OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, October 06, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-10-06/ed-1/seq-5/

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52 -,. Him..,, , . r 1
fl Her Daughter and His Son
J -A Great Married Life Story by
I rciiif ruber distinctly the first time
lhai I had an understandable Ulustltt-
Hon of the attitude of tlx world to
Ml ward ihe and mv moiher and, although
It didn't make mneh impression then.
It has alwav i stuck by me as perhaps
one of the lest examples of that In
tolerarifK which made old Puritan fa
thers burn at the stake, as witches
those who had a different Idea of life
M. 1 .and living than they.
ne of my little companions ioid
me with that unconscious cruelty of
childhood IB sin- refused to go SWiWl
minp with me, ihuU'Mrs. Cameron has
ui that, Slir- ( ould not understand
whj mv mother allowed me to go
swimming in a onc-plctfe bathing suit
with a boy "
Mrs. Cameron says,' declared the
hud. 'that to allow you to he so Im
modest is positively crim-inal.' She
hesitated n the word and when'
I bluntly asked her What Vrlm-orirm
p Inal' meant, sin i nswered 1 thinkj
it means stealing or murder."
r ll thai daj while 1 was swimming
!' the words Immodest and "criminal"
kept .IlKgtnpr Into my childish i-rrun
and when I arrived home that nlirht.
T asked my mother their meaning.
wii. .in you wans co know, A nr.'."
she asked.
"Because,1 i answered with the di- j
j lectnes.s of youth, which knows no
J compromise. '"Mrs. Cameron says If
you allow me to go swimming with
i the boys. I'll have to take off my one-
Hkf piece bathing suit, unless you want me
to steal or murder
What!" asked my mother in con-1
nBFjH sternal Ion
jS4H "I don't understand! You haven't
flB rot it right. Ann." And then my moth-I
IH cr said, as though to herself, I srar'"-
gfl ly thinl: that even a woman of Mrs ;
Cameron's caliber would make a ro
I i i 'it. like t tin I '
I caught the word "caliber ' It
too. was new and I immediately put
down Mrs Cameron, Whom I had nev
! er seen, as B kind of female fountain
that was always spouting words that
dldnM mean anything
: "Think again. Ann. get your story
riKht " said my mother. "Rcmeniber
this, my child." If you hav to repeat
anything that someone, else hus said,
you must be very careful to repeal
.exact' as the. other person has said I
lit. ;
; "And my htlil. I wish' you would
T( member carefulh What i .ni saying,
for much of the sorrow of the world
has been Caused by thought loss people,:
n pSatlpg speeches lneorrer tl . '
I am telling this Incident of my
i hlldbood in detail, because, although
I did not know it Hum, it was reallj
my introduction into the grout world
of morality and It also brought to me
my first knowledge ot sex
When my mother asked me to think
Carefully, 1 tried ro remember the sen -J
tense with "its unfamiliar words aAfl
its unfathomable meaning Just as the .
other child had told it to me
if course, at the time, the whole,
incident seemed of no prre.it import-1
aoce, It was Just a part of thr she
told me and I told her," that 1 heard
every day. But In aftr years, mv,
memory of this Incident was vivid.
Finally, With many hesitations, I:
said, . "Well, Bstllle Renter said that
Grace's mother ald that for you to
allow me to be so-immodest was pos
itively criminal
"1 asked Faille What 'cr minal" and
'immodest' meant and she said crimi
nal' meant murder and stealing and
she thought 'Immodest' meant gollfg
around naked."
mother laughed merrily at this,
hut when she ceased her face assumed
in expression which told me vaguely
that the incident meant more to her
than I comprehended.
Tomorrow Conventionalities. -I
B j Dorothy Dix Talks I
iy UOROTIH tlie WorM's Highest paid VVojrnan Writer
!Lo ou wonder If you give satisfac
tion as a Wife? When you see your
husband or ah evening w.ui the smoke
of his cigar curling a.,out Ins head; arta
a far away look in lits eyes, do you
,-ver wonder whether he Is thlnklnu
thai the best investment he ever made
in his life waa when he bournt you a
wedding rln?. or it he Is speculating
A. upon what the tool-k.Hei was doing
HOI tO ' I WS lllllol.iT hi 1 Im
V undertook to be your moal t-caei for
If you curious lii this subject,
apply" l ruse ieiti us.s to yourself:
B Have " ruwu away ihe UMI wllli
which yob . .it our ttsii Vou butt
1 ed your hooix wrtil good look.-. i on
H were always so clean, and fresh or.u
dainty. With your hair combed to Lc
. omingly, aim your nose nicely Ppwd
ered,.and your feet and rtinaes tso tr'.m
1 .ind neat Have you grown s)opp and
1 stovenlj and dowdy V Lo yu screw
P on hair ui into a little hard knot.
B tbdt would make the Venus de MUo
look Uke a scarecrow, because its Hie
easiest way to get it up.' Do you wear
1 run-down at the heels, slippers around
H house and consld.-r a much-besoil-
H ed kimona good enough to adocn your-
. .Ti elf H for a mere husband? II takes
B a man with a superhuman talent for
H) lovl'ng to kee eriamored of a wonuwi
H w ho Iboks as if She needed to be ositt
H to the laundry, and whose kisses tasle
of cold cream.
H Vou also bailed your hook with tlat-
H tery, ou made tne poor sucker who
PPWWJ n.b: I i! UH ii ..'I'll b.-llev
yjJlM, that you thought he waa the biggest.
strongest, handsomest, wisest man in
1 the world. When he expressed an opm-
H ion. you appeared to tnink it the utiei -
H! anco of an orac.e? You asked his ad-
H vice and let him tell you bow he WOUlCj
H. run the world If he was at the head ol
j things. Vou laughed at his stories and
BB applauded his jests-
HB Have you quit burning incense at h:s
k feet? Do you Interrupt him In the
midst of his b st story to tell htm that
H the woman next door has got a new
H hat? Do you remind him that you'
H read the Joke he has just told In the
column ol ihe funny paper? Do you,
H openly flout his Opinions and rriticize
B everything he does, from the way he
H has his hair cut to his pronunciation?
H it must be a terribly disillusioning;
thing to marry a women because vou,
H think you are getting an admiring aU-j
B dlence in her, and then find out that,
H you have got a cricket on the hearth
r9B who is the president of the amalgamate
ed oidcr oi l.idy knockers.
H "' JOU 'ot' iOUr lllMt naby put your!
ggMNH husband's nose so completely out oil
Ruia Joint that it has r.cvet got in again''
ftflHill So many women never think ot their
,irJ r ;;c1 husbanos as any thing but their chlbl
rcn"8 father, a convenience mercirully
fE-LH i j ordained by providence to supply the
wliBrsi wants of Johnnie and Tommy, an
Stjjl.Jjl Mary and Jamy. He has no rights
rWcg where the youngsters are concerned, I
fcfcjiksu! and If he has to be worked io Ceauil
to Indulge them In ev-rythtng their!
fc'jejaii'? greedy young hearta crave, well. It's al
pity, bl it has to be done.
n$il Are you one of these all-mother
FfcftSul wives? Do you e( your husimnd st
jmt up alone while you hold the baby s
telwtit hand while It goes to sleep until some
iilW?ll other worn in Iji-kiiih to hold his hand?,
KHm Arc you merciless in Sfllieeging
WHR moiK-y out of him for the children? I
BHHB Do you let him seo that he Is no real,
HSm account In the family, and that youl
firet thought" Is for Ihem, not hlm?i
There are not man) men so humble
Brirajl? and with so nttie self-iove that fhpyl
dBjjy enjoy knowing that they are nothing!
UHibI but the cash-register In their homes i
BBBHI Are .you a good housekeeper? No'
HUHW matter whether you have every virtue'
B under the sun, hut are a poor rook,'
H and keep a -messy and untidy house,'
H you are a failure as a wife, it's Just
H as much women's business to be1
H thrifty and economical andspeml her
JSA husband's monie) wisely, as II is his
Hf3 business to make the money.
Hi.' What sort of a dinner do you sit'
r" " ' husband d.-vvn to at nlght IMd
AlA It corns out of paper bags, or is it the'
MM kind of a meal that a man thinks
KBBw cheerfplly of all the way home? Do1
HB you buy finery- that you can't afford.
BHjVjVj or do you keep within your income'.'
H A man can't think many nice loving
H thoughts of a wife wiien he realizes
jB that she has sold him Into bondage to
RH milliners and dressmakers, and that
II . h' whole work goes to their eur)ch
BjH Are you a good sport? Have you
MJBH got the courage to smile, arid buck'
tjfH your husband up when things go
gjH wrong with him Do you make him
HBB feej that no matter what happens, he
- one loyal friend who will right
gffljaBBI with him, back to Tiack, to the bitter
BhjBjjHl end? Or are you ono of the whlners
PBHI and couiplaiiiers who are always fret-'
BBB ting because they can't have things!
Hi !'ke Mis. Astorbllt. and who take the
jBI lasl idt id nerve out ofi man by tell-'
BBfl nu, him they don't know why hc can't
BBl r et along as well OS some other man"
ML I)., (,u show jour husband any ap-
PBBB preciatlon? The average mnn loesn't
BBBpBJ get a thing out of his dally toil except
J his board and cldthSS. All the bal-
Hf ot ll goes 10 NUppoi I hit fa m 1 1 v
ypfl and if his wife takes this tremendous
lUHilB sacrifice Without one word of thanks.l
jBMaJM r"' I" hUrrd to feel that lie Is the goat
I hat is offered up on the domestic
Do you eve;- tell your husband that
you renhze all of thi.t. and how won
ideiful and sublime you think his con
iduct to. and that he's one of the un
sung heroes of the world?
finally, do you rm:ke your home n
pluce of cheerfulness, o.' quiet of peace
and rest, a place to wh.in a tired man
may come and Ruther up new strength
and courage for the next day's buttle?
1 1 r Is It a place of nagging Slid fretting
;:nd quarrels and disco. nrort thai no
Ibody would return to If he could help
Ihl'msdlf? Do you think the kind of a
home you make is the realization
dream of the bachelor you married?
I Just listen to the turn of the key
In the front door tonight when he
ionics home, and you'll have a closo
, up. as our movie friends sny, f how
you look to your husband as a wife-
(Dorothy Dix articles appear in this
paper every Monday. Wednesdav and
-leotth Questions Will Be An
swered If Sent to Information
Bureau, U. 6. Public HeaJth 6rv
Ice. Washington, O. C.
JKKVrMIAT l ( HI iiKiisls
Q, phase let me know something
about the disease " chlorosis." and best
treatment for some. 1 have a ludv
tricn I Suffering from ll. his had it
several years, Doctor told her this
was her trouble, but she does not seem1
to get results from medic. ne. She isj
iT y tr.irji f ago.
A In the treatment of chlorosis
while Iron, as well as other drugs is
Often us d with benefit the medlclni -are
usually required to be supple -nn
nted by careful attention to the
bowels. In fact. 1 believe It was Osier
who said that If he were restricted
to ono remedy In the treatment of
chlorosis, he would choose a cathar
tic. This, of course, does hot '!' in
that n.sler did not believe In other,
drugs as also being of sOrVlde in the
treatment of chlorosis, but indicates
how strongly he felt on the need of;
proper elimination.
in the case of your friend. It Is sug
gested that she dls uss the mattei
frankly with her physician, and. If
necessary have him refer her to some
sueelallst for further examination and
Q. Will you pleuse tell me If ulcers
of the lower bowel can be cured with
out an operation''
A Replying to your Inquiry, you
are advised that ev ery thing will de
pend upon the natuie of the ulcers of
the lower bowel. Some ulcers heal
spontaneously, provided the patient Is
placed under proper conditions Some
ulcers demund surgical operation, and
some are noi amenable to either medi
cal or surgical treatment. A p rH,.n
suffering from ulcers 0f the lower
bowel .should be under the care of a
good physii mil
00 .
BERLIN. -An epidemic of do? steal
Ing here has been ended by the police
Hans Peters, arrested on the chirg,
Confessed he stole dogs ai the rale ol
thirty a day and sod th.-m to butch
"Men Do Not Try To Keep Women !
Down in Business" She Knows!
M;V YORK Down the gangplank
of the Rochambeau, in from France
the other day, stepped a trim young
woman, not ycl Hurt', her golden hall
glistening in the good old American
sunshine again.
she his ihe reputation of being one
of W.ui street's highest paid wqmen,
and she was Just back trom a. vaca
tion In Europe tier motor car was
w hi inn rev steps down from the
piei M whisked her off to her home
in LarchTiioul Etlanor, up ixmg Island
.Sound, from New xOi k
Mve years ago these trappings of th.
wealthy were not for her lor she was
a stenographer then, living on her
weekly s&lury of flG
Kui Miss Alice Houston had a hunch
she could do something or more im
portance to the business world than
operate a typewriter.
"1 think stenography is one of the
biggest fields fo. the modern girl."
Said Miss Houston "and I would advise
every aintutious girl to study it. A i
stepping stone to other positions, It is
Hke a magic key Whicn unlocks all
Hut today she has her own stenog
rapher in tue Wul! ritrc-et of i Ice where
She conducts hei advertising business.
The firm, of which she Is an officer,
. I handles the advertising accounts of
several dozen hanks trom Massachu
setts lo California Five New York
banks on Wall slice!, filth avenue and
Broadway Intrust their advertising
p. pblems to hi r I n in.
BunkeiS in ' imago, Denver .Mem
phis and Atlanta know her, for she
drops In on them overj now and lien
I lo 8tmjy their local problems. And
with the experience sue has acquired
in this specialised ileld she Is abb- to
tell shrewd n en bl affairs how to
make more money for their bank and
how to serve their community bet
tar. I And this specialised training of lu-is
brings her In an annual salary that
runs Into five figures.
"How does she do it?" one is in
dined to ask of this young hlomb bo
'blew in to the big city from Kansas
five years ago with nothing much more
than a knowledge ol Tillman and a
degree from the University of Kansas
"Please." begs Miss Houston, "say
thru any women who has the neces
sary incentive nd some common ense
can do what I've done. It bores mo
to rad accounts of gaccessful women
who set themselves forth as so many!
super-ferns les.
No It I 1 I S FOR Bl Ci I SS.
"1 never followed any rules for suc
cess, us they tall them All a girl
6 : ' et ahead. I think Is ambition,
confidence in herself and a little boost
at ihe light time -cp, .-Ully confi
dent e. Th.. reason why so many girls
witli apjllt Stay In the rut Is because
they, lock confidence more than any
other quality..
"I've only found one advantage in
&flssl BsBnlsSfe-
MJss Houston started al sir, a week, wuw (tor annual salarj runs Into
fiv- figures.
being a woman. I can always get a
hearing- But once that heiiring is had
1 am treatod Just the name as a man
The reason why women are almost al
ways seen Is, I think, partly an In
stlnet of gallantry, and partly of a
natural curiosity.
"To offset this, however, there are
some disadvantages, one of them is
that men are not Inclined to take what
a woman says as seriously as they
. i
Cobby Coon WOkerup suddenly as
Scribble Scratch; the fairy school nnus
ter. asked the next question. It wus
Scamper Squirrel's turn to answer, but
Scamper wasn't there.
"If you get nuts off a tree," said
Scribble Scratch, "now do you get
down ?"
If acamper had been there he'd
have answered promptly as he had
been told to do. "off a goose'" Cut
not being there, the faryman nodded
to )hby to answer.
"That's tiu' smartest boj yd," do tared Gimnddatldj 1 1 t Owl
Now Cobby had been trained to an-,
swer his own question on the school-!
masterl list, and this was It: 'What
side of a rooster do the feathers grow
on''" Cobby was to answer im the
OUtslde. ' I '.111 being so sleepy with Ills
midnight pruwllngs, and so full of
SWeet corn he wasn't thinking at all, at
all about what he was doing. So when
Scribble Sera tel. nooded to htm to an-!
swer. Scamper's question about the
tree, he - it, I .iileh . i in the ..nisi, I, "
.Mr Scribble Scratch nearly tainted
he was so put out. What would the'
(By Howard R. Gans
"Dear me. L'ncie Wigglly I Look
Iwhal you've done'" exclaimed Nurse
Jane Fuzzy YVuzzy one day. when th1
rabbit gentleman camp hurrying Into
'visitors think? Anil Nancy had to tun
her back, she f -It bo sorry for Cobby
and tlu- .Magical Mushroom (who WSJ
obligingly being the teacher's desk foi
the time), giggled Gntll the b-u jingled
and everybody looked at everybody
else nnd made eyes, too surprised foi
any thing.
But Oranddaddy Hoot Owl. the pres
ident of the school board (for that's
who the visitors were- you know)
mulled old Judge Crow,
"That's the smartest boy vet," h(
'declared. "Don'i you think so. Chris?'
How else would you get down off c
"Well" winked .lodge Crow, "I-Vi
sometimes got down on the inside."
"Then you nmsl have been ashainei!
of yourself for something," said Mr
Owl sternly. This evidently is ar
honorable boy. I s.iy w'e give him the
And Dr. Mink, Trof. Hare and Mr
I' V. Chuck thought so, too. Whlcli
surprised ev . rv body
Rome people are born lucky.
Copyright, 1920. n. k. a.
the hollow stump bungalow from the
rain which was pouring outside.
"What have I douc, Nurse Jane?"
asked Wigglly. wiping some drops of
wilier off his pink, twinkling QOSfl
With his tall, i-.ilk hat "f didn't for
get to bring the Jug of molasses you
would the statements of a compeer. So
I have to bo particularly careful to
get my facta right.
"I wish I could place on a bill-board
this statement. 'Men do not try to
keep women down ill business ' There's
not a bit of truth in that suggestion.
All the men I have been associated
With have, been not only fair, but per
haps a lit: le more kind and, helprui
than 1 bad a just right to expect."
asked ine to gel at the eight and nine
cent store."
"Yes, you brought the molasses all
tight," stild the niuskrat. lady house
keeper, "but look where you left your
umbrella; in (he hall, ou one if 5he
best rugs, and your umbrella is drip
ping weH"
I "Oh, how sassafras of me!" cried
Uncle Wiggily. "1 meant to put h In
Hie ink And that reinlndb me, Nurse
I Jane, we need an umbrella ntand.
iThat's something like an earthen waC--,er
pipe stood up on one end, and you
atjck umbrellas in it. with the hun
dli up, and al! the water from the um
'.bjjolla runa down in the stand, and
jyou can empty it out later."
. "Oh, """yes, one of thoo' would bo
fine." cajd Nurse Jane.
"I'll get one right away!" exclaimed
I Uncle Wlggflyj ith a Jolly laugh, hur
rying out alter his umbrella, which
Nurse Jane had t h ken to the sink, to
I let U swim around with the dish rag
I if It wished.
j "oh, you're not going out again, in
i all tin- rain; are you?" asked the musk
rat lady.
j "Why nut?" inquired Sir Longi-ars.
j"A rainv day ll Just the proper one on
which to buy an umbrella stand I'll be
back In a Utile while."
WUh his umbrella held over his tall
silk hat to keep his pink, twinkling
nose as dry as possible. Uncle Wig
gily hopped over the fields and
through the woods, splashing through
the mud puddles until he came to the
eleven and twelve cent store,
I There he bought a nice umbrella
stand, wllh flowers painted on it. and
a sort of a tub In the bottom to catch
the water that would drip off the urn
l brellas.
"Nurse Jane will like this." thought
I I'nt'le Wigglly, as he tucked the um
brella stand under his paw and started
1 back for his hollow stump bungalow
' The umbrella stand was rather lutge.
. ;ind ii was hard for Uncle Wigglly to
Carry It, but the managed to get it
home at last.
i Hero you an-. Nurse Jane;" he
i tied, as he went in the, hall. "No
more water on your rugs. See! I'll
iput my umbrella iq the stand'" And
with thai Uncle Wigglly did.
1 "Uhi arc very kind," said the musk
rat lady
She was Just walking along the hall
to look at the new umbrella stand,
when, all oi a sudden, in through the
j door, which I nele Wigglly had for-
gotten to close, came the bad old Skee
ztcks. "Ah. ha " snickered the bad Skee
"You can't fool me this time. Uncle
J Wigglly. I followed you right In, just
as I followed behind you all the way
from the fitleen and Sixteen cent store.)
I where you bought the big flower pot."
Hickory Waists, like Hickory Garters for girls and boys,
arc tailored to excel. They must give your children I
the utmost service and comfort and they must prove I
the most economical for you to jbuy that's our ideal!
The body of the Hickory Waist is made of fine mer- I
cerized sateen wears well and washes wonderfully.
The sensible front breast strap holds the waist comfort
ably and securely. All sizes 2 to 14 and each fits
perfecd. All buttons are genuine unbreakable bone
and the pin tube attachment prevents the garter pin
from bending or breaking. H
You'll find them in the notions, boys I
ZSgfl and infants' departments 1
l2! H
tmmmmm m
Sister Mary's Kitchen I
t'opyright, 19:20, N E. A.
When making u bed, tuck the bot
tom sheet under at least a foot at the
top of the bed.
i The 'sheet will keep much smoother
, with a deep turning under at the top
than at the foot.
More weight comes at the head of
i the bed and more strain Is brought to
bear-on the smoothness of the bed
ding. ! The covers take care of the foot of
: the bed am! help to keep tnc uncer
i sheet smooth
Menu r..r i omonon
Mrcakfast Hroilcd bacon, corn
CSJce, apple sauce, coffee.
I puncheon -'-'ream of corn soup,
toasted crackers, sweet potato pie. te.,
iMniu-r Tomato bouillon, ftlct of
sole. Saratoga potatoes;, succotash, cu
cimYbcr salad, sliced peaches, fudge
cake, coffee
My Own Rei Ipes
Whmi broiling bacon, If you don't
want to grease the entire broiler, put
a pie pan under the slices of bacon.
The fat drips from the meat into the
j pie pan. To put the bacon la the pie
"That isn't a flower pot: it's an um
brella stand." said N'ur.e Jane.
' No matter what it is; I'll have Un
cle Wiggily's souse ;" howled the bad
chap, sticking out his red. green and
yellow tongue. "I'll get his souse if
I have to (and him on his head Souse
I want and MUM I must have and "
Then the Skee suddenly stopped talk
ing and looked all around.
"What's the matter?" asked Nurse
j Jane. "I hope ou don't want my souse,
j too."
"No. only L'ncie Wiggily's," answer
ed the Skee. "I like rabbit ear souse,
not muskrat lady's. Dut where is iTn
cfe Wiggily0 He was here a mom -nt
ago. and here's his umbrella In the
thing you call an umbrella stand, but
where is he?"
Surely enough where v.?8 l'ncie
Wigglly? He had been standing in the
hall a moment before, an the Skee
came in. but now the junny was
"I don't know where he is," said
Nurse Jane, as the Skee looked at hfr
r rv sharply.
"Yes. you do!" gargled the bad crea
ture.! "You are hiding Uncle Wiggilv
under your apron' Let me look'"
With that the Skee lifted up Nurse
(Jane's big kitchen apron, but l'ncie
i Wiggily was not there.
'He must have slipped In ini' bid j
I den behind the piano;" roan d the
SkeezlckS. but when he rushed Into
the music room and pecked behind the
j piano, Uncle Wigglly was not there.
"Ht's inside the clock;" said ihej
bad chap. "I know he's inside the1
grand father's clock "
But when the clock door v.;- , oiht.-u i
there was only the pendulum slowly
ticking and locking to and tj0
"Oh. ho; He needn't think he tan!
fool me ;" warbled the Skee "He's!
Slipped out 00 the front porch when I
wasn't looking. ' With that the Skee
opened the front door tfhlefa had'
blown shut, and he looked on the
porch. Uncle Wiggily wasn't there, but'
pan Is practically the same as frying
2 cups corn meal. H
1 cups hot water. wM
1 tablespoon butter- B
teaspoon salt.
up cream.
Scald with ii't water. Add butter. H
salt, eggs, well beaten and cream. Drop
flu im from the spoon onto a greased
I pan and bake in a hot oven.
2 cups grated cooked sweet po-
1 tablespoon butter.
1-3 cup sugar. H
1 cups milk.
1 teaspoon cinnamon.
teaspoon ginger.
' teaspoon salt.
Line a pie pan with, pie crust. Cook
potatoes and when cold grate them.
Beat eggs, butter and sugar till very
llght. Add milk, seasoning and pota
to. Pour into pie crust and bake in a
i rather slow oven until the custard la
'firm to the touch.
Anyway, the woman offlceseeker
won't have to sot up the drinks.
some molasses had been spilled from
'he jug, . ad the Skee stepped in this ;
molasses and he slipped and vent
down the steps bucipity-bump.
"Oh, this is no place for me!" cried
the Skee. ' There is somehiag wrong
here. I guess Uncle Wigglly has gone
tar away with his souse!'" Then ih j
Skee ran to his den and Nurse Jane j
was wondering where Uncle Wigglly
was, when, all of a sudden, the bunny
rabbit rose up from down inside the
umbrella stand '"
"Ha! Ha" laughed the bunny. "I
was hiding there all he while the
Skee was looking for me ' He didn't
see me get in with the umbrella' Ha'
Ha; Ho! Ho!"
Then Nurse Jane laughed oo, and
she said it was wonderful to have an
umbrella stand in the bunu: low to fool I
Skees with. And if the cloud doesn't
sprinkle a lot of rain on the rubber
plant, and get the gold fish all wet. I
"I'll tell you next about Uncle Wiggily
and the mullen stalks. '
00 BBH
(.iis i REE nvici:
(By International New Service)
ltoston Tu those thousands of Mas
SSI hu setts men. women and children
who an suffering from "this preva
tenet of colds," Dr. Lyman A Jones.
of the state department of healVh. gave
this advice:
"Colds are highly communicable.
Isolate yourself. Take a day or two
off Rest up liesoi t to any of the
old-fashloiH-d treatments." While the .
health department Is concerned prl
manly In contagious and infectious
diseases. Dr. Jones ald that, as a
practicing physician, there has come
to his attention "the existence of a
great prevalence of colds." And hc
guv gratis the above advice
PARIS Juanita Fernandez. 14. fell
Into a wine vat in the Algeria district.
at i urding to word received here and I1
overpowered by the rumes; sank be
Death the wine and was drowned.
DOINGS OF THE DUFFS Anything to Cany a Point BY ALLMAN H
'nXUT. ' I SSu'AMPlUi.LLf 'j lord. SOME OME HelLO.T'M .This IS I HP wWs LITTLE BV T 1
P0XQ. PARTV IH TUI HOU&B. , T aqic. Ti ' '' VJisMES To 3kPt'AV. VJtTH n , ,,,rr A1I Jiijt CAME 7J THE OwC Y '0 l-T !
TOWIGMT VOU CAM PO5TP0M6 IT H ome To! ht ' J , I PHIL - UL WAVETo cAlt. MoTMec. WAS M I '
um wEKf t j N SmtThe T i, pmoaJe-1 J a that tioht! iVe AN sic mk that g f M
7 MtL it&rosw tw5-f.d-'J v TZZ Pei CAoep out of i his father, wuto g SoLlTA1E !
-iJ h

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