N Tungs-tone Needles
" Mm Tor Your Victor
l Save your records with the use of Tungstone
Needles no digging or scratching. You 'll got
if';' a more delightful tone quality as well We
have a good supply now, but the demand for
Latest Items of Interest From Utah and Gptu Sv.te
Wisconsin Senator Addresses
Utah Repupbiicans on
PI Party Aims
HI SALT LAKE Oct. 6. Senato- Ir-
1 vinr- L. Lenroot oi Wisconsin, spoke
1 in Salt bake yesterday afternoon, H
Hl assailed the league of nations, taking I
HI special raps al Article X and iho
Shantung agreement.
The Wisconsin senator spent the
iyU day In Utah, coming to Sail Lake, from
j". Qgden He spok In th ladles parior
LmW In th.- Hotel Utah at 3.30 o'clock :n
i he afternoon. His time was limited to
less than an hour, to make pcsibi
his early arrival in , Frovo, where !ie
.spoke last, night.
Hj Senator Lenroat spoke first of 0-
dances and taxaaon. He said that it
IH would be a national calamity for the
peOple of Utah to refus? to return U.
S. Senator Keed Smoot 1o Wasnlng
ton He said that no person I" Wash-
:n-iun or elsewhere knows q 9 liiuchi
about the financial problems of thel
country as the senior senator from
B ' There will be no occasion to cele-1
Urate the Fourth tf July if Governor
H Cos i (.b ileil prt-siiM iit, ' siid S n.it' i
H Lett root. For. if that is done, the
HV" I'nUfl States
I nations and will be bound by article X
HH to engage in war and to fight for every
HHl member of the league. That meain'
a surrender of the liberty that we
enjoy, and we shall no longer Ceu-
brat LI "ids r.i:
"What would hav happerWJ il
HJW) had a league of nations In 17 76 ? The)
jjjUDHJ Stars and Stripes would not now be
HHI floating omm- us. but Instead we would
H have the I'nlon Jack. This part of t no I
HB United States still would have been;
H! part if Mexico if the league had been
in existence In 184 8 and Cuba would
HJH still be a subjpect of Spain had wc
Jl been a member of the league in 1S9R. 1
HVB But we had no league then, and we
are not a member of the lerfgue now.
HE r.nd thank God we never shall fight
on the side of the oppressor."
HH 111 referring to the Shantung agrec-
B merit. Senator Lenroot said that,
H Mu!d we enter the league, wc would
H l- bound to assist Japan,
j "Germany took Shantung In a way
HHI ,-. was not i iclu," said the speaker
"Nobody defends the action of Ger
l many. Hut now we have taken that1
Hgi ";fid with its 30.0uooi.in people, away1
HW f'-phi Germany and have given St to
H I'tsyan. Nobody defends giving it to
HH President Wilson refers to'
Hies which cannot be violated, rivi-
I B ording t" our president
LwmW Questions of right and wrong rest on
li-ip.. geography, as he Ifis not b'cn sf, pn
H icdlar about violating treaties in Eu-1
B1H ro)e. if we should enter the league
lUH and then China should awake in her:
BrajH fower with her 4oo.o00.ooo people, and
MtOkJ go forth to reclaim the land and Uie
EjftrJj people that Japan has stolen from her.
Efftifl we would be bound by article X to
Pgfftg help Japan In the conflict.
MmX Speaking of Armenia S nator Leu'-
BHtt root said teat England would take
KhiH the ii fields. Prance the copper mho s
Bmjjjf and Italy and Gre er the agricultural
M lands of Turkey and that they would
HH give to the United States, Armenia,
with its millions of starving citizens, j
That was the agreement upon which
H8 they asked I 'resident Wilson to take!
the responsibility, and upon which no
asked congress to give him authority,
B to assume a mandate over Armenia, I
the speaker said.
I "The advocates of the league pro-;
pose the most dishonorable thing
Imaginable,'' said Senator ."Lnrooi. I
"They propose that we enter the'
H league, assume the responsibility, and
E then, when the test comes, do not live
up to the agreement. It is just like the
case, of Germany and Belgium, for!
H Cox and Wilson say we ran treat It
H like "a sera p of paper1 Republli liu
H have different ideas of honor I want
I r .hi association or league or what irei
I, you want to call It, bul In It we shall
pBy enter free and independent and r--,
jj'&IX main free and Independent. Wc seek!
no advantages.
EH "Our boys fought so our flag would '
BJ not b hauled down and the German
BBBJ eagle put mi in its place. I blame Cox i
fBBJ more than Wilson, who is an Idealist
fBBl and always has been behind school
BBBJ walls Cox is practical and has rubbed
BhhJ shouldeis with men. He Is aliVO to the
BBBJ situation and knows what he is doing. ' ,
BhhJ Senator Lehroot said that he had
BBJ conftdehce that th people would send
H 1 Harding and Coolldge to Washington,
IBBhJ and confidence in the people of Utah
i9BH that they would return Senator smoot
BhJ to the senate and give the Republican
BHBJ ticket a handsome majority.
dB Mi-s George 'J'. Judd, president of
BBVI the Women's Republican club of the;
BBBI 1-irst ward, was in the chair at the
rfSaM meeting, which was held under the1
UBBI direction of the First and Second ward'
jU clubs. Mrs. Kmlly Cannon Wilb y,
bmI chairman of the Women's Kepubllcau
HjVjjl dub of the Second ward, also was on
BL the stand B. O. Leatherwood intio-
m tluced Senator Lenroot.
"'H After SenatOr Lenroot had conclud-
BJy. ed his address, Senator Stnobf .sjioUe
y j - brlejfly, assuring the visitor that the
people of Utah believed that the con-
(wrWsl stltutlon was an inspired article ami
BnyBB Hi 'i they would defend it. assure
ttnBB; you that (he outlook In I'tah is most
One Salt Lake Child Dies and,
Two Others Critically
SALT LAKE, Oct. 6. As the result
of swallowing a nuantltv of poisonous
tablets yesterday afternoon. George H.
Seal. 3 1-- vetrs of ag son of George
H and Ingrld C Jensen Seal, died at;
9:30 o'clock last night and two other
children are seriously, ill at their1
homes. ,1
Lobbv Jack ' James. 2 1--' : '
age. son of Harold James, 318 W est
Sixth South street, and Lorena Snarr.
:; yf:irs of age. daughter 'if Mr and
Mrs. It. T. Snarr. ::7 1 West Sixth South
street, are the other Victims of the
accidental poisoning, which occurred,
at their homes late last night and
hopes are held for their eutire recov
ery. The two baby boys were visiting at
the Snarr home, and the t hree . chil -
dren obtained the poison from a bottle
hidden in a pile of wood in. the hack
ard of the Snarr house. Lucille
Snarr. 14 years of age. found them
chewing the tahbts containing the
deathly poison, find noting the poison
latbel on the bottle, she hastened to
take them to their homes.
Wlu n his son wa9 brought home, ex
claiming In ecsUsy over the taste of
the poison tablets. Mr Seals, who Is
a railroad man. immediately called a
tax c.ih nnd look him and the two oth
er children to a downtown physician.
While undergoing treatment, all
three children became seriously ill, and
the Seal tot lapsed into unconscious
ness, from which he never recovered.
The two other children were removd ;
To their homes after six hours' treat-
blent. The Seal boy was born In Salt -
Lake March 11. 1917
It is thought the poison was thrown
into the woodpile by former occu
pants of the Snarr house, who moved
away some time ago;
BRIGHAM CITY, Oct. 6 Young 1
men of this city have formed a Young
Men's Republican club. w. W Knud
son is president of the organization.
Other officers are Ira W Iarson.
vice president; Wilford E. Jensen, sec
retary, and N'olde Flshburn, treasurer.
The executive committee Includes
rteea Wright,!" chairman; w. LeRoy
Smith. J. Chester Knudson. Hoy Ros
kelly, W L. Krosl and '. B. Merrell.
On the list of charter members
are LeRoy B. Brown. Francis Merrell,
William J. Lowe, J. W. Peters. S. C.
wixom. N. C. Simonsen; B. H. smith,
Nela Jenson. P. W Knudson, John H.I
Zundel. J. E. Halverson. Lorenzo P'ett,
J W. Valentine, LeRoy Roskelly, A .
Lysle Eddy, Bert Olsen, O. G. Bar
geron, Frank Losce and Amos Hun
saker oo
POCATELLO, Ida., Oct. 6. G. W I
Hook, charged w.th forgery and em
bezzlement, was arraigned last night
before Justice of the Peace Houde and'
hi.s bond set at $1000 Hook was ar
rested last Friday at Price, Utah, on
a warrant Issued here charging him
with the embezzlement of fJoO frorn
the local Cooks, Walters and Wait
resses' union, of which he Was treasurer.
SALT LAKE. Oct. 6. Thomas
Ramage, local attorney, was named
vice chairman of the Republican com
mittee of Salt Iaki. at a meeting held
here last night Mr Hyimage has been
acting in the vice chairman capacity
for sonic time
POCATBIiLO; Ida.. Oct. 6 The po-;
litlcal campaign was opened in Ran-'
nock county yesterday with an ad
dress b) Governor Davis before the,
oters .it Mr 'amnion. Mont of the
governor's talk was devoted to cx-1
plaining the cabinet form of govern-1
ment instituted by him.
POCATELLO, Oct. 6 Vice Presi
dent Adams of the Fnlon Pacific VTSB
a local visitor yesterday. l f t head
quarters are at unaha.
gratifying, although three weeks ago!
I could not have given you such as
u ranee," s hator Smoot said.
Former Governor William Spiv
State R publican Chairman I 'hai l h
R, Mahey. candidate for governor, ana
a party of Republicans, met Senator
Lenroot in Ogden yesterday afternoon
and brought him to Salt Lake by au
tomobile. He wa.s driven i Prove al
Wv conclusion of his addfesa uuim.
Synodical Missionary Society
Holds First Annual
i t
KAYSVILLE. Oct. C Members of
1 the Women's Synodical Missionary so
i clety of Utah held their annual mect
I lng yesterday In the Presbyterian
church. The session was largely at
tended Representatives were presen from
Salt Lake, Ogdcn, Brlghatn City. Lo
gan, Provo, Sprlngvilie, Manti. Mr.
Pleasant and rnan other parts of the
i state. The gathering commemorates
the one hundredth anniversary of ihe
founding of m dl 8 1 mission Df I he
Pi ..qh. terian church. ,
The meeting opened at 2:30 p 01
and th following program was given:
upening and president's message.
Mr? George E. Taylor, devotional;
The Great Physician" Mrs C V
Brown; greetings, Mrs. Adam G.
Frank of Kaysville roll call of dele
gates and Introduction of visitors, re
port of committees and business; re
port of contingent fund, treasurer,
Mrs M M. Johnson; music, .Mrs L
D. Anderson and Mrs. A. C. Watts,
consultation. "Our Health Crusader,"
Mra ' C Patterson, latest news fro.n
abroad. Mrs. Wlldman Murphy; 'ri
dress. Mrp Herbert E. Rlalr, who has
spent the past fourteen ars In Ko
rea. At 6 p. m. dinner was served under
the direction of Mr.?. Ju Dawson,
Mrs, Adam Frank. Mrs William P.
Epperson and Mrs. Summer OleOSOn
all of Kaysville.
If plans for Irrigating about r 50.-,
000 aores of the Xaqiie rlyer vallej ,,r
the Dominican Republic are COnsum-1
muted il promises to become one of
the hest sugar producing regions in ,
the world. '
SALT LAKE. Oct. 6. Following the
closing of the hearing of the applica
tion of the t't.ih iJ'i.-. and Coke com
pany for ' revaluation of Its proper!
and permission to put into effect i
new schedule ,.r rates yesterday, the
matter was taken under advisement
by the public utilities commission of
one exhibit presented by the com
pany, giving "schedule B" of suggest
ed rales, proposed for the first 300
cubic feet of gas used by a consumer
i a minimum charge of 7B cents; for
, ihe next 700 cubic feel 20 cents per
1 100; for the next 2000' cubic feet,
is l-L' cents per hundred; for the next
17.000 cubic feet. 17 cents per 100, and
for all over 20,000 cubic feet, 16 cents
per 100.
POCATELEO. Ida . Oct. 6. The Pa
catello High school and the Idaho
Technical Institute will he inspected as
to t he? vocational and home economics
within the next few weeks The In
spectors are Melvin S Lewis, suite di
rector of vocational education, and
Miss Katherlne North, director r(
home economics. The Idaho Falls
the Twin Falls high schools will be
the other schools inspected in south
1 00
SALT LAKE. uct..t. Enactment of(
a new state highway law. providing for 1
a nonpartisan state highway com mis
slon composed of technically fitted"
men. is urged in a resolution adopted
yesterday at the convention of repre
sentatives of various commercial clubs
and civic bodies of Utah which met at
the Commercial club fr consideration
of the road questions at Ihe call of,
the Utah state automobile association.!
Colombia Is Hie world's chief source)
of emeralds, producing sou. una car
ats of the gems some years.
CHETBNNfi. Wo.. net. 5.
I ne man Is dead, four are dying
I and flames unchecked are shoot
ing two hundred and fifty icet
into the air from the Midwest
Ohio gas well .'.5 miles southwest
of Rasln, Wyo., as the result of
a spark caused by friction of the
drilling apparatus at the well Sun
day The dead man is a driller naiu
d Kramer. Joe Henr. a tool
dresser, and three other unidenti
fied men are dying from burns.
Physicians were sent from Basin
because of im possibility of trans
porting the injured men overland
from the Ituffnlo oil fields. There
Is no communication with the
camp by telephone.
The flumes from the well can
be seen for a hundred miles acrsjSS
the country, It is said to be the
largest gas well yet found The
derrick was destroyed
BOISE, Oct 6. Miss Jesse Godfrey
of Lknslng, Mich, has been appointed
stat bacterlologsl to succeed Paul a.
Bffader, resigned. Miss Godfrey is ;it
present assistant slate bacteriologist in
the state of Michigan.
WASHINGTON, net. !. TnveStiga'
Hon of the efficiency of concerns op
erating shipping board vessels has
been started by a special committee,
representing the board. Chairman Be ti
son. announced today. It Is expectcc:
that vessels will be withdrawn from
the COJltrO) Of operators found inefficient.
Wyoming has one nf b highest oil
fields in the world .( h hes on a
Hdge S.000 above th. sc., level.
Unp I
Uneeda Biscuit are always of the same oven- J
freshness, whether you buy them at the great j
city store or at the remote trading post. And
they are always enjoyed , whether served at formal j
dinner or wayside meal. Keep a supply on hand. I
Biscuit I
POCATELLO, Ida., Oct. 6. G. Os
mond Hyde wa.s chosen post com
mander Of the Downey post of the
j American Legion last Saturday eve-
' nlng. lie was formerly post adjutant
officer, William A. Coffin was made
lie commander and George B Bills
i post adjutant finance officer.
POCATELLO. OcV 6 Heavy anoiv
was recorded In the Teton country.
according to reparts received here. H
Th snon fell last Friday and Sa'ur-
da) Eight Inches were registered at
Trude and ten Inches at Yellowstone.
, The annual dog race w ill be held at
A'hton in February.
One Dessert Free I
A Real-Fruit Jiffy-Jell Dessert At Your Grocery This Week
1 This week wc will buy you a So with all fruits. Each bot-
(fii-c Jiffy-Jell dessert. ct it from tic contains the essence of much ZCc I
VjrlirS your grocer an.l we will pay rjpe fruit condensed. The fruit VJtIIlS I
f him lor it. Sn uti'cr below. jff-'SijLil alone would often cost you .
CO USerb It win De Loganberry Jiffy- BffiBI la raore than thc wh?lc dcsscrt- USerS
VSSw Icll ruir tine -; jw i r tl.i". i ir It SmBBBSf- t ii j I
ii v vtSfcOKB I in --Tell conies readv sweet-
'T-l irrr to you m you will sMfTv IS.- . . i ' i ri- ri H
it one other flavor with it. ?ncd' ,l COmefi aculu,a,trd w.lth nTYU '
In II lemon or prape acid, iou sun- M i It I t
j! J For Every Woman plj add boiling water, a rii- II I
H JI This offer is made to old Loganberry rected on package, then thc I
ill IE uscr and new It is m-idr to Our finm herrv n.ivor wraith of ih. ron- fruit essence from the vial, and " S im I l 1
l 7f u r ana 11 ,s nianc i denssdlrultj la Uis bottls lsd. , ...... X U Vk Jr
V if ers ol Jiffy-Jell to start let cool. Thus, tor a tew cent-, M
A,B leasori U is made t can 5crve a real-fruit . .
ija nrw u-ri-s tn let thrtn know gWf (t4rr da-ntv. rich in fruit light, bet Ol blX
V- j f the Jiffy-Jclldelights. qSR Um Healthful and delightful. Dessert Molds
t ' J F.very bom,- should now p,.t 'ti&A (jf) Ul Millions of homes now enjov These individual d-
I I nj a variety 0:1. -10 !. 1, , 2&Z(W$ it. You also will adopt it when -ert molds m a umrnun.
O 15 V plr- need truit fl.nlv. Here on MBJk Tt I rj. 5'! , . come in sets ot six. as-
& J O H,'.e ,ight fruits" on call.' at tW tlWjiS 3i V" 'nCC CmPare K Wlth tllC sorted styles. The six
2 I tnri . with a moment' hST H ..:d--tylc -elatm deserts. wilI scrvc a fuii pack
? 18 cr trouble. J .,",.' " & J ,,r , of Jiffy-JelL Send
11 i r l IJ gJX OnC-Week Offer 0 trade-mark lor
3 ,13 S Fruit in Bottles ... ' . . the set. valued at 60
II . , . Ttu For this week onlv we make ... .
1 Jiffy-Tell alone contains the Bottle m Package this offer. Buy from your gro- cents W w te.
HrA real frtUt e-vrnce. ill ll. Mild form tch frulr nvnr icondened Iruit Juice, .nd J --e aln the offers on ,
i . xi u I esh comes eaiod in ui. i er one or more package.-. I hen 1
jBTkv m glass. e crush tne fruit, , 1 B, , ,. aluminum pint molds
omHrn e the u,ce and -eal it. Present thc C0UPn and llC Wl11 below
JSHuil N 1,"ttI" thi r,,h fn,it - kMVC 1,11 ,L packac L?an-
CTWw sencc comes in cverv package bmWK KaWB berry Jiffy-Jell free. We will , 1
fP Ml Th- v,. R,t ; L-frti, .fefeRX !- '..", for it fT
j 1 f -iaiut;. . n.,t a mere innt ta-tr. 'J'tfjj Serve it as our treat enough S'Jj i) JD
I 1' I ) ou gel tjiedrbghts and health- Mmj&' PwflK.y ir six. Accept this offer, then -1T' wT i
l fulness Of fruit. j 'w use th circle trade-mark- to J j JL
Fruit in Plenty - get the molds you w.mt. ut M
.- - . f n nu ( t : Made with st,ie-n-moiJ out the coupon so you won't j ; H 1 yjh IB
'Safe iou get a wealth of fruit We foreet I li 111 IB
use. for instance, half a pine- Dessert for Six I j f
Dessertspoons nr-pl to flavor one Jiffy-JcH iJfiBi&tE ForSaladJell , JmWell in lime- T.XjC
, , " rhe fruit is crushed in &,.irBuoo.w.idcost fruit flavor make; , tart peen Jiffy-Cup
c npply dessert awaii fruit too ruie to htn i j u e .i i j i
. ' UBWB" own iw i iiic iu snip. ,i!.id lell. Serve with vour a .id , , ..
spoons, teaspoon size, 0 TB H ' . . . An aluminum half- I
SSSTO Ten Flavors in Glass Vials flfTO'- 1 I ! - ""e 1 JmSTSTSSI -
AA silverplite. Guar- A bottle in each package I WM If- iwW r mi ,n nieat scra and 'akc Fill twice with water to j
anteeri JO year' No .id- wtJ9 mMWJ W M an appetizing meat loaf. dissohc one package
vrrtmng on spoons. I""or Mint l ime Cherry ef T WmmmWOmMm 1 ilf y- Tell. Use as a
the first spo,oit send 2 Raspberry Loganberry Real-Fruit Desserts For Mint Jell Mint flavor standard cp:in all
(Jjj trade-marks, plus ill makes a green mint .toll tn sere . g j - traje. 1
cents for postage and Strawberry Pineapple With condensed crushed ft nils in liquid with meats, hot or cold. Or serve rcupes . -packing.
Then we will Orange Lemon Coffee form in viah SS an appetising side-dish marks lor this cup.
otter you balance of a set postpaid
r . .......
I eto
Other Gifts to Users j . HI! 1 ne Packase Free
, , ,L . , ! K 1 Sign and Present to Your Grocer ;
Send us thc m) trade- lhe Pint Molds are as fol- With any mold we bend a J r c.uS
marks in the circle on thc lows, v alued at 50 Cents each. recine hook also nietnres of u o - c . 1 have purchased one or more packages of
f f ,U TiA. Tll Mi c( i D ,, - , 1 PCTUreS 01 , u G j f. J.fTv-lcll today, and my Krorer has given me
front of each Jiffy-Jell pack- . StjpleB Heart-shaped. all the molds, etc., Which we S S"5.-X d one package of 'loganberry JiflFy-Jell W !
agt. Send 6 for any pint . Style C Fluted a , , , f r u 'I
. ii ,i c.i c: c i o i tv o , j ,, offer free, rhus we help you S " x c
mold or the Set o! Six Scud Style D Salad mold . 1 - 3 ' I u 1
2 for the Jiffy-Cup or 2 and . Style E Pinnacle mold. scrvc thls ,Iaint' 10 atlrac" o 3 I
10 cents for the spoon. Style H Star-shaped live ways. ! U u S
Address Jiffy Dessert Co., Waukesha, Wis. "llAA j
M,iai'B"S'Bt" i isss mB