OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, October 11, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-10-11/ed-1/seq-2/

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I mm
Utah Among Many Claiming
Right to Fix Charges
Within Own Borders
Si Washington. Oct. 11. Argument
on the right of the Interstate Com
merce -ommlslon lo prescribe ifi'es
for rail transportation within, the
.-.!! begAn .it n hearing today before
t' nmmliwloil on th application of
line railroads of New York 16 compel
Mi- s at public service conn mission lo
permit an Increase in passenger lares
4j- Intrastate traffic similar :o the SO
i i r nt advance planted for interstate
hrief filed by John F.. Benton
x-ur -a solicitor nf the national ralt
3(a) ;. n.t utilities commissioners, n be
i Jjnlf of 30 state regulator" nininis
I tr.n!:-. attacked the railroads' applica
tion as an attempt to deny to state au
thorities the right to pass on the rea
1 nona b) i new for state traffic of increas--d
rates granted by the commission
fbr interstate traffic.
I 2K "Tt Is obvious that if the comi
.3)on 's gvcn power to provide intrn
HHotc rotes on such a record, there
must remain to the stales no effective
povvei lo regulate their own ir,;ra tale
'rates." the brief said. "farriers are
f Miif this course In the hnpp to c.
Kbltsh a precedent which will l.strov
"th" rate-making power not only of the
I JuVitc. commissions, but of the legisla
I ".fprcs of the states."
I 'I he states whose commissions filed
I the hrief are:
I SArlaona, Colorado. Florida, Georgia,
I Jflaho. Illinois Indiana. Iowa. K nsas,
I Kentucky. Louisiana Maine, Maryland,
I Michigan, Mlnnesotu, Mississippi, Miv
1 3url. Montana, Nebraska Nevnda
B N'ew Hampshire. New Jersey, New
Bj SBexico. New York. North Carolina,
H Soitll r . 1 . , t i flhlo. I iklahoma. ii,,
H JJtJpn, Pennsylvania, South Carolina ,
9 Kuth Dakota, Texas, Utah, Vermont,
iVashiifKton, West Virginia, Wisconsin
PI . ; i W omlng.
I oo
H' lirni.KY. Wis, Oct. 11. Federal
H 2ry agents early Sunday shot and
H 1. tiled John Chlapuslo of Hurley in
H n running battle with an all' ged
H -Miooze Ting" on the Mercer-Hurley
H Uoad
B " Chlapusio was struck by four shots.
'$)'' f them severing tin- spinal chord.
H Jfil the time of the shooting, he was
Slloting an automobile said lo be I
H ftaded with liquor.
Troops Dislike Terms of New
Armistice Treaty With
PARIS, Oct, 11. The Polish govern
ment disavows the occupation of Yllna
r, Qeneral Zellgouskl and hta troops,
(according to advices received by the
Ifoielgn office here this morning.
mi nxoi s i r ps in n i
WARSAW, ncl I i IJv the Asso
ciated I "n BS. H i uputlon ot Vllna
late on S:tunl; followed rejection by
General Zellgouskl of proposa Is by the
I r, in h to create 'ilna a free city. The
'forces occupying the city were polish
ind Lithuanian! and not White iiii--Binnj
and Lithuanians, as reported Sat
urday night. Before entering the city.
General Zellgouskl and his chief of
staff sent their resignations lo Polish
army headquarters.
The troops, which marched Into II
na. were from Grodno and Hula, dis
tricts, and mutinied because of dissat
isfaction with the terms of the Lithu
anian - Polish a mi 1st Ice.
n't ( M l. I.I .l t: ID
Negotiations between the Poles and
'Lithuanians at Suwalki were under the
'supervision of the representatives of
the league of nations. The Poles
agreed to accept the demarcation line
defined last December by the supreme
Council of the league of nations, but
notified Lithuanian delegates that Po-;
land would not recognize the ticatv be
tween Lithuania' and soviet Russia 1
This convention gave Lldn, Grodno and
I Yllna to Lithuania. Owing tu th lat
est complications in the situation,
Prince Sapleha, Polish foreign minis
ter, has sen I i note to the Lithuanian
foreign minister, proposing that fur
i ior negotiations be held at Orgny on
ii tober io.
V conference of the Polish cabinet
WOa called tonight to consider Gen-
eral Zellgouskl's occupation ol Vilna.
It is understood the league of nations'
representatives nnay ho asked to come
from Suwalki io straighten out the sit
uation. - 1
Bl.'C. Prance. Oct- 11. The French
aviator Pronval established a world
record Sunday for landing at a given
spot when he ascended to a height of
1000 nn ters and came down within
nine feel of the spot indicated. The
measurement was 2.60 meters.
WASHINGTON, Oct 11 Appoint
ment of James J. McQuillan as post
master ot Tonopah, Nov., was an-(
1 nounced today.
Washington, Oct. ii Resources
and liabilities of the federal reserve
bank a at the dose "f business Friday,
October s. wars reported by the fed
eral reserve board tonight to be as
Kl.sol m 1 2S
Gobi and gold certificates $lb,T63,
IM. Gold settlement fund federal re
I serve board $391. 97 4. 000.
I Gold with foreign agencies $90,409.-
Toial gold held by banks 1649,148,-
Gobi with federal reserve agents,
n,l 42,4 12,000.
Gold ri dcmplloin fund $164,766,000
Total gold reserves ll.ssfi.am.oo
Legal tender notes, silver, etc.,
6161 '.itt.ooo.
Total reserves $2,1 58.JiiS.000.
I tills discounted secured by govern
ment w.u obligations $1,217,098,000.
Hills discounted, all other 11,078,
6 7 3.000.
Bills bought In open market $.10.'..
690,000; ' Total bills on hand $3,101,36 1,000.
I' S. government bonds $ JiJtS56,000.
U- S. Victory notes $Cs.0lO.
i . s Certificates of Indebtedness
! $'.'73,951,000.
Total earning assets $3,402,237,000.
i'...ak premises, 616,684,000.
Uncollected item and other deduc
tlona from gross deposits $796, 723,000.
Fle per cent redemption fund
against federal reserve bank notes
All other resources $4,833,000.
Total resources $6, 3S9. 301,000.
m ni i.i n i -
Capital paid in $97,519,000,
Surplus $164,745,000.
Government deposits $43,365.ooo
Due to members reserve accoun'
I Deferred availability Items $609,-
ither deposits including foreign
t government credits $27,648,000.
Total gross deposits $2,506,899,000.
Ped ral reserve notes in actual clr
CUlatloU $3,322,123,000.
I federal reserve bank notes In cir
culation net lial'il.u $213,154, i.
All other liabilities 884,981,000.
Total liabilities $0.3Ss.361,000.
Ratio of total reserves to net de
I posit and federal reserv e note liabili
ties combined 42.9 per cent.
Ratio of gold reserves to federal re
serve notes In circulation after setting
aside 35 per cent, against net deposit
liabilities 46 9 per cent.
LI.AVKs ili.Mi: TO
LOUISVILLE, Ky His younger
brother called him "sis" so Clarence
Brend, 16, has left his home to prove
his manhood His farewell note said
Tell Charley I'm going to make a
man of myself and when I do will let
you ties c from me '. '
I 5 Before the War j J
I 5 During the . War I
I The Flavor Lasts mm
I So Does the Price!
4'r.. jt& SSKiS; BsBtsfl iSsBsnBsfl
(By lntern.it.on.nl News Service '
PUEBLO, Colo , Oct. ii. in th fall
; of i s t 7 "Mike" stuilzlnskl, now mayor
of Pueblo, Journed from Denver to
Pueblo in an oxcart, taking vl weeks
to make the trip.
Inst week. Just fifty-three years la
1 ter. the mayor stepped into a giant
aeroplane In Denver and nvas whirled
to this city UJ air In Just fifty nnln
j Utes.
'Viewing the sftrroun dings from
the clouds revealed some remarkable!
changes In the territory over which I I
travelled by qxcart more than half a
centurv age." the mayor said after his
"There 'n o caravan of nearly
I seventy! tVe persons on that Journey
fifty-three years ago." the mayor con- i
tlnued "more than twenty teams
were in the outfit At that time Den-
r had a population of between 2,000
, and n.ooo."
Mayor Sttldsfhskl said that one rea
son for the length of time consumed
In the firs: Journey was the laek of;
feed for the oxen.
"It nvouhl h-ivi bein manlfestlv im
posslble to carry enough feed for all
the oxen." he ald, "so wp lot them
graze along the way. Many a da I
was able to look back, after Stopping
for the night and see the smoke of
nor morning camp fires In I he dig-
' lance,
"I doubt if I experienced mucb mori
exritennc-nt over this air flight than I
felt on the ox-cart trip." the mayor
; laughingly declared. "Those were von.
turesome days. I recall that nve didn't
! encounter a single living soul.
Version Shows Senator
Spencer Was Mistaken
( Continued Prom Page one )
as previously quoted, appears the fol-;
"How could the government of the
United States gu before the congress
and the people 0f the United States j
land pretend that it had assisted In In !
surlng the peace of the world, If it be
lieved that the settlement agreed upon
here contained unstable or dangerous
allgnmnts? If the vvorld should be
I troubled uguin. if the conditions which'
I We all regard as lundanmntal are chal
lenged, the guaranties which will be
.given you will pledge that the United
.St.ites will send Its army and fleet'
.. n,s the ocean Is it surprlnlng. un
der such Conditions, that it should de
Islre to reach a solution of the various
problems which seem to it satisfac
The text of President Wilson's ad
dress as supplied to the White House
g by Mr. Carlson, in part. lOUOWl
"Mr President, I would be very sor
ry to sec this meeting adjourn wit!
pcrmajnent Impressions such as It Ii
possible hive been created bv som ol
the remarks that our friends have
."We are trying to make a peaceful
settlement, that is to say. to eliminate
I those elements uf disturbance so far ai
I possihl which niaj interfere with the
: peace of the Nvorld, and w e are trying
to make an equitable distribution of
territories , according to the races, the
ethnographical haructer of the peo-
pie Inhabiting those territories.
"And back of that lies the funda
mental Important fact when the de
cisions are made, the allied and asso
ciated power.- guarantee to maintain
them And, therefore, w- must
not close our eyes to the fact that In
the last analysts, 'he military and n:i
val strength of the great powers Will
I" the final guaranty of the peace of
the vvorld
"Take the rights of minorities. No
thing. I venture to say. Is more likely
to disturb the peace of the world than
the treatment which might in certain
eircumstam es lie meted out to min
orities And. therefore, if the great
powers are to guarantee the peace of
i the world in any sense Is It unjust
that theV should be satisfied that tho
proper and necessary guarantiee have
been gh'en -
How ,t ower like the Lulled Rates,
for examph for 1 can speak for no
other after signing this treaty, if tt
contains elements which they do not
believe will be permanent go three
'thousand miles away across the sea
and report to Its people that It has
made a settlement of the peace of the
world ' It cannot do so. And yd.
j there underlies all of these transac
tions the expectalioin on the part, for
example uf Houmunia, and of Czecho
slovakia, and of S-erbla, that if qnv
covenants of Ibis settlement are not
j observed the United States will send
I her armies and her navies to see that
i they are observe,!
I S, v Wi g gUTTLEM I vi S
In I hose circumstances, Is It un
reasonable that tbe United state"
should Insist upon being satisfied thai
the settlements are correct'
"1 beg my friend, Sir, Krannar. and
mj friend, Mr. Trumbic, and my friend
Mr Uratlano, to feci that If vvc think
that it is best to leai c the words
; which thev have wished to omit In
I the treaty not because wc want to In
sist upon unreasonable conditions, but
thai we want the treaty to accordv'o
u.; line right of Judgment as to Wheth
,i i bust ;ire things 'hich can afford
I to guarantee.
' Therefore the impressions with
which wc should disperse uiir thought
are these, that we arc ail friends of
'.course that goes without saying but
that we all must be associates in a
i ommon clfort
"New if the agreement is a separate
agreement among groups ot us, that
does not meet the object. If ou
I should adopt the language suggested
I by the Czecho-Slovaklan delegates, and
the Serbian delegatllon, the Jugo-Slo-
I vak delegatloin that It should be (eft
I lo negotiation between the principal
allied and associated powers and their
several delegate, that would mean
that after this whole conference is adjourned-groups
of them would deter
mine what is to be the basis of the
peace of 'he world It seeme to me
that that would be a most dangerous
Idea to entertain,, and therefore. I beg
that we part with a sense, not of Inter
ference with each other, but of hearty
land friendly cooperation upon the only
possible basis of guarantee Where
the great force I lei there must be tho
sanctkoin of peace.
"I sometimes wish, in hearing an
'argument lfke this, that I were the
representative of a small power so
that what I said might be robbed of
anv mistaken significance, but I think
you will agree with me that the United
States has never :.iiow n any temper of
aggression anywhere, and It lies In the
heart of the people of the United
I States, as I am sure It lies in the hearts
i of the peopled of the Other great povv
i crs. to form a common partnership of
right and to do service to our aisocl
1 ates, and no kind of dia-serv Ice."
A singular omihsion in the matter of
legal forinalllbs is the failure of the
laws of the United States lo provide
for notifying a president-elect of his
' ' ' - - .. '
Certain-teed Roofing H
is Spark-Proof H
Certain-teed will protect your property But Certain-teed Roofing is more than an Jr
against fire9 due to sparks dropping on aid in the prevention of fire. It also Ibsh
the roof from passing engines. It also protects from rain or snow and i9 guar
helps to prevent fires spreading from anteed for five, ten or fifteen years, ac-
I building .to building by means of sparks cording to weight.
and burning embers.
Where fires have started in other parts R cost9 Iess buy' less to lay le39
of the building, Certain-teed Roofs tend to maintain than any other t-pe of good
to smother them and thereby prevent rooting.
serious damage to other property. fl rrtgjneexl dealer about roofing,
i This" type of protection is appreciated by If he can't fill your entire order from
all property owners and particularly by stock, he can get what you want quickly
j those who are outside of the zone of from a nearby Certain-teed distributing
adequate fire-fighting apparatus. center.
-' H
I m
Certain-teed Products Corporation a&TJ&St m
General Office:, St. Louis.
Office and YVrehou in Principal Citia 8SV
1 1
1 1
' j
John Scowcroft & Sons Co. I H
'pjBJJJJBj BJBM (EGS BOBS ESffl 2.J 23D SSI BET GZZi ST3i EZPJ) WSL 00.71 23ET EEOT 31351 BBC I tfJB ffjJBK1
jyjBl uaoKm mazaz v:-wa ffflnT .tsa QZS3 33X52 ULJIiSJ tiSSU azSSBC 80069
I Newman & Stuart j U
1900 Washington Avenue Phone -28fi "j i
HO EC 8O00000I 43-jS i ffUlUM svTT-m By-y-rrTP sssa 'SS j fTVM8 0000001
PMoBsMpWWWWMWWWBWWBWWWslsOWs' ' r" ' "' T'lTTTTT S "-naij-a-wT'--CTw-jmir. rr?-rrT-i n --it "ry r era
Story of Korror at
j Mikolayevsk Told
Continued I roiii Pko Oni
I as a Jup sympathiser, Thl nolirhlnor
and .ill ills family disappeared.
Hundreds of Ilu?.slans thus met
death durlnR th' last da s before Trep
i etzinls rrtreat. His distorted i I was
! not alinl RMrdsr, however far ho
took with him 3 OOP Russian civilians,
at a time when his Inadequate faclli
i tlos wors sorelv overburdended.
tincillv Trepetsfai applied the torch
to the town, thus lumperini? Its re
OCCUpatiOn h the Japs, who arrived
June 1'
So Trepotsln fled. Where he IS now,
it is Impossible to tell.
How many human beings he exe
utad will never be known, exactly.
Kirs: accounts ran as high as f000. but
this Included all missing- Only 12
greeted the arriving J.-ips Thousand
' of refugees have reported since.
From available facts. I estimate lh.-
tonvns population. Just prior to the
I massacre, at about 13,200 This In
1 r.luded 4200 Chinese. All the Chinese
j were removed safely by the Chinese
, gunboats to Mago. 80 miles up river -'except
about 100 killed by stray bul
l)eta, The Japanese Official estimate of
their nationals, soldier and civilian.
, was slightly under 100,0. All died at-
! cept 15 or 16 rescued by the Chinese.
The Jtusslan population was nbout
8000 , of nvhom some 5700 an ac-
, counted for. either saved by the Chi
nese at Mago or sheltered in tho for-
' est. or already taken by Jap ships to
Vladivostok Net result about 3 3 S "
Nq words of praise and admiration
an fitly describe the steadfast hero-
ism of the Chinese consul and the men
, on the little Chinese gunboats. They
I saved thousands not alone their own
I Their reward has been internment
I disease and slow death at the hands
of the Japanese.
Lucking provisions for thf llvinK.
'and medicine for the dying, they have,
. for months now, been refused permis
sion to depart on their own gunboats.
'They were there on a lawful mission,
I and belong to a friendly, neutral na
I tlon.
In violation of the laws of nation?
and of humanity Japan virtually holds
i them prisoners, but death releases
i them one by one.
Teak wood is used mostly in India
because it is the only wood that will
resist the attif'ks of the white ants
of India. 1
fjTOCKHOLM-, Oct. 10. A dispatch
to the Dagena Nyheter from Reval
There is no doubt the soviet army
Is facing dissolution. The new peace
i terms were forced through as a des-
perate means to prevent thio dlssolu-
lion but the.v were late to arrest
the spread of the demoralization
The news that the army's delega
tion of 12 men sent to Moscow were
; shot caused Ki-eat indignation and as
sisted considerably Wi the Polish vie-
, tory at the Nlemen river. A second
: delegation was arrested lut the army
.now has sent a third delegation, urg
ent l demanding that the army's will
' be obeyed, that peace be concluded
and thai satisfaction be given for the
delegates who were shot
"Lepine and Trotsky have now com-
; pletely yielded and dispatched new
peace emissaries lo Finland and Pc
j land.''
j PITTSBURGH. Pa. Oct n. Tbp
principal crude oil purchasing agencies'
here todaj announced an advance in j
Babell grade from M IT to $4.46 a bar
p'l Lt was also announced that Soruer :
iset oil in future would be divided Into;
two grades, all above 38 proof would:
be known as "Somerset light" and Its'
; market price, beginning with today's'
runs, would be $4 50 a barrel. The reg-;
jular grade of Somerset was unchanged,
at $4.23. Somerset is a Kentucky oil.
En Japanese cities many of the
streets are devoted exclusively to the
sale of particular articles. .
HAVANA ( uba. Oct. XI. Blame foi FHIjB
the Cuban linam i il crivis was placed -' Ba
Ion "exaggerated estimates" of hank Ba ,
ing conditions in Hie decree issued last oOt&i
night proclaiming a moratorium. I n tWT J
' der the decree, the government re HBb3
serves the right to declare off the uior- HV'V
atorium. which will expire legally on BBfi
December 1, or to extend the period. Bglt
il deemed advisable. -"'
I Present comlitions in Cuba, says the LVm
decree, are said to be due In large par' BEDcti
to ihe mass of business transacted dur- BBsr
ing a slate of prosperity, the tightness EKl
of foreign markets and the fall in the WM $3
price of sugar The amount of. curren- Lll
deposits in Cuban banks Is'estimated Ok 11
at more than 8400,000)00 and the as- OBEf
rets, including stocks, bonds, sugar E4Bsr
.-nd other credits al more than $1,000.- V; -
000,000 fa
During the mortorium period depoai Wm fir
iorH may demand only ten per cent on BEwt
current accounts and twelve per cent 8E8jU ci
on savings deposits of less than 2000. jfr
WASHINGTON, Oct 11 Conviction BT ; I
of Prank Moore ..nd live otlvi n. Bl
groes who have been sentenced to
death for participation in a race rio:
In Phillips county, Arkansas, last Octo
ber, will stand as a result of the re
fusal today of the supreme court to re- BsWaU
view their cases. BsBtraS
on ffPlS
It is only a few years since in IBES
Korea the- thought It hardly worth Hp '
while to give u girl baby a name. bbbTV
IWfty;f.iMMMM.aBBH8a338BSJJJBy B .

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