Newspaper Page Text
10 R P H E U 1V1 SUNDAY TO TUESDAY KATHERINE MACDONALD IN "The Notorious Miss Lisle" jt I ratine Mac Donald " The Notpriousss A whirlwind romance of a woman with a poignant past. SCANDAL HUMOR TRAGEDY I IDAHO BANK LOSES CASH; TWO GIRLS LOCKED IN VAULT SPfiKANi:. Wash., 6ct 9- Tn unmosUed men locked Mies Myrtle nn. assistant cashier, and Miss Bva Usury in th vault of th fetats Bank of flumiuor. Idaho. 50 milci south of Spokane. Frldny and escaped with approximately 13200 In rash, ncoordlng to tele phone adviOM received hc-re. Tin young WOIDM remained In the vault until Hie return of the aShlcr ff the bank from a visit to a iii-iKhborliiK town. nn I DEBS CONDEMNS GOMPERS' DABBLING IN PARTY AFFAIRS ATLANTA. Ga., Oct. ? -In his fifth weekly campaign statement Imuod her today, Kuitcnr V. Uehs. Socialist candidate for presi dent, urged working people to ."look out for '. our k riders." Some ' sto-callfd "leaders." he said. "ar,e often the chief betrayers" of la bor. After declaring tlie mlneia' union had been betrayed ly meH ..ho headed tt and who. he said, were rewarded for It Debs assert ed thut "this if the logical result f the Gompersonian policy of re neniheritie i i friends :.nd pun Inhlng your enemlee, l steering tho workers Into the shambles of capitalistic political parties n lection day." I PRISON TRUSTY ESCAPES WITH BOY; CAPTURED VALPARAISO, Ind.. '.. John Vaughn, life term trust) sentenced i" years ao for the murder of a luti irtrl uml who disappeared from the penitentiary at Ml hlgan 'it Monday wMh Walter Young. 1J years old, was captured at Kouts, near here 101 He did not reslsl arrest. Voting told the Police Vaughn told him stories of the west and that h" brought the prisoner .i i h .nge ol t lothe.s they woulii not attract at t 1 1 1 1 o n after the escape. Vaushn was engineer at the prison vamppiK -i.i-tion and was watched ver" little. The prj oner and boj had had noth ing to eat iu: raisins since Mondsj and were exhatisted. INDIANA NOTABLE FALLS FROM GRACE; IS SENT TO PRISON GOSH KN. Ind.. Oct. 9 The Rev. K. S. Mennugh, Sixty years old. minister in active work here. "'Yio is also an assessor in Klkhart township, prominent Democratic politician, anti-saloon leader, and a real estate dealer and Insurance agent, was sentenced to the state penitentiary at Michigan city, Ind.. to from one to five years af ter he had pleaded g'lilty In cir cuit court to a charge of embez zlement MsnaUgO confessed be had em bezzled f II, 200 from an estate Partition stilt, In which he was commissioner, a guardianship over which he had been appointed, and an estate of which ho was execu tor Menaugh explained that he had lost ths money in operations on i the Denver Board of Trade and r i hat he was unable to replace it. I BORAH TO TALK IN EAST IF JOHNSON STAYS WEST i NKVY CORK, ct. 9. Senator Will-1 lam K. Borah will prolong nis mm-l palgn in the east under supervision of i the ltepuill. :i n --peaker bureau, pro-I i vidlng "Senator Hiram Johnson agrees 'to remain in the west and carry on his anti-league of nations fight. This announcement wai made here , ly Thomas W Miller, chief of the Re puhllcan speakers' bureau for ilie cast- 1 ern division after a conference with the Idaho senator. .Mr. Miller said thai after finishing' i ipeaking 'our in New Hampshire,! senator Borah Would speak In New York on October 16. and added: I "Senator Borah stated th.t he would i remain in the east provided S-nalori Johnson who was to have i conference with Senator New in t'hlcago on Tues-i day, would rover the western territory.' J this is arranged the eastern division "I the speakers oureau .-ind .-Vn- ator Borah into northern N' Jerseyi western Maryland and W est Virginia." 1 UU CHRISTENSEN TO SPEAK IN DES MOINES COLISEUM e DES AH 'INKS, la., Oct. !. Parley P Chrtstansen, Partner-Labor candl- d I 1 for president wllj speak at the -coliseum hire on Thursday evening. October II He Is heduled to make addressee at Clinton, la., on October . i E and Rock blind, in. oh October according to Information lgven out ! at the state headquarters here. The high cost of ,uel has led Japan to develop iuimene Whlefpower. I STATEMENT OF THE OWNERSHIP. MANAGEMENT CIRCULA- ! TION, ETC, REQUIRED BY THE ACT OF CONGRESS OF AUGUST 24, 1912 B if Tin- o'l h Btaridartl'JExaniiuer, published daily a Ogden, Utah 1 fl State Counts of Webcr, Bcfbn ;t notary in ami fur the State nut! count aforesaid. ' ..-iMiiiall. appai-cd .1 I'. Eldrcilc. ,!r., win, having been duly sworn H according to law. deposes and jaya thai lie is the genera rtianager H 4f The Ogden Standar&Exauiiner. esd thai the following is. to th H Ijest oi bis knowledge aiid be,ief, o tirue. tatemenl of the ownership. H inanagement ( papoi the circulation), etc., of the afore H aid publication for the date shown in the above caption, required 1 by the Act of Augusl 24, IfU'J. enibodietl m section 445. Costal Laws ami Regulations, printed on tin- reverse of this form, to-wit: H ). Thai the names and addresses ol the publisher, editor, manag-j H ing editor, and business are: ublishei J. U. Bldredge. Jr., and A L. Glssmann Ogdfn j H IJditor A. L. Glasmann Ogden j H Managing Bditor I) .1 Qreenwell Ogden Husinoss Managed J. U. Eldredge. Jr .Ogden! H Thai the owners are (Oive names and addresses of individual j ow ners or, if a eorporatioli, give its name and tho names and ad- j H dresses of stoclcholders owning or holding 1 per cent or more of the H Bldredge H Bvel u 3. That tlif known bondholder, mortgage, and othei e. u i ji holders owning or holding I per cetil or more of total amount of! lionds. mortgages 6r other securities' are If there are none, so state i . (rl.ismanu. H 5. That tbe average ruimber of copies of each issue of tins publi-1 cation sold or distributed, through the mails or otherwise, to paid BUb scribers during the six months preceding the date shown above is: H (This bafonuation is required from dad-, publications only) .. .10,326 i: J i BLDREDGE, Jr I Sworn to and subscribed before me this 9th daj of October, 1920 !; W. R. McBRIDJ H Seal) My conuuission expires April 22, 1924. i; LssssisSifiBllllll ti&d m sH I m$$$ H President Grant I Opens Conference In S. L. Tabernacle SALT LAKE, bci II Urging tor glvsneSB. dei p r i-harll. and express Ing deep regret for the spirit of anl ITlOSlt) SXtSlldlng even to "hlttetnrss" inlong the Latter Day ..iinls In ntat i r of lm.iin'ss and polili-s President ttobsr J. Grani ysstsrda: morning In the tahornacle opsned the nlnsty-flrst )cnil-nnntal conferonos of the L i. s- church. Throughout hi entire remarks, Pfssldom Grant voicaq dlwapproval ot earrytng porsonal and selrlsh Inter- iilx m.o reiigiOVS work. He ailed ai ii-n tion to the fact that. jum be cause s man hart been Iniln-tetj by th grand Jur) Is no proof ihui he unity ' He further said, -a man is pposed to be mnoceiu nil he l proved guilty, even according to the mid law. and il Shows splril of nn- urn la and injustice io condemn m lUvance," i l !ACil I Ol riONS Tbf speaker made rs'erence to the Ii ni; n oi nation- issue, declaring it m . ms rogn i mat It should be madS .i part) or political IsSUC, le held thai knlS irSa one of thf great quea lion Which .-mould be settled outside part) politics President Oram olcej strongly his gratitude for the enactment 61 nation al prohibition and expressed the hope that-the time would foon come when all the Countries Of the old woild would become dry. ' Payment of Hill ing was also referred to a one of the essentials to right Hlng on the part of every member of the church. President Orant aluo expressed hi pleasure that the women of America hao been granted the traiuhlue, hut made no attempt to discuss any of the phases of the woman suffrage ques tion. 1 rejoice In the opportunity to again meet i he Latter-day Saints in confer SnCI . said President Orant, "and pray that all that may be said and done will be und r the direction of the Holy Splrll I admit that 1 have never up proachSd a conference since- I have been heud of the church without feel ing some fear that 1 may not have a much ol ihe wisdom und spirit of CJod as directed the earlier leaders and 1 earnestly supplicate that tnis wisdom may be given me." 'lhe president then said that before entering Into the subject of his address in had a letter, received last ntglit. Which he desired to lead This proved to be u communication from A S McCuno and his wife. Eli abetb A C UcCune, making a tender of their home on North Main street as a gift to the church and expressing ,i prelerence thm it b deottd to It". women's organizations of the religious body . Kecent Indictments furnished Preei- dent ijrant a text for a homily upon the tendency of people to Judge with out hearing the evidence. He made no specific rc-tcrence to any man or to any case, but held that "certalnlv Latter day Saints should be as charitable as He cohl law, which presumes ever) man innocent until he Is proved KUlllV " To quote President Grunt verbatim " 'bo not worm oplons blindly, .. Hastiness to trouble lends. Those oi whom we thoufiht unklndlj i 'It i'i i one v uui warinisl friends.' I HI Mi o OPINION "Then are a great many people who believe that if a person is Indicted, he Is undoubtedly a criminal. Ther. are ery few people wno stop to reflect upon the fact that when u grand Jury finds an Indictment against any man, that it is seldom, If ever, the case tnat h 1 permitted to appear before the grand Jury, or to have a representative there to state his case The law Itself' provides jfi I understand it. although I 1 am not a lawyer that every man shall be considered innocent until such time as he Is proved guilty and no man is guiltv In the irne sense of the' word, of an offense Jut because u grand Jury finds nn Indictment agains; him. "In criminal case a man m to be considered innocent unless the evi dence against him shall be so conclu--i' thai ther.- is not even a reasonable doubt siS to his guilt. Certainly Latter dav Saint ought to be liberal In tlicii Judgments, as the cold law of the land. i and certainly every man ought to be .considered Innocent In the estimation of the Latter-day Saints particularly if that man is a member of tho Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and h.n devoted hli life for the up bullding of C.'d's kingdom until such time as he ha-j what is known as 'his day in ouri ' U'e can afford, I believe to be as liberal as the cold law Itself. ".X year ago, at our conference, I ox- 1 pressed sincerely my regards thai blt terness was being engendered in the hearts or the Latter-day Saints, be- Icause w b.'.t was known as the league of nations had been injected into po 'lit ics. I expressed my sincere regrets thai this great document should ever, have been made a subject for political discussion. I felt that all people In these I'mled States of America should approach lb'- consldera'.io.i of this great document. Independent of party ' affiliation 1 deslrs to exjiress my re-, grts Chat If anything It Is in politics more today than II was a year ago. Ill I BUS l SUGAR tl I si Ion 1 sincerely regret that what is known as the 'sugar question" has liri-n Injected Into politic in this stale of Utah. I feel In my heart of hearts tl v it ha: engendered bittern ss. that ll hnf created a great deal of animosi ty and 1 think it Is something thai' lought to have been eliminated from' politics, and that all questions of that, ;klnd should he settled by the Interest efl people. "ldeslre. beyond my powor, to tell, I that there (shall alw ays bo perfect har- iinon." and perfi ci justice between the, farmer and the sugar producer I de Islre that all Judgments by Latter day ."Hilnts upon the course of men con-, ted With any Industry, in this state, I shall be w ithheld at least until there h.i passed a final Judgment by a court (that has the right to pass upon It i i beg every Latter-day Saint to I cultivate the Spirit of charity and of ! long-Ruf ferlng and of brotherly love il say to all Latter-day Saints. Keep the commandments of God That is my keynote speech, Just those few words ke p the ' commandments of God Read the psalm thai tolls you not to , fret your soul about the sinner. It is a magnificent psalm to read. I though: ;son-.e of reading it here to this congre '! gallon, but I have read so much that I I am afruld you will get tired of the I readlngi j "I rejoice that we have notional pro hibition, i rejoice thut many, ven In our own community, v. no were wrecks financially, almost wrecks spiritually, i because of prohibition and the ta'klng away of temptation, nie making men lot th- mselvea today, i rejoloe that pro Ihlbltlon to my mind tho grisateat fi nancial and mural bussing that has - ever come to humanity --has come to . thi- people of the I'nlled States, and 1 hope and pra that It ma) soon come : to every nation under ht.iven. i "1 rejoice that the women have tho franchise T rejoice in ull of the area; nmi wonderful advancements that are L being made for the benefit of man kind: und 1 rejoice, above all things, ii. a knowledge that Cod lives, thut Jesus Is Hie Christ; that Joseph BJJJJJ3 K9 mM Bfl Smith was a ptOPhcl of the true and livinc. Hod. that . the r;usp 1 of .leSUS Christ tho plan of life and Salvation has been restored to th" earth. -I re joice thai you and 1 ha v.- a knowledge of thai gospel, and. oh. may Hod help us to live It; may In fill our heart wit h charity, with love, with forgive ness with the desire to serve him, and ma we In every deed be Latter-da Saints, is my prayer and desire, and 1 any It In the name of .Iraus Christ.', a men.'! PRKSIDI N i i i m i i k At Ihe conclusion of Mr. Grant's d- dretu Miss Elisabeth Bvgns and J. R., Boshard, both of Provo, sang i Know Thai My Redeempi l ues. ' an excellent and feeling Interpretation of- the ere. it on;:. Anthon II. I. und, first counsel to I President Grant, who made the second address of ths morning, expressad the hope that the wise counsel given by i the church leader would find an abid ing pla' e in the hearts of all present He drew upon sin red history for lllu- i stratlon to Impress the necctsttv of dealing with nien In n spirit of love. citing the account of the experiences, of David and iul Amplifying lhc 'subject of forgiveness upon tho cross,: prayed for the forgiveness if his per- ser-iitors because they knew not what , they were doing. 'Very- few offend-1 ers. ho asserted. "Intend to offend, ln our dally lives we let a wrong, ri al or i fancied, done by our brother creep; into our minds- we brood upon It until we engender bitterness of soul. Let us have so much charity that wo will deal 1 with all men in a sprit of love " LDVI81 8 l lc.l l l ss Charlca XV. Penrose, second counsel-1 'or to President Grant, after staling that the address of the loader contain ed (he veritable words of eternal life, extended the scope of Illustrations on, the subject of having charity In dealing with men. He spoke of the useless ness of pretending to forgive, of ex- , tending the right hand of friendship; -and fellowship, unless the heart ol thi niun aggrieved was hanged im- illu stration given by President I en rose , was of two men. prominent members of the church, who had business trou ble over their sheep The dispute was finally carried to the high council I where an equitable settlement was made ami the disputants requested to' shake hands. The did but one of them remarked to the ..tin r parly . W hen jwe got on the other side I'll have all, of them sheep, with interest. ' Plfslllt nt Penrose dwelt at some length upon the necessity of hones' 'tithe paying "The church Is so big now," he declar.-d, 'that it can do without me or you or anybody else, it Is a quest ion m our own good to be honest with God, ourselves and the ; church " s United BtatSS Senator Heed SmQOi I Of the council of twelve, was the next speuker. Apostle Braoot paid a trlbutt to the key nol address of President Grant and dwelt In hU address prin cipally upon the importance of Ihe right sort of home life In the community. Story of Jap Military Rule in Siberia Told ( oittluuod I com Page Out i ache" that it was "necessary" to re- son to these "repressive measures" because the people of Ivanoka "con-j tlnued to sympathise with and harbor Belahevlks." "'Nothing was left, therefore, ' it says. ' but for the Japanese command to execute the severe yet merited pun ishment oi the population f tvanoks " Scores of towns were similarly oul raged. w hole populations punished for the at is. or suspected acts, of Indl- Iduala. Uy the fall ol mill u Jap expe-li-' Hon had reached Nlkolayevsk 5u0 miles down the Amur river from the : railroad ui rlarborovak, and 1000 miles b) water from Vladivostok. Hunboatsl patrolled tbe Amur, to maintain "law und order" by shelling river towns suspected of harboring Red sympathis ers. I personally saw little settlements that had lie. ii t'nis destroyed. In many villages the local Russian! officials not f'eds bravely Incurred Jap vengeance by sending appeals, on. behalf o' mass meetings of the inhabi tants, begging protect inn from Hie i cp -i eseniutlv ps of the United States and' other allies. Some 'jTu .Jap soldiers spelil the, long cold wlnter.df 1919-20 ai Nlko-I layevek, With frequent disgraceful or-1 gles. In Joint occupation ol the town was! a detachment 01 Russian "White" sol-i dlerS, under Jap control H XM.s Iti D i:i. hi i i s. Hitter hatred of the Japs s.-ut the Slberli n peasants flocking to the ltd standard, under th.- aiuvrohlsl Trepett In and nls consort N'lna. ui January -V 1920, 'jrepetxln sur prised ami captured 1'ort Tchnyraoh, a few miles below NlkolaySVak. Japs who escuped fled to the town. DrepetSln turned the big guns of Hie fort on tin Japanese barracks and! Wireless station These were captur ed Fepruan ii and the town Itself was surrendered February j; by the .ia;.i i nese and "While" forces. Then begun tho aolq-e ilnal at t of the tragedy of Nlkolayevsk, culminating In the massacre as spring was freshening i the Amur alley. ( Another Installment of Mason'- re port win cover the dlmai of horror ! in Nlkolayevsk) oo - i EAST LAS VEGAS. N. M.. Oct. 9. i H X Johnson, cjirpenter foreman In i ithe Santa Ke yards here, hus just been! oid.ili.eil a-- i mmlst' i of the qr.sp.-l In the Uaptkl church. He says he has no I Intention of giving up his position With Ithe railroad company, at least, not ut 1 Ipresent, but will demonstrate the close, relationship that Is possible between i Christianity and lhe laboring man oo Shellac is the product of an lnscc I that foods on the sap of tree.-. oo I I KEWARD Will pu K'OO.UO tTwo hundred dol- in r reward to the party or parties I that can glo information and conlc tlon of the party or parties that broke Into Newpstund at Interurban depot on! the morning of GctObei 7 1920. Notify) Walsh News company. 153 West South Temple stres-t, Suit Lake City, I tali Ad ve rt I semen t -yyyt j n I M F fl Wholesome, ueansing, f III ill Relreshlng and Healing if i jfiak Lotion Murine tor Ked Tor Jk' ntSS- Soreness, Granula S tion Itching and Burning YOUR tYtjof the Eyes or Eyelids. "J Dropi" After the Movies. Motonn or Goli j ril) win your confidence. Ak Your D.ugRii lor Murine when your liyt Ned Care. Murine Eye Remedy Co.,Cliicusa , I - PIRS1 MJETHODI91 ElPIflCJOPAL t hi ii ii Sundaj ' bmd at io a. m.,J . .i Wilton, upsrintendsnt, The adult Dlbls cla--s 13 under the leader ship of Prof. xv. I,. Underwood. lJbii athea class, with Mrs. C. E. Smith as; teacher, welcomes all young wot.ieti Other classes for all ages and grades. Coon- and spend this h ipp". and prof itable hour of study of tin Bible. Horn ing worship at II o'clock. Tho ser mon will be preached by Dr. Carey of thi 1 ongregatloifal Japanese mission of this cit Bpworth League at 'j p. m Invites all younK people. At 7:30 community service meeting win be held in which the . public is invited. .XliMs Marjorle Dny. who recently di rected the pageadt showing the prog ress of our city, and Miss Hosallnd Kleman. director of I'ampflre work. which is now belhs Inauguartcd in the public schoolR and churches, will be the speakers. Their messages will hfi full of interest and uplift, and no cm who I - -iit.-r. -iti -d hi tin- moral and Bbclal welfare of the girls und young a 01 r Ogden should mis.s the Iri"- Splratlon of this meeting, a pri liml 1111 r "sing" will bo conducted by C. .XI. Wilton. III (III IM H 1 ( HltlSI S I- lOX'I'IST Corner Monroe avenue and Tw nt -fourth street. Regular ssrvlce nt 11 a. m Subject: "Are Sin, Disease and Death Real ' Sunday Bchool at 0:46 a m W . dnesday evening testi monial meetings at s p m. Reading rooms at 612 First .National Hank bulldiim. Kooms open ilally from 12 m. to a p. ni,, except Sundays and holidays. I L I xi ENGLISH LI THER IN C'Ht'KC'II Corner of Jefferson and Twenty -third street. Arthur 1 ds n. pastoi. Sunday school and lilble class every Sunday at l0:0u a. m. No murn ing services this Sunday. Evening services every Sunday at 8 o'clock. Theme for sermon: The Mission of Slcknosj, ' based on John 1-H5 The Luther league meets with .vlr and .lr-. MureiiH John-ton, 3'Jl Thlriy-first street, on Wednesday evening, Octo ber 13, at S o'clock. Friends and members cordially Invited. ENSIGN GOSPEL MISSION 2468 XX'all avenue. Sunday services', Hlble study 3 p in. If you are Interested in the Book of Books come. Open air service opposite rmon depot 7.30 p, m Preaching und testimony meeting in Mission chapel s p. 111 The Mission la non-U. -i tarlan, hus no creed, ad 1 vances no doctrine, claims no special privilcKe. cat.-rs to no class or clan. Is an open forum With Jesus Chrlnt our I goal and common savior. Can you get j in on this platform? FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Cor I nor of Twenty-fourth and Madison av enue, xv. i. Melllnger, pus. or. Bible school at 10 a. rn., under the supor 1 vision of Mrs. C. H. Carman There - were ninety-two present last Bunda 'and a splendid work is being done in ull of the classes. The school i? graded and a grade for all ages Men's cius-s tauKht by Thpnias E; Walker. Morning worship and communion at I 11 o'clock. The pastor will begin a series of sermons on the Bible school : lessons, which will continue through the quarter. Sunday being the sec ond in the ojuarter( Ihe morning ser mon will cover the first two letsons, and in ihe evening, the subject will be The Temptation of Josu.." Ut- CUtiSI of the state com oittlon of 1 hris llan Endeavor in Salt Luke there will be no meeting of the young people. . BvenlnpJ service promptly at 7:30. FI RSI I O V6RE GATION XI, L'lH'lU'H- 'n Adams avenue between I .- . ntj - fourth -and Twenty - fifth treel Rei Godfrey Matthews, min ister. Divine worship and sermon at II a in. Prelude. "Serenade," Schu bert; Offertory, "Duetto," Mendels sohn; PoStlUdSi March tlaike, by Miss 1 Shi. bis. Violin solo, 'pol Nblrei," Mtss Uoru Smith Anthem. Te Ileum.' Smart, by the iuurtette S.-rinon. "Misdirected Vision." Sun day school 12. IS m Dr. IS, Pj Milia. superintendent, IC4ndergarten directed by Mis.-. Mary Parmley and In Ipers Woman's OIass leatler. Mrs. Hyrum Smith Men's class teacher. Dr. Mills. C. E. society, 0:30 p. m. Miss Mah, president. Young people most coi Hall) InvitSd. Divide worship, 7:30 p. m. Prelude, Sung Without Words," Men delssohn: offertory, "Reverie1 Fisch er; posflude. "Cios of Day," Trumann, by Miss vine Shields Address, "The Education of Henry Adaina Being a .--tody in life's aim purpose. ' A warm welcome is given to strangers and visitors. s 1 1 1 1 n CONGREGA flow I CHI ill II 1 1 - e PoInU Rev God frey Matthew h. pastor. Suday school for the community, superintended bv Dr. J. M Kiiiot; at 2:80 p. m Classes for all grades and a.-s lit Rt H H I hi. GOOD SHEP HERD Corner of Grant avenue an Twenty-fourth street, opposite the 0 floe The nineteenth Sunday after Trinity. The chinch school will met t t : 4 0 a. m. XX'. B. Prout, su perintendent. Morning prayer and sermon ul II O'clock! All are cordially srelcome. The Daughters of 'he kiu will meet on Monday evening with Mrs Hyslop ut the rectory . The Wom an's guild win meet on Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. John McCrcady at her home, -176 Twenty-third street. LABORERS WANTED $5.00 FOR 8 HOURS Come ready for work. Take 7:15 Bamberger train to Arsenal. W, Pi Sutherland ! Building & Construct ing Company OGDEN ARSENAL The Cafhp Fire g rls will meet in thei Mtlld hall on Wednesday evening at j 7 o'clock FIRST PRESD1 T I R I A If CHI RCH John l-dwurd Carver, pas-, tor. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. 1 Theme: "The Compass of the Soul." Sond. 1 . -. hool at lL' ir. in. No youns people's meeting on account of the ntate convention. Evening services at 7:30 o clock. Theme- "The Message of the Life and Achievements of Chris topher Columbus." Evening rninlc will Include solos, "Beside Silll v ,1 tcrs," by Jerome, and "The Homeland"! bv oBndel sung by Mrs Govxn O. Uurtlett I FIRST D VPTIST CHI RCH Sun daj f hool ut a:45 a. m.. J. Ray XX'ard.i superintendent. Preach. ng at 11 a. m. J by Dr. Alien of salt Lake. Subject Sundries of a Mans Lite." B X' P I". at 0:30 p. m. The young people 1 will also have charge of evonlng serv- Ices at 7 30 o'clock. Midweek prayer meeting and Bible study on XX'ednc-i-da evening at 7 30 o'clock. 00 REPUBLICAN CHIEF SAYS HE S FOR COX AND PACT M;XV YORK, net . Herbert Paiions, member of the Republican national committee and Republican National executive committees from 1 9 it: to l!i!o, announces his Intention to vote for Governor Cox. Thin announcement was made In a h-ili r to the New York county Ilo publjcan '-oiiinilttee of which he once! iui chairman. icslgnlnK from ihu. body. Mr. Parsons said. I am fur the h-.igue of nations. Cox la for 'going in..' Harding is not for, going In." though in lhe senate he voted for 'golngfln.' So 1 am for Cox."! 00 I WILL CLOSE BREWERIES VIOLATING DR LAWS washi.ncti ., pott y. Breweriei vhlch fail to confine alcoholSc content of their products within the half per ', cent limit of the Volstead prohibition! law will hereafter be punished by re vocation of their license to do business Commissioner of Internal Revenue W. M. Wlliams ruled Jast night. It hat been found, the commissioner's slate-' menl said, that the imposition of dou-! ole taxe.v and penalties In the nature Ol fines, which thi law also allows is not sufficient to prevent the produc- tion of cereal leverages carrying an iliogal "kick" JUAREZ MAKES PROTEST ON BORDER 'DRY' ZONE MEXICO CITY. Oct. i. PrdteSti against the proposed federal measur establishing a "dry" zon along the United States frontier were laid before! provisional President de la Efutrta by (wo delegations from Juarez yesterday. ' Conferences are being held by the provisional president ami officials pf : the interior department on these protests. STATE OF VERA CRUZ SUFFERS IN EARTHQUAKE X'EF:a CRUZ. Oct. 9. ( By the Asso-, elated Press.) Northwestern sections of the stale of Vera Cruz were se-1 verely shaken by an tarlhquake at 1 10:8.0 o 1 lock yesterday morning. The) -. -'lons ot Cordoba Ti ncelo, ' QOSaUtlan and the entire district Which 1 was visited by the earthquake dlsas- tor Of last January, felt the full 1 strength of the shock. No casualties hud been reported, but! property damage was said to bo heavy. on a record in pile-driving was achiev ed hi Richmond, Cab, when 10 men In I an elRhl-hOur day drove ISO piles. 1 An ICast African plantation owner has a bobby of domesticating wild ant 1 mills of lli- Jungle. I 1 ORPHEUM-Wednesday, October 13 FIRST BIG SHOW OF THE SEASON SEAT SALE NOW ON PRICES 75c TO $2.00 I S MWSSSB j ANlRlCAN-MAiD BREAD ORDER FROM YOUR QROCER v W. O. W. ( DANCE AND CARD PARTY Saturday Night, October 9 Cards 8:30; Dance 9 p. m. This is the first of a series of entertainments to be given twice each month at the W. O. W. Hall by th Social Committee. Admission, 25c Per Person I I K. L. MILLER Suits Made to Order Cleaning. Repairing and Pressing Reasonable Pn-es "84 Twenty-fourth Pi Phcne 529 Ogden. UUii THE BEST OM EARTH i Gays iVlrs. Staples of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Taunton, Mass. "I could net eat or sleep for aix months, had fnir.tinc spelte I . '.j three months, A caused by female :: . ' trouble. My cousin, 4 who was a doctor, ' ft told mo to take k;j Lydia E. Ptnkham'a mf m i V e t a b I c Com- , M j 'l!1 , I pound ' it helped I W lii 1 mc rTreatly. Then 2iJ during the Change til of Life 1 used the V Sfr-afcL " Mi same remedy. I am V seventy years old now anil am able to V do my own housework and walk one y mile to church every Sunday morning and eveninp. I am recommending the Vegetable Compound to my friends hav ing the same troubles as I had. Your remedy is the best on earth. I cannot find words to express my gratitude t.i it. "-Mr?. SUSAN C. Staples, 157 B Schnol St., Taunton, Mass. The reason that thousands of women from all parts of the country write such grateful letters is that Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound has brought health and happiness into their livflS, once burdened with pain and illness. It has relieved women from some of the worst forms of female ills, such as displstisments, inrinmmatioo, and ul ceration. Why don't you try it? BETTER 1 DEAD Life is a burden when the body 19 racked with pain. Everything worries and the victim becomes despondent and downhearted. To bring back the sunshine take COLD MEDAL Th national remedy of Holland for over 200 ycrs; it is an enemy of all pains re sulting fpni kidnc-y, Uvt ' and uric acid I troubles. All druggists, three sizes. Look far tS- name Cold Mlttl ob wry bx 1 accept do i.-iiation i Mrs. Hicks Relieved H By Four Eatonics fk '1 have taken four Estonia tablets and they relieved me of 6oiir stomach 1 recommend it tu everybody," fn ' Mre Q, P ilicka. H If etotnach is not digesting vour i tood; if yon have aonrnew, bloating. !ood repeating, Indigestion or acid 1 stomach, Ratonic will lemo-.e the il 0SUS6 h taking np and earning out the BoiditV and gases, bringing quick relief and hesltny digestion. Why uferetomach fmiihlio XVnv not keep yOttr dlgSBtion normal and enjov go. m! I health"' An Estonio taken after es meal will pre. et;." liKcomfurtand pain. Maup thp test l lav and see how quickly tins inderful remedy acts. It cnnn-9 Lb bandy tuMet form. " Carrv it with you. A big box costs onls "a trifle with vonr druggist's guarantee i y rKi PPear Your Vi Best Instantly ! jTv - -I If you receive a sudden VK' ' ! cller or an unexpected In- . ,-' 1 J vlUtlon you can (eel eon- - Wm aw I at your best In hut a few III 1 moment? It renders to -, out It j 1 skin a wonderfully pure, jS' -aS A soft complexion that is J j ,eon eomparison. (iiwrAia ynr mouth tastes JisSW '''5e a" the mean M fiJJW things you ever dd 1 wjSOTlir mixed tocth-.. 'hen f vS- you need Beecham's I Pills. Your mouth is a good indication of the condition of stomach and bowels. f BEECHAM'S I Salal vrarrwbef. MaV BJ I ni Sal mt Amw Matiiciaa La ti. W1J