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1 OGDEN CITY, 5 EVENING, OCTOBER 1920. . " LAS 1 FDi 4 P. M I BORAH WITHDRAWS AS HARDING SPEAKER H BABIE'S FIRST TOOFIE GOLD; HUNDREDS SAY 9 TOOTH IS GENUINE . (- -rT 1 SOVIET TROOPS I SLAY LEADERS I I AMD SURRENDER One Bolshevik Commander I Kills Himself When His Army Is Smashed I iJ WARSAW Sept 30. (By th- 1 if rialed Press The defeat of the Riis- H 'I elans on the roiish northern Front HB a seems virtually complete. The soviet HHJ E troops are reported fleeing eastward 1" !n disorder In an effort t avoid be- Hl f: lng surrounded by the Poles, who j tire in alone pursuit HHf j? The result of the Polish victory Is HH declared by the military experts as HH' eliminating any chance of the bol- 91 ihevlki launching the fall offensive HH which War Minister Trotzky was crd- H tied with planning to drive hack the HB r I'oles from the territory they occupli l SB ftcr the failure of the soviet attempt 1 1 !o capt 11 1 1 Warsaw. on ii l its Ml RDERED. JSIjSjw l The advices from the front report 8km I 1 hat one Russian division surrendered cEir 1 to the Poles after having murdered EjOSuj I .ill the commissaries with U who tried J $19 I to compel the troops to offer resist-j Swa once. The cenunandsr of the Third jBWji Bolsheviki army committed aulcidi . It is said, when ho realized that hif 1 HBJ command had been completely i Bgfglf smashed. HJ9 Tonight's communique reports that' B9 t'osen troops, sweeping eastward, took IflH the railway junction of Baranovichi, north of the Pinsk marshes, the key to the old German trench line. W ith HJ i it a quantity of war material was! H taken. CLOSE TO VIN . South of Ihi Pripel the Russians1 nTHOT have been pushed bach across thej ; r,v r SlUtsch. HB, Polish cavalry has occupied .Novo HH grad-Volynsk. about midway between Lutsk and Kiev. HHj This afternoon's reports show that the Poles are less than 85 miles from Vilna. the Lithuanian captjal, and I their advapri; Is continuing. fl I; J OIL FIRMS If! MEXICO PAY BIG EXPORT TAXES H ' MEXICO CITY. Oct. l - Petroleum oompaniea hay completed payment of IHfl their export taxes for July and August.' HH the amount of revenue received by the' I treasury totalling more B, 500,000. HH pesos. Announcement Is made that, more than 2, 000, 000 pesos paid to G 1- HH era I Pelaez and other revolutionary I leaders would be applied to account as I HH tax payments I 1 'onsld t at lot) I.s belliR given of loin-, Hfl plaints by oil companies relating to; flH methods adopted for fixing the toj flfl rate and it Is planned to change thej flfl: system so that the average selling I price for a period of six months will' flfl be taken as the basis instead of prices HBJ i for two months. I . LINER CARRYING BULLION I RUNS OUT BEFORE STORM K N E w i'OJtK, Thi fll Star liner Baltic from Liverpool and! flfl Queenstown arrived todav with gold! bullion valued at $7,500,000 consigned! Uf4 American o nk ei HI 'Outside Amhrnse - hannel last night I the Baltic encoun' it - a Jmrric. ne. Bi ATLANTA NOW FllOliS FOR : WONDER KID Eva Catherine Lee Raises Nugget in Mouth, Neigh- ' bors Say . EL . staff Special'. ATLANTA. On. Gangway for the j 'Gold Tooth Kid'" J. T. Lee hen' has a little gold mine in his home The mine's name is Eva Catherine and she raises nug I gets in her mouth. Babes born with ,silver soup ladles beneath their tongues and babes.With railway bonds In their ; banks and llkker in their cellars all I 'these hats off to Atlanta s Aurifei ous Infant: HERE IRE ILLEOAnOXS Here are the allegations: Eva Is H months old. Recently i j her first tooth "hatched. " Day by day the pridrful parents watched the coming of the toothlet. It is strenu- 1 j ously denied that the child used a 1 railroad spike Tor s teething ring, but, I be that as It may Tool ii u is goij: One d.iv- Mrs. Lee propped open Iflva's oral os and looked wilhln with careful aim. Lb and behold and oh. I by posh the tooth was gold! so the' proud parents insist. Five hundred Atlanta folks' eyes h.iv e bejsn dazzled by the Jeweler s win- ' dow effect of Eva's mouth, and some 1 hold with the parents that the tooth is 14-karat, warranleed for 20 years. ! HEAD OF PACKING FIRM ADMITS FRAUD CHARGE i CHTCAGo. Oct. 1. Eli I'faelzer. ! present of the Consumers Packing company, entered a plea of cuilt;. b -fore Judge Ev.ui A, Kvans in the I l ulled States dislrlct court here to-' Hay, where he and seven other of fl-j i l il- of the firm uie on trial for con-I splra'cy to use the mails to defraud. Pfaelzer Is the second defendant to plead guilty, Louis Davis, a fiscal agent, having entered Ills Plea several days ago. Pfaelzer's plea followed I testimony given by Walker R. Flint) head of the blue sky law bureau, in Ihe office of the Illinois secretary of , state. MILITIA DISPERSES MOB OF VETS AROUND JAIL JONESBQRO. Tcnn , Oct. l. Thirty-five to fifty men. man of them' service men from the national sunl- torium at Johnson City, shot up the Jail here last night in an effort to ob-! tain a liegro hold In connection with! an attack on a white waitress yi the sanatorium, one prisoner was slight-1 ly wounded In the, attack, and all win-' dows were broken. The Jailer refused to give up the prisoner and members of the stale ml-1 litis from Johnson City dispersed the FILIPINO BISHOP TELLS POPE ABOUT U. S. RULE EIOIIB; ei is 3fonaignor Pierre Joseph Murth, bishop of New Segovia, Philippine islands, was reeeived in an-, I i i ' bj Pope Benedlcl today and re ported to the pontiff the work of his! diocese and the progress and prosper ity or the isi.iudj under American rule. LORD MAYOR IN PAIN 50TH DAY V NEW BHD NIGHT IN ' LONDON JAIL British Cabinet in Conference on Situation Prevailing in Ireland SIR HAMAR GREENWOOD INSTRUCTS CONSTABLES I Warns Them Against Repris als But Admits There Is Much Provocation I LONDON", Oct. 1 Terence Mac-J Swlney, lord mayor of Cork, parsed j another v ery bad night at Brixton1 prison where he today began the r.uih daj of his hunger strike. He slept a little beforeyiiiidniKht. but not after that hour. saltTb, bulletin issued by the Irish Self Determination league this fore noon, and during the morning was suffering severe pains in his arms and back. Mis Mary Macf-'winey sent n letter' Y ednesday to Cardinal Bourne, arch-, bishop of Westminster, in which she said: "-When the spirit of life is sustained In such a fight against the forces of( injustice and tyranny wo naturally' x-, pect to find Your Eminence on the, -die nf ihe spirit. I therefore, ask ou plainlv to call together vour bishops It, England to condeiifa the action of your government In their, attitude to- wards my brother and his comrades 'in the Cork jail and In ihe name c: Christianity to demund their instant release. Even yet It may not be too late." Miss MacSwim y al.-o sent a utter to i. ArM'lMsHop .r 'w -it. " . Vii,. he, in similar strain asking hi mto "call together the bishops of vour church and in the name of Christlunit v and Oivlliaatlon demund from vour govern ment the instant release of my brother and his comrades." CABIX 1 l CONFER i I LON'l N, Sept. 30. Members of the British cabinet met today to dis cuss Hie situation in Ireland and to barn from General Sir Pedcrlck Nevll MacRendy, commander of military forces there, details of conditions in the island. It was forecast that it was likely the cabinet would require an explanation from the commander of a recem interview which has been Interpreted by the newspapers here as condoning reprisals by "black and tan" police. IRMN'G (. IM BI PRISA1 S Dl'BLIN. Sept Warning against reprisals, no matter what the provocation, was given the Royal Irish constabulary todav by Sir Hamar Greenwood, the chief secretary for Ire land. In a j-pce h mi l h oecasloii oi a distribution of medals. He dwelt upon the proVooatipn, which had I given the police, with 103 of their number murdered and 170 woundedi but declared no reprisals could be countenanced by the authorities. He congratulated the men upon their gen eral maintenance of dlsciplim . "Your duty and mine," he skid, "Is to arrest criminals and endeavor to prevent further crime I appeal to all Irish people, men and women, what ever their creeds and policies, t0 unite I in this endeavor. In the meantime It is necessary to repeat with emphasis that reprisals will ruin discipline. They i annot be o, ml en. i nee, I hv tluw.. in nirt ViAi-lt v KRI1 I I ! 1 1 I SI J JU BLIN. oct. 1. Charges that the reprisals In Ireland were a alcuialed polb . of tfie government, that the oc-, Casloh for them was often afforded by the provocation of agents, and that a plot exists for the assassination of the Irish republican leaders, were made todaj bj Arthur Griffith, found-, er of the Sinn Peln organization. .Mr Griffith preferred these charges In a long statement to American. Erig-J llsh and continental newspaper men I Wo MORI KILLED LlMERB'K, Sept. 30. Two con- stables were shot and killcj near O'Brien's bridge when a police patrol was fired upon. PATROL AMIIIMII Ii BELFASJ. Oct. 1 A police patrol! "a ambushed yesterday near Tub bercurrv. county Sllgo. 'by a large part of armed civilians. District ln-j spector Brad was shot dead, the head; constable gravely wounded and an other constable ks serionslv wounded. Unconfirmed reports say several houses havi been burned In reprisal for the attack. l OA KILLED BLLPAST, Sept. 3a W hile search -1 lng u house In Liscarroll, countv Cork. I on Tuesday, a party of the military was fired on by civilians. The soldlcrsi t ei hi tied Ihe fire, killing one of their! . 1 Hants. oo UNION PAYS COMPANIES FOR PICKETING DAMAGE ST -Lol ls, Oct. 1. Dismissal of tempt proceedings against Mux ZarltsRy and Caroline Wolff, oi n. m "' . Intel national president and or ganizer, respectively, of the. United Cloth I-lal i Capmakers' i nton, was' announced In federal court yesterday The union officials were charged With I. a lng violated U court order r. stn ilnlns the union from picketing seven local hail manufacturers during, a recent strike. The charges Were dropped, H was explained, after the union had paid the 'hat companies $v'.'i fur damages alleged Id have beet caused by the strike i MORE BALL SCANDAL EVIDENCE GIVEN I BABE RUTH AND J NEW ROADSTER ! HIT AUTO TRUCK i I MERIDEN, Conn.. Oct. 1 "Babe" Ruth, world's cham pion home run hitter, on his way to Springfield today in a new roadster, collided with a , truck at the dangerous Yales ille culvert on the New Haven trunk highway in Meridcn. He landed in a field with his ca wrecked. but he escaped un hurt except for scratches from the broken windshield- f NATIONS SHAKEN By WAR GROW MORE HOPEFUL Distinctive Signs Point to Bettermenf in Economic Conditions in Europe BRUSSELS. Sept. 30. Distinct and multiplying signs of economic im provement are seen In countries mos' shaken bj the great war. and optim ism over their future in felt, according to speakers at the international finan cla) conference, In session here. Some of those who spoke t.xbu he fore th- confereiue declared that In a few years the world wll return to active competition between sellers and that the present contest between buy ers will pass. lat us not only dwell together in peace and unity." said Henry Bell, manager of Llovd's bank. London, 'hu' let us also deal together freely and in harmony." I "it Is a great error, " he declared, "to consider the success of one nation In trade a detriment to others. Com merce i.s not a form 6sOOnflict, hut on the contrary. It Is that which BhOUlO bind nations together." OO ALL BERMUDA ASTIR TO MEET PRINCE OF WALES fcLA.MIL.TOX, Bermuda, ct. l The prince of Wales, homeward bound from Australia on the British battle cruiser Renown, arrived here today from Antigua for a three days' visit. He was given an ent huslatstic welcome. DurinK bis stay he will take part in the concluding ceremodjes of Bermu da's tercentcnarj which Is linked with the Jamestown. Va., tercentenary and those of the sailing of the pilgrims f"i America. The celebration In honor of the Prince, who Is concluding his lorn; tour of the British empire and th' United States took on an international aspect with the presence here for the occasion of Bear Admiral Charles F. Hughes, ou board the United States battleship Kansas. . Virtually even one of Bermuda's 20,000 inhabitants was astir early to-1 day for the festivities of the prince's visit. Early this morning the Renown bearing the prime and his party, ar rived off the northern end ol tlw Island As the Renown dropped an chor the Kansas boomed forth a saluii of twenty-one guns and her crew lined the rails. TWO WOMEN JUMP OFF HOMEWARD BOUND SHIPS NKW FORK, Oct, I. Two women being deported to Italy Jumped over-' board as the steamship Patria was havhiK I' last night, it was ii a i ned today. Mrs. Mary Xlccies. in charge of a nurse, eluded her caretaker and after a scuffle With several sailors dived I Into the water. She was jin ked up by the crew of a! I uk boat. Fifteen minutes later another wo man who refused to gl e her no plunged overboard she swam back to th pier safely. EVERY EMPLOYE QUITS SMALL SOUTHERN ROAD littj i; Ri iciv Arkj I 1. i. Pral tlcally every employe of tin Louisiana & Northwest railway. Which runs from Mi Neii, .rk.. to Natqnitocht La., was on strike and traffi. on iho rail road was suspended. Employes sa ' that they have, been unable to secure a month's pay that is due them. Officials id the company refuse to' discuss the strike. Arrangements are: I g mad, to move all the eompanv s I rolling Stock to Homer, La Mail will) be carried bj, automobiles. HOYNE BRINGS j : IRE 'DOPE' TO CHICAGO JURY i I Wives of Players May Figure: in Question of Fixing Games STORY ABOUT HAPPY FELSCH IS RECITED Comiskey Became Suspicious Immediately After Last Series 'HIAGU. ct. 1. Sew evidence! which tua. v. irrajoi criminal ptosccu-i lion of the baseball players Involved, in i in, "filing" of the isr.' world's Buries was given the grand jtu'v tddai'i when state's Attornej UaUay Hovne' arrived from New Vork. August Herr mann, president of the Cincinnati RedS, was expected to testify todav and Allied S Austrian, attornev lor the Whit'- Son. that he be-, licved more players were ready to iel! what thfy know. Wives of several pjftyefs may be called before the grand jurv. Mrs. Claude WUllaniC st.ed that she knew some rumors were directed ut her, put ill nted thai sli had ever bet o:: a . iji. Jim-, or knew a nv t hing Of i e ti.liv," o the 11 : series. liepdrts said to emanate frotm mcrn bers ot the Whlt Sdx leawi credit "Happy" l-visch with having placed $5000, accepted as a bribe from the gamblers, as a bet un Cincinnati n thei second game of the scries. IVIFE WAS PKEVEIJ it n claimed be wired his wife In Milwaukee to come to Chic igq for the first game here and thai when tie met him his greeting was to lust, 516.0'J" in winnings on the table. There are various accounts as to what followed l he players said the couple had a disagreement over the affair, but later were reconciled. The money was said to have been withdraw n from a savings bank last Monday. -Mrs. I'YIseh Is expected t be asked by the grand jury what she knows of the transaction. Charles ''omiskey. owner of the Chi cago White Sox, asked State's Attorney iHoyne to Investigate last year's world series immediately alter the conclu sion of the Kami s. Ho.'. IK said todav after his return here from New Vork FINDS I A I ui l Hov ne's office conducted the Investi gation for three or four days and round eiiou.Mi evidence to sillsi him : that the scries was crooked, he said. Not enough evidence was found, how ever, lo prove the fact, he added. In his Statement Mr. Hovne s.ild: I have been in New Yolk and of course know nothing about the actual facta in the case 1 made no demand thai the Investigation be halted. 1 simply asked Ihv grand jury not to take any action until i had a chance in o over the evidence and Slice!, up on some evidence lhat 1 expect to gi I I did not attempt lo influence the ac tion of the grand Jurors. They, of course, are the final j Idges in the mat ter simply asked them to allow me lime tO ne advised as to the fails which have developed ltamedlateb after the tVOrld'S Series Comiskey ask ed me to Investigate and said that he would pay the expenses ot tin- Investi gation and 1 told him we would be glad to help him and that if we ob tained ev idence We would prosecute. We worked for three or four days on the investlagtion and obtained enough evidence to sutlsfy us that the Series was crooked but we did not obtain Sufficient evidence to act." BRINGS I MUM l Mr Ho ne said that he had brought i evidence from New Vork relative toi the fixing of the series and that thei evidence had been obtained neither, from ball players or gamblers. August Herrmann president of the, Cincinnati team, and former chairman of Ihe national commission, appeared, at State's Attorm v rioyhe'a office tins morning with a portfolio of documents' and papers relative to the case ot Hal Ohase and Lee Magee. who were drl-l en from organized buseball last year, j Herrmann Itad been requested by Ihe I grand jury to bring the papers He said he had affidavits of Christy Mathewsoh, former manager of the Cincinnati team. "Greasy" N'eaie. out fielder, lohn McGraw and Pitchers Jim Ring ami Reagan. Mr. lloNlie Was called before Ihe grand Jury soon after making his statement. lie reiterated his position in lh' ease to the Jurors and the grand Jury recessed until two o'clock this af ternoon. .... SPANISH AUTHORS UNITE AGAINST PUBLISHERS MADRID) 8ept, 80 -Spanish author! and translators have taken steps to form an organization for the defense ol their Interests. They have been! moved to tk this step by the high price of paper which makes publisln is; hesitate aboul publishing new books. m in', of the leading authors of Spain I have promised lo join. ANOTHER STATE ! GOES OUT AFTER , I UTAH-IDAHO CO. SIOUX CITY, In. Oct 1. Evidence intended to show that the Utah-Idaho Sugar company, ot Salt Lake City, sold sugar at an excessive rate of profit lo Jewett hrother.-.. and Jewett of Sioux Falls and Aberdeen, will be presented to the grand jury at the opening of federal court here Tuesdayi I October 2. United States Dis .rict Attorney Fiske announced today. f 4- ii pre 01 TOBOGGAN; IT FURNITURE Locomobile and Mercer Autos on Market at Considerable Reduction XKW V'RK. i'e. r. -Tl.. Man Motors. Inc.. operating cornfinro i"1 the l.ocomoMle and Mercer cbnCt rniK announced today th price -f stani ltd Locomobile rnrs had been redticel $1,350 and Mercer models $1,0"0. 'lhe rediu tlon is due c "our belief Hi. i. the spirit of the times demands a reduction in prices so thai the pur chasing value of the dollar ma) be Increased i" point where th-r i Bufflcleni lia.vint; power to properly fi- n. in. U, husli ees needs ol the COUII- trv, ' the announcement -aal 6 it AND U.M'lHS. Mien.. Sept. 30. : There can be no imnieuiaie reduction hi the prfcC of furniture according' to a statement mide today by John L. Voung. Clcvelsnd. president of the Ke ' tall l-urnlture Dealers association of tile United States. Reports circulated recently thai furniture i.v due tor an Imnieillatc droi in price led the association to instruct Mr. Voung and the executive eoinmlt tee to come to Grand Rajftds to inves tigate the situation. Following a con Cert uce with the National Council of Furniture associations, now convening here, Mr. Stating authorized the state ment that there have been no changes affecting the cost of furniture thai would Indicate any material reduction : could take place In the near future without seriously affecting the wages , ami employment. "However." said Mr. Young, "we di cm it desirable and tor the best in- i'!'-ds ot iti- American home thai concerted effort ,"- exercised by the manufa turers t( reduce manufactur ing costs, other than labor ami to re flect these reductions in the finished product as soon as possible." I NCI. I'idi l M IT NEW VullK, Sept. :',i. The Let Tiro and Rubber company announced today the reduction In the price of its entire line ol tires from l per cent to 20 per eeni. effective throughout the cduntn. ( i v in-ri. i i I, OTTAWA, Sept. 80. Further de -lines m ihe cost of living throughout Canada are expected In ihe mar fu- tufe said a statement todaj iv the department of labor. Declines alreadj npti i induate the beginning of a downward movement toward pre-war lev els. I LO! Ft TOPPLES, MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.. i i For the first time since September, lltll, famiy patent flour sold under the $12 per barrel mark at some of the mills here today. At one principal flour mill flour dropped 50 cents to I 1 l . H0 a barrel while at another large flour concern a reduction from $12. (0 to $12.15 was made- ENGLISH MOVE QUICKLY TO AVERT MINE STRIKE LONDOJf, Oct 1. Further steps were tuken today in an effort to Solve tho differences between the coal min ers and Ihe mine owners, over which strike notices from the men are pend Ing. After a conference with Premier l-lovd George' th.1 forenoon represen tatives of the two sides to the dispute appointed a small negotiating commit tee to consider the crisis. RAILROAD GIVES UP TO COMPETITION OF AUTO SPRINGFIELD, HI . 6ct. I -Competition of the automobile yesterday drew an official admission of financial failure from the Kock Island Southern Railway, whose two receivers have ob-t tamed authority from the stats public utilities commission to entirely dis mantle th eompanv s electrical equip-! men) and to continue operation either bv steam or gasoline. SENATOR SUSPICIOUS fl LEAGUE STU Irreconcilable Sends Message t: to Hiram Johnson on His ll Attitude K BORAH TO ASSIST IN 1 BRANDEGEE CAMPAIGN !. No Confirmation on Report of List of Questions to Be 9 Submitted 1 l. Senator Republican, ut Idaho, has Republican headquarters H New ork and Chicago asking that no be for him H L-publican presidential cam- H Senator 9orah also has telegraphed -if 'fl ml i.s a w ait lng i-t- w-.-i r sports to do with the league of H Mil X.PL VN VI ION. .-ei-.aiorio'ruh re'-ntjy complc'e i Ji of Senator TlnMlng, the Re- fl nominee. There was no ex- H S'ev Vork and Ohl- Lsi ulquai ten orh r ifl "cports that he and other league oppom bedome disquieted lHH the attitude many party leaders to- M MB fl H Versalllex and submitted to the senate HH fl ol'I'i isi s ROOT PL N. le senator hlmsi II w ouid npl dl - V ih. Senator Borah I Known to have received, and devot-.i . iH fllfls II ) Ifl of New York, who helped Bfl o d i 1 1 1 i flj i - ted to the pis ri 1 I 1 largely on the ground that the court H I a part oi' the muchin- iflfl of the league of nations. HHJ m flj rs Borah Johnson were LHH lions to Senator Hard lng designed to IflHH flfl .Mr. i larding flfl would 'strap" the league covenant. HHi 8P1 K FOR SENATORS, fl reports wen "news to . me." I' H The hi v, I,., i,, Wi shlpgton the rest of this week and fl fl then wll! go to Connecticut to speak in BVj HJ Brandegeei another the lenRue lr- BHfl lables who impatgnlng Coi flj Se.iaior ill lfl hold himself -n ss to sj.eak in 9 fl 1 lng the league who are candidates for I re-election. I ANTI-RED SHIP STIRS ROW OF ITALIAN SEAMEN Sept. 30. rYflfl Che y of the anti-Bol- 'flflfl slievlk government of south Russia, Hflfl which i - ' ' d .it H in Garibaldi cooperative society, the Glornale d' Italia. H The Federation threatens HhHH itaiv because the h- HH implicated in the H RodOStO, says patch fn lenos among l dj Wi; sted were three leaders of the feder-A fl HEAVY FROSTS REPORTED OVER CENTER OF NATION WASHINGTON Oct. 1. Heavy to i killing frosts were reported hy the weather 'bis morning in upper iHMHH Michigan, the Mississippi flHJ middle and lower Missouri valleys, -and light frosts us far south as Ar- HHJ kansas. north Mississippi ami north Alabama. The bureau also ahncum flH I that the lowest temperatures for B I tober 1 were registered this morning MIhH Atlanta. Thomasville. Ca.. Mobile, B flfll .Ma., and Jacksonville nd mpa, fl belu fls oo m FOREIGN DELEGATES COME TO PILGRIM CELEBRATION WASHINGTON, Delegates H from Great The Netln elands , )H and Canada lo the tercentennury cole- gfl 1 bra Hon of the landing of the Pilgrims alflHl and flfl honor at a dinner the embassy. flflH delegates visit Mount HHJ mm us guests of Secretary Daniels Hfl! the presidential yacht Mayflowi lLH i HL,i Is nd Bi . sfl Secretaries CoTby and Baker and Gen- HH Pershing, tHH