I h ftmftaro-foamwrr ' I Mail Your Order in Today, or Better Still, Come in Yourself For the Big Hit ' YOU CAN'T HELP WHISTLING IT VICTOR RECORD 1S690 Whispering, Orchestra, Fox Trot 85c Japanese Sandman, Orchestra. Fox Trot COLUMBIA RECORD i 3301 Whispering. Fox Trot, Orchestra $1 00 j If a Wish Could Make It So, Fox Trot, Orchestra . PLAYER ROLL 1186 Whispering, with words. Fox Trot $1 2b SHEET MUSIC H Iflff Whispering 35c iib ill mil WHICH DO YOU WANT? Glen Bros.-Roberts Piano Co. Where Everybody Gees Telephone 181 2472 Hudson Ave. RICHARDS MAY ' GETBIG PLUM Former Ogden Man Rccom-: I mended for State Prohibi tion Director Lorenzo Richards of Ogden, has been rccommenodd for the position of feder- 11 I prohibition director of Utah to suc- Hl cecd Mathonlhah Thomas, who re- U qr.od when nominated b the Iemo- B erailc party as a candidate for con-1 Hl Kress from the second district. H Mr. Richards Is a native of Ogden. UfC and for a short tun. v:i 1 1-mocr.it e iijunty i halinia:i following his H return from Washington. where he H was sccertary to Senator V. H King. Hb' He subsequently took up residence in BB Salt Lake, where It c- i 0 m 0 b I mP of th law firm of Richards : Mlt- I ehHl. m H Mr Richards It, a former service I ) man, having served during the World ! war In the t". S. naval avl tl rpa H ' Mr. Richards is endorsed tfy Senator King. Congressm. n James H. Mays B . Hilton ii Wt HI Thomas, former prohibition directoi HHHHl Mayor C Clarence Neslen of Silt HHHHl and Mayor Krank Francis gden. oo Night School Work ! Will Start Tonight Regular night school classes at the Ogden high school will start this eve ning, according to Bupt, w Karl Hop- 1 kins. Mote than 4 00 students regis lorcd for the various courses at the school last week and more than 200 -more are expected to enter the shool during the present week The grate t est variety ever offered In the history of the night schools in this city have been arranged for Instructors from the University of Utah will have direct charge of the University extension classes. Students taking courses in this department will receive university credits. -Classes will be held Mondax and Thursday evening of each week H II PAYS TO USE THE BEST 1; And using the best in I ' painting yield; returns J that are doubly profitable. II Whether you do it yourself , J Li or not, you want the Job , J W not only to look right when Tj 1 f it's finished, but stay right. W J c 3You'll find the market i ; 31 leaders here in either paints or varnishes. Prices I lower. Hj Griffin Paint Gomnany jl 2310 Washington Ave. 1 rnfc Ogden 9pr? ' AAI First Door North of Bur- ryJy 1 urrN-, ton implement Co. I t S I Ula DR. M'KEEVER ! TO TALK HERE Noted Educator Will Deliver Series of Lectures in Ogden Wednesday Superintendent W Karl Hopkins of J the Ogden school system has complet ed arrangements with Pr. William A McKeever of the Unlversitj of Kansas to spend Wcdnesdav In Ogden as a guest of the schools of the city. Dr. McKeever fs scheduled to arrive In 1 K den from the east shortly after 10 o'clock on Union Pacific train H, after! which he will he taken over the city in an automobile Ilcwlll address tho students of the niirien high school Mt 11 o'clock: his, subject to be. "What Is Vour Meas- ure?" Following the address at 'the j high school. lr McKeever will deltv-, er an address before the Ogden Rolar Lana at their weekly luncheon Wednes day afternoon at'thc Wober club. In his address to the Kotarians he will sm :i l; mi i :ii0dinr: ii i t h" Boy." In the afternoon l.o will address all teachers of tie- gb-n schools at the Ogden hiuh school This address will De made at 3:30 o'clock. "The. School As Life and Progress" s"s the themej chosen forlheVeachc rs meeting by Dr.'l UcKeevci At the Tabernacle under the aus pices of the Federation of Worrteh'a clubs. Vf NloKeever win deliver an' iddre-. in The Young and C're.itlw-j Democracy." His evening lecture will be free to: I the public. -i on ' Recovers Rifle Lost More Than Year Ago J. M McCannaut. 233G Washington avenue, is jubilant today over the rp covcry of a rifle stolen from his home between May S and 30. 1919 The police were notified lasl v. !; t mi i rifle had been found in a clump of brush near a tennis court on Twenty-third street, between Washington and Adams avenues. A careful search was made to (lis i cr who had hidden the gun, qnd the 'purpose for hiding the rifle. No chic ,a; to the owner of the rifle could be found. A i t port of the incident was git n Lhu newspapers and McCahaapl read of Ihe rifle which was found. He ivo an accurate description of the weapon whirl was turned ovei to hini. "H" got it Just in time to oil it up (and get ready lor a deer hunt," one I of '.be officers stated. oo Appeals Dance Case To District Court Appeal of the case of Steve Gray, (who was recently fined $30 by Judge. D. R. Roberta of the city court on i charge of unlawfully conducting, a public dance hall in the basement of the krion hotel without a license, . i tiled in the district court today. The convlctiion of c;ra- wai made I undT the recently passed dance hall I ordinance which the city commission : ratified May 11, 1920. Th, appeal Of the case Is expected to attack the con-1 titutionalltj of the ordinance foi Iti provision! sel forth plainly that no t ! dance hall must be conducted without, a license ttriVJ the license can only bel obtained where investigation has first been made by the department of pub- lie safety. Halverson, Kimball and Farr are at-i j torncys for the defendant Provide Showers for High School Athletes Ogden high school athletes will Have advantage .of improved shower bath equipment from now on. It was an nounced today. Because of the Inadi -Iquacy of tho old shower bath arrange ment, it was decided that new Cflulp L meht should be Installed. J Hlx showers have been completed, a waterproof flooring has been placed and the showera arc now ready for use. Alhlites experienced difficulty dur ing the first part of the football sea son In taking shower baths following their dally practice. It Is reported MRS. E. S. FIFE ! S PASSES AWAY Widow of William Fife. Ogden Architect Dies in 57th Year - ! xmmiwim n in ini hi MRS. ELIZADBTD v- IT1T.. 1 Mrs. Kllabeth Stewart Fife, widow of William W. l ife, architect of g j den, died yesterday afternoon at ln-r . home -22S Ada in s avenue, at 12:80 o'clock. Mrs Kite was the daughter o-' the late nishoji Isaac M. Stewail of I raper, at which place she was born September 3. 1808. Following her mnrriage on December 7, 1882, shol moved -to Ogden, where she had resld- ed since. Mrs. Fifes husband died In 1991, leaving her with six sons and one. daughter all of whom SUrvjVti Iter. They an William S Fife of Metropol is. Ntv.. Isaac D Fife of Silr Lake. In land Fife of Magna, Mrs. Fretta E. Lindsay, of ogden. Randolph W. Fife oi Kamas. and Walter W. and Jo.seih( B. Fife, now attending college In towi Mrs. Fife was a sister of the late Isaac J Stewart of Rexburg, Idaho. 1'rotessor William M Siewarl of the University of I'tah and Joshu. Stev. art of Salt Lake. She Is survive.! by the following brothers and sisters. Judge J. Z. Stewart, and Mrs Richard A BaluUltyne, of Logan;, Mrs R, II BtrlngfeliOW, Mrs John D. Fife, Mi James H. Porter. Mrs. A H. Taylor, I Judge s. V Stewart and Attorneys C. 13. and Barnard J Stewart Sait Like, Also thirteen grandchildren. Eunera.1 services will be held In the Fourth S'arl chapel at 2 o'clock Wednesda) aliernoou LiOiop II, i: I inn) will of ficlute. The body may be viewed at Ihe home Tuesda and Wcdnesda oo Veteran Returned to Home at Sawtelle Garrison Crane, 88 years of age, a Civil war veteran who was taken from a train here a wqe)c ago. suff ring from weakness and who had lost e railroad ticket which he said was to take him to the cast to visit relatives. h.a,s lc"n Benl back to the I ld Soldiers' Home in Sawtelle, Cal., from where he started his Journey. The man. enfeebled by old age and travel, was hi pitiable condition when he reached ogden. lb had no ticket and practical!) no funds. IurlnfT his period here he was cared for at the' county jail while efforts were made I to obtain funds with which to semi him back to the California home. Transportation was furnished him 'yesterday by the Southern 1'aclfic rall road with the understanding tlidt he would recompense th- railroad from his pension money. Deputy sheriff Kay West took the old man to, th, d pot and placed him s.iiely on t:ie I train- ' The illness of the man made- itylm-' possible for him to continue the trip 'east unaccompanied and It was iledd ied that he would be better cared for through being returned to the soldleis home. on Inspects Reads in South Part of State E. E. Kidder of the United Slates bureau of public roads has returned from an Inspection tour of roads In southern Utah. Mr. Kidder reports that tho survey for the Hea n -I'ul i. i Lake road has been completod and that work on this project will be Start ed cfuilng the coming spring This rdad Is. bfche 12 miles long. The Ccdar-Iong Valley dirt road oy 19 miles is now under course of con struction. This work Is being done by men residing In that vicinity, Mr. Kidder reports. Clothes Last Longer When Washed in an EDEN The Best Made and easiest to operate of all WASHING MACHINES Free demonstration and easy time payments. OGDEN ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. 2430 Washington Ave. Vsiii JUST ARRIVED "aFTEr" FIVE ffi 'IIBIPSh A CARLOAD OF THE FAMOUS 9 I I .lNE' Os 'HOE .TlRE' I l ' OTiPiBi MI FECnONS. TTH MANuaCTURERS- NAME B&wXa'i1'' M AND SERIAL NUMBER APPEARING ON EACH fM !; ' - :yiVGlT'USi AND EVERY TIRE- I 'aJKrr SBBP sale starts Tuesday, V I J? You Know i OCTOBER 12TH - Tl Tl 11711 rVTr. Cl I Wl f T? l 1 & inese i ires vv in iot ijKia $ tome cany On account of season's lateness and lateness of Tires arriving we are forced to sacrifice these tires at the above sacrifice jrHccs. This is not a popular vequcot, or an annua! sale, but a FORCED SALE, in order to dispose of W this CARLOAD OF FAMOUS TIRES AND TUBES that have been held up since June on account of r J i railrond Strike. Now is the time to buy this Famous Tire at within a few cents of factory price- V j I SPECIAL j f I 30x3 Non-skid -' $11.30 I I 34x4 Non-skid - $25.79 1 I 6,000 Miles Guarantee r I CORD TIRES , FABRIC TIRES ' A Kon-okid. List. Sale. No"-k;i SaL'- 30x3V2 S2400 S16.00 P $S 30x3V2 5 Ply 26.50 17.66 1 $, 32xiy- 45.50 30,j -,, m ti 32x4 58.20 38.80 ?2x3 29.75 19.84 9 H 33x4 59.75 39.83 31x4 34.50 23.00 i iS f 32x4 38.50 25.66 t 32x4V2 65.-50 43,67 oo A , I i 33x4Vo 67.25 44.82 33x4 - 4C-25 26.82 H 34x4 i ' ' ! 69.10 46,07 32k4V2 51.25 3447 i SS ' I I M 35x5 88.00 ' 57.33 3x4V2 5180 36.53 I ! 37x5 S0.00 60.00 35x4V2 57.25 38.17 1 - 36x6 123.00 82.00 35,41, 581r I i 40x8 223.50 149.00 '1 1,11 'j 334 Rib Cord 56.60 37.67 Sjxi 67-25 44.83 j hi 34x4 Rib Cord 57.25 38.15 37x5 71.25 47.51 I B NEW AND USED CARS FIRST, SECONDS AND REBUILT TIRES ' OLDEN S LARGEST AUTO AND TIRE EXCHANGE U m , 2224 WASHINGTON AVENUE I TELEPHONE 896 1 i ? Showers General in j North Part of State Although deluges of rain. intf-r ! Ispcrsed with hall, fell on Ogden andj vicinity yesterday and lnmnlghi. th official weathor record today uhowa the preclpftatloln to have been but T7j m an inch. The storm were reported 1 general er the northern section ofj the state and I)av.- county was HiVen even a more severe drciiLhing ftiui Weber county. No great amount of damage was reported from the agricultural di. trlcts on account of tho downpour. Rain if aKaln predicted for this sec tion tonight and tomorrow, according I to the weather report which arrived In Ogden this morning. Froet is sch d- j 11 ed for the central portion of the I 4Hjate. Scores of motoric returning from I the conference In alt Lake last night were drenched, even though side cur tains were uocurely fastened. The rain was so Intense that it swept In through the smallest crack and pat- terod over the occupants of the nia-1 chines. Several earn were compelled to halt by the roadside nnh await a I lull In the li nuour when the water poured In on their engines and ihorts ! Ireulted the wiring uu To stop strt cars at railroad cross ings or drawbridges should a motor I man ignore a Signal, an inventor has I designed a spring bumper to be - raised 1cm1 with their front sills. I Section of Lincoln Highway in Bad Shape 1 toads in Nevada Are In bad eondi-, tion. according to S- nior Highway I ".. glneejr W. N. Krlck.-tad. who returned: efterdny from an ln.jectlon of roads between Ball l-;ike city and Canon City. Nevada, over the Lincoln higli-i Waj tbr the United States bureau of p u idle roads Mr. Prlckstad reports progress on the roods near Ely and on the road uc- twi on Austin and Psllon, Daring the present year the state' of Nevada has completed four projects! according to Mr. Krickstad. The work done by the state of I'tah1 on the IJiu-oln highway at Fishers puss is regarded as ah Ideal piece of work, he ald. The road between Salt Lake ;ind Carson City, with few excep tions, he reports In bad condition, the roads through the mountains being far superior to UlOSg ID. the descrl : tions. I 00 French Boxer to j Meet Benny Leonard George LdLMontt French boxer, was an 1 igden visitor yesterday en routs to the 1 ust from San T'ranrLsi-d ).. Is scheduled to meet Benny Leonard' at New York Thanksgiving day. 1 In Hawaii it hss been found that Reed can be kept down in susrar plantations by covering the fields with paper. " Russians first entered Siberia In tlu 16th oentu in search of furs ' ! Among the most curious modes of ' sbbhS salutation lis that of the Malays a'rid ! other 1'olynesianSj who greet each oth- laHifi er by smelling. N iBfil Spitzhergen lias but four months of t Lp sunlight in the feai V II llll ! I I IPeaWMMMIBJiBSJMi FIoorLamps I We have just replenished our stcck of Floor Lamp?. You will find here the latest designs In bases and I I shades. A line of quality Lamps reasonably priced. I' SMALL PORTABLES FOR THE TABLE 4 AND DRESSER $l f - Also wire frames of simple design, should you care f, to make your own shade. -h-. THE LIGHTHOUSE fit Ogden's Quality Electric Store j M52 Washington Ave, Phone 581 IB