line
Donver Rio Grande. Western Pa
cific and Salt Lake Log Angel's
road -
Grain used for the mill is grown in
various par s ,, the . ountrv and. when
purchased bj the Sperry rompanv in
Htate?, tapped by lines radiating from
Qgden can be sent to the market at
a big saving In transportation cos. byl
inking advantage of the "mlllina In I
IransU' i.-..lirht ..... ,-. . .
in announcing the appointment s. ft
UCNear vice president of the com-l
pany, gave credll for die seleotion of!
the (gden site to George li I-iack.
who had insisted trom the beginning
that this wus the point for the intei
mountain Sperrv mill Having put the'
hie undertaking through to the prea-;
ent stage Mr plcNear added liack!
had suggested tin- wisdom of sending
to the post a ounger man who would
have the vigor and eriergv to handle
the big field that was being opened'
up. Mr. f-iack will remain at Ogden
In i harge of tho grain department ..r
rving forward the activities that he
originally undertook for the Company
at Sallna. Kans
Industrial Counsel
I Chief Coming Here
James Emery, chief counsel of the'
national industrial council, will ar
rive in ogden October 28. from the!
east, according to Secrotarv W f'red
Bossner of the igden branch of the'
I tah Associated Industries. The an-
nual dinner of the state organization!
will be held at .Salt Lake the following!
day. at which timeVMr Kmcrv will be
one of the chief speakers
Ogden Logan. Provo Salt Lak nndi
other districts will he represented at
the meeting J. E "5aiigher. president
Of the Utah Associated Industries, has I
appointed a nominating committee to!
nominate members of the organisation
for directors. There are fifteen dlrec-jl
tore, five to be elected during the pres-i
cnt year.
Placing Exhibt at j
Utah State Fair
W. p, Thomas, county agricultural!
agent, is at Salt I.kc today, super
vising the installation of the Weber
countv farm bureau exhibit at the.'
Itgte fair.
Mi Thomas is being assisted by E,
W, Hoblnson. county club lender, and
.Mimk K.iith Hayball, secretary of the
ber county farm bureau.
I 'nlted SlKlrji lnd Off U e ga
(Ttv. I'liib, September 2.'.. 1J20. To whom
It mi. concern. N'otlee Is hereby givan
tlort the siHte oi I'uh has filed in ihl.
..fn.c llata or land.. eie-t.-,i (( tho mid
t.tiitc, imdr nertlon ii of the act Qf eon
grrBK. approved Iul 1i. 194, as indem
i nit v K-hool landc. vlr. chkI OsTISJ. NK.
st. i4. .Sr. nnn 2S. T 7 N . K J B
' ul l-ik Meridian COPlSa of Maid llata,
xo far as thev relate to xalri tract bv
descriptive subdivision, have hen con
tfji UOUSb posted in this office foi in
apection, bv any pvison Interested ,
and b th SUDlIC S-nerall l'ulI1r,
Men! I
Urif youVe figuring on a new suit or over
I . coat for Sunday, better have a look here.
there's a hundred and fifty suits and HI
overcoats on sale at $45. I
you should see how good they are fl
before deciding. - Ni
i -. . -
the period of piil.hcHi.ou i ihi
I notice, or sn.v time thereafter :nd before
final npproval and certification undei d
partmental regulations of April 2G, l "1"
, protests or contests aqalnBt the claim of
the stale to any of the tracts or aUbdl
Vision hereinbefore, described on th
ground that the smie is more i.lnal.le fo,
mineral than for agricultural purposes,
will be received and noted foi report i"
the general office at Washington l
I-'allure so to protest or contest, within
the time specified, will be considered sut
flctent evidence of non mineral charactel
of the tracts and the selectlona thereol
holng otherwise free trom objection will
he approved to the state. Gould I, (Slake
lev, Register.
StU of T'tah. Count; "f Webci I" ih.
riain City precinct of said count
l have in my possession the following
described eetray animal, which, II i"'
. lalmed arid taken ow:i. will bi KId to
tlie highet cash hiddei ( I H P I LUl en
In riain City precinct, on Saturday thi
11th day of October. 1930 at thi hpui "i
l o clock
Cine red ,md white calf no brand; i rop
of left ear.
Raid estray was taken up b Slaver
Knight on the CTth dny nf September,
Poundkeeoei tor Plain Cltj Precim l
An ordinance confirming the assi -merit
upon the propenv hereinafter described
upon both sides of Jefferson a n
between Twentieth and Twenty-fifth
street. Twenty sixth stieet between
Madison and .Monroe avenues, Van
Hnrcn avenm lu-iw.-.n Twentl sixth
and Twenty-seventh streets, th east
side of Monroe avenue between Twentj
fifth and Twentj sixth streets, and the
west side of Monroe Venue between
Twenty-Sixth street and .n point 831 7
feet north of Twenty-sixth treel In
Paving District No 13'i In ngd. n i'iu
l lnh. for the pui-pose of pn v I r . u lh
costs and expense of paving the road
wava of said streets with two inches
hltulithk wearing urfaCS. laid on a six
inch Portland cement concrete founds
tinn and also for grading, constructing
curbs gutters. sidewalks, culverts,
drnlnage and Irrigation system- nd fo
nxtendlng prlvat-- w.it.-i end t.. WSI i
Ice conn,ct.lons from the mains to the
bark of thi CUrb line tOgethei with all
other things neccaaary to do and to lit I
ly complete said work.
3e it ordained by th.- Board 'i Commis
sioner! of Ogden Ot tah;
Section 1. That the assessment and!
ax Hit made by the city . n,
I ot rectod. approved and compe l' a oy llt
Board of Comnil.s.snni- i -. nim.: ns ..
Board of KusJiratlon und Review "i tli
I propertv on part of Its 1 to 13 Inclll
I aive. Dankowskc Subdivision of Lots 6,
7 and 8. Ulock 08. Plat "A" Lot 5. Block
' 56 Plat "A" I Iyots 1 and 7 to 1 0 Inclu
ale, Block If, Plat " Lots 2 to S in
I elusive Block 43 Plat "A" Lots I andWO,
Block 44 Plat A", ix.is .". snd E Block
i 42. Plat A" I.'.l- I and 7 lo 10 inrln
falve. Block 41. Plat "A" Lots 1 I i
.elusive. Block 20. PIhi a" Lots I snd
10 Inclusive Block 3n. Plat A''. Iota 1
and 7 to 10 Inclusive. Block 27, PIm v
! Lota 1 to 3 Inclusive. Block 6 Pint it'
i Iota 6 and 7. Block 3, Plut "B" ; U
to ( Inclusive Block 5. Pts I B"; Lots
1 to !! Inclusive Moffltt's Bubdl -ion of
the west one half of Block 31 Plal 'C
and l)ts 17 to 5j InelusJvi in. i .
' Subdivlrion of the jfu.il on.- half ol P.I.,, k
23. Plat "C". all In Ogd. n ("it; Sm v.
for the purpose of piovidlug th.- roadways
i of Jefferson avenue between Twentieth
and Tvverii -fifth ntn-etit,
street between Madison and Monroi ,m
miB.-. Van Buren av.-nn.- between Twonl
slth nnd Twenty-seventh streets, th
eail oe half of the roadwio "ii Monro,
avenue between Twentj fifth Twentj
sijth streets, and the west on' ha I on
of the roadn on Mom Oe avenue l.e-I
tween Twenty lxth street snd a point
111.1 feet north ol Twenty rivili
with bltullthir psvcm,nt censlstins ol
Inchss blthullthle weai-ing surfaci laid on
a six Inch Portland ccmint et four
datlon. and also for grading constructing
curbs, goiters, sidewalks. CUlVfrtS, sialn-i
age. and u ligation sstem.. affB - 01
tending privif nst-i jnd i..r service
1 ns ins to i he bat k of
the curb line, together with all other iJSjffi
,,,lnl ' ' d" and to f nil v ,-om '?tN it
I'let. .id work is hereto confirmed and H
' i" Iiiil: in . onn. etion with the ci . ! 1
"" pi said paving district and the mak- i
mij of u-ovements therein are herebv Jft'
ratified, con finned and approved ' ti'1 ' if'
Section Thi ordinance shall' take ef- ;
i reet rrom .-.nd ,ft.-r the date of its publl- tmi '
cation . I
opt. d ind pass. I b: thc Board or '
( ommlss pn i Kd.-n en. i tah S n
1-'R XK KB A Vers fifll-. J
W v or I
, . r ,-. , P,ty Recorder. uftvV
Stau of t tab. Count) of W eber as Im?? "
I C T ,Moye .cltj recorder of Ogden IRl'- r"
1 ", 1 l ,h hercbj certify that the abov fl4
and foregoing Is .. mil . true ,id correct K41 '
' :,tl ordln m i i ntltled " n ordl I
nance confirming thc assessment upon the
",!" ' : ' hf"ln iftei d Itx d upon both
sides of Jefferson avenue between Twen- i
tleth snd Twenty-fifth streets, Twenty i '
sixth streel between Madison and Mon Vh
roc avenues, Van Buren avenue between LlflZi r'
rwentj th and Twenty-seventh streets t,i'
" ' "Ido (d Monroe avenue between
Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth streets
:,"d th. west sid. ot Monroe avenue he H
Tv ntj sixth streel nei
131.7 feel north ol Twenty-sixth street in
Pavlnj Distri, - No I 10 In Ogden it '
l ib roi the purpose of paying il
''d expense ol paving the roadways o.
said streets with two inches bltullthie
" 1 ' ' .... ., iix inch Poii
""l eemenl concreti foundation and aleo
for grading, constructing curbs, gutter
d. walks. , Ht,e,i, drainage and Irrlga:
1 "'" "tems and lot i Mending m h -.i..
watt , and wei n i id. e conn irons rrom
Lh mains to thi back of ih..- curb hn"
togethei v ith .ii othei things ne,, "V
io do and to fuii . ompletc said wbi
adopted and passed by the Board of Com
mlssloni ' - ' i - ild Ogden Cltj on the ioth
?' S ; :' ! appears" 01
record in my office m ' ol T
In witness whereof, I have hereunto set
my hand snd afi.xed th- corporate seal
ft2en City this lath day ofXptombtir! ( L
C. T. MOTES, r:3gsBi
Published September toino?'
ind.-itd Kx.iminci tfmWrn
Puvlng IU.trlct No 130 :J0r Jrf
" ,
CO.ISUlt County Clerk or the SSSSSsS
tive Signers for Further
?f Pefe? M ,CRCDTOR8 UM
'" l";rsto the unde.j.tmL , ,ln,s 'ith -
flee Of Halverfon K ,, r ,hn 1 W 0 1 '
605 Da Id E. i. bulMlSS" Ka"-- No
the 1st i ol l,rSnon or befoft
Adnilnlatrnf,. BR
time. i?n J""1 .vcn,i, W,
rIdrs&rSSjIa ?L-
Jjrn utornej for tfflS T1" B
" ' Bib 0,1 w Pr lit SS
Mil ,;,:o,I':i;'f'Ai.VKnsoy.
'-' 'uor
ol John1 m VJBsT
rdltors will Peceaias
A- ' Horn, A.io.nev for K?n,,'I'1"rator iMlHBgg

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