OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, October 11, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 13

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-10-11/ed-1/seq-13/

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Thumbnail for 13

j Tor sauF
Rca! Estate
416 Twenty fourth St. Phone 2V. -''
$2350 Ponifoi table four room HbilH on
the bench: walls newly papered and
everything In N l nape: lot 88182
fc t east frontage. Very cany
IM00 Five room modern brick, fun as
mcnt. nice lawn. shade and fruit;
electric lighted: chicken coop,
large nin. lot r.0xl50 foci: I" rnWh
inrt of town. Terms.
84000 Seven-room modern home close In
t..r paved jiwi This I-: i rery
comfortable imm. ..nd w n worth;1
the money, Tenti.
Hrw I'iv.- room hrlc' bung-llOW on "he
ennrh; very nlcib arranged, awd
and electric fixtures; ias." m
closed sleeping porch: mt fawn,
- etc Ti rm.
$i.r(in six rtm modern brick, located on
i . -t pari of bench; hai m. - hd i
' rn tim, two sleeping porencs; ' 1
50182 feet TM property Is sereni
-iirj old nd very good value;
Kasy term
Ht, Twrntv fourth St Fhonotj 26, ?v1
ISO crei 10 acre pasttm
soli (n state, good water right, in cref
1 of beets read) to harvcet, iiH yield 18
, n ton to the acre. 20 -icrcs of hay with
fourth crop ready to cut. corn, grain and
potatoes In balance: 10 cows, team,
hnm?si-f.. v. k'uiit-. Inmlements. -te : .' 'so
200 Ion Ol liny now in stack, five room
house, pood parage, granary, etc. All for
$.i'.0H Will take a good city home as ptirt
payment mit easy iirm? on balance.
mii... i . Phon
I12O0 Bu i thli imall I 1 1 wit!
closed porch. Imw lot Willi or -. ,
eh.ird. lb SOUthcaSt part ol city .
13000 Buys this 4 room modern brick:
buncalow; full basement large lot.
iK?autifui kIi:u! iiikI lawn, large up- H
to date chicken coop. etc. I.
110,000 Buys this new 13-room apartment.!
partly furnished Mni modem In ) .
i-verv rc.-Di ft lx-.-.ilon nt the hest, , ,
'c have many, other good buys foi
I your consider it Ion
M3 IScclei Bldg. . Phone Su3 or SIT II
ESmpI hoi Immcdloti i c n
Rood seven-room house well located close
In large lot. Irult and shade trees Only
82100; ttf'fl down, balance same us paying
rent. A bargain.
A pood millinery strre, one o' tho best
in the city, doing good business; well lo
cated; a long lease ul low reit. Tlu ov.n
er desires to leavo ii. a good buy.
One of the best grocery stoics in (he
city, doing a co'.-i Intsiness. Ifivi yeai
base nt low real, win sell ifery cheap;
: -t . i reasons for cell nt
v I pay Ihi- hiphos prtc, : - l.ii it)
lionds. with accrued tptereat.
h a good ni" lern throe toom brick hmn
1 well located clo In Twentj slxtji
Btf a street Only $2200. Small payment down.
Hl 2417 Hudson Ave. Phoni
ROOMING i ' Phoni 2056 oi
241. Tv . nh Mltli eel 62M
FIRST class fl i room i lent pan
v. nlr.lir-. . if..-, in elect dcnci district,
HML ,1 pavement, car I imm i...tc '"-s.-s.-ion.
J small cash paymenl W. H- Ionp. Phont
W 6 500
itn.M. estati 1 ndli d o i i hoi I no)
H Prompt attention riven lo all home
r er. Call and see our list, J. H. Kppor-
D son. 40S Twentj six;b .mi. : -Phono I'H'i.
' k t I '1
WELL built brl. I; r. sj.lr v. . . TTx I arc"
H rooms, besides bath and closets, full baac-
H ment. pood locality and close to busbicss
B center. $6000 and worth it. Tenn" il
1 431 Twenty-fourth street. I'honc 1803 I
.... :
11700- -Four root. i n 1)1 lol yen
goo-J hom t.
H J3500 Four room modern, half block off j
H Washington avenue ESasy terms, or
H will trade for larger home.
H , J420'i Five room modern brick bungalow.
I half block fiom pavement and cai ,
HiF 1 inn . big lol and garage; i
Bl v . Beautiful home for the price. About
Bl one-third c.sh Ti-rms on balance
H J4500 Five room modern brick bungalOW,
H half tilorl( from pavament and e4r :
R line. Easv terms
IHI $6.300 Buys one of tin best built modem
Ka brick homeV in the city, with- a lot i
Hl ,60 by 10,'. f i-sd . fruit and shade trees,
Be parage and Thicken run; $1500 .ash,
nfHpRIl Terms on balance.
.'iBH! above are all rare bargains, and1
jttEfl well worth investigating
ITS Hudson v. . ' ,
B. F. BRATi .
fl Six room modern homo, lot 42x132 clOBe j
1 In. all special taxes paid in full. Intuited)
HB ate possession. Thi.-- will make a dOSlr- I
MfM able home for (2850. Terms to suit
PpHI Double house, tour rooms, large Jot.
PMKI close In on bench and paved street. Live
29 in one, rent one $3650 Kasy terms.
, i: i. i id:? 1)2 s:.
nv C v N i ' i ; FN mi ! room! panti i othec
. loset. screened ikjt. h. large shed, fruit
trees. 1351 Grant avenue. I'honc 1432-J.
HV i v n I'. . n i ..'.in i r ,. hoi
modern Residence 019 Twenty-second
BY OWNER Lot 4'.i32. lib " foot
alleyway; excellent location I'honc 3lSi
M c 1 1 :
NINE room strictly modern bigh grade
home on Adams avenue, near Twenty
liftl street. Terms. $9000.
Five room modern brick home T.-rni'.
A bargain $.ri500
KELL8 & HERRICK. ..ill
BY OWNER Six rooms strii tl) modern
new home; without doubt the best buy In
town, must be sold at once Phono 144C
W i
BIGHT loom nearly modern and six and
one half acres line land, fruit, barns, hen
house and fine Improvements: on Canyon
Toad, near Washington evenut, A bar
gain. Good terms. Kelly & Herrick
SIX room house st Phlrtj eighth an.i
Grant. Will rent furnished or unfur
nished, Will sell furniture. Kimball
player piano. Mahogany and quarter
sawed ok furniture. The Walker Com
pany i hone 1 1 80 ., i
1 iw i .1; im., 4iui .ii modern brick
house In first class condition: extra largo
lot. Reasonable for cash 307 Thirty first
TWO homes for the price of one Double
' cd brick cottage. modern' except
heat 2629 Monroe avenue. I'hone 12n4
w I. l'n:ii;i: K. ,, nnr ,an,
"a:.hington (i venue Fnono 1876
. 12 s;
i andj j room modi rn prt is .i brick
north part town. 88300.
0 toom modern brick close in. 88200
Hjf- mo n frami on beni h '.;
Hl 4 room frame, fine- house, large lot Five
1 Points; $2200.
Ull 5-room brick modern on bench. $4000.
Under Commercial National Bank Bldg
I'm hi. 80
1 i ooni rnodei d i in bi m b v. orth i fu
price. $3700.
Hil 5 room modern, south Wushluplon nv-
il nua; garden, fruit, etc. $3S00
11 5-room modern, beautiful location on
11 bench; immediate possession, $6000. See
is (or terms.
Hf List your property with us We pet re-
Upstairs Commercial Bank. Phone 1147
in. mi hovihe, barn and gHragv- L.il:..
I'M I'M.'. ','aiU , 7
MRS a J BAKER, 8781 Madison Phone
MM 4495
Male and F7&e
H AMBITIOI S .. u, ,,,
iD Sri.T s- overnment positions. $135 to
1MB I18E month. List positions free Franklin
1H Institute. U. pt. 493 H, itocheste-r. N V
SLEEPING rooms, steam heated; eent.
i inn preferred. 559 Twcntv sev n'.li St
OM furnished apai fhirtj
first Si ' G366
MODERN furnished ma no children
iii'i'n ' i i ' -1 WaaldngtOTj t
i i RXISHED rooms part ol
home; nn children 1001 Washington A.
. Mjj
SI EEPING rce.ni for one "i two Phoni
W tUi Id i in, j j. .
' ' 'in - ... . urnl M.e.l ", t 'n-
Ion riione Ug -'
I.RGE front room in private home ad
Joining tiath. suitable- for on- or IWO I" o
Pie. 2539 Hrnnn-ire
i ng om for gentleman i'
''" Mi - . , 6147
' ' "' gentleman, Reai 743 Twenty
'hi-d mi. 616Q
LARGE fronl rt.r, ring 1. . , pmu
Mot water luat. b.,th and telephone Cali
i ; room 5! rwi tity sev. nth
st--. . i Phone 2ir. m
' " ' v S . ; . i ii. t . i j44t Grant. 4934
Unfurnished I
4 oi; .".room modern house or apart '
ment. . lote ir.. r.o children, references
rl"n. 1 i ; i .1
1 I nd screen porcn
Thirty first t phone 1 474 I i.T:
modern brick house. st;n
Jer month. Inquire -y oiKer Lumber CO.
I Board and Room
f-'OR two rvntlemen In private modern
iome I05j Twenl i third SI S091
7 PASSENGER car for rent without
driver. Thone 2284-W 6371
STORK and dwelling cabined L. asc!
i.in Waahlngton avenue 6153
f VVaOTfCr '
To Rent j
6 ROOM house furnished or unfurnished:
t.ood neighborhood ; $2u lonus on flrs
month rem I 1 1 log 1 1 e Ogden, 5373
' r ' . w::nt furnl-heTi , oi ' it.
. r Apartment; refeience.s I. Rldg.
St 1'aui I lot, i ,, 6fj
I 1 'X . ii ' I. ii ni; h. ii i m, or
j thr.e room house. Box 31. enre Stand
I at d Examiner. 6233
1 TL1 mod rn unfurnl bed houi i oi
apartment on lu nch, no children Rhone
' " M-J
To Buy j
GOOD pr.ee pafd for men's old clothes
283 Twenty fifth .street nd a postal
BE1 IF cattle, veal, hi ep hog u III .nil
m your yard. Gust Jensen, 3434 Washing ,
i .ii a- . nn Phone 2::''' r,vs
I buy lib. rty bonds .it highest price. If
you have bonds for sale, sec me. J J i
Bnimmltt, 2417 Hudson ayenue Phone 69
'.1 v '
I WILL pa) hlghi i price toi poultrj and
rabbits Phone- 1243. Western Griiin &'
Feed Co 1
PULLETS, any a-,-e, any number. Western
ilrnin & Teed Co. 23"4 Washington A.
''".''in.!. i hone 8222 w 5"-
LARGE clean ragi wanted at th. stand
rd Examiner ..i flee 4380 ',
Temaie Help $
TAILORESS experienced for repairing I
men's suits or girl or woman handy Svith I
the needle that is willing to learn Bloom.
121 Twentj iii ii. st ,
' 1 1 " " ' i 1 1 I y:.i ion 1 1 . . 1 1 ,
: I r ; i , i . .i genera v. wagei J
a w . ek no yvashing. good home for right '
g I 3452 i.i... ..in v- Phone M-".
. 1 1: i . w anted j i he Vj lata ris G 2 S3
CHAMBERMATO Reed Hotcj g78
GIRLS ov. i P ' 'i i - .f ', (or work in i
cereal factory Apply m Albers Bros 1
Milling Co., Twenty ninth and Pacific
ri inn fi-jt ,
SCHOOL girl want. . i to i i.
child 'ia3,i Washington . 622
"K Appl) jii person at Sdartiia Nur
eery, North washlngtop Avenue, at oitv
limits. 5229
i HOCOL VTE - i 1 1 f - - r wanti d Sti di
work, good wages. Palace Candy Co
6 1 1 '.
1 '.IT:!' ! I 'M 'I I w on mi lor ! . m-I
general housework, no laundry, good
I wages, 2636 Adams nvenue Phone 888
GIRLS, over Is. Ogden Steam liundr.
I EXPERIENCED sewing girls wanted at
paplau's Gown Shop: good wages, 53S5
DRESSMAKING taught to anyone willing
to apply themselves See Madam Capinu.
' Tl.li.) ri.,oi. Win hi V '-''.ore '
'MPLS over 16 to peel tomatoes "t Wn
Batch Canning Company. Will furnish
: transportation to und from work I'hone
108. so i j
F- PI P 1 1-: M I r i nographer-nookkceper
BOX 11. CO re this ).iip.-r 4662.
Male Help I
AN experienced baker, one who under
stands puiin l ooking School for the Deaf I
and Blind g-m I
JANITOR wanted at Qrant hr.i.i sag!
LAMORKRS v. i.nte-H 8 eight hours Come
I ready for woik Take 7:18 a m Ham
berger train to arsengl. A' m Suthci
land Building & Contracting.' Co.. Ogden
to unload ...i I . good .., I ion ( '..a I
j Thirty fir.il .,,! V. -. Mng'.e, ,
1 1 t , , (,',,(.. I v. a g, .
; We have openings for a large number
Of experienced station men. Laborers also
WUted, Phone to Interstate Sugar Ao .
56R B, or meet our trucks In front of
l; '"' g' r deK.( :il 7 3fi ., in ,.;,ch rn
Ing Interstate Sugar Co., Hooper, Utah
, , ' '
r:iy with blcyei,. fm delhertn.-; lor il.v
work Culley Drug Co. 6
CEMENT finishers wanted Call Super
I Intcndent. Phone C23. 6022
FLY, repair autos, Ignition, v m c a
''i'q s. iio 'l. I..-. ti-. ' 599
STOl NG man to lerk in newsstand Gray
:s'i' ;' Co Union Depot. 6380
-"-V--- - NNN-.. a
I LARGE clean rags wanted at Standard
1 Xai iin. r office, 4379
J12 WOric and remodeling a specialty
Phone 2296-NW, ,, ,,,
R ,V-",r.K' "rhlng1 ironing or cleaning
-1-3 Vtrjall
D vv wo,i wanted 5J Mrs E Robinson
1 1 ' ! '.'-'I 1 " I'v.llllltler
CURT UNS .lone ,,,,.1 ...on,-,,, w, ,,,,,
P) tie bo. u Phone Bj J E
' watchman oi porter; good ref,.r
I ' rni n bant policeman. Box so
Standard Examiner
1 1920 Chandler chummy roadster Uaed
onl) five months; first class condition
'tsIi or terms Parly leaving town. BOX
E x. Btandard-Examinei 1 I j
1914 MODEL Studebaker, self starter, me
hanlcally good. I new tires. $223. Call
1214 Porter An e.
PUS Butch Roadster
1917 Studebaker Touring
1918 Oakland Touring
I91S 1 ton Nash Truck
1919 2 ton Nash Truck
IMi 1 ton Chevrolet Truck
1920 ton Oldsmoblle Truck
All in Irst class mechanical condition
Terms can be arranged.
22a Washington Ave. Ogden
I Rulek D-4C touring
yub-k 33 tourlnp.
Bulch 31 roadster
I Bulck K b".
l.o.ige 1918 tourtnp car
I o lK. 191 7 ton ring car.
Dodpe 1918 roadster.
! , Dodpe pus sedan.
Maxwell five passenper
Ford sedan
1 Ford touring car
Ford roadster
Ford coupe
These cars have been repriced cheaper
in the last ten days
2566 Washington Avenue Phone 32i
BUICK roadster, Price in Harmony with
present market Phone 25pi or 2757-J.
1 ii PEND P.i.r" BSE i 'AP.s
1918 Overland six with Continental motor
1917 Paige hIx.
P'V7 Hudson super-six roadster.
1917 Hudson -super-six touring
1917 P.ulrk 4
1919 Chevrolet tourJng
19PJ Chevrolet ronrtster.
i 145 55 lln.lfnn We 6360
SF.W llghl cylinder Scrlpps-Booth at
?2nn sacrifice Can take Ford in trade.
Phone 352 1. after B,
I CADILLAC elghl seven passenger; good
condition What IS your cash offer
Phone 1 " 4 or call 213 Hudson building.
M 18
' 1; v ( i TI' ' ' .1.-. to.iring ar. fir. t
class condition 2329. Monroe avenue.
, Ph 2233 .1 ? ' .'
FORD ton tnit k. pneumatic tires. $42.r.
Ford delivery truck. $275. Phone 648
ION account ..f leaving employ of Brown
ling Bro.-. Auto Oi , I offer my new Willys
I Knight loi tale at .1 discount P" H
I Carman, '' 1
j 1917 rORD. bargain. 232S Jef ferson,
SE EN passenger Cadillac, Good as new
p. -1 v.in.- In city. Murphy Wholesale
Grocery Co. Twentj fourth street. .r'-'
I HEMSTITCHING and p. cot edg. . Prompt
service All worl puaranteed. 2338 Wash
I inpton avenue Singer Soyvlng Machine
1 Rl-" S M A I 1 N' ' b ailing and embroider
ing, 1 model In s ork guaranteed,
1 iToii.- 1 :'.-. J 5883
j HEMSTITCHING and plcot, prompt serv
3877 Washington y white Machln
PI I;, knli. jileating. I'hone 231S M.
" 127
1. M l I i.PN r dressmaking, guaranteed.
Phoni L92B-J, 5408
Htiiiisiiichiniii picot etge, outii'in. mnu
ini and pleating Second floor w H.
V. right & SorSi Mr H I-ayman 1163
VK t9ko your old range as first payment
on any new range, or will buy your old
ranee outright H'jm. Furniture Co 4673
BICYCLE Owner can have same by ldrn i
tlfying and paying for ad. Call 126 Twen
ty sixth alt-r .' p in 6231
LOST Lady's yvrlst watch Finder please
report to Mrs. S. S. Smith 1214 Reward.
A WHIT I ; .-ilk baby V cap on Twentj
eighth street oi Plngree avenue. Rew.ird.
t on i'.i Twentj eighth St. -j:
SIDE curtain foi Bulck car. Pli i
phone 1.".43 W 919 Twenty fourth sire, t :
1 vRt'FI oit. lining1 child pink Ills
dr. ss and gingham apron Call 961 M. Re
ward -M
Salesmen I
SALKSMAN with automobile. Guaranteed
salary ..ml commission Mr. Holland, Glen
BrOl Robertl Piano Co. 6192
The old Oak rhi-ki-n ranch on sotith
Grant avenue, consisting of 7,7 acres
highly Improved. Can give immediate
.possession Terms,
17 acres Wilson 1-ane, .", share? of water.
Unlimited amount of gravel, hard gravel
road to the land
! Phone 1134) 623 Ecclea Building
SIX room modern house and t'rjrniturc for
. a smaller home- 478 Twenty first street
ILejl'lTV in apartment house for land or
lots. Icase and furnishings. Can be
lioughl, Box 13, Standard Examiner.
FOPK acres land new four room modern
bungalow garage 78) Seventh stieet
Phoni 2441 u el2s
( rKI.ANO i! .rgaln Own.-r gone.
Plum. 333 4308
T businS? j
I Opportunities
Slfiiiu BUY8 good cofc: long lease, low I
renl I (6 'i wentj rift 1 SI 6358 I
.ON real estate Fight per cent interest.
No commission. 2337 Grant. Phone 5S2
t'O salaried people . ithout secjrity 'o
Others nn pianos, furn'ture. bonds, etc
I lMd-on HI. I. I'hone 2.S4 249
HONEY to loan on uipiuv.u mU estate
k'lly i.- Herrick 11
K NSAS CITY A burred of deni-
tured alcohol em a sidewalk in front j
of a drug store here caused a panic.1
A youth sitting on the barrel dropped
a Cigarette through the open bung
hole. Immediately the youth traveled
I 10 feet Quickly, He wasn't hurt but
IM H II SiU erfol. S 1 1 Wilson und
1 Ralph Morris went to the hospital
J with serious burn
(By International Nsws Service)
TAYLOHV1LLE. III. After seven
prisoners had escaped from the " hoosc
I gow" In as many days Jailer John
Micenheimer resigned his job. Rela
tives who brought saws, hammers and
'other Implements, of assistance In jail
breaking to Inmates were blamed for'
the wholesale oec&pes by the- Jailer.
LONDON Charles Solloway. form
er rae-e horse- trainer for the czar of
Russia. now sells chocolates and
matches on the street at the Marble
Arch hero. He wears the decorations
the- czar gave him.
I Miscellaneous j
rONATHAN apples and pearo We rte
... Twelnh Si I'll, .ne :
TOR BALfi Large buffet and range v, ,.h
, water front, 335 1 I I tdlSOII .
lROP hend rolarv Singer sewing machine
Phone 2'jT. "vl . , ;
HOi .-i HOLD GOODS No 31 l'. , i E
M Um:i,TS. " K370
'A'intkp. apples free fiorn worms and
, bruises. 600 Twelfth St. Wlnesapfi lin,-
i Pearmain. good apples 1100 and l 2r 1
i chole. $ .-.ii and 51 73 culls. 7.V , o. i
M'PI.KS $1 30 bushel MTU (v. rson's '
place at Ninth St. nnd Lincoln Ave. 6342
A 5-ROOM house large lot; good Iru
Phone 2li'7 M 6344!
'UK hois.:., for sab- Address William
Warslnk. P.o . t ub.
2 WORK horses, weigh about 1500 Bapl
1 :"v 1 "' a r. Sta n.ji r. I FAamln. i
i R8T . i.css w int. r apples for salt 0 i 1
bushel and up. 2741-J P Jensen. 223
Ninth St, c47 ,
:.i Mffie V'" tier bushel Winesaps,
'R0c and 75c bushel; all free from worms,
j Come and gel what you want George
Steed, Clinton. Ptnh. 6359
NO reaSOnab I e o f f e r ill v, (nved tor
any article m iverson i Secondhand Store,
j 1640 Washinglori A,e i losing out Pulld
. ing for rent. 6345
5 PPLES il B child. rUverdals Phone
8-R-l. B30B
lNB larg. library table; one carpel 44 j
Twentj s.cond street. 8308
REOIST1 1 l".I .Iit.tj s ("all 272S R ,i. r 1
C p m. we.-k days; Sunday afternoons,
; 25,11 Wushlngton 6300 1
apt' im iTlCelectric washer 267'.' in. iv 1
"in avenue Phone 2388-g 6310 1
'""b work team 2400 pounds, heavy
harn-ss nnd wide tire wagon and box
in mire 188 T'bii 1 . ih street, r, 3 1 i '
' 1"' '.: ' trie-k foi rale at 3111 p. rr t venue"
Phone 226' W. 6307
PURNITl R f; toi 2303 Washing
I tj2n 6306
V IN'TKR .ip...; for .-ale, 73 rmtS and ui
i"'r ujii. I Phonji 1 787. 6888
.'.'.'il. .Ton-itni.ns and Roman peanlio.
socoTd grade apples, 7Cc bushel. Chas
Taylor Rlvcrdalc Phone 44 R-2. 620 ;
V' "' : ug ' ' .11 s I I 026!)
TWO bicycles i condition" 3311 Chlldsl
I ti nuc 6271 I
.Mi"i;ic N adding machine in fir.t chiuM '
Shape, $50 Ogd. 11 Motor Car Co.. 2347 1
I Hudson avenue, 6272
iVKi';l L. the i-ppb :n-.n. snvs we save
.you the freight in and out.
Three grades S2. 52 50 and 88.
Jonathan ciders. 60-50. you pick 'em
, Call between 10 and 12 a. m 22 22 W . I
i dr drive one mile north of Hot Springs I
6173 I
iWlNTKU pe-nrs for rale 71.7 Twelfth'
in. 1 6162 1
30-30 Winchester '.'4 model. ?.?:. 38 Colt
1 Special 329 Phone 1573 r, 1 r.n
U I I I. buy 110 d ranges and healers
I Phone 2164 Furniture Exchange, 253
Twentj (ii ( ii st reel 6845
: oi big v'. m i. i. :..; m on
Koa.l or ).)ioiie 1'.J 1 J 6242
"l KM ri l'K lor .-'ale chep. 171 Tw. n
i tj -second strei t 6243
,SIX Inch WOOden pl" spiral wrapped
with heavy steel wire and connections of
heavy n-.i iron Ideal for conveying Ir-i
rlgattng or culinary water on farm It
is practically as good as new and can be
... I 1 ... .p Phone I'll 62 :
'"'.0'"I rr.und horbc, weigh a 11 00 1 '
Fourth strei t 6303
Linoleum, carpets, dressers, kitchen
cabinets, beds .lining tables. Phone 3464,
Furniture Exchangi 853 Twenty fifth
6180 :
I'l'.l'.- 1 I n.i::. . .c. PH". ' .ran ' '' ' 7.'
BAB1 carriage1 and dressing table 755 1
Tu . nty-fourth. 6178 1
PLAYLR piano for sale at a bargain. Call
at 3'.1 Thlttl.-th street. t'. 1 7 7
TK foot plate gla.-a floor case 352
Twenty fifth street. 6176 !
PI RN I'll PP 1 I" W..-l-:ngt..n A', t 5?M
NPW extra, fid honey s'i!. at 2'i.- per
pound or $1150 In 60 pound cans, while. I
It lasts. Address Geo. T. Pierce. R. F. j
D 5. I?ox 222, Marriott; also Geo O I
I'.at. Ii.-l.-i :"'!" St. n.-- nv nue 570S (
LARGE "c-ll colored Jonathans J.'i high
grade W'lnesaps $2.50; big red and striped
' lanOS jl 85 Phon.- 22 22W , f,680 ,
W'l" have 5000 asters at 2 cents each.
Pin. -t on the marke-t 674 Pwclefth Street
Buy your paint at Stowe's and save 1
money, 1800 Washington avenue. Phono
6S6 J 1 31 S
' I' " l f;.mil auto Phone 1427 .'."73
UNCAPPPD lor euits. tailor made; big
reduction Gordon a. 211-25 Twenty-ftPn
BJ Phone 413 317
Information Bureau
ANYTHING A to X new or old
1 bought, sold or traded Phono .133
Uramwell Bool' and Stationery 265
! Washington Ave Phone 360. 20SS
Utah Natltori Bank, southeast corner
Twenty - fourth rind Washington. Phono 61
Ogden Carpet Cleaning Co. Hae us
1. .111 yi u r rugs the best way. Phones 416
and is. 9 w. 5030
F.xpcrt carpet cleaning, upholstering,
in.. 1 1 re . . , ma. p. - , r leather r. nonl. .1
Call E. I. Hampton & Co.. 2586 Wr. 423
K. Van Konipen for upholstering, car
peui cleaned, ulferod and la'd. Remaking,
of mattresses Phone 2762-J.
I'hone 133. 225S-6U Washington Ave.
The Now Method Dentists ire special
ists In all branches o Dentistry 246V
vl sjshlngton Av, z20s
or nlct electric maLUge, call at
-447 Grant avenue. 434
Ogden Kngravlng Service " . makers
01 fine cuts In one or mo.-: olors. 411 !
Twenty-fourth s'r,., i Phoj,) 63
J. P. Corry, 420 Kcclos Building.
' Geo. D Bennett, corporation nnd croup
j Insurance a specialty Phone 124-Wr. 1514
Western Hide & Junk Co.. 2323 Wash
In wton Avi Phone S61.
Ogden I unk House. 2o WoshlngtOD
j Ave Phone 210
F"' I"-.-! 1 resh made paints, Inc. from
Pioneer I'aint Mfg Co , 415 Twenty third
183.60 to $4.50. 6164
r H, Zerbe, Phone P45 J. 6263
Gas and coal ir.nges cf.nncctcd. All,
klndn ot .;iin,.im, work our prl .-s aie
right. Orvil Wiild-am. d61 Seventeenth
street Phono 8628 1 : 4330
All kinds. C. H. Zerbe. Phone 915 J
WJ II a rd Kay, real estate and loans
2474 W ushi.'u-ton A. P)ione 409 1K74
Stoves set up und repaired, Phone 361
Garbage ar,d rubblah hauled. c;sapools
and toilet! cleaned. John Chlpp & Co 1
Phono 2S. 234S HudSOB Avenuu 'j732
Bloom the Tailor. Is an expert on re
lining and repairing. Suits made to order
224 Twenty fifth ircet. 383J
Trunk and bug repairing, round cor
ner from Maxidard Gallacher'a. "373 Hud
eon 211 J
1-XPKRT window and wall naoer elesn
mg American window gleanicg, Ph 663
in the .enter ..f ;t new ash tray
is a reel of pape r t ojited with mate- I
rial for striking safety miitehes.
. . i ranriOTgegaMBBBpawaafl
MlSsk aaM88aBii8b
PHILADKLPHI A Jiicquellne Gay.
24 years old, wore men's clothes for
a number of year and then met and
"married"; Winifred Me Vaughn. 20.
and they kept house together as 'man
and wife'' for four ycarii, according to
Jacqueline's story to the police. She I
claims to be an Oklahoma Indian girl I
and says she took to masculine attire
to a ' old the perils of the- tenderloin
where i, . worked at a mission She
became B drug user and the police
arrested her as a man when they saw
her receive a package of drugs." Her
Ktory Is said to Implicate a wealthy
leader of trje Italian colony who. 1st
said to have forfeited ball when she
charged him with selling her urujjs.
Notico M. A. No. err:;:
I nit d States i-md Office, Salt Lake
City, I'tsh. Sept. 10. 1?20.
Notice Is hereby given, that Southern
Pacific Gold & Copper Mining . Milling
' ompany, a corporation through Its au
thorlzed agent. Cora M. Hold, rman whose
postofflce nddres.-- --. Salt IjiK, e'.t t'tnh.
has made application for a I'nlted Stab s
patent for the LHorlte, Cuprite No 2 Cup
rite No. 3, vi2..ir.i Ls i Chance Last
Chance Extension No 2 Iast Chance Ex
tension No. 3, Pea Cock and Top Notch
lode mining Claims connolldated situated
In th. Sierra Madre mining district, Coun
ty of Weber State of t'tah. being Sur
v.-y No. 6571, und described In the field
not. ? and plut file In this offl. .-, with
magnetic variation at 18 deg. ICast. as
Commencing at corner No l or Plorite
lode claim, whence the S W . corner Sec
8, T. 7 N., R. 1 W,. S .L. B & M. bears'
S. 14 deg. 42 min. W 1226 6 feet;
Then..- N. 0 dog. 23 min W. 600 feet
to corner No 2 of said claim;
Thence S S8 deg. 53 min. E. 3000 feet
to corner No S Ol Wizard claim;
Thenco N. 5 deg. 23 min. W. 966.6 feet
to corner No. 2 of Top Notch claim-
Thence B. 88 dec 53 min. E. 566.4' feet
to corner No. 1 of La.it Chance- Extension
No 2 claim.
Thenco N 3 deg 4S min. W 1159 4 fert
to corner No 2 of Lat.t Chan, e I ." tension
No. 2 i lalni :
Thencee S. S8 deg. 53 min. E 600 feet
to comer No. 3 of paid claim;
Thence S 5 deg. 48 min. E. 1459 4 feet
to corner No. 4 of said claim Identical
with corner No. 3 of. Last Chance claim -
Thence S 5 deg 23 min E 1336 3 feet
to corner No. 4 of I-ast Chanco claim.
Identical with corner No. 3 of last Chance
Extension No. I claim;
Thence S 6 deg. 64 min. E 1435 1 feet
to corner No. 4 or Last Chance Extension
No : claim.
Thence N. S3 deg. 53 min W. 2704 5 feet
to earner No. 1 of Cuprite No 2 rlalm
Tie nco N. 5 deg 23 min W. 1200 feet
to corner No 2 of Cuprite No. 3 claim,
identical with corners 1 and 4 of Wizard I
and Dlorlte claims, respectively.
Thence N &8 deg 53 min. V. 1500 feet
to corner No. 1 of Ploilte ciiiIim th. place
of beginning and located In SW SE
ht and NE. Section 8 and NW i; and
NE. i of Section 17. Township 7 North 1
Rang.- J West, S L, B & M containing
an aroa of 169.006 acres exclusive of con !
filets, as shown bj the duly ?rt S f ii-tl
.field notes of said Survev No 657 1. to be
In confll. t with W e4 ol S;' i of Sec
' tion S and with Section 17. T 7 N . R. 1
W . S. L B. & M.
I direct that this notico be published In
i Th.- Standard Examiner, published at
Ocdcn, Utah.
Salt Lake City, Utah.
Claimant' j Attorney. 522
Date of first publication September 15
State Engineer's Office Suit L,-ike'Citv
I tab S.-pt 23. 1020.
Notice is hereby given that Wm G
Rhead of Ogden. Utah, has made applies
lion In aVordance with ihc i . .inr. ment .
Ol the Compiled Laws of Utah, 1817 as I
amended by the Session Laws of Utah.
1910. to appropriate one hundred (1001
acre feet of water from First Salt Creek
in Weber County, Snid water is to be!
stored from Nov. 1 of each year to April;
1 of the year following by means of an
impounding dam .i. rns.i the natural han
ne of First Sab Creek the center of
Which is loaded at a point N. II deg E
250 ft. from the SW corner of Sec, 30' I
Township 7 North. Range 2 West. Salt j
l4ke Base and Meridian, the Jnnd inun
dated being part of SW i Sec. 30. and
part of N 4 S 's Sec 31, said township
and range The water will be released hv
means of two pumps, one at a point N
68 deg. 15 min. E. 1250 ft. land the other
at a point S. 70 deg E. 2112 ft from the
NW. comer of Sec 31. township and
range aforesaid, and conveyed by means I
of ditches aggregating 3600 ft. In length
and Used from May 1 to Nov. 1 of each
year, to Irrigate 70 acres of land in IxjIs
8 and I and SF t NW. 'i See ;;i .vjii.i
Township 7 North. Range 2 West This
application Is designated In the State En
Igineer's office as No. 8181.
All protests against the granting of said
I application, stating the reasons therefor,
must he mode by affidavit In duplicate.
'accompanied with u fas of ?2 SO, und filed
I in this office within thirty (30) das afi.
the completion of the publication of this
Btats Engineer
Date of first publication Sept 27, 1020
I Date of completion of publication Oct
I 25. 1020 5862
Notice Ic hereby given that on Septem
ber S 1920. the District Court of the See
on.l Judicial District of Utah In and for
Weber county, wherein the undersigned
W. F. Rudiger was on Sc-pteuiiber n, 1930
appointed receiver of the Gpddard Pack I
Ing Company, a corporation, having its 1
principal place of business at Oi,i. n
Utah, with brunches at' Salt Pal;,- l'lt
Utah, and Provo, Utah, made and en
tered an order pursuant to the terms of I
which, all persons, firms, associations I
and corporations, having claims or dc-
mends against the Goddard Packing Com I
pany, a corporation, are requested lo prs
sent their claims in writing to th- clerk j
of the District Couit of the. Second Judi j
In I Dim let of I'tuh in and for We hei
county, at Ids office in the County t't.urt
House In Ogden. Utah, on or before the
sth day of January, 1221. under penaltj ol
having their . lalms not so presented, "dis
allowed. Every proof of claim filed au
aforesaid shall be Itemized and sworn to,
and shall set forth the actual amount un
paid und owing, the actual consideration
thereof, when the same was contracted,
and when the same has become or will lnj
come due-, whcthci aii ami what Occur!
ties nr.- hekl therefor, whether any and
what payments have been mud. (her. on
that the sum claimed is Jubtly due from
the said Goddard Packing Company to the
claimants, and that the claimant has not,
The Ogden Auto Directory H
Briscoe Touring Cars, Gramm-Bernstein Trucks White-Robinsori : I
2300 Washington. Phone 340 3739 -
Ogden Auto Radiator Co., 2329 Hudson Avenue 3740 J
All makes of batteries repaired and recharged. Exide Battery Sta- I
tion, 2359 Hudson Avenue ' 3741 I
Wttjei Taylor Motor Co., 2333 Hudson Avenue Ohalmers and Max- ' J
well sales and service. Phone 143 3740 I
Hudson Auto Top Co., 1717 Washington 3773
Willard Battery Station. 2454 Grant avenue 3733 j
Northeast Service Station Cheesman Auto Co. 3786
LEGAL notices
Proposed Constitutional Amend
ment No. 1.
A Joint resolution proposing an nmend
ment to Wtlon 5 of Artlclo 11 of the
Constitution of the State of Utah r
Iftlnr to municipal corporations.
Bo It enacted by the Legislature of thv
Mate of t'tah two thirds vote of all tho
members elected In the two House con
eurrlng therein;
I Section 1 That It In proposed to amend
Serf ion a of Article XI. of the Conntltu- I
1 tion of the .Stat., of I'tah so that thi i
Mme win read us follows
Sec 5 Corporation for municipal pUr
; rosea 8haii not be created hv special laws '
The Legialature by general lawn shall pro
vide for the Incorporation, orronlzatlon
and cLvislfkntlon of cities nnd towns in
j proportion to population, which laws may
! be altered, amended or repealed
Any city may frame and ndopt char
ter for It.i own government In the foi
lowlm; manner-
The legislative authority of the. city
may. by two thirds vote of Its members
and upon petition of qualified electors to
I the numher of 10 per cent of atl votes cast
i at the next preceding election for the of-
flee of the mayor, shall forthwith provide
by ordinance for the submission to the
electors of the question "Shall a Com
mission be chosen to frame a charter""
The ordinance shall require that the ques
: tion be submitted to the electors at the
next rcsrulnr municipal election. The hal
lot .ontalnlnr such question shall also
contain tho names of candidates for mem
I hern of Ihe r, rnn ewl O,-, ...... I i .
without pnrty designation. Such candl
j dates shall be nominated In the same
manner as required by law for nomination
of city officer?; If a m.- lorlty of tho elec
; tors voting on the question of choosing a
Commission shall vote in the affirmative
th-n the fifteen rnndldntes reccl Ing a
majority of the votes cast at such i let
tion. shall constitute the charter Commls
flon, and shall proceed to frame a char
ter. -
Any charter so framed shall be 3Ub
mined to the qualified electors of the city
ot an election to bo held at a time to
he determined by the charter Commission,
which shall be not less than thirty days
subsequent to Its completion ond distri
bution among tho electors and not more
than one year from such date Alterna
tive provisions may also be submitted to
be voted upon seporately The Commis
sion Shall make provisions for tho dlstrl
bution of coplea of tho proposed charter
and of r.ri alternative provisions to the
qualified electors of the rlty, not less than
sixty days before the. election at which it
Is voted upon. Such proposed charter and
such alternative provisions es are ap
proved by a majority of the electors vot
ing thereon shall become an organlo law
of such city nt such time as may be fixed
therein, and shall aupors'do any existing
charter and all laws affecting the orir.m
Izatlon and government of such city which
arc now in conflict therewith. Within
thirty days after Its approvs.l a copy of
such charter as adopted, certified by the
major and city recorder and authenticat
ed by th.- seal of such city, shall bo made
In duplicnto and deposltqsi one in the of
fice of the Sc. retcry or Stiite and the
other in the office of the Cltv Recorder
and thereafter all courts shall take Judi
cUI notice of such charter.
Amendments to anv such charter may
be framed snd'submitted b) the charter
Commission In the same manner as pro
vldid for making of charters, or may be
proposed by the legislative authorlt of
the city -upon a two-thirds vote thereof,
or bv petition of qualified electors to a
number equal to one tenth of -the total
otc cast for mayor on the next preceding,
election, and an such amendment may
be submitted at the next regular election,
and having been approved by the muJorlt
of the electors otlhg thereon, shall be
come a part of the charter at the time
five,! in such amendment and shall be eer
tlfled nnd filed SS provided In case of
Each city forming Its charter under this
Section shall have, and Is hereby granted,
the authority to .-xerojse all powers relat
Injr lo municipal affairs, and to odont
and 'enforce within Its limits, local police
Sanitary and similar regulation not to .on-!
fill with the general law, and no emimer
Ptlor. of powers In this constitution or all)
I lnw shall be deemed to limit or restrict
the general grant of authority hereby con
ferred but this grant of authority shall I
not include the power to regulate the serv
ice or charres of public utilities so lonip,
i such regulation 13 provided for b. r.-n
eral law, nor be deemed to limit or re
stri. t the pMrer of the Legislature In mat
ters of public or general inter.-sr, nor
those relating to State affairs
The power to be conferred upon the clt
b ,s by this Section shall Include the foi- 1
(a) To lory, assess and collect taxes
and borrow money, within the limit.' pre
scribed by general lan and to levy and
collect special assessments for benefits
. onfei r.-ii
(h) To furnish all local public services;
to purchase, hire, construct, own. main '
tain and operate, or lease, public utilities
local In extent and use, to acquire by
condemnation, or otherwise. within or
without the corporate limits. property
neceasarv for anv such purposes subject
to restrictions imposed bj general law for
the protection of other communities and
to grant local public utility franchises nnd 1
regulate the exercise thereof subject to
the continuing power of regulation of pub
lie utilities, thlr rates and service, b tho 1
S', it.-, as Is now or may hereafter be, pro- j
vlded by general law.
(i i To make local public Improvements ,
and to acquire by condemnation or other
wise, propert) within its corporate lim
its necessary for such Improvements; and
also to acquire an excess over that needed
for anv such improvement and to sell or
lease such excess property with restric
tions, in order to protect and preserve
I the Improvement.
fd) To Issue and sell lnnds on the se
! curlty of any tuch excena property, or of
! any .public utility owned by the city, or
! of the revenues thereof, or both in. lud
Iru? Id the cose of a public utility fran
. hiss statlmr the terms upon which. In
case of forc-losure tho purchaser may
operate such utility
Sec 2. The Serretarv of State Is here
b) directed to submit the proposed n
mcnt to the electors of the State at tho
j next general election In the manner pro
vided by law
Si 0. 3 If adopted by the electors of
this State, this amendm.-nt shall take cf
feet on Janunrv lot, 1?2I.
Approved March 18. 1919.
nor has imy other person for lls use. re
celved any security ot sa l.lsl.ict,on what
evir. other than by him set forth
Receiver, Goddard Packing Companv a
Corporation Ogden. I'tah.
DeVlne. Stln. v Gwllllam, Attorneys for
Receiver. Ogden. I'tah. 613S
In Ihe District Court of AW her Countv.
State of Utah.
Beatrlcs W. ftfaddoh Plaintiff, vs Harry
; Madden. Defendant.
The State of Utah lo Said Defendant:
You are hereby summoned to nppear
within twenty days after service of this
summons upon you if served within tin
county In which this action is brourht;
otherwise within thirty days aft. r service,
and defend the above entitled action: and
In case- of your failure so to do. Judgment
will be rendered against you according to
th.- demand of the complaint, which has
ben filed with the clerk of said court.
This action Is brought to dissolve the
bond:-: oi matrimony heretofore, and now,
existing between yourself and tho abovi
named plaintiff, Bi itrlce W Madden.
Plaintiffs Attorns
P. O. Address: 813 David Boclss Build
Ing. Ogden Utah. 6.DS
Proposed Constitutional Amend
ment No. 2.
A resolution proposing an amendment to
Section 7 Article u. of the Constitution
of the Stnt of Utah, relating to tax
rates for State purposes.
Be It resolved by the legislature of the - i
Stat" of t'tnh. two-thirds of all tlt.e t j
members elected to each House concur-
ring therein: !
Section 1. That It Is proposed to amend j
Srcalon 7. of Artlci XIIT of the Constl-
tutlon of the State of I'tah SO tHat the H
same w-lll rend as follows: I - H
Sec : The rate of taxation on proper
ty for State purposes shall never cxceJ P
S mills on each dollar of valuation to be
apportioned as follows' Not to exceed
J,: rrllla on each dollar of valuation for 1
p. neral State purposes; not lo exceed 3
mills on each dollar of valuation for dls- ju
trict school purposes: not to exceed Vfc - fl
mill on e.Mch dollar of valuation for high
school purposes; that part of tho State
tax apportioned to high school purposes flflflfl
shall constitute t fund to be called the flflflfl
High Si le Fund and shall be appor J
tloned lo the cities and school districts T
maintaining high, schools In tho manner I.
the Legislature may provide And when- I
evar the taxabio-property within the State E
shall ampunt tc $400,000,000.00. the rates I
shall not exceed on each dol'sr of .-alua
tion two and four-tnth mills for general I
State purposes, two-tenths of one mill for
high school purposes, and such levy for flflflj
district school purposes es will raise an BJJ
nually an amount which, added to any If
other State funds available for district I
I school purposes. equals $25.00 for each
person of school age In the Stte. shown j!
by the last preceding school census, un flfll
less s .proposition, to Increase cuch rat-
or rates specifying tht rate or rates pro F
posed and tho time during which the same
shall be levied be first submitted to i F
vote of such of the qualified electors of. f
the State, as, in the year next precerj
j In such election, ,h&ll havo paid a prop- E;
erty lax assessed to them within the State, V
land the majority of those- voting thereon
' sh-ill ote In favor thereof, in such man- r
'tier as may be provided by lafl t
Sec 2. The Secretary of State Is dt. I
i rectcd to cause this proposed amendment I
to be published ns required by the Con. t.
, stltullon and to be submitted to thedec- t
tor3 of the State at tho next general eee. Sir
tion in the manner provided by law. I ,
I Sec 3 If approved by the electors of th. .'
I Stale, this proposed amendment shall fl
I tr.ke effect on the 1st day of January J
1921 t
Approved March 15, 1919. I
Proposed Constitutional Amend- I
ment No. 3. j
NO. 6.
' A concurrent resolution providing an Afl
amendment to Se. tion 1, Article xi ij
of the ronstltution of the State of . flfl
Utah, relating to State debt llmrtaticui jflfl
Be It enacted oy the Legislature of the H
Slate of I t,ih two thirds of all the mem "flj
bers elected to .-ach of the two House- flfl
concurring therein. flflflflflj
Section 1. That it Is proposed to amend
Section 1 Article H. of the constitution 1
'of the State of T'tah so that the semi 1
Iwlll read as follows flflflflj
Section 1. To meet casual deficits or Vflfl
failures In revenue, and for necessary ex
Ipendltures for .public purposes. Including fll
the erection of public buildings, und for IJJH
the payment of ;Li! territorial Indebtednes
assuni.- i b) the State, the State may con
, tract debts, not exceeding In the aggr
I gate at any one time, an amount equal to
18 percentum of the value of the tnxalil.
property of the State, as shown by flflJJ
' tho last assessment for State purposes. JJJJ
previous to the incurring of such Indebl
edncss. But "the State 6hall never con- IJJfl
' tract any Indebtedness except as in the IJJJJ
I next section provided, in excess of IJJJJ
such amount and all moneys arising flfl
frjpm loans herein authorized, shall be ap
piled solely to the purposes for which they
. were obtained
c.-e i. i ne- .ccciary oi ?iate is nereov h
directed to submit this proposed amend- IJJJJ
ment to the elector.' of the Sttte at thi iflfl
next general election in the manner prev 'fllll
ided by flflflflflj
Sec. 3. If adopted bv th electors ol
the State, this amendment shall take ef
feet January 1. 1921 flflflj
Approved March 1$. 1919.
Proposed Constitutional Amend-
meflt No. 4. I
N ' ,
A concurrent resolution proposing an" I jflJJH
amendment to the Constitution of th IJJH
State of I'tah b amending1 Soction 5. flflflflj
Article XVI. relating to rights of ac flJJH
Hon to recover damages for injuries re- flJJH
suiting In death. flJJH
Be It resolved and, enacted by the Legis-
laturo of the State of Utah, two-third H
of all tho members elected to each of BflJJ
the two Houses concurring therein AJI
Section 1. That it is proposed to amend IJJfl
Section 5. Article 16, of the Constitution flfl
of the State of Utah, so that said section .'.' I
shall read as follows: Bfljfl
"The rlpht of action to recover damage! flfl
for Injuries resulting In death, shall never flJJ
lb ogat.-d, and the amount recoverable 1
shall not be subject to any statutory llml IJJJ
tat Ion. except In cases where compensa JJJJ
tlrtn for Injuries resulting in death is pro- IJJJ
vided for by law." 1
Section 2 The Secretary' of State Is -flfl
hereby directed to submit this proposed . flfl
amendment to the electors of the stato
at the nt xt k ncral election In the man- I
ner provided b law, flfl
Sec 3 If adopted by the electors ol flB
ins siate in. amendment snail take effect ))))))
Januar) i t, 1921, flfl
Approved October 9. 1919. JJH
1. Harden Rennton, Secretary of State,
of the Stale of Utah do hereby certify flJJJ
that the foregoing is a full, true and cor flflflfl
re. t copy of all Constitutional Amend BH
merits proposed by the regular and spe- ijjfl
clal SOi Ions Ol the Legislature of 131',
'as the same appear of record in my of- flflflflU
in witness whereof I hnv. hereunto oi
my hand and affixed tho Great Seal of lh H
State of Utah, this 1st day of September. flflflflU
of State. flJJJH
Notice Is hereby given that Weber BIIIJ
county, I'tah, proposes to inako the fot- IIIIJ
lowing public Improvements, to-wdt: Con
.struct pavement on that certain strip of H
roadway eighteen (IS) feet wide In the 1
I center of that street tunning from the
south i Ogden -CI tab 1 'tah,
nt the routh, end of "F" avenue. West
' Ogden. Utah, to the property line of the
Glob'1 Milling Company, a distance of 1287
' fe-et. tor;, tln.-r with work incidental then
i to. according to plans, specifications am:
profile on file in the office of tho county
And sealed bids are Invited for said
'work and will be received at the office
; of the county clerk. In the counts court
j . , . Wl Dl ' ' Olinl . I I lh. iinlll ten
o'clock u. m. on the- 25th clay ol October, flflflfl
Instructions to bidder., plans and sped
Mentions for said impi OVI inents can be
seen at l hi1 office of the. county clerk.
The right is reai rved to reject any or
all bids and to waive any defects.
By order ol the Board of County Com
missioned of Weber county. ITtah. thi. J
the 27lh day of S ptember. 1920.
(Signed) W.VLTLU N. 1'ARR flflflflj
5950 County Clerk.
Guatemala manufactures annually
about lOO.OUO.UOO cigurots. ' Kfl

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