II Standard-Examiner
Cooking School Is
tig Held Big Success
Declaring that the Mandard-Kxaml-ner
Cooking School conducted during
I tho past week at t lie Ogden high school
building had been a complete success,
and urging similar demonsii.i
tions be made In future years man
'gden women who have been attend -jAE
j Ing tin' various sessions included
their special studies yesterday The
m demonstrators. Miss Gertrude L
Woodruff and Miss Veda Hunsaker,
were both congratulated by the stu
V4)t J dents of the cooking school and .sev
eral Ogden women visited' the Stand-VfjjSfc-j
J ard-ICx trnlnt r office to thank the
newspaper for providing the course
Mrs Jamea T Weir, of 150 Patter
son avenue ana her daughter, Miss
HB L Ellen w ir, w ho attended every ses-
ml slon of the cooking school, said that
iVR I lllrv , nnviiler,.,! t li , fiiirso UTV I II -
AAV V siructhe and of t h greatest practical
benefit declaring the cooking school
V'MSbW was a great success. Mrs. Weir has at-
tended eastern demonstrations and she
said that the Ogden school compared
SB with them more favorably. She was
t4 x L A pleaaed specially with the use of home
products. Im commenting about the
l success attending the various articles
Ju'-L demonstrated, she said:, .ood.
'Th lemon plea were so good that
afirr ihe sampling had ended there
If', : ltj-'mi was absolutely none left. That's how
--pi good everything was."
In the final demonstrations yester-
t iBi (lay, making of aaatry was explained
JsiiLlw Lemon ides. Dresden patties mutton
' -rmX rissoles, and pea timbles were the
' jVi foods on the program, In dj monstrat-
'nB the making of lemon pie. however,
rtfV'i the demonstrators clear I v showed the
flwT methods that should be cursucd in
' S 'jji making other pies as well.
1 iii.F I As na8 been done thioughout the
' ' ''tt3l school, I'tah products were used al-
j ylVti most exclusively This has been true
& excepting for Calumet Baking powder.
ifciiMtM' which was selected because of its very
B high quality end which has been suc-
Hipil 1 .-'fully demonstrated each day.
f' There had been much interest regard-
jW i'UJ the baking powder used, particu
lnrly because of the presence of Mrs
v 4 . Ratllffj Calumet demonstrator, at the
'''ttJJ! school and her explanations of the
affll merits of the baking powder.
iVI Vnn Alen's l)Ml were used m the
I making of tin tlmb yesterdaj tin
-SbIP splendid Quality of this year's pack be-
" "i 1 i ing commented upon as the peas were
jJftfH j declared delicious and tender
HU In the making of the pastr: . Hollej B
$kSi '"'gden s Beet flour and Mountain
,-f Brand lard of the ogden Packing ft
."v viffla'l Provision company were used. These
'SHBk products have been demonstrated
ftf-JaWr throughout the school along with
VfffBS Pierce's canned products, including
pork and beans, tomatoes, catsup
rfepR' hominj and soup: American-Maid
bread Murphy's Hotel I'tah coffee.
I'mtah Dairy milk and cream. Nelson
Rick's l'utter and Amalgamated beet
E!B sugar.
I ILf ( I Kit l. DEVICES
SHHl ' Demonstration of electrical apparat-
IjSB us supplied by the I'tah Power & L.lghi
"fjB company, the ogden Electric Supply
$91 company and the lighthouse, has been',
L- b'lStit one of the features of the school. The
itB Hughes electric range has been used!
f for a" ,,aking and cooking rind a West-
lirghouso range was placed at the;
yB school so that its excellent features
! uuia be demonstrated. lilectric wash-
KRPHgj ing machines, ironers, sewing ma-
-.JaB ! chines, percolators, toasters, grills, i
'ft.vLia vacuum cleaners and other household
HHJ equipment was also shown and cre-
iMHI ated much Interest The cooking uten
sils supplied bj lh Rlchardson-Huni
lyil compan, including tinware granlte-
AiiJjjHft ware, aluminum and glass ovcnwari
fjjHf also attracted attention. One of the
rwll features of the cooking school was the
EuHH use of automatic equipment in the
Sv? jSff mixing of bread, the mixer being ob-
HkHH tained from the Illchardson-Hunt
tOuH company The demonstrators ex-
iTtfnmtB plained the benefit of usinir a kitche'n
HAKS cabinet, such as the Hoosler cublnet,
1 Il' 'n PrPpr handling of kitchen affairs.
tTW Miss Valine Qulnney of Utah Pow-
rtH er Light company was In charge of
' ifi$8E 'ie demonstrations of electrical goods
rafljBj during the entire show and one day
H gave. ri special demonstration of toaat-
tEjHj making with an electric toaster and
SftliHj making of coffee with an electric per-
PWH colator. Murphy s Hotel Utah coffee
HMH and American-Maid bread were used
H In these demonstrations.
IjrOB Cooperating with the Standard-Ex-
jMH amlher in the cooking school were a
number of companies including the
: yi ,55 following
Utah Canning company, Ogden
W S IM Packing & Provision company. Utah
lAJ'Jtakf' Power & Light company. Holley Mlll-
I"VV Ing company, ogden Electric Supply
ompany. The Lighthouse. Canitol
IlOlectrlc company. 1 ntermountaln
Klectrlc company, Boyle Furniture
Co.. Nelson-Picks Creamery com
pany. l)gdcn Baking company. Christ-ensen-Ashton
Mu-h company, Western
Market. Rii hardson-Hunt company.
Kennedy's Cafeteria, National Bank of
Commerce and the Calumet Baking
i'ow der ompany
Recipes that were used yesterday in
the demonstrations, follow.
SWEDISH timiih: CAS1 S.
i cup of flour.
teaspoon salt.
1 teaspoon sugar.
J2 cup milk.
MB i
' ' Lblespoon olive oil
Mix drj Ingredients and add milk
P&iBfcM gradually and beaten egg, ti1en add
BSj olive oil. Shape, using a hot tlmble
V iron. fr in dry fat until crips brown.
1 tuke from iron and invert on brown
BBtti paper to drain.
TIMBLdE iron.
R Have fat about hot enough for un-
n cooked mixtures. put Iron Into hot
1 fat. having it deep enoueh to more'
H than .over it and let it stand until
B heated Take Iron from fat. shake.
L lower it immerse in hot fat. If pat-
e " ter does not ding to Iron or drops
from Iron as soon as ImmiTs.i In
it Is either too hot or not sufficients
Hti ali heated
Turn batter Into cup, lower hot iron
into cup. covering iron only to three
fourths Its depth. If too high it goes
1 over the top and has to be cut off
JHH -with sharp knife jf C;tse nr.
Studio, Res. 483 Canyon Rcl!
Phone 3158 J.
j rather than ciisp batter is too thick
and must be diluted with milk.
1 can Van Alen's peas,
l lampoon silt.
i easpoona sugfl r.
1 cup rit h milk.
L' tablespoons flour
2 tablespoons butter.
(pen .peas an hour or so before us
ing. Add salt, sugar, and milk, when
hot. add flour and butter rubbed to
gether. Boil well and srr e
Cut stale bread in two inch slices
Shape with round cutter three inches
in diameter and remove center mak
ing eae. Dip cases In egg. .slightly
beaten, dilute with milk and season
with sab allowing two tablespoons
milk to each egg. When bread is
thoroughly soaked, drain and fry in
deep fat Fill with any mixture suit
able for patty cases
Chop fine one cup mutton free from
fat and gristle. In a saucepan melt
and brown one tablespoon butter and
one tablespoon flour, brown well, add
oe half cup stock and stir until thick
ens Season with onion Juice, salt and
pepper. . irslev or an proferr- .1 sea
soning Put In the chopped meat and
mix well Roll "in puff paste "i plain
Die cruel thin, cut in rounds 01 squares
Pu( meat mixture on part, fold over
like a turn-over May be baked or
fried in deep fat.
The "Buddies' are coming to town.
Not from oversea but from 'he
Selwyn Theatre. New York, which
they have been Tenanting for twelve
months past, and delighting capacity
audiences with their homely and
homey doings They nre a bully lot
l of American bovs whom tient .' V
Hobart has incorporated into the
1 most delightful enmedy which New
York has seen in many a moon They
are billet rd in the peasant home of
a charming Brittany family where
one. 01 them finds the only girl. Their
fragrant romance, as well as that of
another of the "Buddies" is threaded
with much lovely music, the lyrics i
and melodies of which are the work
Of B C. Hilliam. And when this big
hit of the year In New York is seen 1
here at the Orpheum theatre Wed
nesday, October 13th. it will be with
tho same cast and picturesque Bi en
ery which so delighted thp Eastern
Metropolis foi twelve consecutive
months in the Selwyn Theatre,
Mall orders will now be filled at
Iho Orpheum box office.
NEW rORK Theodore Marwaskl
was on trial for disorderly conduct
before Judge A H. Kohler in West
bur. L I., but tho case was dismissed
for lack of proof Theodore at once
I became Indignant and remarked loud
ly that he had a few things to say
"isay them," advised Judge Kohler
Marwaski said them so loud un.l in
such unusual language that th ludgc
told him he would be fined for con
tempt. "Go ahead, said Marwaskl "Fine
me five dollars."
' All right" said Judge Kohler
'.Make it ten!" cried M.irw.-. l i
Very well,' said tho Court.
Make it fifty" shouted Marwaski.
"I'll accommodate you," said the
Make it a hundred!" Marwaskl In
terrupted. "Oh:" said Marwaskl. 'T guess id
better be going!"
He started to leave, but an attend -i
ant reminded him that he had foi -gotten
to pay the $G0
"Oh. I was only Joking." said Mar
waski. "I wasn't" said Judge Kohler
Theodore paid
(By International News lervlze)
AKRON, O. Good wine and "raisin
Jack" made up a stream that flowed
from the Jail down hill to a catch bi
The booze started flowing when
County Prohibition Commissioner
Mentzer knocked In the heads of bar
rels containing moonshlue confiscated,
along with illicit stills, during raids.
.Sheriff Hutchinson turned the hose
on the stuff to speed it on its wav
into the sewer
Then whisky barrels and copper
boilers were sold, netting 85 for the
. on
Miss Cecilo Ragan has returned
from California and pupils may en
roll for fall term of Piano Instruction
Monday. October 4. at her studio.
; 2323 Monroe ;,.-nu phone 2233-W.
i Four Hundred Young Woman
Take Part in Initial Field
Four hundred Ogden girls took part
In the Initial field d i contents In thl
. Ity, which were held at Lester park
yesterdav afternoon under the direc
tion of Community Service The pio
gram wns handled by Miss Rosalind
Kieman and Secretary H W. Arbury
of the local community service of
fices The Summary: Class A -Flftj yard
,ash Adeline Ellis, won. Cornelia Ri
i , u..,,n,i 1?,,.. rlrlson Ihlrd.
Twenty-five yard backward race
lrma Drabble won; TV ila Culver, sec
ond; Llla Wright, third
Three legged race Rose and Tda
Adelson won; Helen Jenkins and
MaUde Williams, second. Jane Clark
and Kmllv Clark, third
Nail driving contest Adeline Rills
won Dorothy vYilliamr.. second. Jetta
Curtis third. '
Walking race Mildred Lelshman
won; Rose Addelson, second; Delss
I-V.ulger third.
Cracker eating contest Ruth Leav
ltt won, Geneva Malon, second, no
third. 1
Class B: Ktfty ard dash Maud. II
Williams, won, winona Burrows, sec
ond June Plurk third
Twenty-five yard backward race
Hell. n Urtseoe. w..n W Inon.i I'urrow.-
second; Melba Bowman, third
Three legged race Adeline Bills
and Gladys Aldous, won; Dorotny
Baxter and Clellls Rackham, second.
K.ithorine Cahlll and Marlon Uallae.'.
Nail driving contest Xellie Thye,
won; Melba Uownian, second; Nellie
Hudlmar, third
Walking race Mary Rogers, won
I Lillian Belli Becond; Naomi Wilbur,
Cracker eating contest Emily
'Peterson won. Helen Hall and Lodas-j
ca Williams tied for second; Ruth Lee.
C'Ioks C: Fifty yard dash' Tevlna
Ekins, won; Adeline Bells, s-.ond;
Nellie Thye. third
Twenty-five yard backward race
Margaret Falck. won. Helen Foster,
second Effle McPheters, third.
Throe legged race Jnne Host and
Leona Royle, won: Lucille Maylln and J
Fern Judge, ser-nd, Veda Lamb and
Athena Hodson and Adeline Ellis and
Ruth Trout tied for third.
Nail driving contest lrma Mill. v.
won Eva Wagner, second; Athena
Hodson. third.
Walking race Bertha Clark -von
Margaret Falck, second; Lucille Nay
lln, third.
Crackrr eating contest Ruth Leav
Itt and Elsie Thornton, tied for first;
Thelma Slglin. second; Helen Churn-i
bers, third.
Lenroo, Beveridge
To Speak in Ogden
Senalor Irvine L. Lenroot, of Wls-i
consul, Republican representtaive In I
the senate and principal contender
against Calvin Coolidge. vice presiden-.
tlal candidate at the Republican na-j
tlonal convention at Chicago, will ar-1
rive in Ogden Tuesday morning at
11 45. He will address a Republican
rally to bp held at noon In the city'
hall square.
Senator Lenroot was among the sen '
ators who led the fight for the league!
of nations with reservations. He won'
renomlnatlon in the primaries q his!
home state, defeating LaKollette forces,
which were working against him.
Senator Lenroot has completed ai
tour of California and will speak In I
Ogden. Salt Lake and Provo on Octo
berS. He will remain in Ogden for'
about three hours and then depart for
Salt Lake. After speaking in Salt Lake,
he will address a Republican gather
ing at Provo.
Though among the yonnger sena- j
tors, Renroot si regarded as one of the
most powerful speakers in l he senate
Albert J. Beveridge, formerly sena
tor from Indiana, a noted Chautauqua
speaker and writer on social questions,
will spend two or three days in Utah
in the near future.
According to Information received.
Senator Beveridge will speak in Og
den on either October S or 9.
Presedt indications are that he will!
deliver an address at a local theatre.:
Complete details of his entertain
ment in the city, where he will speak, I
and the subject of his address will be
announced w hen the plans have been i
Completes Relisting
of Reference Library
Miss Dora Smith, In charge of the
reference department at the gden
library, has completed reorganisation
of the reference library at tho igdi tl
High school.
Luring the past number of years,
the Ogden nigh school library ims
been allowed to deteriorate. It Is said.
Books are now relisted, however,
and u librarian will be selected t. I... .
thwm in ordl i
The high school reference library Is
nearly extensive enough to accomodate
the neodn of students. Mlaa Smith laid,
and will be augmented during the 0Om-l
ing year by other reference works.
- -
OrpheumTodayat Sp.rn. Aiilii
Admission-Adults, 25c; Children 10c BB$BBSk P ..1
shucnuctio 0t the Picturesque
fsaffi! 9 Mississippi River 1 l.
J. W. Neil Buys Sugar for
$26: Must Sell It for $16.50.
Court Oraers
Five hundred bugs of sugar, pur
chased by J. W Neil of Ogden at the
cost, he said, of ?26 per hundred
pounds, were ordered released from a
Salt Lake store house yesterday upon
motion of Isaac Blair Evans, United
Slates district atloruey, by Judge Till
man n Johnson, of the United States
district court.
The sugar is alleged to have been
hoarded by grocers of Richfield prior
to the increase in sugar prices last
spring, nnd was purchased for specu
lative purposes by U S Anderson.
Neil claims that he purchased the
sugar for Anderson for $2G per hun
dred. He was givi D the sugar w ith
the provision that he sell it in Utah
at not more than $16.50 per bag. Nell
furnished $500 bond to guarantee his
disposal of the sugar at the sei price.
Missionaries Will
Gather for Reunion
' The semi annual reunion of the east
ern states mossion society of the easr
era states mission. L. I "X. church,
will be held in the Hawthorne ward
hall. Roosevelt avenue and Eighth
Kasi .sire. i. Sail 1...U. City, Saturdav
October 9, at 8 p. m. sharp.
Refreshments will be served by
junior members of the society
All saints, iriends ami missionaries
are cordially invited to attend this reunion.
Republicans Getting
Ready to Hold Rallies
A largo banner, announcing the loca
tion of the Republican headquarters in
i the Hurst building, was huhg aerosol
'Hudson avenue between Twenty-fourth
and Twenty-fifth streets yesterday
A quantity of campaign literature
was received and dsltributed durinc
the early opening hours of the newj
i The publicity committee lor tfce Re-'
publican county organisation has been'
announced as follows: W. Karl Hop
kins. J. C. Littlefleld, W. G. King and
Floyd Timmerman.
I Announcements were made last
night by Arthur Woolley, chairman of;
the Republican county central commit-J
tee. that complete schedules for coufrl
ty rallies to bo held prior to the elec-'
tion In November, are being arranged,
and will be announced in the near fu
ture Hie rallies will be held under1
I the auspices of tho Republican club,
and the women's Republican club.
i J. M. Forristaii is chairman of the
committee on entertainments and will
have charge of the rallies
Mr:1 Georgian;! Marriott, president
i of the women's Republican club, and
jot her officers of the organization will j
'complete the organization of women's;
clubs during the early part of the
week, it is reported
Ogden Chapter No. 2,
Royal Arch Masons
Special Meeting Monday. October l
4. for work In M. E. M. Degree.
Please be present. By order E. H. P
F. E. NICHOLS. Secty.
oo ,
Costa Rlcafl women have been
qninted the right to vote and the
privilege of holding ntate, municipal,
ami congressional offices. I
Boys9 and Girls' Day H
Affords Diversion H
For Younger Folks
Yesterday was boys' and girls' day.
The second day of the community
festival was given over to making the
occasion pleasant for the youngsters
and for several hours their laughter
In Lester park seemed to Indicate that
the day was a success.
With the sun's rays juat warm
prOUffh lo make play in the open in
viting, hundreds of boys and gh Is
Nt lo the park at the appointed
hour and proceeded to be entertained
and to entertain themselves.
LIKED Till: BE Mts
The mot int. resting event of ihe
day from the point of view of ihe
children was the performance given on
the platform by Rawllngs' four beara
These animals seemed to have tho
intelligence of humans and from
all indications enjoyed performing for
the children as much as the children
enjoyed their performance.
The bears drank red soda pop just
like little boy and girls drink it and
one bear ate an apple Just as a little,
hoy would do.
The bear who was most fond of the
red pop said "Yes" very plainly when
the trainer asked him If ho liked It.
Then there was a hula dance by one
of tho bears. This cau.-ed much joy
to the many onlookers. And then Miss
Mary Rich, with the assistance of the
i.i a brief scene from "Gold
ilocks." Even after the trainer ahnounced
V,.. uh... rilur -mil 111., It..,, ru
been placed in their box cages to be
taken to Salt Lake, the children lin
gered for a long time around the
eagos of the pets.
The truiner gave a short talk lo the
boys and girls In which he urged that
all animals l.- treated kindly and he
said that his be ns were kept tame and
affeCtlortate through kindness. Ho
feeds them no flesh. Their diet con
sists principally of bread and grass.
IK i HOW !OM I s
The next exciting event on the pro
gram was the arrival of Chow ChOW,
the oircua clown who gives camou
flaged health talks to children. The H
jjol lessons In the prin
l. while enjoying the
antics and j..ks of the clown.
There were games and story telling, H
g.ilioe, and Miss Rosalind Rieman saw H
I to t that nobody was left out. H
The interesting program of the aft- H
! ernoon closed with a variety of ath- H
letic events for the girls. There were
entrant , H
had a fair show. These events proved I I
exciting. I
Thlfl was the first time that special
attention had be n paid to boys and
girls in connection with fall festlvaJs jH
and many persons commented favorf-' H
ably upon the pleasant ay that was H
the H
oo H
! I
Fanchon and Marco and a com- Hfl
pany of fifty-one will appear at the I
Orpheum in the very near future., jf
The Saiires of Ri.'o." their vehicle
for the season of 1920-21 comes here
with all sorts of praise from the H
Western critics. En route to Chi
caso. i hey are bringing with them, H
cast including Lloyd and Wells,
Arthur West, Al Wohlman and John
sh. eiian. Eva t'lark, the prima donna, "jB
Muriel Stryker, Lucille Harmon,
Dais I ' Witte and the prettiest ag- ' 'M I
gregation ot chorus maids ever as- Lih
I ml.l.'d. H
On X-
Walea Is alwa s ,1 1
in. miiiT of the Knlghta of the Garter. a H
FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS What Do You Mean, Tag? Bv Blower. H
fPH ( -mwDovtAi ) ou-u-TOcwit J( AK-vimr ) I F "1 sNaz.vou "1 1 777 L Vnwn ) T iT1 I
a 4r irAr) m t-tm csomA go ) Aurrratf at aaimcwbaio) tiM) ArX S
. . I
r li