Are the assets of the Fire Insurance Companies represented
in this office
Why buy insurance in companies that are questionable any
more than you would deposit your savings in a bank that you
were not sure of9
It costs no more for absolute protection than you will pay
for the doubtful Investigate the resources and especially the
reserve of the company that is going to agree to pay you m
case of loss by fire. You are paying for full protection. Get it
2427 Hudson Avenue
Represents the following companies
We can insure your automobile against loss by reason of fire
theft, collision, property damage and liability.
WASHINGTON. Oct. -T.--n imusu: 1
vent in the building of big w
H oecured recently wl:'n. within the
H space of a few hours, 'the keels of
H three battle crtiier. were Mild for the
H United Stales navy iui lh -
H sols. Battle Cruiser the Sara-
H toga, is being built tact Garndn, N. J :
the other two. Battle Cruiser No. '.. ti a
H Constitution, and No, I'nl
H States, nre being bulfl side
ine IMllladelpOlw navy vnVd.
The ker-i of another
I i rnisi i of I hi- II.1 i Con-
P stellatlon, wait laid on August 18
Newport News. Va.. at Which place
preliminary work is going ahead on a
sister vessel, the Ranger. Sn illar pre
llminary work is also being done on
the sixth of the (las... bonding by the
Bethlehem Shipbuilding corporation
at Its Fore River plant, wh Ihi
keel of tho Lexington will Rc laid very
Thee are the largest and
battle cruisers In th world The
were originally authorised .n IS I ; as
a part of the three-year building pro
gram, bul their i-on.strurT.on was - i -J
pended during tin- world wt. SinCi
WINN'U-KG. .Man.. Oct T. That
tnc second largest city In Manitoba
win emerge from the wilderness In" tnp
northern portion of the province whi 11
the natural resources of the hlnurland
are de loped Waj the prediction of
'Mayor Charles V. Gra. lupon :n. re
turn from a trip north with the Mani
toba legislative party,
' it makes the brain 'eel whn one
sees the possibilities there In timber
Quip wood, fish, r. iii power copper,
le-.id, sulphide and precious mctulfi
such as cold, silver radlfani and tungsk
ten, north of 53'," he said. "The
mining possibilities In that district
will create! one of the most conserva
tive mining fields the world has cvof
A large area of wnlinmt h.'.s been
discovered In northern China.
that time their designs hae iioen re
drawn to take full advantage of the
lessons learned from war experience!
with th- result thai the vessels are b?
ing built materially larcer apd mote
powerful than at first contemplated.
i Fire insurance is just as necessary as firemen. 1
Firemen fight fire and protect your home
$ As much as possible aganist fire R
jjj Fire insurance protects your pocketbook
In case of fire
3 You help pay the fireman by paying taxes.
I By paying a small premium
I One that really doesn't amount to much.
I Considering the protection you get in return.
Fires are costly, values have gone up
I Play safe and insure your pocketbook with I
General Insurance
Fire, Automobile, Life, Liability and Surety Bonds
i Real Estate and Loans
i Under Utah National Bank Phone 91 3
I Kelly & Herrick
j Cheaper Automobile Insurance and
General Insurance
Reed Hotel Building
l Phone 7u I
H 4
j Insure Your Property and Automobile
I BEFORE the Fire
I See Froerer & Fowles jj
Fire and Automobile Insurance
2409 Hudson Ave. Phone 917 I
HnGz&CT H LsH LH ' LbbbH iB29iWSiwSmw
Co-Operation of Ogden Citizens For Fire
Prevention Is Urged by Fire Chief Graves
Tomorrow. Otohcr o, is the anniversary oj the great fire i:i Chicago which swept that great
center and practical!) wiped it out. Chicago vvas rebuilt but the loss tiiat was occasioned bv that
fire has always been keenly felt and today Chicago's fire stands as one of the terrible events oi
I American history. This day has hcen adopted .is Fire Prevention day throughout the entin
nation. It is observed b) all up-to-date fire departments. In. Utah, the day has hcen set a-i
by proclamation of the governor . ill Ogden it h;is hcen specially designated by the mayor with the
whole-hearted approval of the entire city government.
More attention is pai l to this day in the west than in the cast, primarily because the cast has
become accustomed to continuous cleanups as lire prevention measures. In fact, they have reached
near perfection The same system followed in the west will bring continued decrease in fire
losses. One of the objects of the strong fire prevention movement in the ivesf is to develop tliC
spirit of daily cleanups, thereby keeping the city clean all of the time a bettered gcncial condition
and one that means material benefit a;- well.
Thomas II Ince.of the luce Motion 1'icturc i mi). .on in California, has offered a prize for the
western city making the best shewing for the Jjpar. The city of Ogden is entered in this contesl
Our system of inspections, with the assistance o the hoy sCputs who have fire badges presented,
by the municipality, is of material assistance in tin- campaign .mil we are making a good showing.
Last car we had 254 alarms from January 1 t. I Ictolicr I. JJlis year we had 120 alarms to October
1 and cur losses have been very small. The month of September this year we had only nin
, alarms, the smallest number for any month in the psfst fixe years.
Properly owners in the United States arc becoming better acquainted each year with Fire
Prevention day and its origin and p. rposc. Hut do they avail themselves of the knowledge ami piu
into practice the lessons which the day is supposed to teach? Unapplied knowledge is useless
I lands and ev es that do not co-ordinate in the removal Of fire hazards arc Worthless, so far as fire
prevention is concerned.
The greater number of our fires arc caused by carelessness and we urge the people of this city j
j to develop a sentiment of personal responsibility toward the elimination of preventable fires and in
favor of fire prevention. The instruction of all the people of Our city in 'tire prevention is a very I
large order for the 23 men of the Ogden city fire department. But by keeping constantly at it
we are gaining every year and We ak every citizen to help us in our work. Jt means the saving
Of homes, of business blocks, of factories, ,,r public institutions, a saving that will be of benefit to
the entire community and to each individual as Well.
Jhere will be a demonstration of the Working of the fire alarm system at the comer 6"M
Tw e fty-fi urth street and Washing!, n av enue sho ing both the sending and receiving of a fire
alarm and at 2 o'clock on icTober 9f a demonstration b) the entire fire department of the city, j
G. A. GRAVES, Chief Knginccr
! . . j
Insurance Companies Co-operate
with City Officials
In Fighting Menace
represented In ' -;den are practi
cally all of the fliv Inxurain'r con
I pan les of the t'nltod Pt.itr.s and the
1 principal ones even of Kurope. Tkc
.iCents of the.e companies', men prom
inent m .Ogden affairs, are lonstuntlv
!0 -operating with the city officials and
With fdan fit l.erishlp In general for
' the prevention of fires.
with the general campaign con
lucteil Uy ihe fire department. Hnlstd
by the Boy Jeout assistants, then" has
teen a considerable reduction In nuni
ber of fires this year In comparison
with previous records. i tgden tins
licit had any Vi r serious fires durinc
Ox- year, the total 1och of the first
' nine months l)elne very low. ThU can
I be continued, fire Insurance men say
hv i oust. mt lillK n. .
Teaching of fire prevention nieas
1 ures has become part of many school
I courses, only a small amount'of time
being necessary to show the children I
how they can help to prevent fires, n
.ir - .iij'inc fire Infiir.ince men sji . i
there were fires charged to careless-j
. s by children. In future. It is
lopi d to have the little folks trained
effective workers flr fire preveri-'
City Department Will Exhibit
In Fire Prevention Day
Tomorrow Is fire prevention day
in Oden. The Ogden Eire depart
ment has arranged for Interesting
demonstrations to he held on the -g-dsn
Streets, In which the apparatus
1 will he exhibited and the method of
sending in fire alarms win be shown
ami explained.
Between the hours of ! o'clock and
6 o'clock, the alarm system demon
stration will be held at the corner Of
Twenty-fourth street and Washington
avenue, according td Klre Chief G. A.
Graw a A table will contain both
sending and receiving outfits and will
thoroughly show all details of ttu Bys
tsm 1 At 2 o'clock In the afternoon the
fire apparatus will leave the station
and will make a run to Washington
avenue and Twenty-third street where
hoses will be coupled to hydrants anil
streams of water thrown high In this
air. The streams will be directed
down Twenty-third street
Practically all of the equipment in
the city will make the run and parti. I
pate in the demonstration which wfll j
affdrd vjpectators spectacular sights
BO) SCOUtS who have lnen given firi-
haflges by the municipality will tak.-'
part in the de-montsratlons md will
handle the crowds that witness the
I teats of the equipment.
I Fire prevention exorcises will b
held In the public and high schools
of Ogden .Monday, when speakers will
I toll of the appalling losses by flames ;
leach year, and will appeal to the stu
j dents to aid In cutting down ih-se
enormous figures by cooperating
i m oui,h mi i hods v. hi. h . ill ho OUt
I lined.
BOZKMAK, .Mont.. Oct. 7. Grace
i Konlngeii, a cow from the Holsteln
j herd al Montane state college, here,
will have produced l'3.000 pounds of
I milk by the end of the year as the
record of her fifth lactation period it
N estimated. This row, now seven
i rs old. ii a granddaughter of Nora
EConlngen, foundation cow of the col
lege herd, and was sired by a grand
son Of Colanthe Fourth Johanna, who
at one time held the world s record
'for butter production.
BRISTOL. Eng. Joseph Higgins is
a beggar of discrimination. "Why did
(you throw away the cake after it wus
given you?"' the magistrate Inquirer!
"U was given me with such bad grace
J I'm sure I would hae choked." said
iHiggtns. "They slammed the door in
my face and that hurt my feelings"
HQ drew 21 days' hard work.
By ali means see Anita
Stewart in "The Fighting
Shepherdess." filmed in Wyo
ming. Greatest picture you
ever saw. Special children's
matinee Saturday; send them.
Utah Theatre.
Whereas, a large percentage of the fires causing great
waste may be easily prevented by increased care and vigi
i lance on the part of our citizens;
Therefore. I, Frank Francis, mayor of Ogden, do desig
nate and set apart Saturday, October 9, as Fire Prevention
Day, and request the citizens of this city to plan for that day
such instructive and educational exercises as shall bring be
fore the people the serious effects of the fire waste and the
need of their individual and collective efforts in conserving
4our lesources. I especially urge the schools to observe the
day with fitting programs
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and
caused the seal of the City of Ogden to be affixed.'
Done this fourth day of October, in the year of our
Lord, one thousand nine hundred and twenty
factory- - you set your
Hartford check promptly. j 11
But insurance never pays (j nj djjffi
After a fire you begin to r.ce mmmwmmmmWjr
how many losses fire insurance r
fa:ls to cover. Only after a fire
can you realize the full value of fire prevention. A Hartford lafl
policy covers both insurarce and prevention. This double Sis
service "is of value in proporfion as your risk is great. Ask S
us to tell you how many ways we can prevent actual fire K
loss, business loss, domestic loss and other losses.
E. L. FORD, Agent (
Eccles Building Phone 737 fl
Every minute of every day the torch of H
ftj carelessness brings destruction to somebody s
Let Fire Prevention Week warn you to take H
I every precaution against nre.
If not fully protected by insurance a policy
I from this office will relieve you of one more
Real Estate and Insurance
602 Eccles Building
(By lntcrn.Ttion.il News Service)
BQSTON Dancing pupils must pay
n tO per cent war t tx, according to :i
decision of the commissioner of inttyn
:i revenue reaching Collector John J.
Mitchell L'nder this ruling students
.ire llnble the mir as persons .1!
tending public entertainments. Pro
prietors of dancing schools will he
i all.! upon to file monthly accounts
of their receipts.
HELENA, .Mont., Oct. 7. When'
Victor GOOde tried to sell J 1... Dr Mart
Of Helena 30 elk teeth he was gulltv
of an error in judgment for DeHaTI
i- the state game warden. He prompt
ly placed Goods under arrest and al
fine of $-o followed. Goode profess I
ignorant S of the law and iiil he had!
hought the teeth from an Indian, who'
told him there was a ready t;;le for
There are five colored women law
yers in the United States
t St him hi? urt
(By Internntional News Service) W:
ST. I.ot'is An attempt to perform wtt
mil a new balani Ing stunl cost Jl
William i . i nek, 36, a mc hanipi his ' I
lif- Lauck, accorillng to companions, .1:
ittempted to balance himself in Ihe - mB
ill feel ill", with one hand on a large KB
screwdriver stuck- in the ground. Th
screwdriver broke, a piece of steel HI
i rchig hi- nostril. He died later of
meningitis attributed to the accident HI
t l IKt i l PRICES. I
BILLINGS. Mont., Oct. 7. Mavur K
Lee Mains announced that an ordin- mm
ance In in preparation, fixing prices IB
that hotels, rooming houses, rcstau- mm
rants, etc.. may charge during fair or LH
convention time, it has been charged H
that In the past some places f busl- Kl
nc8 have "gouged" visitors. HI
The different portions of the spec-
trum into which a beam of sunlight Is
spread show different degrees of- tem- H
Everybody Asks I - I
Gall 1147, We are always at your service