10 THE OGDEN STANDARD-EXAMINER MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 11, 1920. I Men church"; I INS BANNER First Christian Has Largest Representation at En j deavorer's Meeting Members of the First Christian luirch of Ogden last night brought to This city a large banner awarded them , at the state convention of tho Utah I Christian Endeavor union in Salt Lake. for the best out-of-fown representation j - from any Utah city. The convention closed Inst night after the most largely attended sessions ever hold In Utah. H Yesterday afternoon, between 3 and 4 o'clock. Miss Edna Flandro. state Junior superintendent, conducted a Ju nior rally at which many Ogden mem H here were present. Earlier In the day I Mr Roce C. Whitley of Ogden con-! H ducted a sunrise prayer meeting. H Plans were put under way for the H participation of Utah Christian En- H dcuvorers at the international conven- tion at New York City next July by the; H fOi mntlon of a Utah-New York club j H Elaborate arrangements have al- H ready been made for the entertain- B ment of delegates to tho New York H meeting. A southwestern federation ; special will take the Christian En-: H ilcavorers from Utah, southern Wyoni- H ing, Texas, Colorado, New Mexico and H the other states In the southwestern ', H federation to the convention. Scenic , H trips to Niagara Falls, the Great Lakes, j H Lake Champlaln, the Hudson river and H other picturesque places are in the j H route of travel for the special train. Dr. George E. Davles of the First B Presbyterian church of Salt Like con- ducted the dcotlona services after John Cecil led in a song service. Spe H vl.il music was furnished by the la- H dies' orchestra of Ogden. H Mr. Breg installed the new officers. H Miss Mlna McArthur, president, spoke H on behalf of the officers. Other chief H executives are John Thomas, vice pres-) H Ident; Miss Edith William, secretary,! K and George Qarnlck, treasurer. I WILL TALK AT I HEALTH SESSION Miss Sophie Larsen. Ogden Nurse to Address State Meeting H , Miss Sophie K. Larson, public health! H nurse of (fideii under wlio.se supsr- H vision a tuberculosis survey of Weber! l county Is being conducted, w ill be one 1 f the principal speakers today the 1 annum meeting of the I tab I'ubhc H Health association in Bait Like, which H opens at 4 o'clock in the Hotel I'tah. H Miss Larsen will tell of conditions in Ogden and Weber county in regard to H tuberculosis and will alio outline other H pubjic health H tlnce she has been statlbnod here. The story of Utah's first H seal naie. conducted eight years ago P , iy the federated cluii women, will bej m told by Mrs. a- J Oorham, director H uf the Initial campaign 1 That first sale raised $1000 as Utah's. 1 share toward the national flghi ngainsl H luberculosla This money H in by the various to know ii as the Red Cross fuitd, which' 1 was devoted entirely to antl-tubefcu- B losls work. The club women were so H I successful in conducting tin- first sale H that they were given charge of the H campaign the second As an out-: H growth these two H the Utah Public Health association H Mrs Gotham's recital of the early H history or the Christmas seal sale will H le only one of the features ou the H progruin, which Includes an address by Unjted si. iti a Senator Reed Sntpot M on "Public Healthy a National kssel H James Click, western representative I H 'f the National Tuberculosis aasocla- H oil, will bo the principal out-of-town 1 B Bpeak e i lie will discuss the "1920 1 The meeting win be called to order H Howard, president of the as- H Reports win be given and H e duns fur the coming v cat's work H H. Wall is executive H Slxtfeep new directors win H :U-d and an executive committee B t nc oo I Muiuals Sessions ! f To Start Wednesday The opening sessions ot the Mutual! Improvement association in all the City wards of the Ogden, North Weber j uid Weber stakes will he held Wednes day evenmg hi ' su o'clock- An mi lo'ion Is extended to all young men and young women of 'Mutual'' age i attend Officers of the organisation an- nounce that the t-oursv of studies is .exceptionally Interesting and attrac : tlve this year. The program for the -eason includes many social features. In addition to tfig studies. It Is expected thut s social proRr.nii il be u feature of the opening ses sion In most of the wards. The meet-j lugs in the county wards will be held Sunday evenings as usual, TWO SHOOTING AFFRAYS AT TRINIDAD: ONE KILLED TRINIDAD. Colo. Oct 11. Sam Huran. a Mexican coal miner, is in tho ' hospital with S bullet wound In his neck and face and John Davis, pro- ' prletor of a pool hall at Tabasco, a1 coal camp, is In Jail, having surren d.aa.JI hlmatlf inltint.rllv !.;. ,ivn.. . -....-. ivi.is, he shot the Mexican when tho latter menaced him with a knife and used' abusive language in the presence ofj Davis' wife. TRINIDAD, Colo, Oct. 11 Aler Johnson. night watchman al the Mr ley coal camp, was shot and killed at his home shortly after midnight Sat urday night. Kudolph Mazza, .tlii.i mobiie livery owner, was arrested lu connection with the shooting. Sjfazss officials said, admits he witnessed the shooting. Mazza Is married. He rc-t fused to say who did the shooting J BOWERY HOTEL" RATES AROUSE HOBO GUESTS H NKW YORK, Oct. 11. Patrons of H the lodging houses of New York's fa- H inout Bowery "Knights of the road."' hoboes and panhandlers were aroused today with the announcement thut rntot have risen. The Bowery H "hotels" have increased their prices H from the 15 and 20 cent schedule to double these rates in many oases. j Official Registration Districts of Weber County 1 Registration Day, Tuesday, Oct. 12 I 7ty. I ZZ 23 fl i I r-r 7 tht J M X 7s t 7 2 2 r ' "I ' - mmm 13 22J2?. 34 33 32 31 K lJ jj 2 J -- .5 'fR. X 2 3 IS. 5 T K E.ET RSj ! W vZiznszzz: 35 36 37 1 38 39 40 - a B l-.--r z t 5 r & a t S I 1 1 1 25ti J T R E T o J) , 43 N 47 46 5 45 44 43 42 N H i 1 : i riKnn. i 5i i - precinct map i L N N 5 ? OF THE. I I 4 3 6:? I CITY OF OGDEN 1 ' s Jrkr 1 WEBER COUNTY j rn1 i utah h ;h J v, tj Covny CpxkofJffifarCauvi J j ''J 3 1 . , 3 7 R E fzr i- i V c'bAfs6y C6tijfy ?hertthT mop VtOJ J ' war Q (k uj J ecfapM as Mr offset 'paf o'ecao .J jM " K w t j dntxicte wifhm Oadeo Cfy (at. J . J Cm by 6ooc of Cotrty CownJJMW V) S fr 5 ortVe6eCouofv.on Hi 252 I XJoy o r?6tuev, 1918- Bj t K a M WITNESS WHIIRLOF. V) ' 5 have hei'rh jg j &j$ s) (vD 0 $ offjx.md (iwk see of I 3 o j T " Tr? l ai t sis s REGISTRATIIM DAY . OCTOBER 121 Place Your Name on the Books if You Want to Vote Have your name on the books if you want to vote. Every voter's name must be on the registration list before h can vote at the general election. November 'Z. Register uctober 12. Following is an official list of regis tration agents and the places for reg ipi ration : I I V niSTRICTS. 1. Isabella S. Garner. 3125 Wash- ington a venue. 2. Ida M. Flinders. 3211 Grant u.ve I nuc. 3. John Tmgen, 3260 Stephens ave- nue- 4. inantha Wilson, 102 West Thir tieth street. 5. Neta Austin, 111 Thirtieth street. 1 6 Lenlne Welch, 3003 Grant a e nue. 7. Anna Dunham. 2frJfl Grant ave nue. 8. Alice W Nalsbitt, 2648 Grnt avenue. 9. Mary H. Geiger. 268 Twenty eighth street. 1 10. Ethel Pincock. 128 Twenty- 1 elKhth street 1 . 11. lary E. Jones, 2731 Wall ave nue. H. DOTa Wagstaff, 2436 "U " ave- nue. I 13. Sarah S. Young, 2171 Reeves avenue. 14 Nellie Major. 17S Twenty-fifth street. 1 6. -LJcuells Thomas, 355 Twenty third street. 16 Marv H. F:vans: 2248 Lincoln av enue. 17. Elizabeth Tracy, 341 Twenty first street. IS E. V. Wright, 1335 Gran; ave nue. 19. Joseph M Harbertson 341 Eighteenth street 20. Mary R. Williams, 1639 Hud son avenue. 21. Anna S- Hansen, 904 Grant avenue. 22. Edna II. Clegg 339 Fourth si reet. 24 Minnie Westmler. 456 Thir teenth street. 23. Caroline Myers, 541 First street. 25. Mary E. Shaw. 1011 Orchard avenue. 26. Myrtle Badger. 1220 Jeffcrsoa; avenue. 27. Lottie G Norris, M50 Washing-! ton avenue. 1 28. Pearl Baxter, 2064 Jefferson ! avenue. 29. Kate Van Dyke, S50 Twenty I fust street 30. Grace M. Jones. 2249 Eccles I avenue. 1 31. Fidelia Trorllcht, &4 Tentj 1 hird street. 32. Lucy Jensen, 629 Twenty-second street 38. Frances Hust. 2158 Adams avenue. J4 Elnora Winf.Ic. 2106 Washing ton avenue 35 Clara Carver, 236V Adams ave nue. 36. Evelyn E. West, 528 Twenty fourth street 37 Eliza J Jackson, 2355 Madison avenue. 38. Charlotte BL Tillotson. 74 8 t enty-fourth street 39. Martha B. Cooley, 2454 Monroe 1 nue. 40. Ireta C Evans. 2340 Eccles! avenue. 41. Mary Harrison 1132 Twenty-fourth street. I 6 r fccj 42 Sarah Gf ttens. 2530 'an Bur en avenue. 43. Maggie I'urrlngton, 2 6 5" Ec- cles avenue. ; 44. Merrlbell .Stcenson, 2625 : Quincy avenue. 45 -Emma Shrecve. 2548 Madison 1 avenue. I 46. Eva Browning, 667 Twenty ; sixth street. 47. Evelyn Halverson. 2619 Jef ! forson avenue j 48. Nona Paul, 4.Vj Binford avenue 49. Rosamond Packer. 47S Twcn I tv -eighth street. 50 Marj A. Hu.tsey. 2970 Adams avenue. 61. Elizabeth Lockheed, J 7 40 Jef ferson avenue. 5;. Dora p iioithcr, 821 Twenty eighth street. 53. Harriet J. Jackson. 3024 Ad am avenue. 54. George F Hunter. 3041 Wash ington avenue. 1 OOCKTT DISIRICTS. i Burch Creek William Royle. Hp j ! I Eden Olive M Graham. LV ! ' 'arr West Zeina "hugg Harrisv 1 tie- Lev 1 J. Taylor Hooper No. 1 John W BMngton. Hooper No. 2. Jennie Child Huntsville Emma Peterson. Kunev1Ue Thomas Kowlcs U Liberty David E. Chard. Marriott John J. Powell North ..gden No 1 John Hall. North Ugdcn No. 2 T E. Berr.tt Plain City Annie Rhead Pleasant view Lte Cragun P.andall Miiry J, I;ndall ' i ntverdalo John R. Thompson. Poj ov Hollands. L 81atervlllej. m. Wheeler m 1 raylor Evelyn T. Huntei LsBl Uurren Arthur W. Marriott. I brook "arr"-Sere,,a M. Aj1Jlr. B Ujnlah Walter Iff, Fernelius I i V " u ' '" J-mcM r. MeKarland. 1 II ilson Vinetta Martin rar'". J