OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, October 06, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 14

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-10-06/ed-1/seq-14/

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I Another Smashing Bill
I , r SiMM. TKEOrSSi
!! "Whack!?, ya mean, fight? Witli me? Huh! You're only a girl, alone.
This is a he-man's county. Get out or" But she doesn't. And he ?
jam the greatest woman's book in years. It has thrilled countless thousands with its storv
of the tireless, remorseless, implacable struggle of Kate Prentice, beautiful daughter of
Jezebel, whose mothering is confined to running the bar in her roadhouse.
The big, open range, desperate, hard riding. . merciless cattlemen who recognize no sex
in their efforts to drive Kate and her flocks from their domain. They seek her life.
! her good name and bar her way to love but she fights alone, and wins her battle with
man's weapons, but not in man's way
I mm
. .
Observance to Be Held All Over
Country: Program Is
Planned Here
Today Is the centennial anniyers '
of Jenny Kind's birth Th;it famous
singer gave herilnitlal American eon
cert in the old Batti r . New York City
Today, throughout the United States,
the anniversary la being observed for
the visit of the famous European solo
ist was one of America's premier
cnts and had muc h to de with tho
development of 0 in I hi; count i S
-The New York observance today Is
to be of peculiar Interest for Miss
Freda Hempel Is lo appear at the
Carnegie hall, wjiore sin- will slug the
same program that was given bj
Jeimy Llnd, play her own accomphny
mfntv on the same Clin kcring Grand
piano that Jenny Llnd used to play h r
own accompaniment. Freda Hempel
vdli be dressed in a costume of the
a5To that was worn by 'he famous Eu
ropean singer and sponsor ol the con
cert said that were it i.ot th.it the lot
tery is now used as an aquarium the
same buliiluiK WOUld be used again.
During the week, the nl.ino has been
at the Battery having the place of hon
or in a unique display
There will le an Interesting1 observ
ance of i he day M the Ogden Con
serv'atory of Music this afternoon,
when the original Jenny Llnd program
win be given under the direction of
Mias Elk n Thdmai
Notice to Ail Masons
j To the rnembew of Hi Monte Com-1
maudcry No - K. T Ogden Chapter!
Hj No. 2 R A. M . Webor Lodge No. ii
F. and A. M . I nity Lodge No. 18 ,
P. and A M and (leorge Washlng
mn Lodge U. L F. and A. M
L You are hereby notified that at the i
Masonic Temple at Ogden City, We"
ber County, State of rtah, that on'
the L'.'d dav of October. 1920. at 8
o'clock p. m. of said day. there will
be held 0 mi oi mg of the members
mm of said Masonic Lodges tor the pur
pose of considering and acting upon
the proposition of forming the menl
bers of said Masonii lodges, together
with members ol all future Masonic
mW Lodges under the same jurisdiction
and having the same Jurisdiction, as
said above mimed Masonic Lodges,
Into a corporation, not for pecuniary
profit, under tin laws ol the State
The foregoing meeting was called
by the Board of Directors of the Ma
fl onlc Tempi' Association of Ogdeu
Dated, this the 5 h day of October,
Pies Hoard of Directors.
a Mcintosh.
H 0193
Former Ogc!en Phone Man
Takes Job at Colorado
i v. Carroll, manager of the og
den district of the Mountain States
Telephone rind Telegraph Company
last winter, and for the past several
months commercial manager in Salt
Lake for that company, left vester
clav for Colorado Springs to take up,
similar igitic-- in that eltj During
his work In I K:len. Mr. Carroll was
an acti- member of the Ogden cham
ber of commerce.
It was said yesterday at the tele
phone company offices that Mr Car
Iroll B successor for the Salt Like divi
sion his no. yet be n named but It Isi
until r oo I lh.it Daniel Smith, manag
er of the Ogden office. Is being serl-i
OUBly considered for the office.
Selecting Cast for !
Amateur Production
chorus of sixty pretty Ogden girls
will ie one "f the features of "Three
Twins" the well known musical com-!
ly. which will be staged in gden
this winter by the combined talent
0 the American Legion and the Al
iM.iti Society. "Rob ' .Malor. director Of
the play is busy uelcctlng his east
and the work is now well under way,
In addition to the hi; horus, four
'teen principals and ten baritones and
, more than .1 n un of subordinates have
been chosen i'or the cast i. Mr. Major,
it was reported
The girls, both principals and
chorus, will be selected from the, dan
cing department of the Altrlart Society
end the male characters from the
American Legion anil the Altriart
According to Director Major, "Three
Twins" will surpass anything ever pro
,ducOd In the state of Utah by ama
ti or tab nt and will even stirpasr the
'excellent record made bv "Plff, Paff.
Pouff" last year.
While no definite dates have yet
been Set for staging of the play, it was
I announced that it will open shortl)
'after Christmas.
Girl Immigrant From
Denmark Dies Here
Ellen M Slmonsan diei this morn
ing at 3.3 o'clock at the home of M.
"i" Peterson 924 Twenty-second street.
She was the daughter of Simon and
t'aicdliic Slmonsen and recently came
io o;dcn with her parents from Den
mark. She Is survived by three broth
ers and one sister and her parents
The body may be viewed at the home
of Mr. Peterson this evening and to
morrow. Services will be held tomor
row at l o'clock at the Thirteenth
ward meeting house with Bishop How
ard Jenkins officiating Interment
will be In the Ogden City cemet. r
"I a
If YESTERDAY died last night.
1 TOMORROW is not born yet.
TODAY is the day to get that Life Insurance.
Mf Mutual Life of New York
J Phones 372 and 2454 429 Eccles Building
m ; -J
Ogden Livestock and Poultry
Raisers Take Prizes
'gde-i Livestock ami poultry raisers
''took awards yesterday in exhibits ati
the Utah state fair and additional rib-;
bons are expected when the remaining
entries have been Judged.
8 V. l'lngrte took first second and i
third prll I in the poultry entrlc. i
when In the white leghorn division his
cockrel won first, and his pullets sec
ond and third.
K. S. Brooks and Son. of Ogden cup-
jtured third prise with an entry In the
Hereford bull exhibit of animals three
years and over.
The attendance yesterday was re-1
ported as largely increased with the
eontlnueJ fair weather and the virtual I
completion of the arrangements of dls-j
Iplays. ICach day is bringing to the)
city :m eer swilling ( i . I of confer
ence vlsUoi'9, and should the weather
prevail throughout the week a record
attendance is expected.
BOX! LbER l lltsi
Widespread Interest was manifest j
yesterday In the decision of the Judges'
regarding the various displays In the
horticulture building So excellent1
were the exhibits prepared by a nura- !
ber of the counties that making a!
choice as to relative standing would
have been out of the question by other)
than an (Xpert- Iioxelder county was
given first place. Utah county second!
and Salt Lake county third. This Is j
i the first time in BO vera years thali
Salt Lake i ountv has be.n obliged to
fall below second place, at least In the
general ieiai;e The Judges were lr 1
W II tTcriderson of Logan. V II
WlckS of Boise. Idaho, and N. P.,
Standsten of Fort Collins, Colo. The
judges marked. Individually! upon the
standards of quality, display, variety
land quantlt and it is slated that when
I their markings were compared they(
; were substantially in agreement. Thai
I decision transfers from Salt Lake!
county the Boyd Park silver cup and
I the blue ribbon Salt Lake county
I scored first In the display division of'
the award
Although the cold record of the dls
criminating and eminently qualified'
i Judges makes mention only of these'
three counties In the prize column.!
none should entertain the thought that
(the horticultural display Is confined to
tin commonwealths ranked first, sec- j
ond mil third. Every one of the Coun-I
t) booths is a creditable and thorough-;
ly represeiuath e display of the pro
ducts to which that particular section
of the state a best adapted. I-'rom
Utah's "Dixie," far-awrv Washington i
County, there if the finest display of
j fruits suited only to a warm climate '
and of nuts of various varieties that!
a Utah state fair has witnessed One
;in find no better way, at little effort.'
'to familiarize himself with the many
I products of I'tan than to spend a few
half days among the exhibits of the
various counties of the state.
The complete list Of judges for the
, state follows: C. F- Westrope, Provo,
i light horses; Frank It Peart. Logan,
heavy horse- c. D. Beiiow. Maryvllle,
Mo., beef cattle; Ira P. Whitney, Eu
I gene, re.. dalo' cattle; E. J. Fleld--te.nl.
Hlackfoot. Idaho and R. P.
! Krum. Stafford. Kan., sheep and
ine: C. J. I del.. Salt Iake. poultry
land pigeons: J Reld, Salt Lake, rab
.blls. V. H. Wicks, Boise, Idaho. X. P
iStanseicii, Fort Collins, Colo., and VV
IW. Henderson. Ixigan. horticulture;
Church Castel. Salt I-ike. Nathan Tan
ner. 'jfden and Charles Cottrell, i.ilt
1 Lake, inanufacturors.
State Board of Education Ap
proves Plan: Budget
School certificates were granted yes
terday at a meeting of the state board
of education to several ogden men and
women. Many Important features to
the school program in I'tali wer de
cided at t he mi cimg.
J M. .Mill.-, of ogden was awarded
a diploma in school administration
and Albert J. Powell and Fred M
Pile were granted two-year certifi
cates in supervision, and high school
life diplomas respectively.
A professional high school certifi
cate was given to Florence K While
and grammar school certificates to
May L. Anderson. Anna B. Marwlck,
Mrs Kells "'Toole, Hilda limbeck
and Mary P. Ware, all of ogden
If red F Bruerton was grunted a
junior high school certificate and spe
cial certificates were awarded to Mai
Jorle Thomas, Jule McMurrln urrt V.
j. Peterson.
The board adopted t he xecommenda -lions
of Dr. E. Q. Qowans, stale di
rector of health education, who enu
merated the following as minimum re-1
A physical examination of all ele
mentary and Junior high school pupils
at least once during the year.
Competition on the part of teacher?;
e.f Terman's 'Hygiene of the School
Child" not laier than January Is,
l i 2 1 : and study of Bancroft's ' Posture
of School Children," to be finished by
I'ecembcr, 1921.
Follow the stale course of study In
health letters.
P.eporr te the parents en the actual
and normal weight of all children three
times during the year.
The State board approved the set
ting aside of $10,000 for health edu
cation fni the present school year as
provided by the last legislature, and!
further decided to usk the l&'.'l stale
legislature for an additional 1112)500
for health, vocational and civics edu-'
cation" for the ensuing biennlum. This'
is tlc same amount as wus granted;
by the last legislature for the present i
biennlum, tho amount being divided I
$12,600 for training and expenses of j
the division of vocational education.!
and $100,000 for vocational, health and'
civics education.
In making the division of available
funds for the present school year, the
board found that 110,499.26 had been
paid to school districts during the'
past year, and it provided an addition-'
al $10,000 as noted for the enrrent I
school year. l or part-time education
18812 had been budgeted for the
school year of 1020-21, and remains to!
be paid, and an additional $3333 was!
provided, to which will be added a I
federal appropriation of $ I CUT, making
the total for the present school year
The sum of $5000 was paid to
si hpols meeting the requirements ,n
agricultural vocational telucation in
the past year, and S2K00 is nrmiiimi
ibis year, In addition to 85000 provided
by the l.'nited States government
For training in civics $10,000 was
budge ted during the past school year,
and is a.s yet unpaid, and hi additional
$5000 is allowed for the present school
For home economics vocational
training $9000 0-1 was paid during the
pasl school year, and $6500 Is set
aside for the present school year, to
which the federal government will
add 10nO
Salaries have been paid out of the
slat,, appropriation of $7350 in the
past school year, and $TUJ00 Is pro
vided for the present school year.
The expenses paid during the past
school year amounted to 210,266.88
Including part ,f the expenses of the
educational drive of last spring The I
xpens, . for i h' . uri i nt v . ar are
fixed at $3228.32.
Will makes totals already paid of
$42. 106. 68. and $18,333 budgeted hut
not paid for the school year 1919-20
and $39,561.32 to be paid during the
current school year.
lit DGJ I is fjjED
At the request of the governor the
state board in. ole up its budget for
the coming biennlum, bv asking for
5 161,200. instead of the $137,100 pro-!
vidtd for the current biennlum, now!
drawing to a close. Tho budget Is
subdivided ns follows: For contingent I
' M'ens. s of the board and (he llbrarv
secretary $isoo for the coming bi-
ennlum, an increase of $500. for sal
irlej of library secreturv and staff
$7200. Instead of $3600 as at present'
for teaohers' training and expenses of
the division of ocational education
and for vocational, health and civics
education, $1 12 500. as in the current
biennlum and for Americanization
work MO.ooo, Instead of the $-0000
sllowed during the current biennlum.
The latter raise was In response to
a letter from Arch M. Thurman. state
director of Amerlci nlzatlon. who
pointed out thai the present appro
priation is $10,000 a year, to l,
vided among sonic 2S.000 aliens in
the stale of Utah. 01 al the rate of
less than 50 cents per alien
m Xi;iarKU meni ,s necessary" wrote;
Mr. Thurman. "to show that this
amount is wholly Inadequate to pun
over in a satisfactory way the program1
w-e have undertaken.' He believe,!'
that with a larger appropriation cred-l
liable results would be obtained by
the slate. 1
Change Date for
Women s Meeting
Meeting of the Farm Women's Na
tional congress, originally set for Oc
tober 7, 8 and 9, In Salt Lake, has
been postponed until October 19. 2o
and 21, according to an announcement
which reached iirdeti toda
The dates were initially set when it
WSS supposed that the semi-annual
conference of the L. D. 8. church
would follow the usual precedent and
meet October 3 to 6, Inclusive.
Inasmuch as the conference will he1
held October 8, 9 and 10, and thel
church buildings, hotels apd other ac-'
coinmodatlons will be crowded with
fair and conference visitors during
those dates. It was later decided to
Change the dales, of which Governor
Bamberger has been notified. It Is
probable that some of the church 1
buildings will bi provided for use of
the visiting delegates, who are expect
ed to be present from a majority of
the states of the union
Suits Made to Order
Cleaning. Repairing and Pressing
Reasonable Prices
8s Twenty-fourth 8t Phone 5r9 I
Ogden. Utah
Stone Jones Society Prepares
I For Reunion at Boun
tiful Marking ihe first reunion since 1918
officers of the Stone Jones Genealogl
ical society, together with a number of
j pioneer relatives, gathered at a meet
ling of the executive committee held
Saturday evening at the home of Mrs
Vlnry P.. Darker, 11 U ashiuglon
1 avenue
I Report of the activities of the so
ciety since the last reunion was made
by President Asael Fan The last
meeting was held March 18, .191. and
ino meetings have been held until sat
lurday, owing to the infiuenz.i epidemic
1 and the war
; Wilh the present improved eoud:
I lions, Mr. Farr urged that the activi
ties of the society now be Increased
The fact was brought out al the meet
inn i hat it was sevent) years on Sep
tember 30, since Amos Pease Stone
and his family BOttled in Utah. They
first settled on land where Dountlful
stands today and resided there until
March 27 IS'jT. when they moved lo
Ogden where he lived until the tune of
his death
To commemorate the advent of tlv
Stone family in Utah, tin executive
committee decided to hold an informal
reunion at Bountiful on Tuesday, Oc
pher12, to which all members of
the society are cordially in I ted. Those
desiring to attend should meet at the
residence of Henry I . IJat holomew .
Bountiful, Utah at 10 a m.. when the
entire party will visit (he old home -stead
of the honored pioneer, where
photographs of the group will be taK
en. During the noon hour, family pic
nics will bo servel, all families bring
tug their own refreshments In the
afternoon a short program will be j
Among those present al the meeting
was Emily Amelia (Stone) Tuttle, of
Uounti.ul. oldest surviving descenilair
of Amos Pease stone Mrs Tuttle had
recently returned from a visit to Log-,
an. where she had been to see her
great great grandchild, and she was
proud to tell of being one of a group
of five Keneralions.
She Indulged in many reminiscences I
of the past narrating how. when cross
lng the plains, a band of Indians ap- 1
proached her father and proffered to,
trade a milk-white horse to Mr. Stone!
lor his "papoose." hen Ihe offer waa !
rejected it was made the second anel J
third time, increasing the number of j
horses each time. Mrs Tuttle said
:he was seated in the front of one of,
the wagons when the Indians first ap
proached but whe n she heard their re- j
quest, she soon scuttled Into ihe inter
ior and was safely hid under the bed-
d.ng She also told of the old house at.
Bountiful, which was made of logs, I
containing three rooms, in a row, and
that the lurnishing.- were such as were!
common among the- early pioneers.
Their first bedsteads were fashioned
of poles, with ropers woven across, that j
the old stove they brought with them
from the "states" was known as t he
"step-stove.' which the old timers will
remember as being B cast iron stove,
first With the hearth, then at a higher
elevation a top with two holes, and 1
still higher and farther back, two more ,
holes, under which was the oven The
first stove they purchased in Utah
was buusht in the early SO's at Salt j
Lake City. It was a Charter Oak for,
which they paid in the neighborhood ol
Editor Btandard-Esamincr:
I would like to correct a publi
cation printed in last night's Standard-Examiner
regarding one Cllve
Powell, 16 years old who is coming
lo Ogden to make her homo with
me her sister and not with her brother
as stated In last night's paper The
facts In the case are that the money)
for Ihy sisters Journey to Ogden was
sent lier by my husband and self in
March 1017. "I
owing to the war my father. In Eng
land, would not allow her to iravel at I
that time so her lomlnn v.i cane-lled,
until traveling was safer Howevei
she sailed on the lSth of last month
and were expecting her In ogden the
lut of last week, but we received al
telegram stating that she wa detained
at Lllis Island and needed her ti.ni-,
portatlon and expenses to K(eii Not
being able to understand wli sm
neOded this monv as we hail sent her
a fullv paid through ticket from Lon
don to ogden. Mv husliand accompan
ied by my brother at the suggestion
of Commissioner Ward of Ogden who.
kinellv did all nc could to assist us.
In '.his matter, not an appointment with
Senator Smoot at the Hotel Utah. SaUi
Lake. Senator Smoot who wired tor
full particulars as to her detention re
ceived the same answer as OUrselve
namely that my sister needed the fare
to Ogden and traveling expenses. The 1
money was sent by my husband and,
we have received a telegram toda
stating that she had left New York
and Is now on her way to 1 tgden. As
vet we can only surmise that the rall
luad ticket was lost. As my husband I
and myseif have sworn out guardian
ship paper" for my sister. Such mis
representation of f.H l.- as published in
last night s paper evidentlj by some
person entirely unacquainted with the
facta Is liable" to make trouble for us,
with the emigration authorities. The
ruicstlon of deportation was neverj
rained- :
(Signed 1 MRS FRED W. HJliP.,'
:i34K Harleigh avenue.'
tin 1
Apex of Ore Body
Found at La Plata
What w.is said to be the apex of the
ore body of tin- Qalena Park .Mining
company's holdings at I-t Plata has (
been uncovered, according to Sam,
Powell, assistant city attorney, who I
w is at the diggings yesterday.
Mr. Powell -ml the or, . hann. 1 un-1
overed lis five feet In width and con- I
tains V". per rent lead or.-, valued it 1
about $90 a ton.
Several tons of the or- have been'
dumped and will be trucked to Hunts!
viile for shipment In the hear future. ji
he said. J
jH The same make piano that B
p Jenny Lind played over jm
B 70 years ago H
; "The Home of the Chfckering"
' ' 1 1 1
Glen Bros.-Roberts
H Piano Company B
Christian Endeavors
To Meet in Sail Lake
Plans are now being made in Salt
Lake for the annual state conven
tion of the Utah Christian Endeavor
union which will convene with a
fellowship banquet at the Firs) Pres
byterian church in Salt Lake Fridav
evening at 6 "30 o'clock. The ses
sions Will be in progress for three
The three main speakers will be
W. Roy Ureg, field secretary of the
Southwestern Christian Endeavor fed
eration, of which Utah Is a member,
Jack Cecil, assistant field secieiiirv,
anel Paul C Brown, national inter
mediate Christian Endeavor superin
tendent ,
Mr. Breg nnd Mr. Brown will ar
rive in Salt Lake Friday. Mr. Cecil
has been active in Utah for some
lime, recently visiting American Fork.
Ogden, lessen, Mount Pleasant, Manti
and Provo. lie will return lo Mount
Pleasant today to assist in the or
ganisation of a society. Sandy will
be visited Thursday.
Farr Heads Utah
Poultry Association
Walter N. Fair of Ogden was elect
ed president of the Utah Poultry
Breeders' association, which is the
Utah branch of the American Poultry
I association, at Its meeting in the j
j Coliseum at the state fair grounds
other officers elected were.
My rum Session, Bountiful, vice pres- i
ident, W. M. Bramwell, ogden. sec-1
rotary; executive committee: Alfretl
Belts, Salt Lake, George Soffe, Salt ,
Lake. Morris Hansen, ogden, and t
W. J. Young. Ogden. Sixty eight j
members were enrolled.
Cafe Man Fined $30
In the City Court
Steve Gray, cafe proprietor WaSf
sentenced to a fine of $31 of the al
ternative of 30 days iri Jail, this mora
ine in ihe city court by Juds.- l . R. I
Roberts. Oray was charged with per-;
Dllttlfig dancing in his cafe without aj
on motion of Attorney 'W. Il.il l.irr
for the defense, a stay of execution of:
sentence for five days was allowed I
by the court. . I
Suspended Sentence m
Is Given Peddler M
Peter Jensen vegetable peddler v Y"
a five" da; ided sentence ; f
in the eltj i this morning for jM
Laving his wagon too near a fire plug- ihqv
Officer J. M Hawkins testified that
I he found the wagon without the driver JQ
j near the hyrant at Twenty-fourth JfWW
i mi Wo hington drove the j 1
outfit to t)i- station and later when mm 91
' Jensen . 1. 1 m eel it. he was arrested. lDVifl
I Jensen told the court he- wus unable llKI
to read English thoroughly He said rBjLr 'm
' he knew what "elon't" and "here" on FBhW
the 'Don't Park Here" sign signified r flsTlfeB
but ho said he did not understand what gSJ mn
Ho was idmonlshed b; the court not : , H
. ) lake any more eham ev w lib the BLbI
I English language. iflflbl
Maginnis to Speak
At Morgan Tonight fil
Thomas J. Maginnls. of Ogden, LstU
candidate for district attorney for the iBd
second Judicial district, will speak In kLiSH
Morgan tonight In 'he interests of the SaBBBKI
Democratli campaign . Harden Ben- LiHaE-SB
' nlon, secretary of state will speak a' LLbHI
I the same meeting on taxation and LaBBBStH
William B. Wilson secretary of la-
labor, will be In Utah three days of bbbbbbb
bor, will be In Utah three days of HH
next week in the Interests of the taBBBafl
I Democratic ticket. He will reach Salt gV
Lake October IS. Speaking engage- LiiHI
men is for tht visitors have been mad iSi
for October 14, 10 and 16 Further asBll
arrangements are being completed Tor HLLuPI
the visitor's Itinerary ft n';
net m i
Harold Lloyd and BB
Will Rogers, Last
Time at Ogden - - WB
Harold Lloyd In "Get Out and cl
ami Will Rogers in "Wat. i
Water Everywhere" win be been fof LsLB
the last time at the i icden theatre tu- 191
day. Since Sunday the double bill ha' HE"n
made a great run at the theatre and iCHrrv;
thousands of patrons have been great Hin
ly pleaned with the bill. K
Stirtlng tomorrow will be another
big luccess with the beautiful Elaine IHIfl
Hansmersteln in the principal role. IxtMits
Sunday win be seen Beach's RiaaaV
great story. "The Silver Horde" pre-
" rued by a personally selected all-stai ijafl
caat. The picture is said to eclipse an f Exim
of tht t. rmer Bead
BMi auto owners have 1
j 11 ' Hardware Store l

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