OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, October 07, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-10-07/ed-1/seq-8/

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I ; p' ,i Misses' and Boys'
Ipjw Shoe Special
I Shoes with long wearing qualities com- i
1 JlHr bincd with dressy appearance, at a
i 4nfr consideiable saving in price. Just right
j tItH j ror other school or Sunday English
cut. black and tan. Girls' sizes, 9 to 2 ;
rnl boys' sizes, 1 to 5'2. Regular $5.50
( values.
1 S : 'j y,;:rr : m,MvM&d
jutt j port repairing will M- w"8 testO
rt ; u'vo ?Th!SUfS -fkr cocZ Shoe4
We do it better for "
less. Bring yours in. 2356 Washington Ave.
I Sheep on Uinta Forest j
Move to Fall Ranges
All sheep on the L'inU forest have
been removed to the full r.ui- a -cording
to Information received at the
local foret service headquarters
Sheep on tho I'lnta forest were in Komi
condition c.hen loaded for shipment
i to full ranges. It was riported
Tho prevailing prices for lambs in
that vicinity ranges from nine and
a. half cents per pound to 10 and a
half ce.nt? per pound.
A few have been sjpld at U cents.
It is said.
I Deaths and Funerals
MILLICR. Mary Miller, Infant
daughter of Jerome and Isabella
Woodficld Miihr. died at 3:15 6 clock
yesterdav at the family residence in
Harrlsviilf-. Pin was irn Bepl 21,
and Is survived by her parents and two
sisters and one i.rothcr. Funeral s.-r-ices
were held this afternoon at the
family residence. Bishop Roy Brown
officiated. Interment was in the Og
den City cemetery.
FLINDERS. Funeral services for
Darius N. Flinders were b id yester
day at 2 o'clock In the Second ward
meeting hous Bishop William E.
Newman officiating. 'Sometime We'll
I'nderstand" was sung by NephI J.
Brown, My Jesus as ThOU Wilt.'- Mr.
and Mr.'. Hcber Obprni "Sometime,
Somewhere." Robert Reefe; "I Ni ed
Thee Every Hour" William Pickett,
and "Jesus Wants Me For a Sunbeaim"
by the Sunday school claF. Sih-hU.i-.i
were H n 1)-Hrmn. '"rorsrc V. Brn
nett. Bishop J- Howard Jenkins and
President Samuel C l)y, Int rment
was in tho Ogden Citv cemetery, with
I. (j. Ogden 'I dkatlnK the nr.'.M-.
TITtPlN. Lloyd Stnnley Turpln,
seven month old son Of Laurence and
Rose Turpin, died at 3: SO o'clock yes
terday afternoon at tho family real:
dence, 2161 Liberty avenue. He was
born in Qgdcn February 23, 1920
Funeral services will be held Friday ;-t
S o'clock hi tho Fifth ward meeting
house. Bishop .lames W. Pre will
officiate. The bod May i viewed at
the residence this afternoon and to-
Through the courtesy of the Al
hambrg theatre rnunaeement, tho
period from S to 8:30 next Tues
day evening will be designated as
Boy Scout night.
Mi this occasion the boy scout
movement und what It means will
be exemplified by words and ac
tion a
Community service of Ogden is
co-operating in the movement to
advance the welfare of the boy
scouts of Ogden.
An interesting program bas
been arranged for the occasion,
Clears Forest of
Predatory Animals
'"'apture of thrc bears, a mountain
lion, a wolf, and a number of coyotes,
by Jmcs DaVidson, a trapper on tho
ParV"" forest, has eliminated practi
cal!) all losses of cuttle from predn-
tor.' animals. according to word re
leelved at the forest service.
Davidson has r record "of having
(trapped ninety -three bears.
morrow until i o'clock. Interment
will be in the gik-n City c'metery.
IiFISHM.W. Funeral services for
j Mrs. Mary B Lclshman were held at
2 o'clock yesterday at Wejlsviilr. Blsh
: r.p John B Kerr, of the Wsjlsville
Second ward, officiated. "Slsti-r, Thou
VI - Mild and Lovely," and "Dear to
(the Shepherd's Heart, Were siinc by
the choir; "One Sweetly Solemn
Thought." bj Mrs. Llszle Lemon, and
i in. 1 I. .tli - Horn " l- Mr., Mi-da '.
Jones. ' My Way is Prottctd. ' ly il
i'am Mien. The speakers were Mrs.
Capner, president of the Relief Socle
t, Mrs. Charles Munns, prealdeni of
, the Oarlund State Relief Society: -Mrs
jFelt of the Garland Relief Society;
, Bishop Charles II Dannah, liyrum .1
Hall Pi-Imp 'harle M Maughn and
'Bishop John B. Kerr Interment" waa
'in the Wellsville cemetery with John
Perkins dedicating the grave.
I Kill That Cold With
I Colds, Coughs M'OM La Grippe
1 Neglected Colds are Dangerous
J Take no chances. Keep thi9 s'.andard remedy handy for the first sneeze.
m Breaks up a cold In 24 hours Relieves
j Grippe in 3 days Excellent for Headache
1 Quinine in this form does not affect the head Cascara ia best Tonic
j Laxative No Opiate in Hill's.
I We are prepared to consider the appointment of a re-
J sponsible Distributor for Utah. The opportunity is one
of attractive possibilities and calls for a man or men
M of ability and integrity.
M We manufacture power and hand driven
M gasoline and oil Pumps, Including the cele
W brated Guaranteed Visible gasoline Pump
m now used by large oil companies such as
9 Texas Co., Sinclair, Tide Water, Pure OH,
m Freedom Oil, Ensign Oil and others.
J Our Pumps have been on the market for a period of
1 years, and are easy to sell. Write, stating qualifica-
M tiom for such a connection.
if Guarantee Liquid Measure Company
HI Rochester, Penn.
BT 1
(i i
(V. I staff Special )
OM AHA. i mah:i kids have invent
ed a new delicacy; sThey call it
B read-on -a-stlck probably because
that is what It ia
Dean Ringer, Jr.. age 11. Hiram
Prucks. " and Henry' Smith. 13, are
the originators They have taken out
no patent or copyright
While Dean built the fire and HI
skinned some slicks, Hank explained
tho process.
"You take sl tablespoonfuls. of
flour, two tublcspoonf uls of baking
powder, a teaspoonful of lard, a dab
of salt und enough milk to make 'or
sorta like putty," he directed, doing
"Then you wrap it rotund the nd
of your slick and toast It. It K ts
nlco and brown and comes off In a
sorta lube, anil you put butter an'
j Jam inside and eat St like like a
banana. It's awful good "
"WE mu i in. STICK."
"We Kkin the stick so's it'll come off
easy," Hi elucidated.! "An it's i finer,
I too, though we uln't so awful p.uu ti
ilar about that.' he added honestly.
Mayor and City Engineer to
Address Municipal League
at Salt Lake
j Maor Frank Frani Is and members
of the board of city commissioners
I will attend the session of the State
I Municipal League, which will open
j next Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock
In the office- f Mayor Clarence C.
Ncsll n of Ball Lakt
Mayor Francis has been asked tt
present a paper pertaining to the IsSii-
itncf of licenses and It is probable that
' other Ogden members of the board
j will speak at the sessions.
A large representation of mayors
land Other municipal officers from the
cities anil towns in the slab i ui-
tlclpated. because of the keen Interest
at this time In the hpme-rulpt charter
I amendment upon which the' electors
will vote, November -'. well as In
legislation affecting municipalities
which is due to conn- up for consider
ation at the next session of the Btate
Following Is the complete progri m
1 of tho meeting:
Address of w. loom. Mayor G. Clai -
enco Nesleh, Salt Lake.
"Pending Constitutional Amend
ments'' Assistant Attorney General
! James EL Wolf' . Discussion City At
torney W. n Folland, S;ilt Lake.
"The Manager Form of Municipal
I Government ' Mayor J W. Peters,
! Brifham cit .
"Spcer.il Improvements" Roy Bui-
len, Logan. Discussion City ISnglncei
: Joseph M Tracy Ogden and Mayor
l'. c. Poulson, RIchfli M
I "Needed Legislation" City Attorney
Jaioh C'jb iUan Provo '
City Treasurer R. N Toung, s.iit Lake.
"Needed Changes In Election
Laws" H. Warren Smith. Sail Lake.
"Taxation" W. H. Bailey, state
board of equalization and assessment,
Discussion Francis Kirkhani. Salt
j Lik.
I "municipal Progress" Randall
Jom s. Cedar Cltj f
"City Revenues" Mayor Frank
Francis, Ogden. Discussion City At
! torney A A. Law, Logan.
Entertainment features will be mi
lder the direction Clt Trasuror R,
N. Young of Salt Lake
Democratic Women
WiS Hold Social
Member, .s of th Women's Cox for'
j President club will hold a get acquaint
ed 6odal at Democratic headquarters
In the Berthana building tomorrow
eeulng. between " and 10 o'clock,"
A program of music und speaker is
being arranged and refreshments will
be served .
A general invitations is c.l' riled to
i women of the city and coun'v
By all means see Anita
Stewart in "The Fighting
Shepherdess," filmed in Wyo
ming. Greatest picture you
ever saw. Special children's
matinee Saturday, send them.
Utah Theatre.
Suits Made to Order
Cleaning. Repairing and Pressing
Reasonable Prices
84 Twenty-fourth St Phone 529
Ogden, Utah
PPI 1 1 Uenrj smith, left, lllram
I'rucks, center, and Dean Ringer, Jr., i
making the latest in camp cookery
bi.ad-ii-a-stil. ' BELOW: Dean
Kinui r enjoying n sample.
"Wc use the other '-nd of the slick to I
' poke tho fire with."
"You have to wait till the fire dies
down to coals be fore you cook "cm "
contributed Dean. ' If you don't, they
get all smoked up '
Aside from being ' awful good.' the
hoys claim the special advantage of
the new dish is that, if the jam Is thor
oughly concealed In the Interior It
leaves no Jam-sl.ilns on the face such
as usually betray l;lds who hae been
in tho pantry.
The Ladies' Aid society of the Firs'. I
Congregational church will meet Fri j
day afternoon in lh- church parlors
al 2 3o o'clock. Members aro urged
; tn be present as important business!
matters will come before tho nieet-
El wood W. Zimmerman and Mies
Rose A. Kissinger of Lancaster, Pa.,
were married Tuesday evening at the'
rectory of the Church of Good Shep j
iMerd by Rev J, Hyslop. Mr and i
Bin. Louis VTessler were attendants
for the young couple.
Members of the Ogden Drama club I
wilf meet Saturday afternoon at the
Knights of Pythias hall Miss Ida An
derson and Mrs. Whitemore will be
Ibe hostesses. The following program
has been arranged for this afternoon'
"The Russian Theater Under the
Revolution." Mrs. Philip Knlsely; "A
Bear'' (Tcbekhov), Mrsi Ddvlne; vio l
lin solo, "Hebrew Melody' (Achron)J
Miss M;n Fisher; vocal solo, "Father, j
Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me," (M. ;
Schalet). Miss Dorothy Wright.
D M. Stephens was the compliment
ed attest at a birthday party, given
Tuesday evening at his home, LH'91
Grant avenue, by his children and
grandchild The occasion was tho
78th anniversay of Mrs. Stephens'
birth. The c nin a:. sp.-nt in tames
and music. Al a lale hour, a dainty
luncheon was served.
For all Departments, Call Phone
N!o. 2450.
Tu YiU in Ogderi Mra A. i- Wil
son, v. iti it tin assistant umlltor of
lUsburacfiients for the southern Pa
cifie. scoompanlsd bj! her mother, Mrs.
L K. Forbes, has arrived In Ogdtp
for a' visit With tin; tamily of C. E.
Forbes", '.1J2 Jefferson avenue.
Yes' our Bluellsi Pipe and Pipelesa
Furnaces arc replacing the stoves. No
trouble to keep the whole house warm
nd they save tons of fuel. Installed
by w. Oswell Jackson Co., Heating
Experts. Tel 13:.' Ad 5244
So Case Scheduled No cases are
SC'heduU'd i ludge A W. Agee's di
vision, ot the dittUUgt. .court today and
i i,. , 1 1 1 1 1 ; l r shnws no seheduled hear
ings before next Monday.
Phorjt 502 for messenger.
Marriage Wcense .v marriage 11-ei-iii.f
has been Issued in the county
elerk's office to Thomas Reiliy and
Mrs Adele Anderson of Ogden.
i leju large rags wanted at Tho
Standard-Examiner office. S2
Ogden Typewriter House for typo-1
writers and repairs, 24'.'- Hudson ave
nue. Phono 236.
Wanted Bell boy. Reed Hotel.
To our relatives, friends and neigh
born who extended every assistance
possible, to the hundred who express
ed condolence and brought such beau
tiful flowers, to those who conducted
the services, to the sp-aUers who said
surh kinil words, to thoe who ren
dered ich beautiful music and songs,
to thi- flower girls, to the boy friends
who acted as pall bearers, in our sad
bereavement in the death of our Ua
rlus. we extend to you one and all
our hear t - n hole thankri
FRED IK'V Pi l.NDKP.S. Brother
M A l V H. FLINDERS, Sister
gf Today
Another Superb Photoplay With a Star of
Rare Qualifications
Sunday Rex Beach's Greavest Story,
"The Silver Horde"
Acidity Gases Heartburn
Sourness Flatulence Palpitation
Instant relief! No waiting! A few tablets of Imrmless, pleasant
"Pape's Dmpepsin" correct acidity, t! us regulating digestion and
making sick, upset stomachs feel fine. D-.-.t stomach corrective know n.
Lares 60c Cass Oiuestoios 'Ny ---
Will Assure Fans Clean Biils;
Carnivals Banned: Park
Games Eliminated
With publle sentiment overwhelm
lligly Sgalhst a repltltlon of an affair
In ogden such as the boxing program
In the Armory, where 2000 citizens
las' nlsht donated approximately the
sui.i of $2800 for neals anil came owa
after witnessing nothing more than a
few rounds of lar.b'uiil boxing Mayor
Kr-ink Francis and memhare of the
city commission today decided to put
the ban on all future activities th.it
might take the money of the people
and give nothing in n-lurn
MUST (.i i W.X 1
There will be no future boxing con
I tests In Ogden unless the eit eoin
mfssloners can bo assured that the
j citizens will witness elean sport and
get value for their money, It was do
I elded. It also was agreed thai the
(commission did not mean to becomi
extremely finicky in the m iller of
ispoitu and take aetion that might in
terfere with the furtherance pi ports
land alhleUc cjpntests In Ogden, but to
put the damper on those which smell
unclean, if this In accomplished li Ifl
thought that the real sport in the city
can then thrive and grow.
Tn decision of the commission will
mean that ihe future fight promoter
1 v. tin brings, forth his mill irtlsts with
a view of exhibiting them b'efon Og
I den fan.-, will be compelled to do some
good straight talking before Mayos
Francis and the cdjhnujpslon membiera
He win have to show all of his card
'and then give some definite aasuranc
that the fans will receive full value for
'the good money the;, turn in to Un
box offlc. Hifl word, unless his nama
Is aS good as a certified check, will
I have to be backed with something
i moro substantial than the ordinary
promise to give value for value re-
i celved.
Before a permit will be issued for,
I the promoter to biagc his contest th--commission
must know that the afl ui
j will furnish everything promised i:nd
that there "ill i"' feature which j
I might detract from the fuiuro of the
Isport.gTimc In Ogden
It N ( ltM tli
While Mayor Francis and the board;
members wore on this subject they ,
1 also decided that, no professional trav-j
I cling carntaly will be allowed to ex
1 hlblt within the 'K'icn rlty limits ibis
I year or next which carry eamco of1
I chance or other objectionable features
In addition, all game of chain e In
or near city parks weie haniied an l
with the decision; horse rating devices
I with candy as prlzos. and all other,
I similar games must go
The commissioners announced thatj
In their opinion tho city parks could
be made more attractive through tho
elimination of these games. They an-1
I nounced that much protect has come
: from ' citizen as the result of the!
'games of chance In the parks and to
I wipe them out would he to 'he bene
I fit of the city
Highly suggestive performances
'which have I p i ti M.iscil lure in on-
nectlon with carnivals were scored
by the commission members and de-j
I eislon made to ban them entirely inj
I the future
Suit Is Outgrowth J
of Sale of Lumber
Seeking to recover 476..'i9. alleged
to be due the Utah Oregon Lumber
company for merchandise, the Mer
chants' Credit Bureau has filed suit,
In the district court against William
Krary Th. complaint sets forth thatj
on August 16, i:iii. the defendantl
became indebted to the lumber com-
pany for the sum, and on September
li. the account was assigned to the:
credit bureau for collection.
Judgment for the amount, together)
with inlrl and COSfal of suit. 1st
I . ;
The New I'atiia;: . bill opening to-
day at the rpheu'ni Theatre Is one j
I of unusual excellence acctoruTiig to
jail advance reports from Salt Lake
Iwhrc it just closed a big week's I
run. Thero .-.re three headline acls j
, On the new bill and each one is
'above par. The feature act is Jan
RublnJ, th. famous Swedish violinist,
supported by .Mine. Diane, a French;
I Singer of high reputation Their act I
is (Hi" lha' r; making a trern. ndous
Ji it throughout the. country and will
DQ a musical trccl lo Ogdjao theatre!
gbera. Another excellent act is Carl
;McCiillough, Ihc musical comedy star, 1
late of "Canary Cottage." in a skit
entitled "Footllgpt Impressions. Al
purel iraudeViUe performance is Mc- j
Kay's Scotch Review, Hohbs. Clark i
and Dare, two men aud a woman,;
hr.ve a knockout souk and dance act. j
, Rose Sheldon and brother will pre
sent a hand and head balancing act I
that Is announced as an astonishing I
demonstration of skill. Pautages
: scope and orchestra numbers close'
'tho bill.
An Implement has been Invented!
With which any person who can read!
; musical notation tan make his ow
'player rolls.
Consult County Clerk or the flcspec
tive Sinners for Further
1 1 " ' !' tCI llekburu 1 . . .
Creditors will present chums w,th
;,""'I",";,!'J ""' ,,n'1 r-'b'n. I ..i il:,. r
rice Of flnimton. Kimball & Karr. No
606 David Bcptes l uildinp. on ot befon
the 1st day of December, 1020 ;,hV
aw. Administrator.
Estate of Surah K Whltehill, Formerly
Sarah E Krfjricld. or Sarah Eleanor
RdfleM. Deecased.
Creditors r-lll present claims with
vpucnens to the undersigned at the law
offleos of Harris & Jenr-on. ut Xo 313
Col. IliKUon Imlldliu;, in 1-n "lts.' VVe
Im i county. Stale of Utah, on qi bofora
th.- I C 1 1 1 da) oi Preeinler. A I) 190
Adinlniytrnloi of th.' E.U.M r.i S.irah K
Whlteblll, formerly Sarah B. Itedfleld,
pr Sarah Eleanor Kfdfleld. Deceased
Harris & Jenson. Attorneys for Administrator
Estate of Jmes U Smith, anil his wife
Mary E Smith. Deceased.
Creditors will present Claims with
vouchers to the undersigned at the j
nff-.s of Harris A.- .Inson. ut No 31.1
90l. Hudson huilillnc. In Ogden 'lt. Wc
her county. State of I'toh. on or lefore
the ISth day of Hecember. A D lOL'ti
Admlnistrittoi ..i (In K.statej of Jomss 1)
Smith, and His Wile. Mary E. Smith.
Harris A Jenson. Attorneys for Adminls j
trator, C2t7
Bstste of ,Iami- W'hslen. Deceased. " I
Creditors will present claims With
vouchers to the undersigned ut the law
Offices of Harris At Jenson. nt No. 313
Col. Hudson bullldng. In Ogden City. We
bcr county. State of t'tah. on or heforc
thr 16th dsy of December A. I. 1010
Administrator of the Estate of James!
whalen. Deceased.
Harris & Jenson. Attorneys tor Admlnl
trator. C24 i
Exuu- of Samuel T. Whliaker. Deceased..
jiiors will pr'-jint claims with (
u rhers to the undTisn.-d at No. Mi
Lj i Baelea building, on or tfore the 1st I
da ..t I -. mlwr 1 'JZQ.
rsnosan italvbrson.
A Stubborn Cough I
j Loosens Right Up
This homo-ml6 Trmrdj U won- J
- drr f..r quirk r. - I. fmlly 1
W ivr.I rhcniil made.
: : : : : : : -x
Here is a home-made ijrmp wbfen mil
lion of people have fouiiil to be tho Hs
most dependable menns of brakins up IB
Stubborn cough-. It is cheap and ;mple, IH
bill irrv prompt in r.rtinn. Under its Bp)
jiculin?. toothing influence, chest sore- Bfl
tc- eoes, phlegm looseibt. breatnhis be- JBj
conies easier, tickling m thmat itpps and
you e i .i 'ooil nielli's re-tful .le p. The '
tiual throat and clip-t eolua are con
quereil b it in J4 lioura or les-;. Nothing HI
better for bronchitis )ioarne, crouo,
thro.it tickle, bronciii.il asthma or win- XI
ter coughs
To make this splendid couch syrup, Hfl
pear " - ounces of I'inex into n pint
bottle ;ind I. II the bott'e wit'i plain H
granulated uzar svrup and shako thor-
ouchly D you prefer, use clarified
molasses, honey, or corn vrup, instead
of sucar yrup. Either wiv, you jet
a full pint a family supply of much
better cough syrup than you coul I buy
ready-made for three times the money.
Keeps perfectly and children love its 5r"'
pleasant taste I I
PInsX is a special and hichly conccn
trated coniiinunj of genuine Norway J.
pine extract, known the woiM ocr for B
i: prompt healing clTect upon the mem- I
brnne. H
To iv.il ill -1 ppnini nient n-lc votir LH
dmgffi-t for ounces of Pipes'' with IP
full directions, and don't accept any Lvfll
thing else. Guaranteed to trive sbsoluie HH
sat'sfflction or monev promptly re
funded. The Piucx Co. Ft Wavnc, H
Ind. ' ' I
r - B
lilJtiMM 1 7
& Recently, in the city ofChictiKO. W
tlVy VI a prominent man. burdened L
J-JS with excessive fat, went upon If J
A 'y' the opcrarinn table end had
1 j k over ?i-.ty p",:ndi r,f (leh carrrd
I . f fron hi3 huae. cumbersome body
j ( ' Jl Yen.-s aK'i Ihc formula for fat re
ly 'in ductiofl was dieV' "exerdbe."
-:f P Tday it is "Take Marmoia Pre
1 scription Ta! .'..ts ." F.-.cnds tell f
rmi ' i friends doctor3tcll their patient. :
)jSTi I until thou-and3 know and use thii 'I
mm lj cnnvcr:?nt. harmless mclhcd. IJ , j
1 1 They eat what t'ney like, live a) f
3) 1 they like, and otill lose their two. L
1 . rl three or four p.unds ot fat a week.
& I fflj Simple. elK-ctive. harmless Mar-
' il mola Prccription Tablets ore sold
,5 ' hv all druutnt3 a KOixi sixe box
' H for onc dollar. Or it you prefer
W j B nn m.-v write direct M the Mar-
I M njoia Cernpany. t.arfeld Buiki-
j g .as Detroit, Mich.
& for HAIR
t:i .j Kalalka fW iitir u fenulot ttv
K-.'tTj ( Ti.ero r oirirr :rtlt Ir.rrdlents Ki
fflr nnt tnu.'J In 1T 6r t.slr prrfirs- RlaV"
sJAi nuny
... or biienti. lalimt hair tci.i 5
dflBrfrult Kh'fi enrr oUit hlr lotion or tr-t-
rnrnt litj prow-d faill. 3 OusrsnU. Amu- f-B '
Ing mulii In tatm ronldred bopclctt. Y0 Mm'-J
nevtr mw a b(M Indian! U
V.tiy h-cone or rrrealn tili tf Tea ctn crow O
hlrt If o;lir liav rbtilr.l nw cwrth or lBi. !
hiTo .onmiT'-l dtnJnitT. or lopprl falllnf hair ,
throorh KoHro. vv mty tut vt Gft a bar !Bt;-.?
ct K0TAIKO t any tuiy tfrut ,tr: or tnrl 19 SKr !I
rrnu. illwr Mampa, fot Ulioclll'BE wlUj "3
l'BOOP IIOX of Kotalko Id SBI
J.D. BrilUia, IncSlatics F, New York, N.Y.
20-1-1 Washington Ave. HKl
Wallpaper, P.ipcrhangmg. Paints. jHl
Painting, Vsrnlshss. Woodfinlshing, Ea
etc. Cvsrythlhg at lower cost. Now HBI
Is the best tlma for outside painting. H
Save the surface, and you save all. bmJ
Get our free estimates. Good work- Rj
manshlp and quality of materials are B.ri
the basis of our methods and have BJ
been th: builders of our reputation BLtI
Satisfaction Guaranteed BUI
n fStr i
Deith onij & matter of short time.
Don't wait unt'l pains ano aches E;
b'-'come incurable diseases. Avoid j
painful consequence:1 by taking j
Th world's t.-ndord ror-i -.: v for Iddnaf, 1
livor, bladder und uric ncid troubles ihe ' r,
liotional Remody ol Holland since 1696. X
Guaranteed Threo sizes al' drucc.sts Mi L
Look for the n&mr CoM Mrdal or oei7 bi I
Jd accent do icitAtioo
Sure I
Relief B
) : - Hot water I i-
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