OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, October 03, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 15

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-10-03/ed-1/seq-15/

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II , Rcai Estate j
I If t0 roi! KNOW In and around (Vebei
' county we haw the moat fertile agricnl
I i tunil landa In the world- Excellent mar
I kr-ts for the (treat diversity of crops
ffpwn farm lands in this country arc
Mire 10 Increase In value We now have
, a large variety of pood places for .nle.
in acre at Clinton, good deep A-l sandy
f loam soil. Excellent location, a farm
that will produce the very host of crop.
1 new (hi- room modern bungalow
Ten shares water l and W eano). A
farm that Is vorj hard to duplicate.
2" acres on Salt LakS. Ogd.n state high
wa Wat. r rbhl i ,n.l V. emal. Joo.
iv room modern bungalow, Sandy level
land A home and farm you would be
, proud to own. We do not often have
farm land on the highway for sale at a j
f. reasonable price.
i"-v seres on state highway. Excellent
HW "J : n i,fid. : Jill.: i
IHk J Very much below market price at $fi5a0.
10 acre. 7 ncrea assorted fruit of the
D YC9 best varieties Three urn.-a hay and
HJH Small fruit. An attractive small house
nnd othir improvements. Good water rlirht
D. nnd W. canal. At thin price this place
I is offered it Is a rood buy.
Wm ail meadow nay. Excellent
H water right, loo tons hn. Four room
HHfl hbuse and furniture, stables, sheds black
H smith shop, ice house, etc All Imple
fl incuts and machinery. Ten head rood
I : liorsoi Plil sn u h . .. an Independi n(
H range good for 2'i' to SQO cattle. Price for
HH ML 'Mni-h la M.I ?.".il an acre. including Improvc-
JpmkV mi menta, machlm rs and implements, hay.
If horse.:, etc. Will take a reasonable puy- i
j9b J -ii.nl I'liK hum'
LpAS f' If you want a ranch bargain see this at i
; J 1 p tain Commer lal National Dank
fl S"fi."0l buys f. room striCtl) modern brick.
B south on Washington avenue
T-il $1001, terms, buys a small house, large
flB lot. pood garden.
JSL $3700. terms, Buys rood B room modern
fine location On bench,
ffl (5000, terras, buys a ."i room fnodern,
nBB9J large lot. garage etc. between fw
-.Mil and Twenty-seventh streets on Jef-
BJHBJ nTon avenue; all special taxes paid, ln-
WBam eluding sin 'el pavement. This is a twsiiti-
FTBrJ . fill location and a good linini', immediate
H lfl possession.
SkJH Elst your property with u. Come to us'
to lm Sei via "in mol to.
; smit ii ,. p N iERS 1 1
LTpi !.m - Coinuii it ial N'ntlui
SIP Phone 111? 1.0s.
pEP-Q WE HAVE two grocery stores for sale.
iJ'vWR onc 'ocated ln the best business part of
-.ffc mt-4 the city, doing good business, with Ion;:
IfVrtpl lease at low rent The other a ward
store; has been established a long time.
The best of reasons for selling. Either
LWjf place Is a mone maker.
HE, A good three room brick home, well 1o
rtflflC .itrfi. close ju on Twenty-sixth street.
V raved street. Onli (2200 on terms. A
j f v. A good six roon odi rn fi ime hi
J 'j wnh large lot well located close in on
Mkfla Jefferson avenue. Only $"r.00 on terms.
Jan I A rood buy
99HI 60x135 feet on Grant avenue, $250
1 Terms to suit This lot Is a great buy.
worth otxnit $'
mi riione 69 2417 Hudson Avenue I
9B -jji
3Vi acres, four room frame house, bain
i -i and outbuildings: thn-f- shares water: uo
H blocks from Washington; all klndi
HHB and berries- one good horse and wugon
HHL and agricultural Implement, and feed
9B3 goes with placp. Can make terms ... $5000
BjgBjJ Plve room frame house, new on Og-
fBV den avenue. $10o0 a.-h. Terms on bal-
l ance IIOOOl
U mom apartment lions'-, steam haul
fBl coat In for winter 18750
18-room rooming house. .. .ft
I rive room iraine nou.se. mouern. on
Adams. One half cash
rive-room modern brick 14000
$1000 cash, terms on balance
277D "Washington. Phone 131 H
QUIK action in real state by .!. n. Bp- I
person. If we hnvep t vhat oii want we
will get it. 4os Twenty-sixth street. J
Phone iiT, i.a i"
Bl OWN i:r: -i . i oom bri. 1: n nh bath
rive lots Must sell In ten days Prion i
.'Sfifl .TITQ Lin. Oln 603J
. ' r:i r I-!, rnll.-l mieler n lour room
brick, with large lot. chicken run. i
fruit trees, shade trees nnd nh e j
lawn, full cement basement. $1000
cash Easy terms on balance.
$4500 Each for two of the best built brick I
bungalows In the city. Half block
from Washington avenue . Basj
1 1 terms.
These are all good buyi and w- have
Ii i: wimris. n iii ub biao lo miuw you.
Call and see us
I If so. let us show you 35 ncies that will
soon double in vuluo with prnp r handling
Jood house, barn, hay sheds, garage, all
lenced and . n--u 1 1 - - d wnh vvov-n win
plenty water, for both culinary nnd irrl
ration purposes, also jnachlnerv and some
livestock All for 17000. $1500 eatdi will
2375 2377 Hudson Avenue Phone 359
i 0 li IRES c i land In tfa Bear i ivel
valley, not far from Tremonton. Will
rive someone a bargain on this land and
will consider ixm trade. Roy Jriffm
2375 Hudson avenue Phone 351' Real
.: ni a 2865- W 6042
1 't acres fine orchard and garden land.
With good water right, together with new
modern white pressed brick house, situ
ated on East Tu.lith street. $6500.
' Two acres very choice garden land sit
1 uated north part of city Bargain $1600
' y C40J Hudson Avenue Phone 17
'. "7
' ; A.I RES m at Bi Igham, on cei I ro I
Owner vlll i onslder some trade. Roy
in f fin l':!75 Hudson avenue. Phone 'r'.'
K' I'lenc- M.j W.
FIVE room modem cemenl and block
house, located close in, $3250. $500 down, j
balance ,-asy terms.
Seven room modern fram. ,n imod lo
I atlon on lnn h Ati excellenl building in
rear that will do for garage, carpenter
tdiop, etc. Lot 100x1371 foot. $4000 If
taken at once. $1000 down, balance to suit i
i he bustomer.
Six room modern. built in features
Inrgy lot. glKKl garage, etc 5.1S50. Terms.
'- have s number of othei good buys' I
Call and see us at S13 Eccles building or
phonC and let us show v ou (hem
813 Eccles Bldg. Phone 803 or 817-K
Real Estate Insurance Loans
Immediate io.sseaslon of tlm mom cot
ige, nicely located on the bench. Hons.-'
has cement basement, newly papered
rooms, nice lawn and shade trees Price
S1G50 $300 to $4loo down, bal.nn a month '
Acre of land and six room modern
w iiuiiic iiuiiH', i'iu.v iii i rn'i' -1 1 1 1 i i-rnr-
2100 Hudson avenue. Phone 917
i" ACRES on suit Lake highway, ?.ix
Ik miles from Ogden, one block from st'i
BJ r l Ion v bai cam 14000 Ro Oi iffin
HE -375 Hudson avenue Phone 6042
1 N I .1 ; .. llmg mi , t. rm, ev i r.tl
kJ nearly new close-in small houses at sacrl
i a .3:.; ' .rant Phone ,
FIVE room brick house. Modem, nic
HK yrden avenue. 5925
I MAVi; i real harralii In n e'.n room
JP house and two lots. House Is modern ex
1 ocpl heat, and well located. Also small
H ime building In connection The Owner
might consldet sonic trade' 1U'. Urll
1 fin. 2375 Hudson avenue. Phone BM
l.'i OWNEB Six rooms striellv modem
B new home: without doubt the best buy m
HHb town; must be sold at once Phono 14-1 k
V M i
EIGHT room nearlv modem and six and
on half acres line land fnilt. burns, hen
fl house and fine Improvements; on Canyon
HI mid. ii'Wr 'ashlnpton avenue A bar
Hjl :jin. Good terms. Kelly & Herrlck
if Yfir are in the market for o real
HJ in on Adams, close to pavement and car
lie. This pltic has to be seen to be up I
predated. Price Is J6000. Come look it
L and niak.' an nlli-i (lw Hie . v n I
CflH wants to go to California. Roy Griffin
:-:::r. Hudson avenue. Phong 3'J, 6012
Tx room house at Thlrl.v eighth
Grant. Will rent furnished or unfiir
i.. i Will sell furniture Kimball
Player piano. Mahogany and quarter
1 .w sawed oak furniture. The Walker Com-
-ti fat pany. Phono 1130
j FOR SALE Real Estate j
i ' Ccditjnued j
r i
-1 I
s i
'e ofTer two up to the minute colonial
id-slgn homes at very attractive prices
.and terms BoUl are situated In choice
'residential section, are nevvlv completed1
.land ready for occupancy Will sell (he
o-room home for $4500 and the one of 6
rooms for $r..-,or(. These are positive bar
zalns and term.- are unn.-.ua 1 1 - lib. nil
2427 Hudson Av e
A I ha ml. ra Theatre Next Door t;0S1
20 acres at Sunset, a dandy good beet
and tomato and spud farm; has I room I
house. It's a real home for someliody See I
It. it won't cost you anything to look, and I
it may b Just what you want Smull puv
mcnt down
'. hi-v listed a very nice fiv e morn I
bungalow In k-xxl location and the price I
IS right, with small payment down
i .. have some good buys in 6-room '
Phone 1 1 s for appointment
602 ESccles Bldg, Phone 85S i
Beautiful 7 room modern brick on bench i
$5500. terms. j
5 room modern frame, oulh part ( I
town. $2100. terms.
3-room modern brick, fine location on I
bench $2200. terms.
; We have many other locations and nt i
prices that wllj suit vnti
1 Udei Commercial National Hank BJdg
I I n .in 80 f.ii:i i
$2800 buys a S room brick, $150 down
125 month.
16000, modem brli k bungalow
5fioo 7 rooms. 3 acres
2-lli2 Washington Ave. Phone 1101
6095 ' '
Four room brick home, partly modern, I
barn hlek-ti h..n. ) u,-r-- l.nH . I I
I fruit, S blocks from Washington avenue
Pries $."1T.n. n-riiis Rov Griffin. 237.r. Hud"
; son Av e. Phom- .10!
Tin; ',i i: y. t MORTOAOE
(16 Twenty-fourth St. Phones 280. 281
I $1750 Good 3 -room house near Five
Points: lot 60x1X3 fe.t property In
good shape; toilet In the house
$4600 5-room brick bungalow on bench;
has enclosed sleeping porch, cement
basement, nice lawn and surround
ing.. Term.-.
$7." I'l. cant sybui ban home ore hall
mile from city on good road', large
five room, striellv modern brick
house, hot water heat, hardwood
floors, full basement, brick gnage.
wire land, plenty of water. The
property is owned by the part) who i
has transferred hi.s Interests to th'1 j
east, annd is a sacrifice at the
price. Terms.
!QMP vN y S076
.- ..in. n ;l I huv s in real si I If, Mali'
more a-i ins show them to .o
3-room modern, lot S0xl30. $22ii"
1 i oom house, $C00.
3 room house, large lot. $1600.
New 2 room house, nice lot, 11600.
5-room brlch I. in. glassed-in sleeping
OOreh. I'oori bnseiTienl S4700 l.-o cnorl
fnrm Terms.
3783 "Madison Avenue 6093
i O-O-K - x Roome - Ubdern Bxcept
Heal Large l.ot Park View Taxes
Paid - Low Price if Taken Now OWN
ESS ni Twcntj llrst Call 1800 Act
Tod i"s'
l"S ACRE I i rm Tlih is the best producing!
farm In Weber County, two miles from I
OrjJcn. close lo heel dump. It has a $5000
crop on it this year and punty of water I
with the farm, and an Ideal location ;
close to avphoot. It has to be seen to bf
appreciated Price I12.000 and the owner;
will lake in city property as part pay-
inent. If you are lo-akir, for a r al pro- j
lin ing farm don'l overlook this Ro Grlf- .
fin 2375-2377 Hudson Ave Phone 35!.
3IX-ROOM ho rtd C ! Ti
ii. ap Bi .'a n.-i . S574 Hudi -n . o. 60J 1
Havi I -room modern housi m Sail Lak
I Rov Griffin. 2375 Hudson Ave. Phone 330.1
6080 '
VI- r.TMKVF la. UK.- aT7i 1 1 III.
Nine twos and threes Income $236 perl
month. Terms. Rox 50, Standard Ex- '
amlner, 5S83
SESVESN room brick house, big lot. lots ol 1
I shade, two garages, and other outbuild
IngB, on car line and clos" to Washing- !
ton avenue. ?5500. Roy Griffin. 2886 Hod
son avenue. Phone Jf.?. 6042
i: 11 W N R On s t or modem brick
.house in first class condition; extra large,
lot. Reasonable for cash. 307 Thlrtv first I
I IF YOU have any city property or farm'
land that mi want to sell or trade, see
Ime. I have bargains In different parts
I of the country nnd inn sell or trade'
! yours. Roy Griffin, 2375 Hudson avenue 1
1 .:. K".-ii:i m '" V B04 '
SEVEN room brick, good location, must
. sold t. r in: I 'In !'. N.i. K iHS (
1 V 1 1 houiei: (,, Iln- ;.rl. i.l 1. p.. I lOllb!.'
pressed brick cottage. molern except1-
heat, 262'J Monroe avenue, l'honc 1201
1 1 ; g
W L POUTER. K. al IJbUit. and li.ma
137 J Washington avenue Pnqno 1S7G
i2o: .
A ' Ji l ' CI V S-,v ro.- -inn 2'-. '
acres, house, outbuildings, dandy location".
close in: terms. 570 East Seventh stn .'
6006 I
Or A I r- o"-r"T"-rr- MrCT-v'Vi FTC' .
j ! ?CMU .Co I Ml C MliU LUAIMo
MRS, S. J. BAKER, 2731 Madison Phono
gOgg m 16
SMALL folding card ease contalniim
about $60 Mndei phase return snirV arid
receive Sio reward Inter A B C Taxi :
I'liJ Twi iily f.. in Ih St, 6078
PAIiTi nt,,. tOOk hieycle from All. , rnbi a
theatre known Return .name and avoid
trouble. Return AJhambrg 6076
V'AI.-ISE iinlalriiiu-' w nt uinliin.- sup 1
piles and tools. Ieuv at Singer office It. 1
1 6076
GOLD wrlsl nratcli with gold fa 0
tween Ogden theatre and Twenty filth
and ashlntfttni Phmio lv:i u' tin 1
1 ' LISH oai h puppj dog whit.- v. ith
black spots Return to Willard Scowcroft.
, 132 Twenty seventh St and receive re
wrard Mt:7
BETW1 EN Ogden nnd Ball Laki on hwU
way, Russian fitch neckpiece. Reward If
returned to Princess Mlllir.erv, Eccles
, building .
BLACK seal hand bag m Orpheum or
elsewhere. Contained moncv and list of
j names. 1 '.ill si 1 I w an! $045
1 IN LaSI & Thomas' -ton- I., tween
Lasl & Thomas store and Mclntyre's
drug stoie. a S0 bill Finder please phone
U v.. Rl ward ,
PAIR ol ladle.' ! glasses Hetnrn to
1823 Washington or phono 1342 W Re
" 'J 5087
8A.T1 RDAY svenlni lost b vlotorj medal
rin tinder may return to 138 Twentv-flfth
' I l'' i ..'i r 1- v. a r.l ' 5'j57
HlltUPK CT U S adjusting table In
1,1 ' '-'. 1 iken irom uuto. Phom- 8888 M
" 7s- 6y7S
; Situations
. ooRMinwu oy elderly widow, for a I
widow.-, , m be hlgiilj recommended
138 Mlnford, 57 ( .
NKilir wni.hiiian or porter; godd refer
Mtnorcsstnt policeman. Box so
standard -Examiner. cm
WB take vour old range as flrat p.o'me'nT
on any new range, or will buy your old
ransc outrleht Home Furniture Co MTI
I FOR SALE Autot ;
I wmim . 0kj4&4Am00i00fi
SEVEN- PASSENO ER Chalmers In first
class condition, cheap: terms Is desired
j l'honc U-.30 M r,071
! FORI) ton truck Sterllnp Wholesale Co
I'.V OWNER Dodne touring car; first
class condition. 2320 Monroo avenue
1 Phone 2233 .1. S0.17
ISTUDEBAKER five pasenrrer sedan, run
; -1000 miles; rood h nr Will srll nt a
I sacrifice If taken al once Phone 680 or
757. 15527
SM VL.L touring car: food tires and tubes
$12. sc; Seventeenth street B8S1
1 1017 FORD, banraln 2",.." Jefferson
r.i 10
seven passenger Cadillac Oeod ns new.
Best .iln.- in city Murphy Wholesale
I Grocery Co. Twenty fourth street 5233
i 'wanted 1
j MajtHelp
MEN' wanted for detective work. Write T
fianor, former government detective si
1 ..mi- Mo. C066
men Ac. 17 to 55. Experience unr s
sary. Travel: make secret investigations,
reports. Salaries- expenses American For
'Imi I'.-ii.ih. ir.-n.-v i'.-i I St Lgu BOW
CiOVTSRNMENT Wants hundreds rnllwav
mail clerk.'. Commence S 1 3 month rite
for list positions Erankiin Institute, Dept.
v. ; I 'till, ,-li-r, N. . 1207
w ..1 1, ( 'nil. Drug f'- 6044
PAINTERS wanted 1 'all Superintend nl 1
Ph.. n. fi02.'
j 1 -i 'i ,1 : pjekei -. TOone 5 R 3 RQ33 1
M v N want. ii ai once. Mutual Creamerj
6032 1
FLY n-pnii 'into? Irrullon. Y M. C A. 1
Auto Bchool, Los Angeles. 5891 j
"Ti "E. .nt. illgl nl boy. a57 17 to 20 ;
1 tab Theab r 5975
1 ' I ERI N'Cl I 1 UlStI ICt-oi Hi "llnelil'l km-:
for bovs' school on Pacific coast Phone 1
1421. r.
MEN to unload coal good pa Apply
Lion Coal Co.. Thirty first street and I
Wnshlnpton. 5028 I
BOYS wanted stead) work good oppoi
tunlt) for advancement, W. F. Jensen
Jaud: ( '" r'''1"1 I
I'l'l .1 pi. k. r-. w a 1 1 'ill h'M 'l '
MAX 2j or 30 years Of af;.- v. anted. Amfr .
can Linen Supply, 164 Twentv. sixth
' r.888 I
LAI RERS and 1 1 menl finishers roi
work OUt of town Vpplj 21T. Eccles
, i.ulld, 5867
, ,' 1 .1 ! I. . I o .ill. I -1 ir 1 . t, I 1M1-1 ' 11 .n
Appl) at John Scowcroft & Sony. T'-en
1 third and w U tyenui 5683
COAL teamsters must hive experience de
'live-ring coal in Ofcden. References re
; quire I, Ph me 66J B6B9
YC'Si man to elerk In newsstand. Orav
New s Co . 1'nlon Depot. 5380
; 1:1" i...v .t Heatv Hot, , 3104
j female Help
! CLERICAL worker wanted: must be pood
jat Investigating nnd collecting Phom
i 6080
: earn (25 weekly, spare time writing
for newspapers, magaxlnesj experience
unnecessary, details free Press s-ndlcate. j
' : Louis, M. 6065
WOMAN 1 1" do in. mnir Ph. .re- 1S0S 1
602' ,
'JILL foi housework. No washing. iood
home and good wages for rlpnt girl '
Hrown lee ( "ream t'o 2130 Lincoln CifSo
i;))L riil lor housework 1072 Twenty
fifth street. Phon. ".'.2 Cd 1 ,
OlrtL to assist with housework. No cook
Ing Three In family. An excellent op j
portunlty for S good home Phone IfiRO
381 Blghteenui street 6008
IMI.-I .. i'iuv I lien r ,.1 V rail In i ,. mm '
..mi. in . 111. .11. I. -V.l in
Saturda between 12 and 1 o 'clock, 5990
' ' 1 1 M I" I " I : M I I ' a lid waitress wanted :
'ii i-'lrn i II..;. I S'i'.'.i
i: 1 'I ' F : 1 ! ' 1 "I P t. i-n .iii... i - 1...... 1 ....
I portunlty for advancement. W, K. Jen
sen 1 'and;. 1 0 COM
IK H SLKKKI'Ll; . bi-ml and room.
L'14 Harrlsvllle avenue Call aft'-i .".
i... k 3d : :
I ILT lavs tv pi.vl M I'.
1 lenced Ogden Wholesale Drug Co.
:u .
CHAMBERMAID ind hali Sri Appl) in
ticison Highest wages paid. New Henlv
Ibuel 5849
GIRLS t" pi It n nd pack appli Phone
44-R-2. Charles Taylor. Rlverdalc. 5&50
EXPERU v.' i"ii von. .a fot cooking and
general housework, no laundry; good I
wages l'53C Adams avenue. Phone 883.
r.'it '
iiKlS uver IS Ogden Ste.-m Ijiunrlrv '
EXPERIENCE! 1 s-v. in,.- -.iris wanted m
Caplau's Gown Shop, good wages. 535
DRESS M IKTNG taughi anyone vinin.;
to apply themselves. See Madam Caplau. I
Third K)o..r. right's BtOTI 5886
1, ills over IG to peel tomatoes at Wa
Satch Canning Companj Will furnish
transportation to and Irom work Phone j
106 5012
EX PERIENCED iti nograptiei uo iKkei pi 1
1 :.. 1 1. ; . thli papei 4i.tij
Male and e7icle
APPLE pickers Inquire Wedell, 24CN
Washington f rum 0 a. m. to 12 ti. 111
llnoO to loan on Improved real .state
Private party, Rox 60. care Standard
Bl imlner. 6012
MONEY to loan 011 Improved real estate
1: 1 Brats, 117 Bo les Bldj 51.1 1
10 f.imrieu people without aeejrlty, to
others on pianos. fumRure. bonds, etc
7 ll'i.l.-r.n Hide Pl.r.ne 2 24 j
UUiVhli 10 ..in on mpiovco .x-ul cstaie
K'eii-. a- Herrlck 77j
BARGAIN Will sell or exchange for Og
den property. Eight furnished houses
block f 1 oin postoffire, Elv, Nev iddrei
Mr- fsabel Smith, Elj Nfen 6028
SIX room modem house and furniture
for smaller house. 478 Twenty first.
i " -
OVERLAND. ti.irgiln Owner e,,n,.
P'mtie 3? 43QI)
j To Buy
WANTED to buy Old Martin guitar Ad
dress ; Page, 34S Norih First West St.
Sail L..I 'ii;, . I ' t ,. I, i;n;,:
GOOD rooming house, Price musl be rea
sonable Win pay cash Rox M, earn
SI. 1 1 a la id lA.uiiliiei 5Qj
REMING TON oT 1 Indoi urodd typewriter
;..od eomiition and reasonabls 2 10 Twen
1 j m v t h street id$4
WM L pav highest price lor poultrv and
rabbits. Phone 1245. Western Grain &
''d Co
PULLl-VI'S, an. age. nn nunihi-i Western
Grain A 2Teed Co., 235i Washington avi
t 1 1
FORD 1 mi. 1. I'hoin jlaj W 5fi71 i
LAR'li; 'lean rna wanted at the Stand
ord Examiner olflce. 43x0
I Misceltaneout
I APC.E clean rags wanted at Standard
Exaiuln.T off JcS 4379
NEW most remarknhh) remedy in tr a 1
men 1 of tuherculosis. asthma, iddnev and
liver diseases) For literature write Ernst
Wine of Tana Co.. Otay. California 8069
jjf FOR SALE j
, I 1 . S. Army all wool new hlankets, color
j pn ve drab, $00 dozer, or each $: 98 Sllghl
11 Used hlankets of the same irrade. $7J
I dozen or each jr, j,u Canadian yrmv orfl
, cer s brand new- raincoats, full h ncth
made with belt, very Stvllsh. nhsolutelv
waterproof, a wonderful bargain, 1108 pei
I dozen or each $0 95. 1' B Army O D
iis.-d overcoats, renovated and new hinrk
jhuttona sewed on. SM dozen or each
810.50. P. S. Armv Officer's . xtra heavj
pure wool o D sweaters, bsand new
Worth SIS. special each $7.03 U; 8. Armv
'all wool slightly used undershirts and
I drawers, per garment $1.3fi Write for
j complete price list emhracinfc all articles
used hy 1 he Arrnv Money order or certl
, fled heek with order no C O. D, ihlp
mentS Include postngo If pood arc to be
shipped parcel post Money refunded If
r.-.r.,ls are not BatlsfaCtOr)
The Largest House of Its Kind on Earth
iirder From Nearest Warehouse
Greenville. S. C. Fort Worth. Texas
Pensacokj Fla. Si t
I I I class laini hor:.e. true fr,:nte. C,
years old. about l2nn pounds, kooiI wajron.
j harness. 2 j.lows. A mihp If taken soon
st. yens -t 186 Seyi nteenth Bl eoso
GOOD mattress in first class condition
c.-iii 2588 Orchard Aye 8056
1 ' RM'irpr in, ,..t, 1 ; , , n iosc-r. r. u;,
GOLDEN oak huffc-t, hookcase. center
tabll . 2 heatlnfr stoves, ste. I rani.-. . cook
I SfOV. With iir.i- frr, t iV.llfnl I.
saddle Almost new l n 7 Canvon Rod
Phone L.M.:, 6084
BANANA fonathan Vork; Imporlal ap
pl.-.v l.ush.-l C J Adams Farm RIvCI
rl ii.- Phone v: I; 1 r.iu :
TEAM, ham and wagon 275 Thirtj
thud St. 608
I N-1- n 1 inrham bull, 2 1 ean old,
at a bargain, liox X 2 car.- Standard E
amlnei . 6061
LLEi : i-'l' " tvasl tnnd? o-ti
Quln j w. Phi 1616
THREE heating atov 2557 Brlnker A.
f.)I winter ara. hs I Ninth streel
on Lincoln Phone 2741-NtJ. Peter Jen
sen g04 :
GOOD business si once Small capital
required Box B8. care standard Exam
Ii" r. 6021
SECOND gradi ronathen apples, 7Sc per
i.n.-lvfci I 'lion. ;:!'. Li . rdal. 6025
TWO fhare 1- W, , and Oavls wa 1 .
Str-Mk Pricn t"7r. r.er ok..r.. Dh.nn Ovf ll
" ' r. 02
1 V.RGE and mall 1 ugs. Rot kers, 21 ifi
M tdlaon ' 8004
ONE new bicycle eh sp II taken si once
1 8341 1 hilds Phone 2384 N 1 600a
HOTBLASJ Inal.r. iron In ..I Mead and
COngOleum rug, .r).i0 Twentv -seventh.
1 18 yards new rag carpet. 42 inches wide.
Phone M.1I 1290 Oak street 60Ol' !
1 ' 1T I. w el pi,., 1 am," 77". Tw o,,
': eighth strei I ftione I : bqu I
' HIOATING fo'. .' and kit. in n . -I.ln. 1 8020
.' a fi017
UI'lilNMNl ! I I. f..i. 1 I a I 'i a III . everv '
thlnK cheaper JolnR out of huslness.
Verson'S second hand store, li'.4) Wash
1 Incton 5973
I'. A. OLSEN A SONS 2219 Wa-hi run on
Phono 248. New. unused furniture, stoves
iand ranges, crockery and Kisssware Come
and 1 . .. us 5961 j
: Fi IC rrCLi: foi sal- almost n.-v.
I Jefferson. r94o
f. 01 ii Ki-rond Krade . I, ma t ha 11 apples at
7.'n bushel at t.e farm. Charles TaVlOl
U 1: 2 5939
rn ,1 !S for 1 lie si 600 Twelfth All '
grades of Jonathan, Wlnesap and winter,
pear main and winter pears. Will ''e
liver. 1 -p , 1 1 1 . ,-k.i old a hor le, vv 11
broke for ildlnp and driving Phone 1171.
jonnr mm. wmicr uangna anu wmcsap.
Best quality. Call at Spring Illuff Farm.
Kiveidale. or phone ua vour orders. Phon -1
s .1 -.. :.'.e
1 . iTE 1 '.'.. 1 v. hit . iving in .. h .
' hi ap Phopj 291S M 'y'."
GET youi fonathan apples nnd winter po
Its toes before frost E. V Steed. Clinton
Phon; 1 1 1 1 iv.i
PI RNIT1 RE I''!" '- a, I. in:-'. ' ' '
MEW exi icl ! hone) o kali i 20 pi 1
I pound or $115o In Co pound cans, while
1 It lasts. Address Geo. T. Pierce. R. V 1
ID .r Lox 222, Marriott; also Geo. O .
j Batch elor. 2a40 Stephens avenue. C70S
l.f::i' v.- ll eoli.r. .I .lonath..n. m. inch
BTadl WlnesSpS 18.60 i hlK red and striped
gani .' Phon.- L'2 '."-' w t -1'
WE ha vi 5000 sstei ; at 2 cents each !
Finest 011 tlio market. 671 Twelefth street.
Buy your paint at BtoWe's and BJtTS
money lSuO Washington avenue. Phon'- 1
688 1 131
' II ' 1 1 1 I . in! I l.c.v 1 I ' 1 1 1 1 1 a .. Lis and
maps L r Stone 674 Tw all ih st rQ77 .
GOOD I .mil-, auto Phon.- 1427. .r."7
.MODERN i; room brick and furnishings:
large lot: close In. Snap. LeuvlnR. Phone I
: (j ! 1
L A'i.'A l.l.l 1 ' for suits tailor uiade. LlK
reduction. Gordon's. 211--' TWunty-flfln
St Phone 419 U7
HEMSTITCRING and phot sdge. Prompt
I service All work i.-ua 1 ant.-i-.l L':;: Wash
I Ington avenue. SlnRer Sewing Machine.
DRESSMAKING, beading and emhroldei
Inn, remodeling". Work guaranteed
i Phon.- 1808 J j 19 I
I 1 ' :.M I' I 1 III M ; ;.r.d ..-or pi nniii 1
ICS 2277 Washington Ave WnltS Machln
Co 5577
1 ALL size knlle pleating Phono 231S.M
'i ' ' i.i.i 1 N C dressmaking, guaranteed
phon. lOjjj 1 64Q.-I ;
1 The Lighthouse. 2402 Washington Ave.,
opposite tne Ping.ec bank. Pnono 5S1.
' Ptouipt M-rvn e 332i
1 1. iiislllchl ng, plcot edge Oullonn. pun -li;g
and bleating Second floor W H.
Wrlghl & S'or s. Mrs 11 Uyman U69
AOENTS Make 5o0 weekl) taking orders
for fast selllnK Goodyear raincoats; hun
Idreds of orders waiting: $2.5o an hour for
ipari lime. We deliver and collect; sample!
coal free Write toda.v for agem v Good
year Mfg. Co . S047 Goodyear Hldi... Kan
sas City. Mo SAAB '
' : 1 !NTS 1 -' 1 ge mo nufaoturoi wants
agents i" sell hosiery, underwear, shirts,
dresses, skirts, waists, shoes. lothing,
Cte. Write for free samples M. nil on
Mills. 503 Lroadwav. New York City, N V
j FOtTrENT j
TWO Isiife rooms, privilege of huth $25
1012 1l.1 in - a eiiue SQ$l
THREE tiorii loom.-. 115 tss Twenty-
I first StfOl t.
7-ROOM -.tri. ii modern brick house, ji;n
per month. InQUlrs VOlker l umber Co
I Pmijr y and Egg
8 0. White Lertiorn baby chicks from
heaviest lawlng fllog.inL.ed I slink Now
hooking orders for this fall and npg
spring delivery. Prlcesnd terms gladly
"' 1 ' 'iu st liat. hi ra and shipper! bl
baby chicks since isj.s
MI ST llT' iNi'i r.vToH Ct 1
! Si v . nth Str- i p.-laluma, I j ,1.
Bo i
FOR two gentlemen in private modern
'" 1051 Tw 1 rn third si 6091
WILL board children ol einplosed parents1
at mv home c,,il ::so M. finL'O
1 issksj I i
NE or two furnTehcd rooms llKht housr
I " I'Tig If desired. :r,?x Madison Ave 10 t
p"H two. strirtiy modern home gentle
men preferred; home cooking' Phone
K 8048
?i'J2?f 1 Prnen With hath; no chll
flrsn. 848 Twenty second st 2
MODERN M.-am heated bedrooms, 201c
,,'"'n' Vvi r.i'-.i
ROOM for refuted gentleman 2666 6T
hard Ave. Phone 2V M, J050 '
u'ashinn Avg " " Tft;
NICELT furnished sleeping room for on.
MS 52 '"V"""" h,"l lection In .If.
: ,iS "ent.v-fourth. Phong C817 N.l 601s :
'i??n ;nod.Hrn furnished apartment
886J l.lhcrtv Ave. ' (q
2m-WlHQ rtH'm' 2l'3s A,Jnm" Phone j
i lA'r 'iimlvhfKi front room, ort or two
le-entlemcn 472 Twenty-first street
; . 6036
M.KI rtNC room with heat and halh No
,-0 LOrey apartments Apply evenlngw
' ' n0!3
LARUE sleeping room, steam heated
OentlenuUI preferred 559 Twentv seventh'
, . B5PX
'.n i: room ho,,-,. 1 1, 1 ament 202r. Tlr
' all he tween '' ;if ni a nd 3 pm, 8015
si wy pmior ami sleeping room for one
OT two ladles. 2622 Madison 5 - i T 1 ;
SLEEPING rooms 21'72 Washington.
; 5964
SLEEPING rooms 330 TWentj fourth
1 -jT"' .'flle'i
ROOM foi rent suitable for one or two
c.-ntlemcn. l.hl Twentv fifth street
1 6007
SMALL bedroom. :.r.r, Tv-n.' fourth
street gggg
, MOl.iICiLN t leeplng room for one or two
gentlemen. :M3 Twenty-eighth Phone
i 1846, 5gj8
sleepinu room 2122 Washington
BIG front room fcr gentleman; hot Wat" r.
heat, buth. tlephone References IT.Cl
leffe.-son. Phon. 1586 B848 I
FURNISHED sunnj front room toi lad
Half hlock frorr car line 20-H Orchard
avenue, 6865
I SLEEPING room 585 TwentyyseVenth
, ; 'i' t Phon,- 21 ;: 'I .'.777
'rooms Gates Hotel 2441 Grant iii
Salesmen l
ELECTRIC specialty. -Live wires make j
I"-1" we. k. ( all 2121 llndion. jD'.C i
WANTEH -Sah '.man . liiMrr'.et ales rep !
i . f.-ntatlve for the Mate of I tab to or
ganize and Piunag-- his own organization
for a high class indu.tlrlnl seiurltv eon, I
Pan) Have official permit to sell It.'
stock. Strong Advertising co-operation
References require Vddress Sales Man
ager, 704 Tramway Bldg.t, Denver, Colo,
SObl '
SALESMAN wanted lo sell attractive side
line spring dre.- lalulen nn commission
Direct to retailors'. Prank H 1 ji Lnnne Ac
i o , Philadelphia, Pa. 070 j
j bDsiness j
I Opportunities I
11000 BUYS a good cafe: long lease, low )
rcnl 1 4'. "P . 'iii fii ih si. r,n72
Information Bureau
00 nc-n t i r rrp MONTH
ANYTHING A to Z new or oi3-
Hrnmwell BOOl' and Mation-ry.
Washington A; Phone ICQ. ;o5i
Utah Natltorii Itnnti southeT roiri't
Tvrcnty - fourth end WuMncion Phone II
Ogden Carpet Cleaning1 Co. Have tin
Cldan your rugs the best wa Phones 416
'lid 1H21I s BOM
Expert carpet cleaning, upholstering,
mattresses made over, leathers rertovated
Call E. J Hampton di Co.. 3516-W. 4231
K. Van Knmpcn for upholstcrlnc car
pi cleaned altered and iad Remaking
of mattresses. Phone 272-J.
Phone 133. S258-CU Washlngnusn Ave
MaTSUba & 'Jo., lesdlng Japr.nes res
tnurnt in Op j. n "71 24th St.
The w M.-tho.i Dentists irn special
Ists in ni: hronehes of Ot nt Ist.-y. 246
vVn.hlnctoii Avr . vjjos
iOIUa n,cc e,ectrlo maiMge. call At
-44 1 l.rant avenue. 4342
Ogden Engraving Service " . maaers
oi tine cuts in one or mo.-j olora. 418
Tcnty-fourn mi. , t. Phcin 52
Co. D Ibnnutt. corporation ind croup
Insurance a Specialty Phone 121-W 1C1I
Western Hide & junk Co.. ?323 Wash-
Intrton Ave Phone Sol
Ogd. n I jnk Uou-.e uI3 Washlngtoa
I Ave. Phonu 210
C. H. Zerbe Phone 1M5-J. 626D
Gas and coal icnges connected All
kinds of Plumbing work. Our prices are
right. Orvll Vnl. I ram, 561 Seventeenth
streel Phone 26 i. 4 j ju
All klndn. C. II Zerbe. Phono 045-J
Willard Kay. real estate and loon
244 Washington Ave Phone 109 1H74
Stoves set up and repaired Phone 34.
Garbage and ruhbljh hauled, cesspools
and toilets cleaned. John Chlpp & Co
Phone .198, 234s Hudson Avenue. W733
Bloom, the tailor, Is an expert on re
pairing. Wa make your old clothes look
like new 224 Tw entj fifth St. ,:.s32
rRUNKS and h4gs
Trunk and hag- repelrlng, round cor
nor from Standard Gullacher's. '373 Hud-sea-
LXPRRT -indov. and w ill paoer clean-
...r. - ...... .vii ..ii...... Vll-U.111114, rU l.'i 1
Notice M A No cr.c
I United States Jand Office. Salt Lako
I City. Utah. Sept. 10 1920
o'l..- la hereby K-lvcn. that Sotith.-m
P." Ill'' '".id A ' oppei Mining .V; Milling
company a corporation through It au
.thorlzed agent. Cora M. Holdorman, w hose
POStOfflCe ad.li. I . S all La lie ( It v I lull
.has made application for a I nlted States
I patent :..r the l.lorlt.-. CUprltS No 2 Cup-
rU" No I Wiaard, i-at Chance, ivst
Chance Extension No I. Last Chanci Ej
tension No S, Pea Cock and Top Notch
ode mining laim.i consolidated, iltuated
a. thi sierra tladre mining district Coun
ty of Weber, State of Utah, being Sur
v ' -s 1 '!"! d. serlhe.l In the i ,-, )
' note and plal file in this office with
magnetic variation at lb dog Last as
Commencing at comer No 1 of Dlorlto
lode . lain, whence tho S W. corner Sec
e- T 7 N R. 1 W S L. R. M. bears
1.8. 14 dep 42 mln. W. 122C.C feot:
Tlienco N 5 deg-. M mln V 600 feet
to corner No i or .said claim;
Themai S SS deg f.3 mln, L" 3U00 feet
to cornel No. 3 of Wizard claim;
Thence N. 5 deg. 23 mm V 966.6 feet
to corner No. 2 of Top Notch claim:
Thence s. 81 deg 63 mln. Ii 560. 4 feet
" "iner No. 1 of Last Chance Kxtcnmon
So 2 claim.
Th. nee -, den, 18 mln W UEfl 4 feet
td orner No, 2 of Lasl h mi extension
No. 2 claim;
Thenceo H .let;. (J mln. H GOO feet
to corner wo. I of said claim;
Thence S. 5 deg. 48 mln. IS, 145? 4 feet
The Ogden Auto Directory H
Oldsmobile trucks and touring cars Briscoe cars, Gramm-Bernst45tt ! t
trucks. White-Robrnson, 2300 Washington. Phone 340. 3739 f
Ogden Auto Radiator Co., 2329 Hudson Avenuo. 3740 I
All makes of batteries repaired and recharged. Exide Batter? 8 I
tion, 2359 Hudson Avenue 3 I
Web" Taylor Motor Co, 2333 Hudson Avenue. Chalmers and MaV,- I
well sales and service. Phone 143 3741 I
Hudson Auto Top Co., 1717 Washington. 3773 j
Willard Battery Station, 2454 Grant avenue 3738 1
Northeast Service Station. Cheesman Auto Co. 3786 I.
War Poster Beauty is Now a Mother H
"; '
V ' ' 'mS lBSSSSSS
BOCK ISLAND IILUncle Sbm'a protti daughter-offieiai'
! chosen during the war is now the mother of a fim- halv girL
rh,' moth.-r is Mrs. Frank Huttoon, formerly .Miss Fran- rs Jordan; '
ftho was selected bj Uncl Sam himself from 22,000 pftotograp
lubmitted, for the honor of posing for trie war insura&Ce posters. -Phese
posters bearing Miss Jonlan'y iji'tiirc worn smt broadcasV!
vit tin- land during the war
to comer No. 4 of Bald claim. Identical
with corner iNo. 3 of U-ist Chance claim -I
Thence S. 5 dcj;. 23 mln. E 1336.3 foet
to corner No 4 of List Chance claim.
Identical with corner No 3 of last Chance
; Extension No. 3 claim;
I Thence S. 6 deg. 54 mln. E. 1435 1 feet
i to corn.-r No. 4 ol Lust Chuncu Extension
' No. 3 claim;
Thence N 88 dec 53 mln. W 2704 5 feet
to corner No. 1 of Cuprite No 2 clilm
Thence N. 5 deg. 23 mln W 1200 feet
to corner No 2 of Cuprite No. 3 clnlm.
I identical with comsrs l und 4 of Wiaard
i;ind lilorlle chilma. respectively
Thence N !s deg 53 mln V" 1500 f-et
to corner No. 1 of Dlorlte cl.ilm. the 1'laco
I of beginning nnd locnted In SV SE
and Ni;. . Section and.NW and
INK. 't of S.-i-tlon 17, Townxhlp 7 North.
, Hang.- 1 Wtt. S. E. P. & M , conlalnlng
: an area of 1S9.006 ocres exclusive of con-
ilicts, as shown h- the iluly certified
'field notes of said Surve No G571. to ho
Iln conflict with ETW i, of SW of Sec
tion S and wltli S.etion 17. T 7 N R 1
W'.. S. l li. ft M.
; I direct thr.t I his' notice be published In
The St. mdard Examiner, published ot
Ogden, Utah.
I Suit Uiki OUfc I I th.
Clal.-iunl'i Attomev. 5123
Date of first publication September 16
I 1920.
Notice ia. hereby glviu that Weber
.county. Ctah. proposes to make thi fol
lowing public Improvements, tn vvii 1 mi
rtrucl pavement on that certain .strip of
roadway eurhteen (is) feet wide in the
i center of that street running from the
south city limits of Ogd.n n I'tah.
at the south end of "K" avenue, West
! Offden, rtrth, to the property line of the
;iobe Milling Company, a distance of 12X7
feet, together with work Incidental there
to, according to plans, specifications and
profile on file In th.- olflce of the county
Ii rk.
And sealed bids- are Invited for said
I work and will be received at tho office
of the county clerk, in the county court
bouse. Weber countv. Utah, until ten
o'clock a. m. on the 25th day of October.
1 r20.
Instructions to bidders, plans and speci
fications for mod Improvements an 1.
seen at the office of the countv clerk.
The right is reserved to reject any or
all hlds and (o waive iiri delects
liy order .' tin- Hoard of County Com
missioners of Weber county, Utah, this,
the 27th day of September. 1920.
(Signed! W A I ,T Kit N. PARR,
5U50 County Clerk.
A special nn '-ting of the :.lm khuldi rs of
the Crater Products 'Company will be held
at the cfflce of the company at No. 1701
Washington avenue In Ogden. I'tah. on
inn oin oiiv 01 iictoner. l'.'.a, nt i o'clock
p. m. of said dav . to consider, and take ac
t t Ion upon, the following mutters:
1. T ratify the action of the Hoard of
Directors, taken on the 31st dav o! A'i
; fust, lf20, In entering Into a Contract
With and grunting to O. It. doner, of,
Eos Arigi le.H California, an option to pur
chase the company's mining claims on cer-1
j tain terms and conditions therein mi n
1 tlorn .1
I 2. To consider any other disposition of1
th company's prop rty,
3. To consider such other and further 1
matters in an way incidental to 01 con
nected Wtlh the foregoing as may be
brought before said meeting.
By order of tho Board of Directors
J. E. STOREY, Secretary
Department of the Interior. U, B Land
Offi.'i at Salt Luke City, Utah, Bsntem
ber 1. 1910,
Notice Is hereby given that Charles W
Brown, of Ogden, I'tah. who. on Jiu
1916, made homestead entry No ul7$5"
for NE li. Section 8, Township 7 North,
Ran go 1 East. Salt Iuke Meridian, has
filed notice of intention to make three
year proof, to establish claim to the lurid
above described, before V. H. Reeder. 'i
Jr.. United Slates Commissioner. uU.Og-'i
den, Utah, on tho 16th day of October, i
claimant names as witnesses:
D D. Dunbar. 1-ei- Shaw. Uohert Mont "
(lomery, Louis Shaw, all ol Liberty, Utah
4999 Register. 1
There is sulci to bu an almost in
azhaustible suppu of bamboo In i
Africa for paper making. '
Call of the Rolling Wastes of
the Pacific Lured Helgar
Tortensen to Death in
Their Embrace j
(By International News Service) LH
si n. aged n d cendant of thA. sbbbbbbI
Vikings, sleeps in the Pacific Oceon. . 4Lsbbbbb1
Tortensen put out from Seattle, . KbIIIIh
Washington. Juno 6. in a twenty-two- , isiiiifl
foot open hoat. His destination wua
S.in Francisco bay His purpose was
the call of romance and adventure, of H
an overwhelming desire to sail alone lH
on the I'li-ific. as "his far-famed an- ff
cestors hnl eriticsed the Arctic seas.
He hail no fear of the high winds and
rocky reefs thnt would besot his path.
Ho know only the call of tho blue seas. .
a call that he had responded to since
his youth. His wife's and friends'-
protests availed them nothing. ' jJ
A few days inter Tortensen wn!s lH
jiioked up, against his wishes, and ? 'J
brought to Aberdeen, Washington. But jf
the authorities hail no law to prevent. f)H
this old mariner from sailing as he ' -pleased.
So he slipped the morrings)
sailed up I'ug'V Sound, through th H
straits of Juan iln PUca and went out H
on to the wide, rolling wastes of the- H
Lumber vessels trtat piled up and H
down the coast reported seeing a .small
boat out in the deep water channels. LH
The lone pilot refused to answer slg-
rials asking If he aceded help, they.' jH
said. And then the word went up and
down the const to watch for Tortensen.
But the Viking lost in his adventure jH
The end came somewhere .9Ut In the- H
vast spaci That Tortensen fought ILsih
game fight, that he sailed bravely IsE I jH
told b.v the circumstances. His boat IH
was washed tip on the shore at Eure- VH
Ka several days ago. 1 he sail was i
gorfe. the food supplies vv re gone; the JilH
vessel had been wrecked by the heavy. issbbbbI
, seas of a PaclfiO storm. labsBBBBB
Tortensen. Viking, sails no more. fc Isbbbbb!
j But the story of his bravo voyage, of f
his last cruise on tho sea ho loved will,i I f
i be spun for years to come along the, Lbbbbbb!
I waterfronts of the Pacific lH
I By International News Service) j
DENVER Prank Middl.-sworth. lo-
Oal commission man, waa rescued froni (
a refrigerator car here in a precarious ! fH
condition from exposure, after having ! .f I
been locked In the Ice-cold car for ' LIsbbI
nearly five hours. , l
After Mlildlesvvorth had entere.l a
refrigerator car of oranges, a passing i
switchman locked the door without
knowing the cur was occupied by a
human The commission man was shut ,
in complete darkness but. groping
about, found a hatchet, with which ho
chopped a hole In tho side of the car . JfB
sufficiently large to permit him to call J j
for help. M Iddlesworth will recover.
oo J J -I
A huge cypress tree In tho church
anl near Santa Maria del Tulc, in il
southern Mexico, is said to bo be- IH
I ween fiiM.iO and C000 years old. 4H
OO 1 ; fEsBBBBBBs!
As many as 17.00(1 pounds of ba- 1
r.an.is have been known to be pro- i
on one H

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