OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, October 11, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-10-11/ed-1/seq-4/

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entered 8econd-Claa Matter at the Postofflce, Ogden, Utah. Eitabllihed 17
Member of the Audit Bureau of Circulation and the Associated Presi
An independent Newspaper, published every evening and Sun
day morning without a muzzle or a club.
Subscription in Advance
ONE MONTH.. ' fyt$&-o
ONE YEAR W-00 taSb
The Aneelated Preaa la exclusively entitled to the Jtt for republication ot any
naw credited to It no otherwlie credited tn thla paper and alao tha local nei
tubllahed hareln.
. ; 1
rn "Wiscensin tbej lmv strangi politics Bolting the ticket seems
i-i be .) regular pastime. A correspondent Senator LaFolIette
fcgetfter wiih the Nonpartisan leaguers, has broken away From Sen
ator Lenroot, regular Republican nominee Eor re-election, and lined
tip in support of the independenl candidacy pi James Thompson, the
EaFollette candidate, defeated (by Lenrool in the primary.
Tin- Republican "stalwarts" and a goodly number pjf other sup
porters oi Lenrool have bolted John Blaine the LaFolIette candi
date, who wi'ii i In- regular Republican nomination for governor, anl
air- supporting uNmk I Knlirrt IV Md'ov. the Democrat it: a nJilat .
William K Morgan, a comparatively unknown man, who won
the regular Kopnlilx an iioiuinali m for attorio'v cm ral hvit a well
.known Mihvuukci lawyer oi German extraction; carrying even JNIil
yraukce and otln i T utonic communitii 8. Ita bolted Blaine and is
ptumping for McCoy Morgan ia one of thi leaders oi the movement
in crush the j i m r power of the Nonpartisan league n Wisconsin,
ijnl to identification with iliis cause manj attribute lns success in
ii primary
Then Blaine and three other regular Republican candidates on
thr stair ticket have bolted 1 1 - regular Republican sut- platform,
irhi h repudiated the priuciples oJ the Nonpartisan league aftei tin n
LaFolIette candidates had been nominated with thai organization's
i luiorscmcnt.
Wisconsin is v strouglj Republican thai bolting is not viewed
as disastrous to partj success and therefore, is accepted as sonic-1
whal in the nature of an independence wliib is o virtue In a close
stair iilxc Utah, u partisan who bolted ins ticket would be ostracized j
When the war -1 1 1 - I in Europe, startling disclosures were made
jv to tin diseased condition of the soldiers of France, Oreal Britain
and Germany, and one authority stated a yeat after the conflict, that j
;i uOfuiiiii cav,-s of disi.Ki had beeu transplanted in England through
oldn-r contact
Conditions were worse in Kranrr and extreme-l lad in Jor-1
many. Hut at last Germany, as one ot thr afflicted countries, hasi
proceeded to strike at the evil in a most effectual waj According
to a bulletin of tin- imperial board ot health those who are about to
quarry are instructed to consult a physician and obtain a clean hill
oi health. The order is not compulsory, but anyone who marries and
i- unclean can he divorced bj the partj offended.
This measure should prove effective in forcing treatment oi thosi
afflicted ami result in checking the spread ol diseases which are
sapping vitality of entire nations
I "t ah has recognized the Insidious power ol those diseases and)
has required physicians to report treatment i all cases which are
' tollowed up until nrrs are effected, but there are authorities who j
maintain that something similai to th German restrictions should
he applied to marriages in order to protect the innocent and stamp
out the impurities
Tday in Europe they are reading the census figures of the
United States and more than one oi the statesmen of the old world
must be deeply concerned as to the part America is to play in world
affairs, because America is now a nation of k,'83,lU8 and irre
sistibh reat in not only men but in natural resources coal. iron,
cotton, grain and everything essential t reatno
There is but ne country m Europe approaching the United
States in population am! that i-- Russia In human energy Russia
is not as large as many smaller countries.
Since the war America has become recognized as the lorco
which is to direct the de-tinv oi man.
This country, in population, is now three times larger than
France and greater than France, Italy and England combined.
With it- mighty lactones. America is immeasurably stronger
than any group of nations which may oppose the plans of this
Being most powerful our strength should he employed not m
overawing or abusing or belittling, but in the uplift work oi making
the world a better place tor all humanity.
Great Britain and the sovicl government of Russia are at vrai
on October 2, Karl Cm. .ii nt a note to thr bolshevik foreign minis
ter, announcing that any Russian submarine encountered on the hig-h
seas will he attacked on sight by Hritish naval forces,
This declaration which is tantamount to war. was provoked by
h statement from officials of the soviet government to the effect that
they considered bolshevik Russia at war with Qreal Britain
.i s. -rious consequences are to he expiated from this tlareup,
although at some time iu the near future there may he ii clash at sea
between a British warship and a submarine flying, the flag of the
Those in power in Russia arc being viewed by the outside more
as an outlawed body than as the representatives of responsible gov
ernment, with fixed policies standing for crystallized national aspira
tions. I'ntil Russia cullies more marlv within the pale of civilised
eonduet. other nations "HI seek to hunt it- sphere of influence and
power to harm.
Tin., days on whi-h to register remain.
Tin- m st registration day is tomorrow . October l.'
After that there arc two da vs. Octobei 26 and 27.
Those who negld I tq have their names on the registration
books will he exi Luded from the polls on November j
This is a presidential year and great issues are before the voters.
Kver man or woman eligible to register should do so and perform
the full duty of citizenship, the highest single prerogative of which is
the right to vote.
There arc students of our form of government who contend thfjp
the man or woman, who has an opportunity to vote and fails. shnnd
he denied suffrage.
There seems to be a little friction among the higher officials in
the Demoeratic party of the nation. Governor Cox early in his cam
paign said he would make changes in the postoffiee department ami
would do away with main of the wartime restrictions of the attornev
general's office, and. as a result. In- has incurred the displeasure oi
j, Burleson and Palmer win. refuse to go out on the stump for him
I Evidently both parties are haviug internal troubles. Harding
j has gained the opposition of a number of the party's hig lpaders h
j his opposition to the league of nations.
j This campaign is upsetting part lines, as the issues arc new
j and he alignment of the voters is not being determined solely by
j past affiliations.
,CN GCST A rifsLST'CL-SSlp -.
I'D ( kc to ezL-trjr- r--
ri-STG.?: Phunski, rjr- To co up
mm. case is
Governor Cox Launches His
Illinois Campaign by Talk
at Springfield
SlllINGKIELL, III. Oct it. 'Tho
league of nations case is about rcaly
for the Jury," Governor Cox, of Ohio.
lJomocrutic presidential candidate, de
clared here today In an address launch -inc
his Illinois campaign.
Senator Harding, his Republit an op
ponent. Governor Cox stated, has gl n
what appears to be Jn "nit Imatunt"
against the league und the American
electorate, the I eimicr it lc nominee
said, nns an unequaiu-u opooiiumiy 01
"making a contribution to the civilized
world "
t'oliowing up in-- publication today
I of correspondence between President
; Wilson and former President Tuft In
I which the latter appeared is the presi
dent's adviser In the league drafting.
I Governor "o quoted Mi. Taft in an ef-
fori to show that the former president
has rcpdlated Senator Harding's plan
J for a new world association. The irov
iernor also reiterated charges that
I Chairman Hays, of the Republican na
tional committee, was behind a "con-j
spiracy of silence" to stifle the Demo
cratic campaign In the Republican
i press and otherwise.
Governor 'o, championing the j
league, g-uve concisely what he said j
v ere the font great causes of war und 1
the four league curatives."
"If anything were needed to clarify,
the present situation with respect to,
me league of nations, sain in- gov-
ernor, "It has been amply provided
in the last few days Senator Hard-1
ing. In what would appear to bo his
ultimatum, compelled under- the threat
of Senators Borah and Johnson, says
tliut he is against the league without or
with reservations. He offers no alter
native, but holds out the hope that -i :
new association of nations may be I
'Now conies cx-Presklent Taft s
statement In which he says that Sen-!
ator Harding's suggestion is impracti
cable that the league Is now func
Honing, has been in existence for eight
months and that tin rest of the world,
cuiinot be expected to undo a plan.
Into which forty-one nations have en-1
"I have found It an easy matter to
present the basic principles of the
league It is based upon the primary
objective of preventing war Reduced I
to a few words, the plan Is this: The1
causes of war in the past have been. I
' First the seizing of territory ' by
one nation from another by force
Second, the practice of secret treat
ies under which the local controversy
is apt to Involve a dozen nations.
"Third, the immense national arma
ment. Fourth power of monarchs or their
diplomats tn precipitate war overnight
"The curatK-e measures are there:
"First, article ten of the league is
nothing except the eighth command
ment 'thou shalt not steal.'
Second, all treaties mude l.etwoen
nations in the future must be fllod as
public documents with the league of
nations !
Third, a systematic aj-o.es of dis
armament is provided.
"Fourth, djfiterences between nations
which In the past led to war arc to be
Submitted to discussion and arbitra
tion Cor .. period f not 1 n than nine
month- "
Governor Cox spoke here at an open
air meeting on the courtboUae square.
A patriotic feature Of the governor s
visit hero was a pilgrimage to the tomb
of former President Lincoln for the
laying of a Wreath at the bier, leav
ing her at 2:30 p. m Governor Cox
wna to speak late this afternoon at
K.iM si. Ixtuls, ill., and tonight .i Bl
PKMBINA, N. DvOct 0 An auto
mobile abandop.rd In St. Vincent.
Minn., early this princ is fn .ar used
by Grover Bargdofl Philadelphia dral
evader, in escaping into Canada, ac
cording to Federal officials working
on tho case here
Bergdull. according to belief here,
wen! to Winnipeg from St Vincent
ami there obtained a passport from
returned soldier which enabled him to
croiot to Cunada. Pour pistols and two
bottles of vvhixkey worn found In the
car which has been shipped 10 Philadelphia
Health Questions Will Be An
swered If Sent to Information
Bureau, U. S. Public Health 6rv
Ice, Washington, D. C
; Kindly tell me what causes bad!
breath, and what can 1 do to get fid of I
it? I take cathartics; keep my bowels
open, but still have it.
A Bud breath might be caused by j
any numlxr of conditions- Catarrh, 1
bad teeth, stomach or Intestinal
troubles, et cetera 1 would ruk
gest ihat you consult your family
physician, have him make the Deces-I
Borv nvnminulinn nnrl trerif vnn ar-
cordincj. I rpret at this distance.
and from the symptoms mentioned. I
cannot give you more definite diagosis
of your case, if you will send to In-1
formation Editor, I. S. Public Health 1
Service Washington. D. P., your name
and address, I shall be glad to send
you a booklet entitled "The Road to I
Health," which might be of help to
Q 1 am troubled with lumbago and
would like to know ibo cause and, if
possible, a cure.
A In all cases of lumbago it is
Important to ascertain a.s exactly as
possible the underlying causes ol the
'rouble. Gouty cases form, perhaps,
the largest proportion of cases, while 1
rheumatism is sometimes to blame. Lo-1
cal Injury appears to be sometimes a i
cause You should not attempt self
treatment, but should place yourself
under the care of a reputable physi
clan at once and have him prescribe
for vou. Meantime, to relieve the se
vere pain, it is sometimes of value to
"iron out" the patient's back This l
done by placing the patient flat In bed
on his bellv Then, with an ordinarv
hot iron, the back should be thorough
ly Ironed through a dozen or more
thicknesses of newspapers, the Iron
belnp used as hot as the patient Is able
to bear it
Q. What is the cause of dark clr
cles under the eyes every morning?
1 r.-i ire between 10 and 11 o clock and
get plenty of sleep, still the dark cir
cles appear 1 also Ret plenty of air
at night Please let me know the
cause of this trouble
A. Dark circles might be an lndlca
tlon of one of a larfre number of dls
eases, or U might be n perfectly nat
ural condition of tho Individual Based
on this symptom alone, no diagnosis
could be made, but as it may be t
danger signal you should pet in touch
with your famliy physician and have n
thorough physical examination made
(By International News Service)
CHICAGO Sifc-n language with Its
mystery to the lay mind and Its vital
i Importance to the trader, came back
Into the grain pit with the recent re
sumption of deullng In wheat for fu
ture delivery on tho C'hicugo lioard
'of Trade.
By the simple movement of the fln-
Igers buyers and sellers In the world
'open market where supply anil de
mand are the dominating Influence
I make transactions involving thousands
of dollars within tho limits of a few
"There is seldom an error despite
I the volume of business each day. said
I Israel P. Humscy. who became a mem
Iber of the board just sixty years ago
!this month. I'ndcr the board's rigid
'rules no contract, oral or written. Is
(more binding than the contracts to
i-whlch a board nu mber is a party.
I "Kalso u clenched fist, palm turned
outward, and vou are signalling that
'you'll sell at an even price of, aay,
A finger extended means , cent,
two fingers spread .ipart t cent, ami
so on Turn the palm Inward and If
Islgnlfies a desire to purchase. When
the fingers are held vertically the
quantity is Indicated, each finger rep
resenting 5000 bushels. To the on
I looker It Is confusing to see a bun
Idred arms and several hundred fingers
in th: air ut one time Rut to the Df
IflClal reporters who record each trans
action there is no doubt or misinterpretation."
I TODAY 1:45 to 11 P. M. I ' 1
I Rex Beach s I
1 Famous Story (Better Than The Book) S I
I ThcSilvcrHor I
ing drama and jsiMbwBBbsssmssssBsbmBsssw 3 A g Off
S mighty men. And a thorough IbbbbbbbbbbbI MSBBmKSL TO r W $
p.( story packed with electric thrill--, bBHsI
Home Run King oS the Big Leagues f I
Ogden Theatre i 1 1
1 "Big Special Super Productions Only -Positively 1
I The Pick o! the World's Marker jj
Note Book
i 4
1 was down town with ma v lstldday 1
and on the way home she went In to I
sec Puds Simk'inses mother, and me I
and Cil'l- sat outside on the frunt
steps tanking about different suldccks
end Puds sed. Flay, Ui-nin , slppose
you was on a boat with your wife and
your mother and the boat started to
sink for eny reason and vou had ony I
bad lime to save one, wich would you j
6ave, your wife or your mother''
i . I dont know, wich would you''
I scd I
Puds, and I sed. Well, of iors, Its
your dooty to do everything you can
for our mother, even save, her life If
its necsesan
JSure It Is. but how about your Wife,
It alnt enybodys dooty to leeve then
wife drownd, is If sed Puds
No, thats rite, and besides your wife
would probeiiy be mutch younger than ;
your mother so you'd be saving her for
a mutch longer time than wal you'd j
be saving your mother, 1 sed.
Sure you would, and besides, slppose. '
you left your wife drownd and had
ohlldern after that n-nd no wife for
them, that would be a heck of a note,
wouldent It'' -ed Puds.
Gosh. It cerleny would, well. 1 dont
know, wich would vou save? I sed,
and Puds sed, Wich would vou .' Wn 1.
jest then I looked at PudSeS parlor
window and heer ma and Mrs. Sim-'
kins was both standing there listening!
to us, and l o,ulck whtpered to Puds,1
sno, meie tney are, aqa i -e.i out
. .i Well, I know whi v Hh
no matter who elts ls9
with me, Id rescue mj mother thatt - SZ
who rescue. BBBLnBel
Me, too, sed Ppde even louder than HEfl
me. Id save my mother every time, and
leeve my wlfp diownd If she wuntcd U Br A
Wit Ii rna ami Mr- Simklns both sbLbbhiH
their hands like applause anil HLbbbbbbbbI
idvantage of the opportunity sBBBnansl
and naked them if we could go to tlx IBfl
movies after suppir, wich they sed we 1
oo BB
To pi thorough cleaning, mM
ha- heen patented that slide UbbbbyBbyI
up and swings back and forth FiIbbbbbBbI
horizontally .ir a pivol In Its center, f
and opens sideways on hinges. Ljbbbbbbbbbbb!
- oo H
Dry champagne lsfcons!dered an ex- LbbbbbbbbbbbbI
cellent mouth wash by dentists. HsSBTHI
Mazola the choice of leading
hotels, clubs, and railroad
dining cars in America! j
W'OMEN everywherg are finding out that lard is one of the
most unsatisfactory of all cooking fats. It is absorbed into
the food, making it heavy, soggy and indigestible ?t times. So ssVxfex
much lard is taken up by the food during cooking that it becomes Mm
more expensive to use.
Mazola is 100ffo pure vegetable oil. It never penetrates into the
food, but scars fish or meat over, and preserves all the good flavors.
At the same time it makes the food more digestible.
XYou too, should use Mazola for all cooking, baking, frying and V
gauging purposes. j, j
Thousands of people everywhere use Mazola as a delicious salad m
dressing, in preference to olive oil or any other vegetable oil. It
costs about half what an acceptable grade of olive oil wo-Jd cost.
17 Battery Plc, New York
FREE Sixty-four pace, beautifully illuttrated Corn DH
. Products Cook Book. Write to-day. Corn Proo- If ytf 'J Hi
uct Refining Company. P. O. Box 161. New Ycrk Cny. Ikt-SSi '

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